The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 12, 1906, Image 7

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The kidneys have a great work to
do in keeping the blood pure. When
they get out of or
der it causes back
ache, headaches,
dizziness, languor
and distressing urin
ary troubles. Keep
tho kidneys well
and all these suf
ferings will be
saved you. Mrs.
S. A. Moore, pro
prietor of a res
taurant af Watervillo, Mo., says:
"Before using Doan's Kidney Pills I
Buffered everything from kidney trou-
hlaa Tfir n vnar nrwl o 1 1 'i 1 r I irwl nflm
In tho back and head, and almost con
Ttinous in the loins nnd felt weary
all the time. A few closes of Doan's
Kidney Pills brought great relief, and
I kept on taking them until in a short
time I was cured. I think Doan's Kid
ney Pills are wonderful."
For sale by all dealers. BO cents a
-box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. y.
"Soap Weed" of the Southwest.
Greatest, as well as most common,
of all cacti Is tho "soap weed," which
grows wherever cacti grow, and which
is man's only friend in the great south
western deserts of the United States
and in Mexico. It furnishes always a
quantity of water when cut. As its
name indicates, it can be manufac
tured into a soap, perhaps the least
alkaline soap ever made, eveu though
the weed Itself may grow in the center
of an alkali desert. Beer is brewed
from It, the Indians make a hemp
like fiber from it and horses and men
can eat parts of it if the spines are cut
away. Also when it shoots up its one
great arm skyward it tops that arm
with one of the most gorgeous flowers
in the world.
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory If the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, It is Usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trouble
can be entirely overcome by using De
fiance Starch, as It can be applied
much more thinly because of Us great
er strength than other makes.
New York's Great Ocean Trade.
New York is the second great sea
port of the world. In 1003 over $!),
000,000 tons of imports and 8,700,000
tons of exports were cleared through
New York harbor. London is the
greatest seaport, exceeding New York
In imports, though not by exports.
Antwerp and Hamburg are third and
fourth, rospectively.
Hn, WIiikIow'b Soothing Syrnp.
For children teething, soi'leug the KUinn, reducps In
Aamuiotl'iu.HllujirK pain. iurun wind colic. 25c a buttle
Thoso men who ride on the water
wagon get some awful Jolts.
Hurt, Bruise or F-prain
St. Jacobs Oil relieves from pain.
People with real troubles never ad
vertise them.
A Scranton Woman Tells How Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills Made Her
Well and Strong.
Nervous debility is the common name
for what the doctors term neurasthenia.
It is characterized by mental deprt-ssion ,
fits of the "blues," or itielancholv, loss
of energy nnd spirits. The putient's eyes
become dull, the pink fiules from the
cheeks, the memory becomes defective so
that it is difficult to recall dates and
names at will. Some of these symptoms
only may be present or all of them. The
remedy lies in toning up the nervous
system and there is no medicine Letter
adapted for this purpose than Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
Mrs. Jnne J. Davics, of No. 814 "War
ren street, Scrnnton, Pn., says: " Some
years ago I became greatly reduced in
health and strength and my nervous
system became so debilitated that I felt
wretched. I could not rent or Bleep well
at night nnd woke up ns weary and
lanuid in the morning as I was when I
went to hed. My hcud ached in the
morning Jfiid often there was a pain in
my right side which was worse when I
sat down. My nerves were on edge nil
the time, every little noise bothered nio
and I was generally miserablo. Then I
decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Palo People, as my husband had taken
them with good results, nnd they did
wonders for me. Now I have no more
pain in my side, no more headaches, I
sleep well and feel strong and able to
do my work."
Dr. Williams Pink Pills cured Mrs.
Davies and they can do just as much
for other weak, pulo, oiling men or
women who nro slipping into u hopeless
decline. Tin y strike straight at the root
of all common diseases caused by poor
ftnd impoverished Mood.
Dr. Willjams'Piuk Pills are sold by all
druggist, or will be sent postpaid, on
receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six
boxes for $2. GO, by the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Oo., Schenectady, N.Y.
When what you ent makes you
uncomfortable it is doing you very
little good bt yond barely keeping
you alive. Digestive tablets ara
worse than useless, for they will in
time deprive the stomach of all
power to digest food. The stomach
must bo toned tip strengthened.
The herb tonic-laxative,
Lane's Family
will do the work quickly and pleas
antly. Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c.
Simplicity the Keynote of Life Do
mestic Animals Live in Close
Proximity to the Family.
Coffee the Universal
Of the manner of life in Zealand.
Netherlands, an observer writes: "The
Dutch farmhouse is usually built after
a uniform model. The living room
usually occupies the whole of the
ground floor and is a sitting room, bed
room and kitchen, rolled into one.
The bedsteads are screened by green
curtains, or hidden away like cup
boards; but what is called the show
bedstead pronk-bedden always occur
pies a prominent place in the room.
But, then, it is never used; It is kept
exclusively for the purpose of prov
ing the high respectability of the fam
ily by the fineness of its linen sheets
and the richness of its counterpane.
Kept nominally in honor of the guests,
the most honored guest would not be
allowed to use it. In larger or more
modern farm houses a separate room
is set apart as a show place, or pronk
kamer; but there is, as a rule, no
bedstead, and the room is furnished
as a pallor. This room, like the
bedstead, is never used by the house
hold for general purposes, but on
the occasion of a death of a member
of the family it serves as the bier
chamber. In some farm houses a
wing has been added to the original
building, and in such cases it is di
vided into two or three small bed
rooms. As a rule, the stable or shed for
the cows forms part of the house, and
is separated from the living room
only by a wooden wall or partition.
The door of communication is gen
erally fitted with glass windows, so
as to ' keep the animals under supervi
sion. There is also a class of open
farm houses, where there is no parti
tion at all and the animals literally
live with the family. Nowhere is the
old-fashioned theory more firmly held
than in Holland that the odor of cows
is beneficial to consumptives. Indeed,
sometimes those who are tuberculous
will go to sleep with the cows in
their manger. Over the cowsheds are
the haylofts, and sometimes these
serve as sleeping places as well.
In many of the older farms there
is an open fireplace without a chim
ney, and the smoke finds its way out
as best it can, helping in its passage
to cure the ham, sausages and black
puddings which depend from the
beams of the ceiling. The furniture
is strictly limited to chairs, tables,
the linen press, which is the orna
ment of the chamber, and perhaps a
spinning wheel or a niansle. The
ornaments are probably no more than
some delft ware hung round the room,
generally in racks, and a Dutch clock.
Tho library consists of the family
The food of the Doer class is as
simple as the rest of their life. The
staple dish is buckwheat porridge and
pig meat, especially in the form of
hams and sausages, represents the
chief article of the principal daily
meal, with little or no variety. Cof
fee is the universal beverage and the
only Intoxicant taken is one of the nu
merous forms of gin distilled in
all parts of the country. Treacle is
also largely used, while sugar is re
garded as a luxury. The bread used
is black rye, but there is also a brown
loaf made with treacle and mixed
with raisins.
Other Musical Ears.
A violinist says spiders are notori
ously and historically fond of music.
At a performance in Missouri the con
cert hall was made disagreeable by a
sudden invasion of spiders, which
were drawn by his violin out from the
cracks and crannies of the ancient
building. They crawled about the
floor and onto the stage, and he could
seo the annoyed audience stamping on
the insects. The writer adds that he
has known a small garden snake to
bo attracted by piano playing, and a
young calf to wbisk his tail and
prance about most gleefully at the
first notes of a French horn. His
neck would curve about proudly, his
hoofs tread lightly, and his ears wag
joyously when the tooting began, and
ho never quieted down till the music
The Candidates.
A Lexington avenue trber has the
following placard in his shop: "Cus
tomers who ain't familyar with the
names of the pollytishuns in the guber
natorial scrap may copy them from
this list: Odel, Higins, Huse, Quig,
Murfy, Plat, Depu, Jerom, Hirst, Suiza,
Rion, McLelan, Fish, Brus and Ruz
felt." N. Y. Press.
Clubs Carved Out of Rock.
There is a kind of rock called green
stone found in New Zealand of which
the natives make beautifully carved
clubs. These clubs are precious heir
looms and very rarely indeed do they
leave their owner's family. Lord Rob
erts received one as a present from a
chief and counts it among his most
prized treasures.
"Fapa, is it patriotism that makes ;
man pay $15,000 to get an office thr
pays $4,000?"
"Yes, son, it must bp."
"But how does he get his ioney
"You run out and play; you are too
young to understand politics." Hous
ton Post.
About two-thirds of a man's friends
are enemies in disguise.
the brightest and fastest colors with less
work and no muss. .
There was a time when the obese
woman was the light of other days.
Moments That Tell.
You will find as you look back upon
your life that the moments that stand
out are the moments when you have
done things in the spirit of love.
Henry Drummond.
Onions ana wnisKy rorm a com
bination calculated to put almost any
happy home out of commission.
To prevent that tired feeling on
ironing day Use Defiance Starch
save3 time saves labor saves annoy
ance, will not stick to the iron. The
big 16 oz. package for 10c, at your gro
cer's. The Alliance Israelite university has
placed five Bialystok orphans in the
Ahlem agricultural school, and has
as a first installment applied the sum
of 16,000 marks for their maintenance
and education.
To Launder White Silk Handkerchiefs.
Do not put white silk handkerchiefs in
the ordinary wash, as they are easily
laundered at home. Make a strong" lather
of Ivory Soap and water, but do not
rub the soap on the handkerchief or uee
soda. Rinse and iron while damp with
a moderately hot iron.
Rich Crown Has Disappeared.
A richly jeweled crown, which cost
20,000, has disappeared from the
church at Mont. St. Michael, Rouen.
One version is that it has been stolen,
another that It has been hidden by
the priests to save it from confiscation
by the government.
Cheap Excursions South.
On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each
month the Big Four Ry. will sell ex
cursion tickets to most all points in
Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Alabama and Georgia at rate of one
fare plus $2.00 with return limit 30
days. Liberal stopover privileges.
Write I. P. Spining, General Northern
Agent, Big Four Route, 238 Clark St.,
Chicago, for further information.
Uruguay's Financial Condition.
Uruguay reduced her national debt
by $1,570,450 during 1905. The total
debt on January 1, 1906, was $121,455,
747, of which about 80 per cent, was
external. Uruguay is a prosperous
country, and in her prosperity is a
good customer of the United States.
Exports of merchandise from this
country to Uruguay for the nine
months ending March 31, 1905,
amounted to $2,172,276, against $1,200,
542 in the same period of the pre
vious year.
New Use for Gramophone.
Drilling native Malay levies by word
of command emitted from a gramo
phone is the latest instance of modern
ingenuity. Vven the Zulu can now
hear his own native sonss and war
dances from records made by a Lon
don company, who have sold more
than 20 machines to swarthy warrior
chiefs in South Africa. Folk-songs of
the Pygmies were recently procured,
and a machine has been despatched to
Lapland for the purpose, if possible, of
procuring Eskimo folk-songs.
Chandler's Joke on Conkling.
Roscoe Conkling was a capital boxer
and quite proud of his skill. One
evening after considerable banter he
induced Senator Chandler to "put on
the gloves" with him. He played with
Chandler for a few rounds, much to
the discomfiture of the downeaster.
The latter bided his time and some
time later quietly brought a. profes
sional pugilist to dinner where Conk
ling was a guest in the course of
the evening "Mr -smith" was induced
to engage in a huxiiii bout with Mr.
Conkling. The profess onal danced
around the senator, landing when and
where he wished, playing with him as
he would with a punhin bag. The
elegant New York senator was dazed
overwhelmed, humiliated, crushed
When he surrendered and called
enough, as he (i d at last, Senatoi
Chandler smiled MVndly and presentee
the pugilist in hU true colors.
Deep breathing vill tend to decrease
the size of the abdomen.
The skin, especially that of the face,
should be treated as the finest china,
tenderly and delicately.
Before applying a poultice cover the
skin slightly with glycerin to prevent
any particles from adhering.
Don't torture your eyes, but humor
them, for if ill-treated they revenge
themselves by making formidable
wrinkles and crow's feet.
Shoes that are too large sometimes
slip and cause the heel to blister. To
prevent this fit the heel of the shoe
with a piece of velvet.
If a finger has been pounded or
crushed, plunge it into water as hot
as can be borne. This will relieve the
pain more quickly than anything else.
One teaspoonful of glycerin to a
tablespoonful of boiling water taken
ten minutes before meals is said to be
a certain cure for indigestion.
For a bruise the best treatment Is
an immediate application of hot fo
mentationss. After that, witch hazel,
vinegar and hot water, or alcohol and
water, put on with a bandage and
often moistened.
The hands should be well massaged,
every finger separately, with olive oil
every night, and soft suede gloves
two sizes too large should be worn
The tips of the fingers must be cut
out, and a small hole must be cut in
the palm.
The new board of directors of the
Wisconsin Central Railway company
met and ratified the list of appoint
ments. Evangelists Torrey and Alexander
are under engagement to conduct
meetings next winter in the follow
ing cities: Nashville, Omaha, Winni
peg, Buffalo, Pittsburg and Montreal.
There is an altar society in Brook
lyn composed of eight policemen. The
members contribute a certain amount
every month whicn pays for lights and
flowers on an altar of perpetual adora
tion. That an article may be good as wall
as cheap, and give entire satisfaction,
is proven by the extraordinary sale of
Defiance Starch, each package con
taining one-third more Starch thin
can be had of any ether brand for the
same money.
Remarkable Double Wedding.
A remarkable double wedding has
been celebrated in a Viennese church.
A manufacturer named Muller mar
ried a widow, while at the same time
his son married the widow's daughter.
Thus the father becomes the father-in-law
of his own son, and the moth
er also the mother-in-law of her
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of thla paper will be pleased to learn
that there at least one dreaded disease that science
had been able to care la all lea stages, and that Is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure naff known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon tue blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in dolus Us wort. The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers tltat they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any ca?e that it falls to
cure. Send for Wat of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHESKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pi lib for constipation.
What He Most Wished For.
John Fiske, the American historian,
was an ardent lover of music and him
self no mean musician. Furthermore,
he was extremely corpulent and felt
the hot weather painfully. He was
once delivering a course of lectures at
a summer school in a email city of the
middle west. The heat wa3 terrific
and adjoining the house where the
lecturer stayed was a church where
an ill-matched but zealous "quartet"
practiced and performed during all
hours of the torrid afternoons and
evenings. One evening, seeing the fa
mous man sit for a time unoccupied
and apparently oppressed by this com
bined affliction, the young daughter of
his hostess attempted to divert him by
ottering him a new novel, then just be
coming popular. "I think 'The Choir
Invisible' is perfectly splendid, Mr.
Fiske," said she. "Would'n you like
to read it?" The historian put the
book aside. "My dear young lady,"
said he, "the only choir in the world
in which I could feel any interest at
this moment would be the choir in
audible." iHeKnowsHl
the kind of i-l'y
waterproof Ilk
that stands the1
hardest service
Made for all kinds
of wet work or sport
3.50&38O Shoes
W.L0oug!as $4 Gilt Edge lino
To Shoe Dralers:
W- U Douglas' Job-
bin?; House is the most
complete j n this country
Send for Catalog
Men's Shoes, $6 to $l.GO. Boys' Shoes, S3
to $1.25. Women's Shoes. $4.00 to $1.60.
Misses' At Childraa's Shoes, $2.25 to $1.00.
Try W. L.. JDoughis Women's, Misses and
Children's shoes ; f or stylo, fit and wear
they excel other makes.
If I could take you Into my large
factories at Brockton, Mass., and show
you how carefully VV.L. Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make.
Wherever you live, yoa can obtain W. L.
Douglas shoes. HU name and price is stamped
on the bottom, -which protects you against high
prices and interior shoes. Take no substi
tats. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes
and insist upon having them.
Fast Color Eyelets used; theu will not wear brass;.
Write for Illustrated Catalog of Pall Stvles.
W. U DOUULA5. Dept. 12, Brockton, A'iaw..
1.- JSCS J
' JP -fit-. A
Vtgctable PreparationTor As
similating iheFoodandBegula
ling the Stomaciis and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslton.Cheerfu
ness andRest.Conta'ms neither
Onium.Morphine norJIineral.
Not "Narc oxic .
Jcvpkui Seal'"
ILxkilU Sala
ClariSed Sugar
Apetfecl Remedy For Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not
blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of
the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once,and relieve
Headache and Sciatica. ' We recommend it as the best and safest external
counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest
and stomach and ail Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial
will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in tho
household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many
people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation
of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine.
You Qugfi! to Know
Have you heard about our wondnrful Rice Lands,
that, bring more revenue tiian any other lands In
America 7
lo yon know that they will also prod nee fine crops
of corn, oats. cuue. cotton, fruits and vegetables ?
Do you know that three new railroads thru this
section are going- to make the price of land jump?
Write us and let us send fuiliniormation.
IV. IV. If I SON fe liKO. Crow ley, .cu
RFATIFRQ of this paper de
J UkJ iyivJ siting to buy any
thing advertised in
its columns should insist upon having
what they ask lor, refusing all substi
tutes or imitations.
finn On FOR AGENTS. Pleasant
jwvr.vvr work among yo
amoiiir vonr friRndft.
frequent, sales, large commissions, and biff prizes
for all. AdiVess Dept. 12 X, 11 K. 2ilk St., N. 7. City.
11 E A I, JEST A TE,
VIRGINIA Cl(RCi to 5,000 acres at H aero n p.
IlnUinaM rftnlfld caiaii.u free; lareemanlOo.
Staoiya. Bwlfcera limber A lull Co.i l6, Fetenburg, Va.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears the
ir Over
Thirty Years
are a delight to the refined woman every
where. In order to get this result see
that the material is good, that it is cut in
the latest fashion and use
in the laundry. All three tilings are im-
portant, but the last is absolutely neces
sary. No matter how fine the material
or how daintily made, bad starch and
poor laundry work will spoil the effect ,
and ruin the clothes. DEFIANCE
STARCH is pure, will not rot the clothes
nor cause them to crack. . It sells at ioc
a sixteen ounce package everywhere.
Other starches, much inferior, sell at ioc
for twelve ounce package. Insist on
getting DEFIANCE STARCH and bo
sure of results.
Oefianoa Starch
You Cannot
all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con
ditions of the mucous membrane such as
nasaicatarrh, uterine catarrh caused
by feminine ills, sore throat, sore
mouth or inflamed eyes by simply
dosing the stomach.
But you surely can cure these stubborn
affections by .ocal treatment with
Pax tine Toilet Antiseptic
which destroys the disease germs,checks
discharges, stops pain, and heals the
inflammation and soreness.
Paxtine represents the most successful
local treatment for feminine ills ever
produced. Thousands of women testify '
to this fact. 50 cents at druggists.
Send for Free Trial Box
TBE K. PAXTON CO. Boston. MaMhi
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 41, 190ft
Enfnijf, Crisp, Dressy