The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 05, 1906, Image 8

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Interesting Items Mostly Swiped from
Bright Labor Paper.
Demand the label.
The union label that's aH.
Look for the union label.
If It Is not labeled, refuse it.
Union made shoes are sold by Rog
ers & Perkins.
New York nov bus an eight houi
law. Barbers have organized in Salisbury,
N. C.
Waiters have organized in Atlanta,
Plumbers of Miami, Fla.. have or
ganized. There is a scarcity of unskilled
laborers in Waukegari, 111.
Blacksmiths and horseshoers of
Camden, N. J., have organized.
Brick, tile and terra cotta workers
are organizing; in Marion, 111.
: Miners in Indian Territory had the
1903 scale restored after a strike.
State and county employes of Mas
sachusetts enjoy the eight hour day.
Unskilled labor of Kalispell, Mon.,
receive from $2 to $2.50 per day.
All organized trades of Mt. Vernon,
O., are enjoying a Saturday half holi
day. Mill workers of Mascouta, 111., are
the only unorganized workmen in that
Structural iron workers of Youngs
town, 0 are on strike for increased
Plumbers of Sherman, Tex., secured
an advance of 60 cents a day after a
short strike.
"Blue Ribbon" clgara are union
made, Lincoln made and well made.
Sold by all dealers.
Cigarmakers of Sault Ste. Marie are
going after trust made products in
strong shape.
Masons of South Haven, Mich., have
advanced wages to $4 per day of nine
Walla Walla, Wash., trades union
ists hive made their first payment ou
their new labor temple.
After the first of next year painters
of Poughkeepsle, N. Y., will receive $3
per day of eight hours.
Conl handlers of Westfall, Mass.,
have Increased their wages $1 per
week without strike.
The Masachusetts legislature has
passed an eight-hour bill and two laws
relating to child labor.
Powder workers of Marlon, 111., re
sisted a cut in wages and are working
at last year's scale.
An injunction issued against the
meat cutters of Louisville, Ky., was
dismissed in court.
In Boston the organized laborers re
ceive $2 per day, while the unorgan
ized receive but $1.50.
Wages of union men in Burnside,
Ky., have increased about 1xh per cent
over those of last year.
Patrick Carr, of the United Mine
Workers' district board, is a candidate
for the Illinois, state legislature.
The Georgia legislature has passed
a child labor bill which marks a great
industrial advance in that state.
Flour mill employes and bakers of
Tx)H Angeles refused to handle non
union products and are on strike.
Efforts are being made to have a
bill passed In Nevada making the first
Monday In September Labor Day.
In Augusta, Ga., organized workers
have secured shorter hours, better pay
and conditions than the unorganized.
Unionists of Logansport, Ind., are
fighting the attempt to dispose of the
city light plant to a private corpora
tion. Iron molders, printers, plumbers,
bricklayers, tinners, plasterers and
hod carriers are on strike in Bridge
port, Conn. '
Detroit street car employes have re
ceived an advanced wage scale.
Six unions of Steam Engineers have
been chartered since May.
Unionists of Louisville, Ky., arc
striving for an eight hour day for em
ployes on municipal work and $1.75
per day wages.
Press reports stating laboring men
are needed in Topeka, Kas., are un
true. Plenty of workmen to supply
the demand.
Machinists of Williamsport have
won their strike for a nine hour day
and now have control of the appren
tices. After a short strike, street railway
White Pine Cough
Cures deep-seated colds
Stops all irritating coughs
Sooths and hoals the iiiHai::; (1
mucuons membranes of the
lungs and bronchi.
25c Per Bottle
128 O Street
employes of Allentown, Pa., secured
their demands and had all discharged
men reinstated.
The increase in salaries of telegraph I
operators by the Pennsylvania lines
will cost that corporation about $70,-
000 per month.
During the. first six months of this
year the Amalgamated Association or
Street Railway Employes has paid
$6,400 in death and disability benefits.
Hod carriers of Evanston, 111., re
ceived an advance of five cents au
hour without strike. Cement workers
also received an advance of five cents
per hour.
A four days' strike of ice handlers
and drivers of Toledo, O., brought
about a complete victory. They se
cured an increase of $2 per week and
signed agreements.
Workmen in the building trades are
flocking to Norfolk, Va., on account of
the Jamestown exposition, which will
not need more men than that vicinity
can furnish for several months.
In Seattle, Wash., building laborers,
plumbers, painters and sheet metal
workers have secured increased wages
while painters and sign writers ob
tained the Saturday half holiday.
Several strikes and riots have taken
place among unorganized Greeks and
other cheap foreign labor In Ogden,
Utah, because ot the long hours and
bad conditions under which they
Word comes from Hawaii that there
is a well-defined scheme on foot by
the plantation owners to get laborers
from Europe. Already a thousand Por
tuguese families are being imiwrted
by th3 Sugar Planters' association.
The Boot and Shoe Workers' Inter
national Union, from January, 1904, to
March, 1906, paid out $200,000 in sick
and death benefits and $40,000 in aid
of strikes. There was at time of re
port a balance of $100,000 In the treas
ury. The Indiana Supreme court upheld
the constitutionality of the act requir
ing manufacturing and mining com
panies and lirma to pay their employes
semi-monthly in lawful money.
The Clerks- are organizing In Fort
Smith, Ark.
Employment in the British building
trades shows a general improvement
as compared with a year ago.
The Musician!-, have chartered new
unions in Tiffin, O.; Park City, Utah;
Sifiterville, W. Va.; Riverton, Wash.,
and Hot. Springs, Ark.
Practically all the large cotton mills
in New England are paying increased
wages to their employes. In most
instances advances were voluntary.
Glass Workers of Chicago are on
strike to maintain a union shop. A
new union has been formed in Toledo,
Chicago molders are asking why it
is that those molding machines which
the foundry men say are so successful
were not introduced before the strike.
The men doubt that the bosses were
so much in love with workingnien that
they kept them employed when they
could get machinery to do the work. "
A half dozen unclean members have
framed a so-called American Cigar
makers' Union in Cleveland, and im
mediately proceeded to issue a bogus
label. They will be fought in the
courts to the limit.
Machinists in Indianapolis have
gained all but two shops, and in Wil
liamsport, Pa., their demands have
been granted.
The Machinists' Union and the Iron
Molders' Union of Toledo have pub
licly challenged the Metal Trades' As
sociation to an open debate regarding
the strikes in that city and promise
to pay all expenses.
The printing press machinists of
Philadelphia won recognition lor their
union and Improved conditions in a
hot fight, which lasted only five days.
The newest label out is one on shoe
laces. Ask for the label on all your
wearing apparel. The label is labor's
The Flint Glass Workers' Union is
conducting a vigorous campaign
against the Macbeth-Evans company,
manufacturers of lamp chimneys and
gas globes.
The difficulty between the boiler-
makers and the Teachout company at
Cleveland has been adjusted.
The tobacco trust has worked out
an insurance system for its employes.
Instead of paying them decent wages
while alive, they are to receive a sum
equal to the wages paid during the
hiBt year of his or her life, not exceed
ir.g $500, when they die. A big-hearted
corporation, truly.
The Central Union Times of Jack
sonville, Fla., Comes out in big show
i pe ror Samuel Uompers tor vicn-
presiiient or the United States. Hur
rah for Sam!
The Green Bottle Blowers' Union
has $37a,054. Aver $216,000 was re
ceived from all sources for the season.
Scab molders who are wording in
foundries in Milwaukee are supplied
with free beer! Small wonder they
are not allowed to roam at. large.
The Dayton. O., street car men have
been given an increase of 2Vz cents
an hour.
Farm laborers in Hungary are or
ganizing for the purpose of going on
strike for better conditions next har
vest time.
ft .i i i.i f i kW
wt l maito lift Mrw -vobiOI
v lot
Good quality and low prices make an irresist
ible combination when applied to clothing. If
you'll step into our store we'll put you "onto" it.
We sell high grade Clothing 25 per cent cheap
er than the O street stores, otherwise we would
have no good excuse for being in busimess in
Investigation, examination and comparisons solicited,
bran new no old goods.
104-106 No. 10th St- "Just Around the Corner."
Every musician In Chattanooga,
Tenn., belongs to the Musicians'
Photo engravers are on strike at
Weisbrodt's and at Coulter & Co.'s,
San Francisco, Cal., is to have a
building trades temple.
Of Quality
Our Electric x
SI?oe Repairing
Saves you Money
and Time that no
other hovsc oilers
Henry Pfeifi
Fresh and Salt Meats
Sausage, Poultry, Etc
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Telephones 888-477. 314 So. Ilth Strati
Lincoln Local Express
PHONES: Bell 787, Auto 1787
1 Thn I inrnln 14nlln'innf JE. Ptint f" $
Liiiium tfaiijaifci ami w, g
A Strictly Union Snop ,
ffiS Modern Decorators, Wall 1
1 Paper, Moulding EXci tX I
o Auto Phone 1975
Q CHARLES B0WEN, Prop. ' g
Union Cleanly Handy
101 South Ilth, - Lincoln
Columbia National Bank
General Banking Business. Interest en tics deposits
oooooooooooo 0K0000
I carry nothing but union made
shoes, and have a full line of
them. I manufacture shoes and
shoe uppers. A share of union
patronage is respectfully solicited.
S. L McCttY
1529 OStreet
Special Bargains in Silks
We bought from a jobber, who was anxious to sell, a large num
ber of pieces of White Corded Japanese Silk. This we were
able to buy at about half price, and we have placed it on sale at very
much below its regular price. In the assortment you will find neat
hair line cords, also broken line cords. The assortment is a very choice
one and should sell rapidly at the price,
25 Cents Per Yard
Black and Colored Dress Goods
We have on Special Sale a great variety of ends in Black and Col
ored Wool Dress Goods. There are not ends cut np from undesirable
selling goods, but regular ends of desirable goods which have been
closed out. In the lot yon will find many of our best selling numbers,
but too short for a dress. You will al(-o find a great variety of shades,
and we think you can save money if yon are looking for good mater
ials for separate skirts or children's dresses. They are all marked
down in price and will insure you a saving if yon will take the
trouble io pick out a length the size and color you wish.
Sun Ray or Sun Burst Pleat'g
Accordion Pleating or Side Pleating. We are prepared to do any
kind of pleating on short notice, and we will cut, pleat and make
your skirt at a very reasonable cost. Ask ubont it.
O - - Don't forget to send
m 1 1 prl Photographs for our
M. MM. cnl,.,anIr
Our Coke
is genuine, is made in four hours
from the best gas coal, is a clean,
gray, almost pure carbon, sized,
screened and fully prepared for
the furnace, base burner, grate,
or air-tight stove. It will save
you from 30 to 40 per cent on
your heating bill this winter.
One customer reports a reduction
of 60 per cent in cost of. heating
a ten-room house last season. Try
our Coke. Tell us what you wish
to burn it in, and we will fit you
out with the right size. " -
Base-Burner size
Costs $7.25 a Ton
Lincoln Gas &
Electric Light Co.
" 1323 O Street