I IIS I 1 WE AHE READY FCH WBNTE3 With greater enthusiasm than ever before. Our aim is to become more gen erally known as "Lincoln's Economy Store" and all those who attend this Great October Sale, will sav that we fullv deserve this title Added to this If let us say, that there exists here a strong ambition to improve and progress J! constantly me result is mat our ian ana winter lines oi gooas are more ex tensive than we have ever shown in past seasons. Here are Examples of the GREATER-THAN-EVER Bargains Uomen who wish tine most fashionable garments, yet insist on having: full value r their money, will find much to their liking: here... Excellent Examples of Economy In the Second Floor Department $25 COATS AT $20 $16 COATS AT $11 Hand Tailored of Fine Imported Several KaticSsorne Mew Models cringing to choose from nt this price the fabrics are light and rtfc'irk dark toned Scotch mixtures Velvet and strap A jgAIJ trimmings perfectly tailored any other Lin-' rfo I I coin store would ask at least $M. Hei'eonly... Other CoatsEspecia8!Sy Priced for the October Saas at $8.5Q to $30 " Fall Suits of Decided Elegance at Decidedly Low Prices Kersey a charming modol with that loose swinging back, ncely trimmed with silk velvet and silk braid, lined throughout with tine satin worth $25.00 here only $7 values in black broad- values in fancy plaid cloth skirts Octo- Etl skirts October Sale &A ffcE Sale price : kj.kj ber Sale price. .. .Vi price i.7oJ Largest and most Comprehensive Rispfay of Furs ever shown here-Styies right-Prices Guaranteed $5 values in black Pana ma skirts October (?'3 no oo.yv New Bags and Purses Just the size you want, just the right color, and so very reason ably priced here. SEE THE BAGS AT 50 CTS. By a luckv purchase we secured one big lot of SI. 00 val- F"rv nes at half price.' They are now on sale at EXTRA VALUES IN Lac Curtains Larger variety and greater bar than ever before. See 1 E" the i.CO Kottenham Jf). Q Curtains at NEW GLOVES 50c $1 25c Berlin Lisle Gloves, silk lined, extra values, at Imported Kid Gloves, all shades, worth $1.50, only., Ladies' and Children's Golf Gloves, beauties at 50c and i B The Millinery Bepartment Offers extraordinary values in the October Sale, A special purchase of nobby street hats will be on sale at prices nearly hair those of exclusive PTA tOi milliners. S3 to $6 values pl-Ju W J J. Handsome Coats for ChJ3dTren bought at a tremenduous price sacrifice. EVSanufact- urers SampSss finest materials, latest made to sell at $ 10, b!2 and 1 15 at stvles. coats S3.50 to $6.50 m mk Th&y fc say "TS-SE PEO PLE'S is the best p3acs to buy pet ticoats." Great bargains in black sat teen petticoats at 85c, 75c, 83c and up to $2.25. Mercerized Silk Petticoats, olois black, blue, brown and red $3.50 values at $2.39. Fine Silk Petticoats, un equaletl values at $4.50 and $6.00 90-inch heavy nnbleachod Sheeting. 27c value at 24-c ra-inch heavy unbleached Sheeting.. 24-c value at 20c 75-inch heavy unbleached Sheeting. 25e value at 23c :i'.i-inch bleached Muslin, line grade 11c value at 9c Fast color Dress Prints, per yard. Sc Apron Check Ginghams, per yard, 25-inch unbleached Outing Flannel 6c value at 5c W-inch bleached Outing Flannel 10C value at Sc 27- inch Shirting Cheviots, light and dark.. 8c value 6c 28- inch Percales, good grade. -1 0c values at 7 3-4-c Heavy Muslins, un- 3 c bleached, per rard . . The October-Sale Offers Iress Goods B&ra&ins. Read Every Item, Then Come in and investigate 27-inch Alaska Velvets, rare color ings and handsome patterns. 25s values at per yd. ISc 34-inch figured mercerized cloths - fashionable shades of blues, browns reds and greens. 18c values at per yd. 14c 34-inch fancy wool brocades, worth 25c. ISC 42-inch Voiles all the leading shades, was an excellent value at 59c, Oc tober sale price per yd .4C 50 pieces of flannelette very desirea ble patterns and colors. 12 1-2; values per yd. l-2c 36-inch wool suitings beautiful mix tures and shadpw plaids and checks. 35c values at 27c 3(5-inch English cashmeres all colors worth 35c 27c 3C-inch heavy wo-l suitings big var iety of leading colors snap at 33c October sale price per yd 27c Very special sale of 36, 38, 40 inch Novelty Suitings unmatchable values at 4c and S9c a yard!. October Sale of 'Silks ' l!)-inch two tone Taifeta Sibc, colors bine, brown ' and green; regular 75c values Qr at per yard. - ut Good $1.10 value 36 inch black QQ, Taffeta silk at per yard OVC Best SI. 25 value 36 inch black Taffeta silk at per yard . . . 98c est Underwear and Hos iery !ot Least Money GOING TO mKE COMFORTERS r Euy your Cotton Bats here the best grades at a big saving. $1.25 grade of Table Linen, sale price, per ard 9Sc 69c grade of Table Linen, sale price, per yard SOc For one lot of slightly-soiled Napkins. Formerly sold at $1.25 to $5.00 per dozen. ia to Spreads S1.50 for $1.85 Spreads Extra largo; fringed; with or without cut corners. 9383o73c-63c Are the special prices on full-si.ed hemmed Spreads. TOWELS Linen Huck Towels, Hemstitched, regular price 15 cents, now only .12 l-2c Extra large Huck Towels, fringed, regular price 18 cents, now only .- .15c 17-inch Twill Toweling at, per yard 4 l-2c Women's fleeced vests and pants, ecru and grey- 35c Values at 25c. Children's fleeced union suits, sizes up to 8 years 35c Values at 25c Women's perfect fitting union suits, sizes 4 to 9 65c Values at 50c. Infants' cashmere stock ings, fine quality, all colors Extra value, 2 prs. 25c 50c and 75c Values in La dies' Fancy HosSery at 3c You will be surprised at these remarkable values early comers get the best selections. Great Bargain in ESankets 4Sc and Up The October Sale of Cotton and Wool Blankets should interest all eco nomical housekeepers. See tha new Bath Robe Blankets. See the New Porch Robe Blankets. See the New Baby Crib Blankets. Immense assortments. Extra ordinary prices. THE UNDERSELLING CLOTHING DEPT Choose From a Splendid lot of men's fash ionable fall suits that are actually worth $12 and S15 and pay only $10 all the latest cuts, the nobbiest styles and patterns, also plain black suits---you can't equal these garments anywhere in Lincoln at the price. CO A for men's Trousers OZitvl that would cost $3.50 in any other store. Oj eft for boys School Suits OibvJ of good wearing mater ials. Sizes up to 14. GREAT BARGAINS iN MEN'S AND BOY'S OVERCOATS. S2.29 for Women's S3.G0 Shoes MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's 50c Ribbed Underwear, 44c Men's $1.00 Wool Underwear, 89c Men's $1 50 Wool Underwear, $125 Men's $1.00 Negligee Shirts, 75c HATS AND CAPS for men and boys -the new winter styles are here the best line of 25c Caps for boys in Lincoln the best Man's Hat that $1.50 will boy anywhere. These are broken lots from the best lines of $3.00 Shoes in Lincoln. Not all sizes in each style, but all sizes in some of the numbers. S2.69 for men's 3.50 Shoes Some of these shoes are leather lined. Choice of one big lot at $2.69. j- I 00 fnr Plrlo' I 7Q Qhnre f box calf and fine kid' with the best soles; hJJ IUI UlllQ uttUtiO many pretty styles andi all sizes; the best school shoes at anywhere near the price. x m Snrf ni.ni nrn p L Soft sole shoes and moccasins,- all colors, both IUC lOf iniSniS OOC OSlOeS plain and fancy leathers; the best infants' shoes you ever saw for the money. Men's and Women's House Slippers An unusually large variety of the best kinds 39c, 69c, 98e, and $1.45 Inexpensive Aprons Ladies' long, white Aprons 25c Ladies' fancy lace and embroidery trimmed Aprons 50c Misses' Aprons, of nice quality. SOc Waitresses' short, white Aprons iiOc Ladies gingham kitchen Aprons if5c October Bargains in Outing Gowns and Petticoats 50c-values, Children's Outing Gowns at 35c 75c-values in Women's Outirg Gowns :...5t)c Ladies' Ou'ina FlanriKl kne-lenght Petti coats, splendid values, 3oc, 50o anil 7So The New Corset Models Are Beady "AMERICAN BEAUTY" "ROYAL WORCESTER" All Sizes up to 3. SPECIAL All "W. B." and TQ "G. D." Corsets reduced to. . I "C 3 m m m 1