Extraordinary Shoe Values MEW'S SHOES Worths!fe5Driced $2.79 Worth $3.50 and $4. Sale price We bought at a tremendous price sacrifice and we invite the men of Lincoln to share in this lucky purchase. All this season's newest and best styles. Patent Leathers. Vici Kid, Velour Calf and Box Calf. Not a pair in the lot worth less than $3.50. Most of them are 84 shoes. The bargain price is $2.79 WOMEN'S SHOES WosaiepPcf 00 These are sample shoes, only small sizes, but if you can get a fit it's an un equalled bargain chance the finest grades and prettiest styles of the year are in the big. variety of sample shoes find the pair to fit your foot, and instead of paying S3, $3.50, $4, or S5.00, pay only $1-98 FOR WORKS OF ART SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NATIONAL GALLERY. IS $1.98 nocTCoeooocorooooocooooc UNION MADE SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN t Mayer Bros. COLEMAN WONT AID TERRILL. 8 uCOXJCXXOCOCOOOOCOOO TJidtfl THIliM' U HMCTgHiiliiiIMM i WORKERS UNION J unionJI stamp Tactory No. ' UNION STAMP SHOES MEANS THE BEST SHOES FOR THE MONEY Xo higher in cost than other shoes, but you may he sure they are made under the best conditions. More for your money in Union Stamp Shoes than in those without the stamp. By wearing Union Stamp shoes vou do much to help wage earning shoemakers. If you cannot get the Union Stamp shoes in your locality, write i Boot and Shoe Workers' Union ) 46 8UMMKK ST., BOSTON, MASS. OOOOCOOOOOOCKDCXDOOOOOOOOOOO OOOCXXXXXXXXXXXDOCXDCXXXXJOOO Your Cigars Should Bear This Label.. ; , Issued by AuUionlyoi the Cigar Makers' International Union UIIKJII-lllrlUK tIJiill a. TMtfwCqvt contwned tntfm bos Mt bm imM by iaMt of the UQK MATtRlAtjnt INIUlfaUAUNlHARL OF TW CRAfT, TkirffonMii Ut U ll SMOMntkfMfKMt t WOrid JUI M11119MNU mom tin IttNi Mil bt punntod ttcor4q to iMf. IF PttaJent, cmui ofAmerTca. I O "til S LOCAX g Hi M STAMP It is insurance against sweat shop and tenement goods, and against disease. . . . OCOCOOCOOOCOOCOC Three Good Rules to Follow First When Traveling between Omaha and Chicago, use The Overland Limited leaving at 8:35 p. m. from Union Station. Second, f you cannot use The Overland Limited, use The Eastern Ex press leaving nt 5:45 p. m. Third. If you cannot use either of tne above, take The Chicago Express leaving ;it 7:55 a. ni. In these three trains the s Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway offers an excellence in service betw een Omaha and Chicago not obtain able elsewhere. All trains arrive in Union Station in ?.he heart of Chicago. All trains are protected by block signals and run over a smooth track all the way. Low Rates to Many Eastern Points F. A. NASH, 1524 Farnam Street, General Western Agent. OMAHA. Oklahoma Man Advised to Change His Course by the Attorney Gsneral. C. C. Coleman, attorney general, will not help Ira N.' Terrill prosecute the wardens of the Kansas penitentiary or help him collect $6,000 which he claims is due him for work while in the peni tentiary. Some time ago Terrill called upon the attorney general and asked him to bring actions against E. B. Jewett, W. H. Haskell, J. B. Tomlin son and H. S. Landis, wardens, for al leged false imprisonment, fee also wanted three guards of . the peniten tiary prosecuted for taking from him some poetry. The complaints were all made in writing by Terrill and the attorney general replied to it by say ing that he would do none of the things asked and closing with some advice to Terrill as follows: "I desire to say that I have no per sonal feeling or bias whatever toward you. You have not asked my advice or counsel as to your course, and .there fore will probably not welcome it, but as one Who wishes you well, I believe that $ou ought to abandon the course you seem inclined to take. Tins same amount of industry and. heat-applied in the direction of establishing your self in business and making up for lost time, which you are exerting in an attempt to obtain vengeance for al leged wrongs, would in the end avail you and profit you a great deal more than can possibly result from any pro ceedings you may take under the com plaints you are making to me." Terrill was paroled by Governor Frantz of Oklahoma, June 12. He was sent to the penitentiary for twelve years for killing John Embree in Guthrie. The latter had testified that Terrill was a "sooner" when Terrill was trying to prove up his homestead. Terrill refused to work in the peni tentiary and persistently appealed to the courts for release, asserting that h had been illegally convicted. His con duct caused the Kansas prison authori ties to refuse him the benefit of time usually allowed for good behavior. KANSAS MAY PRINT BOOKS. One Way Cut of the Alleged School Graft. T. A. McKeal, state printer, has be gun an investigation which may lead to his recommending to the next legis lature that Kansas print its own text books for the c'ommoYi schools. The state now has a fine printing plant and Mr. McXeal said that with compara tively little expense the additional equipment could be secured to print all the books needed by the school chil dren of the state. The experiment has been tried xin several states. In some it was success ful and in others it failed. Mr. Mc Neal believes, however, that with proper management the state could turn out the books without loss after the first year. Making the plates and getting the machinery would cause. a heavy expense the ' first year and the books could not be manufactured at the present price except at a loss. After that it is believed that the sale of the books would show enough profit to cover the loss. Mr. McNeal may ask that the state printer be given authority to print a few- of the textbooks as an experiment and to determine whether it would be practicable to print all books. There has been much discussion .in Kansas recently about alleged graft iu awarding contracts for school books. Decision Recently Made Is of Much Importance and Means Assem bling of Magnificent Art Collections. By a decision of Justice Stafford in the District supreme court, it has been determined that this country already posseses a national art gallery. This decision is interesting first because no one realized that there was such a thing as a national gallery in this country, and, second, because it brings to the government and incidentally to Washington the Harriet Lane John ston art collection, which is intrinsic ally valuable, very beautiful, and will form the nucleus around which a real national collection eventually will be built up. The pictures have just been transferred to the custody of the Smithsonian institution and will be placed on exhibition as soon as possi ble. This decision of the court is more Important than even the transfer of the Johnston collection would indi cate. The Smithsonian has had an art collection for years, and it has slowly been growing, mostly through gifts; but the present decision recog nizes it as a national gallery. This will attract more donations, and al though the collection for the present will be housed in the lecture hall of the National museum, there will doubtless in time be a separate build ing erected for the art collection; and there is nb reason why in time the na tional gallery in Washington should not he quite as much a center of at traction to visitors as the National gal lery in London. By the will of Harriet Lane John ston in 1903 her' art collection, con sisting of 29 paintings, brsts and other objects, was left to the Corcoran art gallery until such time as there should be established by the United States government a national art gallery. The bequest to the Corcoran gallery was acompanied by a number of conditions such as that the collection should be housed in a separate room without artiificial heat, and there were some other provisions, to comply with which would have entailed more expenditure than the trustees felt that they were justified in making for a merely tem porary collection. They therefore de clined the custody, and it looked for a time as though the collection would have to be sold and the money divided with the estate, going principally to the Harriet Lane John3ton Home. President Roosevelt, who is interest ed in such matters, urged on congress 3 duty to establish a national gallery, but it is seldom that such a thing can be done in one session and the matter went by default. Finally the executors of the estate and the Smithsonian in stitution went into court in a friendly suit to determine the custody of the pictures. Then it was that Judge Staf ford decided that the Smithsonian al ready constituted a national gallery. As a matter of fact the formation of an art gallery is one of the first duties of the Smithsonian under the act creating it, and when the present Smithsonian building was erected it was designed with two of the biggest rooms specially built for a gallery. The act creating it says that it "shall have custody of objects of art, the re sults of curious and foreign research." This function of the institution has been recognized by the regents all along and there have been a number of valuable objects acquired that have more place in an art gallery than they have in a museum. Some of them have been turned over to the temporary care of the Corcoran gallery end some to the library of congress ; but they will all go with the Johnston collection toward forming the foundation of a national gallery. There are other and more extensive plans afoot that will help on the work, but tliey have not yet taken official shape, but it is sufficient for the pres ent to refer to the fact tbat they are in existence. One of - the "first purchases of the Smithsonian, directly in line with the formation of the art gallery, was the Marsh collection of prints and engrav ings. This was a lucky speculation, as it proved. George P. Marsh was for a long time United States minister to Greece and to Italy. His collection of prints was a notable one and was bought .by the Smithsonian in 1849 for three or four thousand dollars. It was temporarily deposited with the congressional library, and experts esti mate its value now at between $50,000 and $60,000. . - The Smithsonian already has quite a large collection of busts of promi nent men and scientists, several valu able portraits and other objects, all of which will go into the new collection. Watermelon Seed Causes Death. Nina Beveal, aged 5 years, died at the hospital in Salina as the resuit of an operation to remove a watermelon see which had become lodged in her windpipe. The operation was made too late to pave the child's life. Senator's Wonderful Record. William Pinckney Whyte, United States senator from Maryland, who has just passed his eighty-second mile stone, has never been inside a saloon, never smoked and never rode in a cab. He framed the instrument on which the unique government of the District of. Columbia is founded. He lives out side of Baltimore, yet is able to ap pear at a trial in Baltimore in the morning and be in Washington in time to answer to the noon roll call of the senate. Twice chosen United States senator, he has also been governor, mayor, state senator, state representa tive, city solicitor, attorney general and state comptroller. He was de feated for the United States senate by the late Arthur P. Gorman and then succeeded Gorman at the latter's death. He was a member of the Mary land legislature when Gorman was lad in Howard county.. Union Mem Of Lincoln Wear i Kohn Bros. Unionmade Fine Clothing Exfzemely Fine Reasonably Pziced Sold Exclusively in Lincoln by UNION MADE SHOES I carry nothing but union made shoes, and have a full line of thern. I manufacture shoes and shoe uppers. A share of union patronage is respectfully .solicited.. S.LMcCOY 1529 OStreet liiifiipi Summer Excursions via The Burlington Route Round Trip Tickets on sale June 31st; to following points: Chicago I . .$20.00 Denver 16.75 St. Louis 17.20 Deadwood . 17.85 Lead, S. D 17.85 Custer, S. D 16.65 Hot Springs, S. 0 .... 15.50 Colorado Springs 17.35 Sheridan, Wyo 23.35 Mackinaw City 25.05 Mackinac Island 25.05 On Sale June 1 to Sept. 15. Lim Portland 60.00 Seattle J 60.00 Tacoma ". 60.00 Spokane 55.00 Helena 50.00 Yellowstone National Park $75.00, days. 1st to Sept. 30th; return limit, Oct. i Madison $22.20 Milwaukee 0 22.20 Waukesha .". 22.20 Pueblo 17.50 Cody, Wyo 30.10 Mexico City, Mex 60.25 Salt Lake ., 30.50 Ogden 30.50 St. Paul 14.70 Minneapolis 14.70 it Oct. 31, 1906. San Francisco 60.00 Los Angeles 60.00 San Diego 60.00 Butte 50.00 Anaconda 50.00 on sale daily to Sept. 17; limit ninety G. W. BONNELL, C. P. A. Cor. I3th and O Stsw ' Lincoln, Nebraska Best Values for The Best Money Cash or easy terms are found at the Star Turniture (fc Zh Waqt'Earmr's Turniture Supply Bouse 08 South Eleventh Street Liutoln, Hebrask