The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 03, 1906, Image 7

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" 1
Whole Foot Nothing But Proud Flesh
Had to Use Crutches "Cuti
cura Remedies the Best on
"In the year 1899 the side of my
right foot was cut off from the little
toe down to the heel, and the physi
cian who had charge of me was . try
ing to sew up the side of my foot, but
with no success. At last my whole
foot and way up above my calf was
nothing but proud flesh. X suffered un
told agonies for four years, and tried
different physicians and all kinds of
ointments. I could walk only with
crutches. In two weeks afterwards I
saw a change in my limb. Then I be
gan using Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment often during the day, and kept;
It up for seven months, when . my
Imb was healed up Just the same as
if I never had trouble. It is eight
months now since I stopped using
Cuticura Remedies, the best on God's
earth. I am working at the present
day after five years of suffering ' The
cost of Cuticura Ointment and Soap
was only $6, but the doctors' bills
were more like $600. John M. Lloyd,
718 S. Arch Ave, Alliance; Ohio, June
27. 1905."
Han Was Not Satisfied with Ordinary
Amusement Like Taking
A well-known criminal lawyer on3
day sauntered into a police court Just
as a case was called. It appeared that
the defendant had no attorney, and
the Judge glanced about the room to
Bee whom he might assign to the case.
"I'll take it. Judge," the late comer
said, wishing to pass away the time. ;
By the way, what is the man
charged with?" the attorney presently
"He's a camera fiend of the worst
sort, Mr. Brown," the Judge said
wfth a slight smile. "I expect to send
him to the workhouse for about three
"What!" the lawyer shouted, Indig
nantly. "Your honor must be Joking
Snd a man to the rock pile for three
months for a little harmless amuse
. ment like taking pictures?"
."Well," the Judge said, mildly, "he
don't take pictures much it's the
cameras he takes."
I,t is easier to love and be wise
than to be generous and have money.
Jealousy is green and does not
harmonize with Love's hair and eyes,
Love laughs at locksmiths, because
parents don't lock, up their daugh
ters any more.
When Poverty comes In at the door
Truelove engages her on the spot to
do the cooking.
The pity of Love's blindness is that
marriage is the only oculist that guar.
antees to restore the sight. .,
Don't complain of your lover's am a
teurlshness. In this you have pr6of
positive that you are the first.
Show me the sweethearts of the
land, and I will confess myself that
much more puzzled about the men.
Life gave a dinner, and, while .' it
may not have been a feast from an
epicure's point of view, it was a great
success. The guest oC honor was
Love. '
When Love begins to sicken and
decay, sometimes the. tonic of In
airrerence will effect a quicker re
covery than all the careful nursing
in the world.
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trouble
can be entirely overcome by using Te-
fiance Starch, ns lb can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
The average number of teeth is 32.
The weight of the circulating blood
Is 29 pounds.
A man Dreatnes about 20 times a
minute or 1,200 times an hour.
The average weight of the brain of
a man is Zb pounds; of a woman 2
pounds, 11 ounces.
The average height of an American
Is 5 feet, 9 inches; of a Frenchman 5
feet, 4 Inches; of a German 5 feet, 7
inches. .'
Aged English Clergyman.
Rev. John Aldis, once the most
prominent minister of the Baptist de
nomination in tungiana, nas reached
the age of 98. He began life in a
shoemaker's shop. Afterward he was
sent to Horton college, near Brad'
ford, now known as Rawdon college,
Later he became pastor dfMaze Pond
chapel, . London, and in 1866 he was
elected chairman of the Baptist Union
To prevent that tired feeling on
. Ironing day Use Defiance Starch
i saves time saves labor saves annoy
' ance, will not stick to the iron. The
' big 16 oz. package for 10c, at your gro
cer a.
The world likes a winner, hut loves
' a good loser.
Pride goeth before a mark-down sale
of left-over Easter bonnets.
Boys will be boys, especially the
ay old ones who have passed 60.
Mm, Window's Soothing; Syrup.
rw vmiurco ujetuiun, puiusu tuw KUIUS, reauces mp
nammatlon, allays pain, cures wind collu. 2sc a bottle.
A friend in need usually needs all
ib can squeeze out oi you.
Pressed Flowers Are Pleasant Sou
venirs of a Vacation How They
May Be Preserved.
No prettier fir more1 pleasure-giving
vacation spent at the seashore or in
the country could be found than a spec
imen book filled with dried flowers,
leaves and seaweeds, and the work of
gathering and preparing them' would
amuse the most indifferent hoy or girl.
Then it is Very simple, and costs lit
tle time and trouble. -
The collector should provide him
self with a tin botanical box, or, lack
ing this, with several dozen sheets of
soft, thick, unglazed wrapping paper,
and two boards for covers. The paper
and the boards should be several
inches larger than the book in which
the specimens are to be preserved, ad
vises, the Chicago Inter Ocean.
As each specimen is gathered, place
it between two sheets of the paper,
being careful to make it lie in a
natural position. When the collector
reaches home, he should transfer the
specimens to fresh sheets of paper,
placing several sheets between them,
and when they are thus placed, one cm
top of the other, they should be weight
ed down with anything convenient, say
books, or heavy- boards, or even
They should remain thus weighted
for from 24 to 48 hours,, and should
then be removed to fresh sheets of pa
per, and be" packed and weighted down
as at first, allowing them to stay so
for another period of from 24 to 48
hours. The paper used in the first
packing may be dried and used again.
When the specimens' are taken from
the second packing,, they should be
mounted or fastened on separate
sheets of paper for . preservation.
Thfere-' are several- ways of doing this.
One way Is to gum down the whole
flower or leaf, but a better way is to
fasten it la place by putting narrow
bands of paper over parts of it. By
the last method it is possible, if de
sired, to remove the specimen to a
fresh sheet of paper.
The specimens may be mounted in
scrapbook, or the separate sheets
may be kept in a box of proper size;
if the latter, a light weight should be
kept on them. A bit of camphor in
the box will preserve the specimens,
but better still Is it to open and ex
amine them now and then, so that
they may get air. No specimen should
be put away until it is perfectly dry,
or it will mold.
On each sheet containing a specimen
should be written the name of the
flower or leaf, with the place where it
was obtained, and the date.
Sponge Cake Light as Air, a Good
Pudding, Snow Ball Trifles, Tooth
some Brown Joe Bread.
TER. Yolks of five eggs, -two cups
of powdered sugar, well beaten to
gether; next three-quarters of a cup
of boiling water, two cupsful of flour,
a pinch of salt, two heaping tea-
spoonfuls of baking powder and
flavoring to taste. . Beat the whites
of the eggs to a froth. The cake is
best cut with a fork.
ounces of flour, four ounces of suet,
rind and Juice of lemon, tablespoon
ful of treacle, one ounce of candied
peel, one teaspoonful milk. Boil
three and a quarter hours, sifted
sugar to be strewn over before serv
ing. SNOW BALLS. One cup of sugar,
two eggs, four tablespoonfuls sweet
milk, one heaping teaspoonful of bak
Ing powder, flour sufficient to work
into balls. Fry in lard, and when
done dip in white of egg, then in pow
dered sugar until white.
fuls of corn meal, two cupfuls of white
flr-ur, one cupful of molasses, one cup
ful of sour milk, one teaspoonful soda.
Steam three or four hours and bake
half an hour. N. Y. World.
Chicken Salad. -Four
pounds chicken will make sal
ad for ten or 12 persons.
Cut the light and dark meat into
fine pieces. Use two-thirds of the
chicken to one-third of celery. Mix the
salad with the dressing, saving some
to pour over the top before using.
Salad Dressing One tablespoon
mustard, one tablespoon sugar, a
teaspoon of salt, one cup milk, one of
vinegar, three eggs. Mix sugar, salt
and mustard together and add the
vinegar and well beaten eggs. Pour
the milk in, stirring slowly all the
time. Set in a dish of cold water and
cook as soft custard; add a piece of
butter as large as an egg and stir in
A Dinner Party,
Everything should be in readiness
sometime before dinner is actually
announced, so that the maid can go.
round and see that nothing is for
gotten. A thing to impress strongly
on servants is the necessity for giv
ing all plate and glass a final polish
before putting it on the table, as
nothing looks worse than plate or
glass which is finger-marked or not
perfectly cleaned. Attention to these
little points is the mark of a well
trained servant and a good mistress.
A Summer Drink.
Owing to its acidity, buttermilk is
of laxative property and is supposed
to make general impression on - the
liver. It can often be taken by those
unable to take fresh cow's milk and
has been found valuable in the treat
ment of diabetes, gastric ulcer and
cancer of the stomach. It is said to
be one of the most digestible of milk
products and is recommended to
serve the double purpose of food and
leverage. .. - -
Prominent Minnesota Merchant Cured
to Stay Cured by Doan's Kid
ney Pills. .
O. C. Hayden, of Cf.' C.' Hayden &.
Co., dry goods merchants, of Albert
Lea, Minn., says: "I was so lame that
I could hardly walk.
There was an unac
countable weakness
of ' the'-' back, and
constant pain - and
aching. I could find
no rest and was
very uncomfortable
at night.. As my
health was good in
every other way, I
could not understand
this trouble. It was Just as if all the
strength had gone from my back.
After suffering for some time I began
using Doan's Kidney Pills. The rem
edy acted at once upon the kidneys,
and when normal action was restored,
the trouble with iny back disappeared.
I have not had any returaVjf it."
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Unalaska, in. the Alaskan Islands, c
Desolate Spot Where White
Men May Not Land.
Vnalaska resembles, other northern
stations, having warehouses, docks,
the inevitable Greek church and a
score of wooden cabins. Whalers leave
here for the Arctic regions.
Dutch Harbor is a station for our
revenue fleet There is much coming
and going of ships of all nations;
there are quite a formidable fleet, and
only two ships out of twelve carry
colors of the same country.
Just before entering the harbor one
notices a detached rock high against
the side of the cliff. It bears a strik
ing resemblance to a Russian priei
in full robes. Touched by the sunset
light, he seemed to stand blessing the
Sailing north out into Beirring sea,
one looks back at the desolate, silent
treeless islands, which seem to wall
the edge of the world. Hundreds oi
miles west they run toward Vladi
vostok. Two hundred and forty miles north
of Unalaska are the Pribilof islands;
not large, but the greatest seal islands
in the world. There are many fur
seals around the shores of Behring
sea and the Aleutian islands, but the
great mass of them are bred on the
Pribilof group. No white man is per
mitted to land on these breeding
grounds without a permit, signed by
the secretary of the treasury of the
United States. Outdoor Life.
Freshness is not to be desrised in
women, vegetables or flowers.
A woman, of gushing proclivities
is apt to consider herself irresistible.
. The woman who nags her husband
leservedly sits dovn to a lonely meal.
Wise is the wofhan who does not
expect a man's devotion at election
time. '
The woman who constantly quotes
her husband seldom realizes what an
intolerable bore she is to others. .
A woman with a musical voice may
babble of coal dust and sauer kraut,
and still compel you to think of lute
strings. Exchange.
International Cyclopedia.
The medical faculty of the Paris
university plans an international tech
nological encyclopedia. It is to be
issued in ten languages, including
"Esperanto," the world language.
The man who does all he can gen
erally finds that some one else will do
the rest
Sardinia Once Wild Country.
Sardinia was a wild place in the
xaiddle of the last century. A trav
eler says: "The men are clothed in
goat-skins, one before and another
behind, without breeches,, shoes or
stockings, and a Woolen or skin cap
on the head. The women have no
other habiliments than a long woolen
jown and a woolen cap. The peas
ants always go armed to defend them
selves from one another, so that trav
eling in the interior is extremely un
safe without an escort; and it is even
dangerous for ships to send their peo
ple on shore for water unless they
are well armed. In short, the Sardes
are the Malays of the Mediterranean
Paper Telegraph Poles.
Serviceable telegraph poles can. It
ii found, be constructed of paper.
Such poles are made of paper pulp, in
which borax, tallow, etc., are mixed
in small quantities. The pulp is cast
in a mold with a core in the center,
and forms a hollow rod of the desired
length. The paper poles are said to
be lighter and stronger than those of
wood, and to be unaffected by the sun,
rain, dampness, or any of the other
causes which shorten the life of a
wooden pole.
King Dictates Train's Speed.
W7hen King Edward is about to take
railway journey his majesty is in-
variably consulted as to the speed at
arhich the royal special shall travel
Charles Santley, the famous bari
tone who is still singing at the age
of 72, is probably the greatest linguist
in the concert world, speaking fluent
ly French, German, Italian and Span-
Ish and has a wide knowledge of
Greek and Latin.
"I have a little granddaughter,
said a senator, "who is very fond of
animals, especially dogs. Her mother
has taught her to pronounce the word
until it sounds like dahg. Her father
sticks to the good old-fashioned dawg,
so the child has compromised, and now
every canine is a dahg-dawg."
Uothing Succeeds Like f'EGG-O-SEE."
, The man who preaches the' best ser
mon; the man who tells the funniest
stories; the man who keeps the best
store; or the man who makes the best
goods . soon finds that people come to
him. Merit is the best advertisement
in the world. People speak well of
things they know are good. They pas3
the good word along.
The best breakfast food is EGG-O-
SEE, for if contains all the life-giving
properties of nature's best food, which
is wheat .
EGG-O-SEE is deeply in debt to the
thousands of wives and mothers who
use it in their homes, for these good
women tell their neighbors about this
great food.
Children and aged persons alike are
friends of EGG-O-SEE.
Merit and common sense are the
things that advertise EGG-O-SEE
most. EGG-O-SEE is cheap. A 10
cent package contains ten liberal
breakfasts. EGG-O-SEE is sold every
where. Grocers must keep it if they
want to keep their good customers,
for good customers insist on buying
The fact that no preparation, no
cooking is required, makes EGG-O-SEE
very popular. Open the package;
put as much as you like in a dish;
pour on milk or cream and eat It
is delicious. It is wholesome. It
makes you strong.
A lot of Interesting facts about
EGG-O-SEE , have been published in
book form entitled. "Back to Nature."
This book also 'has a course of phys
ical culture fully illustrated. Any
one wishing this book will receive it
free by addressing EGG-O-SEE Com
pany, 10 First St, Quincy, 111.
- Throws Rays Half a Mile.
Light rays half a mile long and
24 times as powerful as the sort com
monly in use are the new oxy-petrol
lime lights that have been invented
for the motorists. The lamp consists
of an oxy-petrol blowpipe flame play
ing on a piece of specially refractory
material. A reservoir of material is
to be carried on the car and also a
cylinder of compressed oxygen. Pre
sumably a stream of oxygen under
pressure is saturated with petrol va
por and burnt in the blowpipe and
a small, extremely hot flame is pro
duced, this being caused to impinge
on something more refractory than
Railway Tariff Simplified.
Germany, has just revised its rail
way tariff, which involves a multi
plication of tickets. , It is calculated
that a traveler with a small family
going from Mulhouse to Bale will find
himself furnished with 60 tickets, in
addition to' which are those for bag
Give Defiance Starch a fair trial-
try it for both hot and cold starching,
and if you don't think you do better
work, in less time and at smaller cost,
return it and your grocer will give
you back your money.
The greatest cause of worry on
Ironing day can be removed by using
Defiance Starch, which will not stick
to the iron. Sold everywhere, 16 oz.
for 10c.
. The extraordinary popularity of ' fine
white goods this summer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from , all Injurious chemicals, t,s the
only one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics. Itsgreat strength as. a1 stiff.-
ener makes half the usual quantity df
Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
Judge Lebbeus R. Wilfley, attorney
general of the Philippine islands, has
been appointed to the judgeship of the
United States court in China, which
is to replace in a large measure the
present consular court. Judge Wilfley
is from St. Louis.
Two Profitable Postal Systems.
Next to Great Britain, Russia has
the most profitable postal system,
which nets over $20,000,000 a year.
It's queer how boys catch all their
diseases in school term.
Some men are so perfect that it
seems as though their wives ought
to have them stuffed and mounted.
Do what you consider right, what-
y ever people think of it, despite cen
sure and praise. Pythagoras.
It isn't until a man swears oft that
he finds out how many fellows want
to treat him.
The people who believe most
strongly in luck are those who never
have any.
There is a time in every man's Ule
when he realizes what a chump he
once wa3.
A man doesn't need much moaiy if
he has a reputation for being wealthy.
To sneer at success is the preroga
tive of failure.
WC PAD DIIV SellorTradeyourBnsinessorReal
llC UAN DUli Kstate anywhere in the U.S. aud
Canada, barge lists. Excellent facilities. FlufcLl'IT
UKAIi KSTATB TKl'ST CO., 644 ltt-e U.'dg. , OSIA1IA, NKB.
f f HITPn Wheat, eobnahele ieracre,
B 111 I ff K Catalogue and samples FttttB.
V III B CaBISslMrliwdM.ItoxWK.LaCnine.Wib
A Certain Cure lor Tired, Hot, Aching
are a delight to the refined woman every
where. In order to get this result see
that the material is good, that it is cut in
the latest fashion and use. , .
in the laundry. All three things are im
portant, but the last is absolutely neces
sary. No matter how fine the material
or how daintily made, bad starch and
poor laundry work, will spoil the effect'
and ruin the clothes. DEFIANCE
STARCH is pure, will not rot the clothes
nor cause them to crack. It sells at xoc
a sixteen ounce package everywhere.
Other starches, much inferior, sell at xoc
for twelve ounce package. Insist on
getting DEFIANCE STARCH and be
sure of results.
Defiance Starch
Omaha, nobroobo;
An Unsolicited Testimonial
I would stat a after twenty years of house
ksefciue and using nearly eVfetf feitan itha
market, JhKt I consider the! Cto "TOM Yeast -tljeb&tt
have ever ustd and wstild, recom-y
neod'ittoaUhausekeebersu Rettpoctrtilly, !
''' : , (Signed) ESTELLA E. FEAD, "' :
223 S. 29th Ave., Omaha, Nebr,
P. S Mrs. Fead Is the lady who won
the New York Post's l,000 prize for
making the best mince pies. -
contains 10 Cakes. Other manu-,
facturers put in but 7 Cakes. Buy
the "On Time" and get the three '
extra cakes. "-
Ask Your Grocer for On Time Yeast
You Cannot
all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con
ditions of the mucous membrane such as
nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused
by feminine ills, sore throat, sore
mouth or inflamed eyes by simply
dosing the stomach.
But you surely can cure these stubborn
affections by local treatment with
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
which destroys the disease germs.checks
discharges, stops pain, and heals the
inflammation and soreness.
Paxtine represents the most successful
local treatment for feminine ills ever
produced. Thousands of women testify,
to this fact. 50 cents at druggists.
Send for Free Trial Box.
THE R. PAXTON CO. Boston. Mas.
The Greatest Boarding College in the World
University of
Notre Dame
We guarantee two joints: Our students .'
study and our students behave 'themselves .'
18 Buildings 75 Professors 800 Students
Courses in Ancient and Modern fjanfrua;ft, Eng
lisb. History, and Economic, Chemistry. Biology,
Pharmacy, Civil. Electrical, and Mechanical Kntri
neeiing. Architecture Law. Shorthand, Book-keeping,
TERMS: Board. Tuition, aod Laundry. $4M.
Send ten cents lo the Begistr&r lor Catalogue .
$100.00 WEEKLY
made by agentB of the Bankerc Accident Comp'anr
Is not nnnsaal. Experience nnnecessary. Writ
ItiraOlUN Washington, D. O.
f Suoceeafully Proaooutes - Claims.
Late Principal Examiner U. S. Pension 'Bureau.
W. N. U.y IilNCOUTj NOl' 31, 1906.
Thla tlgnattm
FeoL V-Add
S. Olmsted. ;
on every box.
Crisp, Drossy