The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 20, 1906, Image 2

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Surgeon-Made Kan.
It Is probable that most persona will
prefer to go through life with a whole
skin in spite of the reassuring com
ment of Philadelphia surgeon on a
recent operation in Rochester, Minn.,
that "it makes little difference if a
man does lose a few inches of his in
testines." There is plenty of scien
tific authority on his side, remarks the
New York World. Prof. Elie Metchnl
koff, of the Pasteur institute, in Paris,
even holds that civilized man would be
better off if he should lose a little of
his alimentary tract, which still re
tains the proportions he required when
in a aavage state.
The vermiform appendix has been
found to be not only a superfluity but
a source of disease. The surgeons
seem to be the only class to profit by
It, yet few persons with healthy vermi
form appendices are so unselfish as
to offer to part with them.
In Los Angeles surgeons report with
ride that they have Just taken out a
man's heart, washed it, replaced It,
and promise that he will recover.
Numbers of men under stress of cir
cumstances and without mortal incon
venience have parted with a lobe of
the lungs or liver or brains, to the
Immense gratification of the surgeons,
but no one does it voluntarily or pure
ly out of a desire of self-perfection.
Man 1b perverse enough to want to re
main as he is and to put off surgical
Improvements as a forlorn hope. It
may be that there are too many parts
of him for present needs, but the com
ing race will have to outgrow them as
best it can or put up with them, as
Us ancestors did.
Uniformity of American Ufa.
The crudities of American life have
teen fruitful topics for foreign critics
from the earliest colonial times, and
many eminent British writers, includ
ing Sickens, have unbottled the vials
of their sarcasm at our expense. But
either we have Improved or men of
fairer judgment are expressing opin
ions. Mr. Nabuoo, the Brazilian min
ister at Washington, has returned
from an extended tour of the United
States, and, speaking of what he saw,
said to a newspaper interviewer: "I
tried very hard indeed to find the
'west,' about which I had heard so
much, but I came to the conclusion
that it is a myth. There is no differ
ence between the people of your vari
ous stntes that I could perceive. The
one thing about Americans which must
Impress visitors more than anything
eles is the absence of any so-called
lower strata in your society. In this
country there are no men and women
of the sort always referred to in Eu
rope as the 'people.' Men and women
here never admit that they are at the
foot of the social ladder, and if they
are there they don't look it; they ap
- pear to be at the top. I looked in vain
for some place that would look provin
cial. In Europe, If one stops at a small
station, even on the principal lines of
travel, one may find himself in a place
where every essential of refined life is
wanting; but In this country, where all
is change and Interchange, railways,
electric light, telephones, lifts and all
modern improvements are everywhere.
This uniformity of your life from sea
to sea Is amazing."
A Chicago school of domestic sci
ence has recently turned out a group
of sweet girl graduates whose diplo
mas certify that they are able to keep
a house on ten dollars a week. While
this movement may not settle the
household problem, remarks the Min
neapolis Journal, it is gratifying that
it is being considered and that there
are young women who are making the
effort to restore the art of housekeep
ing in this country. Ten dollars a
week may not be the right figure but
It seems a safe starting point. No
man who cannot earn ten dollars a
week has much of a license to mar
ry. And the man who can earn that
amount is entitled to know in ad
vance that if he does marry he-is not
being run up against a $20 wife.
Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Grant are a
couple of Sac and Fox Indians resid
ing on the reservation in Oklahoma.
Recently they visited some relatives
in Iowa, and while there some report
ers tried to interview Mr. Grant. He
was asked: "How do you think the
Indians of the territory will be af
fected by the new state of Oklahoma?"
"We like him," was his answer. Fur
ther Mr. Grant wouldn't talk. It was
noticed that the wife of his bosom
would be a good subject for a corset
demonstration. Her conversational
sowers were extremely limited.
"One hundred thousand- acres of
wheat are going to ruin in Pratt coun
ty because we are unable to get
harvest hands," telegraphed a man in
Kansas the other day. Meanwhile the
rest of the world is having as much
trouble over the problem of the un
employed as ever.
Race horses are in better demand
than ever before. So are other horses.
Automobiles are not such a stench in
the nostrils of fanners who raise oats
as they were awhile ago.
Resolutions Adopted Favoring Direct
Primary, Abolition of Passes, an
Elective Railroad Commission,
and Commends Roosevelt
The Lancaster county convention,
held July 18, placed the county solidly
in the Norris Brown column. H. J.
Wlnnett, candidate for railroad com
missioner, will select the delegation,
and the delegation is pledged in ad
vance to support Mr. Brown for the
nomination in the state convention.
Ernest M. Pollard is endorsed for con
gress by Lancaster county, and Judge
Holmes has withdrawn from the race.
Joe Burns and John C. F. McKesson
were nominated for the state senate,
the machine combinations being too
strong for the anti-machine people to
break in the fight at the time it came
on. The anti-machine candidates for
the legislature were not all nominated,
and the result is pleasing to those re
publicans who fought for a square deal
between the people and the railroads.
Ed. P. Brown, one of the earliest ad
vocates of a direct primary law In
this state, was nominated for the legis
lature. He led a fight in the conven
tion for the endorsement of George M.
Sheldon, but this was delayed from
time to time, once by the chair failing
to bear a second and at other times
by points of order being raised until
the machine had recuperated from the
first blows dealt it and were able to
rally a sufficient amount of strength to
defeat It. Notwithstanding this the
delegation in the state convention will
be friendly to the Cass county can
didate for governor. The delegation
will be selected from republicans who
have not been allied with the rail
road political machine, and who stand
for a square deal between corporations
and individuals. Congressman Ernest
M. Pollard goes from Lancaster county
assured of a renomination for congress.
The resolutions adopted favor a di
rect primary law, the abolition of free
railroad ' passes, a constitutional
amendment for an elective state rail
road commission, and commend the
state administration and President
Illness of Former Indian Viceroy Tei
mi nates Fatally.
Lady Curzon of Kedleston, wife of
the former viceroy of India, who has
been ill for some days, died at 5:40
o'clock p. m., July 18. She never quite
recovered from her serious illness at
Walmer Castle, Kent, in 1904, and the
recent hot weather brought on a pro
nounced attack of general debility.
Lady Curzon was Miss Mary Leiter,
daughter of the late Levi Z. Leiter of
Lady Curzon was in her own right
the possessor of three million dollars.
From Chicago the Leiter family moved
to Washington, and later traveled ex
tensively and entertained lavishly.
During their stay in England Miss
Leiter met George S. Curzon, eldest
son of the Rev. Alfred Nathaniel Hol-
den Curzon, fourth Baron Scarsdale.
They were married in 1895, after Cur
zon had held the offices of assistant
private secretary to the Marquis of
Salisbury, under secretary of state for
India ana unaer secretary oi siaie ior
fnreiirn affairs. In 1898 Curzon was
created first Baron Curzon of Kedle
ston and in 1899 was appointed viceroy
and governor general of India, which
post he resigned in August, 1905, and
was succeeded by the Earl of Minto.
Lady Curzon leaves two aaugnters.
It was announced at the Curzon
fast Ann pa that the final cause of Lady
Curzon's death was heart failure, but
she naa Deen sunenng irum cumimua
tions which were the sequel of her
serious illness of two years ago. The
funeral .will take place at Kedleston.
Martin Flynn of Des Moines Shoots
Himself Fatally.
Martin Flynn, president of the Peo
ple's Savings bank of Des Moines, shot
himself in the brain at a downtown
drug store, dying almost instantly. Ill
health is the supposed cause for the
act. Mr. Flynn was prominent through
out the west as a breeder of Shorthorn
cattle. He also gained considerable
prominence as a civil engineer for the
Santa Fe in building a tunnel which
begins in New Mexico and ends in
Colorado. He was sixty years oi age,
Oppose Child Smoking.
The committee of the house of lords
on juvenile smoking has reported in
favor of legislation on the lines of Sir
Ralph Llttler's bill in the house of
commons providing for a penalty for
selling cigarettes to a child under six
teen years of age, Imposing a penalty
on a child found in possession of cig
arettes or smoking tobacco and au
thorizing the police, schoolmasters and
park keepers to stop youths from
smoking and to confiscate their to
bacco. . ... V -
Sr. George F. Butler Tells How to
Eat and How to As-
Dr. George F. Butler, medical super
intendent of the Alma Springs Sani
tarium, Alma, Mich., in the October
number of "How to Live," gives some
interesting as well as sensible rules
for acquiring and keeping health. He
.ays: "Without we eat and drink, we
die! The provocative to do both rests
with the appetite, which, in process
of time, becomes a very uncertain
guide; for the palate will often induce
a desire and relish for that which is
most mischievous and indigestible.
The old saying of 'eat what you like'
is now shunned by everybody of 20
years' experience. Still, without appe
tite, it is a very difficult affair to sub
sist for the pleasure depends chiefly
upon the relish. The relish may be
come, as has been stated, a vitiated
one, but it is quite possible to make
the stomach, by a little forbearance
and practice, as enamored of what is
wholesome and nutritious, as of that
which is hurtful and not concoctible."
Again he says: "The delicate
should feed carefully, not abundantly;
it is not quantity which nourishes,
but only that which assimilates."
' "Be careful of your digestion" its
the keynote of the doctor's argument
He says: "Health in man, as in other
animals, depends upon the proper per
formance of all functions. These
functions may be shortly Bald to be
three: (1) tissue change; (2) re
moval of waste; (3) supply of new
material. For the activity of man,
like the heat of the fire by which
he cooks his food, is maintained by
combustion; and just as the fire may
be prevented from burning brightly
by improper disposition of the fuel,
or Imperfect supply of air, and as it
will certainly go out if fresh fuel is
not supplied, and may be choked by
Its own ashes, so man's activity may
be lessened by imperfect tissue change
and may be put an end to by an in
sufficient supply of new material and
imperfect removal of waste products.
! TVe should see to it that free elim
ination is maintained, for the ashes
must be kept out of the system in or
der to have good health. The skin,
kidneys and bowels, must do their
eliminative work properly. If the
bowels occasionally become torpid, try
to regulate them with exercise and
proper food, such as fruits, green
vegetables, salads, cereals, corn, whole
wheat or graham bread, fish, poultry,
light Boup8, etc. Plenty of water is
also valuable, and a glass full of cold
or hot water the first thing upon ris
ing in the morning will aid much in
overcoming constipation. Regular
habit, cold baths, and massage are
very efficacious.- In case the consti
pation does not yield to these hygi
enic measures, some simple, harmless
laxative may be required, such as Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs a non-Irritating
preparation of senna v In fig syrfip.
Laxative mineral waters are ' bene
ficial in some cases, but not to be em
ployed continually.
"Above all be an optimist, keep the
heart young. Cultivate kindness.
cheerfulness and love, and do not for
get that we shall pass through this
world but once.' Any good thing.
therefore, that we do, or any kind
ness that we show to any human be
ing, let us do it now. Let us not defer
it or neglect it, for we shall not pass
this way again."
Misdirected Energy.
Frances, a girl of 13, was destined
by her mother to be a fine musician,
While still a little child she was
taught to read the notes,' and her
tiny fingers were placed on the key
board. Tear in and year out the
child was obliged to practice, and
she acquired a measured amount of
skill, but her playing was wooden
and spiritless. In despair, her moth
er said to her: "What do you ex
pect to be when you are grown up?"
The girl sighed. "When I am
grown up, mother, if I have a house
of my own, the first thing I shall do
will fce to order the piano chopped
up for kindling wood. I want to be
a doctor."
, As time passed musical studies
were dropped, and duly Frances went
to the medical college. 1 At last she
was allowed liberty to grow in her
own proper direction. She is a suc
cessful physician, treating nervous
disorders with rare sympathy and un
derstanding. Woman's Home Com
panion. By following the directions, which
are plainly printed on each package of
Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and
Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de
sired, with either gloss or domestic
finish. Try it, 16 oz. for 10c, sold by
all gooa grocers.
"Married life Is a constant struggle,'
says the Manayunk Philosopher.
"The wife struggles to keep up ap
pearances and the husband struggles
to keep down expenses."
Defiance Starch is the latest inven
tion in that line and an improvement
en all other makes; it is more eco
nomical, does better work, takes less
time. Get It from any grocer.
The trouble with lots of men who
say they are willing to die for their
country is that they don't.
Pride goeth before a mark-down sale
of left-over Easter bonnets.
Hard work offers small odds, but Is
generally a sure winner. Genius is a
100-to-l shot.
Mra. WlMlow'i Sootklnc mw.
cMldran MMhnif , MfteDi ths (ami, ndnw In-
, p&m. cure wiaa couc stmu
Man's inhumanity to man la often
the rgutt oi Indigestion. "
Statistics Gathered Show That TMe
Year's Yield Will Be as Good as
Last Year, and the Quality' Is
About the Same.
Nebraska will this year easily dupli
cate its winter wheat crop of 40,000,000
bushels raised one year ago. Thirty
days ago there was a good deal of
doubt about this proposition, but now
with the harvest practically ended and
the wheat going to market, the yield
and quality both exceed all former pre
dictions and estimates. Interested
parties gathered reports from all the
principal winter wheat counties, and
the individual cases where threshing
has been done show a yield nowhere
falling below twenty-five bushels to
the acre, and running as high as forty
bushels to the acre. The wheat every
where in Nebraska is testing sixty
pounds and over per bushel. It is a
splendid crop and one that again places
this state well to the front in the win
ter wheat belt. The ten years' aver
age for winter wheat in Nebraska, ac
cording to the government report, is
87 per cent, and that was the govern
ment estimate for the crop this year,
made by the government July 1st. It
is, however, better than that, and bet
ter than the ten years' average.
Four weeks ago it looked gloomy In
many sections of the state for an aver
age corn crop, but the heavy rains
and the frequent showers and the hot
days have brought the premier crop
of this state out marvelously, until
now, the middle of the month, it Is
fully up with the average for a num
ber of years. The government report
on July 1st gave the average for Ne
braska at 84, against, the ten years'
average of 88. This average for July
1st was in part at least made np be
fore the heavy rains, and if an esti
mate was made at the present time It
would be much higher than that of
July 1st Oats and potatoes will not
make an average crop. But there Is
the largest fruit crop growing in this
State that there has been in years, and
pastures and meadow lands are in ex
cellent condition. Nebraska is rapidly
nearlng the line that when crossed will
mark the corn crop of this state as
sure. So near Is it to this line that
the doubt is a remote one if we do not
average on all our principle produc
tion equally good this year with the
best years of the past.
Son of Oxford Man Succumbs to Slight
Master Vernon, the 11-year-old son
of Rev. James, pastor of the Methodist
church at Oxford, Neb., died of lock
jaw, due to snagging his foot while
bathing in the river a short time ago.
Later the lad complained of lameness,
but It was ascribed to stone-bruise un
til a careful examination revealed the
presence of a foreign body. Tetanic
symptoms developed, his sufferings un
til relieved by death being most in
tense. The body, accompanied by the
stricken parents, will be conveyed to
the old home in Illinois for interment
Instantly Killed by Boy Who Shot
Across HI Path.
A boy named Kohout, aged fifteen
years, living three miles west of Wil
ber. Neb., was accidentally shot and
killed by another boy. Kohout was
on a pony and the other boy shot
across his path with a rifle. The sec
ond shot struck him In the side and
passed through his body. 1
Train Kills Team and Injures Htm at
Adolph Hartwlg, in driving across
the Burlington track southeast of Sew
ard. Neb., was struck by a passenger
train. Both horses were killed and
Mr. Hartwig was seriously injured.
Farmer Is Injured. )
Harry Schick was seriously Injured
in a runaway near Kenesaw, Neb. He
was thrown from a mower and sus
tained a number of cuts and the break
lng of three ribs.
Kearney Has Location Fight,
The postmaster of Kearney, Neb.,
has received official notification of the
passage of the bill providing for a
postofflce building in Kearney. It is
already evident that there will1 be a
strong rivalry for the location of the
new building. Proposals for the site
of the new federal building will be re
ceived in Washington until August 7.
The location must be on a corner and
must be approximately 200x320 feet
In dimensions,
Titality Sapped by Tears of Suffering
with Kidney Trouble.
Capt. J. W. Hogun, former postmas
ter of Indlanola, now living at Austin,
Texas, writes: ,T
was afflicted for
years with pains
across the loins
and in the hips
and shoulders. I
had headache also
and neuralgia.
My right eye,
from pain, was of
little use to me
for years. The
constant flow or urine kept my system
depleted, causing nervous chills and
sight sweats. After trying seven dif
ferent climates and using all kinds of
medicines, I had the good fortune to
hear of Doan's Kidney Pills. This
remedy has cured me. I am as well to
day as I was twenty years ago, and my
eyesight Is perfect." ;
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N". Y.
He who would gather honey must
bear the sting of bees. From the
When you make de jail too nice you
better strenkin de hogpen. American
A sensible housekeeper begins to
sweep her stairs from the top. From
the .German.
An honest man does not make him
self a dog for the sake of a bone.
From the Danish
It is good to be a priest at Easter,
ebild in Lent, peasant at Christmas,,
and fool in harvest time. From thi
Danish " - .
Attractive Colorado Booklet.
One of the most attractive of the
summer vacation booklets that have
been issued is "A Colorado Summer,"
put out by the passenger department
of the Santa Fe railroad. The pic
turesque mountain scenery and the de
scriptions of it which the booklet gives
Impress the reader with a new idea
of the grandeur of the mountain crags
of Colorado, and will start one -daydreaming
of the time when . he can
view for himself the magnificence
which the booklet describes. After
reading the booklet one' must certainly
be convinced that Colorado offers both
pleasure and health for every summer
tourist. ."A Colorado Summer" may be
secured from Mr. W. J. Black, Pass.
Traffic Manager, Santa Fe Railway,
Chicago, i ' '.','.
New Fruit of Value.
A new fruit that seems likely to
prove of considerable value has been
developed by the cultivation of the
very familiar "maypop," a plant which
Is very familiar in the southern states,
quite ornamental, easily . grown from
seeds and affords a handsome cover for
arbors and verandas. It is known to
botanists as passiftora incarnata. The
fruit in its improved form is somewhat
bigger than a hen's egg and decidedly
palatable. It looks like a May apple.
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, It is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trouble
can be entirely overcome by using De
fiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
Trees of Great Age.
The distinction of being the oldest
living thing undoubtedly belongs to
one of four trees. A century ago De
Canbolle found two yews, one at Fort
lngal. In Perthshire, and one in Hed
sor, In England, that were estimated
to be, respectively, 2,500 and 3,240
years old. Both are still flourishing,
and the older tree has a trunk 27 feet
Wants International Observatory.
Prof. Edward C. Pickering, of the
Harvard observatory, proposes to es
tablish an international observatory.
His committee is to be composed of the
eminent ostronomers of the world,
who are to raise a sum of money, have
a gigantic telescope built and placed
on the most suitable spot on earth, and
all to go to work.
Some people regard a collection plate
as a slot machine in which they drop a
dime in the hope of getting a dollar's,
worth of religion.
1 9 1. v
ta ' i"
A 2-Cylinder 1904 WINTON.'? Used only 7,6oO "miles.
All moving parts just replaced with' new. Complete with
Lamps, Canopy Top, Odometer, Speedometer, Gas Generator,
3 Baskets. Carries 5 people. Cost $2,750; will sell for $ 1 .000.
Can be seen and tried any day 0EO. A. J0SLYN, Omaha, Neb.
' British. Colonial Order. '
The order of St. Michael and- St.
George, the chapel of which was dedi
cated in St. Paul's cathedral, London,
the other day, is the order conferred on
British colonists, distinguished or oth
erwise. The lowest rank in the order
carries the letters C. M. G. after the
owner's name. Flippant Londoners
translate this "Colonial Made Gentle
men." . ' ' ' : y .1
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your -shirtwaist
Just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have' the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods, -and
it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
iron.. - ; -- "- - '.'.
Sunday School Teacher What be
came of the swine that had evil spirits
east into them? Small Johnny They
were made into deviled ham.
It's queer how boys catch all their
diseases in school term,.
He never says anything who never
has anything to unsay.
Yhat is ajtebtoche?
Diseases of Woman's Organism Cored and
Consequent Pain 8toMea by Lyela E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Camsoand, .
" It seems as though my back wonTd
break." Women utter these words
over and over again, but continue to
drag along and suffer with aches in the
small of the back, pain low down in
the side, " bearmg-down" pains, ner
vousness and no ambition for any task.
' They do not realize that the back is
the mainspring of woman's organism,
and quickly indicates by aching a dis ,
eased condition of the female organs .
or kidneys, . and that the aches and
pains will continue until the cause is
removed. ' '
- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- .
pound has been for many years the -one
and only effective remedy in such,
cases. It speedily cures female and ,
kidney disorders and restores the f e- '
male organs to a healthy condition. s
' I have suffered with female troubles for
over two years, suffering intense pain each
month, my back ached until it seemed as
though it would break, and I felt so weak all
over that I did not find strength to attend to
my work but had to stay in bed a large part
of the first two or three days every month.
I would have sleepless nighte, bad dreams and
severe headaches. All this undermined my
health. . 1 "
"We consulted an old family physician, who
advised that I try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. I began taking it regularly
and soon found that 1 could sleep and eat
better than I had done for months. Within
two months I became regular and I no longer
suffer from backache or pain." Miss Maude
Morris, Sec Ladies' Aid and Mission Society,
85 E. Hunter St, Atlanta, Ga,
From St, Louis and Kansas City to aO
point Southwest via M. K. & T. Ry.
August 7th. 21st Tickets good 30 days
returning with stopovers in both directions,
To ; Dallas, Ft Worth. Waco,
Houston, Galveston, San An- .
tonio, Corpus ChristL Browns--ville,
Laredo, and intermediate
points . . . . $20
To El Paio and intermediate
points . . . $26.50 '
To Kansas, Indian Territory, Okla
homa, and Northern, Texas
points, one fare plus $2.00,
' but no rate higher than . $20
Correspondingly low rates from all points :
From Chicago. $25.00; St Paul, $27.50;
Omaha and Council Bluffs, $22.50. . ,
' Write for full particular! ' t
General Passenger Agent, M. K. & T. R'y
Wainwright Building St Louis, Mo.
6. A McNDTT, Blouom Hoots, luai Cltj.Mo
Catalogue ana umplM nun.
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