THE WAGEWORKER By W. M. MAUPIN LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Immigrants Enslaved. The Italian immigrants and other la borers sent to the south und west 'by New York padrones are the victims of cruel treatment and repression is one pf the statements made by License Commissioner John N. Pogart in the annual report of the work of his of fice, which he submitted to-day to Mayor McClellan. Mr. Bogart reported; "The Italian immigrants are too gen erally the victims of tho padrone. It Is characteristic of tho Italian Immi grant that he looks with suspicion on everybody but his own countryman, and in him he puts a confidence that is almost Incredible. The padrone has practically Instituted clave system among his countrymen. He hires the immigrants by the hundred to go out of the city to work on contracts and obtains from the employing corpora tion what is known as tho commissary privileges; that is, he furnishes the workmen with food and lodging, de-( ducting the cost from tliei wages. As the padrone is the sole' arbitrator of the cost of these necessnries, it can be imagined how much the Ignorant im migrant obtains as the n?t result of his labor. In recent cases brought to the attention of the commissioner of li censes it was shown that hundreds of Italian Immigrants who believed they were going to Philadelphia or Pitts burg were really landed in the swamps of Florida and the wilds of North Car olina, where they were kept on rail road construction work under the sur veillance of armed guards until they became too sick to be of value, when they were turned loose 1o make their Way back to New York as best they could." Value of Services. It only remains to decide who shall determine the value of the individual's service in industry. Shall it be de termined by public officials who have no direct .interest in the matter, or shall it be left to the judgment of those who receive the service? As to Which is the safer method, says an Atlantic writer, there can scarcely be a moment's doubt. Granting all that may be said about the depravity of popular tastes and the whimsicalities of fashion, of the maltreatment of the genius and the prosperity of the time . server, all this and more may be said about the insolence 'of office, and the arbitrariness and stupidity of public officials, elective 'as well as hereditary. Obviously, no one is in so good a po sition to appraise the value of a serv ice as the one who is to receive it. 'His Judgment or his taste may be perverted, but the same is equally likely in the case of any functionary to whom it may be entrusted. If the Individual is to be left free to pursue his own interest in the way of per forming service, it seems to follow necessarily that he must also be left free to pursue his own interest in the way of securing the services of others. "Shape" Bars from Job. Shape counts for more than sclentlflc( knowledge as a qualification with the civil service commission, according to the assertions of Miss Dana L. May, a comely miss from Michigan. Miss May is in Washington camping on the trail of the commissioners. She is a graduate of Ann Arbor high school and the state normal school at Ypsi lanti, Mich. She brings documentary proof to show that on her mental ex amination she made a string of 100s in every branch except two or three. The result of her physical examination was a disappointment, and when she sought explanation she was informed, she says, that she was not tall enough in proportion to her width. Miss May confesses she is in tho "short and stout" class. "If I were a society miss with a wealthy father I suppose I wauld be called 'petite,' " said she "As It is I am short and stout." While John D. Rockefeller is enjoy ing life abroad the manager of his huge estate in the Pocautico hills is paying 25 cents each for all snakes killed on the property. This disburse ment Is at the request of Rockefeller, jwho Is mortally afraid of snakes. They abound in the Buttermilk hill section and tho oil king never sets foot on the ground there, always having a car riage. He also offers two dollars for every dog killed on the estate, though he had some difficulty with neighbors on this account. His offer for the ex termination of snakes hag, however, been welcomed by everybody in the neighborhood. It would not be advisable for the (average man to follow the example of Gabriel D'Annunzio in the matter of traveling outfit. Recently on a Jour ney D'Annunzio took 14 trunks and an Italian newspaper had the enterprise ko make an inventory of their contents' with the following result in part Seventy-two shirts, 144 pairs of plain pocks, 24 pairs of silk socks, 48 pairs (of day gloves, 24 pairs of evening (gloves, eight silk mufflers, eight violet lumbrellas, ten green parasols, 20 dozen handkerchiefs and 100 colored cravats. HE KILLS HIMSELF AUGUST H. HENNINGS OF OMAHA COMMITS SUICIDE. WAS CITY TREASURER FOR SIX YEARS Despondency Over Failure to Receive Nomination for Mayor at Repub 1 Mean Primaries Is Suppcced Cause for the Act. August H. Hennings, city treasurer of Omaha from 1900 to 190G, treasurer of the state republican committee and unsuccessful candidate for the repub lican nomination for mayor last spring, shot and killed himself in the bath room of his home, 3304 Davenport street, Omaha. He gave no warning whatever that he contemplated ending his life. From all that can be learned the motive for the suicide was contained in the disappointment which Mr. Hen nings sustained by his defeat for the mayoralty nomination. His nature was extremely sensitive and up to a short time before the primaries, April 3, he fully expected to win. Outwardly he bore his defeat cheerfully, and after retiring from the office of city treas urer he entered into a ' merchandise and household goods storage and mer chandise brokerage business with his former chief clerk, Harry G. Couns man. Tom Hollister, manager of A. H. Hennings' mayoralty 'campaign, made public a letter found on the body of Mr. Hennings. The letter follows. "Dearest Vfite and Best of Daugh ters: There was no way out of my trouble. . I tried hard enough and you know it. What a misfortune for us that I went into politics. You will get along better without me. i was a millstone around your neck. I am alone to blame. You, dear wife, did not know what you signed. The $500 with $50 interest must be redeemed before sixty days and from Sigbcrt Kahn. The house is your homestead and cannot be taken away. My debts you cnanot pay. You will see better days. Can write no more. Your un happy husband and father. "AUGUST." Repeated examinations of the books and accounts by his bonding com panies of the city treasurer's office, from which Mr. Hennings retired ac tively in April, showed no discrepan cies, but, to the contrary, that the funds of the office had been handled with ' scrupulous fidelity. City and County Treasurer Fink, who received the office by reason of the charter con solidation, says that it was turned over in perfect condition and he cannot be lieve any despondency was caused from this source, which reflected noth ing but credit upon the previous in cum bent. It was known that Mr. Hennings took his defeat at the republican city primaries by E. A. Benson much to heart. WILL SHOOT THEM ON SIGHT. Vigilance Committee Organized in St Louis Suburb. A vigilance committee composed of twenty-five of the best class of citi zens, was organized at Richmond Heights, a suburb of St. Louis, for the purpose of shooting burglars and noc turnal marauders on sight and the pro tection of homes. The suburb has no police protection and burglaries have become very frequent. A meeting of residents was held at the home of Dr. A. L. Hughes and the organization ef fected. The members of the commit tee will be heavily armed with guns and revolvers and a system of patrols will be instituted. A fund will be raised to carry out certain measures now kept secret and the sheriff of St Louis county will be requested to lend assistance to the vigilance movement EUGENIE GOES TO AUSTRIA. Former Empress of France Is Wel comed by Francis Joseph. Eugenie, former empress of France, arrived at Ischl, Austria, July 11, and was met by Emperor Francis Joseph and Grand Duchess Marie Valerie Before coming to Ischl the ex-empress asked the emperor's permission in writing, saying: "Being near death, I request that your majesty grant me the opportunity to see you once more In order that I may thank you for all the kindnesses you have shown me. Day of Rest Compulsory. The Freeh chamber of deputies has passed the bill providing for a com pulsory day of rest weekly. The meas ure, which Is designed to terminate the present system of Sunday labor, has already passed the senate and now goes to the president. Two Case of Yellow Fever. Reports from Havana to the Louisi ana state board of health say that two cases of fever, suspected to be yellow fever, were found in Havana and that one case of yellow fever developed there on July 4 CONDITION OF THE CROPS. i ! Bureau of Statistics Gives the Figures ' for July 1, 1906. The crop reporting board of the bureau of statistics of the department of agriculture finds from the reports of the correspondents and agents of the bureau as follows: . Preliminary returns show the acre age of corn planted to be about 95, 953,000 acres, an increase of about 1,524,000 acres, or 1.0 per cent, as compared with the estimate of the acreage planted last year. The aver age condition of the growing crop on July 1 was 87.5, as compared with 87.3 on July 1, 1905; 86.4 at the cor responding date in 1904, and a ten- year average of 86.4. ' The average condition of winter wheat on July 1 was 85.6, as compared with 83 last month, S2.7 on July:, 1, 1905, 78.7 at the corresponding perjod in 904, and a ten-year average of 79.4. The average condition of spring wheat on July 1 was 91.4, as com pared with 93 last month, 91 on July 1, 1905, 93.7 at the corresponding date in 1904, and a ten-year average of 88.2. The average condition on July 1 of spring and winter wheat combined was 87.8, as compared with 85.8 on July 1, 1905 and 84.5 at the correspond ing date in 1904. The amount of wheat remaining in the hands of farmers on July 1 is estimated at about 46,053,000 bushels, equivalent to about 6.6 per cent of the crop of last year. The average condition of the oats crop on July 1 was 84.0, as compared with 86.0 last month, 92.1 on July 1, 1905, 89.8 at the corresponding date in 1904 and a ten-year average of 89.4. The average condition of barley on July 1 was 92.5, against 93.5 a month ago, 91.5 on July 1, 1905, 88.5 at the corresponding date in 1804 and a ten year average of 88.2. 1 The average condition of winter rye on July 1 was 91.3, as compared with 92.7 on July 1, 1905, 88.0 at the cor responding date in 1904 and a ten-year average of 90.1. The acreage of potatoes, excluding sweet potatoes, is less than that of last year by about 38,000 acres, or 1.3 per cent. The average condition on July 1 was 91.5, as compared with 91.2 on July 1, 1905, 93.9 at the correspond ing date in 1904, and a ten-year aver age of 92.1. The acreage of tobacco is less than that of last year by about 40,000 acres or 5.2 per cent. The average condi tion on July 1 was 86.7, against 87.4 a year ago. PLAN LARGER POST. Fort Robinson In List of Those to Be Advanced. Fort Robinson, Neb., is in. the list of western posts which Secretary Taft is planning to enlarge for brigade headquarters of the army. It requires a good deal of space to maneuver a brigade of soldiers, hence it would re quire a large outlay of money to pre pare the reservation grounds and erect necessary buildings at Fort Robinson to accommodate the pro posed increase of troops. Notwith standing reports to the contrary, it is asserted that Fort Niobrara will in the future be abolished and the forces and equipment at that post consolidated with Fort Robinson. The war department . has at its dis posal for the present year nearly $16, 000,000 apportioned ' as fellows: Transportation, $12,000,000; buildings and quarters, ?3,000,000; post, $800, 000. Forts Riley, Leavenworth, Sam Houston and Russell are also included in the list for enlargements to accom modate brigade forces. SALOONS MUST KEEP CLOSED. Governor Folk Will Send Militia tc St. Joseph if Necessary. Governor Folk issued instructions to St. Joseph, Mo., police commissioners to arrest all saloonkeepers of St. Jo seph who keep open Sunday, and if, after a third arrest, they yet refuse to close up, to take charge of all their stock and place it in a safe place for evidence against then. The governor declares the state law must be; en forced, and if the police cannot do it they must give way to others who can. There is an Intimation that he will send state militia to St. Joseph, if necessary. St. Joseph saloonkeepers refuse to close because of the decision of the Kansas City court of appeals that a city ordinance allowing them to sell on Sunday in that city is valid. Shoots a Man, Cuts Throat. Rev. J. L. Rea, pastor of the Man gum, Okla., Christian church, shot and probably fatally wounded George A. Stephens, his brother-in-law, a farmer, and then cut his own throat. Rea, al though badly wounded, may recover. Rev. Mr. Rea and wife had separ ated, Mrs. Rea going to the home of her brother on a farm near Mangum. Stephens went to the minister's house and asked for his sister's belongings. The men quarreled and Rea fired at Stephens with a shotgun. HOPPED CARS MANY YEARS Practice Has Not Tet Resulted in Injury to Nellie, Train men's Mascot. To get on the footboard of j an en gine running at the speed of ten miles an hour is not easy for the average person. The risk is great, and the chances for a miscalculation, which might prove fatal, are many. Yet, Nellie, four years old, does it every day, and has been doing it since she has been two years old. Nellie is the mascot of the "day-and-night crew of the Missouri Pacific Rail road company. She appeared in the yards at Twenty-first street two years ago, a home less waif, gaunt and lonely. Her evi dent longing for care and sympathy attracted the members of the crew, and they adopted her. Later she adopted them. . She is (a half-breed collie, or setter, but George Price, yardmaster, says she is smarter than any other dog. When the crew makes ready to brinf "Pacific 7" into the station, at nine o'clock, Nellie , sta tions herself on the rear platform of the last car. There she stays until the train backs into the station and she is sure that the air hose and couplings are in good condition. Assured of this, she runs to the engine and climbs aboard for her ride to Ewing avenue. Foreman Allison, of the crew, goes to supper a little after nine o'clock, and Nellie accompanies him, return ing in time to assist the crew in other work. "Pacific 7" is the last train she rides to the station at night, but her energy never flags. When other switches are to be made she goes out on the engine, sometimes on the foot board with one of the men, sometimes in the cab, but seldom a trip is missed. , - Her greatest "stunt" is boarding moving trains. Waiting until the en gine approaches close enough, she springs for the running-board, alight ing with a sureness of foot and skill which are the envy of even expe rienced railroaders. To miss - would be fatal, as there would be no chance for her to get out of the way of the monster switch engine. Yet, even if the train is making ten miles an hour, she does not falter. She goes on duty at seven o'clock in the evening and "knocks off" at seven in the - morning, when she is rewarded with a quart bottle of milk. She knows the whistle of her engine as well as the oldest member of the crew, and the minute she hears it, off she races to her self-appointed task and station. The train crew says that she ac quired the art of "train hopping" without any teaching on their part. A NEW MOUNTAIN RAILWAY Its Highest Point Will Reach Nearly Fourteen Thousand Feet Above the Sea. Switzerland is the home of mountain railway. With an area not larger than one-third of the state of New York, there may be counted about 100 rail ways for the sole purpose of carrying passengers to mountain tops varying in height from a few thousand to 6,000 or 8,000 feet. The month of August, 1905, witnessed the opening of a way carrying tourists ever far above these altitudes, beyond the clouds, to 10,500 feet; and, when completed, its highest point will reach nearly 14,000 feet above the sea at the top of the fa mous Jungfiau, the queen of . the Berner Oberland. There are other mountain railways on the globe attaining much higher altitudes than even this, and on the Ovoya railway of Peru. I myself trav eled a considerable distance above 16, 00 0 feet; but most of these roads were built for the development of com merce and mining industries. The Swiss mountain railways, however, are almost exclusively in the service of tourists only, numbering in Switzer land alone not far from 1,000,000 every year. They come to admire the scenic wonders of the little country on the roof of Europe, or to seek shelter against summer heat at the many mountain resorts. The majority of these mountain rail ways are paying investments. Switzer land, being a country of mountains, is consequently also a. country of" water courses fed by the inexhaustible store of snow and Ice covering many square miles of the Alpine chains. Alaskan ice-fields are bedded in bfltween the peaks right in the heart of Switzerland, and, although a great deal has been written about the general recession of glaciers, which in some instances amounts to a hundred and more feet year for year, such losses are quite insignificant compared with the enor mous extent of these ice deposits. A number of them have depths of several thousand feet, with millions of tons of solid, hard-frozen ice, continually sup plied from fresh snowfalls above. They feed Rhine and Rhone, Po and Danube, during the dry summer months, and the many mountain streams of Switzer land, forming beautiful cascades and falls and rapids, furnish the power which carry tourists in comfortable railway carriages to the very tops from which they themselves come. They are led to turbine-pits, drive-wheels and generators, and are thus eon- verted into electric power. The Swiss, having no coal deposits of their own, have become acknowledged experts in this branch of technical .engineering, furnishing turbines and electric plants for the whole world. Thus, for in stance, the gigantic turbines at Niag ara Falls, many of which generate forces of from 10,000 to 12,000 horse power each, have been constructed al most without exception by Swiss firms. Century. NEW HOMES !N THE NORTHWEST. Shoshone Reservation to Be Opened to Settlement Chicago & North Western R'y Announces Round : Trip- Excursion Rates from All Points July 12 to 29. Less than one fare for - the round trip to Shoshoni, Wyoming, the res ervation border. The only all rail route to the res ervation border. Dates of registration July 16th to 31st at Shoshoni and Lander. Reached only by this line. Write for pamphlets, telling how to take up one of these attractive home steads. Information, maps and pamphlets free on request to S. F. Miller, A. G. F. & P. A., Omaha, Neb. , Scriptures ir. Russia. It is raher remarkable that, not withstanding the disturbed conditions of affairs in Russia last year, the British and Foreign Bible society re ports a banner year in the circulation of Scriptures, over 500,000 copies being- distributed in European Russia, be sides a very large number in Siberia. Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine Wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way "they are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the improved appearance of your work. His Experience. "Pa," said Willie, thoughtfully, "I think I know now what the minister meant when he said 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " Yes? What was it?" "Castor oil." Defiance Starch is the latest inven tion in that line and an improvement on all other makes; it is more eco nomical, does better work, takes less time. Get it from any grocer. Foreigners, in their ignorance of the language, so often mistake the sul tan's irades for tirades. Albany Ar gus. The average girl has more faith in a four-leafed clover than a woman has in a man. Eve was the only woman who had positive proof that she was the only woman her husband ever loved. AVfegetable Preparationfor As similating the Food andKegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigestionCheerfuI ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. KotKakcotic. AfcV afObW-SAMUELPtrCHKR Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. . Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CAUSE OF RHEUniATISr.1 Am aminanf ntiiretni'in C4iMtriat i1ittiimatiem to f Tia r1iiff tsQl-l1t rtf TT1 T rYifWf eating and may be absolutely cured by leaving out your dietary animal food? of all kinds and living on cereals, fruits, nuts and vegetables. A diet consisting of milk and cereal foods will cure the most acute form of Rheumatism, while those who live mainly on animal foods, cannot escape it. iG3 WHEAT FLAKE CELERY mm to rich in potassium and sodium which are the essentials of the diet of persona with Rheumatic dispositions. The whole wheat berry being used, the food be comes a regulator of the bowels, while the celery acts as a nerve tonic. Palatable Nutritious Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat Cm bo served hot. Put In a hot oven for a few minutes;- or cook In boiling milk to a mush. 10c a package. Forsai.byi (fa Q2& 83 Grocers , AJl . tf. ZJS Dr. Price, the famous food expert, the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Delicious Flavoring Extracts, Ice Cream Sugar and Jelly Desserts, has never been compelled, notwithstanding strenuous Food laws, to change any of his products. They have always conformed to their requirements. This is an absolute guarantee of their quality and purity. Loneliness is the givatest of bores, otherwise there would be no account Ing for society. Life. - Airs. 7inslow's Soothing Syrup. For cblldren teething, softens the guns, reduces In. Q&mmatlon, allays pain, cures wind colio. 35c a bottle. Grecian women had very long, feet. EXPER1ENCE0FMISS MERKLEY She Waa Told That an Operation Was Inevitable. How 8he Escaped It. When a physician tells a woman suf fering' with serious feminine trouble that an operation is necessary, the very thought of the knife and the operating table strikes terror to her heart, and our hospitals are full of women coming' for just such operations. . . . There are cases where an operation is the only resource, but when one con siders the great number of cases of menacing; female troubles cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound after physicians have advised operations, no woman should submit to one without first trying the Vegetable ' Compound and writing Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free. Miss Margret Merkley, of 275 Third Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham; r "Loss of strength, extreme nervousness, shooting pains through the pelvic organs. bearing down pains and cramps compelled me to seek medical advice. The doctor, after making an examination, said I had a female trouble and ulceration and advised an opera- , tion. To this I strongly objected and decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. The ulceration quickly healed, all the bad symptoms disappeared and I am once more strongj vigorous and well." Female troubles are steadily on the increase among women. If the month ly periods are very painful, or too fre f quent and excessive if you have pain or swelling low flown in the lelt side, bearing-down pains, don't neglect your self : try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. SE3 IS) mil For Infants, and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years TMC BUnwD CCMPAPfV. MKW YORK CJTV. ars the i piature fW