3 3 run VOL,. 3 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JULY 13, 190 NO. 14 PLAY BALL. ' Sffi CENTRAL LABOR UNION. WW A A gTjADggCOUNCIp) 4, X1 I it-ft Rev. Charles Stezle's Advice to the Man Who Pulls Back. It was plainly the pitcher's fault. The ball seemed to rebound into his hands as it came from the bat. Three men were on bases, but for some un accountable reason he stood in the box with both hands over the ball, while the crowd yelled. He seemed badly rattled. He was a professional, too said to be one of the best In the league. While he hesitated the man oh third made the home plate, and the player on second took his place. Then he made a wild throw to second to head oft the chap who was running from first, with the result that still another run was scored, leaving only one mau on the bases. The whole thing was due to the pitcher holding the ball. At least, that was the prin cipal reason for the bad play. The week following the ball game I saw a man in a labor hall "hold the ball," not because he was rattled, but because he wanted to "stop the game Things were not going to suit his fancy, so he deliberately balked. That didn't help him or anybody else. It simply resulted in another set-back for the cause of labor in his city. Too often we meet Just his type. Of course he isn't peculiar to the ranks of labor, but he is there, and that is why we are concerned about the matter. Sometimes he "holds the ball" be cause of misunderstanding. And be cause he cannot, comprehend his op ponent he seeks to destroy him. He should learn that it is far better to seek to understand, and not to silence his adversary, even when to silence him is possible. If the one who op poses is right, he will win In the end, anyway. And it surely is better to lose gracefully and manfully, than to be beaten out flat because of a stub born refusal to study the other side of the question. Bold and sweeping statements come more commonly from doubt and ignor ance than from Just conviction. So look out for the fellow who claims a monopoly of wisdom. He is getting ready to "hold the ball." In these discussions with regard to the social questions of the day, most of us forget that we have not yet mas tered even the elements of the prob lems of society. Theories have been formed from the examination of groups of isolated facts, but life is complex. It is difficult not to say unfair to rush to final conclusions. Until the last fact has been presented, we can not afford to be dogmatic. In yie la bor movement we must be opportun ists. There are so many factors to be considered that no one man has either the wisdom or the ability to pass as the infallible one. It is going to take the whole "nine" to win the game, so let's "play ball." Republican Union Men Should Act Now! The republican county primaries will be held on Tuesday, July 17, and lie county convention on the next day, Wednesday, July 18. The primaries will elect delegates to the county con vention and the convention will nomi nate a county ticket, including mem bers of the legislature. Lancaster county is entitled to five representa tives and two senators. A nomination for the legislature on the republican ticket is practically an election to the office. So far as we recall, Lancaster county has never been represented in the legislature by a democrat of a populist. Republican union men now have a duty to perform a duty that they owe to their party, as well as to themselves and to their ' fellow unionists. That duty is to get busy at once and see to it that at least two good union men are nominated for the legislature by the republican county convention. This can not be done unless the republican union men get together, frame up dele gate tickets In the various precincts and elect a bunch of delegates to the county convention who will insist up on having the slate made up so as to include a couple of good union men. On questions of party politics these men can vote with their party organi zation, but they will be there to intro duce measures demanded by organized labor and always on the spot to head off the schemes of the Interests antag onistic to unionism. J The Wageworker has no preferred candidates for any office on any ticket. All politicians look alike to this news paper. Regardless of the party brand worn by candidates it will support those whom it believes to be best able to advance the cause of the toilers of this country. But ia. order to facili tate matters several union men have talked the 'matter ever and sentiment centered upon two as good union men as there are in Lincoln. Neither one of these men has been approached on the subject. The editor of this paper has not mentioned the subject to either of them. But this paper knows them both, and knows them to be ca pable men straightforward, Incor ruptible, staunch union men, and both republicans. Reference is had to L. L. Ingraham of University Place, a mem ber of Lincoln Typographical Union, and Mark T. Caster, a member of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and president of the Central Labor Union. L In the .legislature these two men would undoubtedly act with their party on all party measures, participate in the republican caucus and stand by the caucus nominee for United States senator. But they would also look after the interests of organized labor and could be depended upon to make things interesting for the little bunch of grafters who have waxed fat at public expense. The Wageworker will rejoice if op portunity is given it to support these two splendid gentlemen. And if the managers of the republican party , in Lancaster county are wise they will nominate them, or two' other union men equally acceptable to the rank and file of trades unionists ill this county. Organized labor in Lancaster county wants several things in common with organized labor elsewhere in the state. It prefers to secure these things through the dominant party, but if it can not, notice is hereby given that an effort will be made to secure it by giving the support of organized labor to the minority party. If the repub lican convention of Lancaster county refuses to recognize labor by nominat ing one or two union men for the legis lature, the democratic convention will be more wise, and then The Wage worker and a host of trades unionists who are republicans on general prin ciples will be found fighting for the success of at least a part of the demo cratic legislative ticket. Organized workmen , are donning their fighting clothes, and the profes sional politicians will soon find them selves out of jobs. Organized labor in Nebraska wants several things, and if they can not get it from one party they will throw their support to some other party that ' will be willing to trade for the organized labor vote. To republican unionists The Wage worker has this to say: Get busy right now. Find out who are the candidates for delegates to the county convention. Sound them on this point, and if they will not pledge themselves to work for the nomination of a couple of good union men to the legislature, fight them. Get together at once. The Wageworker believes' that In graham and Caster are the right men to nominate. It will, however, gladly abide by the decision of a majority and support any union candidate nomi nated by any party, reserving at all times the privilege of deciding for itself whether the candidates so nomi nated are worthy the support of or ganized labor. Postpones Definite Action on the Cele bration of Labor Day. The Central Labor Union met Tues-: day evening and postponed definite ac tion on the matter of observing Labor day. But few of the unions had met since the last meeting of the central body, and it was deemed best to wait for further action. , That Labor day will be fittingly observed is assured, but the exact form of the observance is yet to be decided upon. It was announced that the benefit performance kindly tendered by Mr. Jess Fulton and Manager Zehrung would be given on Thursday evening, July 26. The committee was author ized to proceed with the matter, and all delegates urged to chip in and "boost" to make it a great success. A number of new . delegates were in stalled and the meeting was one of the largest for many months.. Presi dent Caster was unavoidably absent and Vice President Bush occupied the chair. The state of trade was reported from "good" to "excellent" In all line3. a Central Labor Union Benefit at the Oliver, Thursday evening, July 26. tendered by the Fulton Stock Co. and Manager Zehrung. CRUSHED BY HIS ENGINE. Popular Young Engineer Meets Death Under His Locomotive. Elmer E. Cole, a Burlington en gineer, met instant death by being caught under a toppling engine near Fremont last Thursday. The accident occurred at the crossing of the North western and Great Northern near Fre mont. Conflicting reports are afloat as to the cause, but it seems that Cole failed to see the signal set at the crossing giving the Northwestern the right of way, and ran his engine into the derailing switch.. The engine turned over and Cole was crushed to death. Mr. Cole was a single man and lived with a sister in Lincoln'. He was a splendid young man, and had more than the usual number of friends. His narents live in Plattsmouth. Cole had a reputation for carefulness and was one of the best engineers in. the ser vice. He had been working for the Burlington upwards of ten years. The body was brought to Lincoln and for warded to Plattsmouth, where funeral services were held last Saturday. A large number of Lincoln railroad men accompanied the remains to Platts- mouth and paid their last respects to their former comrade and friend. The sympathy of a host of friends is ex tended to the bereaved parents and relatives. Central Labor Union Benefit at the Oliver, Thursday evening, July 26, tendered by the Fulton Stock Co. and Manager Zehrung. THE CARPENTERS. Tell How One They Helped Turned Against Them for Profit. ' All members of Local No. 1055, Car penters and Joiners of America, are hereby notified to present their due books for comparison with ledger at our, next meeting. Is this, in all fairness and honor, just to the organization who supported him in the past? Local No. 1055 is rapidly increasing its membership. Four candidates were initiated July 10. Twenty-nine new members were ad mitted to membership in local No. 1055 since June 1. Delegates and alternates were elect ed to the general convention conven ing September 17, 1906, at Niagara Falls, N. Y. The United Building Trades is now thoroughly organized and Is doing business. ' Bro. L. P. Sutter Is reported seri ously ill. Bro. Parker left local 1055 to take up his residence in Chicago. Bro. C. E. Woodward left Thursday for the Shoshone district. F. A. Mason has been an active mem ber of the , Carpenters' Union in Lin coln In past years and by the aid of members of the union gained a reputa tion as foreman, and later, by the as sistance of leading carpenters who faithfully supported him, he became a fairly competent contractor. While such contractor he had the faithful support and co-operation of our union. After all the assistance he has re ceived from the union here and else where he has now turned and is fight ing the union with all the vehemence and vim of which his portly stature is capable and his fertile brain can suggest. LA FOLLETTE ON GUARD. Forces One Labor Bill Through After a Bitter Struggle. Because it was not thought quite safe to ignore all the demands made by one brave man who Is now fight ing the battles of the over-burdened masses in the senate, one bill affect ing working people was enacted into law. Senator La Follette's measure, to tear from the statute books, so far as It relates to railroad employes, the vicious legal fiction which saves em ployers from all liability for death or Injury through the act of a fellow servant, has been enacted in qualified shape Into law. But that monstrous survival of mediaeval law-making still continues in force in most of the states of the union and in national affairs in reference to every other line of call ing whatever. St. Paul Union Advo cate. , SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. A Little Talk With Men Who Use Ad vertising Space. Does it not stand to reason that the labor press does appeal to the buyer? Workingmen have learned to place de pendence in those advertisers that pa tronize their press. They know they will receive fair, honest and just treat ment from all such, and hence the de mand for space in the workingmen's paper. Reason this out, Mr. Adver tiser. The readers of the labor press have a heart as well as a monetary interest in the success of their paper and each and all hold a like desire to make it the medium by which to judge their fellow men. Not many years ago it was considered an act of kind ness to the workers to place the small est kind of an ad in their paper. But space in the workingmen's press is be ing eagerly sought for by the honest, fairminded, farseeing and judicious ad vertiser. Utica Advocate. ' RAILROADERS MUST PAY. Central Labor Union Benefit at the Oliver, Thursday evening, July 26, tendered by the Fultoa Stock Co. and Manager Zehrung. ' Rate Bill Will Put Brotherhoods to Great Annual Expense. Cleveland, O., July 10. Grand Chief W. S. Stone of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, referring yes terday to the various effects of the railroad rate bill, said: "Under the provisions of the law officers of railroad labor organizations are deprived of free transportation, which they have heretofore enjoyed. There are five railroad labor organiza tionsthe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen, Railroad Trainmen, Or der of Railroad Conductors, and Order of Railroad Telegraphers. . "A conservative estimate as to the amount of fare that our officers will have to pay after January' 1, 1907, when the law goes into operation, would be $5,000 for each organization, making a total of $25,000 that the rail roads will get from railroad labor or ganizations when their officers are on official business." Central Labor Union Benefit at the Oliver, Thursday evening, July 26, tendered by the Fulton Stock Co. and Manager Zehrung. City laborers of Millford, Mass., are working eight hours for $2.00. 200C00OffiO000000OffiOe00e Second Annual Benefit Lincoln Central Labor Union OLIVER THEATRE, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 26, o Courtesy of Mr. Jess B. Fulton and Mr. Frank C. Zehrung. Usual prices of admission . Name of play will be announced later. Timely specialties between acts. Tickets exchangeable at box office for reserved seats for sale by delegates to the Central Labor Union. BE A BOOSTER!! AND BOOST NOW!!! 00OOOOO0OOOOOO0OOOO0 - Central Labor Union Benefit at the Oliver, Thursday evening, July 26, tendered by the Fulton Stock Co. and : Manager Zehrung. THE CLOSED SHOP. It Prevails Among Vociferous Advo cates of the Open .Shop. The boards of trade of every cit y in this country is closed to each and eveiy business man, no matter what his standing, unless he is a member of the board, and pays nis propor tional share of the expenses Thereof. The manufacturers' associations, na tional and local, who are contributing their funds to defeat organized labor, are closed to those who are not mem bers thereof and who do not subscribe to their rules. v , ( The Citizens' Alliances, which are hollering for "open shops," are "barre-1 and bolted" against each and eveiy one who does not indorse their law? and contribute to their funds, The medical fraternity is closed tighter than a drum to the M. D. who refuses to meet his obligations to the society and help bear its expenses. The coward who hides himself be hind technicalities is to be shunned as a viper. To this there is an applica tion. Buffalo Progress. Central Labor Union Benefit at the Oliver, Thursday evening, . July 1 26, tendered by the Fulton Stock Co. and Manager Zehrung. " CENTRAL BODY'S BENEFIT. Fulton Stock Co. Tenders Another to Help Labor's Cause. - Thursday evening, July 26, has been selected as the date for the benefit . performance for the Central Labor 1 Union. Tickets exchangeable at the . i box office of the Oliver for reserved seats may be had of T. W. Evans, at Wohlenberg's cigar store. Delegates to the Central Labor Union are re quested to call on Mr. Evans and se cure a block- of tickets for sale among their friends. ' - The Fulton Stock Co. and Manager V Zehrung of the Oliver have kindly con sented to give this benefit performance as an evidence of their friendship for the cause of unionism. - Mrl Jess Ful ton is taking ah active interest in fhe . matter andhe and his company may be depended upon to exert every effort j to make the occasion a great success. , Of the merits of the Fulton Stock Co. it Is not necessary to speak. It is now playing Its third summer season at the Oliver and its worth is evidenced by the fact that its patronage is larger this season than ever before. t It Is putting up the very best dramas ob tainable. Last week "Under Two Flags" was presented in a manner that left no room for criticism. As "Ciga rette," Miss Enid Jackson was at her best and gave a splendid portrayal of the best character in Ouida's best novel. The first part of this week an old play under a new name was pre sented, and it was enjoyed by im mense audiences. Every unionist in town should make it a point to patronize the Fulton Stock Co. because it i3 made up of friends of organized labor. And every union- - -1st should endeavor to make the: ben efit performance the largest in point of numbers ever given in Lincoln.- The regular prices of 25, 15 and 10 cents will prevail. Box seats, 50 cents. Call on Mr. Evans and get your tickets and then hustle out and give your friends a chance to buy them..: '.