WAGEWORKER WILL M. MAUPIN, EDITOR ' Published Weekly at 137 No. 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. One Dollar a Year. Entered as second-class matter April 21, 1904, at the postoffice at Lincoln, Neb., under the Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1879. J jt "Printer' Ink," the recog- JM J nlzed authority on advert!- J J Ing, after a thorough Invest!- & j gation on this subject, says: J j "A labor paper Is a far bet- J j ter advertising medium than ) j an ordinary newspaper in Jt j comparison with circulation. J Ot A labor paper, for example, jt J having 2,000 subscribers Is of Jt j more value to the business J 9 man who-, advertises , In it J ol tht an ordinary paper with J 12,000 subscribers." J Jit 0 DR. WINNETT WILL NOT DO. A local daily paper is engaged in the task of booming Dr. Winnett for railroad commissioner, and offers many reasons why he should be nomi nated, and If the unionists of Lancas ter county do their duty Dr. Winnett will not have a, look-in onthe nomi nation. The Wageworker is just as much In favor of railroad rate legislation, re duced passenger fares, more equitable taxation and equal rates to all with out rebate or special favor, as any newspaper can be. It will oppose any candidate who is tainted with corpor ation domination. But it will also op pose, and strenuously, any labor hater who may happen to secure a nomina tion for public office on either of the party tickets. Dr. Winnett has no use for organized labor unless labor will organize into a harmless body that will conduct its affairs on the pink tea basis. He does not want union men engaged on any work " he has done. He prefers "scab" contractors and "scab" carpenters, and by his actions has declared that mechanics have no business asking for a N shorter work day. Dr. Winnett will probably ask for the Lancaster delegation to the repub lican state convention. If he docs, the union men of the county and there are several thousand of them owe it to themselves to get busy and see to li that Dr. Winnett is allowed to re main in private life. His opposition to organized labor will bo of less avail. 1 THE SPLENDID NERVE OF IT. The Country Club, an organization of gentlemen and ladies who can af ford to spend a goodly portion of their time in whacking golf balls, playing bridge whist and dancing, seeks to eva'le the payment of city taxes, and has asked that the Country Club grounds be separated and declared out bide the city limits. The request was not made until after the city had laid a larger water main to the club grounds and graded up the, street ap proaches at considerable expense. It requires an immense nerve for the Country Club to prefer such a request, but it seems to have had it. If the Country Club will throw open its grounds to the general public, re gardless of membership in the organi zation, we will gladly advocate the re mission of city taxes. But unless that is done the Country Club must pay up. And any official who votes to release the club from its obligations to the municipality will have a -red hot fire started under him. But we confess that we admire the nerve of the Country Club, even more than we do its many whizzing automo biles, its myriad of sparkling dia monds, its wealth of dress suits and decollette gowns and Its knicker bockered golf ball whackers. A nerve like that should be preserved In alco hol at the State University museum. NOW FOR LABOR DAY. The next great holiday will be Labor Day, and the workingmen of Lincoln should at once begin active prepara tions for the proper observance there of. Every trades union in the city should select a member of the general committee that will have the arrange ments in charge, and every union should begin now to make Its section of the parade something that will be interesting to the general public and a credit to the union movement. The celebration this year should eclipse all former efforts. The unions are stronger, the outlook is brighter and the opportunities greater than ever before. Let us all take off our coats and get busy in the work of making Labor Day, 1906, a day long to be remembered. REPUBLICAN UNIONISTS SHOULD ACT. Lancaster -county is republican by a huge majority. A nomination on tho republican ticket in this county is equivalent to an election. For this reason the republican unionists of the county ought to get busy and see to It that two or three good union men are nominated for the legislature on the republican ticket. There is plenty of good legislative timber In the trades unions of Lincoln, and there is every reason why the unions should have representatives in the next legis lature. The Wageworker is going to sup port any trades unionist of good char acter who is nominated for public office, regardless of his politics. It would be especially pleased to support a couple of good union men for the legislature. It would be a good idea for the republican unionists of the city to get together and select a couple of good men from their ranks, and then ask the republican primaries to endorse them. Let us get together and make our unionism count for something. WE DO NOT KNOW. Something like 333 union men In Lincoln have within the last two weeks asked The Wageworker's editor where union made underclothing may be had. We do not know. Neither can we find out a thing about it. Diligent search has failed to reveal any manufacturer of underclothing or hose who uses the union label. If anybody knows, they will confer a favor on The Wageworker and a bunch of good unionists by mak ing It known. Governor Cummins of Iowa, who io seeking a re-nomination, is a mem ber of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. George W. Perkins, who seeks the republican nomination in opposition to Governor Cummins, is a large employer of union labor and has evidenced his friendship for the prin ciples of unionism. Things are look ing up in Iowa. Look here, good republican union men! What's the matter with insist ing upon a couple of good union men on the legislative ticket? And demo cratic union men should insist upon the same thing. Speaker Cannon is on labor's "un fair" list. Cannon represents a dis trict full of union men, and if they do their duty Cannon will be left at home to do his thundering in his own back yard. Profit by experience. At the first sign that unionists would retaliate if congress did not enact some labor legislation, congress got busy and per formed a few satisfactory stunts. About 125 alleged union shoe work ers in Omaha "scabbed" because the man they wanted to elect delegate to the international was defeated. Hell's full of just such "unionists." Just the minute a union mau aspires to public office, or becomes prominently identified with some pub lic movement, a lot of jealous union men begin to yell "grafter!" The list of unions in Lincoln con tinues to grow. The Motormen and Conductors and the Stage Hands, all within a month', is going some, thank' you. Now if we could elect a majority of the "legislature we could really cele brate an "Independence Day." A home for union men that buys its supplies from union haters needs a thorough renovation. The Wageworker claims the prize as a prophet. It predicted Post's spasm. Now let the garment workers get wise and organize. Mr. Post is mad. Could anything be plainer? And the laundry workers, too. Then the retail clerks. A GOOD STORY. How Capital Worked the Laboring Man for All There Was in It Smith was a poor man, who worked for Myers, a rich man, and he also rented and occupied one of Myers' houses. One day Myers asked Smith why he did not buy himself a house. Smith 6aid he was not able. Myers said, "You can buy the one you now occupy for $2,500. I will give you $3.50 per day; you can support your family on $1 and I will credit you $2.50 on the house; that will enable you to pay for it in one thousand days." Smith agreed and went to work. After a long time Myers told Smith that times were getting hard, and he would have to drop his wages a little, but that he would still give $1 for his family, daily, and credit him with $2 on the house. He had now paid $500. There was $2,000 left to pay, which, at $2 per day, Smith could pay in one thousand days. Still Smith kept at work. After a while the boss again cut his wages to $2.50 per day. Smith had paid another $500 and there was only $1,500 left to pay, which, after Smith had received $1 for his family and got credit for $1.50 on his house, would enable him to pay it all in one thousand days. That killed Smith. Anneal to Reason. t THE PRINTERS' ELECTION. Looks Like an Effort to Pull Shepard Through by Crooked Work. An element of doubt seems to exist among printers as to the result of the recent I. T. U. vote in the election of one of the delegates to the A. F. of L. convention and affecting one of the candidates for trustees of the Union Printers' Home. It appears that the treasurer of Bos ton Typographical Union, a Mr. Flana gan, went on his wedding tour and for got all about sending Secretary Bram wood the per capita tax of Boston Union before election day, May 17. It was paid subsequently. Now in th returns received here (unofficial) Shepard defeated Armstrong by two votes, but should Boston's vote be counted it would elect Armstrong, he having received 431 votes there to Shepard's 350. ' If Boston's vote cannot be counted it may also be held that Frank K. Fos ter is not eligible to election as dele gate to the American Federation of Labor, as he is a member of the Bos ton Union. It is expected that Boston Union will enter a vigorous protest if its vote Is thrown out in the recent election, but if its delegates-elect are not seated for the same reason It will be necessary for Boston Union to prepare a state ment of its case for consideration by a special committee at the convention. Washington Trades Unionist. UNION GIRLS WON. Made Union Bricklayers Get Into Over alls Made by Union Workers. Working girls in Des Moines are tre mendously in earnest. So strong are they in their union principles that they will not work in the company of men who wear unfair pantaloons. A recent strike was the result of this feeling. "You can't wear them pants around here." A hundred infuriated factory girls shouted this order to a score of bricklayers working on the addition to the Penn garment factory in Des Moines last week and quit work until the order was complied with. The girls -meant business. They have one of the strongest unions in Iowa, and when they saw union bricklayers at work wearing non-union overalls there was immediate trouble. Geraldine Wilson was the girl who called the matter to the attention of her fellow-workers. "They are wear ing unfair trousers," she said. "How do you know?" the girls asked In chorus. "Well, I saw the label,' Geraldine blushed prettily. After a delay of an hour in which the workmen went home and secured un ion trousers the trouble was adjusted and both men and girls returned to work. Minneapolis Journal. LABOR PARTY IN ENGLAND. What Workingmen Have Gained by Voting in Their Own Interests. Here are some of the changes al ready advocated by the labor party in the British parliament: The compulsory sale of land belong ing to large estates and its - division into smaller holdings. An eight-hour day for government employes, railway employes and min ers. . Free meals for school children. Adult suffrage for both sexes. Laws to legalize "picketing" in strikes and lockouts. Laws to relieve trades unions from all liability to be sued for their acts during strikes or lockouts. Government contributions to work men's insurance funds. Unsectarian education. Decentralization of - government. Home rule for Ireland. Municipal gas ' supply, electric sup ply, trolley cars, municipal supplies of water, coal, bread and;dairy products. Trades union wages and hours in all public contracts. The state to provide work for the un employed. ," Old age pensions. Exchange. Firemen are on strike at the cruci ble steel works In Harrison, N. J., for a raise from 18 to 25 cents an hour. The Airheart-Kirk Clothing com pany of Roanoke, Va., has signed an agreement with the United Garment Workers and henceforth the label of that organization will be found in their clothing. ' NATIONAL CONVENTIONS. Where Unions Will Meet tq Enact Their General Legislation. July 9, Buffalo, N. Y., International Jewelry Workers. July 9, Chicago, 111., Piano, Organ, and Musical Instrument Workers' In ternational Union of America. ', July 21, Springfield, Mass., Ameri can Wire Weavers' Protective Associa tion. August , Toronto, Ont., United Gar ment Workers of America. August 6, Chicago, 111., International Brotherhood of Teamsters. August 6, , National Association Insulators and Asbestos Workers. August 7, Milwaukee, Wis., Interna tional Glove Workers' Union of Amer ica. August 12, Colorado Springs, Col., Ernest ESssler, 1400 South Eleventh. Fred Eissler, 1400 South Eleventh. H. W. Werger, 836 South Twenty third. I. R. DeLong, 224ST. ,. Bert Chlpman, 432 South Tenth. F. A. Schwerdt, 1023 Q. H. O. Steen, 2803 T. Mrs. L. F. Taylor, 1823 South Six teenth. Mrs. Joe Schuler, 1026 Vine. E. J. Gardner, 926 G. S. W. Tedd, 216 North Eleventh. Henry Ehlers, 938" P. E. C. Cheuvront, 1234 A. C. H. Cameron, 314 South Twentieth. F. W. Kolf, 733 H. Mrs. C. H, Cameron, ?14 South Twentieth. W. C. Norton, 2246 Dudley. W. S. Rhodes, 925 North Twenty sixth. Sam Large, 1634 P. International Typographical Union. August 13, New York City, Inter national Stereotypers and Electrotyp ers' Union. August 20, Boston, Mass., United Gold Beaters' National Union. September 3, , Elastic Goring Weavers' Amalgamated Association. September 3, Toronto, Ont., Inter national Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes. September 6, Toronto, Ont.", Saw Smiths' Union of North America. September 10, Milwaukee, Wis., In ternational Union of Steam Engineers. September 10, Danville, 111:, Interna tional Alliance of Brick, Tile and Terra Cotta Workers. September 11, Buffalo, N. Y., Ameri can Brotherhood of Cement Workers. September 13, Boston, Mass., Cotton Mule Spinners' Association. September 13, Hartford, Conn., Table Knife Grinders' National Union. September 17, New York City, Inter national Wood Carvers' Association.' September 17, Niagara Falls, N. Y., United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. October 1, Minneapolis, Minn., Inter national Photo-Engravers' Union. October (first week), Toronto, Ont., Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers' Inter national Union. October 8, Milwaukee, Wis., Coop ers International Union. , October 16, Paterson, N. J., Upited Textile Workers of America. November 5, 'East Bangor, Pa., In ternational Union Slate Workers. November 12, Minneapolis, Minn., American Federation of Labor. December 3, Boston, Mass., Interna tional Seamen's Union. December 3, New York City, Nation al Alliance of Bill Posters and Billers of America. Great Sample and Mid Summer Shoe Sale An immense lot of Men's Women's Misses' and Children's sam ple Shoes, Oxfords, and Slippers; at ONE-HALF OFF All late Up-to-Date Styles ALL UNION MADE We also offer during this sale our entire stock of Low Shoes, Ox fords and Slippers at from 10 to 25 per cent discount. ' ROGERS AND PERKINS, 1129 O STREET. OOCOOCIOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI THE PIONEER BARBER SHOF CHARLES BOWED, Prop. NlON-CLEANLT-IMIIDT, YOU ARE "I3T!" 81 So. Elmnth COCOCOCOCOCKXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 OFFICE NOURS-9 to 12 A. H., 2 to 5 P. M. Dr. JOS. M. SMITH OSTEOPATH n:eE. , AUTO 22S9 132-133 BIU1 SLOCK LINCOLN, NEI. DR. A. B. AYERS Dentist 310-311 Fluke BIdfl. Auto 1591; Bell 915 Bring this ad and save ten per cent on your bills. GIVE US A TRIAL Lincoln Local Express ' W, JONES, PROP. PHONES: Bell 787, Auto 1787 I HAYDEN'S ART STUDIO H . Npw I nratinn 1127 ..fi II New Location, 1127 O Fine work a Specialty. Auto 3336 Henry Pfeiff DEALER IN Fresh and Salt .Meats 'C Sausage, Poultry, Etc Staple and Fancy Groceries. Telephones 888-477. 314 So. Ilth Strati 0CCCC0000000 Union Harness & Repair Shop GEORGE H. BUSH Harness repairing, Harness washed and oiled. I use the Union Stamp and solicit Union Trade. All kinds of work fur nished on call, 1343 0 Street. aooe x The American Savings g 8 & Loan Association will 8 8 help you to own your 8 home. Call at 1106 O 8 8 Street, first door east 8 " Q OFFICE OF DR. R. L.. BENTIJEY, Specialist Children - Office Hours l to 4 p.m. ' Office 2116 O st. Both Phones. Lincoln, Nebraska. . XXX XJ riiiTTi ELECTRIC AND GAS FIXTURES. Electric Supplies, electric , , wiring, electric motors. Contracts for electric re pairing.' Contracts for all kinds of interior electric i repairing done by ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO. H. C. MARR1HEB, Mjr.," 127 M. 12th Strut xXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXa. . NICELY FIHUIOtD ASD KIT New Windsor Hotel Lincoln, Nebraska Amerlcaai ''aMdEvropMa plan American Plan S3 to 93 par day. European Plan Rooms 50e to l.SO par day 8a rooms alloat Ide. Popnlar priced re.tanrant lunch counter ud Ejadias' cafe. ; SERVICE CSBXCELLED. ' E. M. PEN NELL, Mgr. .GILSON'S SORE THROAT CURE. Good for Tonsi litis. Office of W. M. LINE, M. D. . Germantown, Neb., Feb. 8, 1904. I have had most excellent results with Gllson's Sore Throat Cure in dis eases of the throat and mucous lin ings. I find its application In tonsi litls and cases where a false mem brane exists , in th a throat, as in diphtheria, to have an Immediate ef fect, loosening' and removing the mem brane, and thereby at - once relieving this distressing sensation of smother ing noted In these cases. My clinical experience with Gilson's Sore Throat Cure has proved to me its value and I can heartily recommend it to all as a sa'fe and reliable1 preparation for the disease it is recommended. W. M. LINE, M. D. Grad. L. M. C. '93. , Address all orders to Mrs. J. S. Ollson, - Aurora. Neb Royal Hotel' Barber Shop HENRY DEINES, Prop. ! Satisfaction Guaranteed i i