The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, May 04, 1906, Image 5

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Specialist Children
Office Hours l to 4 p.m.
Office 2116 O st. Both Phones.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Electric Supplies, electric
wiring, electric motors.
Contracts for electric re-
pairing. Contracts for all
kinds of interior electric
repairing done by
H. C. MARMXER, HgT.. 127 Ho. 12th Street
it ntifiiiilllilULL
lMSo. 12th Street
Dealer in Sewing Machines,
Supplies and Attachments, Oil
and Needles.! Sewing Ma
chines Sold and Rented
Trade Marks
AriTonencnrtlna Buhelch nnd description may
Quickly oacertaln our opinion free whether an
Invention 11 probably Patent nhle. Communlcn.
tlon.triotlyoonBleiitfal. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest asency for Becurliisrpatonta.
Patent, taken throusb Munn St Co. receive
wpecuu notice wu muim .' '
MC.UU notice wirnout cnrgq, m uiv
Scientific American.
s te 111 . skit W AO VI 9.
eolation or any Rieiibiuv -T'u' AZmUn
Terma, a
Tear: iourmoniu, uum mwi imm..
years four months.
Brauoh Offloe. 626 F Br Wasblnvton, D. C.
OFFICE HOURS-9 to 12 1 M., 2 to S t. M.
AUTO 2261
132-133'KIY BLOC
Good for Tons! litis.
Office of W. M. LINE, M. D.
Germantown, Neb., Feb.; 8, 1904.
I have bad most excellent results
with Gllson'a Sore Throat Cure In dis
eases of the throat and mucous lin
ings. I find Its application in tons!-
litis and cases where a false mem
brane exists in the throat, as in
diphtheria, to have an immediate ef
fect, loosening and removing the mem
brane, and thereby at once relieving
this distressing sensation of smother
ing noted in these cases. My clinical
AvnA.lanAa ti-1 1 Vi nilann'a Cnro Thrnnt
I AjJVl ILIlVli Y. ..... w. w
Cure has proved to me its value and 1
can heartily recommend it to an as a
sate and reliable preparation for the
disease it is recommended.
W. M. LINE. M. D.
Grad. L. M. C. '93.
Address all orders to
Mrs. J. S. Gilson, - Aurora. Neb
Get the Credit While the Other Fellow
Furnishes the Money.
A big "scab" clothing company in
Chicago rushed frantically to the front
when contributions for San Francisco
were called for, and planked down a
liberal sum. Of course the fact was
mentioned at length in the newspapers
and the "scab" clothing manufacturers
got a lot of advertising out of it.
But the following Monday a notice
of a severe, reduction in wages was
posted in that same company's factory,
and the reduction for a month will
more than offset the contribution to the
San Francisco sufferers.
That is a cheap way to get a reputa
tion for philanthropy. It takes 9
"6cab" employer to play that sort of
a trick.
Once in a very great while a girl
of 25 marries for love, but more often
it is for money or to escape spinster-hood.
a mnnT7
To put
and add
People who once use Fuel Gas are never content to return to coal or wood. Gas
is the ideal fuel. We sell the Ranges, connect with the mains and furnish the
gas. You turn a valve and touch a match. Saves all the work, dirt and
worry and fully one-half the expense.
Let us furnish you with estimates on piping your home and supplying
fixtures. .
Lincoln (Gas and Electric Light Co,
Bell 75.
' ' -
I Get
Last week we advised you to get off of 0 street when you went shopping for good
clothes. Now we advise you to STAY off. It's impossible for you to get as good values for
your money there as we can give you. The rent on 0 street is very high. Our rent is Tow
and we give you the benefit of it. It's a foolish man who pays more for his clothes than
is necessary. There's no doubt about the truth of our claim that we sell good clothes for
less money than any other house in Lincoln. The goods are here with the price on them so
all can see. And the price is always the same to everybody every day in the year. No
"Clearing Sales." No "Cut Price Sales," but the lowest prices always. Don't fail to see our
suits and get our prices before you buy.
Items of Interest Gathered Here and
Elsewhere for You.
The printers' eight-hour column con
tains 445 cities.
Upholsterers of St. Paul, Minn., have
decided to form a union.
There are 23,000 members in the
Barbers' International Union.
Street Railway Employes of Scran
ton, Pa., are on the eve of a strike.
Central Labor Union meets next
Tuesday evening. If you are a dele
gate, be there.
Boston Carriage and WagonworU
ers lost their strike through lack of
a sufficient defense fund. '
Street Railway Employes of Detroit
are agitating for an increase of scale
from 23 to 27c an hour.
The National Hibernian, the official
organ of the Ancient Order of Hibern
ians, withdrew from a Typothetae shop
in Washington recently in order that
need to hunt for a cooler climate than this if
cook with Gas One of our Modern Gas Ranges
makes summer a luxury. Heat for cooking, but
not for sweltering. A Gas Range Kitchen is the
the housekeeper. J& j&
is the
in that Gas Range and
to comfort. You'll need
Notice Hi
Open Evenings.
Off amid
tTe Save
It should not encourage the open shop
and that it might be an exclusively
union sheet.
Union made shoes are sold by Rog
ers & Perkins.
"Blue Ribbon" cigars are union
made, Lincoln made and well made.
Sold by all dealers.
The largest line of union made shoes
in Lincoln may be found at the store
of Rogers & Perkins.
Rockford Carpenters are winning
their strike through a break in the
contractor's organization. ,
Don't forget that all union harbor
shops in Lincoln will close at 7 o'clock
in the evening except Saturdays here
after. Several hundred Hungarians went
on strike at the Malleable Iron Works
in Toledo for a raise of 2 cents an
Organizers appointed by the Ameri
can Federation of Labor are doing
good work in Philadelphia. The sport-
ctt t tt tt
save fuel bills, save strength
less ice if you burn fuel gas.
Stay Off
You fJZoney
fng goods, plant of A. 3. Reach & Co.
has been brought into the fold.
Smoke "Blue Ribbon" cigars and he
straight. Union made in Lincoln by
Neville & Gartner, and sold by all
Walter Brown, foreman of the Free
Press press room, was called to Chi
cago last week by the serious illness
of his mother.
Roy Elliott, for several years fore
man of the Star . stereotyping rooms,
has severed his connection with that
Institution and is now pounding the
"mats" at the Journal shop.
Carriage and Wagonworkers of Con
cord, N. H., have secured a shorter
workday and a higher piecework scale.
During the past two weeks some
thing like 100 men have been added
to the rolls of the Philadelphia Typo
graphical Union.
The Rochester, N. Y., Evening Times
has renewed its contract with the
Typographical Union for two years and
joy of
Auto 2575.
five months, expiring September 9,
1908. The contract calls for eight
hours and $1 increase over the old
Painters in Trenton, N. J., have
gained their demand for an increase
in wages from $3 to $3.28 a day, and
a Saturday half holiday.
Strike breaking printers who are
scabbing in Toledo offered to desert
their jobs for $300 apiece. The offer
was declined by the union.
The International Brotherhood of
Eookbinders will hold its convention
m Washington in June, when the
eight-hour day will come up for dis
The Brotherhood of carpeters in
Philadelphia has made a demand for
an increase from 40 to 45c an hour.
an eight-hour day, with Saturday half
holiday, to go into effect May 1.
The Glass Workers' Memorial - Day,
May 13, will be celebrated by all the
local unions of the United States and
Canada. The day is set apart In mem
ory of glassworkers who have died dur
ing the preceding twelve months. .
"Sixty bricklayers seceded trom Chi
cago Bricklayers' Union No. 21 witii
the intention of starting a new union
which they can run to 3uit themselves,
but they were unable to get a charter.
They have 30 days in which to return.
The Longshore Lumbermen's Pro
tective Association of San Francisco
and the Longshore Lumber Handlers
oi Oakland, two organizations of lum
ber shovers, have signed a treaty of
peace and will hereafter work amic
ably together. y
The mill owtners of Ithaca, N. Y.,
tried to force the open shop on the
carpenters, with the result that the
men have a fully equipped planing
mill and lumber yard run by union
men, and they propose to enter the
field as contractors. '
The threatened secession of ten or
twelve local unions of Bricklayers and
Mason3 in and near New York City
has averted, the Executive Board of
;he International Union having agreed
to a compromise satisfactory to the
Executive Committee of the New York
Having sold the Eleventh Street
lunch counter, I opened a table res
taurant on South Twelfth street. I
have now removed the tables and put
in a lunch counter; open at 6 a. m. and
dinner from 11 a. m. till 2 p. m.
Quick service. Don Cameron, 110 So.
12th St.
Rev. Louis G. Hoeck, of Brock
ton, Mass.. says: "The greatest evil
among the employers of labor is love
of money, which results in all interest
ia their employes being eliminated, and
they come to regard men merely as
machines, with the result that they
turn their employes out of their posi
tions, even when they have been earn
ing scarcely a living. And they are
unwilling to increase their wages when
business profits increase."
Garry Herrman, formerly a printer
and now owner of the Cincinnati Base
Ball Club, recently returned $300 which ,
he received from an organization for
ue use of his ball park on ' Sundays
when not in use by the league ana
turned the grounds over to the To
ledo Base Ball League. Garry said:
"Here is your money back, my
friend. I regret extremely that I can
not let you have the park; but you seo
the printers and I carry an up-to-date
working card in that organization
are on strike, and I have got to help
them; they will have the use of my
grounds, and I can help the boys in
a monetary as well as in the sporting
Streator Miners Divide with the San
Francisco Sufferers.
Talk about brotherly love and all
that sort of thing the striking coal
miners at Streator, 111., gave an exhi
bition of it the other day. They have
been out on strike for several weeks,
I and have been on short rations them
selves. But when they heard of the
suffering in San Francisco they imme
diately took up a collection and sent
$100 by wire to the stricken city.
That's what unionism teaches. Tt
takes good union men to do that sort
of thing. And the Streator miners
have reflected honor and glory upon
unionism by their unselfish action.
The financier had at last consented
to place his head in the hands of a
rnis Dump, tne latter began, ' as
sures us, sir, that you will never die
in prison."
"Well, I'll be thankful f' that,"
said the financier, heartily.
"Ye3," resumed the other, "the bump
of longevity is pronounced. You will
live, sir,-to serve, out your time.
Leather Workers' Journal.
Jyilps Tor
We have everything that
good housekeepers need for
spring housecleaning.
Moth Preven- GInea,
ticca, Stair Brooms
Insect Powder, Whisk Broom.,
Dft.lmfectonts, Brushes , u H
FninMi.tln, Scrub..
Household IHet.l Polishes
Amonia Marble Polishes
Furniture Pol- Pine t'hamols
lsh. Sponges.
91.00 Rubber Cloves 44e
81.23 Rubber Gloves .83c
Just the thing when house-
Car fare saved in every dol
lar's worth purchased
in our store.