THE WAGEWORKER By W. M. MAUPIN XKHHASKA Utbraska UoUs. H. S. Fuller will open a new lumber yard at Oxford. Fred Martin will open a new con fectionery store at Naper. The Hart Gun company is a sew busniess firm In Grand Island. . The Farmers Grain and Stock com pany at Kenesaw baa gone out of business. The new Catholic church in Center is completed. The building is said to be a fine one. Residents of Plekrell propose to make a fight against the starting of a saloon in that place. The Nebraska Telephone company baa Installed a new switchboard in its offices at Nebraska City. An effort is being made to give Lin wood local telephone service. This has been attempted before, but failed. Stein Bros., general merchants at Hastings, have incorporated with an authorized capital stock of 1100,000. Columbus la very hopeful of securing an appropriation from congress for the purchase of a site for a new postoffice. Prof. E. B. Sherman has been re elected superintendent of the Columbus schools for two years at an increase of salary. - 'ice Standard Bridge company was awarded the contract for building the bridges in Stanton county the com ing year. The Bohemian Telephone company bas been incorporated and proposes to operate its lines In Dodge and Cuming counties. A half section of land was sold five miles north of Sidney at $S per acre cash. The same land sold for $3.F0 an acre one year sgo. - The Nebraska Casualty Insurance company was Incorporated at Holdrege, the incorporators Including a number of the prominent business men of that rlai. Tracklaycre are very busy in the Burlington yards at Beatrice, and it is evident 'that the company expects to begin work soon on its new depot there. The firm of J. M. Grace & Co. has filed articles of incorporation and will conduct a grain business at Mascot, Harlan county. The capital stock is $2O,0C0. The Walthlll State bank of the town of Walthlll, Thurston county, has re ceived a charter from the state bank ing board. The paid-up capital stock la $10,000. U W Hill of Beatrice will erect a large storage and transfer depot. This building will be 75x150 leet, locaiea with trackage, and will be used for a general transfer house. The Juniata Grain and Live Stock association of Juniata has incorporate! with a canltal stock of $10,000. Tno Incorporators are E. P. Hubbard, W. H. Waldron and others. The town of Burwell has taken the initial step toward the organization of an improvement club, which will worK along the lines of commercial clubs aa organized in other towns. The home of Frank Lingle In Greggs- port was destroyed by fire. The build- 1ni was outside the fire limit3 and nothing could be done to save it. The loss will amount to $1,000. An ordinance was passed granting a franchise to W. S. Darley of Chicago and Joel M. Roberts of York for the construction, maintenance and opera tion of a gas plant in Holdrege. The I. O. O. F. B-uildlng association nt r.rBnrl Island has filed articles of in corporation and is selling shares rapid ly. Officers report that they expect to erect the building this summer The new city council was organized at Beatrice for the year by the elec tion of A. T. Milburn president Tha report of City Treasurer Jones showed a total of $22,778.33 in the treasury. Considerable difficulty is being ex perienced at Albion by those who wish to engage in the saloon business there for the reason that the city has an or dinance prohibiting opening of a sa loon within fifty feet of the property of any person who may object to the saloon. The city hall bond proposition, which failed at the spring election at Madi son by one vote, is to have another try soon. Petitions are circulating for another election to be held as soon as the statutory time limit expires, Swift fc Company have done work at Columbus on a large two-story brick building, which will be used as branch distributing house for their packing house products; .to supply tho city of Columbus and tbe'tributary ter. rltory, FRISCO IS RISING FROM ASHES People of the Golden Gate City Have Faith in the Future STEPS ARE BEING TAKEN TO REBUILD THE CITY Tottering Walls are Being Cleared of Debris, and Lumber and Building Material Arriving in a Steady Volume for a New and Greater City The new San Francisco which will rise from the ashes of the old was in its' first stage of rebuilding Monday. After five days of confusion and al most superhuman effort on the part of citizens of California's metropolis in the great task of sheltering, feeding and otherwise caring for the home less thousands, complete order bas been re-established and attention turn ed to the future. Throughout the great business district, where the devasta tion of the flames was the most. com plete, walls were being razed, build ings that had not disintegrated before the intense heat were being inspected with the view of reoccupancy and even ground was being cleared for the Im mediate construction of some sort of building in which to resume business at the earliest possible time. In short, confidence has been restored. Ban Francisco is fast shaping into TEHEE BATS' XTJtfB MAP OF 3 AN FBAJTCISCO. 1. Boundaries of the fire at midnight, Wednesday, Chicago time, 2. Boundaries of the fire at midnight, Thursday, Chicago time. 3. Boundaries of the fire at midnight, Friday, Chicago time. At last report a line of fixe was escaping along the east water front from Tele graph hill to the Terry bouse. Tb fire In the western section of the city was reported under control. It was still burning in the vicinity of Worth beach. something real and tangible. The hor ror and despair of the first few days is giving away to brighter hopes, and op timism is rapidly taking hold of the stricken people. The nerves and arter ies of the great bay city, shocked and clogged by the overwhelming calamity of April 18, v are getting shaped to action, and citizens are facing the fu ture with quickened energy. At first overwhelmed with the woe which came suddenly upon them, the people of 'Frisco have been lifted from the Slough of Despond by the coun try's great outpouring of sympathy and renef. and with renewed hope and strength have begun to plan the better and larger San Francisco. 300,000 BEING CARED FOR. Fully three hundred thousand peo ple are being cared for by the innum erable supply stations. These are be ing fed three times daily, and provided with shelter, either with tents or tem porary wooden structures. Relief of every needed kind is now pouring into the city from every quar ter of the globe. Never has there beea such' a response as is now being made. Never before have the people of the United States been so unanimous and prom-pt in extending aid. It is useless to go into detail, but the relief has come from the farms, villages, towns, cities, states and government in t vol ume that is tremendous. The poor and the rich have given what they could, and the suffering has been relieved. W. J. Barnett, chairman of the shel ter committee, says the situation is well in hand. He does not believe there will be much hardship. Supplies of food are coming in rapidly from out side points, and are being centralized in the freight sheds and warehouses still standing. A corps of shipping clerks has been placed in charge of these depots and every ounce of food is checked as it comes in and goes out. With the as sistance of Michael Casey, president of the teamsters' union, the food com mittee has succeeded in systematizing the distribution. They have taken pos session of all the large trucks and teams which are now utilized in haul ing supplies to the forty odd sub-depots throughout the city. This places the transportation facilities in excellent shape and makes it possible to deliver supplies as quickly as they come. The city has been laid off in dis tricts covering areas of four blocks. The sub-committees in these districts regulate the supply of food furnished to the families living within these boundaries. The object of Oscar D. Leveled, Ground Getting Cooper, chairman of the committee, in forming these committees is to pre vent the waste of supplies. He is de termined there shall be no destruction and that every particle of food sent here shall be properly used. RAIN DRENCHES SHELTERLE88. A drenching rain fell upon San Fran cisco the night of the 22nd. From mid night until S o'clock it poured and drizzled at intervals while a high wind added .a melancholy - accompaniment, whirling and sighing about the ruined buildings in the burned district. Five days ago, when the catastrophe was in its infancy, this downpour would have been regarded as a mercy and a God send. Monday morning it could be regarded in no other light than as aa additional calamity. It meant inde scribable suffering to the tens of thous ands of people camped upon the naked bills and In the' parkland open .places of the city. Few of these were provided with waterproof , coverings. For the most part their only protection from the wet was a thin covering of sheeting tacked upon tent poles. Through this the water poured as through a sieve, wet ting the bedding and soaking the ground upon which they lay. When it is understood that thousands upon thousands of delicately nurtured wom en and infants in arms and old and feeble people were in this plight, noth ing need be added to describe the mis ery of their condition. The downpour has aggravated the already unsanitary condition of the camps and will doubtless add great numbers of pneumonia cases to those already crowding the regular and the temporary hospitals of the city. INSTANCES OF SUFFERING. Of individual instances ol suffering the number is legion, but one will tell the story of them all. About 4 o'clock, when the rain had been falling heav ily for an hour, a middle-aged man, white-faced in his distress and fatigue, appeared at the headquarters of the general committee. He had walked two miles from his camping place in the park to make an appeal for his suf fering wife and little ones. As he told of their distress the tears welled up in his eyes and coursed down his cheeks. They wrere, he said, without covering other than a sheeting overhead and were lying on the nuted ground and their bodies protected only by a quilt and blanket which, of his household bedding, were all he had managed to Hopkins save. These had been quickly soaked, and while unwilling to complain on his own account, he had been unable- to listen to the wails of his little ones, and bad . tramped all the way from his camping place to the committee head quarters in the forlorn hope that there he might find some means of getting his family under shelter. Thousands or people men, women and children camped in the parks, squares and open lots were awakened by the rain dashing in their faces and the water dripping through improvised tents. Whenevr possible, women and children were crowded and huddled into the regular canvas waterproof tents, which are on hand. - ever, could be done, as the facilities are entirely inadequate to house all the homeless, and large numbers sought the protection of trees, bushes and a few boards placed ever their heads to ward off the water. Wednesday morning this condition had been considerably relieved. By United States Mint that time wooden structures to house about 60,000 people had been erected In Golden Gate park. HAULING AWAY THE DEBRIS. As a welcome relief to the authori ties and citizens of San Francisco, who have looked upon the ruins of the city and the monstrous piles of brick and stone and twisted iron that were once the homes and places of business, it is announced that the Southern- Pacific will aid in any way in the work of car rying away the debris. The railroad officials are ready to build a track througa the heart of the devastated city from Harrison street to the bay and to run their first cars in for the wreckage that must be removed before new buildings can arise and normal conditions be restored. The raHroads will carry the debris wherever the au thorities want it taken. It is said an application will be made immediately to the supervisors of San Francisco for a franchise for this track. E. H. Harriman, president of the Southern Pacific, is here to inaugurate the work and to see that it is faith fully performed if the suggestion of the railroad men meets with favor at the hands of the city officials. At the meting of bankers Mr. Harriman stat ed that he would do all in his power and work with every resource at his command for the rebuilding of San Francisco and the preservation of the city's good name. TO MAKE A CITY BEAUTIFUL. Steps are being taken to organize a movement for the rebuilding of San Francisco on the plans of Architect Daniel Burnham. While the various other committees have been busy with relief work many prominent citizens have been in consultation, and within the next few days plans will be out lined and the work of making arrange ments for the most beautiful city in the world will be built. W.-B. Barnet, one. of the men in this latest movement, says all the funds needed for this great work will be forthcoming just as soon as the com mittee is ready to begin this work. Telegrams have been sent all over the country explaining the plans of the committee, and great men of finance have expressed their willingness to co operate in the work and advance any funds that are needed. The work will commence right at the water front. This district will be en tirely rebuilt on new and modern, as well as picturesque lines. It is esti mated that the work right there will cost $25,000,000. New wharves and the like will be constructed on entirely different lines and new depots will be built. The other portions of the city will be improved exactly after Mr. Burn ham's plans, which have been fully explained in the San Francisco press for the last two years. The great boulevard, the terrace at Twin peaks and the various parks and other beauty spots will now be constructed. TRIPLETS BORN TO HOMELESS. On Saturday night triplets were born to one of the homeless at the Presidio, and the same night eight lit tle tots made their first appearance on the reservation at Fort Mason. Six were born in the emergency hospital, and two out on the ' vacant space ad joining the fort, wlijrre the mothers had taken refuge. The babies all are reported to be healthy youngsters. Art Institute. NO DANGER OF EPIDEMIC. This statement was made by Dr. J. W. Ward, chairman of the health com mittee, at the meeting of the general committee: - "Say to the people of California, of the United States and of the world that there is no epidemic in San Fran cisco and no danger of one. If we are not absolutely free from contagious diseases we at least are freer from them, under the circumstances, than we have a right to expect. Indeed we have at this moment fewer cases of such disease than we had a month ago, and there is nothing in the present condition of affairs in San Francisco that would lead us as medical, men to fear an outbreak. The sanitation of the city is absolutely under control. I wish to impress this upon the people of San Francisco and of the outside world, for I have information that leads me to believe that alarmist re ports emanating from certain sources in San Francisco may result in an em- bargo being placed on the movements of refugees from the city. The calam ity -we--have endured is certainly un fortunate enough without adding to it this additional and unwarranted dis tress." CATTLE TRAINS ROLLING IN. Immense cattle trains were forward ed from the prairies of the southwest and chickens and eggs reached the city from the nearby interior towns. The most pressing need is for vegetables, potatoes, carrots, onions and the' like. Fresh and perishable products cannot be properly taken care of. The lines of applicants at the various relief sta tions are blocks long and remain so until closing time. Everyone receives rations for a single person as many times a day as he asks and an attempt at distribution among the helpless fam ilies is being made. The spirit of the people is wonder fully bouyant in the face of distress and no complaints are evident along the bread line. Volunteer distributors are issuing the provisions under mili tary protection. CORONER ESTIMATES DEAD. Coroner Walsh estimated that the total number of dead will not be less than 1,000. His reports are complete and his estimate is made up from all the data he has been able to collect. Coroner Walsh said: "Bodies that the deputy coroners have found and buried number 300, as follows: At Polk and Bay streets, 32; at Portsmouth square, 23; at Washing ton square, 12; at the Six-Mile house 200; at Laurel. Hill, 23: scattered in different parts of the city, 10. No thor ough search has been made of the dis trict south of Market or the Chinese quarter. Many lives have been lost in these sections. South of Market street are the cheap lodging houses and many of these collapsed from the earthquake. There is little chance that half of, the Inmates of the col lapsed buildings had opportunity to escape. This also is true of China town. "Shortly after the earthquake sol diers and 1)01106, so I have been told buried bodies found along the water front. I have recleved no official re port of these. The total number of dead will undoubtedly reach, if it does not exceed,. 1,000. RAZING DANGEROUS WALLS. It was feared by many the heavy rain of Sunday night weakened the walls left standing in the burned dis trict and further increased the danger of life and limb, but assurance was given at the headquarters of the build ing committee that the downpour had no such effect. Under the direction of this committee the menacing walls are being dynamited, and the danger, in stead of increasing, is lessening every hour. President Fred Hall of th'e Bohem ian club states that the historical and all other important pictures in the club's gallery were saved, and are now at the park museum. The office books and records were also saved. CAN STAND THEIR LOSSES. State Insurance Commissioner-Wolfe announced that nearly all the big in surance companies would be able to make satisfactory adjustments of the losses, caused by the San Francisco fire. He estimates that the amounts for which the companies are liable will probably reach $250,000,000. UNION MEN TO CONTRIBUTE. The executive council of the Ameri can Federation of Labor through Presi dent Samuel Gompers, issued an ap peal to all organized labor throughout the country to contribute one day's pay in aid of the California earthquake and fire sufferers. President Gompers announced that the platemakers' union had contributed $500, which he imme diately telegraphed to Mayor Schmitz at San Francisco. , SEIZE INCOMING SUPPLIES. The seizure of supplies coming on the trains by the relief committee has been authorized by Mayor Schmitz. Following out this order, and with the authorization given the committee by the civil authorities, Edward Stearns, chairman of the executive committee, seized a carload of flour containing S10 sacks. Of this amount twenty-five sacks were sent out to Idora park, where there . are a large number of homeless people. Another twenty-five sacks were sent down to Adams Point where the people are encamped under the trees. A carload of ice was also seized for the hospitals. A carload of potatoes was also taken. ATTACKED THE HEART Awful Neuralgia Case Cured to Stay . Cured by Dr. Willianns' Pink 'Fills. Neuralgia in any form is painful bnt - When it attacks the heart icis frequently fatal. Complicated with indigestion of a form that affected the vital organ it threatened serious consequences m an in stance just reported. The case is that of Mr. F. L. Graves, of Pleasanthill, La., who tells of his trouble and care as follows : " I traveled considerably, was exposed to all kiudsof v rather andwas irregular in, my sleeping and-eating. I suppose this was the cause of my sickness, at auy rate, in May, 1905, 1 had got so bad that 1 was compelled to quit worlc ana take to my bed. I had a good doctor and took his medicine faithfully but grew worse. I gave up hope of getting better and my neighbors thought I was surely going to, die. i uaa smocnenng speus tnai it is awful to recall. My heart fluttered and then seemed to cease beating. I could not lie on mv left side at all. Mr hands and feet swelled and so did my face. After readme about JJr. Williams' nut Pills in a newspaper I decided to try them and they suited my case exactly. Jerore lone i coma see an improvement and after taking a few boxes I was en tirely cured. I am glad to make this statement and wish it could cause every sufferer to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not simply deaden painth0nre'ihtreublewhicfa causes tie pain.. They are guaranteed to contain no narcotic, stimulant or opiate. xnose wno take tnem run no danger or forming any drng habit. They act directly on theblood and it is only through the blood that any medicine can reach tne nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxeefer f2.60, by thtvDr . Williams Med icine Co., Schenectady, N.Y. Money is a great talker. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar made of rich, mellow tobacco. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Never look at a hero close. Mrs. WtnaloWs Soothing Syrup. rr children teetblftff. Miftena the ram, nduotut ffn.' flaramaUon, aUaya pain, cure wind colte. SScabutUa Gossip never stops scandal. I mportant to Metners. Bxamlne carefully every bottle of CASTOB7A. a safe and rare remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signatore of la TJas For Over SO Tears. The Kind Ton Bare Alwey Bought. "The Peepul." Senator Hemenway tells of an inci dent that occurred during a political campaign in Iowa. In ene of the towns it had been ar ranged that, when the big orators of the day had had) their say with refer ence to politics, there were to be a -number of entertainments of the side- show variety to be held on the com mon. A pompous politician, who had served a term in the state legislature, and was by reason of that fact on ex tremely good terms with himself, while endeavoring with a number of ladies to make his way through a dense crowd that surrounded one of the shows, found himself unable to . proceed further because of a burly in dividual whom he could not thrust 'aside Drawing himself up to his full height the politician tapped the offend- -ing one on the shoulder, saying, as he did so: "Here! Make room there!". "Who are you, that you should push me round that way?" demanded the native. "A representative of the people, sir!" exclaimed the politician, indignantly. The man, grinned, . "Ob, that ain't nothin'," said he. "We folks here air the peepul theirselves!" Interested in Soience. Boston Dame "My dear, where are you going?" Cultured Daughter "To Professor Drybone's lecture on 'Bacillus Lecter ium Nonestibustibus.' Miss Backbay is to be there, and I hear she has just got a nice bonnet from Paris." Tender Heart; Tender Feet. ',, "How I pity the poor on such a night as this!" said Bland e, as he sat in his comfortable apartment. "Then why," asked Bluff, "don't you. put on your coat and go out and see if you cannot render - assistance to some of them?" . "Ah," replied Blande, "then I should not be so comfortable as I am now, and I might forget the poor and begin to pity myself. That would be selfish, you know." Queen Marie's Wreath. About 1,100 wreaths and crosses were sent to the bier of King Chris tian. It is generally thought' that the most beautiful wreath was one sent from Gmunden by the king's old and Intimate friend, Queen Marie of Han over. It consisted of lovely orchids tied with broad yellow and white silk ribbons. To Be Determined. - - "Which is your favorite opera?" in quired the musical young- woman. "Which do you mean?" Inquired Mr. Cumrox, cautiously; "my favorite -opera for purposes of amusement or for purposes of conversation?" Not Flattering to Mamma. She Every time, mamma looks at the dog he barks. He Well, you see, he used to be a pet in a distillery, and I guess he's be ginning to see things again. Poor Father! - Bobbie Mamma. ,' . Mamma Well? ' ' "Were men awful scarce when you married papa, or did you just feel sorry' for him?" Judge. -..'.