XXOCXXXXCXXXXX0000 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 000XX00000000000000 DR. FRANK L. WILMETH. A Successful Prsctitioner Who Is Friendly Tq Labor. Dr. Wilmeth is a doctor of high standing and of long experience and great success. He makes a specialty of general surgery and surgical diseases of wom en. He has the beet hospital facilities and Is able to give his patients the btst of care both during an operation and while recovering from the effects of the same. He Is a doctor and a surgeon of edu cation and attainments and keep3 thor oughly abreast of the scientific dis coveries and advancement of modern surgery. His reputation is most excellent both with his patients and with his brother practitioners. By hid honorable and public spirite-J methods bf dealfng he has built up a large and constantly Increasing prac tice and Is exceedingly popular. DR. OTERO C. REYNOLDS. A Leading Member of the Great Medi cal Profession. Doctor O. C. Reynolds, with offices at 19-20 Burr block, is a surgeon and consulting physician of high standing -and great achievements. Dr. Reynolds a physician of education and ex perience, and his advice la sought by physicians and surgeons all over the state in consultation. He is a broad minded and public-spirited citizen, and is entitled to the support and co-operation of all good citizens. By his honorable and public-spirited methods of dealing he has built up a large and constantly Increasing prac tice and is exceedingly popular. GREEN GABLES. The Dr. BenJ. F. Bailey Sanatorium, , Located at Normal. V If there is one Institution In Lincoln of wnich Lincoln should be more proud than of another, it Is Green Gables, the Dr. Ben, F. Bailey Sanatorium which in located at Normal, three miles east of the center of the city. Though only established four years ago, this Institution already has a na tional reputation for the treatment of J) non-contagious chronic diseases. Dr. Bailey has practiced his profess ion in Lincoln for twenty years and is prominent in medical circles through out the state and nation. In the management and charge of the Sanatorium he is ably assisted by Dr. May L. Flanagan, who is assistant physician. This Institution Is the most modern and best equipped one of Its kind in the west and no expense has been spared to make it eomplete In all of Its appointments and details. It is supplied with every sanitary convenience, baths of all kinds, the various electric currents useful in the treatment of the sick, the X-ray and hot air treatment and contains larg? amusement rooms, and throughout is commodious and comfortable. A de lightful place for convalescents. In addition to the physicians In charge there is a skilled corps of nurses, masseurs and physical Instruct ors. Dr. Bailey Is a broad minded and public-spirited citizen and he has al ways manifested a friendly Interest In the cause of labor. RAMETHENIAN RESTORIUM. An Institution That Is a Great Benefit to Lincoln. Doctors Walter N. Ramey and Sam uel Metheny conduct at 315 North Fourteenth street the Ramethenlan Reetorlum. They are both practition ers of high standing and have the con fidence and respect of the entire com munity. As men and physicians they are interested In every movement which Is for the advancement of the interests of Lincoln and the elevation bf social conditions. They are both gentlemen of ability and integrity and by their honorable and public spirited methods of dealing have built up a large and constantly increasing practice and are exceedingly popular. The Ramethenlan Restorium is a pri vate restorlum thoroughly equipped with all the latest appliances for the treatment of all surgical and non-infectious diseases and is entitled to the laboring man's support. DR. A. P. FURGASON. Specialist In Eye, Ear, Throat -and Nose Diseases. This is an age of specialties in all of the professions, but most proficient are those who specialize in some particu lar Vranch of their profession. Dr. A. P. Furgason, one of the fore oooo most members of the medical profess ion of Lancaster county, is a specialist o: eye, ear, nose and throat. Dr. Fur gason as a man and as a physician hat won the respect and confidence of the ertire community. DR. RALPH L. BENTLEY. A Physician Whose Reputation Is More Than State Wide. Dr. Ralph L. Bentley, whose offices are at 2116 O street, is one of the best known practicing physicians in Lin coln. He makes a specialty of the dis eases of children and in this specialty has been most successful. He is a gen tleman of ability and fr.tegrity and has an excellent standing in the medical fraternity of Nebraska. By his honorable and public-spirited methods of dealing he has built up a laige and constantly increasing prac tice and his reputation as a physician has become more than state wide. He has always manifested a friendly interest in the cause of labor, and is entitled to the support and co-operation of all who have the best inter ests of labor at heart. DR. JAMES R. HAGGARD. A Physician Who Has Achieved a Well Deserved 8uccess. The medical profession in Lincoln taken collectively and individually, is one of high standing and there is no member of the profession more worthy of mention in our "Friendly List Edi tion of 1906" than Dr. Jame3 R. Hag gard. He is a gentleman who is In terested in the cause of labor and .is a broad-minded and public spirited citizen who is identified with every public movement for the business ad vo cement and social elevation of the community. As a physician and as a man he has won the respect and confidence of ths entire community, and we wish for him an era of ever increasing success and prosperity. 1 J. F. 8PEALMAN, M. D. A Leading Member of the Profession in This State. Lincoln Is Justly p-roud of the stand ing of its medical profession and one o? the foremost members of this pro fession is John F. Spealman, M. D. Mr. Spealman is a pbsician and sur geon of education and accomplishments and one who both as a man as a physician has the respect and confi dence of the entire community. He is a man who is broad minded and philanthropic and is interested in every movement for the wellfare and advancement of his home city. DR. JOS. M. SMITH. Osteopath Whose Practice Has Been Uniformly Successful. No school of medicine or surgery has made greater strides in public esteem during the past decade than that of osteopathy, and this is due to the re markable cures effected by its votaries. Prominent among the Osteopaths of this city and state is the subject of this sketch. Dr. Jos. M. Smith, whose offices are located in rooms 132 and 134 Burr block. While not advocating the practice of osteopathy to the exclusion of others It is a recognized fact many are bene fitted by this treatment where others have failed, and Dr. Smith by his suc cess has demonstrated his thorough knowledge of his profession. His business and professional stand ing is such as to merit the fullest con fidence of the laboring classes and the public at large. See card on another page. DENTISTS F. A. MOTIS, D. D. S. A Dentist Whose Ability Is Recognized on All Sides. The care and preservation of the teeth has come to be a duty that every intelligent person recognizes, and they have also learned to value the professional services of reputable dentists. Along these lines attention is called to Dr. F. A. Motis, whose dental par lors and laboratory are located in rooms 210 and 211 Funke building. He is a graduate of the Dental De partment of the Baltimore Medical College, and carried away the highest class honors. A natural adaptability and wide experience in his chosen pro fession have combined to earn for Dr. Motis an enviable reputation and prominent place among the dentists of Lincoln and Lancaster county. Dr. Motis enjoys the distinction of being the only Bohemian dentists in Lancaster county and his patients in clude many ot the best people of the city and county, including wage earn ers, with whom he is Justly popular. DR. EDWIN G. ANTRIM. A Dentist Whose Fine Work Has Giv en Him. a Large Practice. Doctor Edwin G. Antrim, with . of fices at 1215 O St., is a dentist of edu cation and experence and one who has been eminently successful in his pro fession as is evident from his large and constantly increasing practice. He is a careful practitioner and his work is of the best. He is a gentleman of ability and in tegrity and is well and favorably known in Liscoln. He has always manifested a friendly interest in the cause of labor, and working men will make no mistake in giving him their support and co-oper ation. DRt ARTHUR B. AYRES. Doctor of Dental Surgery with a Well Deserved Reputation. Arthur B. Ayers, D. D. S., Is a den tist by education and experience, and stands at the head of his profession. His office is at 310 Funke Bldg.. Dr. Ayers is a careful and expert pi actitioner, and is exceedingly popu lar with his patients. He has been practicing dentistry in Lincoln for some years, and by his honorable and public-spirited methods of dealing he has built up a large and constantly increasing practice. . He Is a staunch friend of the labor ing people, and is entitled to their sup port and co-operation Telephones, Bell L 915; Auto. 1591. DR. W. C. FLORA. A Leading Member of the Dental Pro fession in Lincoln. Dr. W. C. Flora, occupying suite 10-11-12 Bank of Commerce building Thirteenth and O streets,- is a dentist of high standing in his profession and a practitioner of educational accom plishments. Dr. Flora is a dentist who keeps thoroughly in touch with all the discoveries of modern dentistry anl ail work executed by him is scientifically done and strictly up-to-date. He Is a gentleman who by his uniform cour tesy and honorable methods toward.-; all who have dealings with him, built up a large and constantly increasing practice. '. DR. J. H. HUKILL. An Opticion Who Keeps in Touch with Labor Questions. Dr. J. H. Hukill is an exclusive op tician, that is he gives his entire time to his profession as an optician. He is one of the recognized leaders in his profession in Nebraska, and is a gentleman of broad-minded and public-spirited views, and one who is in terested in the business advancement and social elevation of the community. He has been identified with every pub lic movement looking towards this end. Dr. Hukill is deeply interested in sociology and is entitled to the support and co-operation of all working men. S. S. SHEAN. An Expert Optician Whose Ability Is Widely Recognized. . Mr. S. S. Shean is an optician of ed ucation and experience'and one who is thoroughly equipped to take care of all the branches of his profession. He makes a specialty of the fitting of glasses and spectacles, and makes no charge for the examination of eyes. He handles the best of lenses and is in close touch with everything which 's in the line of advancement in his pro fession. His. place of business is at 1123 O street, and here you will always re ceive cordial and right treatment. BROWN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. An Educational Institution of De served Reputation. The most important question today is the matter of having our young peo ple prepared for the duties of . life. Every young man and woman should upon entering their career of We be equipped with a thorough business education. Crown's Business College, located at 1519 O street, fits and prepares young men and women for a business life in a most satisfactory and com plete manner. A graduate bf Brown's Business College is equipped to accept a position of trust- and requiring a knowledge of business methods and systems. The course is comprehensive and thorough and each department is un der a competent and efficient profes sor. Many positions of importance are today being filled by the graduates of this college, and a certificate of grad uation from them is a most excellent recommendation, and has been the means of placing many of their former cholars in desirable positions. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Offers Great Opportunities to Young Men and Young Women. In this progressive age the young man or woman who enters upon a busi ness career without proper prepara tion is badly handicapped. A thorough business education, at an institution which specializes along the line of practical business methods is today a necessity, If you wish to make a success in any branch of the industrial world. The Lincoln Business College offers an opportunity to those who are de sirous of obtaining an education of this kind. They have day classes for those who have the time in the day. and evening classes for those who are employed in the day, but who realize that their progress in business is lim ited without the benefits of education. . The officers of this institution are E. C. Bigger, President; W. N. Wat son, Vice-President, and J. L. Steph ens, Secretary. They are all gentle men of education and experience and well fitted for the management of such an institution. Each department is under the per sonal charge of a competent instruc tor, and the standing of the institution is excellent. If you have any sons or daughters you can do nothing for them which will be of more permanent benefit, than to send them to the Lincoln Busi ness College. The college occupies commodious quarters on the third and fourth floors of the Oliver Building, Thir teenth and P streets, Lincoln, Nebr. See their advertisement on another page. WILLIAM ROBERTSON, JR. A Popular Dealer Who Is a Friend of Organization. Mr. William Robertson, Jr., conducts at 1450 O street a new and second hand store, where he handles every thing in the line of stoves, furniture and floor covering. His stock of stoves and furniture in both new and second hand goods is very complete and his prices are most moderate. He sells for cash or credit. If you want to change and get a larger stove or range, this is the place to go, for you can buy here the new stove and get a liberal allowance for the old one which is too small. Mr. Robertson is a firm believer In the principles of organized labor and is entitled to the support and co-operation of all laboring men. 'n WILLIAM WALWORTH. Dealer in New and Second-Hand Fur niture, Stoves, Etc. Many wage earners as well as bar gain hunters in other walks of life have learned the money saving to be effected by patronizing reputable second-hand furniture and house furnish ing houses. In this connection attention is called to the establishment of William Wal worth, located at 1325 O street, where may be found anything and every thing for the home in new and second hand goods at the lowest prices and on terms to suit. Mr. Walworth buys and sells second hand furniture, etc., of every descrip tion and believes in the president's motto, "A square deal for eevrybody He is particularly friendly with the wage earners and is entitled to their friendship and a liberal share of their patronage. Bell phone, F-772; Auto, 1772. TILTON-PHELPS FURNITURE CO. A Big Wholesale Concern That Has Met with Success. One of the foremost Jobbing enter prises in Lincoln, is the Tilton-Phelps Furniture Co., successors to Wiscon sin Furniture & Coffin Co., furniture department only, located at Seventh and N streets. They are wholesale dealers and job bers of furniture of all descriptions. They carry a large and well assorted stock, and are prepared to equip a fur niture store complete on short notice. They are wholesalers exclusively. The officers of this company, M. H. Tilton, President and Treasurer; Geo. J. Phelps, Vice-President, and Earl A. Lee, Secretary, are all gentlemen who are well known in Lincoln commercial circles and have the confidence and respect of the entire community. - They have always maintained a friendly attitude towards labor, and are entitled to the support and co operation of all who have the best in terests of labor at heart. WISCONSIN FURNITURE & COF FIN CO. LTD. One of the largest and most import ant enterprises in the manufacturing interests of Lincoln, is the Wisconsin Furniture and Coffn Co., Ltd., located at 601-611-637-643 L street. This con cern are manufacturers of fine funeral goods and jobbers of caskets. Their immense factory and ware houses cover almost two city blocks, and present the appearance of a bee hive of industry. The goods manufac tured by them are marketed all over the Western country, and are stand' ards. . ' ' The officers of this company are E. E. Bennett, President, and S. S. Connor Vice-President, both gentlemen of ability and integrity well known in commercial circles. They are among the foremost business men of Lincoln and are men of public spirit and have done much for the business advance ment of Lincoln. STAR FURNITURE COMPANY. A Concern That Merits Patronage by Square Dealing. The Star Furniture company, locat oxxxxccxocxxxxcxoo I REAL ESTATE INSUBANCE A. D. KITCHEN. Real Estate Dealer with a Big List of Fine Bargains. One of the leading real estate agen cies in the city and the one which has probably the most complete list of moderate priced houses to rent in all parts of the city and suburbs, is that of Aldredge D. Kitchen, located at room 4-5, 1222 O street. Mr. Kitchen makes a specialty of rentals but also has a fine list of prop erty for sale for homes or for invest ment. He is a man of wide experience in the real estate business and one who is thoroughly well posted' on real estate values in Lincoln and Lancaster county. He is a gentleman of ability and in tegrity and one who by his honorable and public spirited methods of dealing has built up a large and constantly in creasing business and is exceedingly popular. Teelphone Auto 1913. PETERS & DOWNING. Real Estate Firm with Fine List of Bargains.' The growth of Lincoln has: been steady and permanent and not of the boom nature. Its growth in popula tion and in public improvements has kept pace with its growth in import ance as a business center. While the price of Lincoln real es tate is high today, all signs point to the fact that it is cheaper now than it will ever be again, and to the fact that an investment in Lincoln real estate is the safest and most profitable invest ment you can make. ' , The firm of Peters & Downing are dealers in real estate. , This firm, com posed of H. F. Peters and R. L. Down ing, with offices at 107-109 Burr Block, are authority on real estate values, and if you are looking for an Invest ment you should call and see them. They have a fine list of city and sub urban property for sale and can offer you some bargains at this time. They also negotiate loans on real estate for both borrower and lender. GEO. W. HOLMES. One of Lincoln's Most Successful Young Business Men. Mr. Geo. W. Holmes is one of Lin coln's most prominent citizens and is a man who is thoroughly posted in his particular business. He is a real estate and insurance agent and his office is at 129 South Eleventh street. Mr. Holmes has a fine list of rental property in all sections of the city. and if you are looking for a home you will Snd it to your advantage to call upon Mr. Holmes. ' He' makes a specialty of writing surety bonds and represents some bf the best old line fire insurance com panies in the country. - Mr. Holmes by his honorable and public spirited methods of dealing has built up a large and constantly increas ing business and is exceedingly popu lar. Telephones, Bell 367; Auto 1806. JOHN S. REED. He Will Help Workingmen to Own Their Own Homes. It should be the aim of every work ingman to own his own home. This is not only a laudable ambition, but is a matter you can accomplish if you go at the matter with a reasonable and proper understanding, auj go to the right parties for information and ad vice. . -. Mr. John S. Reed, whose offices are on the ground floor of the Richards Block at 122 North Eleventh street, has homes for sale; modern homes, of all sizes and at all prices, located in any and all parts of the city. He will give you good advice and he can and will sell you such a home as you de sire and can afford at a price which is right and on reasonable terms. He also deals in all kinds of invest ment real estate, suburban and farm tracts. He negotiates loans on real estate for both borrower and lender. Mr. Reed has had eighteen years experi ence in the real estate business, and is thoroughly posted. He is reliable ed at 208 South Eleventh street, are; retail dealers In furniture of all kinds. They carry a full and complete stock of parlor, bed-room, dining-room and kitchen furniture, and sell for cash or on time at the most moderate prices. While this is one' of the younger business - enterprises of Lincoln, by their honorable methods of dealing and by their strict adherence to the principle of giving honest values for an honest price, are rapidly building up a large and substantial business and are entitled to your support and co-operation. and responsible, and is entitled to your support and co-operation. ' E. W. ALLEN. Dealer in Real Estate Who Under stands His Business. '' Mr. E. Wv Allen, with offices at 1105 O street, is a gentleman of ability and integrity and is one of the foremost citizens of Lincoln, who by his honor--able and public spirited methods of dealing has built up a large and con stantly' Increasing patronage in his chosen business, which is real estate and insurance. He makes a specialty of the sale of city and suburban property and the care of non-resident property and city loans. ' , Probably no real estate dealer in Lincoln has a better list of property than Mr. Allen and there are no bet ter judges of real estate values in the city. ,v ' ' s - . -!'x , Mr. Allen has always manifested a friendly interest in the cause of labor, and is entitled to the support and co operation of all who have the best in terests of labor at heart. JOHN R. MASON. .nT4i The Man Who Sells the Irrigated Farm Lands Cheap. Mr. John' R. Mason is an authority on irrigation and irrigated farm lands, If you want to invest your money in some good . farm property which is thoroughly irrigated, go and see Mr. Mason, at 415-416 Richards Block. "Uncle Sam" has put his seal of approval upon irrigation and' today is the true and staunch supporter of it. Knowing this why don't you investi gate the merits of irrigation in refer ence to farm property? Mr. Mason would be pleased to tell you all about the wonderful advant ages and merits of irrigation and the benefits which have come from its adoption. . , He is a gentleman of ability and in tegrity and is well known in. commer cial circles. t By his honorable and public spirited methods of dealing he has built up a large and constantly increasing busi ness and is exceedingly popular. Telephones, Bell A-S28; Auto 3325. EA8TERDAY BROTHERS. A Real Estate Firm That Does a Pros perous Business.' The growth of Lincoln as a business center has been steady and bids fair to be permanent; not in the nature of a boom, .but a steady, even and healthy growth. Real estate values in Lincoln are stable, and today there is no better investment for your money than Lin coln real estate. Easterday Brothers are men of ex perience in the real estate business and their advice in values is good. They have a fine list of city and sub urban property . for rent and for sale, and no matter whether you are looking for a home or for a real estate invest ment you will do well to consult them. This firm is composed of M. L. East erday ai A. W. Easterday, both gen tlemen who are well known in com mercial circles and gentlemen who have won the confidence and respect of the entire community. C. W. CHAMBERS. Real Estate and Insurance, and Bond: - and Loan Agent. Mr. C. W. Chambers with offices at room 14, Montgomery Block, is a gen tleman of ability and integrity and la well and favorably known in commer cial circles. He is a real estate agent and has a fine list of city and suburban property both for rent and for sale. He has. been established in the real estate and. insurance business in Lincoln for over fifteen years, and is a man of wide ex perience and good judgment in his. business.- His advice on matters per taining to real estate values is good and worth seeking if you are contem plating buying real estate for a boms or for an investment. He writes insurance, representing:' some of the best companies in the country in the line of fire, tornado and 1