The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 20, 1906, Image 15

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Triendfy Interests of Plattsmouth
Our Triends in ftebraska City
Tyxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvj
Mayor of Plattsmouth and a Leading
Merchant of the City.
H. R. Gerlng, Mayor of Plattsmouth,
i one of the leading business men cf
the city. He Is a druggist and a mem
ber of the firm of H. R. Gering & Co.
Their drug store Is one of the most
modern and up-to-date drug stores in
the county. He is a man of practical
business experience and one who as
mayor of the city has managed th3
city's affairs in an able and conscien
tious manner.
As a business man he has always
tieated both labor and the public in
a manner which is both fair and just,
and working men should co-operate
with and support him in every way
Public Official and One of the State'
Leading Lawyers.
H. D. Travis, County Judge for Css
county and City Attorney for. the city
of Plattsmouth, is a gentleman of
integrity und a lawyer of ability and
education. He stands high at the
Cass county bar and has won the con
fidence and respect of the entire com
munity. Judge Travis Is a democrat
and is one of the most influential
members of that party in Cass county
and the state. He has always mani
fested a friendly interest in the cause
of labor, and conservative labor has
a staunch friend In Judge Travis, and
, h friend who is entitled to your sup
port and co-operation in every way
County Attorney Whose Services Have
Been Thoroughly Appreciated.
C. A. Rawls, County Attorney for
Cass county, is a lawyer of ability and
integrity, and one who by his honor
able and public-spirited methods of
dealing has built up a large and con
stantly Increasing practice and is ex
ceedingly popular. He is a republican
and is an earnest and enthusiastic
worker In all party matters.
As a lawyer he stands well at the
bar of Cass county, and his election
10 the office of county attorney gave
Cass county a most able prosecuting
One of the Strongest Financial Houses
In All Nebraska.
The Bank of Cass County, with its
capital stock of $50,000.00, is a strong
and conservative banking institution,
an Institution the officers of which
have won the confidence and respect
ol the entire community. They do a
general commercial banking business,
and handle and solicit the accounts of
Individuals, firms and corporations.
Every wage-earner should have a
bank account. This Is the surest and
best way to business success and pros
perity. You cannot do better than to carry
your account with the Bank of Cass
The officers of this bank, Charles C.
Ptrmele. president; Jacob Tritsch,
vice-president; T. M. Patterson,
cashier, and R. F. Patterson, assist
ant cashier, are too well known to
need much comment, farther than to
ray that the fact of their names be
ing connected with an institution is a
guarantee of the stability and success
of that institution.
Meat Market That Is Always a Model
of Cleanliness.
The best is usually the cheapest in
the end. If you want to get the besc
cuts of beef, pork; mutton, etc., or any
thing in the line' of salt meats, fish,
oysters, poultry or game in season, go
to M. Li. Johnson's meat market.
Mr. Johnson is the manager of his
place, which is a marvel of neatness,
and is always supplied with the be-t
the market affords at a price as low
as Is consistent with good business.
You will make no mistake in giving
your trade to Mr. Johnson.
Financial House That Offers Good
Opportunities to the Toilers.
The Plattsmouth state Bank w
Justly a source of pride to Plattsmouth,
S3 It is composed of home men, and
la one of the strongest institutions In
the county. It makes a specialty of
iti earnings and savings department,
and offers to the people a sure deposi
tory for their earnings, on which It
pays 3' per cent on deposits from
$5.00 up and credits interest twice a
The officers of the bank are always
glad to have anyone call and get ac
quainted, or who wishes information
on financial matters.
The host of . laboring men in thU
district will make no mistake in ex
tending to this institution their hearty
support and co-operation. The direc
tors of this bank, W. H. Newell, S. H.
Atwood, C. P. Atwlood, J. P. Falter,
John Albert, and J. M. Roberts, are
among the best known and most re
spected citizens of Plattsmouth.
A Company That Has Scored a Most
Wonderful Success.
The Plattsmouth Telephone com
pany has built up an enormous pa
tronage by honorable and public
spirited methods. Thos. E. Parmele,
president; C. C. Parmele, vice-president,
and F. F. Pollock, general man
ager, are men of Industry and highly
respected for their business integrity
and demonstration of such great in
terest in the city's welfare.
The Plattsmouth Telephone com
pany has a very large number of sub
scribers and its instruments are in use
by every progressive and wide-awaka
person in the community and is well
known for ita splendid service, both
local and long distance. Their Ions
distance service covers the twenty
counties south of the Flatte and gives
a flve-mlnute service with over 43,000
independent telephones.
A Dentist Whose Skill Has Won Him
Wide Popularity.
When you wish to have your teeth
repaired or extracted by a thoroughly
reliable up-to-date dentist, call at W.
B. Elister's Dental Parlor, where you
will be the recipient of a high degree
of courtesy by Dr. Blister, who pos
sesses an unlimited knowledge of his
profession. One engagement with Dr.
Elister. demonstrates to his patient
what he has gained by close observa
tion and application to study in the
dental world. The laboring man has
in Dr. Elister a true and loyal friend
and from him will always receive the
test treatment.
One of the Big Business Enterprises
of Plattsmouth.
Economy in purchasing is the key
note of domestic prosperity. No store
offers better values in dry goods, mil
linery, ready-made suits and cloak3,
carpets, shoes, china, etc., than the
store of F. S. White.
Mr. White has shown an earnest in
terest in the welfare of the working
people and has especially served the
masses by giving the fairest prices ou
strictly reliable and first-class goods.
Mr. White has always been found
aiding willingly to support worthy
projects and no mistake is made in
numbering him among the foremost
public-spirited business men of Platts
mouth. F. G. FRICKE & CO.
Druggists Who Carry an Immense
Stock of Reliable Goods.
F. G. Fricke & Co. are the proprie
tors of a strictly modern and up-to-date
drug store. Their prescription de
partment is in charge of a graduated
pharmacist of experience, and pre
scriptions are carefully compounded at
ell hours. They carry a full and com
plete stock of drugs, toilet articles,
perfumes, soaps, brushes, paints, oils
and glass.
They have always manifested a
friendly interest In the cause of labor,
and working men will make no mis
take in giving their patronage to these
well known gentlemen.
Coal Dealers Who Give Two Thousand
Pounds to the Ton.
In the estimation of the citizens of
Plattsmouth, The J. V. Egenberger
coal yard can well .rank among the
best. They handle an excellent grade
of coal and their scales give the same
weight throughout the entire year, re
gardless of strikes or any other trying
conditions. The promoters of thi3
business have always been true friends
to organized labor and are entitled to
the fullest support that labor can give.
Livery and Bus Man Who Is a Popular
Business Man.
A great error would indeed be made
it we failed to insert J. L. Thompson
name in our "Friendly Li3t Edition."
Mr. Thompson, who conducts a livery
barn in this city, has, through his ad
herence to the law of honesty and
right, gained for himself the respect
and admiration of his employes as
well as patrons. His bus and cabs
meet all trains at all hours. If you
want good service and just treatment
J. L. Thompson is the man who will
see that you receive it. His fine livery
equippage is indeed a credit to a city
the size of Plattsmouth and the city
should be proud of it.
Conduct a Big General Merchandise
Business and Deserve Patronage.
One of the foremost retail stores of
Plattsmouth is the store of E. G. Dovey
& Son. They are dealers in -dry goods,
notions, fancy and staple groceries and
queensware, and their stock is always
complete and up-to-date.
They are firm believers in the prin
ciple of live and let live in business,
and a dollar will always buy a dollar's
worth of merchandise at their store. '
The proprietors, . E. G. Dovey and
G. E. Dovey, are among the best known
business men of Plattsmouth, and are
staunch friends of the cause of labor.
A Big Concern That Does a Fine Busi
ness in Its Line.
The Plattsmouth Steam Laundry
company is a concern made up of gen
tlemen, who are experienced in their
line of business and can be depended
upon to satisfactorily carry out all
They make a specialty of short-order
work for the commercial trade. The
employes of this company are treated
with due consideration and receive as
good compensation as is consistent
with business stability and integrity
and they hold their employers in "the
highest respect and esteem.
Liquor Dealer Who Lives Up to the
Law at All Times.
Mr. C. Speck has always manifested
a friendly interest in the cause of la
bor, and is entitled to the support and
co-operation of ail who have the best
interests of labor at heart. His sample
room is strictly up-to-date in point of
quality of goods kept in stock. Ho
dispenses the best of wines, liquors
and cigars.
You will always find Mr. Speck the
same genial gentleman, no matter what
time of the day or night you drop in
to see him.
Groceries and Meats at Prices That
Are Always Right.
In the grocery and meat business
there can be found no better equipped
or more prominent firm .than that of
J. Hatt & Son.
Their up-to-date stock of goods bear
prices which fit the pocketbook of the
laboring man and it i3 here where he
receives correct weight and prompt at
tention and the respect due them.
The rapid growth and increasing
popularity of this city depend upon
such broad-minded and successful con
cerns at the Hatt & Son Grocery com
Liveryman Who Is Friendly With In
' terests of Organized Labor.
When you want good horses and the
best of rigs combined with the best of
treatment, call at W. E. Mans-peaker's
livery barn, which is one of the best-
equipped and most modern establish
ments of its kind in the city.
Mr. Manspeaker, through his genial
and sunny disposition, has acquired a
large circle of friends and the labor
ing man need have no feeling of hesi
tancy in including him as one of their
The Cottage Roof and Its Eaves.
A country cottage should offer no
excuse for the ugly modern habit of so
building that the set of the roof is con
cealed by the walls, and these have the
appearance of having been built round
the roof instead of supporting it. A
parapet belongs to a castle or fortress,
not to a dwelling house. The shape
of the roof and the maner of its set
ting should always be clearly seen
from the roadway, and one of the
greatest sources of charm is sacrificed
by any attempt to do away with over
haneine eaves. These give distinc
tion and sharpness to the outline, make
a picturesque way for evergreen or
flowing creepers, and throw a beauti
ful shadow on the walls.
Even the' living skeleton may long
for a fat job.
A Faithful City Official Who Believes
in Unionism.
M. C. Berry, City Clerk, is a man
who ever has the interests of labor at
heart, and he is entitled to the support
and co-operation of all working people
in every way.
He has made a most efficient City
Clerk and has served the city both
faithfully and well.
Sheriff Who Is Friendly to the Inter
ests of Labor.
John Donovan, Sheriff of Otoe coun
ty, is a gentleman of ability and integ
rity and one who ha3 the courage cf
his convictions. As sheriff he has per
formed the duties of his office as he has
found them without fear or favor and
has the confidence of the entire com
munity. Mr. Donovan is a democrat and as
such is a strong and influential worker
in the party.
He ha3 always manifested a friendly
interest in the cause of labor and is
entitled to the support and co-opera
tion of all working people.
Big Wholesale Concern That Adds to
Nebraska City's Trade.
Nebraska City is growing rapidly as
a wholesale and manufacturing center
and one of the foremost enterprises
carrying on a wholesale business is the
Bradley-Catron company, wholesale
grocers. We wish in our "Friendly
List Edition for 1906" to call the atten
tion of our readers to those concerns
whose attitude towards labor is fair
and just. Such a concern i3 the Bradley-
Catron company. The manage
ment of this concern comprise gentle
men whose names connected with a
business enterprise is a guarantee of
the stability and success of that en
terprise. l: F. JACKSON.
One of the Leaders of the Otoe County
Mr. L. F. Jackson is one of the lead
ing practitioners at the Otoe county
bar. He is well known throughout the
county and as a lawyer and as a man
has the confidence and respect of the
entire community. He has by his hon ¬
orable and public-spirited methods of
dealing built up a large and constantly
increasing practice and is exceedingly
popular. He has always manifested a
friendly interest in the cause of labor,
and is entitled to the support and co
operation of all working people.
A Popular General Merchant Who Is
Friendly to Us.
C. W. Stahlhut is one of the most
progressive merchants of Nebraska
City. At his store at the corner of
Twelfth street and Central avenue, you
will find a complete stock of dry goods,
staple and fancy groceries, produce,
queensware, boots, shoes, hardware,
tinware and toys.
He has always manifested a friendly
interest in the cause of labor, and
workingmen will make no mistake in
giving their support and co-operation
to Mr. Stahlhut. .
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Who
Is on the Square.
J. W. Butt is one of the foremost
business men of Nebraska City. He
conducts a modern and up-to-date fur
niture store and his stock is complete
in everything in the line of furniture.
Mr. Butt is also an experienced un
dertaker and licensed embalmer and
is prepared to handle the details of
the largest funeral. You will find his
show rooms always well stocked with
a fine display of- household furniture
ahd at most moderate prices. He is a
firm believer in the principle of "live
and let live" in business and gives the
highest quality in furniture for the
lowest consistent price.
Nebraska City Druggist Who
Friendly to Union Labor.
W. B. Sloan is one of the leading
druggists of Nebraska City. He "makes
a specialty of the careful compounding
of prescriptions at all hours, and em
ploys only graduated and experienced
pharmacists as assistants. He also
carries a full and complete stock of
paints, oils, glass, putty, druggists' sun
dries, and wines, liquors of all kinds
for medicinal and family use.
Mr. Sloan has always manifested a
friendly interest in the cause of labor,
and . working men will make no mis
take in giving Mm their support and
A Popular Physician Who Has Won a
Large Practice.
Dr. M. A. Carriker is a physician and
surgeon and stands high in the medi
cal profession of Otoe County.
Dr. Carriker is one of the foremost
citizens of Nebraska City and as a
man and (as a physician he has won
the confidence and respect of the en
tire community.
He is a citizen who is broad minded
and public spirited and is interested
in all public movements for the wel
fare of the city.
Leading Photographers Whose Busi
ness Is Constantly Growing.
Peasley & White, the leading pho
tographers of Nebraska - City, have
their studio. at 722 Central Avenue.
They do the best of work and guar
antee all work to be executed per
fectly, and their prices are most mod
erate. Photography is an art and not a
business and Peasley & White cer
tainly are artists, for they have made
a thorough study of photography and
excel in all of its departments from
the proper exposure to the most dainty
and attractive mountings. Working
people will' make no mistake in pa
tronizing this well known firm.
Genial Gentleman Who Believes in
Organization of Labor.
Parker's Feed Store, located at 606
Ppntral Avonnp i a hoarlniiarorfi fctr '
hay, grain and feed.
S. M. Parker, the proprietor, is a
man who has always manifested a
friendly interest in the cause of labor,
and working -people will make no mis
take in giving their support and co
operation to this well known gentle
man. He is a firm believer in the bus-
iness principle of honest quality and
honest quantity for an honest price.
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealers
Who Are on the Square.
William Schaden & Bro., located at
823 Central Avenue, are wholesale and
retail dealers in wines, liquors and
cigars. They are the Nebraska City
agents for Schlitz beer and for Old
Jordan and Gukenheimer Rye. They
have by their honorable and public
spirited methods of dealing built up a
large and constantly increasing busi
ness and are exceedingly popular.
They solicit mail orders for family
trade and fill the same promptly and
at moderate prices. '
A Nebraska City Business Man Who
Stands for Unionism.
G. W. Ziels, located at 1012 Central
Ave., is headquarters for all kinds of
Lincoln Business College
Gives thorough and practical instructions in the business,
Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy and Preparatory courses.
Teachers of experience. - Students may work for board.
Excellent equipments.
Send for beautiful catalog. It is free.
Lincoln Business College
13 and P St. - Lincoln, Nebr.
. Students enroll any time
Secures quickest results.
Call or write for full particulars.
1519 O Street
tin, sheet iron, and galzanized iron
work. He makes a specialty of cor
nice and furnace. work. He is a,man
of experience in his business and work
executed by him is done in the most
approved and satisfactory manner.
He is by his attitude towards labor
entitled to the support and co-operation
of all working people.
Manufacturer Who Uses
Familiar Blue Label.
One of the principal manufacturing
industries of Nebraska City is the
manufacture of cigars, and one of the
foremost factories in this line is that
of R. W. Harrow. '
He manufactures high grade cigars
in both five and ten cent sizes, "Adver
tiser" and "La Sultan" being his lead
ing brands. In buying their cigars
you are supporting union labor and
also patronizing home industry. This
gentleman has by his honorable and!
public spirited methods of dealing
built up a large and constantly in
creasing business and is exceedingly
Employs Union Men Only to Make All
of His Cigars.
G. A. Hornyak is one of the leading:
cigar manufacturers in Nebraska City.
He manufactures a fine line of cigars,
his leader being "Purity," a high grade .
five cent cigar. All of his cigars are
union made and are made by cigar
makers working for honest wages un
der right conditions.
By patronizing the product of this
factory, you are supporting home in
dustry and union labor.
All working men should see to it
that the union label is on all cigars:
and tobacco used by them.
Makes Good Union Cigars and Sells
Lots of Them.
' J. H. Peters is a manufacturers of
cigars, and in buying and smoking ci-
made y him you are doing two
inings wmcu you buuuiu ajwajo suivvr
to do, patronizing home industry and
union labor.
All cigars made by Mr. Peters bear
the blue union label and when you get
this you are always getting a good,
smoke for your money. ...
Leading Tobacconist Who
Makes- ar
Specialty of Union Goods.
One of the leading merchants iiu
Nebraska City is G. W. Schrimpf, re
tail and wholesale dealer in cigars,
tobacco and smokers' articles.
He carries a complete and compre
hensive -Una of all smokers' goods in
cluding a complete stock of Nebraska.
City union made cigars. His goods;
are right and his prices are right and
you will always get satisfaction by
trading with him. He has always man
ifested a most friendly interest in the
cause of labor, and working men will
make no mistake in giving their sup
port and co-operation to him.
Specialist Children
Office Hours l to 4 p.m.
Office 2116 O st. , Both Phones.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
OFFICE HOURS- to 12 A. ., 2 to S P. .
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