The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 06, 1906, Image 1

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0 J -r&
y . A Newspaper with a Mission and without a Muzzle that is published in the Interest of Wageworkers Everywhere. - ':,
i VOL. 2 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, APRIL-, 190 ,'.."'", :; ' ' KO, 52
; ' i i " I i ..... . . . '
A Lesson in
Having followed our youngsters to
' the Pacific coast and loeated myself
on a suburban chicken ranch, I was
surprised and pleased to find that one
of our nearest neighbors was Billy
Gorman. ' His father, a well-to-do
farmer, had been my neighbor years
ago" in western New York. Billy had
at first made but poor use of his abil
ities and opportunities, and after a
: brief career as a country lawyer and
ima11 politician had left his country
for his country's good. But, soon tak
ing a sudden turn for the better, he
fchad learned the trade of a sawyer in
'a planing mill in Barberton, O., and
had permanently adopted the life and
-- habits of an industrious and thrifty
. mechanic. With a view to more rapid
accumulation of worldly goods he had
followed the star of empire and of
high wages to San Francisco, coming
by way of Texas, where he worked
two years in the Murray cotton gin
' factories in Dallas.
I greatly enjoyed renewing my ac
quaintance with Billy, who was at his
worst ' a Tery interesting and likable
boy. We had many good visits over
our garden fence, In the course of
which I learned much of his interest
ing history since leaving his early
home. I even advised tiim to shed his
corduroys,' now that his steady habits
must be fully confirmed, and take, up
again the practice of the law, for which
" he had shown a great, liking and apti
tude even as a youth. But he claimed
to be contented with his condition, and
wished to take no further chances with
the excitements and temptations of the
forum and its environments.
"Anything, fresh, Billy?" I asked
him this morning.
"Why, yes," he replied, "I have had
a letter from my old foreman with
Clark Bros. In Barberton. They are
setting up a new plant In Fort Wayne,
and directed him to offer me' a good
place there, If my services are not too
high priced,"
, ' I had previously known that the
Murray company held out tempting In
ducements to dissuade Billy from leav
ing Dallas, which he did mainly on" ac
count of the suffering of his family in
the torrid summer climate of Texas.
"Billy," said I, "you have been
' marked for promotion in every place
where ycu have worked till you got to
San Francisco. Here you have stood
four years at the same set of saws,
with no prospect In sight of ever ftein,-?
offered a better position."
. "But," Billy rejoined; "if Clark Bros,
gave me a department in Fort Wayne,
I should have to work at least an hour
longer and for probably half a- dollar
less a day than 1 get here at my saws."
"That may be, but your position here
U not so good but it might be better.
What strikes me is that you have
either lost your superior qualities as a
man and a cutter and handler of fine
lumber, or else they are not appre'
elated here as they have been else'
where.- Do you know the reason?"
"Yes, I do," replied Billy. "It is the
labor unions here, the same that se
cure me better pay for hand work. than
Clark Bros, would have to pay for my
alleged superior capabilities in In
diana." "As to your high wages, I under
stand that they are at the mercy of
those same unions, which may at any
time, without your consent or ap
proval, call you off from your work-
"Yes, that Is true, and you can see
Indicating his pretty home, and its
ample surroundings,, "what provision
I am trying to make against such an
emergency. Throe-fourths ot our
neighbors, - too, are worklngmen like
me, and are throwing the same kind
of an anchor to windward.'
"Well, whether or no," I pursued, "Is
not half a dollar a day poor compensa
tlon for keeping at manual work which
any man could do, and leaving your
higher and more valuable capacities
unused and undeveloped?"
"O, I Rive my higher capacities their
innings out .of work hours. I have
found more than a plenty to do and to
think of which has been profitable to
me In one way or another."
"Yes, Billy; but tow let -me ask
Do you try as hard to do your best for
your employer, now . that yoi are
union man working In a completely
unionized industry? And does your
employer know or care If you do? In
short, does not your union connection
tend to make you no better than any
one of a dozen sawyers In your shops?"
"Perhaps: but at the same time it
tends to make each of the dozen saw
vers as Kood as I am. which on tie
whole is a great gain, eh7 ur course
the unions, like many modern improve
ments. work Borne disadvantage to-1n
' dlvlduals, but we claim to show large
balance of public benefit to tfelr ef ed
It." v
"But you-;it;ouldn't claim 'hat they
have been !Sk peSWrt-Jn destioying all
friendly personal feeling between em
ployers and employes?"
"Granting that they are to blame for
this, which I don't admit," said Billy,
why should there be that friendly
personal interest between those who
sell labor and those who buy it, any
more than between those who produce
and sell eggs and those who buy them?
Except as a matter of policy I should
no more give any employer more than
the ordinary amount of effort in a day's
work than you should count out 13
eggs for a dozen."
'And the incentive of good policy
has-been removed through the influ
ence of the unions," I added, inquir
ingly. Yes, by making our proper rela
tions, better understood. We no longer
egard our employer as a patron to
be conciliated by works of supereroga
tion nor does he look us over, in search
a good boy to pat on the head.
My employer Is a very worthy man
nd a member of the employers' asso
ciation. He and I both know that we
are liable to be some day engaged in a
battle between our respective organiza
tions, a battle caused by no fault 'what
ever of his or mine. Of course this
prevents any sense of friendly interest
between us, for in war we must not
love our enemies."
"These flourishing and prosperous
industries of Sah Francisco then are,
in fact, in a state of war?" I asked.
"That is about right. We work un
der an armed truce."
"Well, now, Billy, let us consider.
The laborers must be employed, and
the capitalists must employ them, if
production and civilized existence are
to continue. How do you justify the
organizations which have brought
about, a war between these two insep
arable and indispensable classes?"
'On the ground that tkey haven't
brought about the war. They have
changed the conditions of it, from an
industrial despotism tempered by riot
and insurrection, ' to a comparatively
equal conflict. They have made the
numerical superiority of the workers
count peacefully, in a dispute, as it
ought to. And they have called the
attention of the world to the fact thai:
there is a war, an irrepresible con
flict." Well, Billy, what would .you call
the cause of the war between capita
and labor?"
"Why, I should call it just simply
ignorance. Employers and employes
fight each other because they haven't
yet found out whom else to fight." -
"Then why haven't your unions
found the enemy?"
".Give us time," said Billy. "Have
ou noticed the labor vote In all the
great cities this past year? We Union
men don't all think, but we all know
who among us does think, and where
to look for counsel , and leadership
when we want them. And before you
know it the employers' unions ahd the
labor unions will discover what is
really doing the mischiefs we have
been blaming on each other. They will
get sight of the common enemyi Then
our guns are all mounted and loaded
ready to train on him."
Do you know 'his' name?" was my
final Inquiry. .
"Sure I do. It Is Prlivlege, Mr.
Legal PrilvleRe, short shrift to him!"
I took off my hat to Billy. E. P.
Rounsevell, in The Chicago Public.
Many Operators Signing Up and the
Outlook Is Good.
The long anticipated miners' strike
is on at last, but it is not, what' the
public was led to believe it would be.
Scores of operators in both the bitumi
nous and anthracite fields are signing
up, and the number of men out, while
smaller than anticipated, is being les
sened every day.
So far the" strike has not been
marred by any disturbances worthy of
note, save in one or two places where
the foreign and ignorant element, pre
dominated. President' Mitchell is.
handling the situation with his usual
skill and the men are confident of
Ducky" Holmes' Players Have
Been Duly Christened.
"Ducky" Holmes' baseball team has
been duly christened "The Bryanltes,"
and will be known by that name during
the season. That is the result of a vote
taken by a local evening paper.
The rerabers of the team have about
all reported for bvrsffiemd practice
at tni new parn is go jn pierriiy
Mahager Holmes is not Juvlng Vent to
any not air aDout winning tnc pen
nant, but he avows and avers tftat t
has got a mighty good club, amp that
he is going, to give. Lincoln an imbibi
tion of clean ball that will tick?
"fans;-' mightily.. . !
Reported That Its Management Has
Signed with Printers.
Word was received in Lincoln Wed
nesday afternoon that the Crowell Pub
lishing Co.'s successors in the publica
tion of the Woman's Home Companion
had signed up with the Springfield, O.,
Typographical - Union and that the
strike has been declared off. All the
union printers return te work, and the
men in other departments who went
ouc with the printers are back again.
Full details of the whole matter will
be given next week.
If this report of victory is true and
the:xs is no reason to doubt it the
union printers of the country have
their v. ives and sisters in the Auxiliary
to thank for it. Acting alone the
printers would have been practically
helpless, for the magazine caters al
most wholly to the women. And when
3,0M) earnest union women got busy
with the advertisers and among the
subscribers there was something doing
in the financial department of the pub-,
licatiou. - It is a magnificent tribute to
the unionism of the women and shows
clearly' that unionism can not win- its
real victories without them. The
Wageworker doffs its bonnet to the
Auxiliaries to , the Typographical
Union, and to the Auxiliaries of all
trades anions everywhere. God -bless
'em! '
A Remarkable Strike
- - i
(From the Lincoln Daily Star)
Very few people, comparatively, outside of those directly
affected, are aware that one of the greatest strikes in th history
of trades tmionism has been going on in the United States and
Canada for upwards of six months. The first skirmishes began
last October, although the real battle did not begin until .Jan
uary 2. It is the strike of the union printers of the country for
the eight-hour day. The strike has been conducted in' a most
orderly manner. Not one charge of rioting or assault as been
proved, although several charges were made. Injunctions set
ting forth charges of assault have been denied after full hear
ing, and several judges have even gone to the length of uttering
what might be constructed as compliments to the printers for
their quiet and. orderly conduct in the face of great provo
cation. , '
The printers have quietly submitted wherever they could
not secure a modification of the injunctions, and have relied
wholly on moral suasion and the justice of their cause. In the
management of their strike they have set a splendid example
to all trades union organizations. That the printers are winning
is proof that their methods are the best. The general public
hears very little of the struggle 'because it has very few "news
features," but wherever ffeople understand the situation their
sympathies are almost wholly with the. Typographical union.
Some Comments on Changes in the
Craft's Condition Lately.
Ever stop to think about what
great changes have taken place in th:
barber business during the last two or
three hundred years?" queried the
man on Chair io. s. uaroering is
one ot the oldest trades in the world.
It antedates mechanics of all kinds.
There were hundreds of barbers bs
fore printing was invented. For a
thousand years before the steam en
gine was invented barbers were doing
business at the sign of the striped polo
Long years before Moses lifted tip th ;
brazen serpent in the wilderness, or
Aaron made the golden calf, men wer-j
engaged in the barber business. Our
trade is one of the oldest in the wovl(i.
and , yet greater changes have been
made in it during the last half- century
than in all the centuries that 'have
gone before."-.
"No, 1 don't care for any tonic," said
the man in the chair. "Just tell me
some more about, the barber business."
'AVell,' said the man on Chair No. 3,
"in the old days the barber was a sort
of surgeon as well. From the surgical
end of the profession we get the pres
ent barber sign--the striped pole. The
stripes represent the bandages the bar-
"bcrsi ;ised to around the subjects
of their surgical skill. That knob at
the top of the pole used to be a basin.
representing the basin that the old
barber-surgeons were wont to use to
catch the blood of their patients. A
generation or two ago bleeding wasva
sovereign remedy for everything from
fits to sore eyes, and the barber-surgeon
was called on to do the lapping."
And they do it yet," ventured the
man in the cliair. " ' -
"Yes, non-union barbers do," replied
the man on Chair No. 3. "Union bar
bers have quit the bleeding business.
As I was saying, the bjirbgjiajused to
be surgeons. In the eightenth century
King George II ly royal edict separat
ed the two' professions, and surgery as
a part ot the barber business was pro
hibited. For centuries the business
was s ather looked down upon, and it
was- a poor paying business at best.
The hours were woefully long and the
pay email. But gradually ' great
changes have taken place. The hours
have, been shertenec, the pay has been
increased, and labor - saving . devices
have been installed. The barber chair
as we know it today la of . compara
tively recent oriign. First came the
moveable headrest. Then some inven
tive genius brought in the ..reclining
chair. Now we have ! the reclining
chair with pneumatic cushions, folding
rests for the feet, movable headrest
and comfort beyond compare."
"Mighty nice things to rest in," ad
mitted the man in the chair.
"That's what," said t the man 0,1
Chair No. 3. "And it helps the busi
ness. Lots of men drop in for a shave
because' they can snatch a few, min
utes rest in the chair. Thirty or forty
years ago 50 cents was about the limit
for a man to spend at one time with
a barber. Nowadays it is not uncom
mon for a man to cheerfully give up a
dollar or more. Shave,, hair cut, sham
poo, face massage, hair tonic and mus
tache curled all of which makes good
"No, never mind .the shampoo to
"All right, sir. Comb wet or dry?
All right. But one of the greatest
changes has been in the personnel of
the men wiio follow the. business. TUey
are proud of their trade now, take a
pride in being skilled workmen, and
have an organization that benefits both
barber and patron. Thank you, sir.
come in again."
"Who was the first barber?'' queried
the customer.
"Can't say, sir. But Jacob was an
early one. Remember how he trimmed
Lubuu in that cattle deal? And Jacob,
you remember, got to heaven by a
mighty close shave."
A Little Explanation of Mr. Woodruff's
Open Letter.
L. D. Woodruff's letter in last week's
Wage worker is calculated to do the
Pressmen's Union of this city a grave
injustice. When the pressman of
whom Mr. Woodruff complains applied
for his card it was lefused and the
matter submitted to the president of
the international. It was decided that
the card could not be withheld. But
the local union immediately imposed a
fine of $25 on the derelict member and
refused to issue him a card until the
fine was paid. The derelict member
then asked for a withdrawal card, and
It was granted. But before he can
again work at his trade as a pressman
he must take oh I a new card, and he
will have to pay the $25 fine before it
will be granted to him. If he pays the
fine it is the intention of the local
union to reimburse Mr. Woodruff.
The local union ot Pressmen tried
every way possible to protect Mr.
Woodruff, and the boys feel that their
side of the case has not been given
propei- publicity.
, The Star pressmen have been doing
extra duty for several days, getting
ready to remove the press to the rear
room. . They will have mucn Detter
quarters when the change is made,
The spectacle of a union pressman
mounting a ladder and- doing electric
wiring is not an edifying one. He
would "hoHer his head off'.' if a union
electrical worker subbed on the press.
There are five web presses in Lin
coln, one at the Free. Press, one at the
Star, two at the Journal-News and one
in tha Journal job departtnent. They
turn out more Impressions, than any
five web presses between, Chicago and
the Pacific coast.
Unions in That Good City Hustling to
the Front.
There are six unions in Fremont,
Nebr., and ail of them are alive and
doing business: Enthusiasm is mani
fest among the union men and they
maintain a Central Union that leaves
nothing undone to advance the cause
in that city. A movement is on foot
to have the unions of Fremont repre
sented in The Wageworker every week,
and the editor assures the boys that
they ca nhave all the space they want.
Twelve years ago the editor of this
paper assisted in the organization of
a 1 ypographical Union in Fremont.
but owing to the panic of 1895-96 the
union was forced to give up its char
ter. However, the time seems ripe
for the organization of another union
among the printers of that city.
All of Fremont's unions meet regu
larly and keep a sharp eye on trade
conditions. They are working in one
of the best of the small cities of the
west, and they have plenty of room to
grow. Representatives of The Wage-
worker are now there in the interests
of the "Friendly List Edition," and are
meeting with splendid success.' It ts
to be hoped that the local unions will
select a live correspondent and keep
the Lincoln unions posted on what is
doing in the lively little city on Jim
Hill's new extension.
A Few Brief News Notes About People
and Things Hereabouts.
Is the label in your hat?
Is the label in your shoes?
Got a label on your collar? If not,
why not?
Read what the Tribe of Ben-Hur has
to say in this issue.
Louis Maupin is visiting with rela
tives In North Bead.
Is the label in your coat? It is if
you are a good union man.
For union made shoes, best quality
and style, go to Rogers & Perkins.
Rogers & Perkins carry the "largest
line of union made shoes in the city.
Mrs. J. E. Mickel and her two, chil
dren, Harold and Helen, of Harvard,
are visiting with relatives and friends
in Lincoln.
Blufr Ribbon" cigars,' manufactured
by Neville & Gartner, and sold by all
dealers, are union made in Lincoln.
Smoke them and be happy."
Lincoln, Beatrice, Nebraska City,
Plattsmouth, Fremont and Omaha will
be represented in The Wageworker's
Friendly List Edition." ' And that edi
tion will be a corker. Wait for it.
You can usually tell-a Union Panter
In Lincoln these days by the smile
upon his face. The painters are meet
ing with huge success in their cam
paign for the closed shop the eight
hour day and a slight 'increase in the
minimum wage. The employers are
coming across with enthusiasm, and
the boys are giving them a . hearty
Teeting. ' ,
A. T. Nelson, a member, of the
Stereotypers' Union, h&s decided to be
farmer, and has left town to -take
up residence on his farm at Alice, Ne
braska. Mr. Nelson has been in ' the
employ of the Western Newspaper
Union for twenty-one years, and is one
of the best at the trade in the west.
He will be followed by the hearty good
wishes of all the. union men in the
The baseball season in Lincoln will
open on Wednesday, May 2, at which
time f Manager Rourke will bring his
Omaha Indians down'and let Manager
Holn'es' Bryanites make monkies ot
them. Lincoln has been ripe for pro
fessional ball for three or four years,
and now that it has it, it is up to the
lover3 of ' the sport to give it hearty
support. " '-.
The Wageworker suggests that the
opening day cf the season be made a
half-holiday, that all the business
houses close and everybody hike out
to Antelope park and watch the Bryan
ites fccalp the Indians. It will start
the season off with a whoop and will
make everybody feel good. Fifteen
thousand people eught to be on hand
to cheer "Ducky" Holmes' boys on to
a glorious victory. Give us a half
holiday on Wednesday, May 2.
A lot of Eastern papers are crying
about a possible shortage of men. to
construct V etern railroads. There is
no- trouble about men if swinish con
tractors will offer decent wages and
provide occommodations fit for human
beings. The average Western railroad-
contractor pays wages more suitable to
China than to America and his camp
would make a self-respecting hog long
for home and mother. There are more
men than jobs in this booming West
of ours, and the railroads can hire
them if they wilt pay living wages.
Denver Clarion-Advocate. !
A Slap in Labor's Fac
President Roosevelt's answer to the
petition of the labor interests present
ed to him Wednesday was character
istic of some of his most exasperating
traits. With all possible vehemence
he' proceeds to claim that he is more
devoted to the interests of the wager
worker than anyone else can possibly
be, and then proceeds to tell these
elected, delegates," representing 2,000,
000 organised working people, that
everything they ask Is either wrong
or has been already granted by his
own beneficent solicitude.
. easy to see why the present
chief executive often exasperates those
who are his best friends. The positive
opinions and self-assertion which have
given him his power and his usefulness
are not so pleasant to meet when op
posed to what is desired by a given
individual or organization.- ' '
The president is- nothing if not in
fallible, and when this trait is exhib
ited in accordance with one's own con
victions it is admirable; when contra-
wise it is enough to make one rage!
The News is well content when this
obstinate ' assurance of all-wisdom is
fighting for rate control and corpora
tion surveillance, but when it is used
to insist: on lessening the stringency
of Chinese exclusion,: approving a so-
called anti -in junction law which vir
tually legalizes " injunctions against
labor and insists on an unlimited day
for Panama labor, we could wish that
his imperial mandates were' not bo
Labor pretested that Chinese labor
er were already coming in consider
able numbers because of the presi
dent's insistence on more lenient in
terpretation of present laws. The pres
ident calmly denied the fact in toto,
and said he should insist on more lib
eral laws as well as more lax enforce
ment. ' v '
While he still insisted that neither
skilled nor unskilled labor should bt:
allowed to enter .America:
Christ and
'Labor troubles" come as the result
of an advancing 'civilization. Social
unrest is sometidfes an indication of
social progres. There are no labor
troubles in "Darkest Africa." There
fore, the cloud on the industrial hori
zon has its silver lining, if one will but
look for it. . ,. r
Many are the sighs of development
on the part, of the working man, but
most hopeful is the spirit of pride that
he is taking in his position as a work
er and as a citizen. Whatever may be
said as to the condition of the toiler
in some industries or in. some coun
tries, his position as . the man upon
whom rest the prosperity and . the hap
piness of the whole people, is more and
more being recognized. The brain of
the country is paying tribute to the
brawn. "That being so, the working
man will soon come to his own.
It is in this respect that he has for
himself, that he is winning . the
spect of others. '
While it is true that the mass of men
must of necessity belong to that great
company who toil with their hands,
nevertheless, the dignity of , that toll
has heightened the worker.. It is an
inspiration to realize that all toil
even the manual work of the artisan
may become as sacred as that of the
preacher and of the priest. Men some
times make a distinction between sec;
ular and religious work. ; Jesus Christ
nver did. ; , To him all work ; was
sacred. ' Jesus Christ as a carpenter
was just- as divine as when He
cleansed the leper or preached to the
multitude. In every case He was car
rying out the will of God. When Jesus
stood by the river Jordan, and the
heavens opened, and the voice de
clared: "This is my beloved Son in
whom I am well pleased." , He had
riever, so far as he knew, performed a
miracle or preached a sermon. He had
simply been toiling as a carpenter in
the little town of Nazareth. . He had
pleased God as a carpenter.
Here is nerve for the arm and en
thusiasm for the skill "I am work
ing with God in carrying on His world"
There was much more to the labor of
Jesus, than mere food and clothing and
money. ' The sound of that hammer
meant more to the world than so many
products in wood. Every nail reached
down to the coffin lid of some old tyr
anny or superstition. Every chip' of
the chisel released a hundred slaves.
Not so far-reaching will be the yesult
of every ,, worker's efforts in thiji cen
tury, but it is a privilege to have at
least a part in the work of the "world's
redemption by being a co-laborer with
Christ in whatever field iie may send
1,0 ' I
Helpful the thought tdo, that in the
daily grind we" have One who has
oassed through it all', so That He. can
: Labor's delegation urged - that t
anti-injunction bill tefore congress wis '
virtually a bill to authorize what h4
heretofore ' been unauthorized injan
tion .restraining labor frdm striking. It
was shown that it implied a property -right
on the part' of 'capital ''in the la-
borer.''" ':"..!""- '':''!" ' .; ' ' 'H
Yet the president' quietly informed
them that this was a bill he himself -'
had worked out. "fhe'l8w''he!say ,'"'
"-.vas 'whipped into its present shape
at a number of conferences between
representatives of the railroad organi
zations and the department of justice
and the bureau of corporations," and '
he thinks it is all right.
The eight-hour law' issues were
treated with equal contempt, yet he
avowed that no one favored eight
hours for labor so much as he? Km-,
plovers of the government are refuted
all right pf petition ;fqr legislation iu
their behalf. Yet Roosevelt informs
the 2,0p(.,0) men that appealed to hint -that
this denial of petition is his will.
Employes of the government must, be -as
subservient to their boss as any
other Wdgewoi-kers and could appeal
only to the heads of their departments. "
"Discipline "t must be maintained. . .
Of the Panama ; eight-hour protest
still less was made. Panama labor a
conditions were peculiar to Panama. '
Nevertheless, what he jtaid' regarding'
the, falling ntr i-"aP" West In
dian negro labor suggests that need ef -an
eight-hour regulation. These ne
groes, he says, work very well Mon
day 'and Tuesday, , but Wednesday
there is a falling off, an by Saturday
sometimes not more than one-fourth
remain. Perhaps if they were worked
but eight hours Monday and Tuesday
they would stay on through the week. .
and progress wonld be advanced
.5 Br.t the 2,000,000 men might as well
sent no delegation. ' There will be a
yielding. The president will hold hi
Own. infallible npintrm. Tien yer Vw -
the Toiler
sympathize with us in the abuse, the
misunderstanding, the bitterness and
all the suffering that comes to us 'in
the performance of duty. .
"This is the gospel of Labor, ?
Ring it, ye bells of the kirk'!
The Lord of Love came down from
,' above . ' .- . -
To live with the men who work.. -This-
is the rose He planted
Here is the thorn-cursed soil; -
Heaven is blessed with perfect rest, .
But the blessing of earth is toil."
Rev. Charles Stetzle.
One of the Great Fraternal Orders of -the
United States. :
If jou'were going away from your
home and family to be gone for three '
or four weeks, you would most cer
tainly- leave them enough money to -
buy their actual necessities while you
were away, wouldn't you? If yoff could
know beforehand that you were to be
called away from home and family by
death and could never return to them.
to aid them as you had in the past,
wouldn't you do all 'in your power be
fore you left to provide means for their -
care and support after your departure?
Fraternal ; insurance furnishes the
easiest ;and best way to provide for
them, because y6u can so easily meet
the small, monthly payments required
to provide a substantial: sum payabl-.v
to your beneficiaries in the event
your death, or' payable to yourself if -you
reach thf age of seventy.
The Tribe of Ben-Hur was organ
ized . twelve years ' ago and now - has "
over one hundred, thousand members.
It. also has an ample; Reserve Fund,
which is increasing' ih proportion as
the membership increases, thus guar
anteeing the payment of all claims, for
all time to come.
Capital City Court NO. 23, has nearly
eight hundred members and at the
present rapid rate of 'increase, will
soon have the honor of being the larg
est Court belonging to the Tribe of
Ben-Hur in the United States. During
the present month there will be no.
membership nor initiation fees charg
ed, thus making it easy to make the
start and secure that much needed pro
tection for yourself and family.. It is
a sin to neglect it longer. Send your
name to C. L. Meshier, Assistant State
Manager, No. 115 . North Eleventh
street and he will ,see that some good
brother or sister .calls upon you. Auto
phone 2714 .v- :
You can get anion made shoes, men's
and women's, at S. L. McCoy'B, 1529 O
street. And when you buy them of
him; you are patronizing a ood union
man. t ' ' : 1
.-': .... - - '. .-.