The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, March 16, 1906, Image 1

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"' A Newspaper with a Mission and without a Muzzle that is published in the Interest of Wageworkers Everywhere. . -"
' VOL.2 LINCOLN, NEBKASKA, MARCH I, I90(i f ;. w - : .- NO. 4i
; '. ' " i " '
After Standing by the Gentlemen Who Dubbed
Labor Editors as "Vipers," Cincinnati Union
Now Asks the "Vipers" to Do the Fighting,
"But for God's Sake Don't Mention Our
Names!" The Same Old Story.
Last August the editor of a labor newspaper,
himself a printer and a union man of a quarter
of a century's standing, was expelled from the
floor of the International Typographical Union
convention at Toronto. "He was sacrificed to
make-a Roman holiday for the administration,'
and a lot of delegates, swelled up with the im
portance of being named on minor committees,
willingly joined in crucifying this editor, whose
only "crime" was that he loved his union too
well to see it made the victim of personal
Cincinnati Union No. 3 had three delegates
in that convention, and two of them voted to
expel this labor editor. The names of the afore
said delegates were Donnell and Sullivan. Last
August these gentlemen by their votes en
dorsed the epithet of "vipers" as applied to
the editors of labor papers that dared to tell
their sentiments. They gleefully rushed in
with sacrificial knives whetted to a razor edge
and jabbed them into the vitals of the labor
editor. It was a great and glorious day, for
were they not getting even with a "lot of bum
But it's different now. Cincinnati Union is
in trouble, and it is begging those same "vip
ers" to come to the rescue. The Wageworker
is m receipt of a communication from the Cin
cinnati Union asking it to "jump all over" a
publication known as "Men and Women" and
roast it to a frazzle. This publication is Cath
olic, and the communication winds up as fpl
lows :
"We request that you. give this publication
the necessary write-up, calling the attention of
members of organized labor, and also those who
are Catholics, to the unfair actions of .'Men
ainl Woman.' --.--
"We also request that in complying with our
wishes you do not publish this letter as the
write-up, but say what you desire without stat
ing that we have written you."
The same old story. Tell the editor to "Give
'em hades, we'll stand by you," and then when
the editor gets in trouble for it make a sneak
and let him take the blame.
There are an gosh awful lot of eminent labor
agitators like that. They never give up a dol
lar to help a labor paper, and if the editor
doesn't do just as they wish they cruicfy him,
just like Cincinnati No. 3 helped to crucify
Shelby Smith. But when there is any fighting
to be done they rush right "off to the labor edi
tor and beg him to get on the firing line, "But
for Cod's sake don't mention our names."
What is Cincinnati Typographical' Union No.
3 doing to help Frank Rist make his labor pa
per pay ? Not a blamed thing. On the con
trary it is doing all it can to hinder him. But
that does not prevent Cincinnati Typographical
Union No. 3 from rushing out and asking the
labor press to "give 'em the devil." The edi
tor of The Wageworker will continue to. cheer-'
fully pay his little old 10 per cent assessment
; to help Cincinnati No. 3 and all other unions
-: that are in trouble, but he is not going to rend
his nether garment for a Union that first helps
to expel a labor editor and then turns around
and asks the men whom it calls "vipers" to
1 come to its rescue, "but for God's sake don't
mention our names!" .. . .
Miss Anna Wilson, The Wageworker's first
choice for trustee of the Union Printer's Home,
and a member of Columbia Union, failed of a
nomination.' We are sorry not for Miss Wil
son but for the rank and file. We wanted Miss
Wilson nominated and elected. With her on
the board there would, be a cessation of some
occurrences that are very common when the
board meetN. There might be a little more at-"
tention to business and a little less attention to
Home other things. But tlu ""close corporation,!'?,
seems to have got in its work again, ;
The' younger' generation of printers never had
any experience with the inside ring, commonly
called the "Waneetas." A lot of them never
heard of the gang, and a majority of them do
not believe that it ever existed. It has been
pretty quiet for a long time, but it is getting in
its work' again, just the same. If ; you don't
believe it, just look at' the nominations that,
have been made. The re is a lot to this story.
' but The Wageworker hasn't time to tell it now.;
If you are in a hurry to get it perhaps Shep
herd of Washington will take the time to telj
von all about it. lie knows.
James M. Lynch will be re-elected president.
That's a cinch. And it is just as well that this
is so. It isn't a good plan to swap horses while
crossing the stream. Lynch has headed a mas
terly fight for the eight-hour day, and until that
is settled there should change' in leader
ship. - The Wageworker cheerfully gives Presi
dent Lynch credit for his good work in the
present fight, and will stand by him on that
issue until the end. Tint there are other things
besides this eight-hour fight, and they will come
up in their proper time. The ".vipers" are go-.
mg to do a iittle vipmg- when the,;.time
comes. In the meantime, just to show that we
are all standing -together on this eight-hour
proposition, we'll rnake Lynch' -re-election
about as 'nearly unanimous as anything cau.he
That's the issue now. Il When it is settled 'there
will be plenty of time to settle all little differ
ences between ourselves.
It is about time for candidates for delegate
from Lincoln Union to Colorado Springs to be
bobbing up. Several names have already be,en
mentioned, and there are surface indications to
show that several eminent gentlemen are going
to get into the race. Doubtless there will be
two delegates to elect, and that will make
things all the warmer.
The heavy assessment is going to deciease
the attendance at Colorado Springs very ma
terially. But despite the heavy financial drain
a number of Lincoln members still declare their
intentions of going.. The last bulletin from
headquarters promised , to ' reduce the assess
ment "just as soon" as 'advisable," and that:
ought to cheer us up some.
- Wright and Bessette of Chicago have only
been in jail "constructively." ' That's the way
Richards and Comstock, the cattle barons, were
in jail in Omaha. But Wright and Bessette
tried their best to get into jail in faet. But the
union busters seemed to be afraid of it. Neither
Wright nor Bessette begged the labor editors
to "Give 'em hell, but for God's sake don't
mention our names."
A Poorly Attended Meeting That Developed a
Warm Discussion That Was Goodnatured
but Right to the Point The Central Body
Denounces Fake Advertising Schemes in the
Name of Labor Endorses The. Wageworker.
There was a warm debate in the Central La
bor Union meeting Tuesday - night, and al
though it lasted only a 'few minutes it was
worth the price of admission.
It cwme up over a resolution presented by the
Carpenters' Union to discontinue the' mimeo
graphing of the minutes for distribution among
the delegates and a reduction in the secretary's,
salary to equal the amount of work taken from
his hands. First there was a warm debate on
the proposition to make the secretary's salary
a certain figure. After some entertaining re
marks it was decided to compromise between
the Old salary and the proposed salary. Then'
came the question of discontinuing the mimeo
" graphing,' and that was warm enough to make
the stove ashamed of itself. Bpt it was voted
to discontinue just the same, and then the dele
gates settled down to routine matters. a
As a general thing the "state of trade" was
encouraging. Inside trades reported good to
fair, and the outside trades reported dull to
fair.- '
The delegate from the Barbers' Union re
ported that his union stood ready to take ten
shares of Labor Temple stock as a starter. ..
The following resolution was introduced and
was adopted by a- unanimous rising vote :
"Whereas, Many advertising schemes' pur
porting to be in the interests of organized labor
are being constantly presented to our mer
chants, and
"Whereas, The interests of organized labor
demand that it act fairly and honorably, giving
full value for value'reecived, therefore be it
' "Resolved. By Central Labor Union of Lin
coln that it expresses its hearty sympathy with
the local retail merchants who are endeavoring
- to relieve themselves from the burdens of ad
vertising in all catch-penny advertising de
vices, and promise them the hearty co-operation
of this body. And be it further
"Resolved, That we call the attention of the
aforesaid retail merchants to our local labor
paper, The Wageworker, in which we have the
utmost confidence and to which we give otir un
divided support. And
"Resolved, That we commend The Wage
worker 'to our merchants,' assuring thentthat aill
patronage accorded to it Will be heartily appre
ciated and recipi'ocated by the trades repre
sented in this council. - -"
Resolved, That this body recommend to the
business men of the city no other advertising
proposition in the name of organized labor
than The Wageworker, and the Annual Labor
Directory published under the auspices of the
Central Labor Union, and that the merchants
be guaranteed now and hereafter that all other
advertising propositions presented in the name
of .labor may be immediately', classed as fakes
pure and simple unless accompanied by prop
erly,, signed and sealed credentials - from this
body." .
Numerous "fake" bulletins and cards have
been worked up in the name of organized labor
during the last year or two, and the Central
j Labor Council has very properly decided to
i protect not only its good name but' the business
men of the city who have been mulcted so often,
j The Woman's Union Label League failed to
"hold a meeting last Monday. night", owing to. the
absence of a quorum.-' A special nieeting will
be held tonight (Friday) but too late for this
issue. The faithful workers of the League arc
planning .something out of the ordinary. ;
If You Are a Union Man, Play the Game on
. the Square.
Don't be a union man at certain times. only,
and as a matter of policy ; be a union man from
principle. Because you imagine that you have,
a grievance against the union you are not" justi
fied in laying aside union principles and becom-'
ing a non-nnionist.. There is nojmylrfnlTthat
can make an earntrtembeT7liscard his union-
.-jlsm.T opposition nigives . him stronger m -Ins
principles and conviction's; obstacles plaeedrih
his way only.tend-tfr arouse, within him deter
mination to persevere in the ways of a union
man: and he never aJlows nettv trifloa np-nr-.
LoaUtieto-Jeadihim L stray, or-sedu hii,f .
I the path'' of duty ami consistency! Txeb'irnge:
" ' - i "' U:
Rev. Mr. Balch Delivers a Strong Sermon on the
Above Topic, and Deals Some Telling Blows
at Modern Methods of Business The Rela
tionship of .. Employer and Employe Christ '
the Head of the Great Corporation.
Last Sunday night Dr. W. M. Balch, of Trin
ity M. S. church, spoke on the theme, "The
Chiistianization of Business." His text was
Col. 3:23, 24: "And whatsoever ye do, do it
heartily as to the. Lord., and not unto men; for
ye serve the Lord Christ." He said in part :
" ' Our national vice is stealing ! ' Thus lately
spoke a publicist of recognized authority. Sus
taining that assertion were the patent facts of
frenzied finance, the insurance scandals, cor
porate greed and usurpation and all the enormi
ties of current graft and monopoly. The evil
is not that the masses of our people are thieves,
but that they are willing to continue a system
under which theft can be at once so profitable,
so prevalent, and so respectable for a nation
that is Christian and republican cannot acquit
itself of being accessory to crimes which it per
mits and condones. . .-
"In the text St. Paul tells us the better way
hand servicers, to be made heart-service;
'whatsoever ye do, do it heartly.' All service
is .to be made divine service ' Whatsoever ye
do, ye serve the Lord Christ.' To this end we
must observe three great live truths taught by
Jesus of Nazareth. First, Life is greater than
things; second, service is the greatness of life;
third, business is service. ' ' ' '
' 'I. Life is greater than things. Is not the
life more than meat, and the body than rai
ment ? That saying challenges us to reverse
many of our current customs and ideals.
"First. The prevailing relationships of so
ciety. Why do we most often associate to-
gether? Why did you this week most often
seek out other men and enter into transactions
with them ? Was it because you loved their so-
, iety, or longed to do them good, or remember
ed that Jesus had said, ' Inasmuch as ye did it
-unto the leats of these, ye did it unto me?'
Sometimes,' but moreof ten it was because you -sought
to m'ake advantageous bargains with
them ;' to make money by competing or co-operating
with them; interested in men chiefly be
cause they- represent money. The result is that
we too often love money more than humanity,
gain more than God.
: .'"Second, Our ideals of national greatness
must be corrected by the truth that life is more
than things. Few experiences are more dis
heartening than our familiar boasts of the vast-"
ness of things American. We are not really
great until we learn that our nation 's great
ness is not in areas nor acres, revenues nor re
sources ; not' in the dust of the ' ground nor
things that grow out of it, but only in the man
hood that comes down from God and returns to
Him again, and in the moral worth of our his
tory. .. ' Third; Our ideals of success must be cor
rected by the same principle. In common
speech a successful man means a man who, has
acquired wealth rather than one who has ac-
' quired character. Thus we cheat ourselves, for
! wealth has no value except in proportion to
character that is, able to use and enjoy it. He
who loses his own soul loses the world also. ;
" Fourth, Our conception of human labor
, must be rectified by the principle that life is
! more than things. The assumption has been
t that labor is a mere commodity to be bought
j and sold at? competitive prices?' "Against that
falsehood I would set these three ringing state-i-
i " 'Labor is not a commodity. It is not a
! thing. It is a phase of life ! ' ,
"And so to buy another's time, strength and
! skill is to buy a part of his very being, and the
! consequent relation of employer and employe
:, must either partake of the shame of slavery or
I the beauty of brotherhood.
j II. "Service is the greatness of life. He that .
j would be greatest among you, let him be your
j;! servant.' And service to God and your brother
men is more than the amiable incident of Sab
I bath days or leisure hours. Service is the privi
i lege of all days and all hours. Life is so organ-
ized that the man who loves and worships can
' use all his time, directly or indirectly, for the
; benefit of others. Even when a good man works
I for himself he thereby prepares himself in body,
I mind, or other means, to be a more efficient ser-
vakit of others. .When he profits by a .bargain
hfi is careful that the other party profits also.
! And any man who gains without serving.
whether by vulgar stealth or fraud, or by ap
plauded speculation or dignified monopoly,
that man is a thief, John D. Rockefeller as
truly as J'at Crowe. And the vile, vagabond
who tramps the highways in ragged shoes is no
more a tramp than the idle son of wealth whose
only business is to spin over the-same highways,
ii a costly automobile. Understand, it is not
riches, it is not recreation, that is wrong ; it is
any acquisition not merited by servace ; it is
amy idleness not necessitated by foregoing ex--ertion
for the common good. For someone pays
for these, if not the one who enjoys them, then
one who has earned them and enjoys th'em not.
vflX Business is service. The world says.
fJi.usiness is business.'; Christ says, 'Business is
service ' Let us see what this may mean. First,
it-.Tneatis that it is more blessed to give than to
receive.- The business problem . for' the Chris
tian becomes, not how can I get the most, but
how can I give the-most? In' the mind of Christ
,hje thinks such .thoughts as' these : . I am a'ear
!pener as Jesus "was"; what happiness I have in
the comfort of the families who will live in; this'
house which I have built strong and sound
enough for 100 years I am an engineer; thank
God for skill to take the traveller safe to his
journey's end, and God grant more skill sooner
than more wages. I am a merchant ; how can I
best use my expert knowledge of meat and gro
ceries to promote -the health and prolong the
lives of my neighbors. I am a lawyer; how
can I best serve truth and justice, and deserve
the beatitude of the peacemaker? I am a capi
talist ; how can I best employ my resources and
organize my business to bless my employes in
their toils and homes, and render honest arid
generous returns to the public. I am a man!
How can I render to humanity my best recom
pense for my gains and then how can I return"
to humanity the largest giving out of my gain
ing? " '
"Second, The principle that business is ser
vice means that private property is a public
trust. Something of all men's welfare is in
volved in each man's wealth. More than that,
some wealth is not the product of the owner's
labor, nor the reward of his merit. Resources
of the soil, the forests and the mines, advant
ages of situation and of public franchise, all
these are due either to the bounty of nature or
the progress of society, and the man who con
trols them is strictly a trustee; enjoying no in
herent rights therein, but only such as society
deems best to allow him and owing every pos
sible service to the common welfare and God's
glory. . .
"The-third meaning of business as service is
that civilization is partnership. , Co-partners
share the gains and the losses of the common
enterprise. Since the gains of industrial pro-'
gress accrue to all of ids, the incidental losses
oiisht never to fall, as too often, on individuals.
Non-employment, over-employment, and acci
dents to life or limb when they cannot be pre
vented, ought to be generously indemnified by
the public which prospers at such costs. Not
only must each be servant of all, but all must
be servant of each, fos Christ is the head of the
firm and His cross the great seal of the corpor
ation. - - - - ' . ' '
' ' But social problems are not solved by state
ment of truth. How shall we turn these truths
Into life ? .
; ' ' First, by the regeneration of the unregene
rate. This is no theological technicality. It
simply signifies any and all means whereby God
prepares a man for society with his fellowmen.
It is obvious that men who insist that 'business,
is business ', and not service need to be remade,'
and their remaking is so big-a task that none
but the Spirit of God can undertake, it. 'Marvel
not that I said ' ' Ye must be born again, ' '
"Second, the enlightenment oft gene
rate man is no less necessary. Sujpv man
has ' experienced religion ' ; the " que still
remains, what sort of religion are 'oKher men
now going to experience from him? That de
pends not on hew ' soundly converted ' he has
been, but on how well he 'understands the moral
demands of his situation. So long as he thinks,
however honestly, that wrong things are right
things he is just as sure to do wrong as is the
unregenerate man. As Henry D. Lloyd says,'
'Change, of heart is no more -redemption than
hunger is dinner. ' - . - -
' ' Third, the ehr jstianization of the public
conscience is requisite to the Christianization'
of business. : A man may keep faith with his
own principles, but can do but little for the
Christianization of the business world so long
as he is only a part of a system which is worked
largely on non-Christian principles. But we do
not have to wait for everybody to be converted.'
For it has ever been the power of Christianity
to establish new and higher standards of right
eousness recognized not only by those who pro-
fess to be converted but by all who prof ess to
be civilized. Thus it is that slavery has become
impossible. Thus it is that ' unchastity and
' drunkenness have become disreputable. Thus
it will be, if our testimony by precept and ex
ample continue' true and tireless, that the pub
lic conscience will join Christ in declaring that
business is service and will brand the grafter
with infamy as black- as the counterfeiter 's, the
monopolist with disgrace as manifest as the
burglar's, and all private greed with the flam
jng colors of public shame ' "-.---"
To give such testimony and live up to it at
any cost, that or nothing is the calling of the
Christian. Let us believe that we are brothers.
Let us believe that we are a family. Let us be
lieve because God is ' our Father that loving
sacrifice, even crucifixion, can never be ultimate
loss.!' -
Closed Shop Sustained Against Efforts of
, "Scab" Stereotypers.
In deciding against three non-union employes
of the United States Printing company Of Ohio;
who sought to restrain the concern1 from enter
ing into a working pact with the Stereotypers
and Electrotypers' Unions which would ex
elude - non-union labor, Judge Mareah, of the
supreme court of Brooklyn, gave judicial sanc
tion to the "closed shop" principle.
- ' There will be an . immediate ' appeal to-the
appellate division of the supreme court, and if.'
' Judge Mareafl is sustained labor leaders say, it
will be a notable Victory. .. -'
After a bitter fight- against the unions, "which
freely used- the - boycott, the United States1
Printing company of Ohio, which has a plant in
Williamsburg; entered about one year' ago into
an agreement, with the unions whereby it under
took to unionize its Williamsburg plant. Three
non-union--, employes; named Kissam, Dri'seoll
and Mills, were given the 'privilege of joinijig
the unions arid refused. To prevent .their dftg--charge
the non-union men brought injunction
proceedings.- and the contest 'in the courts-Was
iM't-il- YviMjeu since.. - - ' -
The Lincoln Traction Company Now Has an
Opportunity to Win the Good Will of the
People It Should Be Given the Opportunity ;
to Make Good Its Promises Will It Rise to
the Occasion.
The long dispute between the city -of Lincoln,
and the Lincoln Traction company has been
settled. For , a long time the company has
claimed that the prolongation of this dispute
has prevented it from going ahead with" the '
many improvements and extensions demanded
by the city's growth. Now that this obstacle
has been removed we shall see what we shall '
see: .
, In times gone by The Wageworker has not
been at all mealy-mouthed in its denunciations
of the Lincoln Traction company's attitude .
towards- thp people. But being by nature : and
by desire fair, The Wageworker will now insist
that the Lincoln Traction company be given a
fair opportunity to make good its promises. It .
now has a chance to make friends of the people. .
If it misses the chance then let it look out. i
The local directors have been doing their best ,
to improve the service, and their efforts have ;
not been in .vain. -Bad as that service is. it is
infinitely better than it: was three years ago. )
' We have the word of these local directors that
the improvements r will - continue . with ever
increasing rapidity, and to their word is added
that of the New York managers' who have long
claimed that they were only --waiting' to get a
lot. of legal tangles straightened out,' -. ,
The Lincoln Traction, company should now
be given every opportunity. The people should
quit grumbling for a little while and await de -velopments.;
But they know what they want,
and if they do not get it they will not be sO pa
tient nor so long suffering as-they have been in
the past. ,, - . ' ' "'-'j
The people want -better cars and more bf
them'. They want better lines, longer lines, and
more lines. They want shorter hours for the
men and longer-hours of service for the public.
' rf hey want less insolence from the New York
end and more leeway for the Lincoln end.
: If General Manager Humpe and the local d j-
: rectors have their way from now on we believe
that all these good things will come as rajidly
as money and men can bring them. But if these
gentlemen can not have their way;' and, the
company's affairs and the public. at large con--tintie
to be " Scudderized, ' '. then the people will
rise up and have their way and that way will
be almighty hard on the Lincoln Traction .
company. ": -'- ' - - . -
Now let the people give the -Traction com
pany an, opportunity to do the fair thing by.
the city. , ; : .
Doesn't Believe in Them and Will Not Employ
Union Help.- ; '
; The manager, or owner, of the Olympia
Candy iKtehen, very frankly admits that . he
does not believe in labor unions and he will
not employ union help. Neither will he adver
tise in a union labor paper, because he is. not
looking for the patronage of union men and
Women. This last is only suggested because of
his declaration against unions.
If we mistake not the manager of the Olym
pia Candy Kitchen is a Greek. This is. his mis
fortune, hot his fault. Perhaps if he were not
hidebound by birth and heredity he wouldn 't
be so opposed to labor unions. Union' men in
this country have had some experience with ,
their Greek non-unionrethren. - ' .
We feel sorry for the manager of the Olym
pia Candy Kitchen. It must be awfully unfor
tunate to be so ignorant,- so foolish -and so un
wise as some men. But if he doesn't believe in
unions of course he doesn't want union money.
He can go right on paying his miserable pit
tance of wages to the girls who make his can
dies, and selling them to the discriminating
women who think a lot-more about the "care
of oriental rugs" than they do of the welfare of
girls and women.- We beg to assure the man
ager of the Olympia Candy Kitchen of bur dis
tinguished consideration. 1
And It Is Time' to Bring the Offender to a
Sudden Halt.
There is a law against child labor in this
state. Also a law pertaining to school attend
ance. The Western Union Telegraph company
is violating both the moral and the statute law,
in that it employs boys under legal age for both
night and day work, and compels them to de- .
liver messages to houses of ill fame. Lads
scarcely twelve years old may be seen- wearing
the uniform of the Western Union Telegraph
company, and working all hours of the day or
night. That is a direct violation of the stat
utes. And these little lads are sent to the low
est houses of infamy to be debauched, by .-the
sights and sounds .therein. That is a vicious
violation of the moral law. : .- - -. '
' ' This company is a persistent and notorious
offender in -this regard. It should be brought
up with a sharp turn, and without any further
delay, either. , ' . ,
! Capital Auxiliary No; 11 to .Typographical
Union. No, 209, -will give its regular mqnthjy
social at Bohanan 's hall on Frida. 5 evening,
March 23. AU union printers' and their fami
lies are cordially invited' to attenM.' -A good
time is promised to all. ' ' v " -'
' t