THE (GILA CHEDSTMA TOME! n,.i t D Traveling Men's Samples; Bags Combs and Belts We were fortunate in bflying a large sample line of one of the largest man ufacturers of Belts, Bags and Combs at a big dis count, and we are going to share our profits with our customers. These are all in good shape and the latest stles in Christmas novelties. On sale this week at ONE-FOURTH OFF. All these make Beautiful Christmas Gifts 25 per cent. Discount on Bags. They come in all grades of leather and in all shapes : also a few opera bags from 23c to $10.03 25 per cent Discount on Belts There arc Gilt Belts, Patent Leathers, Silk 'Belts in as sorted shapes and colors; you will find what vou want in this lot 25c to $1.50 25 per cent Discount on Combs There are Back Combs and Side Combs, in a great va riety of styles, at from 10c to $1.00 Sample Line of Dress Pins Two in a set; worth to 25c set, in 1 lot; this week, per set 3c Silk Shawls, $1.50 A lot of knit silk squares, in fringed or lace border; worth to $2.50; to close $1.50 Cne-fifth Off on All Other Silk Shawls. Special Dress Goods Sale A lot of Plaids, Checks and Gray mixtures, worth to 30c a yard; this week 19c .46 to .r)(i-inch Suiting, worth to $l.r() a yard, such as checked Mohairs, mannish cloths, Zibelines, Meltons, Venetians and plain Mohairs, all in one lot; yard. .59c ."Hi-inch shower proof Suitings, in all colors; J) full pieces; t'uey are worth $1.50; to sell this week, each ... .$1.15 27-inch Silkized Poplin, all colors; this week 35c Toys! Toys! One-fifthoff To close out the balance of Toys. Books and Gair.cs we will sell all at 20 per cent discount. f0 J AND 917-9210,5, Lincoln Nbsr It comes only once a year. Remember, "It is better to give than to receive." Don't neglect any of your family or friends; and give them something of value some'hing useful Such presents. are always appreciated. Christmas will soon be here, and we urge upon you the a ivisability of doing your shopping early. It is so much more satisfactory to avoid the rush and get first choice cl everything. It would be difficult for you to want anything that can not be found in this store. It is impossible to name everything in an advertisement, but we have the finest lot of goods on display that has ever r Jen in our stock. COME AND SEE. Holiday Neckwear We have without a doubt the most complete line of popular-priced Men's Neckwear to be found anywhere. We have a line of Christmas tie boxes, one free with any Four-in-Hand, Eng lish square or Puff Tie. Christmas Neckwear in Tecks, Strings, Bows and Four-in-Hands at 25c Christmas Neckwear, one in a box; Puffs, English squares, Tecks, Four-in-Hands and Ascots; a large selection at 50c Extra wide Four-in-Hands, ore in a box 75c Complete line of Dress Gloves, Suspenders,, Cuff But tons, Watch Chains and Shirts, suitable for Christmas gifts. Christmas' Handkerchiefs Our stock of Christmas Handkerchiefs is far more complete than ever before and we invite the public to inspect the great values we are offering in either men's or ladies' oods. Ladies' or Men's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, in plain white at 2 l-2c, 5c, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c, 25c, and. .35c Ladies' Embroidered and Lace edge Handkerchiefs at 7c, 10c, 12 l-2c, lac, 18c, 25c and .50c Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, colored border or initialed; excellent quality T 25c Men's Silk Finished Handkerchiefs, colored borders and plain, at ..15c and 25c Men's Silk Handkerchiefs, colored borders, snappy ef fects; big assortment to choose from, at : . .50c Domestic Specials A lot of the best grade Dress Prints, in gray and blue; G l-2c value 4 l-2c 12 l-2c light and dark Outing Flannels 8 l-2c 15c Flannelettes, in light and dark colors ....11c 12 l-2c light and dark Outing Flannels 8 l-2c 10c quality White Cambric Muslin .....7c 15c Moleskin Shirting.- 12c 15c Unbleached Cotton Flannel.... 12c White Embroidery Flannel G0c quality goes at.... I ......48c 75c quality goes at . ... ....60c $1.00 quality goes at : : . . :80c $1.25 quality goes at.. $1.00 $1.50 quality goes at $1.20 Our Jewelry Department New and complete stock of Rings, Brooches, Neck Chains, Bracelets, Stick Pins, Dress Pins, Watch Guards and Locket Chains, is very complete at present, and you will find it money saved for you if you see our stock. Silverware Silverware makes splendid Christinas gifts. See our stock before buying. Cream Ladles, Gravy Ladles, Ber ry Spoons, Knives and Forks, Tablespoons, Teaspoons, Dessert Spoons, Sugar Shells and Butter Knives, in the best grades of Rogers ware at saving prices. Christmas Footwear Our Christmas Foot wear wins great ad miration from every looker, and well it may. For Women There are handsome street and .dress Boots, with the new Cuban heels and narrow toes. Beautiful Slippers and Sandals and Oxfords in dainty styles. We have everything to make a woman's foot look handsome. For Men We have splendid shoes in all the new shapes, made from the best of leather ; business shoes, full dress shoes, slippers, da&cing pumps, etc. - Eor Boys and Misses We have the best of shoes for school and for dress occasions ; leggins and rubber boots for the girls and lit tle fellows, etc., etc. Can't tell you the half here. Come and see. - Wool Blankets 10 per cent special dis count. Fine soft Wool Blan kets, made by the best blanket manufacturers, and the quality of yarn used is the finest grade, but on account of having an overstock of these goods we will sell them at the above discount to clean up before invoice time. They range in price: $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75, $, $4.50, $5.00, $5.75, $6.00, $7.50, $8.00 and $10.00. Remember,- this week at 10 per cent special discount. We are ready to supply ev ery need for the holidays in the ready-to-wear apparels. Such charming styles and newest fabrics in Children's Coats at special prices. Bearskin Coats, red and white ; low priced, $5.50; special.; $4.95 Astrakhan Coats, white and red ; bearskin cuffs and col lar; low priced, $1.75; spe cial $4.28 Special discount on all oth er grades of Children's Coats up to 14 years. Have a look at the latest arrivals of 50-inch Empire Coats and English Box Coats. . These are splendid and unsurpassable values at special prices. $22.50 values ; special at .............. .19.56 $19.50 values; special at ......... . .$17.50 $16.50 values ; special at. '. ..?.... .$14.50 $15.00 values; special at ; $13.50 $12.50 values ; special at . .$9.90 45 and 42-inch ; Empire and Box Coats, in assorted ma terials ; .also special priced at. .,,$12.50, $11.50, $9.90, $3.50. $7.50, and $5.50 I Black Skirt Specials Black Panama cloth Skirts, made with pleating on flounce ; very wide flare ; low priced at $5.50. Special at $4.95 Black Cheviot and Broadcloth Skirts, made with pleating on flounce; good values at $6.50. Special. at. . . . .$5.50-J Fine grade black Storm Serge Skirts, made with full pleated flounce, finished with buttons; handsome gar ments, worh $8.50. Special at ..$7.65 Don't fail to select one of these Taffeta Silk" Waists at :.' - ...... $3.50 Nun's Veiling W aists at. , . .$2.95 Henrietta Waists at ........... .$2.95 Mohair Waists at... $2.75 "A Gift Worth Giving" Before purchasing anything in Fur Neckwear see what we can do for you. It will pay you to compare our of ferings with others. -WifnE I ft r&t .sw:r and 917-921 0,5 EincolnINebr Jf THE MILK IN THE COCOANUT. The Union Buyers Throwing Dark Hints of Boycott Against Friendly Dailies. Marshall Gushing is secretary of the "Na tional Association of Manufacturers of the United States." This association is an organ ization having' for its object the crushing of organized labor and the establishment of the open shop, Mr. Gushing has just sent out a "confidential" letter to publishers of daily newspapers in which he gives the results of some alleged investigations into the printers' strike. The Wageworker prints the letter in full r.s follows: , (Confidential.) New York, December 5, 11)05. Dear Sir Wishing to satisfy myself personally as to the exact condtiion of, the printers' strike, I have visited the United Typothaete, at 320 I '.roadway, and have found the following to be the facts: In 42 cities where strikes are on, and where the Typothaete has approximately 700 mem bers. Hi of these have yielded; in Indianapolis, 5; St. Louis, 5; Toledo, 3; Richmond, Va., lj Duluth, 1; Newark, N. J., 1. No local Typo thaete has surrendered; it is not likely that any will. It looks as if the open shop would prevail in every Typothaete city where a strike has been called. Indeed, this is already recog nized as a fixed fact, and in Cincinnati, for in stance, open shop printers are having to buy new presses. With regard to the surrenders. In Indianap olis one printer has state printing which re quires the label. Another has a contract for large editions which require the label. An other had no compositors, but only pressmen. Another had only linotype composition for the trade, largely union. The Richmond printer has the printing of tobacco labels, and em ploys only two or three compositors. The Du luth surrender is by a firm of union men em ploying two union compositor. In Newark it was the Advertiser Printing House, adjunct of the newspaper, really "labor" sympathizers and employing two union compositors. In oth er cases contracts or other financial consider ations compelled the surrender. You have no idea of at least I think you haven't any of the thoroughness with which the Typothaete members, national and local, are organized and with what skill and deter mination they are fighting. But to me the most remarkable thing is that advertisers in magazines, as well as commer cial customers of employing printers, unite, practically to a man, in writing these publishers and printers to stand pat at all hazards, no matter if the interests of these advertisers and customers are sacrificed ! . With apologies for this long letter, but hop ing that it will interest you just the same, Yours most truiy, . . MARSHALL CUSHING, t secretan If Mr. Cushing and his associates in tlie ion crushing business are satisfied with the progress of the printers' strike, then every body is satisfied, for certainly the printers are not complaining. But especial attention is called to that portion of the above letter which appears in blackface type. Right there is the milk in this union busting cocoanut. It is a plain and direct threat that advertising patron age will be withdrawn from newspapers and magazines that sympathize with the demands of the union printers, or in any way give aid and comfort to the union cause. The big mag azines of the country are already cowed by these threats, and are filling their pages with biased, lying articles derogatory to the cause of unionism and laudatory of the union busting associations headed by Parry and Post. Mr. Parry is president of a manufacturers' associa tion that can give or withhold a vast amount of advertising patronage. Mr. Post is at the head of a national advertisers' association that controls several millions of advertising. And the cowardly, subservient magazines are at tacking the unions in order to curry favor with these two organizations. Now these organiza tions are beginning to make their covert threats to the daily newspapers. "If you do not help us destroy union labor we will ruin your busi ness," is the threat. The unionist who advo cates a boycot is thrown into jail, but the un ion buster who advocates a boycot under a high sounding name is pointed out as a man who "stands for his rights as an individual." It makes a wondrous difference whose ox is gored, doesn't it? s It remains to be seen whether the daily news papers will be so cowardly as to submit to Mr. Cushing's demands. One thing is certain, the labor unions of the country can and should give their undivided support to their own labor pa pers. Mr. Parry and Mr. Post do not hold any clubs over them, and Mr. Cushing may threat en until he gets black in the face and it will avail him nothing. MR. WISELY WANTS TO KICK. And The Wageworker Gladly Uives Him Space to Work His Pedal Extremities. To The Wageworker: "May Cod bless the kicker," says the Wage worker. I have a few little kicks coming, and ask The Wageworker and its ever widening circle of readers to consider the same. In last week's paper was a clipping from the Washington Trades-Unionist, headed, "Turn Them Down," referring to and condemning Comrades Berger and Hayes, of the I. T. U. Having given space to this article, in fairness to all concerned, .SEte Wageworker should! give space to an arficle in defense of Comrades Berger and Hayes. It seeins that in the eyes of the Washington Trades-Uruait Comrade Berger is guilty of the hein he ne of " lese Majestie" in refus- to Y fcn letl as favoring the unanimous I 'Vn Gompers as president of the Ais is the second time Mr. Ber ger has done this and he would do so again." He would, and he should be honored for it. The Wageworker has repeatedly urged the laboring people to get into politics, and use their numbers and votes in bettering their con ditions. Mr. Gompers has been a persistent foe of this policy for years, and it is high time that he were sent back to his trade. The trades unionists of Europe have nearly all gone into politics. We will never get justice until we do get our men in the halls of legislation. Vrhat we could do for ourselves if we had the law-making and enforcing power in our own hands is partially shown in The Wagework er's article on the condition of the people of New Zealand, where millionaireism and pau perism are unknown, and where they are pre paring to establish the six-hour day. The workingmen are in the great majority in this country, they are the ones who produce and should have all wealth, therefore Mr. Berger, Mr. Hayes and all the rest of us socialists say that we should go into politics and demand and take our own. Mr. Gompers, the Wash ington T. U. and other apologists for capitalist exploitation and tyranny hold up their hands in holy horror at this proposition, and say "Oh, my, no. Let the capitalists continue to run the country." How they are running it is told by The Wageworker: "As a result the Georgia cotton mills are filled with children. Conditions exist in that state that would not be tolerated in Russia. Thousands of children less than 8 years old work from eleven to thirteen hours a day in the Georgia mills. It is no uncommon sight to see children barely six years of age watching the whirring spindles. Disease, idiocy and prema ture death is all they have to look forward to in this life. They have never known how to laugh. They are the victims of the insatiate greed of men whose god is the almighty dol lar." "How long will it be ere this greedy pow er voluntarily ceases from employing child labor?" asks The Wageworker. They never will. "The labor unions are the only hope of these little slaves." Now, there is where The Wageworker should confess itself in error. Everywhere the socialist party is waging an unceasing warfare against the system of capi talist exploitation and wage-slavery, demand ing the collective ownership and operation of the factories and the abolition of child labor, and that the children be put in schools instead of having their tender lives ground up into profits, so the selfish few can live in idleness and luxurv and hobnob with the aristocracy of Europe. When such terrible and disgraceful conditions exist in a land which was once sup posed to be free, it is high time that all men with a drop of patriotic blood in their veins should cast aside prejudicial partisanship and do what is necessary to be done to stop these things. The socialists will stop these things when they get the power. The workingmen are in the great majority and can give tfrem the power whenever, they' get ready. At. the ballotbox they are' all-powerful, and thaj is where the capitalists 'are weak. We can out- - ' . . . vote them and tell them to go to work and earn an honest living instead of living off of the profits produced by murdered babes. Workingmen, paste this in your hat, so you won't forget it. One thing that should be mentioned I think The Wageworker has overlooked, and that is, that at the recent session of the A. F. of L. it went on record as favoring equal suffrage. This is one of the principles fhat the socialist party has been advocating for years, and the ladies should remember that we are their friends and demand justice for them as well as for all other people who are not getting it. We believe that if woman did have the ballot just conditions and laws'would be established far quicker. Well, I guess I have "kicked" enough for this time. J. C. L. WISELY. ABOUT THE PRINTER MEN. A Few Little Facts Concerning the Men Who Chronicle Things. On December 10 the officers of New York Typographical Union No. 6 announced that the local had unanimously agreed upon an assess ment that would put an additional $100,000 in to the union's treasury before January 1. The union already has about $65,000 in its strong box. The assessment was ordered in antici pation of the fight almost sure to begin on January 1. The agreements expire in New York on that date, and already the Typothaete has begun showing its teeth. "Big Six" has about 7,000 members and under no contingency will more than 1,500 of them be affected by a strike. The Typothaete will have the fight of its life when it goes up against the New York bunch of union printers. These be busy days for the Lincoln printer' man. The rush of Christmas work is on, and the printer who does not want to work over time has to remain in hiding. The newspaper shops are crying for ad men and the job shops are looking for men with a search warrant. W. F. Todd, editor of the Burwell Tribune and treasurer-elect of his county, was in Lin coln one day this week and signed an appli cation for membership in Lincoln Typograph ical Union No. 209. Mr.- Todd has been a printer for years, but never worked in a city shop. During the past three months he has' been reading about the printers' demand for an eight hour day, and being satisfied that the demand was just he deemed it his duty to help his fellow printers win it. "I want to become an active member," said Mr. Todd, "so I can rpay my assessment and have a part in this struggle. Whatever assessment is decided on you'll find me ready to pay. I want to be counted in on the victory, when ! it come and it's coming." Mr. Todd's unselfish action has given the printers encouragement. , ', E. P. Thompson came in from Denver Tues day. He has been operating "mills" in various shops in that city; but came back to Lincoln be cause it was home. The day Charley Heacock returned to Lin coln from his two weeks' engagement in Wil ber, he stood at Tenth and O and looked east ward. "Great Scott!" he ejaculated. "I didn't know there were that many people in the whole world. And there's a street car, too." After gazing for an hour Heacock drilled over to the Star office and was at once "shanghaied" and put on a machine. I Col. "Bob"Mickel blew into Lincoln Tues day. He is now selling paper for the Carpenter Paper Co. of Omaha. He says it is easier than farming. WOMAN'S UNION LABEL LEAGUE. Holds an Enthusiastic Meeting and Talks of Work to Be Done. ... V The Woman's Union label League held an unusually well attended meeting Monday even ing. A general discussion on what was neeiied in the ctiy and the best methods of going about it began soon after the gavel fell, and every body took part. Some good ideas' were brought out and the interests of the members present keyed up to a high pitch. ; A. L. A. Schiesmeyer was elected secretary to fill a vacancy, and Mrs. Jessie Baker was elected doorkeeper. The next regular meet ing night being Christmas night it was decided to skip until the second Monday in January. There was some talk of holding a social in the near future, but it was finally.decided that this was not an opportune time because of the nu merous affairs of the kind now being held. Will build a home. ? Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen Now Work ing on the Matter. ,The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen is preparing to build a home for its aged, indigent and disabled members. During the past two weeks the committee in charge has visited the Union Printers' home at Colorado Springs and investigated that great institution thoroughly. The citizens of Colorado Springs have offered great inducements to the committee to locate the home there. , . The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen has over 300,000' members and'pays out over-$1,-000,000 a year in benefits. - .' ' ' '. Advices from Havana are to the effect that 10.000 Cuban cigarmakers, recently affiliated with the American Federation of Laborv are about to go on strike' to enforce conditions that prevail in the union factories of America. They will demand an increased - wage scale and shorter hours of labor. A long and stub born struggle Is expected, and the subsidized newspapers are already hastening to the as-, sistance of the employers and declaring that the Cuban cigarmakers are the best paid workmen in that industry in the world.