The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 24, 1905, Image 7

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8ome of the Bright Spota.
(Chicago Tribune.)
There has been much discussion tha last
taw months upon what tha press has
ulled scandals In some of tha large east
An Ufa Insurance companies, and while
attention has been riveted upon the dlfll
coitles of these Institutions the public haa
almost grown to believe all are alike, and
are Inclined to censure all for the short
coming" of the few.
In looking over tha situation carefully
there seems to be some companies located
In the west, that have neither speculated
In Wall. street seourltleS' nor. In vwted in
them. All their assets, including; both re
serve and surplus are Invested in first
nortgagrs on western Improved farms,
the best security in the world, and draw
ins; a (rood rate of interest. One such
company that certainly exhiblta a clean
record, as shown by its reports, has its
home office at Lincoln, Neb., and conducts
Its business under the name of The Old
Line Bankers' Life of Nebraska. It Is
nearly twenty years old. but has never
done much talking about Itself. It has
grown conservatively and quietly and haa
made progress each year along lines that
Its policy holders approve. Practically ail
of Its assets of a million and a quarter
dollars are Invested in first mortgages on
the best of farms, and not a dollar of
saat dua Interest Is shown In. lta report.
Ita earnings last year for Its policy hold
ers was more than It per cent on its
mean reserve, the cost for new business
written Is less than, any of the leading
life Insurance companies In the United
States, and Its death loss per thousand
was less by one-half than any of them.
1'nllks many companies organized In re
rent years on the remains of soma de
funct assessment order or company, it
started originally as an old line com
pany, and has no assessment business
weighing it down. Its surplus already
earned for Its policy holders is in amount
equal to 33 per cent of its entire reserve.
Its statement of assets does not show a
single dollar of the muny Items like
Rgency balances, bills receivable, premium
notes, stocks and bonds, real estate,
"other assets." etc.. which make up a
considerable portion of the assets of many
companies, but It consists of money and
loans, and nothing else.
The public will discriminate more and
more In the future between companies,
not as to size, as In the pust, but quality,
and the one that can show a-clean record,
and ability through conservative manage
ment to pay good dividends, will receive
in the future an increasing patronage
from that great conservative portion of
the public who are not looking for specu
lation In a life contract, but for protec
tion and reasonable returns on their in
vestment. If the Investigation of New York com
panies has done nothing more, it will
cause the western people to wake up to
the fact that, as Illustrated above, they
have as good companies as any In the
world, capable of taking care of all busi
ness offered, and when taken managing It
as you would manage your own affairs,
and showing results that no eastern com
pany has up to date been able to dupli
cate. The Best Results In Starching
can be obtained only by using Defiance
fstarch. besides getting 4 o. more for
same money no cooking required.
Half the fun of getting married Is
not. knowing that you are probably go
'ng to change your mind.
That tha leading medical writers and
teachers of all the several schools of
"4)Ift.ctice endorse and recommend, In the
ttrv-fti treat lArnl rwtaalhla nftih nnri Avtrv
Ingredient entering into the composition
of Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia,
catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint,''
torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel
affections, and all catarrhal diseases of
whatever region, name or nature. It Is
also a specific remedy for all such chronic
or long standing cases of catarrhal affec
tions and their resultants, as bronchial,
throat and lung diseases (except consump
tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It
Is not so good for acute colds and coughs,
but for lingering, or chronic cases ft is
.. esreclaUs .sffleadous , In, prrciucing per
fect cures. It contains Black Cherry bark,
Golden Seal mot. Blood root, Stone root,
' , Mandrake root and Queen's root all of
, which, are highly praised as remedies for
all the above mentioned affections by such
eminent medical writers and teaohers as
Prof. Bartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col
lege; Prof. Hare, of the Univ. of Pa.;
Prof. Flnloy EUingwood, M. D., of Ben
nett Med. College, Chicago ; Prof. John
King, M. D late of Cincinnati ; Prof.
John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincin
nati ; Prof. Edwin M. Hale, M. D., of
Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and
scores of others equally eminent In their
several schools of practice.
The "Golden Medical Discovery" Is the
only medicine put up for sale through
druggists for like purposes, that has any
such proessionat endorsement worth
more than any number of ordinary testi
monials. Open publicity of tts formula
on the bottle wrapper is the best possible
- guaranty of Its merits. A glance at this
published formula will show that "Golden
Medical Discovery" contains no poison
ous or harmful agents and no alcohol
chemically pure, triple-retined glycerine
being used Instead. Glycerine is entirely
unobjectionable and besides Is a most
useful Ingredient in the cure of all stom
ach aa well as bronchial, throat and lung
affections. There Is the highest medical
authority for its use in all such cases.
Tha ' Discovery " Is a concentrated glyc
eric extract of native, medicinal roots
and is safe and reliable.
A booklet of extracts from eminent,
medical authorities, endorsing its ingre
dients mailed free on request. Address
Dr. B. V. Pierce; Buffalo,. Y.
I 6u
il .003 .
aeiALl tOWEl
Toroi ojumw
And for the Stock on the Farm
Don't buy ft range or ttove of any kind until you tret our catalogue and Lowest
Factory arloaa. We positively mivti you from Ki.00 to 140.00 on evorv Durviiarie:
bet'stune, by Ulintf you direct
J it'll sj miit uoairii u run is,
It at our expanse. Kminbr,
not mall order dealer and
000 bank bond and frlve you a SflO DAY APPROVAL TCST.
If TOD do not And your tmrriia.n exa-tlw us riirMutiitirl. rt.ii m
price. W Pay Tha Frelol. doubt. enn rarer you to nn tin fled runtntnerri in
your own town. Sand Postal today lor Cataloaua Ho. a SO. It cLeacrlbaa our atOTea
and ranirea, and our nouay-aaviOKsdlreot-froiu-tbe-faotury plan.
H Nk Me and iwH era wanlpped pataat oran taerawsntar,
An Original Punlaher.
Of Capt. Harry Graham, who la to
marry Miss Ethel Barrymore, a Phila
delphian said:
"I knew Graham well in London. He
often entertained me in his beautiful
apartment overlooking the Thames.
Sometimes he read me his poetry,
which was execrable; sometimes he
sang comic songs In a pleasant tenor
voice, and that was better.
"During one of my visits some
guardmen called, and over the spirit
case , and the soda - water they told
stories of Graham's military life with
the Coldstreams.
" 'He was always an ingenious man
at a punishment,' said a tall youth.
'Some of his punishments are still re
membered, they were so original and
" 'There was a private one day who
had misbehaved, and Graham ordered
him to be put on bread and water for
three days.
" 'But the sergeant, saluting, said
that such a punishment would make
no difference to the culprit, because
he was a vegetarian.
" 'Oh, vegetarian, is he?' said Gra
ham. 'Then put him for three days
on meat and soup.' "
After Dark, i - t
"But you are always bothered with
poor light are you?" Inquired the com
plainant clerk at the gas office.
"Oh, no, not always," replied the
quiet citizen.
"Ah! I thought so; It's only at cer
tain times that you notice it, eh?"
"Yes; only after dark."
Convincing Evidence.
Winthrop, Cal., Nov. 20th (Special)
A plain and straightforward story
Is always the most convincing. And
that is what has impressed us most
in reading the testimonials in regard
to Dodd's Kidney Pills. The experi
ence told by Davis Lewis of this place
bears the ring and stamp of truth
upon It. He says:
"I was troubled for six months
with dull heavy pains in the small
of my back, sometimes it passed into
my stomach, at other times tip be
tween my shoulders. When It was
In my stomach I was doubled up, and
hardly knew what to do for the pain.
I was advised to take all kinds of
remedies, and did so but without get
ting any relief. Then some one told
me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I got
a box and began taking them. The
first few doses gave me relief, by the
time I had finished them all the pain
-was -gone and I have been well ever
Girls dream they have curly hair
the way men do that they are John
D. Rockefeller.
Blessed is the peacemaker to the
under dog in the scrap.
$100 Reward, $100.
Tbe feeders of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure In all Ita stages, and that is
Catarrb. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tbe only positive
cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh
being s constitutional disease, requires s constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken In
ternally, sctlng directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tbe
foundation of tbe disease, and giving tbe patient
strength by building npthe constitution sdo assist
ing nature In doing Its work. Tbe proprietors have
so much faith in Its curative powers tbat tbey oiler
One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to
euro. Send for list of testimonials, ,
Address F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
People Jeer at women who kiss dogs,
but it is much better for - that kind
than to try to raise children.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocer say they don't kiep Ie
flance Starch because they have tie stock
In hand of 12 oz. brands, which they know
cannot be sold to a customer who has
once used the IS oz. pkg. Defiance Starch
j for same money.
It's a case of disappointment for the
gossips If a man goes wrong and there
is no woman in, the case.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup.
For children teething, softens the gums, reduces h
Aammatloa, allajs pain, cures wind collu. 'jso a bottle-
After six months of married life a
woman usually expresses her love for
her husband c. o. d.
Mrmftomttft mm. Moflta or nerrouaneiw after
first tlaT'suM of Dr. KllnViQreat Nerve Res tor-
rr. Send for FREE a.OO trial bottle and treatise.
Ia. B. H. KLINE. Ltd., Ml Ann Street, Philadelphia, re.
And woman who is the architect of
her own fortune sees that it is well
supplied with closets.
All Up to Date Housekeepers -
use Defiance Cold Water Starch, because
It Is better, and 4 oz. more of it for same
Usually when a man reaches the
turn in the lane he finds that it turns
in the wrong direction.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infallible
medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Samuel,
Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 7. 1900.
The way to be an optimist is to be
able to make your self believe you like
to get up In the morning.
Do Your Clothen Look Yellow?
Then use Defiance Starch, it will keep
them white 16 oz. for 18 cents.
It is easy work to convince a wo
man if you try not to.
The Great Antiseptic
Price. 25c, BOc. and $ I .OO.
OIS Albany St.. Boston, Mass.
frum our factory, we cut out ail jobbers.' tulUUle-
nn k-uarani OIIIIIIIT under n WZV.-
We are actual mamir&oturora
Rive you the lownt furtorr
wait nakti baaltgead reMtlng easy. OVETf THERMOMETER I
The old fire insurance agent sat ca
(he wagonmaker's sawhorse. He was
a bright man but not the only jaek
Knife in the show case. Some were
better, some were worse; others were
just like him. He had been jollying
the mechanic's boy who was tinkering
at the vise, and had got the laugh on
the boy. A painter was working at
the other side of the room and en
joying the fun.
The agent got up and went to the
bench, picked up an apple arl asked,
"What is that?"
Before any one could answer, the
boy jerked out, "An apple!"
The laugh was on the agent who
was struck dumb. The-painter said
Sir Gilbert Parker Says There Is
Room for American Novelists.
Sir Gilbert Parker, Canadian novel
ist and historian and since 1900 mem
ber of the English house of commons,
sailed back to England Saturday on
the Campania, according to the New
York Herald. He. had been on a two
months' visit to Canada. The last
six days he had spent in New York.
When seen on the Campania just
before it sailed he was surrounded by
friends and relatives who had come to
see him off, but he found time to say
a few pleasant things about the United
States and its people. Of its wonder
ful potentialities in literature he spoke
with enthusiasm.
"No country- in the world," he said,
"presents so wide and wonder rul a
field for the novelist and the romancer
as the United States. You have a his
torical past of more than 300 years
of exploration, adventure, episode
ai d incident whereon to draw. You
have a hundred great problems of na
tional life to solve which present the
most fascinating elements of romance.
You have not only room for the great
American novelist who has been ex
pected for so many years, but for
twenty great American novelists."
As to his own literary plans Sir
Gilbert said that he was at present
engaged upon a novel which will be
published serially in Harper's Maga
zine next year. It will follow the
lead of his most recent book, "A Lad
der of Swords," in the fact that it
will continue his deflection from Can
adian scil as a field of fiction. The
scene is laid partly in England and
partly in Egypt and the time is some
forty years ago the period of Ismail
Pasha, who is one of the characters
Would Surely Read It.
An Irishman was hurt while digging
a trench and was taken to a hospital.
The accounts of the accident, printed
in the papers, pleased him greatly. A
couple of days after he-was hurt a
nurse who enter his room found him
sitting up in bed reading a newspaper
and grinning.
"What's pleasing you so?" , she
"This here tale about me a-gittin'
hurtetl," he replied. "It's foine to git
in th' papers." A moment later he
said: "Say, Miss, please take your
scissors an' cut th' tale frum th' paper.
Thin Oi'll git you to send th' paper to
me brother Joe in Omaha."
"Why do you wish to cut the item
out of the paper?" asked the puzzled
".Because.", replied the Celtic pa
tient, "ef it ain't there Joe'll git to
wonderin' whot was there an' thin I
know he'll not overlook readin' it."
Kansas City Times.
Mountain Sheep Prisoner in Glacier.
The entire carcass of a mountain
sheep was found embedded in the ice
of the Arapahoe glacier by a party of
scientists from the university. No
one can tell how long it had been
Very likely, the animal was caught
in one of the deep crevasses which
extend into the glacier. The ice
must have closed in around it soon,
before there was time for putrefac
tion,, and thus the sheep was placed
in natural cold storage.
The slow movement of the ice in
this glacier, as in all glaciers, brings
everything eventually down to the ter
minal moraine. It was heite tpat the
carcass was found. Boulder corre
spondence Denver Republican.
Shrewd Scheme of Poachers.
A very ingenious trick employed by
English poachers is that of leaving
an end of a candle burning in a sau
cer of water in the bedroom. This
usually is so arranged that the candle
will sputter out at about 10 o'clock,
just as if it had been extinguished
and the man retired for the night.
This ruse is often employed by poach
ers, who discover that the keepers
are watching the house for signs of
the poacher leaving. In very many
cases the gamekeeper does not dis
cover that the candle could go out
without any human agency.
Japanese-Argentina Steamers.
Japan is to establish a line of steam
ers to ply between that country and
South America. The purpose is to get
cheap wheat from Argentina. Rice
eating in Japan is giving way to bread
made from wheat, or from a mixture
of wheat and rice or other cereals.
Japan's representative in Brazil is in
structed by his government to collect
data of trade possibilities between the
two countries.
Incentive to Arbitrators.
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach was in a
hurry when he passed through New
York recently, on' his way to Singa
pore, to arbitrate in the transfer of
the docks there from private owners
to the government. No wonder, for
he and two other arbitrators are to
receive $100,000 for their services.
To Suppress Liquor Traffic.
The New South Wales House of As
sembly, passed by fifty-three votes to
ten the saci.nd reading of the liquor
act amendment bill, wihch provides
for the total suppression of liquor
licenses in a district, without compen
sation, on a two-thirds majority.
that the boy was worth saving. The
father remarked that honey and salt
saved him, as for many years the
croup hung around the house like a
bat in the night, and nothing helped
until some one put them on to this
God-given remedy.
"How did you use it?" asked the
painter. The father replied, "Mix a
half teaspoonful each of honey and
stlt for any kind of a croupy cough
unless due to a bronchial cold that
remains on all day and night. For
the latter drink hot corn-meal gruel
very thin with or without milk, but
salted, and put honey on the chest as
a warmer and tonic." From Honey
Money Stories.
Wealthy - People Leave Money for
Maintenance of Pets.
A free bed for cats is maintained
In an animal hospital in Philadelphia.
It is a large cage of polished nickel,
with a porcelain floor that slides out
for cleaning and with an outfit of por
celain feeding utensils, a pneumatic,
bed and an abundance of soft, clean
Standing beside this bed the hos
pital's superintendent said:
"It was bequeathed to us seven
years ago "by a rich old woman. The
income of $1,000 is set apart for its
maintenance. It does a deal of good.
"Bequests to animals," he went on,
"become more and more common as
the various S. ' P. C. .A.'s increase in
"A San Francisco woman left the
income of $5,000 to bo expended in
keeping the streets free from broken
glass, tin cans and all such rubbish
as might cut the feet of horses.
"There is a hospital for birds in
New York, and I know a woman
whose will, when she dies, will make
it richer by $150 a year.
"A St. Louis millionaire left agood
sum to be devoted to making easier
the lives of aged and broken-down
horses and mules. -
"Animal bequests of 'this kind are
wise. There is another kind of ani
mal bequest, though, that is very fool
ish. This is the. setting aside of ex
travagant sums for the luxurious
maintenance, after the master's or
mistress' death, of pet animals. Such
bequests cause swindling. The per
son who has $200 or $300 a year to
keep a cat or dog on is profiting
largely, and, when the cat or dog dies,
substitutes another for it in order
that the income may not cease.
"I know of bequests of this foolish
sort to cats, dogs, birds and even gold
fish. In each case there was cheat
ing. As the real pet died another that
resembled it was substituted."
His Judgment Was Good.
Among the many good stories of
humorous happenings in court told by
Attorney Watson of Pitjsburg is the
following: : -
"A prominent attorney of Kansas
City who was retained as counsel for
the defense in a criminal case in the
city named succeeded in getting his
client out of a pretty bad situation by
means of an alibi, which the attorney
presented to the court in so novel a
way that it was a little short of mas
terful. "At the end of the trial the attorney
was .overwhelmed by congratulations
from his colleagues of the legal' fra
ternity, who spoke in the highest
terms of admiration of his able work.
To these felicitations there were add
ed those of the learned judge himself,
who observed:
' 'A fine alibi, that, and mighty well
" 'Well, modestly responded the
lawyer. "I myself think it was rather
neat. Of those that were offered me
it was by far the best.' " Harper's
Why She Resigned.
She had been in her mistress' serv
ice exactly two weeks when she an
nounced that on the following Satur
day there would be a vacancy as
lady's maid. Her mistress was puz
zled. Their relations hud been mutu
ally satisfactory, at least to all out
ward appearances. T
"Is there anything the matter with
the place?" she demanded. "I thought
I had been very easy on you.""
"'Deed, ma'am, I ain't got no kick
'bout de wuk," was the earnest as
surance. "You shore am a fine lady
to wuk for."
"Do you want more money ?"
"N-o-o, not exactly money."
"Well, what is the trouble?" ex
claimed her mistress impatiently.
"Well, you see, ma'am, wherever I
wukked befoh,' de ladies, dey sent
notes to gemmen frens, an' de gem
men frens, dey give me a dollah foh
bringin' de note, an' den dere was the
excitement. Yes'm, dat's de trouble.
Dey ain't no excitement here. I got
to go."
And she went. New York Sun.
Liner's Remarkable Run.
A White Star liner arrived in New
York a few days ago from the. Medi
terranean, bringing 120 cabin passen
gers,. eighty-six of whom were women.
They had the run of the ship, even in
vading the smoking-room,' the result
tiding that for the first time on rec
ord, it is believed, a trans-Atlantic
liner made a voyago without a card
game, not even a hand at whist. The
bar took in only $10 during the trip,
another unprecedented feature.
Arctic Circle Postoffice.
Served during the winter by dog
teams, a permanent postoffice has
been established by the Canadian au
thorities at Ft. McPiierson, in the
Arctic circle, 5,000 miles from Otta
wa and 2,000 miles north of Edmon
ton, the capital of the new province
of Alberta.
Museum of the Drama.
Prof. Brander Matthews, of New
York city is strongly advocating the
establishment of a museum gallery for
the drama to show the gradual devel
opment of the theater in various countries.
. IGsttlrtfl Back" at a Joker.
"That reminds me," said Manager
John R. Langdon of the Belvidere, as
he finished telephoning regrets to a
launching party on Mr. Sylvanus
Stoke's boat, the Madge, "of an expe
rience I had in New York once upon
a time. I was Invited to go with a
yachting party down the Sound, and
couldn't make It. Just for a joke I
sent a note to my host saying that I
was sorry I couldn't go, but he could
make it right by just sending me what
he thought I would have won on the
trip. Thought it 'was a great joke, I
did. That evening a boy brought a
message, collect, and the message ran:
" 'Dear Langton: You lost $37.45.
Please remit by bearer.' "
"And what did you do send him the
"Not, Father John! I wrote across
the note, 'Opened by mistake J. H. L.'
and fired it back. The boy collected
double charges on the other end."
A Texas Tragedy.
It was in a little Texas hamlet. A
more or less excited crowd had col
lected in the road.
"What is the matter?" I inquired of
a native.
"A po'r ol' darkey killed, suh," was
the reply.
'Indeed?" said I, shivering.
"Yes, suh; an' only jes' 'kaze he
stole a mule."
"Good heavens!" I exclaimed shud
deringly. 'An' only a scraggly, vicious, bttin
runaway, dog-on, or'nery mule at dat!"
"Oh, my! Have they arrested his
"I raik'n not, suh."
"What! Don't they know him,
"Oh, yes; dey shore know him."
"And won't arrest him?"
"No, suh." .
' "In the name of heaven, why not?"
"Kaze de mule wuz de slayer, suh."
There is something about gambling
that makes you hate the man who
wins more than you do and have a
contempt for the one who loses more.
A girl has more ways of making a
man try to kiss her than she has rea
sons why he shouldn't.
Some women love wisely, but most
men are not loved any too well.
.aVfegetabte PreparatLonfor As
similating ttieFoodandBegula
ting theStDfflachs andBoweisof.
Promotes DigeshoaCkeerPur
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Ornum.Morphine jwrMinexaL.
Iot Karc otic .
f n, fin jw-
A perfect Remedy- forConsUpa
Tlon, Sour Stonvrch.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of SLEEP.
Fac Simile signature of
Xxact copyo wBAeena.
25 Cta
I Wsa HO BaUL fQR HunaMF
JHaiy who formerly smoked I0?Cigars now smoke
Tour Jobber or direct from Factory, Peoria. 111.
flaTaTiailCa? CTARPU easiest to work with and
vw innwBB ws iwifii
starches clothes nicest.
EiaBaKiii llil I
A Full Sized Bottle
Yea have no right to suffer
There is en positive, natural, harmless cur and only one for these troubles and we are goiu to give yoa
enough free to prove it. -
Cut out the coupon below and take it to any druggist in the United States and he will give yon absolutely free of t
charge a full sized 35 cent bottle of
TululMs Grape Tonic
the only permanent, natural cure for constipation and all bowel troubles and indigestion and all stomach troubles.
" iiass
Take this Coupon to your druggist and he will give you a regular full size 35c. bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic
absolutely free. Remember, we give only one bottle to each family. If you can find a druggist who does not keep
Mull's Grape Tonic, send us this Coupon, together with name and address of the druggist, and we'll see that your wants
are supplied. '
I solemnly swear that I have never taken Mull's Grape Tonic, that I will apply for but one free bottle and that I
will take this bottle myself for Constipation and Stomach Trouble.
148 Third Ave., ROCK ISLAND, ILL.
eoapos to the jobber of whom yoa purchased this remedy, and he
will give you 35 ceuts In cash or trade fur each coupon, properly
signed, which you send him. All jobbers have the 35c. and 11.00 sizes.
Tbe tl.00 bottle contains nearly e times the 35c. size.
Retail Druggist, sign your name
Your addregb here.
uoionei Ariuur xm xibuiukmi.
of the 7th Ohio Volunteers, 880
Good ale street, Columbus, O.,
writes: "As s, remedy for ca
tarrh and stomach trouble I
can full v Hmmmflil Peruus."
Mrs. RamlllyiTi. wito of the I
gallant Colonel, is aa ardent I
mend of Peruna also.
DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch
makes laundry work a pleasure. 16 oz. pkg. 10c.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
AjjK Use
Ur For Over
Thirty Years
the t
X won't sell Antl-Ot-lptne to a dealer who won't Snarantec
Is. Call for four HOKET BACK IV IX DON'T CUBE.
jr. W. Biemer, M. ., Manufacturer, 8jtriigteld, Ma,
W. N. U. LINCOLN, NO. 47, 1905.
eiiiri atsFir in rur run 1
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Goon. Css I"
in time. Bold by druggists.
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from constioation or anv stomach trouble.
TO THE JOBBER: Toa 7111 P'0e accept this coupon If the
. . , . same Is properly signed, and elre to the re-
taller buying the remedy from you, 35 cents In cash or trade for
same. Sign your firm name and address and forward all coupons to
us at any time you like, and we will remit you In full by return mall,
35 cents for each coupon properly signed by the consumer, retailer
and yourself.
.Means a pro
due five oa
paclty In dol
lars of over
$16 per acre.
This on land which has cost toe farmer noth
ing but the price of tilling it, tells its own
The Canadian Government dves-AbsoJutely .
free to every settler 100 acres-of such land.
Lands adjoining can he purchased at from (8
to S10 per acre from railroad and other corpor
Already 175,000 fanners from the United
States have made their homes in Canada.
For pamphlet "Twentieth Century Canada"
and all information apply to Supt. of Immigra
tion, Ottawa, Canada, or to following authorized
Canadian Government Agent W. V. Bennett,
(01 New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska.
(Mention this paper.)
nrait' ?
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IMU Mf mwwww mm HIT T.WttilJ
cessfol. Thoroughly cleanses , kills alasase (arms ,
stops discharges, nasi inflammation and local
Paxtine Is in powder form to be dissolved in pars
water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal
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For sale at druggists, 60 cents a box.
Trial Bos and Book of Instructions Free.
Tmk a. paxton compant Boston. aiaaaC
W. L.Douglas
W. L. Douglas S4.00 cut Edge Llna
cannot be equalled at any price.
1 fl flfin REWARD to myona who can
t)IUUUU disprovo this rtitsiMirt.
W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes have by their ex
cellent style, easy fitting, and superior wearing
qualities, achieved the largest sale of any S3.SO
shoe In the world. They are just as 'good as
thou that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only
difference Is the price. If I could take you Into
my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest In
the world under one roof making men's fine
shoes, and show you the care with which every
pair of Douglas shoes Is made, you would realize
why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes are the beat .;
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If I could show you the difference between the
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NT. I Osjanpfau Wmmi IWrntfrn Stitimm 4mr
. Mmn. U nrT. Hym' M.
CAUTION. Insist upon having w".I..Doog- ,
las shoes. Take no substitute. Kone genuine -.
without his name and price tamped on bottom.
WANTED, A shoe dealer In every U n where
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samples sent free for Inspection upon request.
fart Coif Ct Maes'; Msg mill mot mar trassv.
Write for Illustrated Catalog of Kail Styles.
W. I DOUOLAS. Brockton. Mass-
To enable yon to see the Southwest
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for making- money for home building .
in Oklahoma, Indian Territory and
Texas advantages and opportunities,
the M., K. A T. E'y will, on November
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sell round trip .tickets to all points,
Southwest at less than one fare rates.
Tickets permit of stop-over going1 and .
returning and are good twenty-one
days from date of sale.
Write to-day for particu
lars and ask for our paper
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General Immigration Agent.
Ijens i on
3 yru tn eirU war, UftttlJudicivUu., claitus, mtty sinotw
At Your Druggist's
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sign your name here.
street and number here.
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Jobber, sign your name here.
Address here.