The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 24, 1905, Image 4

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Our Great
Section Offers Great Bargains
Published Weakly at 137 No. 14th St, Lincoln, Nebr. One Dollar a Year.
Advertising Rate on Application.
Entered as aecond-clasa matter April 21, 1904, at the postofflce at Lin
coln, Neb., under the Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1879.
Pat Johnson of Lincoln is a laborer. Having no trade he is
l'orced to earn his living hy the unskilled labor of his hands. This
is one of Patrick's misfortunes. Another misfortune is that he has
the cigarette habit. Under our present beneficent laws it is a double
misfortune to be poor and a cigarette smoker.
Mind you, we are not opposed to the cigarette law. On the
contrary we think it is a good thing. But we are opposed to some of
the ways and means and methods of enforcing that and other laws.
The other day Patrick Johnson, laborer, was arrested for rolling,
a cigarette. Perhaps he should have been arrested. Just why a
poor laborer should imagine that he could violate the law is beyond
our ken. Were he a university student, or a well dressed counter
jumper, or a scion of some wealthy house and therefore enabled to
loaf and dress well at papa's expense, he might roll 'em all day long
and not be molested. But no laborer, dressed in overalls and bearing
the marks of toil must be allowed 'to roll 'em. Xot much. These
darn laboring men must be taught to respect the law. These greasy
mechanics must be made to understand that there is a plain line of
'demarkation between them and the young gentlemtn who toil not,
neither do they spin, and are yet arrayed in wide-hipped panties,
dinkey little caps, flaring neckties and military-heeled shoes. These
soiled mechanics must understand that the law against c-garcttes
means that no man with corns on his hands can violate the law but
must be content with a cob pipe and a sack of cheap tobacco. Only,
the nice little boys with good clothes and soft white hands and
heads may roll cigarettes with impunity.
We regret that Patrick should have run afoul of the argus-eyed
police, but he has only himself to blame. If he had carefuily noted
the difference betw'een the Willie boys and the Working boys he
would have gone far up into the alley before rolling his cigarette.
( )nly the AVillie boys are allowed to stand on the corners .nd make
the cigarettes they want.
But a, mere workingman ought to be content with a pipe, any
how. There must be something to distinguish the mere mechanic
from the aristocrat, and the cigarette seems to be about the best
thing whereby to mark the distinction.
Back to Missouri meerschaum, all you common workingmen!
By what right do you butt in and seize upon the aristocratic cig
arette that marks the Willie boy and the aristocratic counter jumper
who often earns as much as seven plunks per?
M. L. Scudder, high mogul of the Lincoln Distraction company,
refuses to help in the matter of maintaining a base ball team in Lin
coln during the coming season.. We are not surprised. Tlvjrc is
tio reason why Mr. Scudder should dip into the Distraction com
pany's treasury for a cent. Experience has taught him many things,
and one of them i9 that Lincoln people will stand for anything. They
will fuss and fume a day or two about the arrogant selfishness of the
Distraction company and then they will take their medicine and
ihe Distraction company's dividends on its amply irrigated stocks
will go right on just the same. Why should Mr. Scudder give up a
ickel when he'll get just as much benefit without it? Why should
he show any consideration for such a bunch of E. Z. Marks as Lin
coln citizens have proved themselves to be?
In his weak and pinheaded way President Scudder goes the late
Colonel Vanderbilt several better. Vanderbilt said : "The public be
damned !" President Scudder beats that by saying:. "The public be
double damned!" What right has a lot of meek and apologetic cit
izens to kick against the decrees of a non-resident magnate? What
right has a lot of weak-kneed skates like the Lincolnites to ask a
magnate to give up a few dollars when he knows he.doesn't have to?
It's the dollar that President Scudder is after,, and he .knows
he'll get it. Experience has taught him that the people of Lincoln
haven't got sand enough to demand their rights. If they want base
ball let 'em pay for it and incidentally make increased profits for the
Lincoln Distraction company. They are a set of chumps if they
imagine for a minute that the Lincoln Distraction company will
help them out by giving up a few of its hard-earned dollars.
Go to, you suckers! M. L. Scudder knows a bunch of easy
things when he sees them. And he sees you.
Among the Lincolnites who went to Minneapolis to see the
tlopher team make monkies of the Cornhuskers was Clinton R. Lee.
the penitentiary contractor. He flew around looking for bets, arid
he had a bunch of greenbacks big enough to choke a cow. His dia
mond shirtstud shone like an electric headlight on a locomotive, and
his solitare ring looked like a year's wage for a common working
man. Mr. Lee was certainly it among the "sports" at Minneapolis.
He could afford it, too. While he was flashing his roll and his
diamonds, 2'JO convicts were making brooms for him to sell in com
petition with honest and free workingmen who were struggling to
earn a living for themselves and little ones. He has his brooms made
by convicts for whose labor he pays less than 50 cents a day per man.
And thousands of women who are always shedding tears for the
benighted heathen in foreign lands buy those brooms and in eifect
tell the 'honest and free broommakers to starve or be durned. It is
a whole lot easier and cheaper to feel for the heathen ten thousand
miles away than it is to give thought and help to humble and strug
gling poor just around the corner.
It was an inspiring sight to see Mr. Lee offeiing to bet huge
chunks of money on a football game. In fact, it was a much plea
saiiter sight than that of a score or more of struggling broommakers
trying to earn honest livings for themselves and little ones and hav
ing an almighty hard time of it.
But of course the poor convicts must have something to do, else
they will become discouraged and despondent. Therefore philan
thropists take a great interest in their welfare.. But the honest
hroommaker who tries to respect and obey the laws well, he de
serves no consideration. He ought to steal something and in that
way insure himself a steady job at his trade.
The Amencan Federation of Labor refused to censure Presi
dent Gompers on the charge that he is too intimate with plutocrats.
That's right, but the sooner President Gompers cuts loose from that
bunch of labor exploiters known as the Civic Federation the better
it will be for himself and the whole body of organized labor.
The union label is the most effective weapon that organized
labor can use between election days. The label and the ballot with
these two weapons labor can win every battle fought for justice and
The Interurban company shows a disposition to do the right
thing by the people of Lincoln. This is in marked contrast to the
imposition shown by the Lincoln Distraction company.
There's one sure way to knock the spots off of the corporations
that are seeking to crush orgenized labor. Bury your partisan dif
ferences and get together at the ballotbox.
Perfunctory prayers never fed a hungry worker, and God will
judge men by their actions, not by their professions. ,
'Keep you eye on the squirrel.
Gentlemen's distinctively styled Business Suits at $15.00..
The values we .give at this price speak for themselves. Thev are'
mostly Hart, Schaffner & Marx make and made especially to &
our order of strictly all wool and pure worsted fabrics, such as 9
black Thibets, blue serges, Scotch cheviots, black clays and cas-
, " e " uii-citiu tolBllJ! BIV1C, ilUW jaa
so popular. Ihese suits are strictlv hand tailored, with the new heavv laoel. deer, si rip rvr ttptis at.
The assortment also includes a separate line of patterns for stout and slim men. . .Values that in every
respect equal those at $20.00 elsewhere. We offer this week at $15.00. - &
Mens Suits
The Home of
the Overcoat
Better keep posted on the clothing situation
-better look before you buy. The suits we of-
flf $ tO 71 fer at $12-50 and $10-00 will save you from $3.50
X I pi kJVJ to $5.00 in real money. Finest American wool-
finrl ftff) ens garments made by America's most expert
LCCIX piVJ wholesale tailors patterns that are exact re
productions of the highest priced fabrics. Not an old style to be seen
or offered you at any price. An assortment to select from. which is
unequaled in the west. They are suits full of style, good looks,
comfort and good wearing qualities.. . .,
All Wool Suits for Every Day at
$8.75, $7.50, $6.50, $5.00
Our first statement about these suits is that they are all wool
This is not a misstatement on our part we say it again. They are all
wool and we will guarantee it.
Our Finest Suits at 18.00, 20.00
22.50 and 25 OO.
are worn by men who are able to pay a tailor $50.00 for a suit if they
could get one so good. ?
Judging from the unusual demand for our Overcoats this season, we can justly call our store
the "Home of, the' Overcoat." . Every recognized style is here given great space and consideration. Ov
er 5,000 Overcoats to select from. PriceSj $5.00 to $45.00. :
Over in Bombay, India, they are working the children fifteen
hours a day in the cotton mills. This is made possible by the in
troduction of electric lights. A majority of the operatives in these
big mills are children under sixteen years of age, and recent Brit
ish industrial statistics reveal the awful fact, that there are 2,000
children under 12 years of age in the Bombay mills, and (00 of that
number ifnder !) years of age. "Open shop" conditions prevail in
Bombay. There are no "anarchistic labor unions" there to inter
fere with the employers in the management of their business.
There are ho "walking delegates" to control the "free and inde
pendent" millworkers. Industrial conditions, from the' Parry stand
point, are ideal in Bombay. Fifteen hours a day, child labor, no
unions and open shop conditions what a paradise for the Parryite.
But what about the workers?
The Wageworker invites every thoughtful American citizen to
ask himself these questions:
' "How long would it be ere Bombay conditions prevailed in the
United States if the labor unions Were destroyed?"
"How long would1 the eight and nine hour day last if the em
ployers were left in supreme control of the hours of" labor?"
"What would become of industrial America if Bombay condi
tions should come to pass here?"
"Who is responsible for the difference between Bombay and
American industrial conditions?'
"How long will it be ere Bombay children are released from
industrial slavery on the initiative of the employers?"
"What agency is it that is doing most to wipe out child' labor
in the United States?"
Ponder on these questions and answer them honestly. If you
do this you will becjome an ardent advocate of unionism.
Now what do you think of the unionism of the Lincoln man
who carries a card in the hip pocket of a pair of overalls made in
the Lincoln Overall and Shirt factory? The Wageworker met
one such "union man" the first of this week.
(What tickles tis is the sight of a man who has taken advantage
of the bankruptcy laws standing up in public to denounce the op
pressions of a corporation.
Manager Jones calls it
it runs from dawn till dark.
"the daylight factory."' Perhaps because
Unionism of the mouth counts for nothing.
Buy label goods ! Get the habit !
(William J. Bryan, in The Commoner.)
Just now the employers association is trying to create
friction and antagonism between union and non-union labor.
There should be no antagonism, for the benefits of union
ism are enjoyed by all labor. Nearly all the increase in
wages, nearly all the reduction in hours, nearly all the im
provement in the conditions surrounding employment can
be traced to the efforts of organized labor. Take away the
labor organization, and the condition of the artisans of the
country would soon become unbearable. That the labor
, leaders make mistakes can not be denied but can we ex
pect perfection of human beings? Strikes have been called
for insufficient reason and have some times been accom
panied by violence, but the remedy is not to be found in
making the employe fight his battle single handed but
in the selection of more discreet and more reliable leaders.
We do not despair of self government because some pub
lic officials are convicted of ' grafting' and 'boodling ; we
punish the guilty and exercise more care in picking pub
lic servants. 1
. C. G. Pringle, for many years a
famous plant collector, especially In
Mexico and the arid regions of the
United States, speaks of a native, grass
of Northern Mexico, Muhlenbergia
Texana, as such a favorite with all
grazing animals that it is usually ex
terminated, or nearly so, except when
growing under the protection of
thorny shrubs, usually mesquite bush
es. In Arizona during the winter and
spring the Indians bring it long dis
tances into the towns to. sell. He adds:,
"How - many times I have contended
with the horrid mesquite bushes to
gather an armful of this grass to
carry joyfully to my hungry and jaded
horses. In such cases . the thorns,
spines, and perhaps bitter taste of the
bushes, not only protect the' young
growth and leaves of certain plants,
but furnish shelter for other tender
and nutritious herbage. In arid re
gions, especially, similarly instances
of protection by thorn bushes are
numerous." '
Again, some plants retire beneath
the surface of the ground at the close
of the growing season, especially in
regions subject to drouths or cold, re
maining secure .beneath the surface
for months in the form of bulbs, tubers
and rootsticks. At such times they
are nearly sure to escape destruction
by animals. Examples are Solomon's
seal, Dutchmen's breeches, May apple,
goldenrod and artichoke. Other
plants are protected by water and
of these Prof. Beal says: "Not only
the flowers of many species of plants
as they project above the surface of
the water are protected from most
unwelcome insects, but the whole
plants as well. Mud turtle, certain,
fishes, water snails, larvae of Insects
eat aquatic plants, but most other ani
mals are unable to reach them in such
places. Water plantain, wild rice,
pond lilies, arrowhead, pickerel weed,
pondweed, lizard's tail, bulrush, bor
xeed, cattail flag, water dock and many
more of their associates root at the
bottom with leaves floating on the
surface or projecting above. Innu
merable low forms, known as algae,
are at home in lakes, ponds and
streams, or on the surface of the wat
er, while other kinds thrive in salt or
brackish water. These aquatics find TOt v,'
Hoppe Handles Howard's
Hot-Draft Heaters . .
See our goods, get our: prices before
you buy that bill of hardware. Remem
ber the place. A large display of the
best Stoves, Ranges and Heaters in
Lincoln is what we have to show you.
Hoppe's, 108 North 10th St.
00000000000000000000000000 OOCXDOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
Your Cigars Should Bear This Label..
caati i imum By Auuiaiilyot the
Cisar Makers' International Union
Union-made Osrars.
fat Nortel
i na uw ni M HinMo canM Mr.
It is insurance against sweat shop' and
tenement goods, and against disease. . . .
JmenTa" .-jatt.-, g
y CHUo)
A Discussion
Dis irrigation business is a good
t'ing," remarked Walker Rounde, re-
protection below the surface or by ex
tending above it, not only from numer
ous animals, but they have no competi
tion with others which can grow only
on dry or moist soil." Exchange.
A Recipe for Thanksgiving
Secure either one large turkey, or
three or four average sized chickens,
a peck of potatoes, two or three cans
of corn, a couple of cans of toma
toes, about two quarts of cranberry
sauce, four bunches of , celery, some
maccaroni and cheese, several kinds
of jelly and some canned peaches.
Bake four fat mince pies and make
a bread pudding with plenty of sauce.
Prepare the aforesaid articles as
nicely as possible, and then set upon
a table covered with a clean cloth,
and have plenty of elbow, room at
each plate. If you have five in your
family make the table long enough
to seat about ten people.
Having prepared the dinner go into
the front room and invite your guests
to "walk in to dinner."
Now comes the important part. If
you have invited the right kind of
guests the dinner will be a magnificent
success, j
The guests should . be some poor
widow and her little brood.
Try it once, and see what a good
dinner it will be.
with one hand and turning the old
newspaper with the other.
"I t'ink . not," exclaimed Ragson
"Of course it is, pal," said Walker
Rounde. "Don't it decrease de wis-
ible supply o' water by lettin' it soak
into de ground?" .
"O, yes, dat's true 'nough," yawned
Ragson Taggs, "but just t'ink of how
much moisture it spreads aroun'
where dere ain't been any before."
Brain Leaks
A smiling face is a great road mak
er through life. .
Last summer's pleasures are al
ways brightest when the winter is
This world is good enough; the
trouble is that so many people are not
living up to it.
A lot of men claim credit for be
ing good, when they are only afraid
of doing wrong. ' , ,
Some people look on joining the
church as a sort of vaccination against
eternal punishment.
The love of labor lightens the load.
When the congregation yawns the
preacher needs awakening.
There are housewives 'so awfully
neat that they will not be content in
heaven unless they can peer into all
the corners.
Madsen's Market
1348 0 STREET
Cheap for Cash
Tradc Marks
rv Designs
quickly ascertain our opluion free
Anyone sending a sketch and de&crlptkm may
wnetner an
Invention la probably patent.ab1& jfmmunlca-
tionaatrictiyconnaentiai. HANUbuUK onratenta
sent free. Oldest agency for aecurlnspateni
Patents taken through Munn A Co. no
special nonca, witnout cnarge, in ut
Scientific Jlntericctx
Tarreet dr.
Terma. 11 a.
A handsomely lllnatrated weekly.
eolation of tany sclentlne Journal. Terms, 11 a
! ear : four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers.
Branch Office, 629 W BU Washington. D. C.