WILLIE'S DREAM THANKSGIVING NIGHT (glut the HOOoOOO GREAT NATIONAL FESTIVAL J J Thanksgiving Day Is Essentially American The I 3 First Prayer in Congress With the exception of Christmas and New Year's celebrations, our United States holidays commemorate some historical event, the "birth of a few of our great American leaders, or in more recent years they are set aside for some public service in def erence to the wishes of some exten sive organization, as Arbor day, Labor day, etc. We have no national hoir tiny, not even the Fourth of July. Congress has at various times ap pointed special holidays, but there is no general law upon the subject. Thanksgiving, the first essentially American feast day, is a holiday In all the States, though in some it is not a statutory holiday. The first general Thanksgiving of which we have any record was that kept by the Pilgrim settlers of Massachusetts Bay colony, in the year 1C21. The long, severe New England winters, with snows from five to seven months, the short, hot summers, the sterile, sandy soil which even to-day Is productive In places only through high cultiva tion left these brave forefathers of ours In almost starving condition. So low had become their supplies foe subsistence that at last a day of fast ing and prayer was appointed, when all were to unite in supplication for divine succor. Happily abundant food and other necessities arrived be fore the appointed fast day, so their fasting was changed to feasting, and prayer and supplication to praise and thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving service was often repeated through the remaining years of that century. Congress recommended days of thanksgiving annually during the Revolutionary War, and In 1784 for flie return of peace. The following Is a copy of the first prayer in Congress: "O Ixard, our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King ot Kings and Lord of Lords, who dost from Thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth, and relpnest with power supreme and un controlled over all the kingdoms, em pires and governments, look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gra cious protection, desiring to be hence forth dependent only on Thee; to Thee they have appealed for right eousness of their cause; to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support which Thou alone cansl give: take them, therefore. Heavenly rather, under Thy nurturing care; give them wisdom in council and valor In the field; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; con vince them of the unrighteousness of their cause; and If they still persist In their sanguinary purposes, oh let the voice of Thine own unerring Jus tice, sounding In their hearts, con strain them to drop the weapon? of war from their unnerved hands in the day of battle. Be Thou present, O God of Wisdom, and direct tha councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation, that the scene of blood may be speedily closed, that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst Thy people. Pre serve the health of their bodies and the vigor of their minds; shower down on them and the milions they here represent such temporal blessings as Thou seost expedient for them in this world, and crown them with everlast ing glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, thy son, our Savior, Amen." Los Angeles Times. DINNERS OF FIFTY YEARS AGO. Typical Thanksgiving Feasts in Wide ly Separated Sections. A typical Thanksgiving dinner in Dixie fifty years ago included the fol lowing: ("Jumbo Soup. Celery. Pickled Sweet Peppers. Tteaten Biscuit. Ronst Pin. Wild-Plum Jelly. Candied Yams. Hoiled White Onions. Roust Turkey. Sweet-Potato Stuffing. Cranberry Sauee. Southern Mashed Turnips. Virginia Batter-Bread. Creamed Potatoes. Baked Cashaw. Sweet-Potato Pie. Mince Pie. Georgia Plum-Pudding. Hard Sauce. Pecan Caramel Cake. Fruit. Nuts. liaisins. Coffee. Below is given the menu of an equally typical New England dinner: Clam Bouillon. Graham Wafers. Celery. Colonial Raised Biscuit. Rye and Indian Bread, Dill Pickles. Beet Salad. Venison Pasty. Apple and Pork Roast. Mashed Potatoes. Baked Squash. Creamed Cabbage. Mashed Turnips. Roast Turkey. Bread Dressing. Cranberry Cups. Browned Sweet Potatoes New England Plum-Pudding. Vanilla Sauce. Mince Pie. Pumpkin Pie. Strawberry Tart. Cream Cheese. Black Fruit-Cake. Cream Cake. Doughnuts. Junket. Coffee. Punch. Lemonade. Fruits and Nuts. Woinan'3 Home Companion. Exiles in Celebration. In the Philippines, in Alaska, in Por to Rico, Panama and elsewhere many Americans will celebrate their Thanksgiving in a manner that will duplicate the old Thanksgiving days of the early settlers In New England. Like the old Puritans, who attended divine service with guns in their grasp, ready for Indian attacks, Amer icans in the Philippines will celebrate with rifles in their hands. But there will be no snow In the air; no nipping wind to give them a keen appetite for roast turkey and strong ale; and, in stead of a rc:k-bound coast with frosty east wind, they will have soft, sleepy shores, laved with blue seas of everlasting summer. A Song of Thanksgiving Thanktglving! Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! In the youth of the nation When the harvest hai yielded its store There was feast and oblation. Or when danger had lifted its hand, From the lips of the living There rang through the length of the land Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving.' Our home was a wilderness then With the floods toenfold it; To-day, with its millions of men, We rejoice to behold it. From the sea to the surge of the sea We have all for a treasure; We are blest in the promised To-be In a manifold measure. For the fruit of the time of our toil; For whate'er we have fought for; Whether born of the brain or the sail Be the need we have sought for; For the gifts we have had from His hand Who is Lord of all living, Let there ring through the length of the land Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Clinton Scollard. Patronizing Home Industries rsuy Lineomiviaae uooas SEE TH7T YOU GET LINGOLN-M21DE FURNITURE WHENEVER POSSIBLE T'f.s rttfAck jC Cichck1 On Gives all preference to the home manufacturer R IIC MXUU& Gt UUKSiltSl KU. prices and quality of course being equal Expert advice for Butch ers on the cooler proposi tion. We make coolers from $5.00 to $1,000. If you live out- of the city, write or 'phone and we will send the Cooler Man to see vou. Ever realize what a large share of goods are purchased by this firm at home ever stop to think what a large factory we have in Lincoln making the finest Upholstered Furniture and that the Rudge & Guenzel company control the entire distribution for this city? Then there's the Mat tress and Pillow factory, the Triumph Bed Spring Works the mills turning out Tables, etc., all these use this firm as Lincoln distributors. We only wish there were more factories here making the lines of goods we carry. W e have a Drapery ex pert who will gladly give you ideas in the planning of your new Draperies Just 'phone (.'? and we'll send the irian. Estimates free. Used to be that we purchased the thousands of Window Shades we sell every month from eastern markets. Now we have our own factory employing many Lincoln men. Our Rug Factory employs more beads of families while the Tin and Furnace shop is a busy hum of workers all the time. Almost 200 people are employed by these stores, busily filling the wants of our many patrons. Quite an army for a town the size of Lincoln, and hundreds of Lincoln people are unaware of these facts. Make it a point to purchase your needs in all lines from merchants who offer Lincoln products, and the 100,000 club iq assured in a few years' time. Some of the Lincoln Factory Products Handled by Us at aii Times Follow TRIUMPH BED SPRING Bed Couches Leather Couches Plush and Velour Couches Box Springs Upholstered Chairs . Parlor Chairs Mission Davenports Bed Davenports Leather Davenports Mahogany Divans Leather Eary Chairs Morris Chairs Turkish Leather Chairs Mission Pieces Work Loose Cushion Work Feather Pillows. Mattresses Made to Order. LINGOVN-MTinS, GOUGHBi Upholstery kinds Felt Mattresses Hair Mattresjss Moss Mattresses Upholstered Furniture made to order. Springs for Iron or Wood Beds Triumph Bed Springs Spring Cots Hotel Tables Saddlery Hardware Empire Iron Enamel Millinery Goods Window Shades Curtain Rods Men's Work Shirts Men's Dress Shirts Feathers. of all A Spring with quality and service be hind it made right here in your own city and offered at a very low price be cause we have no freights to pay and that means much in the Furniture line means a saving to you because the consumer usually has to pay the freight. The best spring for ihe price that we know of and one we sell hun "dreds of; each $2.50 The Stores of Quality and Reliability 3 Samples of Fine Upholstery Work, made by the Lincoln Upholstering Co. an industry of the magnitude of which many people in Lincoln are unaware; ' We show hundreds of pieces put out by this- clever factory, for which we are sole distributors. Fine Da;nports Sofas, Couches, Divans, Morris Chairs. Parlor Chairs, Leather Chairs, etc. as magnificent a showing of rich, uphol stered furniture as anywhere in the west. ; - . SOUND ADVICE. Miss Barnum's Wise Words to the Working Girls. Miss Gertrude Barnum of the Woman's Union Label League wants all working girls. to join trades unions. After a long tour through the South in the interests of the girls, she said: "A girl is never sure what will strike her trade, and she is a fool if she .waits till it strikes before she forms her union. Moreover, some new machines will be Invented and thou sands of girls will be put out of work at once and will have to go into some other trade. "If the girls do not keep up wages in all the trades they cannot be sure of living wages week after next. "If girls take low wages men will have to do the same, and there will be no young men earning enough money to marry the girls and bring up fami lies. Girls must think of all these things." HERE'S THE IDEA. If Unionists Won't Demand the Label, Just Make 'Em. This is the way they are handling the label question in St. Paul accord ing to the Union Advocate: "Upon receipt of information that a given union man has been either buying non-union goods or patronizing non union houses to the exclusion of the union establishments, he will be no tified by the secretary and asked to explain his conduct. After a second offense the offender's union will be notified and such action as the union thinks proper will be asked for. In time such an offense must inevitably be followed by expulsion if the great movement of the union label is to succeed." it looks as though Mr. Parry has be come drunk as a fiddler upon the im mense power that he Imagines he wields. This cheap imitator of the Russian czar is also preparing for a mighty fall, and from appearance of things the printers will give the king of the open shop brigade all that is coming to him. Cleveland Citizen. LOW WAGES AND RELIGION. The Rev. Dr. S. M. Small, in an article in the Christian Advocate, says it is a sin to exclude the Chin ese from this country, who, if given an opportunity, "would slowly come to a better life in a pure air and a free condition; and they would give in return for these benefits of a moral and spiritual character the best ser vice at the lowest wages." Dr. Ver non talks like an enthusiast whose brain has been fired by over-indulgence in Gripe Nuts and Ghostum Coffee. He should be elected chap-lain-at-large of Parry's low-wages ag gregation. Their digestive organs seem pretty well suited to stand 'a hash of low wages and snide religion. Washington Trades Unionist. PARRY'S NERVE. He Issues an Edict to the Daily Newspaper Managers. Parry's- National Association of Manufacturers has issued a circular letter to the daily newspapers con taining a veiled threat that if they publish anything favorable to the striking printers they will he boycotted through their advertisers. In assum ing that he can not only dictate the policies of the newspapers, but also control the advertising of merchants. TWO KINDS OF BOYCOTT. The boycott as defined by Post and his gang has two meanings, one the antithesis of the other. The boycott, when practiced by a labor union, is contrary to public policy, but, when put into practice by a band of em ployers is the very essence of public policy. For instance, it is wrong for union men to boycott the product of the grape nuts factory, but it is all right for the manufacturers' associa tions to boycott any firm which re fuses to join said asociation. Fine rea soning. Cedar Rapids Tribune. MORE FALSIFICATION The treasurer of the New York Life Insurance company has admitted an other instance of gross falsification of the books of the company with in tent. to deceive. This time the decep tion was practiced not against the Prussian government, out against the insurance inspection department of the state of New Yoik. Anions; the company's assets De cember 31, 19(13, was '54,000,000 of In ternational Mercantile Marine stock. On that date $S(t.o) of this stock was nominally sold to ,T. Pierpont Morgan & Co., through George V. Perkins, who plays tile double role in the business world of Morgan's part ner and the insurance company's vice president. The insurance company then made its annual report to the state, showing only $3,200,000 hold ings of that stock, and on the next business day, January 2, 1904, it bought back the $800,000 stock. Mr. Perkins again ateted as representative of both parties to the transaction. The kernel of the offense that the in surance company's officers committed was the deception of their own policy holders. Formally the offense ran against the state. Actually it ran against the policy-holders, because the state inspection department ex ists for the sole purpose of represent ing the interests of the policy-holders where their interests are apt to be overlooked. There is a law on the New York statute books which provides a $500 -fine and a year's imprisonment in the penitentiary as maximum punishment for falsifying corporation books. At a distance of a thousand miles it looks very, clear that the time has arrived to apply " the law. The gravity of the deception indi cates that the maximum punishment of both fine and imprisonment is de sirable. Chicago Record-Herald. December 2nd at the Keystone gro cery. All members who have not beep solicited are requested to send in their donations. Our next meeting will be December 6th at Bohanan's hall. A MEMBER. "SADIE" IN ERROR. Frank A. Kennedy, of the Omaha Western Laborer says that if he knew what Shrope of the Easton Labor Journal and Will M. Maupin of the Lincoln Wageworker were scrapping about, he would buy chips and get into the game. "Sadie" is off badly off. Shrope and Maupin are not scrap ping. They are the best of friends. They are merely putting up a bluff in order to have something to fill space. See? THE OLDEST LABOR PAPER. The first journal ever published in America by a labor union was the Awl, which was gotten out by shoe makers and was really the grand father of the present Shoe Workers' Journal. The Awl was published by the shoemakers of Lynn during the years of 1844 and 1845. In 1845 its name was changed to the True Work ingman. Labor Compendium. A woman is so mistrustful that when she is traveling she never feels sure the train will stop when it gets to the end of the road. Capital Auxiliary. Auxiliary to typographical union ex tend a vote of thanks to the following young people who so kindly enter tained at our October social: Misses Clara King, Emma Schaal and Hazel Smith, Messrs. Victor Barngrover and Paul Reinienschnitter. A vote of thanks is extended to Mr. Erstine King and Mr. H. W. Smith for printing the programs. Also tiie social committee. The Auxiliary will hold a market OCOOCOOOCKXXDOC ADAM SCHAUPP COAL CO. ...COAL... COKE AND WOOD Rock Springs, Hanna, Maitland CENTERVILLE BLOCK S5.50 Spadla, Pittsburg nut, Washed Egg. Best Grades. Scranton and Lehigh Anthracite. Best and quickest service. Deliver ed by Union Teamsters only. CITY OfflCE 1234 0 STREET BELL 182. AUTO 3812 ooooooooocoooooco Columbia National Bank 2 General Banking Business. Interest on time deposits LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA H1 XjCOflllSirdt 1726 N STREET LINCOLN, NEB. Heart Specialist