New Windsor Hotel Lincoln, Nebraska American mil Knroprait plan. American Flan to 93 par day. Kuropaan Plan, hoomi OOe to !.. per day. Uvl ruum all ant- Idr. Popular priced rnUnrint lanrh counter and Ladles cafe. 1EHVICB IIKEKKLLED. E. M." PEN NELL, Mgr. f . Z We Clean r.arnrt We I also maKe rugs out o! I old carpets ..... Capital Carpet Cleaning and Rug Works T. H. McGahej, Prop. Both Phones 3 IIIITTTTTITTTTT XZHXXI1XXX We are expert cleaners, dyers and finishers of Ladies' and uen tlemen's Clothing of all kinds. The finest drosses a specialty. THi3 NEW FIRiii SOUKIJP & WOOD A C FOR PRICEUST. 'PHONES: Bell, 147. Auto, 1292. 1320 N St j - - Lincoln, Neb. VTITIIIIIHIIHIIIllUltxg IF YOU WANT THE BEST MILLINERY... For the least money, you will find it here. Sadie Pucket 124 So. 12th St. Lincoln, Nebr. CXXDOCXXXXXOOOOOOCOOC)OOOCXX3 THE CARPENTERS. Boost the Y. M. C. A. Building Fund a Little Higher. Carpenters Union 1055 donated $25 to the Young Ken's Christian Asso ciation building fund. They also de termined to participate in a joint en terlaimnent of all the unions to as sist the Y. M. C. A. Five candidates initiated and two members admitted on clearance cards Tuesday evening. Remember the called meeting next Tuesday, November 7. Every mem ber is expected to be present. Do any of the members know any thing of the present address of IBro. Thomas E. Ring? Bro. G. O. Jackson has taken a clearance to Loda, Calif. Bro. Sofflln has returned to his homo at Unadilla. Bro. Heywood has left the Burling ton and returned to the trade in Lin coln. If any of the members are out of a Job, call at the office between 8 and 9:30 a. m. or 5 to 5:30 p. m. Bro. Bert Baker has submitted his resignation as a delegate to the C. L V. and will in the future carry a policeman's baton instead of a hand box. We will soon have an illuminated sign in front of the hall. Bro. D. T. Beck, who lives in the brick house at the northwest corner of Sixteenth and P streets, is report-j ed very sick with blood poisofting. Bros. Wright and Kinsey, who have' been on the sick list, are reported better. Bro. Ipson, who fell while working on the postiffice, is around again, but will not be able to work" for a week or so. Some of the children belonging to Bro. Chas. Lodger have been sick with diptheria and he has been con fined in quarantine for two weeks, but it-, now at work again. Every member who has a due book at the office should call and get it. organization will be the principal speaker. On the following Sunday Will M. Maupin will talk on "Tickets Straight and Split." and on the fol lowing Sunday Captain L. W. Bill ingsley will be the principal speaker. All are cordially invited to attend and take part in the discussions. FACTORS IN SOCIAL REFORM. A LABOR AGITATOR. Henry Pfeiff DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats Sausage, Poultry,. Etc a "Sti..! and Fancy Groceries. Telephone R88-477. 314 So. I Ih Street Madsen's Market 1348 0 STREET GOOD MEATS Cheap for Cash President Johnson Would Have Been So Classed by Parry. . Some of the historians of Tennes see assert with great positiveness that President Andrew Johnson, when a young man and working as a jour neyman tailor, formed some of the fiist bona fide unions in this country. While Eugene V. Debs was lecturing in Knoxville, Tenn., he was ap proached by Col. John Bell Brown low of that city and asked if he knew of the existence of a labor union prior to seventy years ago. Mr. Debs said that he did not. Then Colonel Brownlow said that in 1835 Andrew Johnson organized at Greenville the shoemakers, plasters and mechanics. This bit of history struck Mr. Debs very forcibly. But the presidents of those days, like the economic condi tions, were somewhat different from those of our time. St. Paul Union Advocate. SOCIALIST MEETINGS. Will Hold Them Every Sunday After neon Thio Winter. The socialists have arranged to hold meetings every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Central Labor Union hall during the winter. Next Sunday af ternoon Secretary Rose of the state A Minister's Plain Talk on Present Industrial Conditions. Josh Billings once satd, "Before you can have . an honest horse race you must have an honest human race." There is lots of horse sense in that statement. The present industrial system is not ideal. It is the aim of thousands of earnest men to make it so. But after all, the progress that is to be made in this direction shall be determined by the great masses of the people. The question of leader ship is important, but more important still is the problem or the everyday man. Any organization that influ ences him for the better, is helping to bring in the golden age for which all good men are longing. The labor union is a strong factor in this connection. Misunderstood, misrepresented, as it frequently is by friend and foe, nevertheless it is moulding men for better and nobler living. It has its own field. Men must not expect the labor union to perform the functions of societies which are organized for other pur poses. If it works out its own prob lemsand they are important enough men should be willing to give trades unionism due credit. The same thing is true of . the church. Almost every social reformer claims Jesus Christ as the champion of his particular social system, and he criticises the church because it dees not boldly proclaim his theory. ( But it has not yet been proved tnat any social theory, in its practical ap plication, will bring about the mil lcnial dawn. Furthermore, the ad vocates of these systems are not clear in their own minds as to just what they want or how their schemes will work. Is it not folly, then, to ask the church to advocate a sys tem which even its own advocates have not yet fully thought out? Back of every honestly advocated social theory there is a great moral princi ple. There are many definitions of socialism. Among other things true socialism demands "from every man according to his ability." That means a life of service. Conimun Ir.m demands the surrender of one's personal interest .for the good of all. That means self-sacrifice. Anarch ism demands the doing of right with out the strong compelling arm of the law. That means justice, love, purity. It will readily be seen that the suc cess of any of these "great social reform measures which are being pre sented to workingmen, is dependent upon a high, unselfish character. Christianity makes a specialty of the development of this character. That is its chief business. The principle of Jesus Christ was ideal. He struck at evil, at sin. He tried to change men, rather than methods. He did not advocate the reform measures of His day .because He knew that-they were insufficient for the needs of the twentieth century. He taught the principles which will be applicable to every century. That should be the chief function of the church. If the Jg Jfm J)fm JQ Jf. JJU Jf. Jp. Jp. Jfm Jfm Jf JV Jf JQ JJ JJ Jfm JJ Jgm Jf Jf $ ' ..OVERCOATS.. JV beveral things are to be considered in buying an overcoat price, style and serviceability. Some overcoats are more to sell, others to wear. The chief difference between a S15 overcoat and a $30 overcoat is the fifteen dollars the seller puts in his pocket. V. OUR $5 Overcoats ft Jaf. kikschiaum a cA are just as Rood, often better than the $10 coats sold else where. They fit, look well and wear well. OUR $10 Overcoats We'll put against the $15.00 garments of other dealers. They are well made, tailored latest in cut and style and wear as long as the best. OUR $15 Overcoats They are as good as money can buy. If you pay more you pay too much. We make a sneciality of overcoats, and right now we are making a special price. We make the price low because we can. Our expense for rent is small. You get the benefit- We don't sell them at cost, be cause we must make some money. But you get big rvalues. Come and see us. Clothing and Furnishings That's where we shine. We outfit man or boy from head to foot and do it right, too. We get and hold business that way. T Lincoln Clothing Co. ju " Tenth and P Streets 4Cj2ji2jC3jwj Cjj Statistics show that there is within 6 percent as much heating power in a bushel of soft coal as in a bushef of anthracite. With the Ilinoy Heater the loss in using soft coal is overcome by forcing super-heated air directly on top of the fire, burning the gases and smoke, and leaving no clinkers. This is exactly what the Ilinoy Heater will do and it will pay you to verify this statement before buying a heating stove. If -you, prefer a-hard coal baseburner, nothing made equals the Howe Ventilator. It will heat several rooms to a comfortable temperature, and with a small amount of fuel. A customer, who has used one of these stoves for the past twelve years with no repairs, told us a few days ago that he knew he saved 25 to 50 per cent on his coal bill every winter. We will give you his name and also that of many others who are glad to testjfy to the merit of this sanitary heater. - ' . Assortment Complete ...PRICES RIGHT... I HALL BROS. GO., 1308 O STREET NUAL HARVEST SA At the Farmers' Grocery comes only once a year It is now in full swing and lasts only a few days longer. Lay in your winter's supply of Groceries now. S' GROCERY COMPAMY church were to advocate a particular social theory which may today be ac cepted by a majority, it would lay itself open to criticism in the next generation which shall have outgrown that system. It would be very easy to show how in the past the church has made that mistake. The next generation will not be satisfied with our solution of the labor problem. As a matter of fact the labor question will not be settled until the last day's wcrk is done. But while the church mu3t not com mit itself to any economic system, ic should apply Christ's great princi ples of justice, of love, of service, to every problem that confronts so ciety today. Rev Charles Stelzle. THE DEDICATION. Lincoln Overall ; and Shirt Factory Opened With Prayer. The Lincoln Overall and Shirt Fac tory was formally dedicated last Wednesday, a dedicatory prayer be ing offered and several talks being made by interested parties. "Sweat shops" have often been ciosed down amidst the curses of an outraged people. Only once have we ever beard of a "sweat shop" being opened with prayer. We won't tell when it. was. The Lincoln Overall and Shirt fac tory employs women and girls. They work ten hours a day all that the law allows females to work in store, mill or factory. The wages are des perately low. We have Manager Jones' word for that. When the fac tory burned down a few months ago he said the pay roll averaged $500 a week, and that an average of seventy five employes were on the roll. That is an average of $6 a week, ten cents an hour, for all grades. Just stop and think what wage that means to the girls running machines and sew ing on buttons, ten hours a day, six days a week, docked for lost time and no holidays. The Wageworker submits that it was eminently proper that such a fac tory should be opened with prayer. Certainly it needs it. Manager Jones dees not believe in labor unions. He will not submit to being dictated to by unions. He insists on running his own business. His . employes must be "independent American? workers." His remuneration depends upon the net earnings, and the eas iest way to decrease expenses is to cut wages. There are union overall and shirt factories in this immediate section, and they pay much better wages than the Jones factory. They work short er hours, too. And the label appears on their output. If you want to help bring about industrial conditions that will result in forcing your daughter into a shirt and overall factory at $3 oi $4 a week, patronize a factory that is non-union and opened with prayer.") Mr. Jones is a Christian. He is to be praised for that, because it is hard to be a Christian and have mon ey. But it is mighty hard to be any thing else on an average wage of $3 ?. weel-:. ." FOLLOW THE FLAG 1 "THE ONION CLUB." Hallowe'en Party at the Home of Charley Righter. The "Onion Club" pulied off an other of its always pleasant and suc cessful social functions last Satur day evening at the home of C. B. Righter, the hostesses being Mrs. Righter and Mrs. Barngrover. The house was decorated with jack o' lanterns and field products, and the elaborate luncheon consisted of about everything ood to eat. High five was the chief game, and it provided a ?ot of fun, even if the game was not played with consum 'nate skill. An impromptu program of "coon songs" wound up the even ing. This club is unique in many respects. Its membership is elastic, it has no officers, no constitution, no rules, no books and no regular meet ing time. It gets together whenever opportunity affords. The last meet ing was hugely enjoyed, and about half of the membership missfed the last cars from O street. But that don't count on the night the "Onion iers" meet. Home Visitors Excursion NOVEMBER 30 To many points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Ken tucky, Western Pennsylvania, New York and West Virginia, at GREATLY REDUCED RATES THE WABASH has solid road-bed, rock ballast, and new equipment, reclining chair cars SEATS FREE For rates, maps and all information call at Wabash City Of fice, 1601 Farnam St., or address .' HARRY E. MOORESi C. A. P. D. WABASH R. R. OMAHA, NEB. ' COCXXXXXXXXDCQOCXXX ADAM SCHAUPP COAL CO. COAL COKE AND WOOD Rock Springs, Hanna, Maitland CEIMTERVILLE BLOCK S5.50 S pad la, Pittsburg nut, Washed Egg. Best Grades. Scranton and Lehigh Anthracite. Best and quickest service. Deliver ed by Union Teamsters only. CITY OFFICE 1234 0 STREET BELL 182. ALTO 3812 LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOCCOCKXXXXXXX 2M 1726 N STREET LINCOLN, NEB. Heart Specialist