THE WAGEWORKER 1 .,,.,,.,-,, y WILL M. A1AUP1N, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Thousands of Men Will Buy Published Weekly. One Dollar a Year. Advertising Rates on Application Many II 4T1 Entered as second-class matter April 21, 1904, at the postofflce at Lin coln, Neb, under the Act ot Congress. A WORD WITH THE WOMEN. m The Woman's Home Companion, published at Springfield, O., is distinctly a magazine for women and depends altogether upon their support for its continued existence. The printers engaged upon this publication have struck ior the eight hour day. The owners of the magazine have been the first, and the only, employing printers to seek refuge behind the writ of injunction, and the union printers of Springfield have been served with a blanket injunction that restrains them from everything save eating and sleeping. , The Woman's Home Companion is a "rat" concern, employing "rat" printers and seeking refuge behind an injunction secured by methods that are familiar to unionists. The striking printers sough; only to lay the exact facts before the non-unionists coming in to take their places. The injunction restrains them from in any way influ encing the strike breakers. The Wageworker calls upon the women of the land to take cog nizance of the attitude of the Woman's Home Companion towards organized labor. The boycott is illegal, of course, but there is no power on earth that can compel you to subscribe for or continue to support a magazine that is owned by opponents of unionism and manned by "rats" who have taken the place of men striking for bet ter conditions and shorter hours. Far be it from us to advise a boy cott, but we do unhesitatingly ask the good women of the land to liflp us by refusing to give support to our opponents whoever they may be. . THE CASE OF SHELBY SMITH. 1 Shelby Smith, a member, of Philadelphia Typographical Union Xo. 2, has apologized to the executive council of the international for strictures upon its management of the Philadelphia situation. And in making that apology Shelby Smith shows himself to be so im measurably larger than either James Lynch or John Bramwood that there can be no comparison. Those who regularly read The Wageworker are familiar with the Shelby Smith case. President Lynch and Secretary Bramwood demanded Smith's scalp, and secured it by methods that do not re dound to the credit of the Toronto convention. Smith was unseated as a delegate. Then it was demanded that he apologize to the con vention. Smith was unseated as a delegate;. Then it was demanded that he apologize to the executive council, and Philadelphia union was ordered to take up his card if he failed to do so. In order to coerce Philadelphia union it was ordered that the charter be revoked if it did not take up Smith's card. The whole proceeding was marked by a vengeful spirit on the part of Lynch and Bramwood that would do credit to a bloodthirsty Sioux. Smith did not have to apologize, and there was not the least danger that he would lose his card. He returned to Philadelphia and proceeded to make arrangements to go into the courts and insti tute injunction proceedings against the international officers. But ihat would have made trouble not only for the international organiza tion, but it would have endangered Philadelphia union, which is now engaged in a life and death struggle against big odds. In that struggle Philadelphia is almost wholly at the mercy of the executive council. Smith finally decided that his duty to his union was higher than his personal well being, and with an unselfishness that men high in authority can not understand because of mental limitations, he decided to apologize rather than throw a single obstacle in the way of his union's securing a great victory. Here and now, and without any attempt at quibbling or evasion, The Wageworker declares that Shelby Smith in his humiliation is n grander figure in unionism than any man or set of men who, in or der to satisfy their vengeance and gratify their vanity would sacri fice the union life of a fellow craftsman at the expense of union wel fare. Shelby Smith has more friends today than ever before. He is in a better position than 'ever to advance the cause of unionism. And in the vears to come. Shelby Smith will be a commanding figure in union circles when men once elevated to power which they did not know-how to use wisely have been forgotten save for their vanity and their vencreance. The Shelby Smith case should be laid aside. for a few months. The success of the eight hour campaign is now at stake. When that is "off the hook" and success is assured beyond a peradventure, then the Shelby Smith case will become a live issue again, and on that line The Wageworker is prepared to make its fight. Tc? Shelby Smith The Wageworker extends its very best wish es, and assures him that it holds him in higher esteem than ever. WHERE GRAFT REIGNS SUPREME. - When Sam Parks, the labor grafter of New York, was on the gridiron the newspapers were full of it. Parks was a member of '.he structural iron workers' union. He grafted and he went to jail, where he died. The great daily newspapers of the land gave as much space to the grafting of this one union workingman as they are giving to the grafting of such men as Perkins, Morgan. Hyde, Alexander, Dcpew, McCall and others of that ilk. And although Sam Parks went to jail, as he deserved to do, there is not the least clanger that his fellow grafters in higher stratas of society will ever be called upon to don the stripes. And why? Of the two, Perkins and Parks, which deserves the greater punishment? One an ignorant workingman, the other, rich, educated and moving" in the best society. In all the history of all the organizations formed by workingmen, there never was such rot tenness, corruption and graft as has been uncovered in the insurance scandals now occupying public attention. The union leaders and officials have handled millions upon millions of money, and yet all the graft that may have existed therein would not be worthy of men tion in the same day with gigantic graft and loot ajid plunder that has been going on inside of any one of the four great life insurance conTpanies. The unionists have not been posing as holier than the general run of humanity, either. They have left all that sort of thing for the Perkins, the McCalls, the Hydes and the Alexanders. These men have done all the moral posing, all the prating about "honor" and all the mouthing about "good citizenship." They have been throwing 'all the fits about the "unlawful labor unions" and doing all the shud dering about the danger to the country by reason of the "anarchis tic unions." And while they were thus posing and prating and shud dering they have been shoving their hands into other people's money clear above the elbows. While they were shuddering and stealing, prating and peculating, the unions they have so roundly denounced have been quietly alleviating distress, caring for the widows and or phans, burying the dead and making life sweeter and brighter for those whose lot it is to eat bread in the sweat of their faces. We call upon an unprejudiced and fairminded public to judge between the leaders in the labor movement and the leaders of the "God and morality" gang represented by the discredited Perkins, the unspeakable Hyde and the odoriferous McCall. Which is the bet ter citizen, Samuel Gompers or George Perkins? Which is the bet-y ter citizen, President McCall of the Xew York Life Insurance com pany or President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers of America? Into whose hands would you rather commit the care of, your wives and your children, O union men of America? Would you choose the inside ring of the four big life insurance companies, or the humble workingmen who have banded together in unions for their own pro tection and the protection of their loved ones? The men who bribe courts and legislatures and violate the laws of business honesty arc the men who hovd loudest about the "un American labor unions." Epot 'em! . The university student who "scabs"' is tvorse than the ignorant New Clothes this JWorith We find ourselves as ready to meet the exigency as a battleship cleared for action with all summer goods out of our house with every table in the splendid expanse of our Men's floor piled high with fresh new stylish autumn garments made to our order and ' just out of the tailors' hands. Suits, Top Coats, Raincoats, Trousers and Fancy Vests, each and all in happy accord with Lincoln taste. These garments are so grouped in three great families that every man, no matter what his size, can be fitted quickly and suc cessfully with something to suit his occupation, please his fancy and meet the easy limit j : of his purse. ' ?, The foremost feature of our Clothing 1f f)h T ins at $6.SO to $12.50 is our P'U. UU L,ITU THE SUITS The best American Woolens are represented in the Cheviots, Cassimeres,' Worsteds and Thibets of which thi3 line is made. They qome in the extra long and conservative cuts. They are made both single and double breasted. The line contains a liberal showing of blues and blacks. . THE TOP COATS These come in Coverts and Whipcords, serge or silk lined. The leading thing in our Men's ffclGZ T iris Clothing at 12.50 to $13.00 is our plJUJ IlflS Finer Woolens, hand-tailoring at every point that needs careful shaping to impart correct contour and still closer attention to every detail of fit and finish make our $15.00 Suits, Top Coats, Rain Coats and Overcoats the ideal garments for business men who want to keep up appearances and want clothing which combines neatness with the great est durability at a moderate cost. Our garments at $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50 and $30.00 conform to the highest standard s of custom work. j The finest imported Woolens, hand tailoring throughout and assiduous attention to minute details, with expert inspection all through the process of manufacture, make our high-grade garments the peer of any clothing in America. Professional men, financiers and the closest followers .of fashion in elegant attire for men, find these, garments in full keeping with their needs. Armstrong Clot king Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS column about the Chicago meat packers who were fined $25,000 for violating the anti-rebate law.If it had been some union man sentenced to jail for a couple of years for appropriating a few dollars of union money those same Associated Press papers would Have made a col umn out of it. C. W. Post continues to howl in favor of a "square deal." But a "square deal" is the very thing he objects to. If he had it there might be an ex-stenographer wondering who would pay her millinery bills. f The Associated press, newspapers actually printeda third of a There are a number of gentlemen in Lincoln as well able to af ford a liberal donation for park purposes as Mr.Bryan. And if they will step forward they will be allowed to say a few words. A man may pray as loud as he pleases, but God will count the tears dropped on the stitches in the shirts and overalls made in the sweat shop of the praying one. That life insurance outfit can no longer yell "anarchists" at the labor unions loud enough to call attention away from their own gigantic grafts. The printers are now fighting for what the cigarmakers have enjoyed for many years the eight hour day. A union man without a label is a union man without unionism. Whether Common ot Not Will M. Maupin, in "The Commoner." "Hick'rynuttin"' I'd like to be a boy again for just a week or two. And do again some pleasant tasks like those I used to do Not go to school or. saw up wood, or any jobs like those; Nor Sunday school nor visiting in my best suit of clothes. I'd like to be a boy again witholi a grief or care, With heart elate and eyes alight and spirits free as air; And with my chums of old time days with many laugh and cheer Go "hick'rynuttin"' in the woods about this time of year. Down there in Russell's wood lot, and then on across the creek, The old shagbarks are growing and the nuts are hanging thick. And through the laden branches where the autumn breezes play We see the school house standing where we studied yesterday. We hear the old bell ringing and we see the boys again The boyish chums of yester year who are today grown men. O, how I'd like to be a boy, once more with joyous cheer Go "hick'rynuttin' " in the woods about this time of year. The hickorynuts are falling and the leaves are brown and sere. And back my memory takes to a long since vanished year. Once more I roam in fancy through the old Missouri hills; Once more I loll in comfort by the clear Missouri rills. ' And 'round about are playing boys and girls with spirits free. While echoes of their laughter on the wind are borne to me. I'd like to be a boy again the thought my being thrills And go a "hick'rynuttin' " in the old Missouri hills. discussing the alleged anti-pass plat form adopted. A democrat happening along listened to the conversation a few moments and then remarked: "That platform sounds wonderfully fjmiliar. If it were not for one omis sion I believe I could tell -where and when I heard it before." . "If it contained a demand for a sub treasury I would say it was a repeti tion of the populist state platform of 1890," replied a bystander. "O, that's easily explained," ex claimed a disgusted delegate who happens to be in the employ of a railrcad. "The convention's time was so short it couldn't consider every thing, but it looks as if the sub treasury plank would be included next year." . As the Nebraska republican plat form is read over the state it is not difficult to distinguish the incredulous laughter of the old-line populists who have been fighting for railroad legis lation ever since the first railroad in the state laid hands upon the G. O. P. machine. i One Thing Lacking After the Nebraska republican state convention adjourned last week a group of republican leaders were Retrospection Demetrius sat amidst the ruins of his business and gazed at the images of Diana for which there was no longer a demand. , "Alas," he sighed, "I missed my opportunity. I should have organized a life insurance company and bonded my image making business. Then I could have unloaded my image bonds on the insurance company as an in vestment." Realizing, however, that it was too late, Demetrius had to be satisfied with denouncing Paul as a repudiator. paid for out of the advertising ac count?" "Yes, sir." "Did you get enough proxies to in sure the 500 per cent increase in our salaries?" "Yes, sir." "Good! You may join me in a few hours of weeping over the prospect that dishonest men will secure control of our. country and put a stain upon its honor and credit." Noble Man Mrs. Nuwed "Come right in, you poor man, and I will give you .some-J thing to eat. I suppose you were not always in this unhappy condition." Seldym Wirk "Indeed I was not, mum. Fifteen years ago I was rich an' prosperous." Mrs. Nuwed "And what brought you to this unfortunate condition?" Seldym Wirk "In 1896, mum, . I saw dat de honor oy dis great country j was threatened by repudiators, an' I fcl! r'ri fintfi m a fmmonso frtfrtnno t cava ' it from de unprincipaled wreckers what was seekln' t' ruin it. It was me patriotism, mum, dat brought me to dis unfortynit condition. Thanky, mum, f'r dis fine spread." His Reason When Willie jumped from his seat on the street car and gave it to the gentleman who had been hanging to the strap, it filled us with pride. "You are a perfect little gentle man, Willie," we said. "It was fine of you to give your seat to the gen tleman." "Huh!" exclaimed Willie.' "I didn't give it to him 'cause o' that. Seein' him holdin' on to that strap reminded me too much o' what happened last night when I got home after playin' hookey in th' afternoon." Brainw t tr Every housewife who stops to consider and systematize her household duties must realize that GAS furnishes the only perfect fuel. With a GAS, RANGE there is no soot or dirt of any k'ind to keep her everlastingly cleaning up. With a GAS RANGE you have less work --no worry and more time for enjoyment. Perfectly Equitable "Have you sold our syndicate's bonds to our insurance company?" "Yes, sir," replied the secretary. "Have you invested our trust funds therein?" "Yes, sir." "Have you sent that check to our lobby . manager at Albany?" "Yes, sir." "Has our campagne dinner been Brain Leaks , "' ' Interested labor never watches the clock. The partisan slave is always proud of his bonds. The man who makes nothing but money is poorly paid. The best day of life lies between yesterday and tomorrow. Christianity and churchianity are as wide apart as the poles. Jealousy is a constant search for something the searcher hopes never to find. The boy who is ashamed of his work is never worth giving some other job. Men often miss opportunity's knock because they are themselves so busy "knocking." When a boy calls his father "the old man" it is a sign that it is time to hunt up a hickory tree. The man who attends strictly to his own business usually finds a growing business to attend to. The man who lives up to his in come in early life usually has to live down to his income in later years. A great many meny scheme to get themselves in the niire-hole, and then complain about it when they get in. The man who finds himself unen thused by the circus is suffering from a disease that medicine will not cure old age. The employer always knows the man who is so anxious to wash up and quit that- he anticipates the whistle by a minute or two. -We know men who have put enough energy into coloring a meerschaum pipe to run a family washing machine seven weeks without a stop. Most any man could succeed in business if he could put up as good a front as the .average woman can when a fashionable neighbor happens to call on washday. . Gas Ranges, Gas Water Heaters at Cost Connected Free LincolnGas& Electric Light Company Auto 7575 Open Evenings Bell 75 Explained 1 After hearing Senator Graball's elo quent speech against free passes - we were impelled to question him some what. ' "It 'is not true that' you carry passes?" we inquired. v ' " ' i "Not free passes, sir," declared the senator-. ' "I have amply remunerated the railroad corporations for the trans portation they gave me." . , For a moment we thought that the senator meant he paid his fare, but arter consulting the , . Congressional J "Record we saw a great light.