The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 15, 1905, Image 1

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" ' A Newspaper with a Mission and without a Muzzle that is published in the Interest of Wageworkers Every where. ' .
VOL. 2 XilNCOIiN, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905 - '',.': ' NO. 23
' i i
The Central Union
Needs Some Ginger
The Central Labor Union met Tuesday evening, the meeting
being unusually large and enthusiastic, seventy delegates represent
ing thirty unions occupying seats in the hall when the meeting was
called to order.
The above is a lie.
There were only nine delegates, representing five unions, pres
ent, and the" meeting was not enthusiastic. The very unions that
are most in need of organization and the united support of others
were not represented, and some of them have not been for months.
Unions that have been favored time and again, were unrepresented
after promising to send delegates regularly if certain dues and fines
were remitted.- Just when the interest should be greatest and tne
zeal most intense, a body that should have an average attendance of
75 meets with nine delegates present, and these nine delegates rep
resenting only five unions. , '
It is this condition of things that makes it 'easy to. pick off the
unions one at a time. It is this condition of affairs that the -enemies
of organized labor like to see. And it is just such a condition of af
fairs that invites the Parryites and Postites to sow the seeds of dis
solution. If the Central Labor Union is not made strong and influ
ential by the unions of the city,' then the unions are alone to blame.
The credentials of several new delegates were read Tuesday
night, and one new delegate obligated. Two former delegates who
had been re-elected wer! also given the obligation. The executive
committee reported on the books of the treasurer and said that they
were correct. The central body has a cash balance on hand of up
wards of $G0. No business of importance was transacted and the
body adjourned at an unusually early hour.
"Decides Upon a Social September 25 and Arranges to Make It the
i Biggest Ever. 1
The Woman's Union Label League met last Monday evening
and among other business transacted was that of arranging for a
social on September 23. A committee consisting of Mesdames
Baker, Ilgin and Wright was appointed on program and place. A
short and interesting program will be rendered and the remainder
of the evening will be devoted to dancing and general sociability.
Under "good and welfare of the order" some good speeches
were made, the general tenor of which was that something should
be done to arouse greater interest in the work of the League. It
was the unanimous opinion that the lack of interest and the small at
tendance was due to the fact that union men neglected to inculcate
union principles in their families. If union men gave their wives
a clear understanding of the principles of trades unionism the wives
would become as interested in and devoted to unionism as their hus
bands. The result would be a great awakening of interest in the
League's work. One speaker declared that every labor organization
in the city should have its auxiliary, like the auxiliary to the Typo
graphical Union, and that these auxiliaries should have a central body
. like the Central Labor Union, such a body being in every effect what
the Label League is intended to be. The proposition was loudly
One lady expressed the opinion that the women ought to be
ambitious enough to go ahead without waiting for the union men.,
"Let us teach the men unionism for a while," said she.
Agrees to Employ Union Labor, But Insists That Employes Buy
i Only Union Made Goods.
Galveston has an employer of labor the like of whom is not often
seen. He is a consistent man and believes in consistency in others.
This employer had a contract handed to him bv his emploves not
long since requiring that he employ only union men. He willingly
signed the agreement, being a believer in organized labor, and now
he has presented a counter proposition to his employes, and they
must accept it or leave his employ..
It provides that each employe must be in possession of a paid-up
working card, the label must be on his clothing, he must smoke and
, chew nothing but union tobacco, must patronize none but fair busi
ness establishments in fact, must be a union man in practice as well
as in name.
And, of course, he is right. Trade and Labor Gazette, Streator,
111. .
We propose to sell to the employer eight hours out of
the twenty-four, and we will do as we please with the re-
maining sixteen.
Judge Gaynor of New York, Makes a Corporation Sweat for Violat
ing Child Labor Law.
Judge Gaynor, of New York, had the temerity one dav Hst
month to tell the jury that when little boys lost their fiSgers in fit
)ZT uTW,0 be Paid for- Particularly sof the judge' 7hl"Ie fellows were under age and employed in direlt
violation of the law It is true it was only a labor law which had
been violated, but the judge thought that (n his court, at any rate
labor laws would no longer be twisted, shaved, pared, pruned, whit
tled or contorted to suit the convenience of any employer, no matter
how powerful or influential that employer might be. The law had
been violated, the judge told the jury, and all that they had to do
was to merely assess the amount of damages
ii, Th,e.:ase wa,? that of Robert E. Lee,. 13 years of age, who,
through his guardian, sued the Sterling Silk Manufacturing company
to recover damages for the loss of a finger through machinery at
which he was employed. i J
The case was tried before Justice Gavnor and a jury; and the
court directed that a verdict for the boy be brought in. The jury
awarded him $2,000. On the trial it was ruled by Justice Gaynor
that the employment of a boy by the defendant in its factory made
it liable for the injury.
In an anneal fnr a npw trial u lnVd Vo inctii... a:aa u
" liie statute establishes, says our highest court., that children under
rt'c wcnuuiy m, uu not possess tne judgment, discretion, care
and caution,' to be suffered to assume the risk or incur the dangers to
life and limb of factory work. Are the courts, nevertheless, going
to allow the employer to be exonerated from-the consequences of his
defiance of the statute, according to the various opinions or interests
of jurors?"
Judge Gaynor had better be careful, for if he continues to upset
the privileges so long enjoyed by those who make fortunes out of Ut
ile boys' fingers, he will be declared a demagogue, a Socialist, or
something equally terrible by some influential body like the Citizens'
Alliance of Poodles Corners. Machinists' Journal.
The attention of the proper authorities is called to the display
f lewd and obscene pictures in the show windows of the Lincoln
Book Store. An institution that brazenly exposes such pictures de
serves the condemnation-of all lovers of decency.
September 28-29, 1905
Under the auspices of Division No. 98. The
meetings will be held in the Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited to attend the opening
session on the first day. Grand Chief Engineer
Warren S. Stone and Third Grand Engineer
Delos Everett will be in attendance upon these
meetings. The program is as follows:
' v.
9:30 a. m. Address of welcome by Hon. John H. Mickey, Governor of Nebraska.
Address, "Brotherhood Reflections," by Hon. Norris Brown, Attorney General of
Nebraska. . ,
Address, "Brotherhood Facts," by Grand Chief Engineer Warren S. Stone.
. . Address, "Further Facts," by Third Grand Engineer Delos Everett.
The speaking will be interspersed with vocul and instrumental music, and the pub
lic is cordially invited to be present. .
2:30 p. m. Automobille ride about the city, starting from the Lincoin hotel, ten
dered to the visiting members by the Commercial Club of Lincoln. The ride will be
immediately followed by a visit to the Burlington shops at Havelock. - ' "
8:30 p. m. Joint opan meeting to which all railroad officials and members of the
Brotherhood are cordially invited, thus to promote goed fellowship and to exchange
ideas of mutual concern.
9:30 a.m. Reviewing of work by grand officers, and discussion of subjects of
general interest to the Brotherhood of the middle west as may be outlined in a supple
mental program. ,
2:30 p. m. Continuance of morning subjects.
The rally will close on Friday evening with a grand ball at the Auditorium. Visit
ing brothers will be admitted upon presentation of traveling card. Admission $1.00.
The public cordially invited to attend this ball.
Transportation will be granted members of the Brotherhood by the Burlington
Railroad if request is made by official where employed through General Manager George
W. Holdrege, Omaha, Nebraska. Reasonable rates will be made by Lincoln hojtels, the
Lincoln hotel having been designated as headquarters. Members of the Brotherhood
and officials of the railroads are cordially invited to attend these gatherings.
A Business Firm That is Growing
Rapidly in Popular Favor.
There are numerous reasons why
the union men and women of Lincoln
should give an increasing share of
their, patronage to the general mer
chandise of Fred Schmidt & Bro. One
reason is that .the members of the
firm are friendly to union labor, and
another reason is that the firm is of
fering good goods at prices that rec
ommend them to popular favor. The
growth of this flrm-has been little
short of remarkable. ' From a small
beginning a few years ago it has
grown to fill two immense rooms with
a display of general merchandise, to
say nothing of basement and ware
rooms constantly running over with
goods yet to be placed on the shelves.
It Is a pleasure to trade at this store,
for the good nature of the proprie
tors is reflected in the good nature
and politeness of the clerks. These
things, coupled with the bargains con
stantly offered, should induce Lincoln
people to trade there.
Fred Schmidt & Bro. have been lib
eral advertisers in The Wageworker
from the very start, and the support
thus given the local labor paper should
be recognized by the men and women
who are benefitted by having a news
paper chapion of unionism. The
Wageworer hastens to assure its read
ers that they will . not only be bene
fitted financially by trading with Fred
Schmit & Bro., but will be giving
patronage to a firm that is always fair
to unionism.
Mayor Brown Appoints Editor of The
Wageworker on Park Commission.-
Wednesday Mayor Brown announced
the appointment of Will M. Maupin
to be a member of the new park com
mission. The editor of The Wage
worker appreciates: the compliment,
and assures Mayor Brown and the
citizens that he will do his level best
to serve the city well and faithfully.
The commission will consist of
eleven members, and while Mr. Mau
pin is the only member who belongs
to a labor union, there are several
other members who are friendly to
organized labor.
The Rochester Labor Journal is al
ways pointing something good. Hard
ly a week goes by that it does not
copy something from The Wageworker
without credit. Then other and more
honest labor, editors clip it from the
Labor Herald and give it credit for
what The Wageworker said. It would
make us laugh if it didn't make us
so infernally mad. .
No Trouble Expected in Printing Cir
cles in the Iowa Town.
The Gazette is pleased to be relia
bly informed that there is no possi
bility of trouble between the print
ers and the owners of job offices over
the eight-hour day that is to be in
augurated in the larger cities on Jan
uary 1, and that is already making
trouble In Chicago. Printers have al
ways been among the most intelligent
workmen, and they have always been
among the poorest paid mechanics.
The public has been Indisposed to
pay the proprietors of the shops such
prices for work as would place the
printers on a financial level with other
mechanics. The men and the bosses
should work together. The trouble
has been due largely to scalpers in
the trade, willing to take work at
any price rather than miss. " The men
will not get better wages or terms
by fighting the bosses and increas
ing the number of scalpers. Cedar
Rapids, la., Gazette.
The Longshoreman's union of De
troit has 1,200 members and control
the situation. .', ;'
The strike and lock-out of union
bookbinders in St.. .'Louis continues,
with the unionists,' as firm and as
confident as ever. K'YW. "''.
Colorado Springs
Convention Club
The fifty-second annual convention of the International Typo
graphical Union will be held at Colorado Springs, in August, 1906,
and within the shadow of historic Pike's Peak. And now comes the
formation of a "Colorado Springs Club," the object of which is to
afford its members an opportunity to save up enough to make-the
trip without undue financial sacrifice. At the last meeting of the
Typographical Union a committee composed of Messrs. Ihringer,
Coffey and Maupin was appointed to draft a .constitution and an
outline, of plan. This committee met recently and adopted the fol
lowing constitution, which explains the plan as comprehended by
the committee: -
Article 1, Section 1 The name of this club shall be the Colorado
Springs Convention club.
Section 2 The object of the club is to provide ways and means
for its membership to attend the fifty-second annual convention of
the International Typographical Union at Colorado Springs, Colo.,
in 190G. .-' i
Section 3 The officers shall be a president and a secretary
treasurer. ' ' . . ' "' ' -
Section 4 It shall be the duty of the president to preside. It
shall be the duty of the secretary-treasurer to receive and account
for all moneys and conduct the correspondence of the club.
Section 5 All moneys of the club shall be deposited in a safety
deposit vault with the Lincoln Safe Deposit company.
Section 6 The membership fee shall be 25 cents? which shall
be appropriated for vault and other incidental expenses.
Article 2, Section 1 The weekly dues shall be paid by the pur
chase of coupons at 50 cents each, the coupons being receipts for
money paid in. No limit shall be placed upon the number of coupons
that any member may purchase, provided, the number shall not be
less than an average of one coupon each week, in advance. ; ' '
Section 2 Failure to purchase at least one coupon per week
shall be punished by a fine of 5 cents. Theweeks shall end at 8
p. m., Wednesday. 1 .
Section 3 Fines, etc.", shall be carried in a contingent fund
which shall be expended for the good of the club as a majority may
Section 4 Members who desire to withdraw from this club may
do so at any time upon forfeiture of 5 per cent of the amount of
money paid in by them.
Article 3, Section 1 Meetings shall be held on the first Sunday
in each month immediately upon adjournment of Lincoln Typo
graphical Union No. 209.
. Section 2 Special meetings may be called from time to time
upon request of seven members. Calls for special meeting shall be
signed by the president and secretary-treasurer and published in
The Wageworker or posted in the various chapels.
Section 3 Any member signing a Call for a special meeting and
absenting himself therefrom shall be fined 5 cents. -
Article 4, Section 1 A quorum of seven members shall be neces
sary for the transaction of business.; ; . ' , ' ,
Section 2 All business shall be transacted by majority vote. '
Article 5, Section 1 The president and secretary-treasurer shall
be elected at the club meeting adopting this or an amended consti
tution, and shall serve until their successors are elected and quali
fied. . .
- Section 2 At each meeting the secretary-treasurer shall sub
mit in writing a statement of receipts and expenditures and balartv.3
in all funds. '
The idea of the promoters of the club is to have a grand tent
ing party at the Union Printers' Home when the International meets
next August. The club merely offers the members an easy way of
saving up money for the trip, and also gives an opportunity to se
cure better rates by reason of insuring a large number to take "ad
vantage of them. Already enough printers have signified their inteiH
tion of joining to depopulate the print shops if all of them go. put
the membership will not be limited to printers. Other may joirf on
equal terms save that they will not be considered as members of the -camp.
In addition to the conveniences offered the club will have
some socials during the winter. . J u
If a party of forty "or more is made up special sleepers will oe
secured, the cars will be appropriately decorated and Lincoln be put
in the "push" when the printers and their, wives begin gathering at
Colorado Springs. The "Colorado Springs Convention Club is a
good thing. Push it along. : .
We propose to sell to the employer eight hours out of
the twenty-four, and we will do as we please with the re- &
.SH maininc sixteen.
Tr. x
V -t -
Had to Take a Union Hat, but He Ripped the Label Out With an
Oath or Two.
Several union men were standing in a local gents', furnishing
store one evening recently when a gentleman walked briskly into
the store and asked one of the clerks for a hat.
The clerk showed him several and from those before him the
gentleman selected one, tried it on, paid for it, and threw his old
one back in a corner. Then, while waiting for his change, the gen-'
tleman suddenly became excited, took off his hat, turned down the
band, and then, with several oaths, took his knife from his pocke$ and
after severing several threads pulled out the union label that had
been sewed under the band and, throwing it upon the floor, stamped
upon it, and, when he had received his change, he left the store in
a terrible rage. - - '',-, j' 1 "
The clerk and bystanders had a good laugh after the purchaser .
left the store. . v , '".v 'y J- .;'; - ' ' ': :'
The man who bought the hat was Franklin Hudson, the presi
dent of the fast-dying Employers' Association. '
While fighting the .unions he is wearing & union made fiat.
Kansas City Labor Herald. . . , ; ' '
All Are at Work and They Wear the Union Button Jus As in the
, Old Days. : .. ',
There are more than 30,000 Teamsters' union buttons 'in evi
dence on the streets of Chicago. There are more than 30,000 team
sters on amicable conditions with" their employers. - There are less 7
than 3,000 non-union teamsters on the streets of Chicago, and in less
than sixty days there will be a greater number of buttons and a
fewer number of non-union teamsters than there are now. There
was no surrender of the teamsters. There was an abandonment of
the strile by the striking 5,000, that was all. The teamsters should
have called off the strike when the garment workers became dissat
isfied with the management of the strike. ' But the teamsters dem-.,
onstrate their strength by their aggressive attitude. The employers
have the satisfaction of knowing that the public believes they won
the fight. It must be pooryTsatisfaction if the bank accounts are
taken as the result of their, efforts. Union Labor Advocate, (Chi
cago.) -'.i-, . : ; -. . - ': , .