The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 01, 1905, Image 2

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Published Weekly. One DoHar a Year. Advertising Rates on Application
Entered as second-class matter Ap ril 21, 1904, at the postoffice at Lin
coln, Neb, under the Act of Congress.
The action of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church
at Winona Lake in appointing a committee to make a systematic
study of the aims of organized labor, is indeed gratifying. It shows
;hat the great Presbyterian denomination is arousing to a realizing
sense of a great opportunity. The Wageworker feels sure that the
deeper the committee goes into the study of the objects and aims of
organized labor the more favorably it will be impressed with the
work organized labor is doing in the interests of humanity. Organ
ization in labor circles was brought about in the first place by the
failure of the church to do its whole duty, and during the early
years of labor organization the church was its bitterest enemy. This
was in no wise due to any fault of the Christian religion, but was
entirely the fault of njen who mistook selfish interest for religion.
The church that existed at the time labor first began organizing was
the servile tool of oppression au naturally sided with the oppress
ors against the downtrodden who were worse than slaves. The
church has undergone a process of evolution during the past two
hundred years, but along humanitarian lines it has not progressed
as it should. The result has been that labor unions have flourished
because they were doing the humanitarian work the church neglected.
While the church was putting great stress upon the spiritual and the
hereafter, the labor organizations were putting especial stress on
the physical and the now. Naturally enough the latter appealed
most strongly to those who suffered privations while their oppress
ors reveled in luxury. But now that the church is awakening to a
realization of the fact that it has a work to do along physical lines,
and as much interest in man's condition in the present as in his con
dition in the hereafter, v may expect to see a wonderful revival
in church work.
In many respects the missions of church and labor unions are
the same. Fraternity, mutual helpfulness, advancement along bet
ter lines, love, protection all these things are duties that both
church and union owe to humanity. When such great engines as
'.he church and unions are hitched to the van of human progress who
can measure the advance along moral and physical lines that may
be made during the next century?
Union printers throughout the land will be quick to recognize
the splendid leadership of President James Lynch and Secretary
Treasurer Bramwood in the eight-hour campaign now being waged.
These men have been tireless in their efforts and fertile in their re
sources, and the result has been a solidifying of the lines in all parts
of the country. They have kept the enthusiasm worked up to a
high pitch, and have infused life into men and unions that were in
clined to be listless upon this important point. Messrs. Lynch and
P.ramwood should be given to understand in terms that can not be
mistaken that they have a unanimous army of men behind them,
and that as long as they keep up their present work that army will
back them up till victory is won.
The scene upon the floor of the Toronto convention when the
question of endorsing the eight-hour movement came up was an in
spiring one. There were no doubters, no laggards, no listless ones.
'1 he unanimity of that splendid convention was a tribute to the
splendid work of organization that Messrs. Lynch and Bramwood
have been doing during the last year.
The Rhymes of Childhood
The nursery rhymes of the olden times,
How dear they were to me;
"Little Jack Horner" who sat in the
corner, 1
The "Three Wise men at Sea."
And sitting tonight in the dim twi
light I croon them o'er and o'er.
While two little tots in their nursery
Keep asking more and more.
The "Babes in the Woods" so brave
and gqod
I tell them o'er again,
And they feel deep grief as each forest
Hides them in woodland glen.
But I know full well that the tale I
, A lesson strong imparts
Of trust and love for the One above
Unto their childish hearts.
The nursery tunes that the mother
At quiet close of day.
When the shadows creep o'er the
River Sleep,
Bear childish cares away.
And dear eyelids close on the day
time's woes
And life is love and light;
For they dream sweet dreams full of
golden gleams
From nursery lore bright.
The nursery rhymes from the old,
old times,
They serve their mission well.
They've turned our gaze to the better
E're carking care befell.
And time turns back in its onward
When just as close of day
To our babes we croon each old, old
In the well-remembered way.
As the peaks we climb on the hills
of time
Our lagging steps grow strong
When a child's lips sweet with a lisp
Some old-time nursery song.
O, "Little Bo-peep" who lost the
O, sleepy "Little Boy Blue!"
What a long dull way they are tread
ing today
Who never have walked with you.
There is one feature of the eight-hour day that has not been
dwelt upon at sufficient length, for it is the chief factor that com
mends it to organized labor. The plea that eight hours is enough for
a man to work, and the plea of "eight hours for work, eight hours
for play and eight hours for sleep," are all well enough, but there is
a better reason than any of these for the inauguration of the eight
hour day. That reason lies in the fact that the establishment of the
eight-hour day means the employment of more men. Organized
labor is not seeking to selfishly benefit the men already employed
it seeks to' give the unemployed man a chance, and to make greater
the opportunities for work. A little more emphasis upon the human
itarian side of this question will strengthen the movement among
fair-minded men and women.
Compulsory arbitration is something that labor, organized or
unorganized, will never give its consent to. Labor has had alto
gether too much experience with jug handled arbitration wherein
its enemies by methods well known to it manipulated things. Labor
is almost unanimously in favor of arbitration, but it will oppose arbi
tration at the hands of officials elected or appointed by judges, gov
ernors or presidents when the finding of the arbitrators must be
Provision for arbitration that will leave the selection of the arbi
trators to the contending parties, and will leave the acceptance of
the verdict to be forced by public opinion, will be accepted by labor
as a long step fowrard. But machine made verdicts are something
that labor has suffered from too much already.
The daily newspapers filled columns with the reports of the
Teamsters' convention in Philadelphia because it gave them an
opportunity to talk about "violence" and "graft." But they said
never a word about the printers' convention at Toronto, because if
ihey did they would have to pay tribute to the printers' conscrva
i ism and organization.
What Is The Difference?
The Hon. William Smithers arose in
his wrath and threw his visitor over
the transom. Quivering with rage he
resumed his seat, muttering to him
self; and nervously handling the pa
pers of state that lay before him.
"What is the matter, Mr. Smithers?"
queried the representative of the P.,
D. & Q. railroad who happened to be
standing in the hall when the ejected
visitor lit.
"Matter enough," snarled the Hon.
William Smithers. "That villain in
sulted me greivously, and I gave way
to my anger long enough to forcibly
eject him from my room."
"May I be so bold as to ask what
offense he committed?"
"I'll tell you gladly. That fellow
represents the Amalgamated Restau
rant trust, and hearing that I am pre
paring to introduce a bill aimed at
if. he had the effrontery to call and
offer me a meal ticket good at any of
the trust's restaurants during the
present session of the legislature."
'Horrible! ' exclaimed tne repre
sentative of the P., D. & Q. railroad.
Such a brazen effort to bribe an
honest public official should meet
with the most severe punishment.
This wave of corruption must be
swept back if our beloved republic is
to endure. Such infamous methods
must be exposed and punished.
else or, by the way, Mr. Smithers, al
low me to present you with this an
nual pass over the P., D. & Q. rail
road and its branches with the com
pliments and best wishes of the man
agement. This is a courtesy that we
always extend to public servants act
ing in your capacity, and we trust
that you will seize every opportunity
to avail yourself of Its ' use. Should
you need occasional trip passes for
members of your family, or for your
immediate friends, have no hesitancy
in calling on us. I wish you success,
Mr. Smithers, in your efforts to rep
resent the will of your constituents."
Having witnessed th ejection of
the representative of the restaurant
trust we waited to see the representa
tive of the P., D. & Q. railroad flying
through the air to alight in a heap
just outside the door to the room oc
cupied by the Hon. William Smithers.
But we were disappointed.
The Hon. Mr. Smithers linked arms
with the railroad representative and
escorted him to the door with every
evidence of goodwill.
For some time we have been won
dering what the representative of the
restaurant trust would say if we told
him about it.
George P. Baer, president of the anthracite coal trust, can make
the people of the country pay him $30,000,000 tribute by merely
advancing the price of coal .10 cents a ton. How is it possible to
beat a game like that as long as Baer and his friends can delude
working men into remaining divided on election day?
It remained for a mayor elected by the votes of union men to
engineer a deal whereby a decent park is obtained for the city. The
next time let us elect the whole blooming outfit of city officials and
get a lot more things we are entitled to.
An exchange says that Mr. Rockefeller has been so busy chas-
intr dollars that he has lost all of his hair. Huh ! Mr. Rockefeller has
lost more than hair in his mad chase for dollars.
aBHf Colors" 'P'SSSPK!- "Prices" -tfjfegft
tet Sjjgfi Lowest ftg
It took 22.1,000 meal tickets to supply 200,000 meals to the special
deputies during the Chicago teamsters strike. The deputies claim
that they did not get tne tickets or tne meals.
Parade solidly next Monday and then scatter like sheep on the
Tuesday after the first Monday in November. That is just what
capital wants workingmcn to do.
Mr. JIuttoiT stood by the mayor in securing a park for the city.
Mr. Hutton shows gratifying symptoms of getting nearer to the
working people of the city.
The Wageworker has said its say about the Shelby Smith case
until after the eight-hour fight is won. Then The Wageworker is
going on a scalp hunt.
' 1
The unions of America have paid more sick and death benefits
than all the life insurance companies of the country put together
and at half the cost. '
The Wageworker has eaten its muzzle.
When people are thrown out of
work and are unable to purchase the
necessaries of life, manufactured goods
remain in the warehouses. That is
called "over production."
By taking advantage of the weak
nesses of humanity scheming men ob
tain control of avenues of industry
and immediately levy a toll upon the
helpless. That is called "economic
By bribing venal lawmakers men
secure control of things granted by
the Almighty to mankind in common.
That is called "vested rights."
By manipulating laws men secure
control of the nation's finances and
use the money of the people to pro
vide gambling funds as the basis of
wild speculation. This is called "pre
serving the national honor."
Men stand up and make eloquent
speeches on patriotism and attract
public attention away from the dis
honest acts of partners who lose no
opportunity to rob under the guise of
law. These men arei called "statesmen."
Occasionally a man stands forth and
denounces graft and calls for a return
to the old paths. Such a man is called
either "an agitator" or "an old fogy."
Now and then men stand forth and
denounce the acts of greedy men who
operate under laws secured by the
liberal distribution of money and
favors. Such men are called "anar
chists." When a man makes his living by
cheating at cards he is called a "tin
horn gambler."
When a man accumulates a for
tune by selling nothing for something
ot gulls who expect to get something
for nothing, he is called a captain
of finance."
A Childish Wail
A little incident at once amusing
and pathetic occurred on board a
fast train between Chicago and Omaha
TRICOT FLANNEL, in every shade that is made, full
27-inch 25c
FLAKED TRICOT FLANNEL, new tinted effects25-
We have prepared for a large dress goods business this season and have bought from the best manufactur
ers in the country, and if prices and up-to-date merchandise have anything to do in this case we will certainly
run short of some of the new materials before the season is over. . You should get in on these very low prices
NOW, as-all our dress goods were bought before the advance in wool and if we wcrato buy these fabrics now.
they would cost from 12c to 20 per cent more and the result would be that we have to sell the same
goods at an advance. We have every new combination and color that is new this season in
BUenriGti&s, Panamas, MohaSrs s&isl BsodGlo$hs '
BLACK MOHAIRS, 38 to 50 inches wide
at 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, $1.C0, $1.25 and $1.50
MOHAIRS IN COLORS, either plain or fancy, 36 to 50
inches wUj .50c, 60c, 75c and $1.00
PANAMAS, in black and colors, 38 and 44 inch,
at- 65c and 85c
HENRIETTAS, black and colors, 36 to 45 inch
25c, 50c, 65c, 75c, S1.C0, $1.50
SERGES, black and colors 50c and up
BROADCLOTHS, in black and colors, 52 inch extra
quality in twill back, special price $1.00
SHOWER PROOF SUITING, 56 inches wide, in tan,
Oxford, Green, Navy and Brown in an invisible plaid
,eifeet; to appreciate this cloth you. must see it;
now $1.35
Green, White, Tan, Brown, Navy, Royal and Black,
38 inches wide rw. . . 25c
MELITTA SUITING, a 45-inch cloth warranted all
worsted, all staple shades ..75c
SELICA SUITING, a 45-inch cloth, light in weight
with a fine granite finish, warranted all worsted in'
colors Cardinal. Navv and Green $1.00
worsted at 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50
PLAIDS and CHECKS in Worsted and Mohair
at 15c, 25c, 29c, 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.50
are arriving daily and in locking for anything in this line be sure and have our salespeople show you our now '
lines cf Taffetas, Peau fa Soies and the new Silk that is out, called TUSCAN.
New arrivals in
Czarina petticoats
in good quality,
mercerized sateen;
they are beautifully
designed, high'
grade in workman
ship, perfect in fit
and very low in
price. W e have
them at $2.75, $2.25
$1.98, $1.75, $1.50,
$1.25 and 88c.
Walking Skirt
A rich assortment of newest styled
skirts in popular materials such as
Panama, Voile, Serge, Cravinette,
Cheviot, mannish cloth and others in
all desirable colors. We invite your
inspection as to the style, fit, quality
and low prices of our skirts. The
prices ranging at $8.50, $7.50, $S.C0,
$5.00, $3.75 and $2.75.
To induce early buying ot
choice Fall Styles in Outing and
Flannelettes we place on sale the
following at very low prices:
10 pieces Unbleached Shaker
Flannel 4c
50 pieces, full width, Medium and
Light Colored Outings in
stripe and checks. 5c
50 pieces Fine Soft Outings," light
and dark colors' like vou paid
last fall 10c This week. .7y2c
50 pieces Light and dark Flannel
ettes, fast colors and good pat
terns 10c
15 pieces of Moleskin Flannelette
in pretty kimono patterns and
soft as down, 12ic value. .10c
Dmii&s and GusMon Taps
144 Tinted Doilies go on sale
this Aveek; they are 12x12 inches
and usually sell at 15c. This
week you can buy them at 10c
each, and we give you 2 skein1' of
Potters silk with each doily fveo
Choice of 500 Tinted Cushion
Tops with backs ; they are worth
to 50c. This week at 25c. .
We have two
things we want
to tell you about
in one breath. The
first is our $3.50
Men's Shoes; the
second is o u r
$3.50 Women's
Shoes. If we
dwell too long on
one we neglect:
the other a I'd
both have equal
merit. THESE
$3.50 S II O i: S
of the best mak
ers in the eouu-
trj' built them to order from the
best of Velour Calf, Box Calf. Vici
Kid. The shapes are the latest and
there's nothing about them to enable
you to distinguish them from a $5.00
shoe, COME AND SEE THE $3 50
often BSs-nEgets
GUtray or Tan
Z-C Gray or Tan
Special faSzsGs
Bed Comforts.
one day last week, the exact scene
being in the palatial "dining car. At
one table sat a mother and son, the
former dressed in a manner indicat
ing an abundance of this world's
goods, the latter trim and neat, but
with pale cheeks and hollow eyes.
Just before Elgin. 111., is reached
the train dashes along the banks of
the Illinois river, and looking through
the window the little boy saw scores
of other little boys swimming and
wading in the shallow reaches of the
broad stream. He pressed his pale
face against the window and looked
longingly upon the scene as long as
his eyes could reach it. When the
scene was no longer visible he sank
back into his chair with an audible
sigh and ate his meal in silence.
Evidently his childish mind dwelt
upon the scene, for full fifteen minutes
later he looked up at his mother, and
in a voice full of longing he asked:
"Mamma, did you ever wade in the
water when you was a little girl?"
The question brought a rosy blush
to the matron's face, and the diners
within earshot smiled at the ques
tion, even though it brought a pang
to their hearts. The boy s tones in
dicated that it had never been his
pleasure to feel the contact of cool,
moist earth against his little feet,
that he had never known the childish
joys of wading in running water and
feeling the mud ooze up between his
wriggling toes. The question was at
once a wail and a protest against
parental thoughtlessness that believed
itself to be watchful care. The in
finite pathos of that question will
sound in the ears of those who heard
it for many a long day to come.
"Mamma, did you ever wade in the
water when you was a little girl?"
At the Bar
The multi-millionairs entered through
the gates that stood before the bar
of judgment.
"Well, have you any idea what your
account is ?" queried the angel with '
the book.
"O, yes," replied the multi-million
aire with a smug smile. "I founded
a great school and endowed it with
millions, and I "
"And you filched water from the
municipality for use in your big fac
tory," interrupted the angel.
"I founded an orphan school and
endowed it with millions, and "
"With millions filched from widows
and other orphans by means of
watered stock, purchased laws and
rebates," interrupted the angel.
"I established a charity bureau and
doled out millions to the deserving
poor w.ho "
"Who had been made poor by
your unjust exactions," interrupted
the angel.
"I equipped a regiment at my own
expense when the nation's life was
in danger, and "
"And made 10,000 per cent on the
investment by supplying the govern
ment with tainted meat, shoddy cloth
ing and paper shoes under contract,"
interrupted the angel.
"I lifted the mortgages on many
churches, and "
"Plastered mortgages on hundreds
of cottages," interrupted the angel.
"I gave large sums to scientific ex
ploration, and "
"And reduced defiance of law to an
exact science," interrupted the angel.
"I led a Sunday school, and "
"And led many a young man to
ruin by your example," interrupted
the angel.
"I provided many poor widows
with coal when the winter blasts were
blowing, and "
"And compelled millions to suffer
from those same winter blasts by
arbitrarily advancing the price of the
coal supply which you controlled," in
terrupted the angel.
"But I "
"I guess that will do," interrupted
the angel again, dipping his pen in
the red ink bottle an rapidly setting
down a total.
Brain Leaks
Love may be blind, but it usually
finds a way.
Sincerity is the only foundation up
on which to build true success.
The world rarely thinks well of a
man who does not think well of
Work is a joy when the loved ones
share the fruits.
Feet that never stumble never carry
their owners far.
A premature start often means a
too previous finish.
A kind word now is better than a
floral emblem hereafter.
It is better to wear out than
to rust out, and unwise to do either.
Every boy is a puzzle, and it is a
wise father who can guess the an
The man who stubs his toe twice
on the same nail is foolish if he blames
the nail.
A lot of people never think of their
religion until they hear the church
bells ringing.
A man must be awfully mean when
he can find pleasure in depriving other
people of it.
There is a skeleton In every closet,
but this is no excuse for a continual
rattling of the bones.
Many men who would scorn do a
dishonest act in their business think
it is all right to do dishonest tricks
in politics.
"The word graft has been incor
porated into the language" says a
lexicographer. And it has also been
incorporated elsewhere.
Some men never think of praying
deliver us not into temptation un
til they have willingly rushed into it
and begin suffering the consequences,
It is wrong to be envious, but just
the same we never see a barefoot boy
with his toe tied up . in a rag that
we do not envy him, sore toe, rag
and all.
A hypocrite in the church is always
prominent because ot the contrast.
The contrast being very much less
outside, the hypocrite is not so no
ticeable. -
The man in the brown stone palace
may enjoy life after a fashion, but
he misses the satisfaction of the
humble cottager who can sit in the
front yard in his shirt sleeves and
talk over the fence with his neighbor.
Danbury Firm Found to Be Counter
feiting Label.
Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 28. Judge
Shumway, in the superior court, has
handed down a decision in the suit of
the United Hatters of North America
against C. H. Merrltt & Son of Dan
bury, in favor of the plaintiff. The
hatters sued, alleging that the firm
was getting business by counterfeiting
the union label on goods made by
non-union workmen. '
Judge Shumway orders an account
ing by the firm with the hatters and
issues a permanent injunction res'train
ing the firm from using any more of
theoffending labels. Jurge Shumway
practically exonerates the non-union
firm from any intention to deceive or
defraud, stating that these allegations
in the suit were not proven, although,
at the same time, he finds the firm
guilty of counterfeiting the union
Ninety-two printers unions have the
8-hour day, and sixty-two have arrang
ed for it by contract.