The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 01, 1905, Image 1

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A Newspaper with a Mission and without a Muzzle that is published in the Interest of Wageworkers Everywhere.
VOL. 2
NO. 21
The Editor Dreams
About Labor Day
' Following is a table which we believe conservatively estimates
the wage earning capacity of the toilers of Lincoln. In order to
appreciate the "dream" that follows the reader is invited to give
careful study to the table:
Occupation No. Employed. Per Week. Per Year.
Teamsters 140 $12.00 $ 85,200
Printers 125 18.00 117,000
Carpenters' 300 16.00 249,000
Kn-ineers 90 37.50 162,000
Cigarmakers 50 15.00 . 39,000
llarbers , 15 15.00 40 00
Bricklayers 30 30.00 46,800
Bartenders .00 (57,400
Laborers .... 150 13.00 93,600
Pressmen 40 14.00 29,120
.Bookbinders 10 . 15.00 7,S00
Stereotvpers 15 l,5-00 12,480
Trainmen 400 22.50 132,000
Firemen : 22.50 97,200
Shopmen 400 18.00 374,400
Street Railway 20O 12.00 145,000
Clerks 1,000 8.00 416,000
Minister's" 50 25.00 65,000
Cooks and (Waiters 200 7.00 72,800
(Kris at Jones' 50 6.00 15,600
.Miscellaneous ,000- 6.00 624,000
Total of wages paid in Lincoln yearly $3,198,400
The other night the editor of The Wageworker had a dream.
During the day he had been very busy hustling to do his part
towards making the Labor Day excursion to Beatrice a huge suc
cess, and when he retired to his couch his mind was full of labor
matters. As a result he had a dream. '
It was the morning of Labor Day, and the hosts of toil were
gathering to make their annual display of banners and enthusiasm
and pride in their occupations. The streets were thronged with peo
ple gathered from far and near to witness the great spectacle, and
everybody was happy and full of sweet content. Labor had been
well employed during the year, and the average wage had not been
reduced. True the price of living had been materially increased, but
as the men who could increase the cost of living at will had not
seized upon their well known ability to reduce wages "at will, labor
felt in a happy mood. In fact, labor felt thankful to the "captains
of finance and industry" for not having cut the wages' in two when
the cost of living was multiplied by two.
Among the thousands gathered to witness the great parade was
a man cf perhaps 72 years. He was wrinkled of face, stooped of
shoulder, and his head was devoid of hair. The corners of his mouth
dropped down, giving his face a sinister look, and his shifty gray
eyes seemed to take in every detail of the occasion.
The editor, having seen the man's picture in many a magazine,
instantly recognized him.' It was John D. Rockefeller, the great oil
, king, Sunday school superintendent, philanthropist and friend of
Having a few moments leisure the editor stepped into a door
way and figured a little. He figured the Rockefeller fortune at
$."00,0 10,000, and knew that his estimate was conservative. He fig
ured an income of 8 per cent on that fortune, knowing that Rocke
feller had the power to make it quadruple that if he so willed. Then
he figured out that the man who stood on the corner to watch Lin
coln workinginen march by enjoyed an income of $40,000,000 a year,
or $109,000 a day, or $4,566 an hour, or $76 a minute, or $1.35 every
time the watch in his pocket ticked off a second of time.
Hut while the editor was figuring the crash of a band fell upon
his ears, and knowing that the parade was starting he hastened to
join his union. "'
Proudly down the street came the swiging column, the big brass
band marching ahead and playing quicksteps that fairly shattered
the circumambient atmosphere. Air. Rockefeller looked up with a
half-smile on his face, and as the head of the column turned the cor
ner he muttered :
"A fine parade, indeed ! What a happy lot of men they are, to be
sure. Well fed, well cared for, and prosperous. Why should there
be any discontent among them?"
"Boom, boom, boom-boom-boom !" thundered the big bass drum,
and every time the lusty drummer smote the taut sheepskin $1.35
dropped into the pocket of Mr. Rockefeller.
The Teamsters Union had the head of the parade this time, and
as the 140 brawny men swung by, rejoicing in their strength, proud
of their union and glorying in the fact that they were making good
wages. Mr. Rockefeller figured on a bit of paper and then muttered:
"There are 140 of them, and if they each draw $12 a week I
make $24,589 more in a day than the whole make in a year. Surely
( iod has been good to me."
'Boom, boom, boom-boom-boom !" thundered the drum, and keep
keeping step to its rythm the Typographical Union marched by.
Mr. Rockefeller looked, figured on a bit of paper, and then muttered:
"The printers, eh? Claim to be the most intelligent craftsmen
on earth. The art preservative of all arts. A hundred and twenty
live of them, and at the scale they work six days a week the year
'round and manage to draw an agregate wage only $8,000 greater
than my income for one day. How thankful they ought to be that
they are so well paid."
"Boom, boom, boom-boom!" thundered the big drum, and keep
ing step thereto marched 300 carpenters. Mr. Rockefeller looked,
figured on a bit of paper and then muttered :
"Three hundred of them, and each worked many months learn
ing the trade before they could make a dollar. And the whole three
hundred make only twice as much in a whole year as I make in one
single day. But they should be thankful for their opportunities."
"Boom, boom, boom-boom-boom !" Here come the locomotive
engineers, ninety strong. Every day they take their lives in their
hands. Every day they become the guardians of the lives of our loved
ones. And as Mr. Rockefeller figured a bit he muttered:
"I make as much in thirty-six hours as the whole ninety of
them make in a year."
"Crash, bang! Oom-pah, oom-pah, oom-pah-pah-pah !" The
band- was playing "Stars and Stripes Forever," and the cigarmakers,
fifty strong, went tripping by. Hastily figuring a bit, Mr. Rockefel
ler smiled and muttered :
"The fifty work a whole year to make less than my income for
nine hours. But they handle the filthy weed called tobacco. Truly
(iod is good to me for my moderation and cleanliness."
Behind the cigarmakers came the barbers, sixty strong, and
when TUr. Rockefeller figured out that he made more every ten hours
than the sixty barbers made in a year, he smiled and muttered:
"I believe I will tip my barber 5 cents the next time he shaves
me. They deserve a little something extra."
And thus it went all along the line. Mr. Rockefeller compared
his income with every union that marched by. The thirty union
bricklayers who toil in the hottest sun have to work two hours to
earn as much as Mr. Rockefeller makes every time the clock ticks.
The bartenders altogether make a little more than half as much in
a year as Mr. Rockefeller's income for one day. Every time the
clock ticks twice Mr. Rockefeller's income amounts to 70 cents more
than the laborer makes in nine hours of toil and sweat. In sixhours
(Continued on page 4.)
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The Labor Unions of Lincoln will celebrate
Labor Day at Beatrice with the unions of
that city. A special train will run over the
Burlington, leaving" Lincoln at 8:30 a. m.
sharp, and returning leave Beatrice at
7:30 p. m. The regular train over the
Union Pacific will leave at 7:25 a. m. and
returning leave Beatrice at 6 p. m.
An interesting program of music, games
and sports has been arranged, and -Beatrice
has made preparations to entertain all vis
itors in the most hospitable manner.
Arriving at Beatrice the Unionists will parade through the
principal streets. Women and children will be carried to the
Chautauqua grounds free of charge.
Splendid amusement features have been provided to enter
tain the people during the day. Among them maybe mentioned
Fred A. Karchcr,
Musical Humorist and Monologist, in
up-to-date Specialties. There are
none better in the business.
Calliope Quartet
Voices that blend harmoniously and
fill the air with sweet har
mony of sound.
Music Band
Address of welcome '. Hon. M, T. Schultz
SMayor of Beatrice.
Response . .Mark T. Castor
'President Lincoln C. L. U.
Music - Vocal
Calliope Quartet.
At 12:30 a grand basket dinner will be enjoyed. Let every
body bring well filled baskets and enjoy a square meal in the
shade of the trees. Let this be an hour of good fellowship
"Let good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both."
1:20 Tug of War between Lincoln and Beatrice Teams. Prize One Box Cigars.
1:40- Married Ladies' Race. Prize One Pair Fine Gloves.
2:00 100 Yard Race, free-for-all. Prize One Pair $3.50 Shoes. -2:30
75 Yard Race, Young Ladies.' Prize Fine Parasol. !
2:45 SO Yard Race, Sack Race. Prize $1.50,
3:00100 Yard Men's Race. One from each union. Prize $10.00 Suit of Clothes.
3:20 Potato Race, fifty yards. Prizes, First, $1.00; Second, 50c.
3:30 Standing Jump, with weights. Prize Box of Cigars.
3:45 Ball Game between picked teams from Lincoln and Beatrice. Prize $5.00.
The Lincoln Wageworker offers a special prize of $7.50 to
the Lincoln union showing the largest proportion of paid-up
members at Beatrice on Labor Day.
A voting contest to decide who is the most popular lady on this grounds.
Prize a Pair of $3.50 Shoes.
Band Contests, incidental Contests, etc., will serve to make the day one of
unalloyed pleasure.
A City Part
Secured at Last
Without any flourish of trumpets, but quietly and earnestly,
Mayor Brown and the city council have at last secured a park site for
the city of Lincoln. The new park will contain 33 acres at first, but
it is expected that it will be materially increased in size before many
months. It lies within easy distance of all parts of tie city, is four
blocks from a car line, and is already well supplied with trees and
natural advantages. For years those who wanted a city park have
had their eyes on the Sager tract, but it remained for the present city
administration to make the deal. The city pays $13,500 for the" tract
and it is a bargain. Only two members of the council,: Ho'ppe and
Stewart, voted against the deal. Mr. Hoppe thought the price too
high, and Mr. Stewart did not condescend to' give a reason for his
vote. v '. l
The park deal was framed up quietly in order to avoid the real
estate sharks. The mayor, together with Councilmen Bauer; Dunn
and George, acted as a committee, and sent City Oerk Pratt to Illi
nois to complete the details. Mr. Pratt performed his part of the
service well. Monday night the park .proposition was submitted
and went through as above recorded. By . this action the present
administration has endeared itself to the people who have had most
to do with making Lincoln a city. A lot of close-fisted rich men who
have grown rich by letting the toil of other men increase the value
of their real estate may be expected to kick, but if they are wise they
will keep still. They might cause the workinginen of Lincoln to
get together and vote a big bond issue to buy. some more park sites.
An Experiment That Taught a Man Something About What Hood
Called "Rarity of Human Charity."
Mr. Gleeson of Torrington, Conn., is not only a prosperous .
undertaker, but, what is more, he is a director in a total abstinence
union. All through his life he was taught by Sunday school teachers
and others that it is not the clothes a man .wears but the man him
self that counts in this gray old world. Once that all sounded good
to Mr. Gleeson. He swallowed it as a great truth, but since a recent :
experience it does not sit well on his stomach, total abstainer
though he is. , "
It all came about somewhat after this fashion : . Returning to
Torrington from Wilkesbarre, Pa., where he was a delegate to the
National Temperance! convention, he determined to test the charity
of the 'world, and incidentally of his friends: Disguising himself so
that he would pass anywhere for a tramp, he walked from New York
to Torrington, depending on charity and his wits to carry him
through. He believed that if he really became needy while carrying
out his experiment, he could call on his friends along his journey.
He started out bravely enough. The weather was perfect, and
it was a delight to tramp along the- roads. By the afternoon of the
iirst day he was exhausted by the unaccustomed exertion and deter
mined to try his luck on a trolley car. . He thought that if he told the
conductor just how it was, he would give him a' helping hand. But'
after listening to the proposal, the conductor told the would-be bene--"
ficiary that he had "another think coming." : And-s St went. ; Glee-
son not only had to-sleep in fields and fence corners, but he couldn't
get enough to eat. With tattered clothes, unkempt hair, broken
shoes, he was actually an outcast. . ' , -
In the entire distance covered by his experiment, he found only
two individuals who did not treat him with indifference, oryorse
one was a waitress in a restaurant and the other a dog. , Gleeson got
home at last, but with a shaken faith. He stand ready to argue the
"man and the clothes" question with any and all comers. Indian
apolis Sentinel. !
Bricklayers' and Masons' International Makes Report Showing Af
fairs of Union to be in Excellent hape. ,
William Dobson, secretary! of the Bricklayers' and Masons' In
ternational Union of America, has compiled his semi-annual report
for the term ending June 30, 1905. It shows a total membership of
CG,025 in the unions that have reported. The total number of unions :
at present is1 893, but 70 of; them have not sent in their reports, and -so
the actual membership is about 10,000 greater than that shown in '
the report of the secretary. , During the term, 419 members died. The
report shows that the total amount sent to the1 international treasury
sfrom the various locals as a reserve strike fund was $6,014.79. 'C . -
Compared with the semi-annual report for the corresponding .
period last year, there was a gain in the initiation of newrriembers
of 185. lhe number of traveling cards issued showed a. gain, of
3,051, and there were 232 fewer suspensions . There were" 1,020 more
members dropped than for the corresponding six months of last year,
but there were 2,992 more reinstatements during the last six'months.
The total number of reinstatements during the last six months was .
3,921. There was an increase in withdrawels of 161 over the cor-'
resopnding period last year, but this was largely due to the prosper
ous conditions which allowed journeymen to become contractors.
The net gain in membership was 1,250 over the six months directly
preceding the period covered by -the report. The report further
showed that $2i5,0O0 had been expended in supporting strikes, an
increase over the corresponding term for last year of $1,000. Thirty-five
new charters were granted during the last term, "and-. ther f
are now 41 more local unions than last year. During the last term
$60,000 was paid out in benefits by those local organizations that'
have the beneficiary department.'
Printers and Wives Greet Returning Delegates to the Typographical
and Auxiliary Conventions. , ' . J t
H;Last Friday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore, 729
South. Eleventh street, was the scene of a reception to Mrs. H. W.
Smith, delegate from Capital Auxiliary No. 11,' and Messrs. Frank
Coffey and H. W. Smith, delegates from Typographical Union No.
209 to the Toronto conventions. Reid's orchestra furnished delight
ful music during the evening, and at 11 o'clock the hostess, assisted -by
her daughter, served refreshments. Messrs. Neville & Gardner,
cigar manufacturers, sent up a box of their famous "Blue Ribbon",
brand of cigars, which were consumed by the gentlemen present
with every evidence of appreciation. ' ' ,
Mrs. Smith spoke entertainingly of the Auxiliary convention,
and when another speaker announced that Mrs. Smith had been
elected second vice president the applause was loud and hearty. -Messrs.
Coffey and Smith told of the international body's delibera
tions and Mr. Maupin said a few words about the social side of the
great meeting. Col. Fred Ihringer officiated as master of ceremonies.
The next convention will be held at Colorado Springs,' and-a
move is on foot to form a "Colorado Springs Club" with' weekly as
sessments. The plan is to tent out near the Union Printers' Home
during the convention. ; . . .' .'
We have a series of photographs showing $3 a week .girls run-,
ning delicate linotype machines in Chicago while unskilled 'ma
chinists" keep tile machines in repair. ' '. V
- l ' , : .. i
Let's all go to' Beatrice, next Monday.. Then Beatrice will come
to Lincoln a year from nexY'Monday. ,- . ,
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