Bargains That Are Bargains Vhen we offer special bargains and claim to include everything, we do not sequester a lot of high priced goods and work off the cheap ones. We reserved blacks from this suit sale for the reason that blacks are always seasonable and standard. The bargains we are now offering have never been equalled in Lin coln. We can sell for less and make a better profit because we are out of the1 high rent district. And we have a resident buyer in the east who is always picking up bargains for our store. Look at these special bargain prices and then come in. How is this? During August any Suit in the house except blacks, for All wool Suits, latest styles, hand tailored and up-to-date in every re spect, worth up to $12. . Mohair Shirts figured new--for 75c. You'll buy. $9.95 $4.95 fronts-something You would better see them. Caps at Wonderful Prices t We have all kinds, styles and sizes of caps, and we secured them at such a price that we can almost give them to you. And we do come so near giving them away that the price cuts little figure. Just think of a good union made cap for 10c, 15c, 25c, up to $1. Caps for boys and girls; caps for babies; caps for men. But in our special cap bargain de partment you get your pick for a dime'. THIS IS THE DIFFERENT STORE . Lincoln Clothing Co. UNION MADE SHOES Icarry nothing but union made shoes, and have a full line of them. I manufacture shoes and shoe uppers. A share of union patronage is respectfully solicited. S. L. McCOY 1529 0 St., Lincoln The President Of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, Oregon, telegraphs as fol lows: "I congratulate and thank the Union Pacific in behalf of the directorate for the superb Lewis and Clark fold-, er. It is one of. the most elaborate and complete of any Issued in connec tion with the Exposition." Those who intend to Visit The Oregon Country will find in this publication .a rare fund of information.' It tells you of the shortest way to reach the Exposi tion City; what is to be seen en route, and of the return trip through CALIFORNIA Free on application to E. B. SLOSSON, fiEHEHAL AG EXT. THE CHURCH AND LABOR. Gratifying Signs That They are Grow ing Into Closer Relationship. We desire to call especial attention to the following resolutions, adopted by the general assembly of the Pres byterian church of American at the annual presbytry at Winona Lake, Indiana. The resolutions disclose a gratifying awakening on the part of the church to the necessity of getting into closer relations with organized labor, and The Wageworker is con fident that the great Presbyterian church will find itself upon the threshold of a great field just as soon as it develops its new project into tangible form. The resolutions fol low: "Appreciating the increasing im portance of the Industrial problem and realizing that the labor question is fundamentally a moral and a re ligious question, and that it will never be settled upon any other basis, we recommend that the Presbyterian Home Mission Committees appoint sub-committees for . the purpose of making a systematic study of the en tire problem in their respective local ities. "The committees shall co-operate with the newly-organized working man's department of the board of home missions, thus establishing, in connection with the organized Pres byterianism of every city in America, a board of experts, who may be able to inform the churches with respect to the aims of organized labor, and to inform the workingmen concern ing the mission of the church. "These committees shall also assist in the already successfully inaugu- Wc Clean Carpets. Wc also maKe rugs ovt ol old carpets ft Capital Carpet Cleaning and Rug Works T. H. McGahey, Prop. Both Phones rated plan of securing for the churches fraternal relationships with working men in their organizations; become responsible for the distribution of the literature issued by the board both for the membership of the church and for the great mass of workingmen outside of the church, and to push aggresively whatever methods may bring a more cordial relationship between the church and labor. ANOTHER UNION OFFICE. Nebraska Printing Company Gets Right and is Now a Union Shop. Wednesday evening the Nebraska Printing Co. signed up with the Ty pographical, Pressmen's and Book tinders' Union and is no wa union shop from press room to bindery. The good work of the executive com mittees of the three unions entitles them to the hearty thanks of the allied trades. Tuesday morning a walk-out oc curred at the Nebraska, the result of Manager Levy's refusal to negotiate. Later he sent for the committees and after a lengthy conference the trouble was adjusted and the em ployes notified to ' return to work. The Nebraska has been on the unfair list ever since it entered business, and consequently has been discrimi nated against. From now on Man ager Levy will find himself backed by organized labor, and every effort will be made to assist him in in creasing his . business. The Wage worker hastens to assure him that it stands ready to give him all the en couragement possible, and it wishes for him a vastly increased volume of business during the coming years. The Nebraska Printing Co. prints a system of duplicate and triplicate counter checks that are a source of great convenience to merchants, and a large trade in this line has been built up. The "squaring" of the Nebraska Printing Co. almost wholly unionizes the printing business of Lincoln, and an effort will now be made to bring the remaining shops into line by showing its managers that they have everything to gain and nothing to lose by dealing fairly with organized labor. The Wageworker congratu- New Fall Goods In Many Departments New Dress Goods New Linens New Rain Coats x New Skirts New Suits New Corsets New Millinery New Carpets and Rugs New Drapery Materials. You are cordially invited to inspect these i new goods. Miller & Paine Choice Goods, Low Prices. Auto Phone 144-0; Bell 4-4 O THIS WEEK'S COMBINATION. 1 lb. rmcolored Japan Tea $ .50 1 lb. can Baking Powder 20 1 sack good bread Flour 1.30 19 lbs. Sugar 1.00 All of combination $3.00 1 pound best country butter, 20c; 1 25c box toilet soap, 15c; 1 10-pound pail syrup, 28c; 2 cans N. O. molasses, 15c. BOWMAN GROCERY CO., - 1545 O STREET ODCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX When You Want a Union Cigar t 4 MM ilyol tht Cigar Mikert' tmerrutio union-made Cigars. Rist-QcsWorkBan, at hsu Of THircMHMtn'iNiERiumoKHUNioNff ami. norutatooevou)oniAeaa WMMWNl K tU WJNM.MAHtlAl tOQ INHlUUtiAl Will Aril Qt I Ml WAI I. thM Cmms to All imohan ttwourtout (M worU AU tahtfftaMU um out Uboi U b puiwM according to ltv. President. Make Sure the Above Label Is On the Box. ooo(ooooooooooooooocxxTC t Columbia National Bank i Gsnaral Banking Business. Interest on time deposits LINCOUNi NEBRASKA 0K0O)K)MMtttt THE WABASH RAILROAD. has been selected the official routeChicago to Toronto and leturn ac count International TypographicalUnion Convention, held in Toionto, Aug. 14th to 19th, 1905. Stop overs allowed at Detroit, Niagara Falls. Tickets good on Steamers between Detroit and Buafflo, the Great Gorge Route Rail way and the Niagara Navigation Co. Boats used Niagara Falls to Toron to, the only line giving passengers views of the Falls, Rapids, Brock's Monument and the romantic scenery of the Niagara River. For full information, descriptive maps, folders, etc. Call on or; address, HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Wabash R. R. Omaha, Neb. COCOCOOCOCOOCOOOC lates Manager Levy upon his deter mination to be "square," and it wishes him abundant success in his business. THE LINCOLN GAS COMPANY. A Few Words of Appreciation Con cerning an Enterprising Insti tution. Lincoln Gas and Electric Light com pany, and we take this occasion to voice our appreciation of the courtesy and enterprise of that big business in stitution. People have fallen into the habit of condemning public service corpora tions as a whole, forgetting to dis criminate between those that aim to treat the public fairly and those which look upon the public as a lemon to be squeezed. We are not prepared to say whether the Lincoln Gas and Electric Light company could furnish gas at a lower price we only know that the company is furnishing fuel gas at a rate than makes it far cheaper than coal as a kitchen fuel, to say nothing of its added advan tages in the points of comfort .and convenience. The Lincoln Gas and Electric Light company has paid every cent of taxes it owes the city, and it has made no desperate fight either to avoid payment or to secure a reduction below a fair valuation. It is endeavoring to treat the public fairly, and only those who have selfish ends to serve will assert that the com pany is in politics. To Mr. Hunting, manager of the department of new business, and to Mr. Honeywell, general manager, The Wageworker is indebted for many courtesies, and it assures them that in their efforts to deal fairly with the people and to enlarge their busi ness through legitimate channels they will have the cordial support of this .newspaper. THE PRINTERS. A Few Brief Notes About the Follow ers of the Art Preservative. Jesse E. Mickel, for several years machinist at the Star, is now working in Harvard and reports that he is more than satisfied with the change. His family will remove to that city next week. Printing circles will miss Mr. and Mrs. Mickel, for he was a leading member of the union and Mrs. Mickel was a tireless worker in the interests of the Auxiliary. They will be followed to their new home by the hearty good wishes of a host of friends. A new boom for the allied printing trades label has been launched and it will be floated with vigor. "Billy" Bustard is working a double decker machine in a Chicago book and job shop, It is reported that OIlie Mickel is in command of a machine in a St. Paul book and job shop. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Righter visited in Kearney a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith returned Wednesday from Toronto. While F. M. Coffey was represent ing Lincoln Typographical Union at Toronto Mrs. Coffey visited with rela tives in Iowa. Mr. Coffey returned home Thursday. IN SPLENDID SHAPE. Organizer for the Pressmen Finds Things to His Liking in Lincoln '"From the standpoint of organiza tion and interest I find things in Lincoln in better shape than almost any other city I have visited during the last year." So declared Mr. Galosowsky, dis trict organizer of the Printing, Press- mens' and Assistants Union, who is in the city in the interests of his or ganization. Under the impulse of Mr. Golosowsky's enthusiasm the local Pressmens' Union has taken a new start, and within the past ten days has initiated sixteen new members. As a result the union. Is greatly strengthened. Mr. Golosowsky is working earnestly to secure recog nition for the pressment and his ef forts are meeting with success. ATTENTION, CARPENTERS! AH members of Local Union No. 1055, Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, are hereby notified of a special meeting to be held Friday evening, August 29, at the hall, to make final and complete arrange ments for participation in the Labor Day excursion to Beatrice. In pur suance of a request for a special meeting on said date, I hereby issue a call for the same, the purpose be ing to elect a marshall and assistants and to carry out the necessary details that will place our union in the front ranks as becomes our pride in and loyalty to our union principles. I earnestly hope that every member will be present at the special meetin. C. E. jlVOODARD, "Pres. Local No. 1055. DISORGANIZED. The Union Busters Scrapping Among Themselves With Great Gusto. The, dispatches of August 22 con veys the pleasing information that a new association of manufacturers has been formed, to be known as the National Association of Manufac turers of the United States of Amer ica. The articles of Incorporation were filed at Albany, N. Y., ind the principal office will be in New York City. ; David M. Parry is one of the directors. This fact discloses a split between the Parry and Post factions, and shows that all is not serene among the union busters. . Let 'em scrap! The thoughtful pub lic is getting "onto" these wonderful ly patriotic gentlemen whose patriot ism is of the pocketbook variety. JUST WHAT THEY WANT. Open Shop Advocates Seek to Secure Hindoo Conditions in America. The June number of the Open Shop, official organ of the National Metal Trades Association, contains this il luminating bit of information. "Millions of Hindoos live, marry and rear families on an income which rarely exceeds 50 cents a week. They never eat meat and need little cloth ing." ' Perhaps they have the "Open Shop" over there. At any rate, the publi cation of this should help in the work of the editor to show that the Ameri can workingman gets altogether too much, and that that much indulged fellow should reduce his desires ' to the fewness of the Hindoo's. Brick- layer and Mason. GENERAL MENTION. Some Little Items of Local and Out side Interest Dished Up Briefly. Union made shoes at Rogers & Perkins. Rogers & Perkins carry the largest line of union made shoes in the city. A. L. A. Schiermeyer is walking sidewise as the result of a .fractured rib. Grand Labor Day excursion to Be atrice. See full particulars else where. . They are union made "Blue Rib bon" cigars, manufactured by Neville & Boetcher. Lincoln must have a city park worthy of the name, and organized labor should force the issue. Smoke "Blue Ribbon" cigars, sold by all dealers and made in Neville & Boetcher's union cigar factory. The strike of telegraphers on the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroads has been called off. A pleasant smoke "Blue Ribbon" cigars. Union made. Manufactured by Neville & Boetcher, 1330 O Street. The Woman's Union Label League meets at C. L. U. hall next -Monday evening. A full attendance is re quested. If a circular, catalogue or dodger is left at your door and does not bear the allied printing trades label, send it back to the merchant and tell him you patronize only those who patron ize union labor. ' , DETROIT PRINTERS. . Two weeks ago today (Friday) the Detroit Typothete forced the issue with the local Typographical , Union by placing non-union men in two or three shops. Immediately the union men walked out. Then the union took up the gage and called out the union men in every Typothete shop. This was unexpected and it made the Typothete sit up and take notice. As a result shop after shop resumed work on the "closed shop" plan and under contract, and at this writing the Detroit Typothete seems badly whipped. go nan? LABEL LEAGUE KENSINGTON. The kensington of the Woman's Label League met with Mrs. Lyman Glassman last Wednesday evening. There being only a few members pres ent no business was transacted and the evening was spent in social pleas ures. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, who left noth ing undone to contribute io the enjoy; ment of her guests: The next meet ing will be at the home of Mrs. M. :T. Castor, 2042 S street, on August 30. It is to be hoped that the members will take a greater interest and make an effort to come to these kensingtons so that we will be able to accomplish more good work. The League meets next Monday evening, August 28. MRS. S. J. KENT. CHICAGO PRINTERS. The Chicago Typothete met last Tuesday and decided not- to make an eight-hour contract with : Chicago Ty pographical Union. A strike of job printers is expected in a few days, and 600 printers will be Effected. No. 16 is in good shape for a fight with the Typothete, and the indications are that Chicago's battle will be a deci sive one all along the line. The Ty pographical Union is willing to meet the issue with this understanding. . GOOD WORK. T. C. Kelsey has been appointed city weighmaster at a salary of $60 a month. Heretofore the city scales have been let to the highest bidder, but the plan was found unsatisfactory. Mr. Kelsey has been at work three weeks and has . not only paid his salary out of the J. receipts but has turned into the city treasurer more money than was received In any four weeks under the old system. THE FIRST BREAK. The Wageworker has received no tice from the local union of Painters and Decorators to discontinue Its subscription. The request has been promptly complied with. The Paint ers and Decorators are the i first ones to discontinue support to at labor pa per that has strived faithfully to be of service to the labor unions of the city. -4- Logic. The Farmer -was swinging his scythe with a will; His Donkey was turning the primitive . mill; - The Learned Logician of Lalll-Bazan Stood watching the labors of Donkey and - Man. , My friend." quoth the Solver of Tangled Affairs. 'What use is the bell that your animal ..wears?" 'Why," answered the Farmer, "it tells on thp hi-utp' It rings while he moves; when he stops And so. though I'm Wres away at my work. I'll know if the gray-coated scamp is a shirk." Right well!" cried the Sage; "but sup- . posins:. Instead Of working, your Donkey just waggled his The bell would "still ring like a steeple possessed. And how would you know he was taking The Farmer looked hard at the Sage (it appears Suspecting the length of the logical ears), TtKn. giving the haunch of his servant a slap. This Donkey don't know any Lode! Gid-danK' Arthur Guiterman in New York Times. In Early Days of Railroads. A writer to the New York Mirror of 1840, in the course of a rhapsody on the railway, says: "Dueling and changing horses and separate rooms -are at an end our light : literature must now become woven with steam 1 our incidents must arise from blow ups, and love be made over broken legs; while here the novelist will have to record the falling in of a tunnel, the only chance left for a touch of the sublime."' Trains then proceeded un der wonderfully good condition occa sionally at the awe-inspiring speed of thirty-five miles an hour as a maxi mum. Village "Held Up" By Bees. The extraordinary spectacle of a vil lage held up by a swarm of bees was witnessed at Weston-on-Trent near Derby, this week, says an English ex change. ' The bees became infuriated because an attempt to occupy tenanted hives was, after a tremendous battle, re pulsed. The whole village was soon alive with mad jees; ,the main street was quite impassable, and people had to shut themselves in their houses. Six fowls were stung to death; in deed, Vie insects , attacked everything that came within reach. Kinn Buried in Wax. King Edward I. of England died July 7, 1307, ard 400 years later the English Society of Antiquarians open ed his tomb in order to find out if he really had been buried in wax, as the legend ran. i- The chronicler of the time; remarks: "To their great aston ishment they found the royal corpse to appear as represented by the his torian." Although "the skull appeared bare, the face and hands seemed per fectly entire." The king was found to. be ,6. feet 2 inches in length, thus ful ly; Justifying his nickname of Long, shanks. . I i Peculiar Shift of Granite. A block of granite weighing over 200,000 pounds, flat on top ahd with clean breaks on two sides, has been found near Woodbury, Vt. Three hun dred feet north is seen the ledge from which the block broke away. The two are on about the same level, but between them rises a barrier of gran ite fifteen feet high. Local geologists are trying to figure out what natural causes brought about the shift in the i Beans Grew Through Bag. When a Dover, N. H., man finished planting his pole beans he left the bag containing the leftover seed in the grass beside the tree. He found the bag the other day firmly rooted to theJ ground; The bottom layer of beans had sprouted and the roots em bedded themselves in the turf. The upper, layers had swelled and served as a mulching for the vines,, the tops of which protruded from the mouth of the. bag. , - ''Turtle Doubly Inscribed. -The turtle'discovered at Easton last week was inscribed all right, just as every well-ordered turtle ought to bo when discovered, but this one was un usually marked: "L. M. Thayer, 1841, Easton Mass." was plairly visible, while above this and apparently made long before was the-date "1818." L. M. Thayer has been dead some twen ty years. Boston Globe. ' Has Rare $1 Bill. ' George R. McKenna of Westerly, R. I., has a $1 bill of the series of 1869. On the face it shears the medallion portrait of Washington and a scene at the landing of Columbus." The back is the same as any "greenback." The note has the ladylike signature of John Allison, registrar, and the bold hand of G. E. Spinner, treasurer. ... Found Interesting Relic. In a hay field, not far from an old barn, a Bowdoinham, Me., man picked up a copy of the New York Observer dated April 20, 1865. The paper, which is In mourning garb, contains an ac count of the assassination of Abra ham Lincoln. . ' , L Here's a Wom-rt Can Throw Straight. Mrs. Edward Phelps of East Corn wall, Conn., seeing a weasel making off with a chicken, hurled a stone at the animal. She not only hit the mark, but freed the victim. The weasel was killed, but! the chicken still lives. True New England Grit. - The grit of Moses Weare, the cape Neddick, Me., fisherman, who smoked a cigar and never flinched while the doctor amputated a finger, which had been mangled In his fishing tackle Sm exciting considerable comment. Graves in English Road. Near Worthing Station (Eng.) thers Is a small graveyard in the center- of the road, containing three graves. A mill once stood there, and the owner deposed In his will that he should b. burled where the mill stood. .