The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 25, 1905, Image 1

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A Newspaper with a Mission and without a Muzzle that is published in the Interest of Wageworkers Everywhere.
VOL. 2 . -LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, ATJUUST 25, 1905 , '.v- ' NOa 20
The Real Meaning
Of Labor Day
One week from next Monday in every state in the Union, with
but four exceptions, Labor Day will be observed as a legal holi
day, and organized labor, representing over two hundred crafts,
will march and parade and make merry. It is labor's own holiday,
and as such should be enjoyed to,the utmost by the men and women
whose hands and brains have bwlded the republic, whose skill has
put America in the forefront of human progress, and whose loy
alty and devotion to republican principles has been the chief defense
of the republic since its foundation. It will be the clay on which
organized labor parades in solid phalanx to testify to its collective
devotion to the principles of fraternity a fraternity that has no
equal in any other organization. It will be the day on which will
parade the principles that have stricken the shackles from human
toilers, made labor honorable and curbed to a remarkable degree
the arrogance of organized capital.
But as the union man marches along to the music of bands
and the shrill and ruffle of fife and drum ; as the union woman
inarches side by side with her brother, as happy children freed from
thralldom cheer and shout as the parade of fathers goes by as all
this takes place let earnest and thoughtful men look deeper into
the day's observance and ascertain if possible a better understanding
of the day's lesson and the day's opportunities. It is a grand sight
to see the Grand Army of Toil marching in solid phalanx. It is
a grand sight to see the men whose brain and brawn have builded
deep and wide the foundation of the state marching by with stal
wart step and shining eyes. It is' a grand sight to see millions of
men who are actuated by the feelings of fellowship marching shoul
der to shoulder. It is a grand sight to see this magnificent army
that is actuated by the spirit of brotherhood keeping step in time
to the music of the bands. But there is something more to Labor
, Day than marching and parading, than bands and flags2 than shouts
and games, than merrymakings and rejoicings.
If the strength of organized labor can be made manifest on
Labor Day, what might not be accomplished for .humanity and
justice if those same men marched and voted together on election
day as they march and cheer on. Labor Day.
Stop and think of it, brethren! Marching on Labor Day will
never enact a law protecting life and limb and safeguarding home
and loved ones. Marching in solid phalanx on Labor Day will never
relieve1 a pale-faced boy or girl from sweat shop, mill or mine. Keep
ing step to bands on Labor Day will not provide for the widow and
orphan, wipe out injustice or make possible the ushering in the
millenium of labor. None of these things on Labor Day will
accomplish good for organized labor. But in the parade and in the
c'ose associations of the day will be found a lesson teaching thought
fill men the possibilities that lie in concerted action. And in that
lesson lies the real essense of the day. Organized labor will never
come into its own until its individual members free themselves from
the cunningly forged chains of partisanship and stand forth free
men, actuated only by a love for one's fellows and a desire to see
"even-handed "justice dealt out without fear or favor. Greed and
selfishness as exemplified in modem capitalism can afford to help
organized labor make Labor Day a magnificent holiday as long as
organized labor is lulled to sleep by the siren song of partisanship
to allow that same greed and graft and selfishness to profit at the
expense of human effort. (While organized labor marches in solid
and swinging column through the streets of the cities on Labor
Day, capital stands on the curbstones with cheers on its lips and
contempt in its heart. Capital knows that the cheering men who go
marching by will fly at one another's throats on election day, and
out of the wrangle and the bitterness engendered by partisan poli
tics capital will grab more than it deserves and labor will continue
to take less than that which it owns and should enjoy. Solid col
umns on Labor pay means less than nothing in the face of divided
ranks at the ballot bax. Long parades on Labor Day and divided
ranks at the ballot Ixjx mean only the perpetuation of unjust rule,
the perpetuation of the notorious perwrsion of justice, the perpet
uation of gang rule, corrupt legislatures and venal judges. United
ranks on election day mean the substitution of justice for injustice,
right for wrong, triumph for defeat, respect for contempt, recog
nition for indifference. One grand united effort at the ballot box
will make every day a day of rejoicing.
To the swelling and cheering and marching men who will
march on Labor Day, The Wageworker sends its warmest greet
ings. It would rather stand before them on the terms of equality
than to stand before kings and thrones. Their interests are its in
terests, their hopes are its hopes, their aspirations its aspirations.
And may the day soon come when partisanship is lost sight of in
the grander spectacle of unity, and the slave of party shall stand
forth a free man with a ballot in his hand that will mean something
for labor instead of something for the oppressors of labor. The
real lesson of Labor Day is not in the parade, but in the power tEat
lies within reach of the marching millions, arid who havq but to
reach forth their hands and take into their keeping that which
through all the ages has been their own.
An Improvement Upon the Australian Ballot That Commends
Itself to Thoughful Attention.
Mr. A. C. Powers of Omaha, is in the city, acting as agent for
the Standard Voting Machine company, and is endeavoring to sell
teh city enough of the machines to serve the municipality. The
machine is almost as great a marvel as the linotype, and it acts
with almost human intelligence. By its use voting is facilitated to
remarkable degree, and the result of the poll is obtainable within
ten or fifteen minutes after the balloting ceases. The machine is
so simple in its operation that it is easier than the Australian bal
lot, and it is impossible to work fraud in its use. Mr. Powers has
a machine on exhibition at the Capital hotel and will take pleasure
in showing it to interested visitors.
The machine will decrease the cost of elections fully 30 per
cent. So confident are the manufacturers of the machine that this
is true that they offer to sell the required number of machines to
the city and take in payment the annual saving in the expense of
elections. Under such a contract the city can not lose. Mr. Powers
has submitted this proposition in writing to the council and a com
mittee has been appointed to investigate the machine and report or
the advisability of purchasing a number that will do the business.
! The union men of the city will be interested in knowing that
Mr. Powers in a union man. He is an ex-printer and was for many
years a prominent member of the Typographical Union, represent
ing the Kearney union at the Atlanta convention in 1890. He and
The iWageworker have been warm personal friends
fo nearly twenty years, and have had enough experiences together
as "journeymen printers" to fill a big book. Since abandoning the
printing business he has developed into a successful business man,
but he still has a fondness for the print shop and a fellow feeling for
his old companions of the stick and rule.
At the Toronto convention President Lynch said that the ed
itors of labor papers were "vipers," and that their subscribers were
Mupes." Any labor editor who has had his picture turned to the
wall in any public office or fire station of Syracuse or elsewhere,
will please accept the cognomen without protest. All others will
proceed to hand President Lynch a few bouquets.
The Evening Star Misinformed Con
cerning the Celebration of -Labor
The following article appeared in
the Lincoln Star of August 16, and
has been the means of creating con
siderable dissension and misunder
standing among local union men:
"Considerable difference of opinion
exists among the laboring men who
expect to celebrate Labor Day. The
Structural Workers intend to go to
Beatrice, while some other organiza
tions want a local celebration.
"A decision may be reached at the
next meeting of the Central Labor
Union, a week from Tuesday. At the
last meeting it was decided to have
a picnic and barbecue at Lincoln
Park. In the meantime the Structural
Workers including carpenters, brick
layers and other craftsmen engaged
in building decided to go to Beatrice.
" 'This division of strength is not
going to benefit unionism in Lin
coln,' said a member this morning.
'Many of the members of these unions
who voted to go to Beatrice are dis
satisfied and may not leave the city.
It will have to be settled in a short
" 'The labor picnics in Lincoln
have usually been successful, but the
presence of every member who can
attend is necessary. Of courst it is
commendable in these organizations
to lend a little force and example to
the unions of Beatrice, but we need
ali we can get in Lincoln, without
dividing with sister cities. Every
cent we take out of the city for the
benefit of Beatrice or any other town,
will be as good as lost.' "
It is difficult to find a reason for
this seemingly deliberate effort to
create trouble in the ranks of organ
ized labor. The statement that the
Central Labor Union decided upon a
picnic and barbecue at Lincoln park
on Labor Day is absolutely untrue.
The Central Labor Union never took
This issue of The Wageworker
closes a contract made with it by the
any action relating to Labor Day
further than to announce its oppo
sition to a' parade and appoint a com
mittee to look about and get propo
sitions from parks for a picnic. Be
fore this committee reported a move
ment was started for an out-of-town
picnic, and comittees from several or
ganizations met . and formed a gen
eral committee. The Central Labor
Union quietly stepped aside and took
no further action. In the meantime
It was decided to celebrate in Be-
Every union man and woman who
can do so should have a part in the
great Labor Day excursion to Beat
rise. It will afford a pleasant day's
outing, will be change from the us
ual order of Labor Day arrange
ments, and will be the means of
establishing better' and more cordial
relations between the "workers of
Lincoln and the workers of ' the
beautiful little city on the Blue.
Everything that will conduce to a
good time lias been arranged for, and
all the minor details are being cared
for by comittees having a heart in
terest in making the project a success
long to be remembered. The busi
ness men of Beatrice have taken
hold of the matter with characteristic
energy, and as a result many hand
some prizes have been hung up for
contestants in the sports that have
been arranged for. There will be
foot races, ball games, tugs of war,
proposition, but sentiment is vastly
in favor of the Beatrice excursion
and those who oppose it will merely
write themselves down as "knockers."
The talk about depriving Lincoln
of benefit is the purest rot. No such
talk was heard when the railroad
Brotherhoods went to Seward, and no
such drivel was made public when
the Burlington shop men held their
annual picnic at the same place.
Those who do not want to go to Be
atrice on Labor Day can remain at
home, but they should have enough
unionism not to attempt to spoil the
plans that have been made by an
overwhelming majority.
At the meeting called for last Sun
day only a few of , the Juniors were
present and they were all boys. While
both boys and girls (unior or non
union) are cordially invited and
heartily welcome. Those present
promised to bring ' out many others
next Sunday. The meeting next Sun
day will be 3:30 instead of 3 o'clock,
as there is Sunday school conducted
in the same hall until 3 o'clock and
we do not desire to crowd them.
In reply to many requests as to the
object of the Junior Auxiliary I de
sire to make the following brief state
ments: First, to bring the children
together and instill in their minds:
(a) The spirit of unionism, the ethics
of organization and the principles of
economics; (b) To give them experi
ence in purely democratic govern
ment, by letting them elect officers at i
regular intervals and make and annull
laws by majorities.
Second, to carry unionism with all
its accompanying benefits and advant
ages into the homes, which in the past
has been sorely neglected.
A more complete program will be
published as soon as a permanent or
ganization has been formed. Remem
ber that all are welcome and both
boys and girls are eligible to enroll
ment. I again extend a cordial invi
tation and a hearty welcome to all,
in the interest of wage-earners every
where. Remember the time and place, 3:30
p. m. Sunday, August 27, 1905, at
Westerfield hall, 127 So. 10th st.
The composition roofers of Kansas
City are on strike and all local un
ions are warned to keep away from
the city on the Kaw. The Kansas
City roofers demand better pay and
better hours'.
A program of entertainment pleasing to young
and old, is in preparation, full text of which will
- be published later. Prepare for a day's outing
and enjoyment with your family and friends.
jumping - contests, potato races, and
other sports galore. Music by bands
and glee clubs will be furnished in
abundance, and the Beatrice . Labor
Unions are working day and night to
make their end of the affair a boom
ing success. t
The excursion will be run over the
Burlington, the special train leaving
the Burlington station at 8:30 in the
morning, and returning leave Beatrice
at 7:30 in the evening. There will
be ample accommodations for all
who care to go. The fare for the
round trip is 90 cents for adults and
45 cents for children over 6 years of
age. The Union Pacific has made a
similar rate for its regular train
leaving the Union Pacific depot at
7:25 in the morning, and returning
leave Beatrice at 7 o'clock in the
Unless different arrangements are
made there will be no attempt at a
Ladies Select Mrs. McDougall, To
ronto, Among Their Executive.
Officers were elected by the Inter
national Ladies' Auxiliary of the
Typographical Union at the Rossin
house yesterday. In connection with
this ceremony Mrs. Duncan McDou
gall, president of the Toronto Auxil
iary, was presented with a chair,
pedestal, gavel, and a handsome cut
glass bowl. Mrs. Kennedy, the re
tiring president, and Mrs. McDonnell',
the former secretary, were each
given by the members cut-glass rose
bowls and bouquets of flowers. The
former also received a pretty gold
The election of officers resulted as
President Mrs. Ed. D. Donnell, Cin
cinnati, O.
First vice president Mrs. Duncan
McDougall, Toronto.
Second vice president Mrs. H. W.
Smith, Lincoln, Neb.
Third vice president Mrs. J. D.
Kane, Louisville, Ky.
Fourth vice president Mrs. John A.
Aul, Nashville, Tenn.
Secretary-treasurer Mrs. Charles
E. McKee, Indianapolis, Ind.
Chaplain Mrs. A. W. Bowen, Wash
ington, D. C-
Guide Mrs. Stanton, Syracuse,
New York. Toronto Mail and Ex
Committees Appointed and Prepara
tions Made For Better Work
in Future.
President Castor presided over the
deliberations of the Central Labor
Union last Tuesday evening and
pushed business along rapidly. Mr.
Ingraham of the Printers was elected
vice president to succeed J. E. Mickel,
who has removed from the city. By
consent of the delegates the presi
dent appointed the standing commit
tees, and on motion also received au
thority to appoint a special committee
to draw up articles of incorporation
for a Labor Temple. Mr. Galosowsky,
an organizer of the Pressmens' Union
made a brief talk and was listened
to with considerable interest.
The outgoing executive committee
asked for more time in which to audit
the treasurer's books and the request
wa3 granted. Delegate Greenley of
the Typographical Union explained
the trouble at the Nebraska Printing
Co. plant and the central body gladly
endorsed the request made by Mr.
Greenley. Business men who send
out printed matter without the label
will get it back with a notice that
until the label appears they will not
receive the patronage of union men
and women.
parade in Lincoln, but on arrival at
Beatrice the excursionists will be met
by bands and local unions, and a mon
ster parade will be had through the
streets of Beatrice. Carriages . will
be furnished free to convey visiting
women and children direct to the
Chautauqua grounds immediately af
ter the parade. At the grounds the
visitors will' be welcomed ;by the
mayor of Beatrice and a response
will be made by some Lincoln union
ists. Then will follow a short pro
gram of speeches, band music and
singing. At 12:30 a grand basket
dinner will be spread under the trees,
and it is to be hoped that it will
be spread in common. Let every
body take a basket well filled, and
be prepared to , make Labor Day at
Beatrice an occasion to be remem
bered with pleasure as long as they
are permitted to celebrate the holi
day. . - . -v"
Printers and Wives
In Old Toronto
The 1905 convention of the International Typographical Union
was in many respects the largest and most successful in the history
of the organization. There was but one dark spot, and that is
referred to in another article elsewhere in this issue.
If there is anything anywhere that can excel Canuck hospitality
wed like to have a sample of it for curiosity. We couldn't stand '
the whole thing. From the time the delegates and visitors landed
on the docks or at the depots until they said goodby and started
home, they were in the hands of friends who not only knew how
to entertain but took a delight in doing it. There was omething-iiv
the way of ptertainment going on all the time, and it required an
iron constitution to stand all of it. But printer men and their wives '
are noted for their ability to stand a lot of entertaining.
With the western delegates and visitors the entertainment: be
gan at Chicago. The Chicago Union opened up its portals and thfc
sign "Welcome" was writ large in letters of flame. Old 16 more '
than made good her reputation for hospitality and enterprise. Head
quarters were opened at the Briggs house by the Ex-Delegates'
Association, and every visitor received a, badge that was the open
sesame to any old thing the local union could supply. Secretary
McGowan was the busiest man in the city apd every man in Chi
cago is full of business. He came as near as any . man could to
being everywhere at once. Thursday afternoon, August 10, the
visitors were taken out in automobiles and shown the city and its .
parks. Ie required a string of machines six blocks long to carry
the 300 visitors. At Jackson Park a photograph of the crowd was &
taken. The visitor who didn't have, a good time in Chicago will
be an awfully lonesome individual in Heaven.
The Detroit Union, too, made good with the visitors. The
crowds arrived there Friday morning and were escorted .Jo the '
Wayne hotel and made the guests of the union. Then followed a
boat ride to an island resort with a handsome lunch and the never
failing photograph. The visitors reached , Detroit the morning of
the walk-out, and as a result 200 job printers formed the commit
tees on reception and entertainment. It was a great and glorious
day, and if Detroit needs any help it knows where to get it. Friday "
night the visitors resumed their journey to Toronto, most of them
going by rail, but a number going to Buffalo by steamer. The writer
and his better half, together with Bert Cox and wife and Frank Ken
nedy and wife of Omaha, and Charley Kennedy of Chicago, made
the trip by boat an experience long to be remembered with pleas
ure. Frank Kennedy's only complaint on' the whole trip including
the sojourn in Toronto was-that everybody referred to him as
"the husband of Mrs. Kennedy, president of the International
Auxiliary." The better part of Saturday was spent at Niagara Falls, and
then off to Lewiston on the George railroad down the famour
Niagara gorge a spectacle once, seen never to be forgotten. At
Lewiston the steamer Chippewa was boarded and sail set for .Toron
to. "Sail set" is merely a Concession to the poetical. It wasn't a '
sail boat, but a steamer built on up-to-date lines. Down Niagara
river, across Lake Ontario and "into Toronto bay, and then came
the warm handclasps of the Toronto, committee oxi reception, and
after that deliverance into the hands of friends who,have laid awake
nights for a year planning how to make life pleasant for the visitors.
Toronto Typographical Union -is,., the seventh largest union in
the organization, having a membership of 850. They have already
secured an 8-hour contract and have, also secured shop conditions
that are enviable in the extreme. The week after the St. Lous con-
vention decided on Toronto as the place for the 1905 convention, the
Toronto Union levied an assessment of 25 cents a week on each
member to raise an entertainment fund..1 The assessment was by
unanimous vote, too. Other unions and enterprising citizens
helped, and the result was an ample fund that was spent to the best
possible advantage. It was just a case of "ask for anything you
want and don't happen to see." If ever a body of men won ever
lasting honors it was the local entertainment committee of theTo
ronto union.
The sessions of the convention were held in; Labor Temple,
and a few words about this magnificent structure will be of inter
est to all unionists in every line of industry. They will also be
especially instructive to Lincoln unionists, and possibly be the
means of awakening interest in a local Labor Temple project.
The temple was built entirely by money furnished by union
labor. It is a three story structure with a high basement, making
it practically four stories. It contains two convention halls capable -of
seating 1,000 people each, with an adequate supply of committee
rooms, union rooms, gymnasium, baths, toilet, offices and buffet.
The buffet handles only union made goods, of course, and intoxicants
are not allowed in the building. The temple is managed by a board
of trustees elected by the stockholders, and the shares are worth $1,
each. No one is allowed to hold more than 100 shares of stock,
and the stock was taken up by individuals as well as by unions: All -told,
the temple cost, with furnishings, about $70,000. It has been
occupied just one year and has already paid 7 per cent-interest on
the investment. In the "rest rooms'l are four" billiard and pool
tables, card tables, all the newspapers and magazines and many,,
beauitful pictures contributed by unionists and their friends. Each
convention hall has a gallery, the staiovays are wide and the land
ings broad, and the temple faces upon a principal street and is with
in easy reach of the business centers. One hundred fifty-three la
bor organizations are represented among the stockholders, and a
majority of these organization use the building. It is a credit to '
a city famous for its magnificent public buildings and a monument to
the enterprise of the trades unions of Toronto.
Toronto's city hall is the equal of any on the American conti
nent, and it was built without the suspicion of graft. There is not
a contract stick or stone in the building. It was built by the city' and'
by day's work. It is union from the mortar between the stones
to the slate upon the roof. - The labor unions of ' Toronto have '
learned their political ' lesson and they no longer divide on party
lines for they have political parties in Canada. They disre
gard politics and vote for their friends, and they control Toronto.
To their everlasting credit be it said that they have never abused f
their powers, and the citizens are as proud of the labor organizations .
as the labor organizations are of their accomplishments.
The festivities opened Sunday afternoon ' with a boat ride to
Hanlon's Point anda concert by the Royal Highlander baud.' Later r
the crowds were taken to Island Park by boat and refreshments
served in a huge markee pitched upon the lawn. Then back to Han- $
Ion's Point for an evening band concert and home for a night's rest.
Monday afternoon came a street car ride around the city and a visit
to the famous Cosgrave brewery, where lunch was served. , Here
and now the writer testifies to the merits of the Cosgrave brew It
was fine and there was plenty of it. After the car ride the visitors ,
wient to the Yonge street wharf and took boat for Island Park; where -a
sumptuous lunch was served, and the evening spent in dancing ancV
social pleasure in the great pavilion. Tuesday afternoon everybody
went to the immense O'Keefe brewery and had more lunch andwore ''
of the famous ale and parter. Once. more the writer is ready to
testify that the O'Keefe brew deserves the reputation it' has oc
quired. And then came another photograph. Wednesday afternoon
the steamer Chippewa and the steamer Turbinia "carried 2,500 dele-
gates and visitors to Hamilton, forty miles away, where there was
a ride around the city, a trip up the inclined railroad' and a banquet
on the lawn of Highland Park hotel. The Hamilton printers were.
wonderfully successful in entertaining 'the big crowd and showed'
themselves equal to the occasion, even if the crowd was about twice -as
big as expected. Thursday night there was a moonlight voyage
on Lake Ontario, and Friday afternoon visits were madeto the city
'.-. .(Con$nued on Page 4.) '."'' " 4