3 C DC DC DC r rv oooc Good Taste and Good Judgment THATS what we employ and exercise when we select Men's Clothing and then our many years of experience in he clothing business and our knowledge of what constitutes good clothing are powerful factors in maintaining the prest. ge of this great clothing organ ization jtnd adding hundreds of new names each season to our already great list of patrons. The man who buys his clothes here is as stylishly dressed as he who paj i several ' times as much for custom tailors' gar ments. Lavish expenditures for clothing is surely a thing of the past it's unnecessary. Armstrong CI othiir particularly the best qualities is on a par with the product of the most skilled merchant tailor. It possesses those little knacks and touches which gives to a garmeV an air of character and individuality. t DOC ; j n f ) ( I I I These prices command clothing fit for the ward robe of the most exacting dresser. Both Suits and At $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 The range of Suits and Overcoats at each of these prices is very large. The Suits may be had in sin gle and double breasted styles. They are made from strictly all wool Cheviots, Thibets, Tweeds and Worsteds and may be had in black, blue and fancy effects. All of the latest designs. The Overcoats come in all wool Friezes, Vicunas, Melton and Scotch effects in black, gray, brown, blue and fancy effects. They are cut in the popular lengths, 46, 48, 50 and 52 inches ; form fitting, loose or belt in back. M 15.00 $18.00 and $20 Overcoats are made from the finest domestic and : foreign woolens, such as high class tailors employ I in their best productions. The tailoring and trim ! mings are of the best class, while the fit of every ; garment is positively unbetterable. Men seeking 1 really fine clothing need not go farther than these lines. Among the Overcoats you will find the very popular Surtout besides all other styles. ' 7 ' . . u n Our Very Finest Clothing Ranges From (2.50 to $ 2 5.00 You do hot have to go further than our store to buy the finest clothing made Our stocks of the finest gra :s are easily three times larger than that carried by so called high grade stores while our prices, quality for quality, will be found considerably lower. : ' t ) As Christmas Grows Jear Interest Centers on Articles Suitable for Gifts We give below as a sort of reminder a partial list of sure to please articles which we carry in great abundance and in the finest selection: u n Men's House Coats and : Si Bath lpbes Tins' store has been noted for its unusual stocks of -JIouse Coats and Bath Robes for Men. This year hrt have done better than before. We are particu r lr'y proud of thr showing, which embraces all sorts Vrom the plain coat at $'J.50 and $3.00 I rtA th hanrlysimpsr kind' af v. . - H. . qilo Wc are making a special drive on a fine double faced ;aJr $3.50 Men's better grades at $5.00, $G.00, if in $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 and ,P'U Men's Blanket Bath Robes, tk at $3.50 to plU Ksfirisifii us jufiLintfu. nitric for Men In our Handkerchief section you will find perhaps the broadest assortment in the west. At. least. the showing is much larger than we have ever had in any previous season. Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs tf0 Kf in box of VI ..pW Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, all widths of heiti, at 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. 75c, 4 $1.00 and npt.QU Men's Linen Initial Handkerchiefs at 15c, 25c and 50c Men's Japonett Initial Handkerchiefs at 10c, 15c, 25c Men's Japonelt Handkerchiefs, plain, at 5c, 10c and 15c Men's Colored Border Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 15c, and 25c Men's Colored Silk Handkerchiefs at 25c, 50c and 75c Men's White Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Men's White Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Christmas Mufflers for Men i Men's Christmas Heckwear Something new in ' Holiday gifts is ; the new Initial Shawl Muffler; comes in creamy white and black, with large script silk initial letter. "Price ............ . .V .Ct Fancy Reefer Muffler in black and other plain shades at $1.00 and Jet5C Special line Reversible Silk Oxford Mufflers in plain and fancy ' .- U J shades ' . .-' 50c Full Dress Protectors at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Special in Shawl Muffler in tan, blue, 1 - pink, white and black ,-, . . . . . . . i. . . . . OC Way's famous Wool and Cassimer Mufflers at 25c, 50c, 75c and . , . ." .. ..$1.00 Large Square Mufflers, wool and Cashmere, at 35c, 30c, 75c and $1.00 This is the store that carries the Neckwear of the west. Our stock for this Christmas is unusually attrac tive, embracing all the new brown and green shades , besides all other approved colors in the new Christmas shapes at 25c,. 50c, 75c, $1, : - ;' , $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and ...$3.00 Christmas Vests We are showing hundreds of new styles of Men's Washable and Fancy Vests for evening and -street wear. . t ).':. 'Washable Vests for street wear at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and 1 ;. ; .$30 Evening Vest at. . ............ .$2.50. $3.00 and $3.50 The new French Flannels in brown with blind stitched i edges at $3.50 g. ' and . . ... ...... . . ..ipO.UU Christmas Glooes Dent's and other fine makes fully represented for street or evening wear, o P"k at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and ....... .... . . pOU In Kid and Undressed Kid Gloves lined with lamb ' skin or squirrel, at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 $4.00 and ......... ... . . . i . . . . .$4.50 0 n CO. u n GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS DOC DC DC DC .J COLORADO AND RETURN. EVERY DAY to April 30th, 1905, inclusive, with final return limit June 1st, 1905, via UNION PACIFIC A GREAT POLITICIAN. FROM LINCOLN $26.00 Be sure your ticket reads via Union Pacific Inquire of E. B. Slosson, Gen'l Agent. 5O00O0O0000O0OO000O0O0 When You Want a Union Cigar 4; IttuM y AoUior.loi the Ciur M.ka.i lmernationi . 35C nation! Union Of imann Union-madft Cierars. 3hi rt1if trt. im m c mm m bwhmtMA t first CUss WortwfL M(inCR0f IHC QCM HMtm'mtCRMTlONAL UW0N Of AtotKt, f Orjwmt devoted h) lhad ClMfl t All UllAn tllMUClHMt II n miofiiHKi imi u iaa u b nam Kconftw) ta urn Make Sure the Above Label Is On the Box. )OC)OOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX00 C AUU avAicuww 11. 1 IV 1 J W 3 About the use ef the Union Label, and you wont have to make apologies for tho appearand of your next order of printing. r. THE SOMEBODY THAT KNOWS aad caa Auaisa tals Label are listed below. Star PahHafclac C Douglas of Massachusetts Knows How to Get the Votes. These who have watched Mr. Doug las in his recent campaign say he is '1 rcat politician. A World reporter v.ho observed him at h!s headquarters last Wednesday was strut::; with ..ie easy way in which this plain man of business adapted himself to politics. Almcst every two minutes some of his workers, wearing the very evident stamp of the politician, came in to con gratulate him. Instantly the governor elect wr.j up to meet them with a hear ty handshake and "Why, h-e-l-l-o, Jim! Well, it was all right, wasn't it? You did line. You boys v.-ce great. I am awfully glad to see :Jo, you are to be congratulated- yourself." All day Wednesday the political workers filled his improvised campaign headquarters in the Old 3outh building on Washington street, and Mr. Doug las, who has devoted all his life to the shoe business, mingled with them witn his hearty laugh, and with as great freedom as though politics had been his calling all his life. Down in Brockton, nineteen miles from Boston, where the Dcuglas shoe factories are, Mr. Douglas is unques tionably the idol of the people. He has a great army of employes in his several factories there. He is known from one end of the state to the other as the ideal employer. What the people of the town like about him is that he is a plain, sincere, unostentatious man who goes about the street mingling with the people, without ever givin;; in his manner the slightest suggestion ol' the great, success he has won. ThS newsboys and bootblacks all know him. The conductors on the accommodation trains that run from Boslon to Brock ton all know him, and he always gives them a hearty handshake. All the cabmen and truck drivers are his per sonal friends, and though Brockton is a republican town far and away, ue carried is Tuesday by a good vote. There 'is no question that Mr. Doug las" election is the most remarkable thing that ever happened in Masst chusetts politics. Many explanations are offered for it. .Probably the most popular explanation is that the labor vote did it. Though this explanation covers a great part of the phenomenon it does not explain it all. Throughout the state the labor unions were pretty generally united in favor of Mr. Doug las., They liked him, and they did not like Governor Bates, whom they biamed for vetoing aq eight-hour taw and an overtime bill. IThe labor unions' tomany caaes qame out openly and in dorsed Mr. Douglasf The socialist vote , also went for him.J-Boston Correspon dence to New York World. THE CHRISTMAS TREE. Give the Little Folks a Merry Christmas Festival. If a trfie can be obtained from the woods for a' lUtle trouble, don't deny the children a Christmas tree. In many hemes it seems . that if each member has a gift at Christmas time, there really is not a cent to spare for tree decorations, and those sold ia the store are expensive. But as I looke 1 back on a treeless childhood I deter mined that our children should liavo a tree. Here are g ome things I learnel to make from five cents worth of tis sue paper. For several years they were the main dependence for the tree. Take a sheet of paper and cut pieces four inches wide and five inches long, fold directly through the middle the long way, pressing the crease hard. Now cut every one-fourth inch from the crease to within a half inch of the paper. Unfold and paste the ends- the narrowest side flat over one an other. At the top fasten baby ribbon or cord and you have a pretty little lantern. Umbrellas are made by tak ing a five-inch square of paper make a very tiny hole in the exact center, on which put Just a suspicion of mu cilage. Have ready for a handle u nine by one-half strip of heavy paper made exactly like a lamp lighter. Slip the tiny hole over the top of the han die and twist firmly. Twist the other end of handle over your finger to make a crook to hang to the tree by. By folding the paper over the handle in umbrella shape, and hanging up by handle ther are very like a partly open umbrella. For Taney baskets take a five-inch square and fold through the center from one corner to the other. Now fold Trom the corner to make a small triangle. Begining at top which will be the . center . of scuare cut toward the edge, turn and cut toward the edge in opposite direction, repeating until base of triangle is reached, making the cuts one-fourth inch apart. Un fold and lay flat on a table. Wet with a cloth. Take a pin and lift up care fully from the center. Hang tip to dry ant ou have a dainty little bas ket for the tree., But perhaps prettiest of all are the chains made from the tiny pieces of left-over paper; cut one-fourth inch wide and four or five inches long, ac cording to pieces left. Join the. ends of first piece, then slip another piece into it and loin Its ends, repeating until your chain is 'as long as you, want it. , I hope these thioss may be of use 'to som mother. Better try them of news paper before cutting the tisBuej pa per, if there is just a little money to, spend "or the tree I think candles an-1 holders give the most pleasure, and the holders may be used several seasons. A package of gold and silver tinsel thread costs but little and adds won derfully to the beauty of the plainest tree. If tissue paper can not be had. many pretty things can be made of bright colored lining cambric, which can be had for four or five cents a yard, or of the colored papers which come around rarcels from the stores. Selected. . MILLIONAIRE COMPETITION. What We May Look For If Things Keep Up. Andrew Carnegie has assured. Pitts burg people that if they are really de sirous of having a university which shall beat anything in the country he will help Imagination falters when it attempts to picture the struggle that' must fol low among the philanthropists wheuN such a pacemaker starts in the school making race. Fancy che scene at the Millionaires' Club five years from now when Mr. Carnegie will come swinging jauntily into the room with his golf clubs under his arm. "Well, John." he will say, "I have just added 200 acres to the Pittsburg campus and deposited $5,000,000 in sreei bonds as endowment to provide gymnasium facilities." : . ' Mr. Rockefeller will rub his hands in glee and say: "Too late, Andrew. Very good in its way, but antiquated. I have just bought "Lake Michigan for the Uni versity of Chicago, for its crews to practice on. All cut at Sault Ste Marie hereafter." Mr. Vanderbilt will look up from his paper and remark casually: "I might say that the family has just purchased all the land within two miles of the Yale campus, and will cover it with dormitories." . Mr.' Vanderbilt will say this very modestly, but with a gleam of triumph in his eye. But "Ah!" he will exclaim, as he returns to his paper. "Boy, bring my check-book! Gentlemen, Mrs. Stanford has just bought the Sierra Nevada mountains for the school of forestry of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University." i . The three rich men will pale at thls- anouncement. ''''& 'There's one thins left to do!" they will cry in chorus. "Raisff the pro fessors" salaries. We must stay at, the top." v . , . - . "I erive an annual income of SlOOinnn to raise the rrofessors' salaries,"; bne of the millionaires will blurfrout. .,jA college professor-who happens to be a guest at the ub thafrrewptg win be , t'-JpirjtoBt. fainting: New York Woff-3. ' J rJ s ' ' , Types of CacIw TH4 Smith Premier The World's Best Typewriter was invented by the world's foremost typewriter expert. It is built on correct mechanical lines. It is strong in every part. ; ' It 13 simple and direct i.i . operation, and almost frictionless. It does the speediest . and most - perfect work of any writing machine, and under the severest tests of actual business it wears like an anvil. Send for our little book describing every part The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. (sr. I7tft ui Fanua SL, OMAHA, KEB. RAGAN'S C A -F STREET HANDLES EVERYTHING IN SEASON MODERATE PRICES. FIRST CLASS SERYICE MEALS, I5cts AND UP ALL NIGHT MW8. ROY W. WHOME i : Mandolin & Gcitzr Instrrcfr Urfcst methods Uught strictly far or rt&g trp Auto Phoac 1332. Small's Grocery c o 'm f f n v: 301 So. 11th St. Staple and Fancy ...GROCERIES... phonesi . Bel 949 Axtt 3943 Columbia National Bank General Banking Businsss. Intat ea tfca i:;:r LiNcoun,; ' - j NEBnAr::..