The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 04, 1904, Image 3

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    To The
Class .
Do we owe gratitude for the
U store in the last J 2 years, v
jl sweat of his brow is quick to
store, and no men are truer friends to this store than the
laboring men of Lincoln. We are anxious to retain
their good will, and trust to receive a share of the pat
ronage of every Union man in the city.............................
Reliable merchandise and thoroughly up-to-the
-date, truthful advertising guaranteeing every
price quotation, made with lower prices for the
same quality that can be obtained elsewhere.
On these merits we solicit your patronage
It's a good time to buy the wife a new coat (buy it here)
No need to wear an out of dats Etyle when beautiful novelties as de
scribed can be bought for such little money.
Distinctive Modes in Coats
Styles of incomparable beauty and variety.
Each in all the season's latest
designs and lengths
That the popularity of Coats bo surpasses that of all previous sea
sons Is not to be wondered at by those who have inspected the lines
which go to make up our varied assortments.
Attention is particularly directed
. to the attractive values at 1'"
the following prices:
A most varied line of all the practical tailored
embracing dozens of different styles in finely tailored garments in fall
, and winter weights; Cloths they are made up in comprise Cheviots,
Covertn. Mountainacs, Kerseys and Mannish Novelty Mixtures in all
the latest three-quarter, seven-eighths and shorter lengths in tight
fitting, half-fitting and the newest loose coat models marvels of
beauty for the prices offered, $23.00, $20.00. $15.50, $15.00, $12.50,
, $10.00 and $8.50
Tourist Coats in Dolman Effect Those stunning creations produced in
heavy mannish cloths plain Cneviots and Kerseys in colors brown,
blue, castor and black the very newest and swellest novelties
shown at $25.00, $20.00 and $J6 50
42-inch Tourist Coats made up in mixed mannish material in" blues,
browns and greys a new line of pretty styles just received
2 very special prices ... $12.50 and SIO.OO
WSU e loatefcncnti 1460 O Strw
There is no tvatch,
clock or article of
Jewelry we cannot
rapair . . . .
Clocks called for and delivered
C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler
1123 0 Street bTas
B. 0. SCKEER, Prop., 142 N. 11th
Lincoln Auction Co., 1325 0
Is the place to buy your stove.
A large stock to select from.
1 e
o o
o o
o This ad. accompanied o
a ... .... o
o with 23 cents entitles you o
o to 4 pounds of good, beef o
S steak at . . o
o , o
Mate's Cash Market
1348 O Street. '
a O
immense upbuilding of this
The man who earns by the
recognize a popular-priced
Wins & Hyatt
Phones, 225, 3279
I Palace Dining Hall, I
The Finest in the City 5
MEALS, 25c
Meal Tickets, $3.50
Lee's Faithful Seidler
General Fitzhugh Lee, in narrating
reminiscences of the civil war, said
that just after the surrender at Ap
pomattox he was riding along a lane,
when he met a North Carolina soldier
trudging along on foot.
'Where are you going?" asked Gen
eral Lee. '
"Dark to join General Bob Lee," said
the other. "1 ve been home on a fur
lough." "Throw away your gun and go back
home again. Lee's surrendered."
"Lee's surrendered?" repeated the
amazed soldier.
"That's what I said."
"Then it must have been that darned
Fitz Lee. Bob Lee would never sur
render," and the soldier resumed his
A Dozen Don'd
Don't meet trouble half way.
Don't waste bear shot on snowbirds,
Don't give advice to a starving man.
Feed him first
Don't be a "good fellow" at the ex
pense of your family.
Don't expect to be truly happy with
out making others happy.
Don't set your son an example and
hen punish him for following it.
Don't try to fight the devil with lire,
rake a weapon with which he is not
Don't expect people to proht by the
Mrs. Hiller's Famous Cooking
The Wageworker is permitted this
week to present to its readers some ot
the most popular recipes prepared by
Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hiller, who has been
giving lectures on domestic science be
fore the Woman's Club of this city
during the past three weeks.
In using these recipes, bear in mind
that the level system of measurements
is used. A tablespooiiful means a level
tablespoonful. A cupful ceaus a level
cupful. ' A teaspoonful means a level
teaspoonful. Flour should be sifted
before measured, and then tossed light
ly into the cup for measurement. When
baking powder is called lor in recipe,
pastry flour should be used. Bread
flour is used when yeast is called for.
Plain Omelet 3 eggs, 1-2 teaspoonful
of salt, a few grains of white pepper,
3 tablespoonfuls of hot water or milk,
I tablespoonful of butter. Beat the
whites and yolks .of eggs separately,
the whites stiff and dry and yolks thick
and Might; add to yolks salt, pepper,
and hot water or milk (water makes
omelet' more tender than milk); cut
and fold lightly beaten whites into
first mixture' until well blended, melt 1
butter in hot omelet pan, being sure
the sides as well as bottom are thor
oughly buttered; pour in mixture,
spread evenly, place on range, where
it will cook slowly occasionally turn
ing pan that omelet may brown evenly
on bottom. When well pulled and a
delicate brown on "bottom, place omelet
pan on center grate in oven to finish
the process. The omelet is cooked if
it will not cling to the finger when
pressed; it should be firm to the touch
and shrink somewhat from side of
pan. Make a small cut on opposite side3
of omelet, loose with a knife, and let
it fold over, tipping pan carefully and
coaxing" omelet, placing hot platter
over omelet pan and turning both en
tirely over; garnish with cress and
advice you give without following it
Don't forget that the most tedious
conversations are those in which "I" is
the text.
Don't worry over today's troubles
until tomorrow,' and then it -will not
be necessary- .
Don't make the mistake of thinking
that the pleasure you buy is eqnal to
the happiness you earn. .
.Don't make the mistake of thinking
that a knowing look -will always serve
the same purpose as real knowledge. -
BraJn Lulu
for hearers.
The bravest men are. those who are
afraid to do wrong.
lllllllllllllllin-T"J "t . l.ii UL .. ,jj
HI SIB lfiiirn" m 11 Mlrtll. IB In II I IPI II
Hi 13 It.'"1 I .1 II .'IjI! I fill 1 HUM
St'" 1V Lr&gLJ y HvtpI
TtjsjL' Fcf 111 H f'TI ;:
ar-i is (IIP1 if ..p -y
- ,iti,-i- o-m f
shredded bacon, and serve immediately,
Thin White Sauce. Melt 2 table
spoons butter in a sauce-pan; when
bubbling add 1 1-2 tablespoons flour
mixed with 1-4 teaspoon salt and few
grains pepper; stir to a smooth paste,
let cook 1 minute, then add gradually
1 cup hot milk. Beat with a gem whip
until smooth and glossy.
Broiled Chops. If muttcn, chops
should be' cut 1 Inch thick; if lamb,
a little thinner. Remove the super
fluous fat; the small flank ends of loin
chops may be cut oft for soup kettle.
or skewered around the chop. Trim
the bones a uniform length, then
scrape clean down to the cushion , or
tender muscle of the chop. The meat
is often pushed from the bone, and
split; slip the bone through and wrap
this around the chop and fasten it with
a small buttered skewer (hard wood
toothpick), to keep it in place during
the cooking process. Wipe the chops
and broil as beefsteak allowing from
eight to ten minutes. When dqne.
spread with butter, sprinkle with salt
and pepper, arrange in a circle aroun:l
a mount of potato puree, green peas,
small stringless beans, etc.. Slip a pa
per chop frill over each bone; They
are more conveniently handled.
Mr. Hiller's Coffee. 1 measuring cup
of medium ground coffee, 1 egg pre
viously washed, 1 cup of cold water,
6 cups of boiling water, 1-8 teaspoon
salt . Beat, egg lightly, crush shell,
mix wifa the coffee and one-half cup
of cold water; add the six cups boiling
water and boil three minutes from the
time it commences to boil Stir down
and add the remaining one-half cup of
cold water, and set back . on stove
where it will keep hot but not boil.
Let stand ten minutes. Serve with hot
cream. '
Twin Biscuits. Sift' together .2 cups
flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1-4
- r . yv, 77
If it is really worth saying it is not
always necessary to shout it.
The sermon that fails to hit you is
one that does you little good.
If politics is a dirty business
your duty to get into It with soap and
Ever notice that the men who swear
the most are the men who think the
There is considerable difference be
tween praying for what you want and
praying for what you need..
The church that starts to eat itself
I out or aeui usually wiuua up wiiu a
I l 1 (l nap a IMAMll flvonAflola
I Some men give a collar button to a
poor neighbor and expect credit for
'giving a whole suit of clothes.
School Recipes
i teaspoon salt, twice. Add 2 tablespoons
butter, rub shortening .into dry in
gredients with tips of fingers," add 3-4
cup rich, milk, using a knife for cut
ing it in. Toss dough on a lightly
floured board, knead slightly, pat ana
roll 1-4 - inch thickness, shape with
small biscuit cutter, ( brush over top
with melted butter, put together in
pairs, place on buttered sheet and bake
in hot -oven 12 to 15 minutes.
Roast Turkey .-r-b'elect a plump young
ten-pound turkey, dress, clean, stuff
and truss. Place it on a rack -in a
dripping pan, rub entire surface with
salt and sjpread with a butter paste,
made by creaming together 1-3 cup
butter and adding slowly 1-4 cup flour.
This is spread over breast, wings and
legs. Place in a hot oven and brown
delicately, turning turkey often. Re
duce heat when evenly browned, add
two cups water to fat in the pan and
baste every 15 minutes until turkey is
cooked. This will require from 3 to
3 1-2 hours, depending, somewhat Aipon
the age of the bird. For first basting
after turkey is delicately browned use
1-2 cup butter melted in 1 cup- boiling
water. If turkey is browning too rap-,
idly, cover with a piece of heavy paper
well buttered, placing over turkey, but
tered side down. Remove the skewers
and strings used in trussing before
serving. ,
Grandma's Bread Stuffing, Remove
the crust from one stale baker's loaf,
cut into slices and pick it up into
small bits, season with 1-4 teaspoon
pepper, 1 i-2 teaspoon salt, 1-4 tea
spoon powdered sage and 1 onion finely
chopped. Mix well. Melt 1-3 cup but
ter in 1-2 'cup boiling water, add to
first mixture, toss lightly with a fork
and add 2 small eggs slightly beaten.
Fill body and breast of turkey, putting
in sufficient in the latter to give the
bird a plump appearnce.
4, 4 iVff
There are some men who are quick
to believe that the world is against
them if everything does not go their
Speaking about difficult jobs, did
you ever have to pay your summer's
ice bill after yon had fired up the far-
nace? ,,
A man can run deeper into debt in
a minute than he can back out of in
a -year. "
Satan waits at the church door Mr
those who attend divine service only
when they have something fashionable
to wear.
A man gets a lot of things he doesn'i
want in this world and a woman wants
a lot of things she doesn't get
are showing
line of
Men's Suits
$5.00 to $15
Boy's Suits
- '-..v..; .. 1
$1.25 to $5.00
W want yoor tnde, Tbattowfey
mm uk (or It. If we U we will
'held It by fair dealing.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
of tkeelty.
: raom bu eia, Ate ta- a
i F. WATKINO, Prop, i
225 6outh 13th St
Dr.Cf if ford R. Tefft
Office Over- Sidles Bicycle Htove
Largest stock of second
hand goods in the city
Why pay high prices,
when you can buy slight
ly used Stoves and Furni
ture at Half Prices?
132 South 10th r
Anto U8f
Small's Grocery
C O 'M'P'A'-N Y
301 So, llth St
Staple' and Fancy
Bet 949 Auto 3949