The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 04, 1904, Image 2

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    The Wageworker
Editor and Publisher.
'Entered as second-class matter
April 21, 1904, at the postomca at Lin
coln, Neb., under tbe Act of Congress
Merchants who adrertlse in
the labor, papers show that
they care for the union man's
trade. Patronize those who J
jC are wiling to help you. .
Read the advertisements in
you need of anything in their J
line, visit their stores and
make your purchases, and tell
them why you came there.
We desire to particularly 1m-
press this matter upon the
j wives and daughters of the
union men, as they do most of
the purchasing. J
Elsewhere in this issue The Wage
worker gives its reasons for supporting
John E. Miller, who is a candidate for
election to the legislature from Lan
caster county. The Wageworker be
lieves that the reasons given will have
weight with every unbiased and
thoughtful union man who will spare
the time to read them.
After all has been said and done,
after the forensic displays upon the
floors of our union meetings, after all
the theories and all the planning
after all of these things have been in
dulged In, the fact still remains that
union labor can accomplish almighty
little 'until it solidifies its vote at the
ballot box. Mea may parade on Labor
Day and talk about the millenium
when the laborer shall come into his
reward, but until labor i quits voting
for machine politicians and interests
that are antagonistic to the welfare of
labor, and begins voting as a unit for
labor's interests, nothing of any mo
ment will be accomplished. The curse
of the party lash is upon organized
labor. Partisan politics is doing more
to thwart the plans of unionism than
all the Parry i tea in America. As long
as the opponents of unionism can keep
Ihe labor vote divided on partisan lines
they do not fear it. When labor be
gins voting as a unit it will begin reap
ing the reward that belongs to those
who eat their bread in the sweat of
their faces.
' Don't think that because a candi
date of your personal choice stands
no show of election a vote for him is
thrown away. A vote cast for prin
ciple is never lost, even though it be
the only one cast therefor. Take time
to vote, and vote intelligently. Vote
for the men who stand for the things
which you advocate and which tend
to benefit you as a laboring man. Vote
for labor's friends, even though they
may be political enemies.
Take time to vote. The grocer will
trot from the crackerbox to the scales
a dozen times a day in order to make
the scales balance. The mechanic de
mands pay for overtime, and usually
gets it always if he is a union man.
But the grocer who trots from crack
erbox to scales, and the mechanic who
insists upon pay for overtime, often
refrains from voting because it takes
a few extra minutes, although the ex
ercise of the franchise is the great
est privilege that an American citizen
can boast. Take time to read and mark
your ballot. The man who boasts that
he always votes a Straight ticket mere
ly boasts that he is too ignorant to
think and too lazy to investigate.
Read the reasons The Wageworker
advances for supporting Mr. Miller's
candidacy. Think for yourselves. Vote
for your own Interests.
In all this CTscussion between the
advocates and the opponents of union
ism, there is one peculiar fact that de
serves especial attention. The advo
cates of unionism are all union men.
The mechanic at the lathe, the printer
at the case, the carpenter at the bench
every branch of organized trade fur
nishes men who can stand forth and
give a reason for being union men and
defend their cause with tongue or pen,
Did you ever see a "scab" who could
do it? Have you ever noticed that all
tbe arguments in favor of the "scab'
and against unionism are advanced by
the employers? If the "scab" is the
"free and Intelligent" man, "the un
fettered working man," that the em'
ployers say he is. why in God's name
don't some "scab" stand up and speak
for himself? Why does the employer
have to do all the talking for the
The answer Is easy. The intelligent,
thoughtful, skilled mechanic is always
a anion man, either in fact or in sym
pathy. The. ''scab" . must have his
thinking done for . him, and nine times
out of ten ha is either ineligible for
membership in a union because of in
competency, or unreliable morally. He
it the disease germ that threatens the
welfare of labor. He is the monkey
who pulls the chestnuts trom the fire
for the benefit of the selfish and un
scrupulous employer. He is the hard
headed battering ram selected by greed
to batter down the walls that labor
has erected for Its own protection
against greed and selfishness.
Coward capital insists that the con
flict is between the "slave of the
union" and the "free and independent
workingman" the "scab." And the
scab" hasn't sense enough to see that
he is being used to do the dirty work
that capital is too cowardly to under
take itself.
Every benefit that labor enjoys to
days has come through the work of
the labor unions.
Eevry law for the protection' of life
and limb in factory, workshop and
nine is the result of efforts put forth
hy labor unions.
Every sanitary law guarding the
health of those who toil at a trade is
the' result of labor union activity and
The "Scab" who can not speak for
himself but must be spoken for by
the employer, enjoys , these benefits
without having the manhood to ac
knowledge the obligation and bear his
share of the burden. And every em
ployer who defends the "scab" and at
tacks the union has opposed every
one of the laws mentioned above, and
opposed them because they curbed his
greed and prevented him from exploit
ing the workingman. The men who
have opposed laws against child labor,
who have opposed laws regulating san
itary conditions in mills and mines,
who have opposed laws compelling the
use of safety appliances on railroads,
who have opposed shorter hours, who
have opposed everything that labor has
sought for its own protection the men
who have opposed these things are
the men who always speak for tho
scab. Union men who have secured
all of these blessings for labor are able
to speak for themselves.
Without labor unions labor condi
tions would be infinitely worse than
they are, and ' God knows they are
bad enough now. The destruction of
the labor unions would remove the
last bulwark that stands between the
toller and organized greed, the last
bulwark that defends wives and chil
dren from those who would fatten their
purses at the expense of human life.
And the "scab" who can not speak for
himself is lending himself to those
who are seeking to destroy these bul
warks. An esteemed evening contemporary
is throwing some more fits because the
gas company is not doing what the
e. e. c. thinks it should da in the
meantime the Lincoln Distraction com
pany's policy receives no condemna
tion from the aforesaid e. e. c, al
though the- Lincoln Distraction com
pany has a habit of responding to all
appeals for better service by placing
its corporate thumb upon its corporate
nose and wriggling its corporate fin
gers in derision.
John E. Miller is the only candidate
fcr office that is receiving the support
of The Wageworker, and he receives it
because he stands for the things ad
vocated by this paper. The Wage
worker has consistently refused to mix
in politics, although it could have
made temporary profit by mixing. It
supports Mr. Miller because he sup
ports policies that The - Wageworker
was established to support. .)
Tbe man who smokes non-union ci
gars lays himself open to cancer, small
pox, diphtheria, itch, leprosy, syphillis,
typhoid fever, mange, i scarlet fever,
and a host of other deadly ailments.
Non-union cigars are' usually made in
unsanitary surroundings by filthy and
diseased workmen. -The blue label of
the Cigarmakers' Union is a guar
antee of cleanliness.
' v v J
If you want to see a scattering, butt
into a political meeting and ask the
spellbinder if his candidate is friend
ly to union labor and advocates the
'closed shop." The old political par
ties are scared to death lest they be
compelled to take a stand.
Owen Wister has Hown to the de
fense of the "scab" and calls him i
"brave man," the ''defender of free
work," and all that sort of thing. The
best answer to Owen Wister's argu
ment is to say that Wister is a writer
of fiction.
When The Wageworker's bank ac
count reaches $C5,000,000 it will inau
gurate a crusade that will settle the
divorce problem. It will put an army
of expert cooks in the field to teach
housewives the science of cookery.
. v
Are you going to vote for men whom
you know are unfriendly to organized
labor, and do it because they just hap
pen to belong to your political party?
The man who seeks to profit by de
stroying the labor unions is the man
who always' does the talking for the
"scab." '
" .
The "knocker" in the union is a
greater menace to unionism than the
"scab" outside of the union.
. , ; J
Every union man in the city should
take an active personal interest in
making the Central Labor Union Del
egate Fund entertainment a rousing
success. See full particulars elsewhere.
The "scab" is always a soldier of for
tune. He will fight under any flag and
for any, cause, providing he is paid for
it. The justice of the cause he fights
against matters not to him.
A union card should be a guarantee
that the man who carries it always
does an honest day's work for an hon
est day's pay.
-J& t& tS
The man who votes without think
ing is the chief reliance of the pro
fessional politicians and boodlers.
2& ( ,
if the -'knocker" you should meet
On the street.
Pass him by with quickened feet
Swltt and fleet.
For the Knocker" is a curse
lo all unions. He is worse '
Than a plague, so don't converse
With the "knocker" '
With his knock.
Just avoid him
By a block.
If the "knocker" comes your way.
Any day,
Give no heed to what he'll say,
He's a jay.
Snub him ev'ry chance you see.
For the "knocker" is N. G.
And you'd better let him be,
For the "knocker"
With his knock ! '
Always has his
Lies in stock.
"There goes a man who has organ
ized more unions in this city during
the last year than any other two men."
"What's his name?"
"That's the Reverend Dr. Tyemfast,
who performs more marriage cere
monies than all the other ministers in
He swore by all the fabled gods
He'd be a workman free.;.
He said no union should boss him
Nor get from him a fee.
The bosses swelled his head for fair
And sent him on his way. .
He's working now for just half wage
Eleven hours a day.
Unionism . in the heart makes a
cheerful home.
The "scab" is the Benedict Acnold
of the Industrial Army.
The real union man does not have
to display his card on all occasions.
Successful arbitration is better than
unsuccessful striking.
Politicians cheer the solid ranks of
labor on Labor Day. They also iheer
the divided ranks of labor on election
No more doth war and rumors red.
Or politics, concern us. i
The summer days have swiftly sped
The leaves have fallen cold and dead,
And we must start the furnace.
We sigh for dear departed days
Of summer with their breezes;
For we must hustle out and raise
At divers times and sundry ways
The coal when weather freezes. '
Alas! Alack! That summer's sun
Which lately hath receded
Was not. when time was first begun.'
Warmed up, and through the heavens
In winter when 'twas needed.
'Did you every try your fortune with
"Yes, and that's the way I lost
mine." ... '
Disma.1 FaJKire ,
'Was your last magazine poem a
success, Rhymely?"
'Financially, yes; but otherwise,
"What do you mean?"
"The pay was satisfactory, but ev
erybody understood it." . J
Mythology Outdone
"Is DeRant making good as a stage
singer and musician?"
"Well, DeRant has old Orpheus out
done." . :
"How's that?"
"Old Orpheus' music was so good that
the rocks and trees followed him. ' De-
Rant's is so bad that the produce mar
ket follows him."
It is hardly right to blame a boy for
taking to the streets when all the ef
forts of the parents are confined to
making the girl's room attractive.
A boy is not to be blamed for doubt
ing the worth of the advice againul
smoking that is given by his father
between whiffs of a pipe.
Boys will be boys, but that is no
reason why they should not be gentle
men. . A boy in the house is worth two on
the streets.
' The boy who remembers his mother
is not likely to get far away from God
' , When a boy begins to comb his hair
and polish his shoes without being
driven to it. it a sure sign that he
has met her. And only a foolish par
ent will try to plague him about it.
Entltledto Moro
Old soldiers of the west, especially
those of Nebraska, remember General
Dilworth of Hastings. A braver sol
THAN the
Han Schaffncr ''g .-
V Mux "J
Copyrtshi 104 Hart Seluffaw
Arms h on g Clo tiling Co
Buy Your Winter Supply Now
Lincoln Gas & Electric Light Co.
1323 O
Phones, Veil 75, Aato 2575
Columbia National Bank
General Banking Business, interest on tine deposits
About the use f the Unien Label, mn4 you wont have to make
apologies for the appearance of your next order of printing.
-aa can fmmlsk tkls
Matlaf Co
f ffWfoarar Oatoa
dier never lived, and a more genial
gentleman never made happy an even
ing around a campfire. During one of
the skirmishes prior to the engage
ment on Lookout mountain General
Pilwprth was " standing upon the
breastworks . taking . an observation,
with the bullets singing a' chorus
around him. "Jake" Dew, a private in
the ranks, stood up beside the general,
who turned and said:
"Get down, Jake; they'll hit you." ,
' 'But what about you?" queried De'w.
"You only get $13 a month,", eald
Dilworth, "and mustn't take any
chances. I get $240 a month to stanu
up and get shot at.""
Just then a cloud, of shrapnel came
singing along, and Dilworth jumped
clown and hugged the earth. Dew,- with
his nose shoved into the ground, ex
claimed: "Why ain't you standing up, gen
eral?" "They don't pay enough," was the
His Party Razor
When Congressman Kitchen, " of
North Carolina visited a strange town
not long ago, relates- the New York
Times, he found out that his razor
was badly in need of sharpening. He
dropped in at the local barber's shop
and gave the razor to the proprietor.
Cft apes frffffj
4 0Hor-6fiffla QjP"
"YIJR idea of clothes fitting may be a little
different from the ordinary. At 4 any rate
we believe that clothes should help a man's gen
eral appearance rather than the roan helping .the
looks of the clothes. There's a good many
things about our clothes to recommend them to
men who want to dress better than usual. '
v They are CJ?uck Full of Good -Looks
and Stylish Appearances
.npHE fabrics are the best to be had, the pat
A terns and the colorings are the newest, and
they are cut to fit. TheyUl stay "fit" thro'out
their term of usefulness. They cost less by the
year than any clothes we knOw about.
Our Suits and Overcoats
AT $10, $12.50, $15, $18 and $20 aire strictly
hand made, and what is more most of them
are Union Made which is not a bad reason for
their goodness.
A Kara
Open Evenings
Label are listed below-
Star MHdi
flawee Int.
kuauag c
Mandolin & Guitar Instructor
. 133 i ITBBET.
Latest methods taught strktly by note, Cal
or ring up Atrto Phone 1332.
a large fat negro.'
"Have it ready by 6 o'clock," the
congressman directed. "I'll come by
for it."
He was. here at the appointed time,
but the blade had not been sharpened!'
''Sorry, boss," said the negro, "but
Ah jes cudn't git it ixed in time.". '
"Well, well, that's bad, ' answered
Mr. Kitchen. "I've got to go to aj par
ty tonight."
At this the barber suddenly went
into the back of the shop, and much
to the distinguished -visitor's surprise,
brought out a blade .ith six or, seven
deep notches in it. "
"Yer en use' dis, boss," he said,
holding it out.
"Why, what do you mean? What can
I do with that razor?"
"It's ail right, boss," said the ('ne
gro in an injured tone. "It's de one,
I always carries when I goes to a
727 SOUTH 1Mb ST. PHONE A1073
FrMerlptiom mrafally ooae
pooaded. - Genual Uh of
Drag Statlenary mad Smad
rltm. Tho leading Brand of
We are expert cleaners, dyers
and finishers of Ladles' and uen-'
tlemen's Clothing of all kinds.
,The finest dresses .a,. specialty.',
S01KIP&W00D &
PHONES: Bell. 147. Auto. 1292.
1320 N St - - Lincoln, Neb.
Dnfleitaier, Licensed Eibalutr
915 SOOTH 11th sxBaaor
Ml PIm 470 JUrtat470; Res. AolstOW
! ; I always have a number ; '. '
for sale on good terms ;
; ranging in price Iran ;
; $750.00 to ,500.00
nd up .
';' ?ocxxxxxxxxx)coooooooco ;!
2 Expert Ihpairirs and
'., Have your chairs tecaned, I
X your furniture upholster- !
X ed, umbrellas tnendtd. I
!;' We call fof your
! ;! ' ' goods and guar- . . ; !
X antee all f
!;! work.' !
: 329 So. 11th SU LINCOLN j