THE A Newspaper with a Mission and without a Muzzle that is published in the Interest of Wageworkers Everywhere. 'VOL. 1 LINCOLN ,NEBEASKA, NOVEMBER 4, 1904 NO. 3() WAGE WO UK ER 3 The Candidacy of John E. Miller The Wageworker advocates the elec tion of Mr. John E. Miller to the leg islature, and It Is ready to give its reason for so doing. LV. Miller is the .managing partner of the firm of. Miller & Paine, and has been nominated for the legislature by the democrats and populists of Lancaster county. Mr. Miller's politics does not concern The Wageworker. His attitude toward la boring men and women does, however, concern this newspaper and its read ers. Mr. Miller's business connections are entitled to consideration, but the mere fact that he is engaged in the mercantile business is not a reason for supporting him. - But the reasons why The Wageworker is supporting Mr. Miller's candidacy are easily given, and they are reasons that should appeal to every workingman whose unionism is of the heart and mind as well as of the pocketbook and family larder. The reo mouh are here given: , Mr. Miller not only advocates short er hours for those who work for wages, but practices what he preaches. 'While other retail stores remain open until 10 or 10:30 o'clock Saturday night, the store of Miller & Paine is closed at i o'clock, and .the . employes given an opportunity for rest and recreation. Mr. Miller is opposed to child labor and will not, under any circumstances employ children under the age of 16, and this age Mmlt is raised during the school year to 18 years. Mr. Miller believes it " the right and the duty of working menand women to organize for mutual help and pro tection, and has announced his readi ness to recognize , a Retail Clerks' Union as soon as one is organized in this city. , , , Mr. Miller, as. the managing partner of the Arm of Miller & Paine, has planned and Inaugurated a system of profit sharing in which .all employes ore- permitted to take part if they so desire. ' Mr. Miller sees to it that employes in the Store of Miller & Paine are sur rounded by healthy sanitary condi tions. And every employe whose name has been upon the pay roll for twelve months is given two weeks' vacation on full pay each yiiar. Union men and women are working to secure a shorter working day. Mr. Miller has already inaugurated the shcirter hour ifrorking week, which is a long step forward. .. , Mr. Miller's honesty and integrity are beyond question. No corrupt lob by can influence him to iavor Parry- ism or anything of that kind. He is a business man. and as a member of the legislature he will leud his influ ence to' secure a more thorough ob servance of business rules in the con duct of the state's affairs. This means much to the laboring man who owns a little home and pays- taxes thereon. Air. Miller's candidacy offers union labor an opportunity to show not only its strength but its determination to sHand by those who are friends of un ionism. If that opportunity is seized by the union voters of Lancaster coun ty it will result in some attention being paid to union requests in future cam paigns and elections1.1 It is time that union men quit knocking on each oth er and hammering their enemies, and do a little boosting for those who have demonstrated their friendship for the r ausc for which unionism stands. A vote for John E. Miller is a vote for a "square" man, a good employer and a friend of organized labor. What more can tne earnest and un biased union man ask? WITH THE GHOSTS. Novil Hallowe'en Entertainment Given By Capital Auxiliary. Hallowe'en was celebrated in a most , enjoyable manner by Capital Auxil iary No. 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rlghter last Monday even , Ing. That is, the guests were received at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rlghter. and then conveyed in a ghostly auto mobile to the beautifully decorated '-Aarn of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Odell, where the evening festivities were en- Joyed. ' -The guests were masked In ghostly habiliments, and the illuminated skull and crossbones upon the door of the Rlghter home made things look awfully 'spooky." The guests were taken in pairs to the barn by means of aii auto mobile that had lost its rubber tires. At the barn unique and ghostly cere monies were Indulged in, different ghosts participating in a program pre pared for the occasion. The barn was decorated with jack-o'-lnnterns, corn, pumpkins, apples, and other agricul tural and horticultural products, and "looked good" to everybody. The even ing was spent in music that was any thing but ghostly, conversation, etc. and at a seasonable and reasonable hour refreshments were served. Hot weinerwurst, rye bread, onions, coffee, popcorn and peanuts comprised the bill of fare. Mother Goose was present and told fortunes at so much per tell, and if any of them come true every print er in town will be rolling in riches some day. As a ghost party the function was -i huge success and reflected great credit upon - the committee ' having it in charge. STAND TOGETHER. An Opportunity For Organized Labor to Show It'a Strength. If every union man in Lancaster county, regardless of politics, will vote for John E. Miller for the state sen ate, he will be elected, and organized labor will have a staunch friend in that body. The election of Mr. Miller will prove that organized labor stands by its friends and votes in its own interests. ' The unity of union men will be judged by the vote given to Mr. Miller. If the labor vote is practically unani mous in his favor, it will mean that in future elections organized labor has but to make reasonable and fair re quests of the political parties in order to get what it wants. x John E. Miller deserves the vote of every union man because he stands for Shorter (working hours. Pair wages. Opposition to child labor. Rigid observance of saiitary laws. Recognition of merit. Profit sharing with employes "Recognition of labor's right to 'or' ganize. These facts commend Mm to every thorough union man. Let us show our strength and our disposition to stand by our friends, by voting for this out spoken friend of unionism. THURBER TALKS. But He it Sadly Mistaken as To Who Are "The People." i F. B.' Thurber of New York is prei uient of the United States Export as sociation. Recently he made a speech at St. Louis in which he said; - " .. "The public is beginning to under stand that there may be labor trusts as well as capital trusts. Only that which is reasonable can last, and the public is getting tired of the unrea sonable demands of organized labor, which represents less than one-fifth of all the labor in the United States." Mr. Thurber fondly imagines that he and men of his ilk are "the public." What he denounces as ,"the unreason able demands of organized labor" are the demands for the. shorter hour working day, sanitary laws, regula tion of sweatshops, abolition of child labor, factory and mine inspection, safety appliances and similar things of interest to all men who labor. Or ganized labor may represent only one fifth of all the labor In the United States, as Mr. Thurber claims, but the fact remains that the work of the "one fifth" has been of incalculable benefit to the ' remaining ' four-fifths. The "labor trust" is not a trust it is a mutual and fraternal protective so ciety, just like the Knights of Py thias, WorKmen, Woodmen and a host of similar orders. It is an organiza tion of Gpd-made men who have band ed togetlier to resist the; greedy de mands of the man-made corporations. The labor unions deal in human souls the great industrial trusts deal in dirty dollars and ignore human souls. Mr. Thurbur represents a class of men who think much more of profits than of men aud women who toil. ALL BUT ONE. Printers Turn Down Salary Increase For Their National Officials. It was given out from headquarters at Indianapolis last Wednesday that five of the six propositions submitteJ to the referendum vote of the. Interna tional Typographical Union had been carried. The sixth, providing an in crease in salary for the president and secretary-treasurer, was defeated. It seemed to be the general opinion that the secretary-treasurer is already get ting ample pay for his work. If the proposition had been divided there is little doubt that the president's salary would have been increased. PRESIDENT SULLIVAN COMING. Head of the Bartender's Leaque Will Visit in Lincoln., President Sullivan of the Bartenders' International League of America, will be in Lincoln next Sunday, and will meet with the local at its usual place of meeting. President Sullivan is on his way to San Francisco to attend the national convention of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, and is seiz ing the opportunity of visiting various locals as he-proceeds'sRwly across the country. If possible, arrangements will be made to have Mr. Sullivan address an open meeting of union men while in the city. THE UNION "LAUNDRY. Starts Off in Good Style And Success Already Assured. The Lincoln Union Laundry company ENTERTAINMENT And Dance For the Benefit of the Central Labor Union Delegate Fund, to be held at! A. O. U. W. Hall, Thursday evening, November 10, 1904. THE PROGRAMME. Introductory Remarks ....Gen. T. C. Kelsey President of Central Labor Union. MR. A. L. BIXBY. ' . At this, stage of the game Mr. A. L. Bixby, poet philosopher, of the Daily State Jourhal. will dawn upon the view of the assembled multitude and deliver himself "of a few lilting rhymes, mixed with a rightful amount of mirthful anecdotes and acceptable philosophy. The audience is requested to wait until after the performance before de livering to Mr. Bixby the articles of garden pro duce brought for him. . MR. SANDS. Following Mr. Bixby, and before the audience has time to escape, Mr. Sands will step blithely to the front and draw a few pictures for the delec tation of the 'multitude. While"dTawi'ng the pic tures . Mr, Sands, win -insist ..upon .saying a few things, and'., will be useless to try to stop him. He must be allowed to run on until he gets his conversation entirely out of his system. MUSIC. The Guitar and Mandolin Club, under the in struction of Mrs. Roy W. Rhone, will now occupy the stage for a little while and discourse .sweet melodies. , . 1 MR. WILL-M. MAUPIN. Having had this entertainment largely in his charge, Mr. Maiiprn seized upon the occasion to obtrude and get a place on the program. 'Unless prevented by an indignant audience he will recite a few things of his own, and also indulge in a little story telling1. Parties desiring to subscribe ' for 'ine Wageworker may do so while Mr. Maupin io on the staged as ne will gladly pause and nil out subscription receipts. I MORE By the same guitar and same efficient .instructor. application. THE LAST OF BlXBY. ' . , ' That is, the last appearance of Mr. Bixby for the evening.- He. will deliver a few things he overlooked during his first appearance. -- .- . ' . THE LAST OF SANDS. While the tumultuous applause is subsiding Mr. Sands will hike back to the stage and limn a few more pictures, conversing in the meanwhile. - A' LITTLE MORE MUSIC. Same mandolin and guitar club; same instructor; same terms. - -- THE LAST OF MAUPIN. x iiat is to say. , his last appearance lor the even ing. He will thank the audience for not mobbins the performers,' and make an announcement or two. - ' TEKPSI CHOREAN. Which is a Latin word, meaning, "shake your fee', ivi time to the music." It is at this juncture that the floor will be cleared while the orchestra is tuning up, and when everything is ready those who love to dance may do so until the cock crowa and the sun peeps over the eastern Horizon. 'Inis intertainment is given- for the purpose ot raising funds to defray the expenses of a delegate t-J the Ameriyau Federation of Labor convention at S'an Francisco. Mr. J. E. Mickel is the dele gate. rhe admission, including the privilege of dancing till you drop, is only 25 cents. You can psy more if you think the entertainment is worth u. . . r ' OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCK OVER ONE THOUSAND. The Wageworker guarantees to advertisers over 1,000 actual, bona fide, paid-in-advance subscribers, nine-tenths of whom reside in Lincoln, University Place, Havelock, Col lege View and Bethany. The subscription books are open to inspection by anyone who can show cause and adver tisers come under that head. . ooooooooooooooooocxwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo starts out with a good line of busi ness assured, and more in sight. Union men re taking hold of the .idea and giving the enterprise their hearty sup port If the wives of union men will do their" Huty success is assured.- Hold .your laundry until the collector for the Lincoln Union Laundry company calls around. The routes are new, and some delay will, be experienced for a week or two, but despite, the delay in collecting, the delivery will be mucn moro prompt than that of the local non-union laundries. " . The best possible work is guaranteed, and your collars,' cuffs and shirts will not be mangled to shreds but returned well ironed and in good condition. Re member the . office, 1234 O street. Nominations for officers for the next term will be made at the Typographical Union meeting next Sunday. I MUSIC. i mandolin club, under th'j Terms made known on s Some General n The Wageworker. entertained a num ber of the members of the Label League and Capital Auxiliary last Tuesday evening, through the courtesy of the Lincoln Gas company and Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hiller. Owing to the shortness of the time for preparation invitations could not be given into the hands ,of all, although a strenuous ef fort was made to do so. The shortness of the notice operated against the at tendance, but the score; or more who were present enjoyed a( pleasant and instructive evening. Mrs. Hiller has been instructing a large class in domestic science in thi'i city for the past month, and has clear ly demonstrated that she stands at the head of her class in this particular lino of study and investigation. The Wage worker's guests were given some val uable hints on the use of gas for fuel, and they were a unit in declar ing that this one thing alone amply repaid them for being present. Mrs. Hiller's instructions in the art of measurements were also beneficial be cause they tend to enforce economy tn the. kitchen. She quoted the old saying that "A cook can carry more through the back door in a teaspoon than a man can carry in at the front door In a grain scoop,'', and said, that it con- tained a great truth.. Then she pro ceeded to make an omelet, a thin white sauce, biscuits and broil a steak, keeping up an interesting and instruc tive fire of comment as she proceeded. "We know we will have no failures if we follow our systems of measure ments," said Mrs. Hiller, measuring out the flour and the butter and the baking powder and all those things. "There is no guesswork, consequently-no failure." When her light and fluffy omelet came from the oven her guests gave vent to their delight by hearty ap plause. When she broiled a tenderloin" steak that was nearly three . inches thick, and did it in a steel spider on top of the stoves the guests gave ex pression to their surprise and grati fication. Then she made coffee that we often read about and so seldom taste, and baked some biscuits that would tempt the interior economy of a wooden statue. - . At the close of the demonstration Mrs. Hiller answered a number of questions and gave some1 good advice. It was a most successful, affair, and ihe Wageworker is only sorry that every member of the League and Aux iliary could not be present. But there will be another "party" of the same kind in the not distant future. The Wageworker Is under many ob ligations to the Gas company and to Mrs. Hiller for their kindness in mak ing the function a great success. BECAME UNFAIR. f Beatrice Cigar Firm Once Union Goes Wrong yery Suddenly. The Underwood". Bros.' cigar factory at Beatrice has been placed upon the unfair list because it has decided . to run on hie "open shop" basis and re fuses to recognize the Cigarmakers' Union. Underwood Bros, lately re moved, from Lincoln to Beatrice, and for a long time used1 the "blue label." A short time ago the firm, on the ground that it wanted the "open shop," declined to meet the union scale of wages. The men walked out, but later one man "scabbed" and returned to work. He was immediately fined $75 by the union and suspended. The Lincoln local, having jurisdiction over the district in which Beatrice is lo cated, sent . a committee down to straighten out the . tangle if possible. It was unsuccessful. The label has been ordered out of the Underwood fac tory, and all brands made therein are declared unfair. Following are the Underwood brands declared unfair, al though heretofore entitled to and bear ing the union label: "Little Nan," "Judge Hale," "Full Leaf," "Damfino," "Open Heart," "Comet," "John B. McMasters" and "Belle of Beatrice." "UNFAIR PRODUCTS. Housewives Should look out for the Fol lowing Unfair Flours. Organized labor and sympathizers are requested not to purchase flour bearing the following brands: : Washburn-Crosby's Gold Medal, Humboldt Milling Co.' Supreme, Min nesota Flour Mfg. Co.'s Rex brand, Crocker's Best, Washburn-Crosby's Northern Pacific, Iron Duke, French Flag, Arlington, John Alden, Jenkin's Vienna, Royal Milling Co.'s Ben Hur, Labor Notes Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Snowdrop, Queen Wilhelmina, Parisian, White . River, Superlative, and all brands of 1 the Washburn-Crosby Milling' Co. This -action has been endorsed by American Federation of Labor. They have re fused to arbitrate. . ... Also the brands Golden . Anchor, Straight Superior, Our Triumph, Ba her's Success, products of, Keisers Bros. Milling Co., Mount Olive, 111. And all the' products of the Kelley Milling Co., Kansas City, Mo. ' LABOR NOTES. Some Comment on Doings in the Gen eral Field of Labor. International Laborers' Union held convention in Dayton last week. Of ficers' reports show that 191 locals , are organized, who were represented by 87, delegates, about one-half being colored men. The v laborers decided not to affiliate with the American La- bor Union or A. F. of L. at present, although union cards of all trades will be recognized. The convention de- : clared for industrialism. W. G. Critchlow of Dayton was re-elected president, and Z. i'. Trumbo of Pon tiac.i 111., secretary. ". . "The general building trades strike in New York has taken on a new lease of life. Te plasterers have is sued an ultimatum that the strike ' would be extended all over the coun try, wherever the Fuller Construction Co. and other concerns are doing jobs. The bricklayers, tile layers, plumbers, carpenters and electricians have also declared that there will be no surren der under any circumstances It is admitted that . the 'bosses are sinking . a barrel of money, The Chicago plutes have discovered ' an old law, passed in 1877, prohibiting "any person from obstructing the reg ular pfyation , an conduct; of th? , business of any railroad company or . ether corporation, firm or individual." ,s i hey. say that this law makes it un necessary to procure injunctions dur' -ing -strikes and engage in - expensive litigation. The law is simply put up , to tile authorities, and they do th , . rest. ' . .-. ,. . . ; .Despite" the fact that the window glass .workers accepted a reduction of fen per 'cent in . wages; leading -manu-facturers say production will be. cur- -.. tained and under no circumstances will : there be a -reduction in the price or glass. They need the money themselves.- .' - - - ,' - . - ': ; - THE STRIKEBREAKER. A Few Facts That Union Men Should Study Over Carefully. In the Saturday Evening Post (Phil adelphia) of this week Robert Shack--leton has an article on the "Strike breaker" that should be read by every union man in the country. ;. it ' is a startling revelation of the methods em ployed by the Parryites to defeat strikes, and shows to what depths of dishonor workingman will stoop for a few paltry dollars. There are. bureaus organized for . the sole purpose of breaking strikes, and they do it by keeping upon their payrolls soldiers of fortune who are ready to slug, bribe, intimidate or work under any condi tions merely' to prevent fellow work ingmen from securing justice. The Pinkertons in their palmiest days were ' gentlemen and scholars compared to the hordes kept under pay by the Par ry outfits for the purpose of defeating strikes. Mr. Sliackleton goes into the details of the organization and gives several examples of how the work is prosecuted, Union men should read the article, get next to the scheme and set about forming plans to put iha ' professional strikebreaker out of bus iness.. - .... .. " , C. L. U. ENTERTAINMENT. An Evening of Enjoyment Promised Those Who Will Attend. Every union man in the city, togeth er with his wife or sweetheart, as the case may be, should make it a point to attend the C. L. U." benefit per formance next Thursday evening at A. O. U. W. hall. An entertaining pro gram has been prepared and a good time is guaranteed all who attend. The proceeds will be used to defray the . expenses of a delegate to the national convention of the American' Federa tiop of Labor at San Francisco, Mr. Jesse E. Mickel saving been elected to that responsible position. " Get your tickets early and then speak to your friends about It. ' X