The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 28, 1904, Image 1

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A Newspaper with a Mission and without a Muzzle that is published in the Interest of Wageworkers Every where.
i " . rA-
The Candidacy
of John E. Miller
Wholly without partisan feeling, and
npart from aJl political consideration,
The Wageworker endorses the candi
lncy of John E. Miller, fusion nominee
for member of the legislature from
Lancaster county.
Mr. Miller ns-a citizen and buslncsu
man neecf.t no Introtluctlon to the peo
ple of thw county. His character as
n citixen is above reproach; his sue
; ecus a a business man. is an inspira
tion to young men who are seeking to
make a success in life.
But there is another phase of Mr.
Miller's character that The Wagework
cr desires to discuss, and Tipon which
it. will base it3 advocacy of Mr. Mil
ler's election as a legislator. The rea
sons impelling The Wageworker to
this course are purely industrial, and
have their Inception In the principles
rspoused by labor unions the world
over. K is becauso it believes that
John E. Miller is entitled to and
Hhould have the votes of all union men
and uni:in sympathizers that Thtf
Wageworker espouses his candidacy.-
No biographical sketch of Mr. Mil
ler will he undertaken at this time, for
none Is needed. He was a poor boy
with only the schooling that could be
obtained iu a country school. He be
gan working for himself when early in
bin '"teens," and embarked in business
for himself through unforseen circum
stances. He was clerking In a store,
tind his employer sought to dispose
of the sleek to the best advantage.
Mr. Miller was selected to take charge
!' the stock, and Bhowed such business
ability, that the business was continued
with himself as the managing partner.
Today he is the managing partner of
one of the largest retail stores in the
This, we believe, is sufficient upor.
this phase or the situation. And now
to the reason b why The Wageworker
urges his election through the support
of union men and union sympathisers.
For years the laoor unions have
been advocating the shorter hour
working day, and Retail Clerks' unions
have undertaken to secure decreased
hours &nd closed stores on Saturday.
The firm of Miller & Paine Is the
only -retail firjn in the city of Lincoln
(hot closes Its door on Saturday even
ings. "The question of profit or loss nev
er entered Into our Saturday night
i losing plan," said Mr. Miller to Th
Wage-worker. "Wo believed that it
was the right thing to do; that it was
tlue our employes, and that it was in
line with modern tendencies. We
huve never regretted the move, have
no intention of ever abandoning the
plan, and have never taken the trou
ble to even .try to estimate .whether
it has been profitable or otherwise. We
tire satisfied."
Certainly every union maji who is
M riving to bring about the shorter
working day should entertain a kind
ly feeling for a business man who talks
and acts like John E. Miller.
"What is your attitude toward la
bor unions T" asked The Wageworker's
"We have never had the union prob
lem squarely confronting us," replied
Mr. Miller. "Therefore what I may
nay is based merely upon observation.
I believe cot only in labor's right to
organize, but that it is labor's duty
to organize for mutual help and pro
tection. That labor organizations have
made mistakes will not, I presume, be
disputed by the most radical union
man. But all of us make mistakes,
and out of their mistakes I believe la
bor organizations are profiting."
"Would you oppose the organization
of a Retail Clerks' Union in I.lncosn?"
was ashed of Mr. Miller.
"No, indeed. On the contrary, I
would give encouragement to the
plan. Some time ago I (to not recol
lect how long I understood that a na
tional representative of that organiza
tion was in the city. I never met him,
and to my knowledge he did not con-
fer with anyone employed by this firm.
But hearing that such a movement was
tinder way I spoke to our Mr. Stickley
and told him to put no obstacles in
the way, and if any of our employes
approached him on the subject to en
courage their becoming members ot
the organization."
"Would yon encourage the organiza
tion?" asked The Wageworker repre
"I would." was the brief and Iran;;
reply msi" by Mr. Miller.
f'o much for Mr. Miller's position
on tbi union question. Certainly that
poslticn appeals to every genuine
union man.
The Wageworker's representative
went further in his investigations of
this Arm's methods of doing business
Insofar as they relate to the employes.
It found the profit sharing plan in a
modified form in operation in the big
store. Employes who show a disposi
tion to work earnestly for the firm's
interests, and evince frugality, are en
couraged to become financially inter
ested. They are allowed to invest in
the'stocJc of the corporation; and in
addition to the dividends upon their
stock have a share in the profits over
and above the dividends. Some score
or more of the employes are stock
holders, several of. them having al
ready acquired stock enough to insure
htem against want in case of sickness
or disability.
It was further found that the aver
age of wages is higher in this- house
than in any other similar retail house
in the entire west with the possible ex
ception of two or three of the moun
tain cities. There are saleswomen em
ployed by Miller & Paine who draw
from $18 to $20 a week without any
further responsibility than their abil
ity to secure and hold trade. There.
are department managers whose earn
ings as wages and dividends exceed the
salary of any Nebraska state officer.
The state laws regarding sanitary con
ditions are more than observed by Mil
ler & Paine.
"What is your position upon ths
child labor question?" Mr. Miller was
"I am opposed to child labor," was
the emphatic response. "We do not
employe any young women under eigh
teen years of age except in vacation
season, and then only because of pe
culiarly strong reasons. Even then
we draw the line at sixteen years. We
will not employ small boys and giris
as 'cash.' Sometimes we have to ap
pear heartless and cold and refuse em
ployment to children whose parents
are in need. But' we prefer to help in
another way tnau by forciug children
to work indoors at a time when they
need all the out-door life and pleasure
they can secure. But this firm wili not
employ small children under any cir
cumstances, and sixteen is the limit,
below wnich we will not go."
"Have you any regular systems of
promotion?" asked The Wageworker's
"Promotion in this store is by merit
The employe who shows ability, fidel
ity and industry ls given the prefer
ence, of course. Our greatest difficulty
is in securing permanency. So many
young women seek, employment as
clerks for the sole purpose of tiding
themselves over for a season, or pend
ing an opportunity to secure something
else. But the employe w-ho shows
promise of permanency, combined Wit!i
other qualities necessary, is given ev
ery opportunity for advancement. We
'play no' favorites' and endeavor to
reward merit."
Briefly summed up, Mr. Miller as a
business man, and as an employer of
labor believes in the following:
shorter working hours.
Better wages.
Promotion by merit.
Unionism in its true sense.
Complete observation of the labor
Profit sharing.
The employer of labor who believes
in and advocates these things is good
enough material to represent wage
earners in the legislature. The Wage
worker dcesn't care the snap of it3
linger for Mr. Miller's politics. Osten
sibly he is a democrat, in reality he
i;i a liberal. While affiliated with the
democratic party he refuses to wear a
party collar, and has perhaps voted
for as m: 'iy republicans as democrats
in the pout twenty years.
Bvt ui:i political affiliations cut no
figvi ! with The WageworKer at this
tim . His position upon the labor ques
tion does.
In view of all of these facts facts
thi t should be known to all who eat
tifad In the sweat of their faces The
".geworker presents to the wag;
earners of Lancaster county as its sole
ai.d only candidate fof the legislature,
Mr. John E. Miller, of the firm of Mil
ler & Paine.
An Interesting Communication From Cap
ital Auxiliary No. 11.
Capital Auxiliary No. 11 met witn
Mrs. Charles Simmons on October 21.
To3t of the members were present and
in interesting meeting was enjoyed.
Mesdames Bustard and Bowers, the
oresent label committee, reported thai
our label pictures have been placed,
one in a window of the Armstrong
Clothing Co. and the other at the New
Century printing office.
The ladies decided to have a
Hallowe'en party and the following
committee was appointed: Mrs. C. H.
Bowers, Mrs. C. B. Righter, Mrs.
Frank O'Uell, Mrs. W. H. Creal and
Mrs. Erstine King.
Arrangements are being made tu
celebrate that eventful day on October
31. All members of the Auxiliary
with their husbands, are expected to
bring a sheet and pillow-case and as
semble at an early hour, say 7:30 p.
m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Righter. A good time is assured and
te committee has many surprises in
store for the guests.
Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Sayer are
the visiting committee for the com
ing month. If there are any printers'
wives who are not members of this
Auxiliary and shoula receive a visit,
from these ladies, it is earnestly hoped
that they will consider, "now, the ac
cepted time," and avail themselves of
the opportunity to belong to one of
the best and most useful organizations
in existence. Until you have joined
us, you may never realize the as
sistance you will be able to give, not
only to your husband, but to the craft
at large.
It is a blessed privilege to be abl-3
to belting to an organization which is
auxiliary to the International Typo
graphical Union. The men need en
couragement and because we are the
wives of laboring men we should be
proud to realize that their brain and
brawn is the most useful capital and
must be protected most carefully.
The time is not far off when an aux
iliary to all trades will be found to be
a necessary accessory. Are you asking
for union-made goods on fevery side.
Have you studied the label pictures?
Until the time comes when there will
be a universal label, which we hope
will be so distinct in character and
construction that there will be no mis
taking it at any time, and that it will
be stamped indelibly in our very
minds, we must study these various
labels which mean, so much.
What woman is sweeping her home
with a non-union broom, a Lee broom
for instance? If you do not- know,
ask your husband why we should not
use the convict-made brooms.
When you buy your boy a suit of
clothes cr your, girl a coat or shoes,
do you insist on seeing the label? Do
not allow a peak-headed clerk to lam
poon you. Educate yourself so that, it
The Wageworker guarantess to advertisers over 1,000
actual, bona fide, paid-in-advance subscribers, nine-tenths
of whom reside in Lincoln, University Place, Havelock, Col
lege View and Bethany. The subscription books are open
to inspection by anyone who can show cause and adver
tisers come under that head.
they do not know what the label looks
like, you may be able to describe it.
There are several stores in town hand
ling a union-made starch. Monarch.
Insist on having it or ask your grocer
to send for. it.
Another good reason for joining tho
auxiliary is this: Like the printers,
their wives should have a ommon
L-ond cf sympathy and a peculiar inter
est iu each other. Nothing brings thin
result like a companionship brought
on through this medium. Personally,
we had lived in Lincoln more than
twelve years and had never known nor
even met to exceed five or six print
er's wives or mothers, until Capital
Auxiliary was organized. Now, noth
ing but death' could rob us of the
sweet affections formed and the pleas
ures enjoyed through associations-so
liberal and congenial
Capital Auxiliary meets every first
and third Friday in the monh. The
initiation fee is fifty cents and dues
per quarter, twenty-five cents. We
were pleased to have Mrs. Erstine
King with us again after an absence of
nearly two months, visiting iu Mis
souri. Twenty-five of the ladies had
their pictures "took" for Mr. Leaden'3
labor directory and most of the ladies
will buy one or more of the' pictures
for keepsakes. The Auxiliary bought
a couple to be sent to our international
president and secretary. Come and
"jine" us.
A Wondrous and Awe-Inspiring Product
of Nature, Found Only in California.
California's attractions are mostly
of its own kind, peculiar to the state,
and of none Is this so emphatically
true as that unique product the Big
Trees. The ige of these colossi is from
1,500 to 2,000 years. The Mariposa
Grove, which can be visited while en
route to the Yosemite, contains some
of the largest. In the Calaveras Grove
are from ninety to one hundred of
huge size. Near Santa Cruz is a beau
tiful grove of redwood Big Trees which
will well employ a day's visit. These
can be best reached by the Union Pa
cific whose fast trains from Missouri
river reach California 1G hours aheal
of all competitors.
Pamphlets and maps describing the
wonders of California, and full infor
mation about the most comfortable and
direct route to the Pacific Coast, can
be obtained of '
Gen. Agent.
Two Burlington Men Killed In a Unique
rtoaa Disaster.
Engineer John E. Parkinson and
ilreman Charles E. Lasher of the
Burlington are dead as the result of a
horrible and unique accident that befell
them Thursday between Aurora and
Phillips. In the thick of a heavy fog
the engine struck an oil wagon, and
the heat of the engine exploded a large
quantity of gasoline. The blazing
fluid was thrown in torrents all over
the train, and especially upon the en
ginel Engineer Parkinson saw the
wagon in time to reverse the engine,
but not in time to avoid hitting it.
The train stopped a . short distance
from the scene of the collision, and
the frightened passengers poured from
the, train. The predicament of the en
gineer and fireman was not noticed
for" several moments, and by that time
Lasher was dead. Parkinson was re
moved to Aurora, but died later in tn?
day. j-
Why the Wageworker Comes Out Slim at
This Particular Time.
If The Wageworker is not up to the
standard this week it is because the
editor and the business manager were
gallivanting around St. Louis early in
the week. They left Monday evening
as the guests of Governor Mickey and
party, who went to- St. 'Louis to par
ticipate in the Nebraska Day festivi
ties, and returned Thursday evening.
If any of The Wageworker's readers
have undergone a season of festivity
under similar circumstances they will
understand wny ihe Wageworker's
staff is feeling unable to do any par-
ticular amount of hustling. Banquets,
tally-ho rides, invitations to, visit con-
cesions, an attempt to cover 1,200 acres
of exhibits and about 1,200 miles oi
travel, all crowded into three days and
three nights is enough to take the
starch out of any but the most sea
soned veterans and- The Wageworker
staff is yet young and unaccustomed to
so much gaiety. Is the excuse good?
The Herpolsheimer Store Secures the Ser
vices of An Expert.
Robert Herpolsheimer has taken
charge of the advertising department
of the firm of H. Herpolsheimer &. Co.,
succeeding Mr. Lee, who has gone to
Kansas City. Mr. Herpolsheimer has
made an especial study of the science
of advertising, and already hfs 'work-is
attracting attention throughout this
section of thee ountry. . He believes in
systematic and thorough advertising,
gnd is following well devised plans
that arc sure to increase the trade of
the popular store "with which he is
Cigar-makers Strike Against a Reduction
in Already Low Wages.
Union cigarmakers employed by Un
derwood Bros, at Beatrice went on
strike last week against a reduction in
wages. Underwood Bros, announced
that they could not pay the scale and
that hereafter they would conduct an
"open shop." A committee from the
Lincoln union, under which jurisdic
tion the Beatrice members work, went
down to see if the matter could be
amicably adjusted. No agreement was
reached, however." One man returned
to work and was promptly find $75 by
the union.
Some General
Labor Notes
The meeting of the Central Labor
Union last Tuesday evening was un
usually interesting, several matters of
importance calling out all the fight
ing qualities of the members.
After a fiery discussion J. E. Mickel
was elected delegate to the national
convention of the American Federation
of Labor without instructions. T. C.
Kelsey .was elected alternate. Tha
committee on public entertainment
submitted , a report which was ac
cepted, and the matter of making com
plete arrangements referred to the
committee. The plan is to give a pub
lic entertainment for the purpose of
raising money to defray the expenses
of the national delegate. The Wage
worker will contain full details next
week, together with the program, and
promises that the entertainment will
be worth the patronage of every union
man and woman, in the city.
The matter of holding the labor fair
is still "in the air," owing to the dif
ficulty in securing adequate quarters.
The rooms first selected can not be se
cured, and there is some hitch about
the Auditorium. The committee will
make final report at the next meet
Have Your Laundry Work Do,ne by Union
Laundry Workers.
If union men and women in Lincoln
want their laundry work done by union
laundry workers, they now have that
opportunity and should lose no time
getting into' the union game.
Pending the establishment of ' a
union laundry in Lincoln, the Lincoln
Union Laundry company will have its
work done by union laundry workers
in Omaha. This, however, will be tem
porary, for it is the intention of the
company to put in a plant of its own
at an early date. Mr. J. W. Lower is
the manager of the new company, and
an office has been" opened ' at : 123T O
street, where laundry orders should be
left. Good work and complete satis
faction is guaranteed.
The Lincoln Union Laundry com
pany has already one wagon in the
field, and the patronage shows such
signs of growth that arrangements
have been made for another, the first
of the month.
As a reason why union men and
union sympathizers' should encourage
this new enterprise a little history is
Less than two months ago Labor
Day was observed in this city. On that
day the non-union laundries of this
city and they are all non-union ran
at full blast the usual hours, not even
closing down to permit the employes
to participate in or watch the parade.
The laundry managers have opposed
the organization of the laundry work
ers, and there is evidence to support
the statement that certain of the em
ployers were primarily Responsible fo:
the early collapse of the union or1
ganized some years ago.
Hundreds of Lincoln people have
reason to believe that there is a laun
dry trust in the city.
Wages paid by Lincoln laundries are
ridiculously low. A case in point will
illustrate this. One girl employed in
a Lincoln laundry recently worked
more than 70 hours In one week. For
this she received -the munificent wage
of $7. Th laundry collected upwards
of ?80 for the work this girl performed.
The laundry workers who will do the
laundry collected by the Lincoln Union
Laundry company work a 9-hour -day
and receive 33 1-3 per cent for over
time. They average over $S a week for
their nine hours a day. They are all
members of the International Union of
Shirt, . Waist and Laundry Workers.
Every laundry list sent out by the Lin
coln Union Laundry company will bear
the union's label. Every member of
the new company is a union man.
These are some of the reasons why
union men should give their patronage
to the new company.
Q o
O The union is the only instrument Q
O that the laborer has for enforcing O
O a division of the fund given to the Q
O employer in trust and now the em- O
O ployers have organized to destroy O
O the union. William J. Brvnn r
Socialist Leader Arranges For An Open
Meeting Sunday Evening.
On Sunday evening next Mr. J. O:
L. Wisely will conduct an open meet
ing at C. L. U. hall, and invites all
workingmen to be present and join in
a free and full discussion of the issues
of the day. Mr. Wisely will address
the gathering, and stands ready .to
answer any questions that may be pro
pounded in good faith. An invitation
iti extended to every workingman and
working woman in the city to be pres
ent, and to bring their friends.
The New Union Will Hold Its First Meet
ing in November.
The Cooks and Waiters have organ
ized again, and will hold the first meet
ing under the new charter on the first
Wednesday in November. The union
starts off with a good membership, and
with the experience of the past as a
guide will doubtless develop Into one
of the strong and conservative locate
of the city.
Special Meeting Called to Discuss Several
Questions of Moment.
A special meeting of the Hod Car
riers and Building Laborers on tbj
evening of November 1. The meeting
will be held at the regular meeting
place, Marshall's hall, . 829 O street.
Every member is urged to be present
and take part in the discussion of tho
important questions that will be pre
sented at that time.
Lincoln Union Laundry Co., 1234 O
street. ,
For Union Made S'hoes go to Rogers
& Perkins. (
Have your work done by the Lin
coln Union Laundry company.
Street and Pattern Hats, from 1
up, Sadie Puckett, 124 South 12th. '
Get ready tor the C. L. U. enter
tainment. Full particulars next week.
Mrs. F. C. Greenley .has been quite
ill for some time, trtitris "reported much -better.
Ladies' own mr.terial made over on
new shapes. Reasonable prices. Sadie
Puckett, 124 South 12th.
We have a large stock of Union
Made Shoes and we want your trade.
iiogers Ac Perkins Co.
When you have any news tna'. will
interest union men and wonicn. call
autophone 2277 and tell it.
Bert Fredericks is visiting in town.
He is employed on the New Orleans
Item, and has a "stiddy job."
If you think best to buy a suit this
fall, visit Paine's Clothing House
"A good place to buy good clothes."
Union engineers in the Illinois coal
mines have been locked out and as a
result a general strike may take place.
Have you noted the Lincoln Star's
"Presidential Dot Contest?" If not,
get next to it. There's money in it for
H. W. McQuittie is raising a mus
tache. This is a news item. You'd
never know it by looking at "Mac's '
upper lip.
'' Ted O'Shea is back after an ex
tended tour of the west and has. de
cided that henceforth Lincoln will be
his domicle.
Fresh Eureka (Ark.) Hard Coal for
base burners, $9. Lasts as long as
Pennsylvania hard coal and is just as
hot, Ed F. Reddish.
Fred Schmidt & Bro. have a new
advertisement in this issue. It will
pay you to read it and then take ad
vantage of some of the bargains of
fered. Peabody carries an armed guard with
him on his stumping , tours. He neei
not be afraid. It's his crowd that does
air the woman beating, and Peabody is
not a man.
It's a cinch this time Jess Micknl
has found his cocker spaniel, "Nigger.''
This is the fourth time he has .-been
found, but the other three times it
wasn't "Nigger."
Charley Bowen's patrons declare that
since he came back from Louisville he
talks with a southern accent and in-
taists on quoting speed records and
blue grass statistics.
A Wisconsin farmer relates that he
was attacked by eighteen rattlesnakes
and that he killed them all with a
small cane. He ought to drink union
made liquor and cut out the "dope."
Sam Best, secretary-treasurer of the
Teamsters, says that his union has
taken in more new members in the
past sixty days than any other union
tn the city. And Sam was on the
ateo wagon when he said it.