TIIK ATLANTIC MONTHLY. nm.i.irs, D'tto HOST O N, SAMPSON & CD'S M A S S. ITS AIM WILL BE Fisti In Literatme. in lv no province unrepresented, so that while null lumber will contain article of an abstract and p.-rmanenl value. It will also be found that th healthy appetite of the mind for entertainment In it various form of Narrative, Wit, and Humor, will not (ro uncared for. 'I'll publisher wish toiav, also, that while native wilier will re ceive the most olid encouragement, and will be mainly relied on to nil the pages of the Atlantic, they will not hesitate to draw from (he foreiirii srourcc at their command, mm occasion in.iv re oiiir. reiving rather on the competency of an author to treat particular ubject, than on any other claim whatever. In till way tliev hope tn make tlieir Periodi cal welcome wlierever me iMigusu longue is spoken or rend. Skcovd i In the term AnT they inlend to in elude the whole domain of aesthtis, and Iioue eraduallv to make tl.is critical dedart menr a true and fearless representative or Art In all It various branches, without any regard to prejudice, whether personal or national, or t private considerations of what kind oeyer. Tmant In Politics, the Atlantic will be the organ of no partv clique, but will honestly endeavor to be tho exponent ol' what its con ductor believe to be the American Idea It will deal franklv with persons and with part lea, endeavorsngtokeep in view that moral el ement which transcends all persons ami par tie and which alone make the basis of a true ami lasting nntionnl prosperity. It will not rank Itself with any sect of antiks, but with that body of men which are In favor of Freedom, National Progress, and Honor, whether nuhlic or private A an earnest of the material at (heir com mand, they subjoin the following list of litera ry person interested In their enterprise wish ing it however to be distinctly understood, that thev shall hope for support from every kind of ablllity which desires the avenue of their columns, and in the renumrration of which they shall be guided purely by their ens of Intrinsic merit : William II. Prescoit. Ralph Waldo Finer son, Win C Bryant, Henry W. Longfellow, Rev. F. H. Hedge, 1). I). Nathaniel Haw thorn, John O Whlttler, Oliver Wendell Holmes, James R. Lowell, .T. Lothrop Mot ley, George Win. Curtis. Herman Melville, Proff. C. C. Felton, Proff. F. J. Child, E. P Whipple, F.dm(md Quincy, Author of Wn aley. " Thomas W. Parsons, .1. T. Trow bridge. Author of " Neighbor Jackwood " fcc. Mrs" II. Reecher Stowe, Mrs. tiaskill, Au thor of "Ruth" Mary Burton" Ac. Mrs. L. Maria Child, Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. Mrs. Pike, Author of Ida May." "Cast. "Ac. Miss. Rose Terrv. Wiklie Collins Author of "The Dead Secret", A.C O. Ruffmi Author of "Doctor Antonio" &.c. Shirley Brooks Au thor of " Aspen Court" K. M. Whitty, Author of "Poll; lea I Portrai's " Ac. Jame llanney Author of " Singleton Fontenoy " &e. C. W. Philleo Anther of 't Twice Married. " The Publisher will aim to have each num ber of the magain ready in time for distribu tion and aalc, in the more remote part oi the country, on or before the first day of each h for which it is intended. TERM1. The Atlantic Monthly can t,. ba,l nP Booksellers. P nodical Agents, or from the Publishers, at Three Dollars a year or Twentv-tive Cents a Number. Subscriber remitting three dollurs In ad vance. will receive the work for one year, nir xto. in any part of the I'nited States within 3IHKI miles- K liheral discount made to wholesale deal ers and to post-masters and others w ho act as rents, to whom specimen numbers will be fiirniatieit without chars. The Publishers will not be responsible for ontracts made bv agents. All persons or dering through that medium must look to them for their supply All communication for the Atlantic must be addressed to the Publishers. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES; Or, Tho Forger Convicted. txf Do you umh( h'tvut Sure VrrvmUvt f(ii'n.v Cuiiulrrfi iliirr lliuli VuV I IlKAIM IIKAIM! JIKAI)!!! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! JOHN 8. DYE is the Anchor, and the Rank Note engravers nil sav that he is the greatest judge of paper money living. CHEAPER THAN Till. CHCAPLSI ! BETTER THAN THE REST) Published weekly. The whole only One Dollar a Year. GREATEST DISCOVERY of the present century for detecting counterfeit Rank Notes; describing every genuine bill In existence, and exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in cir dilation. Arranged so admirably that refer ence Is easy and detection Instantaneous. No pages to hunt up, but so simplified and arranged Hint the merchant, banker and business man can see all at a glance. It has taken years to make perfect this (IRE AT DISCOVERY. The urgent neces sity for such a work has long been felt by commercial men. It lias been published to supply the call for such a preventive, and needs but to be known to be universally patronized. It does more than has ever been attempted by man. It desennes every naTiK nine in mrec different languages English. French. and Ger man. Thus each may read the same in his own native tongue. Tbrms. The p ipr will be about 2S by 42 Inches, and will contain the most perfect Rank Note List published, together with the rate of discount. Also a list of all the private Rank ers in America. A complete summary of the Finances of Europe ami America will be published in each edition, together with all the important news of tliedav. Also 1NTERESTIFO STORIES from an bid manuscript found in the East, and ns where else to be found. It has never yet appeared in print, and furnishes the most com plete history or Oriental Life, and describing the most iiernlexinir positions in which the Ladies and gentlemen of that country have iron often found. 1 hese slot Its win con tinue throughout me wnoie year, aim win rove the most entertaining ever oiiored to ine I r r urmsneu wccKiy io iitomuti ...... at $1 a year. All letters must De auuresscu to juil ?. li I r., nromT, Publisher and Proprietor, 3mT 70 Wall Street, New York. CIRCULAR. at esta'.e TO Til LAND OrriCESS IN THK TERRITORIES Or MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. EY joint resolution of Congress, approved Msrch. l'Vf, valid pre-emption claims on the Pith and 3uth sectinns.herctofor reserved f or schools. In the Territories of Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, will be recognized WHERE THE SETTLEMENT HAS 1IEIN, OR MAY K MUM PRIOR TO THK SURVEY. 1st. Ii cases where the approved plat of urvev ha not yet been returned, the declara tory statement must be filed within three MONTH AFTER THE RECEIPT Of SUCH AP HMrn f.T AT THE DISTRICT OVriCE. id. Where the pUt is now in the Register's Office, the declaratien must be filed within three months from the r r publication or THI CIRCULAR IN YOUR PISTMCT. A failure to comply with this requirement, will wort a forfeiture of the claim. THOS. A. HENDRICKS, n 30-Svr Commissioner. p. A. SARPY, Wholesale & Retail Merchant, IKNtH or MAIN AND li REGOUY STREETS, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sal, a large assortment of selected mercliaiulise adapted to the .vants of all in this new and thriving community, which he can sell ascheap as can be offered elsewhere so ntgn upon uie Missouri river. His goods have been selected by an experienced purchaser, witn special reference to the circumstances and wants of all classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all can be supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His stock consists of the following, among a great many other articles he cannot now enu merate : Among ins Dry Cootls, May be found Woolen and Satinet Ctoths, Cassinets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, l.mseys, Flannel, Red, White, Cray and nine, iavpian Plaid', Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Shirtings, Pleached and Unbleached, Rlue and White, Drillings, Osnaburg, Red-Ticking, Hickory Checks, &.C., &c. Taney Goods. A beautiful assortment of fancy priuts of every variety of st vie and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alpacca, Rombazines, Rom bayetts. Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, &C, tc. f'.otWnR. A well selected stock or Summer, t an ana Winter Clothing, consisting In part of fine Dress Coats, Pants and Vests j also, good Slimmer CloUiiii-' of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Soeks, &.C. Mens' and Roys' Hats and Caps, of va rinm f-mliions. oualitie and prices. Roots fc Shoes, thick and thin, polished ami unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, and Children' use. Grorcrirs. Crushed. Clarified, Loaf and Rrown F-ugsr, NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES !! New Ever) thing, at the Old Stand of SARPY fc. ENGLISH. EDWARD C. LOSEYSIIELL It A3 the honor lo Inform the people of tbe Southern District of Dough and the adjoin-j ing couiiti ", Nebrasica, that he is now open tug one of the largest Stocks or GOODS ever brought to Glenwood, Mills county, Iowa, eonsisl ing of DRY GOODS, (;i!OCi.K!l., HARDWARE, ROOTS A. SHOES, HATS ft. CAPS, (Jl'KI'.NSVVARE, NAILS. LEATHER, CORDAGE, IRON, OILS. PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, WOOD AND WILLOW WRE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CARPEN'I ERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ic. And everything that may be found generally In city stores, all of w hich he will sell ciiKAP roii cash. rjT ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taKen in exchunge for Goods. Huy ers from town or country wishing good and cheap Goods, either t wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examining his sIock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find good bargains and fair dealing. Glenwood, Iowa. no 4-tf L. Nuckolls & Co. BANKERS & LAND AGENTS, GLENWOOD, IOWA. Collections made In Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and remitted at current rates of ex change, free of charge. Loans effected for foreign Capitalists Wesiern Rates of lutvresl, on real security. Farms, Town Lots and Unimproved Lands bought and sold. Taxes paid in any County in the State alo in Nebraska and Kansas. Notes bought and Money loaned on good security. Interest paid on Special Deposits. Land Warrant bought and sold. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lands for settlers or distant dealers, either with Land Warrants or money, in Iowa, Nebraska or Kansas. We chaige Ten Dollars per One Hundred and Sixty Acres, and make reasonable deduc tions, when entering large Quantities. When Land Warrants aru sent, Two and a Half Cent per Acre, the Land Ollice Fee, must accompany the locating Fee. When Warrants are sent, the No's of War rants, date, to whom issued and assigned, should be copied and retained, to guard against loss in mails. Remittances to us. can be made l:i Drafts on any of the Eastern or Soutern Cities. 11. ...Ill A T a i.il u'ilti U'arrjlnlinr Pah. ,,C llll ..."IIV. ...vi. ........ pay all Fees. Taxes and Commissions, for one third of the gross profits, accruiifg from the sule of the Land all expenses to come out of our third of the profits. Our arrangements are such that we can enter Lands in all the Office in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. A competent aurveyer always in readiness to find and select choice Lands, Coa Fields, Rock Quarhies, Mill Sites, Minlual Tracts. ft-r. Within the next twelve months there will be offered for sale in Nebraska and Kansas. Two and a Half Million Acres of Land, compris ing the best portions of those Territories, and extending along the Missouri River, from the .Mouth of Kansas River or the line or the State of Missouri, to the Mou'.h of L-cau-ipii-cour River. We solicit foreign Capitol for investment. Investments properly made in Western Lauds and Town Lots, are now paying from twenty-five to four hundred per cent. We believe that persons patronizing our firm will have peculiar advantages over al most any oth-r in this Country. We were among the first Tioneer of this vast and growing country and are intimately acquainted with nearly every portion of Western Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and believe we will be able to render satisfaction in all business en- ' trusted to us. LETTERS OF INQUIRY WILL BE PROMTLY ANSWERED. REFERENCES: John Thompson; Hope, Giaydon &. Co., New YorK City ; Wood, Ba con Sl Co., Philadelphia ; Straight, Demiug Si Co.. Cincinnati. Darby & Rarksdale; Humph reys, Tntt &. Terry i Crow, McCreery i. Co, St. Louis : Isaacs & Almond, Leavenworth City, Kansas; Greene, Wearc fc. Heritor, Council Rluffs, Iowa; Henn, Williams & Co., Fairfield, Iowa ; Charles llcmlrie, Rurling'on, Iowa: Hon. Aug. Hall. Keosauoue. loa; VALLEY FARMER FOR IMS VOL. 10. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. PEVOTKP TO Western Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechan ics, Education, Literature. Market, atid General News. r.niTEn bv N. J. COLMAN, JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Corres'ind Editor ASMSTEP BV Over Five Hundred Practical Farmers and Mechanics, who have lierelofore written, anil will continue, with many others, to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public. The "Prairie Farmer" is devoted to the In terest of the Western Farmer and Mechanic. It is the Oldest Agricultural Paper in the West is published wtekly in quarto form, for binding is characterised by a high moral lone labois lo promote the interests and ad vancement of the whole of the family, Bnd to develop the Agricultural Resonrces of the West A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to give accurate Market Reports weekly. 'It ia essentially the family paper for the West. 1 copy, 1 year, $1 in advance, or $1.50 at the end of the vear. 10 copies, 1 year, $!.00 free copy to the person sending ciub. "0 copies, 1 year, $15 00 free copy to the person sending club. 50 copies, 1 year, $35.00 free copy to the person sending ciub. V" A" olfi subscriber sending ten new ones, or $S, will receive one copy one year. tV" Subscriptions at the club rates must be paid invariably in advance. i7 Subscribe now. You want and need "The Farmer." We want you to have it. (5V Current money may be sent by mail at our risk, provided the' letters are "registered." grfTA ddress "Valley Farmer," office cor ner Chestnut and 2d streets, St Louis, Mo. rv?" Advertisements, of an appropriate character, inserted at ten cents per line each insertion payment in advance. GODEY'S GREATEST EFFORT. STILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS Will be offered in GODEY'S L ADY'S BOOK FOR 1858. This work lias been the standard for twenty seven vears. When an imitation has bcn at tempted it has failed. It is THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK PUBLISHED IN AMERICA. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, For 1858. fpHE Cheapest Family Newspaper In the L West! The Weekly Plain Dealer will commence its Seventeenth Volume on the 1st of January, lKa. It will continue th. same Independent, Jocose, Fearless, Figh ing Jour nal it has ever been, Dealing Plainly but kind ly with all. It will battle for the Constitu tion and the Union, as "the woild' best trea sure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion ism in every form, and battie Dis-iiuiou in every disguise. Of its vigilance as a Sentinel upon the watch-tower of Liberty, it is suffi cient to say. that it has never yet been found napping at its post. THE NEW VOLUME AND THE NEW YEAR! The New Volume will commence with a New Year, big with important events. A new leaf in the history or this Republic will be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new i'resmetit anil Vice j'resKietit. uuring llie coming year, the policy of the New Adminis tration w ill be fully unveiled in regard to the following Important and exciting National topics : The Final Settlement of the Kansas Difficulty, on which the whole Slavery ques tion in the Territories is pending The Final '58. Stason Arrangement. or THI NEW MISSOURI RIVER STEAMER SIOUX CITY. Regular St. Louis, Council Bluffi Omaha City. Sioux City, and Iowa Point Packet for Sioux City, Omadi, Seargent's Huff De' catur, DeSolo, Florence, Omaha City, Coun Rluffs, Ilellevue, St. Marys, Wjoiriii gCitT Nebraska City, Linden, Brownville, Rock Port, White Cloud, Forest City, Oregon Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Josep'h, etc. ' rpiIE entirely pew. very light draught, and X superb freight and passenger steamer SIOUX CITY. Raker, Master, i.a com menced running as a regular packet to the above and all intermediate points, continuing in the trade during the season. The Sioux City, as her name implies, waj built expressly lor a Sioux City paeket, under the especial supervision of Captain Baker who, in her construction, has spared neither trouble nor expense to make her a No. 1 Mis souri River steamer, and one in all respect most admirahy adapted to the want of the river. She will be found, a regard capacity for business as well as the superiority of her innri(;ri ottulll mud d l JU IIS, lllicnor 10 ho Settlement of the Central American Onestion. I "oat in the trade, and a such Cant. Balr.r taice mucn pleasure in preset ting lier to the favorable consideration of his frie.-.d and acquaintances, and the public generally, hop. ing to receive at their hands a continuance of that generous patronage for which he la tn.. debted during a series of years, while in com mand of different boats in the river. Shippers mayrely upon having their freight handled with the greatest care and dispstih and passengers are assured upon th Sioux City, of being made to feel always quit at home. 21 II. T. Clarke t Bro., NF.VV FEATURES FOR 18M ; How to dr.-ss with Taste. Children's Clothes How to cut and contrive thw. Painting on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing in all its variety, useful to the be ginner and the proficient. Fashions from the establishment of the cel ebrated "Brodie," w ill be in every number. Every-day Actualities A new series of these illustrated articles will be given. Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lace of every variety. A specimen of the stitch to be used In each w ill be given. In addition to the above, . , One Hundred Tages of Reading will be given monthly. Godey's Splendid Engravings on steel. London, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Godey's four figured Colored Fashions. Embroidery Patterns, Model Cottages, Dress Making with Diagrams to cut by. Dress Patterns Infants' and Children's dresses, with descriptions how to make them. All kin Is of Crotchet and Netting work. The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often be given. GODEY as against the claims cf England Our RigS.t or I ransit Across the Isthmus, ami the recog nition and matntainance of the Walker Re public in Nicaragua The Diiniih Sound Dues The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, w ith or w ithout Poly gamy Admission of Kansas, with or without Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska and Washington Territories The Inaugural Message of James Buchanan The Doings of the New Democratic Congress. These are some of the leading events which will distin guish the incoming Administration, and most of them will transpire during the coining year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Cleveland, from its central location, and from its great concentration of Rail Roads. Telegraphs, and water communication with the world, is admitted to be th Best News Toint in the West. It can furnish intelligence from all parts of the world, days ahead of the New York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, be longing to the New York Associated Press, is the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic Market. News. Disasters upon the Lakes, and Commercial Intelligence generally. It will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches I'rom Washington during the Session of Congress, and has icguinr Correspondents ia all the principal cities of the Union. In addition to a full aud faithful record of passing events, we intend to devote a consid erable portion of our paper to "Polite Litera ture." Every Paper will contain a Story, Agents. 1858. Regular Season Arrange rarnt. 1858. St. Louis and Sioux City River Packet. For Lexington, Kansas, Leavenworth City, Weston, Atchison, Doniphan. St. Joseph. Iowa Point Forest City, White Cloud, Brownsville, Linden. Nebraska City.Platts inouth, St. Mary's, Bellevue, OmahaCoun cil Bluffs, Decatur, Blackbird, Omadi", Sear gents Bluff, Dakota, Sioux City, Florence, Pacific City, Covington. Logan, St. Johns, Concord, Kiobrarah and Fort Randall. THE well known light draught freight and unexceptionable Passenger Steamer OMAITA, has now resumed her trips in the above trade, (and all intermediate point on th Missouri river.) and will continue them with her usual regularity thro' the w hole sea son. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be- stowed upon the Omaha the past, season, wt either original or selected, accompanied with trust, bv strict attention to business, the i the choicest variety of Miscellany, surh as l'oetry, Discoveries, Biographies, Jokes, t.M j ditii s, ,t f., A c., making altogether one of the I most Valuable Family Journals in the West! ! ''Prompt to improve and to invite, I We'll blend instruction with delight." ! Our Agricultural, Commercial, and I Telegraphic Departments, will each be woi'.h the subscription price of the paper. llie Jingliton, isew York, lialtimore.cieve wants of hhippers, und comforts of passeii- grrs, to merit a conMuurtrtce of th same. ANDRE W WIN KL AND, Mas'er. J. J. WILCOX, Clerk, H. T. Clarke Sc. Bro., Agents CI '38. SlllSOX AK'UM.I'MlM. '58. Regular St Louis and Sioux City Mnsourl River Packet. land and Cincinnati Markets will be reported ' For Lexinjton, Kansas, Leavenworth City, weekly. TERMS : Single Subscribers, Clubs of Ten (lo one Office),... Clubs of Twenty (to one O.Tice), Clubs or ntrv, . $7.00 . 1.50 . 1.25 . 1.00 Pay invariably in acvance. To the getter, up or a ( Pin. one copy griiti". V Post-Masters nr? especially requested , ties, Bellevue, Nebraska. Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa. ROAD NOTICES. TERRITORY Or NEBRASKA SARPY COUNTY. NOTICE Is hereby giver-, that te Conntv Commissioners' of Sarpv rounly, will meet on Mondiv.Mav Kth, IS.A'nt t o'clock A M i ii tbe'hoiise of Bernhart Mvers, to and locate. a road In answertoa Petition to commence at a point near the residence of sil JWuhart Mvers. where th road from li.ll.vi,.. intersect the Territorial road lead trig from Omaha, in Dougla county, to Cedar Island In Sarpy county, thence to a point near th residence fW. T. Whi'.tington, thenc to th residence of 11. II. Smilh, thence near h reiiidsnce of George Swevil , to the most nrartieal rout to Fairview. Said Commis loners will meet in th evening of th same Iav. at ! o'clook at Brnhart Mvers to hear rested in locatinB aaid road. Oa the following day, Mar Hth, 15, at 9 o'clock A. M. ; said Commissioner will meet t Pnilander Cook' near Platte River, to view and locate rod, pioposed in Petition to run from La PUtte, abvug the Platte River bottom, uext the bluff by Carlile', H. II. Smith, and north of 8ivei' to the S- E.eor lier of S In, Township 13, Range li, E. of thaoih principal meridian. The Commission er wil mt in ill evening or uie .une uji at tn hear D.r'ies uitertstert in 'id road On Thurd.iy, May 13lh, ls:.S, the County Commissioner of Sarpy county, will meet at cReubn Lovejoy' at V o'clock A. M. to view eand Icate a road, to commence at a point on th welt line of the bellovu Mission claim, thsnce north-west b the mot direct and prractlca' route, bv wav of th forks of the fir Pappillion and West pappilllon creeks, to Hiiieltont thence to th north line of tsid ounty, at a point on th north aid of Sec 13, Town.bipU, Rang 11. )uty etnmiionre will then mel at lieu ben Lovejoy'. iu Bellevue, in the evening of th lime dy at 5 o'clock, to hear parlies in terested. , . ' By order of the County Commissioner. ' STEPHEN D. BANGS, Te'.Uvie, April Mi, 1S6" C rinr rie,k. tf Liases. Superior Tea, R.o and Java ( -offes-a ras, I Wytheville, Va ; Ginger, Pepper, loves, Sp.ce C nna nn , ylWlXW Va. , Hon. F. F ground linger, t iu-., , , Cigars, pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, fcc, fcc. Provisions. A large assortment of Flour, of, various qualities and prices; Corn Meal and all the various products of the Farin and Garden; .... i , . , . Tl . - . U Bacon, Hsn, Kim uriea ippies, intmi, Currants, Raisins, fee. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking and tating rooms, Stove-pipe and Elhows, largi and small Iron Kettles, r rying ran, Mcuieis Hand-Irons, Shovels an.l longues, Manure.inl Hav Forks, Scvthes. Shovels and Spades, Lo an4 Trace Chains. Axes. Hammers, Pincers, Iron and Steel, Nails, Moise-itasps, rues,; Knhes and Forks. Pocket Kniies, Ra. , .r. n, im. and Screw s. Door Handles. Knob. 1 ChildV " ' i Lock. &.c, &.C. Tinwarf. A general assortment kept for honsehok purposes. Wood ware. Wash-tubs, Shaker Pails, Wood and Zinc Wasnboards. Leather. Sole Leather. Harness Leather. Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf Skin, Lining and Morocco, Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Lariats, Circingles, Belly-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Back strap, Girths, Blind-bridle, 4.C, iU.. Modlrlncs. A general assortment of Medicines, for Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the common eomnlaint the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappenytou', Iragg' and Jaynes' Pills, Qul- Josenh, Mo, lion. 1' Hon. A. McFnllen, ergusox, CUier Jus- 2l-tf. W. H. STARK & CO., Wc iM respectfully inform the ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand and are manufacturing a complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted; compri sing the following, vu: Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Gaiters. Kid Bootees and Congress Gaiter. " " Slippers and Parodi Pies. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootees. Misses " " " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. Pegged " ' Fine Frerjch or Pump Boots. ' Water Proof and QuilLed-Bottom T xts " Patent Calf Boots. Oxford Ties ami Gaiters. " Kin and Calf Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots and Brogans. All of which are made of the best material th market affords. Our facilities for select ing are unsurpassed in Eastern ritie.s, and we wish it distinctly understood mat we Warrant Every Article Wo Sell, We have the best of workmen in our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable fit. Kesnectrunv, no 13-tf W. 11. STARK 4. CO S -INVALUABLE RECIPES VTOH EVERV SUBJECT. MUSIC Three dollars' worth is given every year. In tlie various numbers for 1S5S, will lit found the newest designs for Window Curtains, Broderic Anglais Slippers, Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, Evening Dresses, Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing, Robes d Cramble, Car riage Dresses, Brides' Dress es, Wreaths, Mantillas, Walking Dresses, Billing Habits, and Morning Dresses. Dresses for Infants and Voting Misses, Boys' Dresses, Capes and Cloaks of Fur in season, Patterns lor ieeui-woric or an kinds and patterns to cut cresses by are given monthly. Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip pers in Colors. jJrawmg J.essons lor ion:n. Send in your orders soon, rs we expect our list for 1S57 will reach 1011,000 copies. The lies plan of subscribing i to send your money direct to the publisher. Those who tend large amounts had better send drafts, but note will answer if drafts cannot be procured. We think we can show how much cheaper it is to take the Lady's Book at Three Dol lars than any other magazine at Two Dollars. We will take a late number or lioin. llie Two Dollar Magazine contained 36 article, the Lady's Book '. The Two'Dollar Magazine contained 32 en gravings, the Lady' Book 5l. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 64 pa ges, the Lady's Book 100. Twenty-four more engravings, twenty six more article, and thiity-six more pages, nearly double the quantity. Tlie lowest club Weston, Atrhition, St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point, Linden, Nebraska City, Belle vue. Council Bluffs, Omaha, Florence, De foto, Omadi and Sioux City. . rw"K rjMIE new, light draught and LA?fft;y -L elegant passenger Steamer tSSsaSSTSrE. A. OGDEN, Wm. Thomp- I sov, Master, will, on the opening of naviga tion, commence running as a regular packet to act as Ac-ents. Thev sluuld in every case, ! to the above and mti rmediate points, lbs where possible. Kubstitii'e Ywvtrrn Demo-j OGDEN is furnished with all the modern cratic Tapers for Ea.s'crn Fuio:i Papers. I improvements for the Missouri river trade, Those desiritig the President's Message and ai.d every convenience for the comfort and n'ber Pid.lie tWinn-nts. rxn subscribe row. ' sfe transportation of pRRscrgi-rs, and her or at nnv time before the first of December. : officers respectfully solicit a share of busi I Cf S.ibsoribeis to the Now Volume should licss, and feeling confident from their past seiid'in their names ns early as the middle of , experience and knowledge of the wants of December, so that they m;iy be registered In . both passengers and shippers, that they shall I tin,. f,.r Hie first ..i r.il.er funds rechcd '. be able to render entire satisfaction 10 lhoBS at current rares, nnd if legtslernl, inai'ed ei i our risk. Address 5 o'clock at the hous of Philander Ceok, assortment of l-arininj Tool.. i Ine, Tonics, ai.H various kinds of Stimulants, Anodynes, Liniments, and other article neces sary for the sick and th Invalid. l-tf FARMERS KEIU: JOHN P. HORN It CO.,n-arthe Printing Office, Bellevue, hv on hand shovels. Hoe, Spades, For, names, ana a general sorlmentor r arming iouib. ,u .no i. 'uly, 15. 1SN7. "IwM GLENWOOD HOTEL, BY Cornf r of Locust and f oo!f dse Streets, UIXXWOOU, I(MVA. notblDjr (lotblnsl Clothing! LARGE STOCK OF READY MADE i Clothing of the latest Fashion, at CLEARWATER. WHITE SANDERS. Jm. 1th, 1S57. nil. Greene, Weare & Benton, 1 ANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE lJ ahd Land Agents, Council Bluffs, Iowa Notes aid Bills collected and remitted to any part of the United State. Money received on denosit. and interest allowed, l.astern or Southern Drafts furnished in sums to suit pur rhdser. Land Office fund paid for Currency or bills tf Exchange. Loan effected on good ecuritv. Tax naid. titles examined, and Ileal Estate bought and sold on Commission Land entered for eettler and time given for payment. Ollice opposite the Pacific House In west lower room or 1-and wince. REvr.rrEs: F. S. Jesup k. Co.: W. Barney A Co., Hankers. Dubuque, Iowa ; Cook & Sargent, Hankers, Davenport, lowa ; nil berton A Reno, Bankers, lowa City, Iowa j Peoule's B.nk. New York Cltyt Ktchem ! Rogers ft Be -net. Bankers, New York City Selkon. Witt rs fc Co.. V'ashw.gton, D. C. Hon. Chaa. : lason. Com. f Patent, Wash lr.!rton. D. C.t H.n. A. Dodge, S. U Burlington. Iowa ; Hon. I W. Jones, 8. U i 8 . Dubuque, Iowa ; Hon. Joseph Williams I Chief Jus'ire, Muscatine, ft a. Council Bluff, Oct. 23, 1W l-tf patronage. J. W. CRAY, Cleveland, O. 'CERMANTOWM TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG RICULTURAL PAPER. PUBLISHED AT (5ERMANT0WN, PIIILA'IA CO., PENN. Evtnv Wednesday Morm.nc. BY PHILIP R. FRK.1S. who may favor them with their For freight or passage apply to 21 II. T Clarke, i. Bro. Agents. PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. M KIXU AURIXGOENT. Regular Packet for Kansas. Leavenworth, Weston St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point, Nebr ska City, Bellevue, Council Bluffs, Omaha and Florence. (ftSw THE new and elegant Passenger (ejfoftiffila Steamer Florence, J. Throck "SSHEassdUrnoiton, Master, J. E. Gorman, Clerk, will commence her trips as a regular packet in the above trade, on the opening of navigation in the spring, and will remain io it We take tins occasion to announce to 1 arm- ... ' ..,.; v,u under th. ers throughout th country, that it is the in-1 . , . . .w -. i .,.. .i . .' , i . r.i;h,.r .n,l lrnri,.inr nf the I superintendence of the uneersigned, expressly L11B 'lUlilllllHI.il UtMKlIl.- ... - tinne as heretofore ment of his paper, but sedulo; tlf to add lo .its character and value by all ilia means at ! command. All necessary space shall be pro i .;.A.I f.. n f,il ireenril of A rricultur.i I Oi.tnili. I and a full development of every branch of the Farmer's Pursuit. He will iu future, as he I has always heretofore, aim to be practical, and to be' of real and substantial advantage to husbandry. His course, also, will continue to be thoroughly independent, hud wholly un biassed by any other motives than those he ' conceives to be promotive of th true interest j of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither I individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in fluence shall swerve mm lrom ine patu or right and dufy. Fanners, throughout the country, who de- lssued weekly, and equal sonable share of the patronage of shippers, anJ the public generally, is respectruiiy soli cited. J.THROCKMORTi IN, Master. 25-s J. E. Gouman, Clerk, II. T. CLARKE &. BRO., Agents. sire a rvewsnaoer. price'of the Two Dollar Magazine is $1,23; to any other lamily news and literr.ry journal lowest club price of Lady's Book fl,D7, only i published, which makes Agriculture a speci- 42 cents diflerence in the price, which is three 1 ality, will find the "Germanlown Telegraph" and a half cents on each number, and tor mat to fulfill every condition, ana lo render it en- sum (three and a half cents), you rccive tirely unnecessary ror tnem to subscribe lor a twenty-six more articles, twenty-four more engravings, and thirty-six more pages month ly certainly a very cneap Hire anu a nair cents' worth. Thi view of the case lias probably never before been presented, but it is a true statement, which any lady can con vince herself of by comparing the two magazines. TERMS, CASH IS ADVANCE. One copy, on year, $3. Two copies, one year, $a. Three copies, one year, o. Five copies one vear, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies $10. Eight copies one year and an extra copy to tlie pemou sending ine ciuo, making nine copies $15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person (ending the club, making twelve Copies $2(1. The above term cannot be deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. SPECIAL CLUBBINO WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Godey'a Ladv' Book and Arthur' Horr.e Magazines both one year for $: 60. Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga zine both oiie year for $1 5'b Godey's Lady's' Book, Harper's Magazine, and Arthur's Home Magazin; one year Tlie above is the only way we can club with Harper's Magazine. The money must all be sent at on tim for any of the Clubs. Subscriber in th British Province who send for clubs, mint remit 3d ceMs extra on every subscriber, to par the American post age tt the Uies. Address. L. A. GODEY, MJ CLesn rt St., FUi.4j., Pa. periodical exclusively agricultural Practical Horticulture, Poiuology and Gar dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. As a Literary and News Journal it shall not be surpassed by any in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of th largest class, it shall continue to he one of the hand somest newspapers of the day. Every Family, in town or country, whe'her they take other papers or not, will find 'he 'Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lit eral benefit, twice the amount of subscription. No subscriptions received without th cash. Trice Two Dollars in advance. Subscriptions not paid within the year. $2. SO. Mail sub scribers will have Uie rash postage deducted when not exceeding 25 cts. per annum, pro vided tlie subscription r paid siriciiy in ad vance, postage stamps to this amount will be returned as change with th receipt. Any person sending five nw ubseribr at one time, with the rash, will be entitled to the paper for on year. Specimen numbers sent on request. STETm" FERRY ljlHE nbcriber bee leave to inform th I public, that he has now in operation, a first class S'eam Ferry Boat, at Bellevue, N. T. at th .point known old TrHer's Point Ferry. Th Boat is one of the best on the Missouri River, and every exertion w ill be used to ena ble the public to cross the lwv- with safety and dispatch. j f4U NATHANIEL G.BENTOX. roit nam:. , A valuable timber Claim of 1C0 acres, wik in three mile of Ballcvue Ci' v, for sl. En-q- ir st hif Wf. ' t'lHtf. Entering Town Sites. The following correspondence will show that the act of the last Legislature of ths Territory, designating the County Commis sioners as the proper persons to enter Town Sites, is not recognized by the Commissioner of the Land Office. It is a question of doubt whether the Judges of Probate, or the United States Judges, can be regarded as "Judges of the County Court." As soon as that doubt is removed, notice wi.l be given. In the mean time no entering of tnurna not incornorated can be made. A copy of the act of the last Legislatui will be placed in the hands of the Commis sioner, and, under the circumstances, th eu tries already made may be confirmed. JOHN A. PARKER, Register. Land Office, May 19th, 1S57. EXTRACT Or A LETTER TO THE COMMISSlOKE" or the land cincr., DATed Laud Oftic. Omaha, April 15, 1857. Under the "act of twenty-third May, 1844," the "Judge of the County Court" ar given the authority to enter "Town Site." In this Territory there are no uch officer as "Judges of the County Court," but Ih Legislature na recognized ths "County Commissioners" as the proper persons to enter "Town Sites, and we have, in view of ths spirit of the law, permitted such entries, in th hop that it will meet the approbation of th Department. ;ry reapectfully, your obed'nt servant, rMIHr.n, rn-;iici. Very reapectl JOHN A. c. r. ii. foiibes, CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SUB veyor, being now located at St. Marys, where be expects to make a permanent re. -dence, take this method of informing th cit izens, that he i prepar-d to do any surveying j and from his lo-.g experience in th business, he is able to give entire aatisfaction. St. Mary, Sept. 24, 1S57. ua 1 O 8 T r MEMORANDUM BOOK, having er A!V count of J-ninber bills, tc. Tlie find will confer a favor and b suiUbls rewarded, by leaving it at the printing office, Bellevue. 'oct Job Printing. NEATLY and expeditiously exeentsd, at reasons.! terms, at this Oflics.