m 4 stmt'. A The regular moeiings of Nebraska VT Lodge. No. 1S1, if Free and Accepted X Mason, will he held ot Masonic Hall, en the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at o -2 o'clock. L. B. KINNEY, W. M. i. o. o. r. Th r'C'ilnr meetings of Rellevue Lodge, No. 4, will be hold on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brother of the order who may be in our city on that tvening, are respectfully invited to attend. W. W HARVEY, N.O. CHAS, E. MeRAY, Sec'y. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. ARIIVAL AND rttPARTCaE Or MAILS AT BELLE V UE, iltDRAIKA. EASTERN. Council BlufTs and Bellevue Daily Mail, leaves Council Binds, at 7 o'clock, A. M., and arrives in Bell vue, at 12 o'clock, M. Ke turning, leaves Bellevue, at 1 o'clock, P. M. EASTERN AND WESTERN. Glenwood and Fremont Mail leaves Glen wood Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and arrives in Bellevue at '9 o'clock, A. M. Leaves Fremont Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and arrives in Bellevue at 4 o'clock, P.M. NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN. Omaha and Nebraska City Mail, leaves Omaha Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and arrives in Bellevue at 10 o'clock, A. M. Returning, arrives in Bellevue, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 o'clock, A. M. WESTER N. Bellevue end Plattford Mail, leaves Bellevue every Friday, at fi o'clock, A. M. Returning, arrives In " Bellevue every Saturday, at 8 o'clock, P. M. L. B. KINNEY, P. M. BELLEVUE MARKET. Corrected weekly by Clarke & BsoTura, Forwarding and Com. Merchants. Flour St. Louis Surer. $3,2.1 per 8 lbs. " Iowa, $3.oo. " Fine. $-2,1)0. Meal $2 per 100 lbs. Apples Dried, $2.50 per bushel. Peaches " 4 00. Butter New 1.V 20 lb Muscovodo Sngnr. 10 cents per !b. Belcner's Syrup, 70 cenls per gallon. Cofl'oc, 1" cents erlb. Beans $2 V bus. Com so y. busn. Oats ."ioc Beef ft to 7c. Dried Reef l.V per lb. Salt G. A., per Hack, $3. Eggs K'c Tl dox Hides Dry, Sc do Green. H Hay S4 00 (t $fl 00 1? tun Bran? 30 cents per bush. Hams lie. Sides Clear, 12 l-2c. Shoulders !e. Lard 15 e j? lb Onions $2 5019 bus. Potatoes 2.1 to 10. Pelts Sheep oOc do Coon 2")c Wood Cotton, 2.30. lUri, 3,5(1. Lumber Cottonwood sheat'ir 20 "4 m " do sq. fdjpd $2."i 00 " do Oak. Walnut, Basswond $35 00 lo Pine siding, clear S15 to $30 y in. do Flooring 2d fio 00 1st $70 00 Boards, S.'iO Oil $70 00 Shingles Pine $7.50 V in. ' Cittouwod $3 fiO Lath Pine 00 ior in. Doors " $3 50 5 $4 7j ea.:h. bash $1 00(i$i 1-4 per casement. NEW ADVERTISE1IKXTS. Notice. IS hereby given to Peter Wilkinson, and all other to whom it may concern, 'hat I will appear at the Land Olli e in Omaha, on the 2lst day August, at 10 o'clock A. M. and there prove my rierht to pre-empt the north 1-2 nt ti. E. 1-1 of section 13, of Township 13, Range 12, E-ist of the (ith prencipal Mer ridian, in Nebrakr Territory. 3t36 FREDERICK METZ. COUNCIL BLUFFS & BELLEVUE DAILY OMNIBUS LINE. A Mail and Omnibus Line, will run daily (Sundav excepted) between Counejl Bluff and Rellevue, via Omaha. Leaves Council Blurts at 8 o'clock, A. M and returning, leaves Bellevue, at 2 o'clock, P. M. H. D. HARL. July, 18,r)8. 35 Notice. NOTICE is hereby fiven, that a meeting of the school board of the school district No. ft, of Sarpy Co., N. T., will be held at the office of Justice Horace Rosers, in Bellevue, on Tuesday, Aug. 3d. 1850, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All having business to transact with the board are invited to attend. WM. R. SMITH. . 35 Sec'y of the Board. PROCLAMATION. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, 1 luiflii Ur HA Kf i . NOTICE is hereby eiven, that an Election will be held in said co inty, on Monday, August 2d, 18ft8, for the purpose of electing the following Territorial and County Officer, to wit i One Territorisl Auditor. On joint Couneilmen, for the counties of Sarpy, AYashington and Burt. On Couneilmen for he county of Sarpy. Four Representative " " One County Commissioner, On Justice of the Pe ce for the Bellevue precinct: Two Constable for the BeMevn precinct. On Jutc of tue Peace for the Plattford Precicct. Two Con.tables for the Plattford precinct. Two Justice of the Peace for the Forest City precinct. On Constable for the Foret City pre cinct. ' ' The Election for the Bellevue precinct, will be held at the Bellevue House iu the City t Bllvne. The Plattford precinct at the stone toons belonging to Piprr fc Stirfey, in Piatt- V, .w Jr.?1 CitT Pffl'irt at the house of Mathew Sliield in Forvst City. Tb poll will be opened at Vo'viock A. M. and eofitinii open, until 6 o'clock P. M. By Ooderof the County Commissioner STEPHEN I). BANGS, elly, Jun 16 litS-30 County Clrk. Fenticr Ferguson, ATTORNEY AMI COl'NM'.LLOR LAW, Ilellcvue, Nrbns';.i. AT MERCHANT TAILOR cm n.ux st;h:i:t, 3i BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. sam'l peats. h. a. iiowaso. Pcaso & IlowarJ. ATTORNEYS t Law and Solicitors in chancery. Office ii Thayer's building, on Farubam Street, opposite the Wc.Ueni Ex change. Bank. Real Estate bought and sold on commission. Omaha, June, is,")8. 30 Notice. ' IS hereby given to C. Moik"iiliaul. H lid all others whom it mav concern, llial I will appear at th Land Ollice in Omaha Citv, on Saturday Julv 10th. at 10 o'clock A. M.and there prove my right to pre-empt Lot. 1, in Section 31, Township 13, Rmgell, cast of the tlth Principal Meridian, in Nebraska, Ter ritory. 31-3t JOHN L. HILLING TON T FENCING Nails at J'-7t2 CLARK .t BRO'S. HAMS, S'.des and ShonMi-rs at Ii27t2 CLARK & BUG'S. SKY LIGHT Dagucrrean Gallery Over A. It. Orchard's JSJoro, Farnham Street, Onulia City, . T. fpiIE Public are respectfully invited to call JL and examine our pictures. AMBROTYPES, MELAINOTYPES. and Pictures trausfi red to Leather, taken nt reasonable prices. riciures taken in iroin .1 lo . seconds. .1. P TO DM, 27tf J. A. TODD. NEW ARRANGEMENTS, Ready Pay. HAVING made a change In our bnslnesn, we would cive, po' ire toour rus'.omers. that all demandd due the firm of T. J. A. Nve, must be settled, and paid to J. A. Nve. The business will continue to he carried on by Kiima & Nve, at the oi l stand, on Main Street, in all it branches. Those in want uf Mowers, or any thin; ele in their line, will be i supplied, as cheap an tlesewhere. I T.&J. A. NYF. i Bellevue, Jnr.e Is!, 27 Road No ices. TERRITORY OF XEBHASKA ) COCNTY OF SARPY. ) TOTICE is hereby given that the County i.1 Commissioners of said county will meet at the residence of Willain Fletcher near Bellevue, on Monday the ti ll day v'. August A. I)! ls5S, at 8 o'clock A. M.,for the purpose of viewing and locatins roacli, the first des cribed in petition as 'beginning at a point one and one fourth miles north of cdar Island, on the Territorial Road, runnluir by way of the people's bridge on Piippillioti ciVek, thence to Bellevue; the other coiumeucin at Uellcvu i by the people's bridge and I'll i la udei Cook's to the Platte river. In the nftrrnoou of said day a! 2 o'clock, said coinmissionei will cieei at t,, house or Bernhart Myers to icw an, I l)i it" a road proposed in petition, to run as follows: com tnencinv at a point near the resid"iire of liern hart Myers where the Territorial road from Omaha to Cedar InIp.p.iI in'ers cts lh 1-1 sec. line rjf sec 17 T 13 It 13; thence west o:i said ! I line to the cen .er of said sec 17 he.u-eS .sfirods, thence west to the east line v" sec H T 1:1 12. thence on the mo-it pr.ic icable ro I'e to Fairview. All persons in'.ereste.i m de loca tion of said roaiis are requested to meet a d commissioners at the house of said Bernhart Mve on Mie evening of said day nt ti o'clock. On the following diy the Mill day tf Ane. 18'iS, the coun' v commissioners will meets'. Child's mill at 9 o'clock A. M., to view and locate two road; the 1st commencing at Child's mill, rnntiing to Bellevue city by the most direct and practicable route; also a road to connect with the Terri'ori.il roi I at or heir the bridge west of Hamilton's Mold; the 2d road commencing: on the line between Uenj. Mtftbv and Reuben Lovjoy' farms in ee 34 T 14 R 13 east, alongsaid line to the east line of said section; thence on the line between Henry Z ireher and E. Lerew in sec 3" to the east line of said Z ircher and Lerew; (hene to connect with the territorial roid, rimiinf along the west line of the Belkvue Mission property. Said commissioners will then m-et on tlie evening of said day at 1 o'clock at the house of Reuben Lovejoy n the city of Be levue, to hear all parties interested iu locating and es tablishing said roads. By order of the county commissioners. SIEHPEN 1). BANC'S, County Clerk. Bellevue, Juae 7ih, VijH. S3 F A I Tf" ar. ar. -L JSL jSL, HOLSE, Sign and Ornamental Pain'er, Grainer and Paper Hanger, w ill execute all order in his line of business, neat, cheap and quick. Work warranted. Reference: Cook and Davenport. SHOP a few dooi north of the Bellevue House. otf QORN MEAL at CLARKE. BP.O'S. F ANCY S. F. St. Louis T'our at CLARKE it. BRO'S. CHy Ordinance. Xo. a. Be il Ordained Lu the City Council of e vtiy vj umevue, nm inf re lie UIIU H herehy B8sesed and levied, upon t-ach able bodied ina'e citizen, witliin ihe incor porated limit of iliu cii y .f Ik-llevue, within thu aes ef 'J I and (jij years, a poll lav cf 'wo days Inlior, to Le expend ed upon the ptib'ic strt-ets in the tiiy f .lJellevue, under the direction of the Mreet I Conmiissioner, and lliat taid ttrei t Com- . I 111 iiiissioner soan nave tno tame powers as are granted to Supervisors in an act pa.-s-ed ty the Legibluture of the Territory f Nebraska, entitled ' an act for locating, opening, rfpairine; and clinniii:r ('tminv Roads, and approved Janiiiirv'JOih, ISoli." C. T. IIOLLOWAY, Mayor. Attest, IIcnbt M. IK-t, Ilcordor. GROCERIES at 2j CLARKE i BR0 o. 1N, pursuance of law. I. J AMI'S lU'CH AN AS', President of the I'uitcd States of America, do hereby declare and make know that public sales will be held nt (lie midT montionpii land -dices in the Territory of Nebraska, at the periods hereinafter desig nated, to wit i At the land office nt BROWNSVILLE, commencing on Month r, the Bixth dny lf I September next, for the disposal or the i public lands within the folio ing-iKiined 1 townships, viz i .Yorth of tht ine line and e tst of tht ' siilhpiinapul meri'Htin. I That part rf township otlO outside of the ' Sac and Fov, and lla'f Breed, Nemaha rcscr-. vai ion, of t aupe 17. The parts of townships 1, 2, 3. and 4 out side of the Sac and Fov, and Half Breed, Ne maha reservation, and fractional townships 5 and 0, of ninire 1(5. That part of township oilO outuide of the Sac and Fox reservation! township 2, the parts of townships 3, 4, and 5, oiiWul of the Half Bleed, Ne.nahu reservation j and frac tional township ti, of ranee . lint part of township ono outsule of the Sac and Fox reservation townships 2, 3, and J : that part of township 5 outside of hurt r r toiiiisli in nuindn ..rl.i Half Breed, Nemaha rcsmali n ; and town ship (i, of raiiRs i t. Townships 1, 2. 3. 1, S, and ft, of rane;e 13. Township 1, a, 3, 4, , and ti, uf rawre 1-'. Townships 1, 2. 3, 4, ft, and 0, of range 1 1. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, o, find li, of range 10. Township 1, 'i, 3, 4, ft, and ti, of ranye !. At the laud ollire at NEBRASKA. CITY, commetirinir on Monday, the sixth day of September next, for Hie dispos ul of the i il I i c land within the following named townships, viz i VbrA of tht base lint and cast of the xixlk principal meridian. Fractional townships 7 and S. of range ir. Township 7, and fractional townships 8, !, l'h 11. and 12 of rnnse 11. Townshitis 7. 8. tl, 1(), 11. and 12. and fiac- tional t'-wnship 13, of range 13. Townships 7, 8.9. 10, and 11. and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townships 7, H, !, 10, and 11, and fraction al township 12, of range 11. Townships 7, 8, tl, 1(1, and 11. and fractional townships 12, 13, and 11, of range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships 11,15, and 1(, of range !. At the land ollice at OMAHA CITY! romiiieiicing on Monday, the sixth d ,y of eptemoer next, tor the disposal of the public lands within the tollowing-iiaiued town ships, viz : .VwA of Hit bast lint and east of Iht sixth jirincipal meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and Id, of range 14. Fractional townshis 13,11, 15, Id, end 17, of range 13. Fractional .townships 12 and 13, townships 14,1ft, nndlti. and frac.ional township 17, 11. lit, and 20, of ranse 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 11, 1"), L, 17, and IS, and fractional townships l' and 20, c-f ranee 11. Fractional townships 12, 13, and 11, arid townships 1", 10, 17, is, l'., and 2.1, of rai.jrc Fractional townships 11, lft, and lii, and townships 17, IS, l'J, and 20, of range U. Lands appropriate I by law for the use of schools, military, and other jmrpusrs, will be e.vi lued from the sales. Ttie offering of the above lands will beenm- menceu ou uie flay Mppointea, and w.ll pro reel ill tli nr.lnr lt i'lii.i trti.tr n r f.,l..nvi; 1 unL.'l the whole h.ill h.ie. t.' Ai'k..i' the giles th';s closed; but no sale sha'll be kept open longer thaq4vo weeks, and ,o private entry of any of the lands will be ad milted until af'.er tho expiration of the two Weeks. Given under mv hand, at the eity of Wash inrrton, thi thirtieth day of Mirch, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fii'iv eight. JAME3 BUCHANAN. By the President : Thos. A. llEwnmcics, Commissioner oj the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIM ANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre emption lo any of the lands within the town ships and parts of townships above enumer ated Is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the regis'er ami reciever of the proper land oiTice. and mike payment therofor as soon as practicable after seeint; this notice, and bff0 e th day appointed Tor the commencement of the public sale of the lands emnracing the tract claimed, otherwise such claim will be foifeited TIIOS. A. HENDRICKS. Commissioner of t lie General Land OJfut RANGER irUICO! CrDDirr J JiNES' FERRIES. TONES'new.nd well arranged Ferrysnow , "J "P'tion onth- E khorn River, near its ! mouth, s.tuated on Section 23, Township 11, t Range 10, East, between the Steam Saw Mills of Root 4. Diuiocu , and J. C. and J. Reeves. I also have a good new Flat, large and con vei.ient on the same Section and Range of the Horn Ferry, where I will cross traveler over the Platte River, on Friday and Saturdays, when the weather and circulnstancea will ad mit i c,r on other day if necessary. The above Ferries are on a direct route west of Bellevue to Fremont, on tn Piatt. on the north, and Chester Srtlt Springs. Salt i rem, I'dwnee village on llie enutti side, ard ' rori Kearny, fort Laramie. Salt Lake Citv Jt, t Ol t. , X-.... r. ......... 23 RANGER JONES For Sale A T WM. RAWITZER'S Cheap Cash Store, No. ti, JelL-rsoo Street, PROVISION'S, ' LEMONS. ICE CREAM, CIGARS, k FANCY CANDIES. If you wish to purchase any of the above, cheap for cash, call at my tore and examine for vourselve. 2f WM. RAWITZER. Wante'ilr CASH will be paid by Clarke h Bro. any quantity of dry and greeu hide. 19-3t for For Rent or Sale. fPHE Fine Stone Building known a the 1 Bellevue K ore, situated on th corner of JedVraon and 27th treet, Bellevue, N. T., Tt'ii or su u, or renfen, si a Bargain. t or terms, enquire cf T, tli Fontei.tlle Biilik. B. LEMON, at , 2a 24 NEW AltltAKOl'lJIENTS! NEW GOOD b A N 1) Mew Faicc B Y L. D. KINNEY & GO, fpiIE undersigned are now opening the I. largest and lient si'lypicd, soi tmi'iit of Spiin; and Sumuier poo.i, ever before olleied in market; for the (ruth of this, we in-Itc the I, ailicn nn l (JeiiMemen to call mid see that this Is no News Paper puir, noficli.ui, no H it truth iu re:i!i;y, Even in Nc'uraska Therefore come en e, come all, aim David will be on hand lu his usual nood humor to wait on all. Laches In particular. Every thing may be found in the shape of c hoire drss goods fi r Sorlnir an Summer al lu KINNEV h CO'S. i nocrno'j ..ii i ..... - . " "ry v v-V v i'i"5 ' ' ' v' OUTS and thoc, good ami warranted at KINNEIt & CU'S. A ITERS. Buskins, aiiety at a n I Slippers of every NNEV CO'S. KINN JSjAILS, (ilass and (2ueeiisware. chesp at KINNEY A. CO'S. r II AVE been very indulgent wKh my custom ers about payini; up. tome(iires this jirin ripel reaseslo he a virtue. I w ill now notify all to con e up tothr r.'eV and settle old score's Immedi.i'ely, and vou will ery much oblige Your obedient servant, 1"tf L. B. KINNEY. NOTICE! FETTERS of Administration on Hie estate J of John Kay late of S irpv count v, de ceased ; having been granted to the -becriber residing in Bellevue, lie herchv give notice to all pel sons indebted lo paid cidate to call and settle the name, and those bavtnc claims aaainst the estate are requested to present them properly auth -nticated f.ir settlement. 13 - WILLIAM II. WRUIIIT. Ad'm'r ;rsTivi: sr.i;i;i:at, COUUTY SURVEYOR OF MILLS CO. OFFICE GLEN WOOD, IOVW ORDERS left at the office or Khakspear lloyes, St. Mary, will receive prompt at tention. G. SEEGER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, would respectfully inform the ci'.i.ens of Mills and adjoining counties, that he is prepared to execute, all work of the following character i Laying oir town sites, leveling of streams for water power, drawing of maps plain ami colored, drawing designs for buildings of all a'yles, with cBLima'cs of cost. Correct plats of tij.; townships of Mill' County, showing the (rue pn-i lorn of the tim her, watercourses and bhiiH, kyt. constantly on hand. Hiving had experience both In this country and In l.urope. he fe Is assured of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him ..:tt..l..: i - Mini iljeir p-nroil.lge. Gold Medal awarded nt the late St. Loul iJirto u. beeger &. S. Schiuio.tsky for the Dear topographical man. Office Gleuwood, Milts co., Iowa. 11 SPECIAL NOTICE 1 rpiiE L aft undersigned informs he nublic. tim I .r... il.;.. .1 ... . . . - ... i ... . . . .. . - - , .111.1 iiiis u.iic. t oev nave a.Moieri in- vyiii.li nysiem, ami reuueej ineir prolit column te the lowest figures. All persons indebted to us, are requested to call and settle before the f.Mt of May. A. C. without fail. Aprils, 18jS. J. P. HORN, it Co. 5 V.) IIIERKIIY give notice, that on and after the l.Vh day of April next. I wjn proceed (ogive deed, to thoie enii)-i to lots and hnd. :n that porti nof theCi y of BHIev :, en tered bv the Mayor; " as a town ite," at the office of iiowen At Strickland. LEAVH T L. BO WEN. Mayor. ADM!JST.UT3To NOTICE. IT r.T,Tl:K? Testamentary on the e.late of 1 1 Alsi..?r Davis, lat, f Sarpy roanty. H --,;;. person, knowing themVelve, to kiffi i i, . .Lb. i'Z,. ... " a.l tho.. t, , ,i7... . . . l XV ""'l1' properly authenticated, for settlement on nr lie cior me nrsi aay or M I- in x'. IRENE DAVIS, Am'r. Bellevue, March 1st, ISaS. 3uil5 Trustee's Sale. WHEREAS Robert S. McEwendid by his certaiu deed of Trust, dated the Twen- lv Six"' dav ot October. H07. and recorded in UNI" "l Jiegiier or uee.n, in Coun'y, Nebraska Territ ry, in Book B, Pau 2:17, convey to Warren Green, the following ciescriDea latMl, vi. : the undivided half of the S 1-2 of S W, N E of S W, and N VV of S E quarter of Sec. IT. in Township. II, north, Range 1 1, ryut of the tab. priuripltl meridian. Nebraska 'lerritory. Also hi interest iu the S E of N E quarter of Section H, in Town ship 1 1, north. Range 1 1, east, i . the County or Sirpy, Territory of Nebraska t which said conveyance to the said Warren Green, wa in trust to ecnre the payment of said Robrt S. lc E en' i.ote, therein particular described j said note dated October 2d. 1S57, pay. able ninety day after dale, for t e sum of Fie Hundred and Nine Dollars. ($"()'.)) up;)n which there is now due, and unpaid, at thi date, Five Hundred and Twenty-Tiiree Dol lar and Thirteen Cents. Now, at the requet of the holder of said note, and in pursuance of vh.'terms and provision of aid deed of trust, by which the undersigned i duly appointed and constituted trustee and attorney for the -io wwri a. .vie i.wer , and in In name with full power to tell and convey the above de- sent.ed land. Public notice is hereby given. that the ,.d-rsigned trustee will, on Monday ! the 7th day of June, 1S .S. b-tween the hour, i of in, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P. M. of that day! at the Bellevue House, ,B fhy Belle- vne.SirnvPniif.lv A'.k...i. n .. the above described Ijinl ,t Puhlie Aiic'tion f .r rash, to the highest, bidder, to satisfy aaid , ...... i. . . . .' . interest nd costs of said s .le. j FR ANCIS A. WHITE, Trustee. Be Ievue, May 5, liS. 4-.2J VARIETY STOltH. THE undersigned have opened, n laig' and cominoilious new slme on (!ie rorner of Main and 2 ith Streets, in llellevue, where h varied assortment of Goods may be found Among them aie DRY GOODS, Such ns Brown MikIhi, Calico, (sheeting, Shilling, ilosieiy, Ice KNIVES, FttltKS. SCYTHED. WOOD-SAWS. SHOVELS HAY-FORKS, SPADES. TEA-KETTLES. GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, he., lopether with a quantity of iOoota cto Slioos Segars, Rakes, Ropes, Horse-collars, Carpet sacks, Window Sash. Doors, TEAS AND SUGARS, Tobocco, (Jiieeuswate. (ilassware, Flour, Crackers si. I a great many more articles. They keep constantly on hand, a larg as sortmeut of good IV I ii rs nml I.iipiors, Varranted the best quality ; cheap for cash. "37tf J.' P. HORN & CO. Meat Market Chansod Hands. TB tT W OO Ti CI nr t it t ii . Mi..ihci. wi.iyi.ii n. mum;, nave pur chased of H. Cook Griffith, his ri.fi.. interest In the butchering huslneas. and will hereafter be foiiml al his obi stend. on Miss on 'venue, east of Main Street, under 8. M. Pike's Grocery and Provision Store, where they will be happy to wait upon his old ens tomers, and all others who may chouse to favor them with their patronage. GEORGE A. OLIVER. Oct. 29. 0mr! CHARLES SlONE. W. n. Longs-iorr, GRADUATE of Penn. Cdlege of Dental Surgery, respectfully announce to the cit ixens of Bellevue. and vicinity, that he is now prepared to practice Dentistry, in all it va rious branches. Office hours from 2 till 5, P. M. 45 Notice To tuo 3PixTolic. 'I'WIE undersigned having purchased the en X tire tock i f Jewelry, formerly owned by Alex. Kemp, is prepared to sell the tame at 2S per cent less than was ever offered in this eity before, a room must be made for A large spring assortment. Thi. '.ti V. ..... . IK Lockets, Bracelets, Rings. Gold, Silver, and Plai'ed Guard, Fob and Vest Chains. Gold and Silver Spectacles Also a splendid as. sortmeut of MORTON'S C EL Ell RATED GOLD PENS. Also Musical Ins'riiments, Cutlery, Tort Moi.ica, Pouche, Card Cases Sic, c. ' A fine tock of Rides. Shot Guns, Revolv ers, te., which will be sold at a small ad vance above cost, as the subscriber wishc to go out of the gun business. All kinds of repairing done with neatnes. and dispatch by competent workmen. I still continue to take Omaha Scri", Wes tern Exchange, Nemaha Valley, eastern mon ey, or gold and silver, iu exchange for goods (f -if Store on 12'h Street, nil fin i ir f nrn Farnham, and directly opposite the Western .xcnHiige uanic, umana, N. T. J lease call and examine goods and p'icc. , t 1 W. WOODS. Omaha, Jan. 12th, 18j8. 3,u9 SEEDS FOR 1858. ;l.ar. now prepared with a full anil ana complete slock of FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, Of th new crop, to supply any demand whole ale and retail, on the very best of iernm Our stock is new (a we do not consign seed and take none back to mix up again,) and much of it grown under our own directions in thi. state. Our stock of European seeds i imported directly by ourselves from th most r. isoie grower in r.nglaud and Trance. We feel confident no better advantage to the public can be offered than w. can give, and we cordially invite an examination of our sioric oerore purchasing. Our stock consist hi pan. or spring Wheat, Barley, Corn, Pea, very large variety of Garden Seeds and a full assortment nf Flower su.a. of choice varieties. Also, IM bushel pure Chinese Sugar Cane Seed. constantly on hand a large assortment of Agricultural and Horticultural implements. Full priced seed and implement catalogue ent upon receipt of stamp to pay postage. IILNUY D. EMERY K CO., 3osl4 204 Lake Street, Chicago. Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage by Auveriicemcct. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA.) Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgagee, ) vs. ) WilliM R. Johnson, ) Alfred Kellum, ( Aaron O. Cox, Mortgager. Mortgage dated, Mirch 1 1th, A. D. 1SS7. re. corned m hook l... Page 100, April 21st. lo7, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Default having been mid in m.m..i of the mm of two tuouiand and two hundred dollar. ($2,200.) which i claimed to U due at th date of thi notice, and aecured by a certain Deed of Mortesee. he.rin. J.i. March 14th, A. D. 18;,7, executed by William II. Johnson, then of the Kutnr nc.a Kellum, and Aan.n O. Cax. of Bellevue, Sar py County, Nebraska Territory, to Reuben Lovejoy, of Bellevue, aforesaid, and Recorded in the office of the Reenter of I....I. ., n.. ha City, for Sarpv Count,, S. T., in Book E, ,Fo ?'.I,il,,.ol,.th 2l,t of APril A- V-t 7t 10 1-2 o'clock A. M. Now, therefore, notice 1 hereby given, that in purua ee of a power of tale contained in aaid mortgage, and of the statute, in such case. mad. and provided, the premise, de act ihed In and conveyed by said mortgsge, to wit t all that certain piece' ard parcel of laud, with Its appurtenance, ituted ami lying in the eity of Rellevue, tn aaid county cf Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska, and described as Block on hiliidiid and thirteen, (113) In said city of Bellevue, according to the survey there. . T " , ' i f ,JT f,0f k! ' .'in O. tn natf by Mr. Schimonsky.i th yer iHNtf, be .old at pnblie a net ion on the lHih day une, A. 1). IHWs. between the ho o'clock, in the forenoon, and the letting of the I'lnm iiimoar, 10 l.l Ln'Oe.t bidden th. SU '? ' th r,,Ievu ,,ou. l. ' f B,lltvui T bounty. Nebraska Territory. RF ' nr w i nwinv REUBEN LOVEJOY, ai m . j v.wi.u a:iu ll.vi.ll WATCHES, Clocks, Sett of Cameo, Coral, Enamel. Painted, I. old Stone. Masonic and Mourning Jewelry, Broaches, Ear Drons. Cuff li . w, . . Mortar., r. R. Lkmoh. AU'y. Mireh 24'b.JS. Notico of th Torecloiure of Mortfa by Advertisement. TERRITORY OF NI'.BR SKA. ) COl'NTY OF HARPY. Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgagee, ) v. I Alfrei Kellum, j V. A. Gwyer, Mortgagor, f Deed of Mortgage dated December lth, A. ! H .7, and recorded In Bunk B.. Pins o'clock,' A."M.71 U0C,"nb,,r 2Ut' ,MT " " Default having been made in psyment of tht riiT..!, 'wn. two hundred dollar. which I, claimed to be due at thV a? e.f ' noUr' Rml 'V a deed of Mortgage bearing date. December istli. 18BT of Sarpy County, Nebraska Tenltory. to ben Loveioy.of (he city f BellsynV, f ( oun ty, Nebraska Territory, and record V. A. Gwyer. . it . ' fiarp . . . of sale contained In al,l mortgage, and of the Statute i auch case, mad, a,,d provided he ' onn conveyed by aald mortgage, to wlti All that ffrfaln nie, I parcel of land, lying and being al" at.P' th. County of Sarpy, and TerritoFyof Nebra.ka and described a. follows, to witi r'1,1 Nr for the same at a post rod, NoV Ml decrees. East of tl". S. W corner '0f "e Hon thirteen, (13) Townshrp' Hdrte.r?, (,3V H"i: " !l"n'(3), east of the fl h pA" . pal Meridian thenr. north 47J degree., w" 4.1.ft rod. to a cottonwood .tump, tl7.net north South 47 1-2 degrees essf, 23.5 rod to a post, thenc south 30 degree west 0ft e ! Varr'"' r hlln "ntaining on. acre and fllty-aeven perch, together with all an. lingular the tenement anT her.dltament. and appurtenance, thereunto belonging, or In anyw... aptMrt.lnlnB, consisting hi part if on. engine, boiler and all th. n.acMniry a." nxttirc. for a perfect .team saw-mill, manufac tured by Cooper and CI . rk, Mt. Vernon, Oh", and s,. to be of thirty horse power, wBl b. a d iS'li f ?",:l10'! :r.tb rfn' A. I). 18 )8, between the hour of 9 o'cloca A. M., and the letting of the un on the a m. day, to the highes? bidder. The .al.To b." front of th. BelleviM House In the City of Bellcrue, harpy Cviinly, N.l.rsska Territory. REUBEN LOVEJOY. T. B. Lemon, Att'y, Mor,",' ' April 1st, 1S08. i9tlf Notice. rpilR SALE of the above de.cribed proper - ty, is postponed, at the request oftL. Mortgagor, un II the 21st day of August, A.d! i .i. T" th' ho"" n'na o'clock. A. M ami th a. ting of th. .un of th. aam. aay.at the Bellevue House. "" T. B Lemon, REUBEN LOVEJOT. .7.32 Mcpc, THE CHICAGO CITY " INSURANCE COMPANY. UtHCEl Koom No. 1 Masonic Temple, Deatbon Street, Cliicaffo. CAPITAL,, 8150,000. DIRECTORS: IDMl'til) CANFtELD, ISAAC COOK, H. A. WYNCOOr-. Hxnur chafmak, II. . MONKOS, OFFICERS i EdmnnJ Canfleld, Prei., Wm. 8. Batei. Sec'y, Henry Chapman, Treai. f piIIS Company wa organized on tb. 27ta , , ,day ot March, A. D. 1833,nder a sp.c ial charter from the Legislature of Illinol., and busine.. commenced under th. moat fa' vorable auspice. Iu .itabli.hment ha. been its .tab.l.ty,.onndne.,..nd permanency, rank, a. on. of the fir.t In.rrancJ Compani.. In thi coun,ry. To those de.irou. of prot.ctkr U.em.elve. again.l lot or damage by Fir., or Knowing S, lheybe ff th REFERENCES. Mesr.. Stone &. Wilt. Clev.l.n,! nKi- William, fc Avery, Chicago, IU. Norton Brother, Stone II Room dp. m ir. 8-1P,'r."nd Prti. Racine Jr. MiM. R. R. a. C. Northrun. Paul. l..l.. n. -l i;eo, Wm. P. Lind, E.q., Milwauk... J. G. Conroe, E.q. Racine. Ashley Gilbert, tjjsh. Com'l B'k, Chicago Henry Fa ruhara, President Chicago it Rock Island Rail Road. Daniel P Rhodes, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Tlioma. Campbell, Esq., Springfield, HL Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Louia, Mo Me.sr. Wad.wortii, W.ll. fc Seymour, Chicago, III. ' Mes.r. L H Burch ft Co., Chicago Bank. Me..rs. O. W. Sijer Co. Chicago, HI. Wm. Blanch.rd, Esq.. Morris, III! ' ford III ' " Ck Co R,tk Mess. H. Wheele, 4 go, Aurora. III. Mesr. Judd, Smith t Pratt. Dixon, III Neh.miah Ca.e, Eq.. BuBalo, N. Y. Wm. B F.ir.dy, E,q Springfield, 111. l I'Jc;"rn. Rnringneld, III. Richard Iver. Esq., St. Loots, Mo. T. B. LEMON', Agent, Belle. JL. JNToW "WeCVtOli -AND Jewelry Fstablishment in Omaha WM FRODSIIAM, Laving retired from the lat firm of irmn jv L.k - ha. opened a rew store at No 3, Capt. Dowa'a ""K, I'nsrrnun metnoost Church and the Post Office, where he invite hi old pat rons to give bin a call. r Tim. piece, and Jewelry, or every descrlp. 0V nftl tni1 expeditiously repaired. 6f Notice. "M"OTICE I. hereby given t George XT. Xllwis, John Ckeaveland. A all tl.... concerned, to appear before the Register and ; , "l u" wna offlc Omaha, on Wedneadty the 2nd da ,J iar, , o'cloca A. M.. and offer si.et. ..i . y have in .i.nnort or iitvuru tn k. emotion of John Cleveland, to lot. 1, f, and 3. Sect on 27, Tp 13. Ra.rg. It ...t, '.V p.7 instruction, of the Commissioner of the Land Office to rr-investigve .aid nre-emption. . "' AKKr.R Jr., Register. A. R. GILI.MOUF, Receiver. March Xh, 22t4 Bissoleiiioin fPHE partnership heretofore evlsti r under i- Hi. nam of WM. C. AVKRIt.T. a- rn i thi. day dissolved by mutual consent, and th. busine. will b. conducted her.flrmv Wm. C. Averill, who I. authorized to settle all account, of the lat. firm. WM. C. AVERILL. W iiviwcwsstr