Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, August 05, 1858, Image 2

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JIKNllY M. HlJllT,
Newt and Local Editor.
The Right Triumphant I
All our Representatives- Good and True I
Thin Sarpy County, will b again, ably
represented. Touching her immediate
interests, the will be as she always liai
been, a unit. Conscious of her united
strength, and consequent influence, she
can afford to smile pleasantly at the sneers
nd envy of outsiders, whe are attempt
ing to alienae and divide her. We de-
sire to dictate no course oi poucy iur
our Representatives, leaving them to
the dictates of their unbiised judgment,
to labor unitedly and earnestly for the
bet interest of their constituents, as well
as for that of the whole Territory.
The Election is over, the excitement
subsided, and the glory achieved. Can
didates for the sufferages of the dear peo
ple were numerous, and, they with their
friends entered the canvass, determined
upon victory, with an enthusiasm that
knows no tire; and some of them,
with a treachery and skull-duggery
worthy only of infamy and disgrace. In
the content no party lines were drawn,
each of the candidates set up his peculiar
claims and raced it on his own individual
merit. Concerning the merits of the
Representatives elect, very little need be
Gen. Ltavitt L. Bowen who is well
known at home and abroad, has again
been called to his seat in the Council
Chambei, by the people of Sarpy County.
The Gen. came here at an early day and
identified his interests with this place. In
the darkest hour of our history he was
the unflinching friend of the interests of
Sarpy. When strong inducements were
offered elsewhere; and when the people
of this county least expected it, he come
boldly forth as her champion and advo
cated her rights and her interest.
In the past election, almost every arti-
fue was resorted to, in order to insure his
defeat. His past legislative acts were de
nounced, his motives impugned, and his
character traduced. Certain home influ
ences, aidded and abetted by a foreign
enemy were all arrayed against him in
order to accomplish the one great and de
termined purpose of defeat. But thanks to
the prosiding genii of destiny, the efforts
of his opponents have all been thwarted,
the pit dug for him, constitutes the grave
of their inglorious defeat.
lion, anas a. ainckland, has again
been endorsed by a majority of the voters
. of his own County. Several of the tickets
however, having his name upon them
were thrown out by the board of canvass'
ers, there being more than four names
upon them. This occured doubtless
through the carelessness of the voters, or
the intrigue of designing enemies. After
tnrowing out tnese votes, the nrst news
from the Platford precinct, elected Mr
Strickland by twelve majority; aubse
quently the number was reduced to two,
and finally the official returns show his
defeat by one vote. The certificate ha
' not yet been awarded to either Mr Wat
ties or Mr. Strickland. We presume the
. case will be contested.
Concerning Mr. S. very little need be
said. He was one of the earliest settlers
of the Territory, and is identified from
the first with its legislative history. A
were thrown of the track, and no one
could tell where it was foun t. One deaf
mute was r portid to bo dead, and ( went
at the request of a gentleman, to Monti y
him, but he revived, and is doing well.
During the long hours that we were
toiling to get the sufferers from under the
ruins, and up the embankment to the cars,
parents were calling frantically forKieir
children, and children for thnir parents.
One mother had her dead child brought! .
Ifl Kal annlhnf hAiiAiifail I.OI 1 1 ir ! it rl Lu Via IOUIIU
with ecstatic joy. Another beautiful
young mother, uninjured, I saw, by the
light of a lamp, holding tenderly in her
arms the mangled form of what was just
before a beautiful child. One gentleman
who was with me, who had labored
without faltering from the first, cave way
I at thi. sight and was overcome. He had
... .
Local & Terriorial.
The LaJies' Benemolent Society, wil
meet at Mrs. McCord's, on Thursday
next. All the members are requested to
be present, as business of importance will
come before the Society.
Terrible nail (load Accident.
On Thur&dav evening, about ten o clock,
terrible accident occurred on me new helped to ca ry the dead a id the wound
trie nan noaa. tno mgm
eu up the embankment, but this was too
much for the strong heart of a man to
Directly in front of the scat which I
had occupied sat a refined and delicate
young lady, who, I afterwards learned,
was on a trio to the Falls. As the help-
form of the only
was brought up
the embankment, she went to her side.
bathed her head and fanned her brow,
and spoke words of encouragement and
sympathy to her, until her ear became
msensible, She died in our car soon
after we left the scene of disaster.
a worker, he scarcely has any superior in
any legislative body ; and his past bril!
iant career, fully entitles him to a aeat in
the preseut legislative chamber.
B. P. Rankin hat received a very hand
tiro endorsement by the voters of Sarpy
County, and will, we doubt not, be true to
her best interest. The attributes of ener
gy and perseverance for which the Col.
is so noted, deserves to be rewarded.
These attributes, in their nature are God
like, in the demon they can hardly be con
templated without admiration. They give
to the warrior his crown, and encirclj the
head of the civilian with a halo that uei
ther envy nor malice can obscure. Dur
ing the present canvass, mountains have
melted before the energy end persever
ance of Col. R., and if his after-life con
tinues to exemplify the same characterist
ics, combined with integrity, be must rise
high in the zenith of political glory.
C. C Norwood, another of the Repre
seatatives, gradi aied in the legal profes
Ion in the slate of Maryland, and has
since been admitted on certificate, to the
the Courts of the Territoy. Unlike most
other lawyers, Mr. N. has settled upon
mnl itnoroved hit farm ; a business as
Jaudabie as it i necessary, in the infancy
of any Territory. Mr. N. possesses tal
ents of a high order he will be a grow,
iag man, and take high rank among the
statesmen of the Territory.
With Matthew J. Shields, Repreaenta
tive elect, from the west end of the Coun
ty, we are but partially acquainted. He
was, however, the unanimous choice of
that region, and we have heard him high
Jy spoken of as a gentleman and a good
and respectable citiz'-o, -
York and
express train, which left Jersey City at
.'20. and was neavny toaueu wmi jms-
' ... : l-. .L -
sengers, a large portion oi wnoin icn me
cars at Patterson and other stations, pro
reeded on its way until within six or sev
en miles of Port Jervis.
It would appear that at this point a tew ess but still breathing
minutes walk trom a nine xown nameu injured colored person
Glen Hollow, me two ninainosi cars were
thrown off the tra k by the breaking of a
rail after the greater part of the train
had passed over. The cars were thrown
down an embankment, the last car being
made a complete wreck. It is to be pre
sumed that the breaking of the coupling
saved the other cars from being dragged
down also. The rest of the train stopped
as soon as possible, and a horrible catas
trophe met the view of the passengers
who had luckily been in tne iorwarucars,
nd who escaped uninjured.
The two cars at the toot ot tne em
bankment were terribly smashed, and
from among the splinters came all who
were able to help themselves, l he pas
sengers in the forward cars were thrown
ini the greatest disorder by the sudden
break, and on gaining their feet they
opened the windows and doors of the
cars, and heard the snouts ena moans ot
the dying and wounded beneath them.
he irr-atest contusion prevailed, tome
running to and fro, calling on the con-
uctor to stop the train, wnue otners rang
the bell rope attached to the engine most
The following graphic ana toucning
account of the disaster, is from the Rev.
E. D. G. Prine, one of the editors of the
New York Observer. It was written to
his brother, who has kindly permitted us
to publish it:
1'ost Jiavis, inursuay, a. m
July 15, 1858.
Dear Brothur: The telegraph will
inform you of the terrible accident our
train met with last evening near this
olace. We left New York in the 5
o'clock r. m train, came on pleasantly
and safely until about 8 1-2 o'clock ; when
descending the heavy grade on tne west
side of the Shawangunk Mountains i per
ceived that we were moving at such a
fearful rate that 1 started once or twice
with anoehension
on a heavly descending grade. Within
two or three minutes after my fears be
came thus excited. I Nil a concussion as
if we were running over a slight obstruc
lion. Some little commotion ensued in
... .i .,.
our car, whicn was tne lourm irwn me
rear. A signal was made to the engineer
as soon as possible, but we had run a
mile or so before the train stopped. We
soon found that two cars had been detach
ed from the train. We ran back with
great apprehension, and our worst fear
were more than realized. The last two
cars were hurled down an embankment
forty feet, and were completely demolish'
ed. The groans and screams of the in
jured broke fearfully upon our ears in the
stillness of the evening. They were un
der the wreck, and strewed around the
scene of the disaster in awful confusion.
The moon was shining feebly, and by its
light, and that of a large fire which was
oon kindled, the wreck or. tne cars was
removed, and all that were living were
rescued. Three hours were spent in get
ting the suffering from beneath the ruins
of the cars and embankment, when, with
seven dead and forty, more or less sen
ouslv injured, the melancholy train moved
' : . a
on to this place. An engiue oau oeen pre
viously sent to Port Jervis, which return
ed to the scene of disaster with surgeons
and other aid. All the injured were
taken into the two hotels the Delaware
and the Fowler House and to day they
re generally doing well.
A man? the iniured are Prof. J. L
P-t Vicn Priucipal of the New York
in.tln.ti.m for the Daf and Dumb, his
w,fnd child, his wife's sister and lev
eral deaf mutes. Mrs. Peet and Miss
Barry, a deaf mute, were quite aeriously
Iniurod. but they are uow doing well, and
are out of all danger. Oue of the most
heart-rending incidents connected with
this melancholy occurrence was the
of the deaf mutes, which could
rd at a treat distance and which
irr.tlv airirravatad the horror of the
Tn its incidents would be as im
.;t.l ia raherse a horrible dream.
Wk.n I reached the car 1 heard a famil
and inakinr mr way towards
it, stepped in the darkness ujon a dead
man. I an reached Prof. Pert. l and
t..A Kim aiinnnrtinir his WHO Dead
The Atlantic Telegraph a Fail
Ntw York, July 20.
The steamship Asia arrived out on the
The most import" nt intelligence by this
arrival is the failure of the attempt to lay
the Atlanta cable.
The Niagara and Gorgeon arrived at
Queenstowii on the 5th. The Agamem
non and Valorous had not arrived on the
The Niagara and Agamemnon met a
third time on the 28th, and a third time
connected the cable. They then start
ed afresh, when the Ni'gara, having
paid out over 150 miles of cable all
on board entertained the most sanguine
anticipations of success. When the fatal
announcement was made on the 2Uth. at
9, P. M., that the electric current had
ceased to flow, that the necessity of aban
doning: the project tor the present was
only too manifest. It was considered
that the opportunity might as well be
availed of to test the strength of the ca
ble. Accordingly, this immense vessel,
with all her Mores, was allowed to sail to
the cable. An additional strain of four
tons was placed on the brakes. Yet, al
though it was blowing at the time, the ca
ble held her as if she had been at anchor,
for over an hour, when a heavy pitc'i of
the sea snapped the cable, and the Niag
ara bore away for Queenatown. Sue
must have passed the Agamemnon, but
owing to the heovy fog, missed seeing or
hearing any tidings of her. It was con-
knowing that we were j'ctured the latter had not delivered her
specineu quauiuy vi raoio m me ume oi
the failure, and may have consequently
returned to the place of meeting. Should
nothing be heard of her, the Niagara
would proceed to the Ocean station, hav
ing still on board l.dUU miles ot the ca
ble, which, supposing tl.e other vessel
had retained a similar amount, will per
mit of the junction being completed, and
30 per cent for casualties.
Extraordinary PcaronANcis or a
Blind Horse. On Wednesday last, a
blind horse which hud just previously been
detached from a cart in which he had
been hard at work hauling brick all day,
took fright and ran at a headlong pace
across Pennsylvania Avenue, at a short
distance east of the Cupitol ; when he ar
rived at the opposite side from whence
he started, he encountered a tree box,
which he tore down, together with the
tree inside it (a sapling some six inche
through at the trunk). This did not im
pede his progress in the least, for he con
tinued straight ahead, and the next thing
he encountered was a fourteen inch nail
of a rough-caat brick ho se inhabited by
Mr. John Smith ana his family. Incred
ible as this story may appear, be ran
against the wall with such force as to
break it entirely through, making
breach through which a good sized man
can creep, and otherwise producing a fis
sure as ide as a man s hand reaching
upward as far as the second story of the
In running against the house the horse
'aced his fore fett on the bulkhead eel
r door in front, through which they
broke, barking his legs in a fine r-tyle.
The ferce of the blow against the wall
sent a sofa inside flying across the room,
together with about a barrel full of brick
which had been detached from the wall.
Backing out of all this mischief, as well
he could, this ammateu oauering-ram
Election Returns. Below will be
Election Returns from several
Counties. We are indebted to R. W.
Furnas, for returns from the Counties cf
Nemaha, Johnson, Richardson and
Pawnee. It will be seen that Mr. Fur
nas was re-elected to the Council.
Robert C. Jordan, candidate for Ter
ritorial Auditor, received a large vote in
' the following Counties, and doubtless is
elected :
Sarpy County.
L. L. Bowen,
B. P. Rankin,
Matthew J. Shields.
Charles C. Norwood.
Stephen II. Wattles.
Reuben Lovcjoy.
justice or the peace Bellevue Prect-
William R. Watson.
constables. Bellevue Precinct.
O. A. Velie.
N. W. Earls.
justices or peace. Forest City Prect.
Barney Scott.
Thomas Whiteside.
George B. Ackley.
justice or the peace. Plattford Tree.
Henry L. Fuller.
constables. Plattford Precinct.
William M. Setterfield.
James II. Kneeland.
IKasAingon, Sarpy, and Burl Counties.
George W. Doaue.
Douglas County.
George L. MilW, Omaha.
William E. Moore, "
John R. Porter,
William A. Gwyer, Omaha.
George Clayes, "
John S:eiuberger, Elkhorn.
R. W. Steele, Florence.
James Stewart, O.naha.
Clinton Briggs, "
James II. Seymour, "
Augustus Roeder, '
J'tmaha and Johnson Countitt.
R. W. Furnas.
Rithards-m and Pawnee.
E. S. Dundy.
Contested by Silas A. Strickland.
A. B. Steinberoer, a dtjtattd can-j
didate for the Legislature, saw fit to pro
claim publicly in this city, and privately
throughout the co mty, previous to the day
of election, that we refused to print his
election tickets. We emphatically pro
nounced it a base falsehood, when public
ly uttered, and had he not so widely circu
lated it, we should not have deenv d t
During the past month, fifteen inches
of water, on an average, fell in this Tcr.
ritory, which is more than was ever be
fore known in the same period of time.
The streams have been full to overflow
ing, the Bridges are mostly swept away,
the bottoms all overflowed, Farms inun
dated, families obliged to seek shelter on
high ground, in well covered houses, Fer-
wor.hy a pasung notice. Ve have always ry Bts were washed away, and fences
maintaineu mai a pruning omc; ,io a kci im
extent, is public property, and as far as
printing and advertising are concerned,
we have extended to all, the same accom
nidations, without regard to political or
personal fri ndship ; and we shall con
tinue on this principle, should we live to
be old enough to be Metheusela's great
grand father.
We had an understanding with the
candidates, except Steinberger, who has
never slid a single word to us about print
ing his tickets ; but when we were solic
ited to print the tickets for the various
csndidates, we informed the person that
brought us the " copy," that we should not
print Steinbergcr's tickets unless he would
hold himself responsible, or that
Steinberger would pay for printing. Hoi
(the individual that furnished the "copy,")
refused to hold himself response ; but
in the following evening, one of the can
didates vouched for the payment of print
ing Steinberger's tickets, and we acceed-
ed to his proposition ; but Steinberger
seeing an opportunity to make a little
capital, by becoming a martyr, set out like
a persecuted saint, to excite the sympa
thies of the public, by giving his version,
of the affair, till finally he came near
believing his own fabrication, and for a
length of time, it is presumed, he imag
ined himself to be a greater martyr, even
than Martyn Luther. We are informed
that Steinberger went so far as to assert
that he tendered us money in payment for
his printing, whieh we rrjused. We con
sider it unnecesary to deny the charge,
as we should conclude that we were a fit
candidate for a mad hojse, to refuse
money, in thse hard times.
Steinberger has almost compassed heav
en and earth to secure an election, and
hardly a stone was left unturned, that
promised aid and comfort. Even his pa
ternal anetor asserted that he had edu
cate I the boy expressly for the Legislature,
but thank heaven, the people have declar
ed that the boy had better remain al home
till he had reached at'leost the age of
Ve appeal to the good sense oi me
neonl of this county, to know if it
r- r -
does not look a little presumptuous in a
boy that has hardly dispensed with swad
dling clothes, to put himself on an equality
with men ? and ask their sufl'erages (ot a
position that would enable him to make
laws to govern his superiors ! The pri
pie of this coui ty have always preferred
to be represented by men, and we think
that will be their preference, for some
time to come.
It may seem unkind in us, to rejoice in
the downfall of others ; but we rejoice only
when structures that are built on false
foundations, obey the supreme law of
gravitation, and find a common level.
We learn that considerable fever and
ague prevail in various parts of the Ter
ritory. People cannot be too careful res
pecting their diet, and ablution, if they
wish to avoid sickness. " An in ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure,"
is a maxim that will be well to follow.
houses, furniture, journeyed down stream
together. Mud and water, rain, thunder
and lightning, were the order of the day
as well as the night, during the entire
month. August has opened clear and
bright, and we hope that during the month
Old Sold will continue to look down smil
ingly upon us. Below will be found our
Thermometrical Record, for July :
July. 1358. a.m. Pg. p.m. Dr. p.m. Dr.
1 6 79 2 81 9 72
2 6 74 2 77 9 64
3 6 66 2 80 9 CO
4 6 72 2 88 9 68
6 6 71 2 88 9 70
6 6 74 2 88 9 77
7 6 78 2 90 9 77
8 6 70 2 81 6 76
9 6 74 2 95 9 72
10 6 70 . 2 76 9 67
11 6 70 2 78 9 63
12 6 62 2 74 9 62
13 6 64 2 80 9 72
14 6 76 2 90 9 70
15 6 66 2 78 9 69
16 6 73 2 79 9 70
17 6 69 2 75 9 72
18 6 72 2 87 9 71
19 6 76 2 90 9 77
20 6 72 2 87 9 76
21 6 71 2 75 9 69
22 6 67 2 81 9 71
23 6 67 2 81 9 71
24 6 70 2 83 9 72
25 6 70 2 85 9 67
26 6 61 2 71 9 64
27 6 66 2 83 9 77
23 6 71 2 91 9 69
29 6 73 2 87 9 73
30 6 75 2 89 9 77
31 6 77 2 93 9 71.
The adjourned term of the District
Court, for the trial of Mathews, will com
mence on Monday the 16th insti All the
Petit Jurors at the June term,
quested to be in attendance.
are re-
Gen. J A. Quitman, died at his resi
dence, near Natchez, Miss., on the 17ih
ult. He was horn at Red Hook, about five
miles from Rhinebeck, Dutchess County,.
New York, on the 1st of September, 1799.
Tho sporting circles of the country,
will regret to hear of the death of Win.
T. Porter, the founder, and long the;well
known editor of the Spirit of the Times,
and recently one of the founders and edi
tors of Porter's Spirit. Mr. Porter was
attacked on Friday la-t with chi ti a id
fever, and died yesterday morning. Ha
was fifty-six years of age, was a native
of Vermont, was a clever writer, and
was noted for the extent of his knowl
edge in sporting matters, and for the fair
ness of all his comments thereon.
Nw York Courier
We learn from Rev. Wm. Hamilton,
that nearly four feet of water, has fallen,
within the last twelve months.
By the arrival at New Orleans of the
steainpr Tennessee we have news ficm
the City of Mexico to the 19th of Jui e.
The forced loan imposed upon foreigners
non-complying with its requirements have
been ordered to leave the country. The
goo Is of the American residents who re
fused to comply with the terms or the loan
had been seized, and consequently Min
ister Foryth had demanded and received
his pas?ports. The Liberals were every
where gaining strength, and President
Zuloaga was goin? to Tampico for refuge.
At Linn Grove, N. T., July 30th Lucy 8.
nnlv child of J. A. and Anna VV. Thompstn,
in tb &th year of her ape.
H.kaaLiI .kiuii nil tnl nfT ihlMiHrh ttlA i . . .... .
" w-.. or the tinpire state, mis
street into a large maroie-yaru near Dy, . ,
where be tumbled heels over bead sev-1
eral times among the blocks of marble,
finally entangling himself between them
to such an extent that be could make no
further headway, and only then he caved
in. He was r captured and marched off to
h's stable, when his pedal terminations
were properly dressed.- On rn lay he
It is known, we suppose, to most of the
settlers of Sarpy County, that the Flour
ing Mill of Charles Childs, situated
two miles north of Bellevue, is in good
condition, and that grists can be ground
to the satisfaction of those that patronize
his Mill. Mr. C has presented us with
a sack of his Flour, and we consider it
scarcely inferior to the " Extra Genesee"
miller deserves much credit for erecting
the mill for the accommodation of our
wheat growers, and we hope that he will
be liberally patronized.
Sh were irnorant of what had become j was again put to work, and carted brick.
ottV&l or of any other meinbe, .U day most -ndustnousf To any on
curacy of this statement, we can only say
iHo.r n.rt nf tn. I heard a chi'd voice
on the other side of the car and rushing
armnd towards it, asked one who had
taken it up, whose child it was. The
mother exclaimed, " It is my child, and
pressed it to her heart as if afraid I was
about to claim it. I soon found the child
of my friend, in the arms of a person who
was carrying it up the embankment. It
was asleep oath seat when the cars
go and see for yourselves, as we did.
Washington Star.
Joshua II. Arnold, of Nicholosville,
Ky., has no reason to complain of the law's
delay, for he was indicted, tried, and sen
tenced to be hung for the murder of bis
wife, all in a single day last week.
Thosa chaos that smashed the dash
board of Mr. Coffman'a Buggy, to pieces,
a few nights since, and committed sundry
other depredations, had belter be guarded
in their future movements. Such acts of
villainy are cmtemptible in the extreme,
and the perpetrators are worthy of severe
The County Commissioners will meet
at Cook office, on Monday next, Aug.
A rout Office has been established at
Fairview. in Sarpy County. Mr. Bassett
is acting as Deputy J'ost Master, an
mail matter designed for citizens in that
region, bad better be directed to that
Rev. Wm. Hamilton, de'iver -d a lec
ture, before the Ueiievue Library Associ
ation last evening, (Thursday )on the sub
ject, Know Thyself.
There was a good attendence and a
general interest manifested, in the elo
quent remarks of the Rev. Gentleman.
We have scarcely listened to a more
sound and practical exhibition of truth,
kince our residence in Nebraska.
After the lecture, Wm. Robinson Esq.,
Vice President, presented the Associa
tion, with a few valuable works, to enrich
the Library.
Hon. John Finney, has left several
stalks of Mille. at our office, which meas
ure 7 feet in bight. It was grown on his
farm, a few miles west of this city, in
the Pappillion Valley. It will be hard to
find any that will beat it in bight and
length of heads. Will our Agricultural
friends, favor us, from time to time, with
specimens of their farm products t
Col. Sites' party, who have been en
gaged en the Platte River Wagon Road,
for several months past, arrived in this
City, on Monday last
IIcad Quahtim, Fidst Bricadc,
Nebraska, Volunteer Malitia,
Rcllrvue, N. T.
William N. Dean is hereby appointed Aid-de-Camp.
His rank is that of Majob. II wi l
be respected and obeyed by Officers and Pri
vates accordingly. Tola appointment is made
to AH the vacancy occasion I by the removal
of Mai. A. J. Upson from the Territorv.
AUS.4tD.lB0B. Lt.AYH 1 U runrn.
Brio. Ger. First Brigade,
N. V. M.
IS hereby riven to Jacob H cu, James Rns
tile, Richard Hugeard, and all others
whom it miv concern, that I will appear at
the Land Office in Omaha on, Friday th 27th
day of August 15, and ther prov my rirht
to pre-empt tne E,8t D'" ,nd tb Nl
quarter, of the 8. E. quart, of section 8,
Townhip 12, north f Rang 11, East of th
6th principal meridian in Nebraska Territory.
Zf.3i F. M. T. GRAHAM.
TS hereby tlvn to Teter Wilkinaon.Wm.Wll
kinaon, an I all it lers whom It may concern
that I will appear at Hie Land Offic in Oma
h on th 23rd day i Aug ut lH."-8, and tb era
prov mvriiht to pr-m t th E 1-2 of N.
and E 1-2, of S. E. 1-4, of section 12, Town
ship 13, Range 12, Eaetofth 6th principal
meridian in Nebraska Territory.
37.3t WM. D. ROWLEV
-we v v. .i..n t. Patrr Wilkimon. Wm.
Wilkinson, and all others wDom i ro.j
conrern. wai i wm Hj.p.nv .
in Omaha, on th 23rd d iy of Augu.t 1858,
and ther prov my right to pre-empt tne
W 12, of th. N. E., and W 1-2. of S. E. 1-4.
th 6th, principal meridian, Nebraska Tern-