"' 1 MASOMC. A T,. ,-t.,r meeting of Nbrm1i vVr.lH. No. HI. of Free and AccipIpJ VMiions will be held at Masonic Hall, on th second and fourth Tuesday evenings o each month, at 0 l-s o'clock. L. B. KINNEY, W.M i. o. o. r. Th regular meetings of Bellevu Lodge, Wo. 4, will bs hold on Saturday evening of ach week, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brothers of th order who mar be in our city on that vtning, are respectfully invited to attend. W. W HARVEY, N.O. CHAS, E. McRAV, Sec'y. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. ARRIVAL ASD DEPARTURE OP MAILS AT BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. EASTERN. Council Bluffs and Bcllevue Daily Mail, leaves Council Bluffs, at 7 o'clock, A. M., and arrives in Belhvus.at 12 o'clock, M. Re turning, leaves Bellcvue, at 1 o'clock, P. M. EASTERN AND WESTERN. Gtenwood and Fremont Mail leaves Glen- wood Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, nd arrives in Bellevue at 9 o'clock, A. M. T-.av Fremont Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, and.arrives in Bcllevue at 4 o'clock, v. m. NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN. Omaha and Nebraska City Mail, leaves Omaha Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and arrives in Bcllevue at 10 o'clock, A. M. Returning, arrives in Bellevue, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 o'clock, A. M. WESTERN. Bellevue and Plattford Mail, leaves Bellevue every Friday, at 0 o'clock, A. M. Returning, arrives In Uellevue every Saturday, at 8 o'clock. P. M. L. B. KINNEY, P. M. BELLCVUE MARKET. Corrected weekly by Clark & Bbothip, Forwarding and Com. Merchants. Flour St. Louis Super. $3,25 per 93 lbi ; Iowa, $3.00. " Fine, $2,50. Meal $2 per 100 lbs. Apples Dried, $2.30 per bushel. Peaches " 4 00. Butter New 15c $ 20 lb ' Muscovodo Sugar. 10 cents per lb. ' " Pelcner's Syrup, 70 cents por gallon. Coffee, 15 cents r er lb. Beans $2 23 "ft bus. Corn 50 i buh. Oats 50c Beef 0 to 7c. Pried Beef 15c per lb. Salt G. A., per sack, $3. ' Eggs 15e H doi Hides Dry, 8c do Green. 3 Hay $ I 00 $6 00 T tun Bran. 30 cents per bush. Hams lie. Sides Clear, 12 l-2c. Shoulders 9c. Lard 15 c lb "' Onions $2 50 $ bus. Potatoes 25 to 40. ' Pelts Sheep 60c ' do Coon 25c Wood Cotton, 2,50, Hard, 3,50. Lumber Cottonwood sheat'c 20 ty. m " dosn. edeed $25 00 " do Oak, Walnut, Baasvvood $35 00 do Tine siding, clear $45 to Sol) V m do Flooring 2d $00 00 1st $70 00 Boards, $50 (St $70 00 Shingles Pine $7,50 "0 m. " Cottonwood S3 50 Lath Pine $S 00 pr tn. Poors " $3 50 (S) $4 75 each. . bash $1 00 $2 1-4 per casement. JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Police. TS brbv Hven to Peter Wilkinson, and all X others to whom it may concern, that I will appear at the Land Office in Omaha, on the 21st day August, at 10 o'clock A. M. and there nrovs mv rieht to nre-etnpt the north 1-2, and N. E. 1-4 of section 13, of Township 13, Range 12, East of the (Sth prencipal Mer rldian, in Ncbraskr 1 ernrorv. 3t3d FREDERICK METZ, COUNCIL BLUFFS & BELLEVUE DAILY OMNIBUS LINE. A Mail and Omnibus Line, will run daily? J. ( Sundays excepted) betwean Council Bluffs and Bellevue. via Omaha. Leaves Council Bluffs at 8 o'clock, A. M., and returning, leaves Bellevue, at 2 o'clock, P. M. H. D. HAUL. July, 1858. 35 Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that a meeting of the school board of the school district No. 6, of Sarpy Co., N. T.,will be held at the office of Justice Horace Rogers, In Bellevue, on Tuesday. Aug. 3d, 185tt, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All having business to transact with the board art invited to attend. WM. R. SMITH, 35 Sec'y of the Board. PROCLAMATION. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA,) COUNTY OF SARPY. VTOTICE is hereby given, that an Election XN will be held in said county, on Monday, August 2d, 1853, for the purpose of electing the following Territorial and County Officers, to wit t . , Ona Territorial Auditor. Ona joint Couneilmen,for the counties of $arpy, Washington and Burt. Out Councilmen for he county of Sarpy, Four Representatives " " Ona County Commissioner. One Justice of the Peace for tha Bellevue ttrecinctt Two Constables for Uie Bellevns precinct. One Juste ot tue Peace for tha Plattford Precinct. Two Constables for tb Plattford precinct. Two Justices of tha Peace for tha Forest City precinct. ' Ona Constablet for tb Forest City pre cinct. Th Election for the Bellevue precinct, will beheld at the Bellevue House in the City ft BslUvue. The Plattford precinct at the ston house belonging to Piper A. Stlffey, in Piatt ford. Th For-st City precinct at the house of Mathew Shields in Forest City. Th polls will be opned at 9 o'clock A. M. nd continue opT., until b o'clock P. M. By Ooderof the County Commissioners STEPHEN D. BANGS, Belltvu, Juns J8 1858-30 County Clerk. Fennet Ferguson, A TTORNKY AND UOU?l3ELLUll i V- L." AW, Bcllevue, Nebraska. 30 IF. M. DAVENPORT, MERCHANT TAILOR, 6m MAIN STREET) 81 BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. SAM L MACS. R. A. HOWARD. Pease & Howard. A TTC i. cha TTORNEYS at Law and Solicitors in lancerv. Office In Thayer's building. on Farnham "Street, opposite the Western Ex- cnange Hank. Keal Estate nouelic ana sola on commission. Omaha, June, 1858. 30 Notice. IS hereby given to C. Morkenhaupt, and all others whom It may concern, that I will appear at the Land Office in Omaha Cltv, on Saturday July 10th. at 10 o'clock A. M. and thAr mav. mtf rl-hf tn nre.emnt Lot 1. in Section 31, Township 13, Ranee 14, east of the 6th Principal Meridian, tn Nebraska Ter ritory. 31-3t JUUIN L.. T FENCING Nails at ! n27t2 CLARK Sc. BRO'S. HAMS, Sides and Shoulders at n27t2 CLARK & BRO'S. SKY LIGHT Daguerrean Gallery Over A. 11. Orchard's Store, Farnham Street, Omaha City, ft. T. rpHE Public are respectfully invited to call .A. ana examine our pictures. AMBROTYPES, MEL AI NOT YPES. and Pictures transfered to Leather, taken at reasonable nrices. I-ir Pictures taken in lrom .1 to 0 seconas. J.I'. 1 U1J1J, 27tf J. A. TODD. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. Ready Pay. TTAVING made a chance in our business, XX we would give notice to our customers, that all demands due the firm of r. 4c. J. A. Nye, must be settled, and paid to J. A. Nye. The business will continue to be carried on bv Kinna ii Nve. at the old stand, on Main Street, in all its branches. I nose in want or Mowers, or any thing eNe in thuir line, will be supplied, as cneap as eiesewner. 1. t J. A. 1. I C. Bellevue, June 1st, 185S. 27 Road Notices. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF SARPY. 1VTOTICE is hereby given that the County li Commissioners of said county will meet at the residence of Villam Fletcher near Bellevue, on Monday the Sth day of August A. D. 1858. at 8 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of viewing and locating roads, the first des cribed in petition as "beginning at a point 0110 and one rourtn miles nortnot . eaar isiana, on the Territorial Road, running by way of the people's bridge on Fappinion creek, tnence to Bellevue; the other commencing at Bellevue by the people's bridge and PhilanderCook's to the l'latte river. In the afternoon of said day at 2 o'clock, said commissioners will meet at the house of Bernhart Myers to view and locate a road proposed in petition, to run as follows: com mencine at a point near the residence of Bern hart Myers where the Territorial road from Omaha to Cedar Island inters -cts the 1-4 sec line of sec 17 T 13 R 13; thence west on said line to the center of an id sec 17,thence S 80 rods, thence west to the east line of sec 16 T 13 R 12. thence on the most practicable route to Falrview. All persons interested in the loca tion of said roads are requested to meet said commissioners at the house of aaid Bernhart Mva a on the evening of said day at 0 o'clock On the following day tie lutn day or Aug, 18.ri8, the county commissioners will meet at Child's mill Rt9 o'clock A. M., to view and locate two roads; the 1st commencing at Child's mill, running to Bellevue city by the most direct and practicable route; also a road to connect with the Territorial road at or near the bridge west of Hamilton's field; the 2d road commencing on the line between Beni Mattbv and Reuben Loveiov's farms in see il T 14 R 13 east, "along said line to the cast line of said section: thence on the line between Henry Zurcher and E. Lerew in see 35 to the east line of said Zurcher and Lerew; thence to connect with the territorial road, running alone the west line of the Bellevue Mission oroDrtv. said commissioners win men meet on mt evening of said day at 4 o'clock at tha house of Reuben Lovejoy in the city of Bellevue, to near an parties interested in locaung ana es tablishtnc said roads. By order of the county commissioners. Si EHPEN D. BANGS, County Clerk Bellevue, June 7th, 1858. 33 AI IT MP. HOUSE, Sign and Ornamental Pain'er, Grainer and Paper Hanger, will execute all order in his line of business, neat, cheap ana quick, work warraniea. Reference; Cook and Davenport. SHOP a few door north of tb Bellevue House. 24tf QORN MEAL at CLARKE k BRO'S. T7ANCY S. F. St. Louis Flour at X CLARKE ft. BRO'S. City Ordinance. No. 2. Be it Ordained by the City Council 0 .. . f nil ml ... . 11 tne Liy oj ctuevue, mat mere oe ana 11 hereby assessed and levied, upon each able bodied male citizen, witbin the incor porated limits of the city of Bellevue, within the ages ef 21 and 60 years, a poll tax of two days labor, to be expend ed upon tne public streets in tne city of Bellevue, under the direction of the street Commissioner, and that said street Com missioner ahall have the same powers as are granted to Supervisors in an act pass ed ly the Legislature of the Territory of Nebraska, emitted " an act for locating, opening, repairing and changing County Roads, and approved January 26th, 1856." C. T. HOLLOWAY, Mayor. Attest, He5st M. Bi'bt, Recorder. GROCERIES at 25 CLARKE ft. BRO'S. IV O. 07. py tfe.SMSLof th0 -w- VT -I I ... I JAMES BUCHAN- I 11 pursuant- vi i , i. lAN. President of th Unittd States of America, do hereby declars and makt known that public sales will bs held at tha under mentioned land -flicei in the Territory of Nebraska, at the periods hereinafter desig nated, to wit 1 At the land offlca at BROWNSVILLE, commencing on Monday, the Sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following-named townships, vlx t JVorA of the bast line and east of the sixlhprmcipai tneriaian. That part of township one outside of In a Sac and Fox, and Half Breed, Nemaha reser vation, of range 17. The parts or townsnips 1, a, a, ana 1 out side of the Sac and Fox, and Half Breed, Ne maha reservation, and fractional townshipa 6 and 6, of range 10. That part or townsnip one ouisiue 01 ins Sac and Fox reservation t township 2, the parta of townships 3, 4, and 5, outside of th Half Breed, Nemaha reservation j and frac tional township 0, or range 13. That part of township one outside of the Sac and Fox reservation t townships 2, 3. and 4 5 that port of township 5 outside of the Hair Breed, rxemana reservau. n ana town ship 6, of range 14. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, D, and 0, or ranga u. Townsnips 1, V, 3, 4, o, ana o, or range t. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and b, of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8, of range 10. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, ft, and 6, of rang 9. At the land office at NEBRASKA CITY, commencing on Monday, the sixth day of September next, for the dispos al of the public lands within the following named townships, viz ! JVorA of Vie base line and east of the sixth principal meridian. Fractional townships 7 and 8, of range 15. Township 7, and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. of range 14. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. and frac tlonal township 13, of range 13. Townships 7. 8.9,10, and 11, and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townhips 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fraction al township 12, of range 11. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional townships 12, 13, and 14, of range 10. Townsnips 7, o, ana id, ana xracnonai townships 14, 15, and 1, of range 9. At the land office at OMAIIA CITY commencing on Monday, the sixth day of September next, for the disposal or tne public lands wtthin the following-named town ships, viz : JVorA of the base line and east of the sixth principal meridian. Fractional townships 13. 14. 15, and 16. of ranee 14. , Fractional townshts 13,14, ID, 10, end li, of rauee 13. Fractional townsnips li ana is, townsnips 14, IS, and 16, and frac.ional townships 17, 18. 19. and 20. of ranee 12. Fractional township 12, townsnips li, 14, 15, Id. 17, and 13, and fractional townships 19 and 20. of ranee 11. Fractional townsnips iz, 13, and 14, ana townshipa 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, of rangs 1U. Fractional townships 11, 15, and 19, and townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 9. T.anda annroDriated br law for the use of schools, military, and other purposes, will be exclued from the sales. The offering of the above lands will be com menced on the days appointed, and will pro ceed in the older in which tney are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed; but no sale ahall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry or any or tns lanes win ne aa mitted until after the expiration of tha two weeks. Given under my hand, at tha city of Wash- fngton, this thirtieth day ot March, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty- eight. JAML3 DUltlAnAil, By the President 1 Thos. A. Hitwnatcxs, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIM ANTS. Every person entitled to the rieht of pre emption to any ot the lands within the town ships and parts of townships above enumer ated is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and reclevcr of the proper land office, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and befo a the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale or tne lands emoracing tne tract claimed, otherwise aucu claim will be rorreited. THOS. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the General Land Office RANGER JONES' FERRIES. JON ES' new and well arranged Ferry, ia now in operation ontti Elkhorn River, near its mouth, situated on Section 23, Township 14, Rang 10, East, between th Steam Saw Milla of Root & Dimoc, and J. C. aud J. Reeves. 1 also have a good new Flat, large and con venient on th same Section and Range of the Horn Ferry, where I will cross traveler over th Platte River, on Fridays and Saturdays, when the weather and circumstances will ad mit! or on other day if necessary. Tb above Ferriea are on a direct rout west of Bellevue to Fremont, on th Platte, on th north, and Chester Salt Spring. Salt Creek, Pawnee Village on the south aide, and Fort Kearny, Fort Laramie, Salt Lake City, fee. 23 RANGER JONES. For Sale A T WM. RAWITZER'S Cheap Cash taiv Store, No. 0, Jefferson Street, PROVISIONS, LEMONS, ICE CREAM, CIGARS, K FANCY CANDIES. If Ton wish to pure has any of th above. encap lor ciso, can at my siors ana examine for yourselves. 22tf WM. KAWITZER. Wanted. ri ASH will b. paid by Clark ft. Bro. for VJ any quantity of dry and ersen hides. 19-3t For Rent or Sale. rpHE Fin Ston Building known as th X Bellevu 8' or, situated on th corner of Jefferson and 27th atreets, Bellevue, N. T., will b sold, or rented, at a bargain. For terms, auquir or 1. a. LEMON, it tb Fontsnefl f ink 3m 20' . NEW ARRANGEMENTS ! NEW s AND New Prices! B Y L. B. KINNEY & GO, THE undersigned art now opening the largest and best selected, assortment of Spring and Summer goods, ever before offered In market) for tha truth of this, we In-Ite the Ladies and Gentlemen to call and see that this ia no News Paper puff, no fiction, iio gass ; But truth In realliy, Even in Nebraska Therefore come one, come all, ana David will be on hand in his usual good humor to wait on all, Ladies in particular. fcvery thing may be round in the shape or choice drsss goods f-r Spring an't Summer at It) Kl iN IN b I fc i:U'S. GROCERIES of avry description, cheap at KINNEY It CO'S. B OOTS and shoes, good and warranted at KINNER It CD'S. GAITERS, Buskins, variety at and Slippers of every KINNEY It CO'S. N AILS, Glass and Queensware, cheap at KINNEY St CO'S. Notice. Ill AVE been very Indulgent with my custom ers about ipaylng up, somelirr.es this prin- cipel ceases to be a virtue. I wilt now notify all to coireup to the rack and settle old scores immediately, and you will very much oblige rouronecuent servant, 16tf L. B. KINNEY. NOTICE! T ETfERS of Administration on the estate Xj of John Ray late of Sarpy county, de ceased ) having been granted to tha subscriber residing in Bellevue, lie hereby gives notice to all persons Indebted to said estate to call and settle tha tame, and these having claims against the estate are requested to present them properly authenticated ror settlement. 13 WILLIAM II. WRIGHT. Ad'm'r GUSTAVE SEEGEIl, COUNTY SURVEYOR OF MILLS CO. OFFICE GLEN WOOD, IOW. VRDERS left at the office of Sbakspeare V noyes, bt. Mary, will receive prompt at tention. r G. SEEGER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, would respectfully inform the cltizena of Mills and adjoining counties, that he is prepared to execute all work of the following character 1 Laying off town sites, leveling of streams for water power, drawine or maps plain ana colored, drawing designs for buildings of all si vies, with estimates or cost. Correct plats of the townships of Mills County, ahowin'e the true positions of tha tlnv ber, water courses and bluffs, kept constantly on hand. Having had experience Doth in tnis country and in Europe, lie feds assured of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Gold Medal awarded at the late St, Louis fair to G. Seeger It S. Schimonsky for the best topographical map. Office Glenwood, Mills co., Iowa. 14 SPECIAL NOTICE ! THE undersigned informs tha public, that aftej this date, they have adopted the Cash system, and reduced their profit column te tne lowest ngnres. All persons indebted to us, are requested to call and settle before the lirst or May, A. (J without fail. April 8, 1858. J. P. HORN, It Co, 5120 Notice. I HEREBY give notice, that on and after the 15th day of April next, I will proceed to give deeds, to those entitled to lot and land, in that porticnof the City of Bellevu, en tered by the Mayor: " as a town aite," at the office or Bowen Ntrlcklana. LEAVITT L. BOWEN. Mayor. ADMIISTRATOR' ( OTICE. T ETTERS Testamentary on tha estate of J J Alexander Davis, late of Sarpy county deceased, having been granted to th undesign ed, residing In said county, she hereby notifies all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to aaid estate, to make immediate paynent, and those having claims, to present the aami properly authenticated, for settlement on 1 before the first day of Mav next. IRENE DAVIS, Am'r. Bellevue, March 1st, 1858. 3ml5 Trustee's Sale. "VXrHEREAS Robert S. McEwendid by hi V V certain deed of Trust, dated th Twen ty Sixth day of October, 1857, and recorded in the flics of Register of Deeds, In Sarpy county, iveorasica lernt ry, in hooic u, I'at 237. convey to Warren Green, th followini described land, viz 1 the undivided half of the S 1-2 of 8 W, N E of 8 W, and N W of BE quarter of Sec. 18. in Township 14, north, Range 14, F.st of th 6th principal meridian. isenraska territory. Also nis interest In tne 8 E of N E quarter of Section 18, in Town ship 14, north, Rang 14, east, in th County of Sarpy, Territory of Nebraska 1 which aaid conveyance to th said Warren Green, was in trust to secure the payment of said Robert S. MeEwen' not, therein particular described ; aid not dated October 26, 1857, pay able ninety day after data, for t' sum of Fv Hundred and Nin Dollars, ((509) upon which there la now due, and unpaid, at this date, Five Hundred and Twenty-Three Dol lar and Thirteen Cent. Now, st th request of th holder of aaid not, and in pursuance of th term and provisions f said deed of trust, by which th un --signed i duly appointed and constituted trusts and attorney for th aid Robert S. McEwei, and in his nam with full powtr to sell and convey tb abov de scribed land. Public notice 1 hereby given, that th undersigned trust will, on Monday, th7th day of Juns, 1858, between th hours of 10, A. M, and 4 o'clock, P. M. of that day, at ui uenevu uouse, in tn city or Bell vue, Sarpy County, '.Nebraska Territory, ell tk kstf Jlm w-lk- I ..J B..V.U - ' WW.W Ul.V, I fa f UUII. i fal VII , for cash, to th highest bidder, to satisfy said not, interest and coats f said sale. FRANCIS A. WHITE, Truatee, BclUvue, May 6, t. 4t24 VARIETY STORE. THE undersigned have opened, a large nd commodious new store, on the corner of Main and 2Mh Streets, in Bellevue, whsra a varied assortment of Goods may bs found Among them are DRY GOODS, Such as Brown Muslin, Calico, Sheeting, Shirting. Hosiery, ft KNIVES, FORKS, SCYTHES, WOOD-SAWS, SHOVELS, 1IAY-FOBKS. SPADES. TEA-KETTLES, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, lie, bgether with a quantity of Boots cto SHoos 'gars, Rnkes, Rones, Horse-collars, Carpet' sacks, Window Sash, Doors, TEAS AND SUGARS, Tobocco, Queensware, Glassware, Flour, Crackers and a great many mora articles. J hey ktep constantly on hand, a large as sortment of good Wines and Liquors, Warranted the best quality cheap for cash, naitr J. r. uukin & lu. Meat Market Chang Dd Hands. TT ESSRS. OLIVER It STONE, hav pur- J.'J. chased of II. Conk Griffith, his entire interest In the butchering business, and will hereafter be found at his old stand, on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, under 8. M. Pike's Grocery and Provision Store, where tney will be nappy to wait upon his old cus tomers, and all others who may choose to favor them with their patronage. r 1' i n f . ai ttrvn or.unur. a. uLircn. Oct. 29. 6m51- CHARLES STONE. W. 11. Longsdorf, RADUATE of Penn. College of Dental VJ Sureerv. respectfully announce to tht cit izens ot Bellevue, and vicinity, that ha ia now prepared to practice ientlstry, in an its va rious branches. Office hours from 2 till ft, P. M. 45 Notice rpHE undersigned having purchased th n A. tire stock of Jewelry, formerly owned by Alex. Kemp, is prepared to sell th same at 25 per cent less than was ever offered in this city netore, as room must be made for a large spring assortment. The stock consists of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Clocks, Setts of Cameo, Coral, Enamel, Painted, Gold Stone, Masonic, and Mourning Jewelry, Broaches, Ear Drops, Cuff Pins, Shirt Studs. Lockets, Bracelets. Rings, Gold, Silver, and Plaited Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Gold and Silver Spectacles. Also a splendid as sortment of MORTON'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. Also Musical Instruments. Cutlery, Port Monies, Pouches, Card Cases, ate, &c. A fin stock of Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolv ers, fee, which will bs sold at a small ad vane above cost, as th subscriber wlsbei to go out of the gun bnsiness. aii Kinus or repairing don with neatness and dinnatch by competent workmen. I still continue to tak Omaha Scrip, We tern Exchange, Nemaha Valley, eastern mnn y, or gold and silver, In exchange for goods. (j unior on lain Mreet, on door rrom Farnham, and directly opposite th Western txenauge Dank, Umana, N. 1. 1'lease call and examine goods and prices. T. W. WOODS. Omaha, Jan. 12th, 1858. 3m9 SEEDS FOR 1858. "XfE ar now prepared with a full and y and complete stock of FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, Of th new crop, to supply any demand whole sale and retail, on the very best of terms. Our stock is new ( as we do not consign seeds and take nona back to mix up again.) and much of it grown under our own directions In this state. Our stock of European seeds is imported directly by ourselves from tb most re'iaoie growers in England and Franc. . W feel confident no better advantage to th public can bs offered than w can give, and we cordially Invite an examination of our tock before purchasing. Our stork consist! in part of Spring Wheat, Barley, Corn, Peas, Beens, ftc, a very large variety of Garden Seeds and a full assortment of Flower Seeds of choice varieties. Also, 150 bushels pur Chinese Sugar Can Seed. CoiiaUnliy on hand a large assortment of Agricultural and Horticultural implements. Full priced seed and implement catalogue sem upon receipt or stamp to pay postage. HENRY D. EMERY ft. CO., 8mosl4 204 Lak Street, Chicago, Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage by Aaveruiement. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, ) COUNTY OF SARPY, J Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgage, vs. William R. Johnson, Alfred Kellum, i Aaron O. Cox, Mortgager. ) Mortgage dated. March 14th, A. corded in book E., Pag 100, 1857, at 101 o'clock, A. M. D. 1857, re April 21st, Default having been mad in th payment of tb sum of two thousand and two hundred dollars, ($2,200.) which is claimed to ba du at in oar or uns notice, and secured bv a certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing dt March 14th, A. D. 1857, executed by William R. Johnson, then of th Stat of Iowa, Alfred Kellum, and Aaron U. Cox, of Bellevue, bar DV Countv. Nebraska Territorv. tn Rcnk.n Lovejoy, of Bellevue, aforesaid, and Recorded in tn ollic of th Register of Deeds, at Oina ha City, for Sarpy County, N. T., in Book E, rage iou, on m zm or April, A. D., 1857, at 10 1-2 o'clock. A. M. Now, therefor, notic I herebv riven, that in pursuarc of a power of al contained In aid mortgae, and of th statute, in such cases mad and provided, th premiss de (cribed In snd conveyed by said mortgage, to wit t all that certain piece and parcel of land, with Its appurtenance, tituatsd and lying In th city of Bellevue, in (aid county of Sarpy, ana territory or nsorasna, a no aescrinad a Block on hundred snd thirteen, (113) in said city of Bellevue, according to th survey there of, mad by Mr. Schimonsky, in ths year 1856, win d oia at puoue auction on in ism day of June, A. D. 1858, btwen th hours of 9 o'clock, in th fornoon, and th setting of th sun sn that day, to tb highest bidder the sal to bs in front of tb Bellevu House, ia th city of Bellevue, Sarpy County, Nebraska lemtory. ac.JBt.tl LOVEJOY, Mortgsg. T. 6. Lso, Att'y. March 21'b, 1858. Bl8tl2 Notice of the Foreoloiura of Mortgap by Advertisement. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF BAKr X. ) Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgages, Alfrrt Kellum, j V. A. Uwytr, Mortgagors. ) Deed of Mortgag dated December ISta, A. u. ib.", ana rtcordsd in hook b., raga 209, 270 and 271 December Slit, 1807 st 10 o'clock, A. M. Default having been mad in payment of th sura or two thousand two hundred dollars, ($2,200,) which la clalmsd to b du at th date of this notice, and secured by s deed of Mortgage bearing date. December 18th. 1857, executed by Alfred Kellum and V. A. Owyr, of Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory, to Reu- on L.ovoy, or tn cuy or ueiisvue, narpy L'ounlr. Nebraska Tsrrltorv. and recardsd In th oinc of th Register of Deeds for Harpy County, N. T., In book B., pages 269,270 an 271, on the 21st day of December, A. D. 1857. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Now, therefore, notlc is hereby given that In pursuance of a power of sale contained tn said mortgage, and of tha statute In such case mad and provided, th premises described In and conveyed by said mortgage, to wit t All that certain plte r parcel of land, lying and being tituat In th County of Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska, and described as follows, to wit t Commenc ing ror th am at a post 84. 0 rod, North 81 degree, East of tht S. W. corner of sec tion thirteen, (13) Township thirteen, (13V Range thirteen, (13), east of th 6th Prinel- pal Meridian thenc north 471 degre, we.t 2.1.5 rods to a Cottonwood stump, thsncs north 34 degrees, east 9.5 rod to a post, theoc South 47 1-2 degrees east, 23.0 rods to s post, thence south 30 degree wait 9.5 rous to tn place or beginning, containing en acre and fifty-seven perch, together with all and singular th tenement ana hertdltsmtnts and appurtenance thereunto belonging, or Is anywis appertaining, consisting In part of on engine, boiler and all th machinery ass fixture for a perfect steam saw-mill, manufac tured by Cooper and CI 1 rk, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and ssid to t or thirty horse power, will bs old at public auction on th 20tn day of Jun, a. u. mas, Between tn noun or o'ciock a. M.. and th setting of th sun on tb asms ,day, to th highest bidder. Th sal to bs la front of th Bellevu Hons In the City ef Bellevue, Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory. It tUllC IX LUVtJUI, Mortgag. 1. a. LEMON, Att'y. April 1st, 185S. til9tlt Notice. THE SALE of th abov described proper ty, is postponed, at th request of th Mortgagor, un II the 21st day of August, A.D. 1858, between th hour of nin o'clock. A. M and the setting of th sun of tb lame day. at the Bellevu House. T. B. Lemon, REUBEN LOVEJOY. Attoinv. Mor!rr. July 10, 1858-32 THE CHICAGO CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 1 Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearbos btreet, Chicago. CAPITAL, 150,000. DIRECTORSi KDMVMD CAMriELD hsnby cHarataar, h. a. atoxaot. ISAAC COOK, H. A. WVMCOOP. OFFICERS 1 Edmund Canfleld, Pres., Wm. 8. Bates, oeo y, uenry unapman, Treai. rp HIS Company wa organized on tb 27t J. day of March. A. D. 1855. under a a dm. lal charter from th Legislature of Illinois, snd business commenced under th most fa vorable auspices. It establiahment hasbtsa upon s firm and reliable bail, and in viw of it stability, soundness.and permanency, ranks ou 01 ui- orst insurance companies ia IB county. To thos desirous of protecting themselves against loss or da mag by Fir, or PTiii in iu oca, tney oeg leav to offer tn following REFERENCES. Messn. Ston at Witt, Cleveland, Ohio. William ft. Avery, Chicago, III. Norton fc Brother, " " Ston It Boomer, H. 8. Durand, Pre. Racln k. Mis. R. K. Geo. C. Northrup, Cash. Racln Co. Bank. Wm. P. Llnd, Esq., Milwaukee. J. G. Conroe, Esq. Racln. Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Com'I B'k, Chicago Henry Farnham, President Chicago at Rock Island Rail Road. Daniel P. Rhode. Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, 111. Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Louis, Mo. Messrs. Wadswortb, Wells at Seymour, Chicago, III. Messrs. I. H. Burch at Co., Chicago Baak. M-istrs. G. W. Sixer at Co. Chicago, 111. Wm. Blanchard, Esq., Morris, IlC Messrs. H. C. A. O. G. Cook at Co., Rock ford. III. Meses. H. Wheeler k. Son, Aurora. Z1L Messrs. Judd, Smith at Pratt, Dixon, 111 Nehtmiah Case, Esq., Buffalo, N. Y. Wm. B. Fundy, Esq., Snringfisld, HI. Gen. I. Cure, Springfield, I1L Richard Ivers, Esq., SU Louis, Mo. T. B. LEMON, Agsnt, Bellrrv. AND Jewelry Establishment in Omaha WM. FRODSHAM, having retired froa tb lat firm of Kemp at Frodshara, ha opened s new tor at No 3, Capt. Down's ouiiding, between ui MUodt enures sad th Post Offie, where he Invites his old pat- rona to givs aim a can. lim piece and jewelry, or every dtscrlp- tlon, neatly and sx-pedkiomly repaired, tml Notice. NOTICE is hereby given tn Geoff XT. Lewis, John Cltavsland. and all othara concerned, to appear before th KegiaUr and Kceivr 01 in Lnd Ufflc at Omaha, oa Wednesday th Snd day of June. 1858. at 1ft o'clock A. M., and offer saeh evidsne as ye may hav in support er adverse to til pre emption of John CUaveland, to lota 1, t, and s, ocction 27, Tp is. Rang 12 st, ss per instructions of th Commissioner of ths Lam Offic to r-invtigat aid pre-emption. JOHN A. PARKER Jr., Register, A. R. GILLMORE, Rcivr. March SOth, 185S. 22t4 E)io!ution. THC partnership heretofore xistf andtr th asm of WM. C AVERIIX CO. ia this day dissolved by mutual coastal, and th business will k conducted bsrsafttr by Wm. C. A will, who I authorise to sttl aO account of th 1st firm. WM. C. AVERIIX. W. H. LONGSDORf. Jl! , May U, 115. 2C t