I3ELLEVUE GAZETTE. H EN UY M. HUUT, Nrw rM Local Editor. BELLEVUE, N. T. THURSDAY.' JULY 8. 1858. A tilde to Falrflew and riall ford. Leaving our City, a short time since we aet out for a brief visit to the western portion of this County. A ride of near ly two hours over a beautiful and rolling prairie, dotted here and there with culti va'cd' fields, brought us to the town of Fairview. This town, as it name indi cates, is indeed a fair view. It it situ ated on a high and level plateau, about half a mile north of the Platte, overlook ing the valley and the River which passes eastward, as it were, at our feet. The River is visiblo several miles both on the east and vest of the town, and is filled with Islands, that are covered with a dense forest of timber. On the opposito side of the River, the. steep and irregular bluffs of southern Nebraska, approach to the River's edge, and are covered with hard-wood timber. On the cast, 10 miles distant, the range of bluffs, that skirt the Missouri on its eastern bank, rearing their lofty heads heavenward, are distinctly visible. On the north and west a vast prairie stretches far away, and is lost to the eye in the shadowy distance. The whole scenery, presents a panoramic view, un surpassed by any that we have seen in Nebraska. Thero is plenty of timber near the town, and an abundance of lime and sand rock, suitable for building purposes, can be quarried from the bluffs near at hand. In several places coal has been discover ed out-cropping from the sides of the ad jacent ravines. We examined where an an attempt had been made to open a coal bank. The vein was only three inches thick, where it out-cropped, but at the ter minus of the opening, a distance of fif teen feet, it had increased to three feet. Fairview possesses the natural elements that will, we presume, give it prominence among the towns on the Plate River. From Fairview, we continued westward directing our steps toward Plattford, which itj about 10 miles from F., and as tho golden ruys of twilight, were changing into darkness, we halted at Elm Grove( near Plattford, where we spent the night with our friend J, In the morning we took a stroll over the surrounding country, which is unsurpassed in fertility. On entering Plattford, we found that a portion of its inhabitance had retired to their farms, a short distance from town, and were busily engaged in agricultural pursuits, where they had sown, that they wight reap in seed time and harvest. Plattford is situated on the north bank of Platte River, whero it makes a bend nearly at right angles, to the north. The towu site is far above high water mark, with a gentle slope to the River, and should the Platte become a navigable stream, Plattford will make a town of no small pretensions. There is an abundance of timber, lime and sand rock, near at hand, which are indispensable to the growth and prosperi ty of a town, as well as to an agricultural community. The people in an about Plattford, are intelligent, sociable and industrious, and are just the class of inhabitants that make a desirable community. We were highly gratified to note the agricultural industry that is manifested in that vicinity. Large fie'ds have been fenced, and put under cultivation, and a great abundance of farm produce will be raised there this season. Many of the farmers are grow ing large quantities of Sugar Cane, One, living a little north of Plattford has planted 14 acres. Sugar Cane, will with out doubt, become a staple crop, in this County. Com and potatoes, as yet, are the pi io cipal crops. Potatoes were looking fine Corn showed the effects of the frequent and copious rains, that occurred during the spring, but we presume it willl do better this season, than it has for sev eral years past. Local Editor, , Fast Age. . Perhaps one of the greatest evils of the present age, is its fastness. The past is thrown into the shade by the evolutions .of lhe present. The Hebrews had no present tense in their language, but we have no present Him. Our watchword is always the futurt tfu future! As for June we take no note of it. Occasional ly we ere whirled into (he next state, but that does not prevent us from returning, posting our books, and making our wills, tVoigh tit1 influence of table tipping and nocturnal rapping. Even the old Ilililo is needed no longer, Andrew Jackson Davis has been n liuin nearer the source of truth. Solomon of old said thcro was nothing now under the mm but really, the present ogc staggers our i faith. Old things ..cm to be dune away, I , ,, , . , ., 1 1 and all things nnr become. The old stage, the old white sail wind-mill, the 1 lull, erect, healthy old man, und round, plump, fair looking matron, in short, the i good old days of yore, have all departed. Hand labor is superseded by whirling j machinery. The old hens arc needed no longer for hatching-steam is all the go. I With our latest Patent you can pitch a live sheep into the hopper, giv the crank a !ew turns, ami out comes lour .. o, mutton, a good side of leather, ai;d two r . . I ... t I r bran new beavers, all ready for a fast young dandy, according to the latest Pa risian style. People in this nge are whirled along with such velocity, that they cannot stop to breathe, atmoephcro hence is unnecessary. A for tnastica- tion, our teeth are all decaying for want , . ., . i i i , . 1 01 somcuiing io (to , nuu uyypejiaiu is insi i hurrying us along to tho embrace of mother earth. We coino into tho world fast, go through it fast, and leave it fust. Surely this is a fast age. CHAUCER. Gen. Jim. Lane of Kansas, who lias brcen on trial at Lawrence, for some time past, for the murder of Jenkins, has been acquitted. . I A Don est A mono th e Br.r.s. A j .augnau.e occurence ... , ,DCe a uuy or two since up jii a farm in the outskirts of the city, in which a donkey occupied a a very prominent part, and showed him self to be a far less intelligent animal than the ono " we read of," who, when penned up in tho farm yard with the chickens, remarked, as he trod them un der foot, " F.very one for himself and God for u-i oli." This modern donkey, being panned up in a yard, under circumstances quito sim ilar 1 1 those of his ancient prototype, under took the more dangerous experiment of ; treading on the bees ; so he thrust his I.. ' . . I. I' 1 J with their domestic arrangements, the bees I rushed out in swarms and commenced 1 their assaults upon him in such a savage manner as made tho poor beast think he must leave in a hurry, which he accord ingly Old. liut tue bees, not content witn acting merely on the defensive, seemed determined to punish him for his termer- lty, and give him a lesson which should nst him through life Literally covering j lis whole body, they stung him on his nose, they stung hirn in his ears, they I suing him in his eyes. I pun his back, and upon his belly, upon his neck, and j ! .1 . . i.i ugiy nose against me n.ves, nnu maue u ( ,0 1S50 for,y.lliu9 eruptions had been re determined onset upon tho whole row corJeJi ,hos of tho prescllt mitury lak. as if each individual hive was a trough of , in place jn mo, ISM.und 1839. there meal. Not relishing such familmniy . . . nw of lava in 1S5.5. sine, upon nis legs, tny Ufieneu inemseives a saiary oi j.uuu irancs, ana tne imme by hundreds und (thousands, and wher j diato Senatorship, which brings another ever a sting could penetrate, the poor 30,000 francs ; and at last he has consent donkey had to take it. j ed to go over to Paris for a verbal and r rantic with race and nam. the animal rayed and bellowed, and ran, und jump ed, and lushed his rides with his tail ; and finally, as if in utter despair of get- ling rid of his assailant.", he threw him self upon the ground and rolled over and over in an agony of pa in. r Hiding this to be of little use, and that his assailants seemed to multiply rather than diminish, the poor donkey picked himself up again, and seeing the kitchen door open, with ears and tail erect, and eyes glistening with ttars mid terror, he made a rush in to the house. Thither the bees followed him; and such a scene as then ensued has seldom been enacted. In vain the donkey rolled upon the floor-in vain he iumned over the cook-stove. evermrm d lha .ki ri lln. nn.oOk. K . . I in . - .... A.,.,a .';,, t .n ,-, ,i ;', Su uwuu r im Aims j v, uuu 4b tj uifi ui,' c . rr 1. I . I I 1 r 1.1 the whole household, summoned by the ; ?L ThmM,he learned the fall of Comon no.se, had worked vigorously for Some!fort' 'l'e execrable l.ttl ty. ant ' as he .:1i, a, , terms him, and he therfore paused, assur- es, that poor John Donkey was sutf.cient- ly rid of his enemies to be oble to leave in safety by anxher door than that which he had entered This is no fable, reader, but a veraci - ous narrative; vet there is a moral toil as rood as if it were a fable, and one which the strong, who attempt to oppress Ihff insignificant and apparently weak , and the meddlesome, who are inclined to i poke their noses into other peoples bui- j ness, and the covetous who hanker ufuri that which dose not belong to them,' would do well to consider, for all 6uch are , liable to the same experiences as the don- key met with among the bee-hives. Worcttter Sjj. The Newburyport Herald aysthat the old residents of Ward" One were not a little surprised on Thursday last by the advent in their midst of Mr. Peter Fudge, after an absence of fony-six years. It was supposed that he had long been an inhabitant of the spirituul spheres. In lbl2 Mr. r udge sailed from INevvbury port in a , i i , ch.l.t L n lH ll'hll.h flat. A . n iiu nuinrj rio nan vi mill uiiiii ins iriiirii. il l , , L ,l .1 i l .... ,, wue was inarr.ea twice atter in, uepar : George D. Prentice, the editor of the Louisville Journal has enrolleJ himself as a memeber of the Sons of Temperance. tJ draw oul mor han fiy times the He joined them on the night of the y7th a,.,'0ll't of the capital he had furnished, as ult... and made, it is said, some very snare ot profits. The astonish touching remarks upon his past life and : ucr'lt'f 'he Pr old gentleman proved too his pronects for the future. (""l1 fr I''1", for he went home and died All accounts of tb crops in Kentucky Missouri and Tennessee , are encouraging, As Important Decision. Under tins li:nl, on tlie 27th of May las, we em bodied an article, a report from Washing ton, made, we believe, ly the correspon I dent of the Missouri Republican, to the ellect, tluit ill a huprcme Court of the United States, had made a decision, that Government parts with its title to lands only when the patent issues to the purchasePi thnl publl0 ian,,s are therefore ,10l iuxat,le by Stales or Territories until the actual issue of the patent. ''0 report ot sucti a decision nas gone the rounds of the papers of the United I Sinloa ii. ,1 it inntn l!ist Mr Hirnov of thjj wrole ,0 Seimtor Jones ,0 Bscer. tain the truth in relation to the matter. Mr. Jones has written in reply as fol lows. Washington, June 15ih, 1S-jS. Sin: I called on the Clerk of the -. SmlM Suprcme Court( realive 0 th0 decision of the Supreme Court of the I mted States with regard to the illegality of taxing lands before the issue of the patents. lie informs me nio that there ij no Mich opinion given ; and as he owns much land in the West that is subject to taxation, which would be exempt under such a decision, if any such has been ",'"Ja He says the newpaper report it without the lenst foundation. I am your o'l.t. servant. GEO. W. JONES. W. I. Barney, Esq., Dubuque, Iowa. Dubuque Express. Vesuvius. The news of the eruption of Vesuvius does not make it clear that all danger is yet over ; which fact, togeth er ivit!i flto inlinmnt intrtrutt lifit.innrinrT tn h niyaterimis manifestations of the power of the elements, will make the ao- counts read with much avidity. Premo- j,,,, 0f tne outbreak have been noted fjp Rom() tii ,he absence of ((,. Mructive eruptions for a long period ha prevented the alarm which used to attend ! such warnings. Tho first and most dread i ful eruption of Vesuvius, of which wo have any mention, was in the year 79, when Pompeii and Herculaneuin, with over I "00 000 human beings, were buried un i derthe burning lava and cinders. In 1631 the town of Torre del Grecco, then hav i ing four thousand inhabitants, was entire- i.. .1 .. - I .. .:. l u . e .1. I : I iv uosii uyeu, wuu inucit 01 ui'3 sui rounuiug of ,n0Ultaill ftf ,eBvi lhe cratp'r rumor,! In tin. nrnrttir.n r.f I tho inn i nearly two miles in circumference. Down which time, till the present outburst, the mountain has been quiet. The London Athcnenum says " after all, and in spite of his many former re fusals, Professor Agassiz, of Boston, will bo won over for tho dictatorship of the Museum of Natural History of the Jardin oes J'lantes. at Paris. It appears to be a favorite wish of the Emperor Napolen, to draw this celebrated scholar, whose per sonal acquaintance he made in bwnzer laiul, to 1'uru. Agassiz has been ottered . I f iT " r(i e . i . i personal negotiation. S.t Axxv. The distinguished Mexican exile, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, has addressed, from the Island of St. Thomas, a lengthy manifes to to his countrymen. Like former efforts in the tame line, it is a warm eulogiuin upon the author, by showing him to have been the most discreet, pure minded, suc cessful, considering the circumstances, and eminently patriotic ruler Mexico ever had. Tho drift of the whole cviJently is to induce a recall to the scene of his form er glories, lie 5ays V" the clamor of my t. J . i . c t .... . u ,3,nu . '"ttuyL , , L0U.mr',nen rtn.u.ieu V.eu lo. "umu,e iremem, ; .ii.l I tmilif tn liitirraf. futnnii. m ctnnrvnw ",m 1 vv",u i.v.im.i.vi .rumm " OIIUIICI i your sufferings." Bat ou arriving at d ,hal 'he illustrious citizens will know ' how 10 'ri 'r the necessities of the j fTllr'- IIe ' l"e 01tl,nate ,nai1 wo succeeds in ' M" lhe great work to a successful tmmauon whoever he may be. It may 0 ..n. d ine present posture of affairs in Mexico does not render it ver ".y-muem aoes noi noia out hlronK ho,3. ll'at ,lh.ere 14 an' suth " ftuimte man now living. A rBY Ia"d Case. The New York Times has the follwing : 1:1 i . i . . j j . ..ii ! An enterprising young man in Alba- ny, a few years ago, who had whit he considered to be n valuable medicine, which he wihei bt sell for the benefit of mankind, prevailed upon an old fellow of his acquaintance to join him in-the busi ness and furnish him with the neressary capital to go ahead with. He came to New York, and at once entered upon a most profligate and ruinous course of ad vertising, which at last excifd ih alarm of the old gentleman in Albany, who came wit: uwnii iu miMr-ri i mo until. ins oi ino con J... .,....... .1,.. . ..I .L. . - . . . . cern. and to his utter consternation he discovered thai his prodiz.1 partner had ( spent Iiis entire capital the first year in advertising. Uui examining a Jitttle I it- lher he discovered that he was entitled in a lit. If merchant da nit want ti tret ' rich too fast, thy tho lid be careful not to advertise Local & Territorial. Forani or Jtlv Celebratioms. We have been favored this year with an tmusual amount of Fourth of July Patri otism. The 4th occurring this year on Sunday, our citizens celebrated the 82d anniversary of our National Independence at such times and places, as best suited their notions and convenience. The celebration was opened with a Ball at Owenton, on Friday evening, in which many of our citizens participated. On Saturday, the Ladies' Benevolent Society, held a celebration in this City, in accordance with the programme publish ed in our last, with the exception of the place in which the exercises were held The hard rains of the day previous, ren dering the Grove an unfit place, in which to hold the exercises of tho day, the Church wa procured f?r the occasion- The dinner was served in the building known as the Bellevue Store. As the usual courtesies were not extend ed to the members of the press, we were not in attendance, therefore are not able to speak from observation, of the celebra tion ; but we learn from those present, that every thing passed ofT harmoniously, and with general satisfaction. The pro ceeds from the sale of tickets, at the din ner, were as large as might have been expected in these hard times. The German' held a celebration in the Grove, south of the Ciry, on Sunday, the 4th, where they participated in amuse ments common in the fatherland. We understand that they had a very pleasaut . time. A Ur.ion Sunday School Celebration, was held at Bennett's Grove, near the Tappillion Creek, a short distance from this City, on Monday, as previously ar ranged, in which the children of the Franklin, Bellevue, Clifton, Saling's Grove, and Fairview Sabbath Schools participated. The members of the Bellevue and Clifton Schools, assembled at the School House, in this City, and took their depart ure for the Grove, under the direction of the Marshal of the day, II. T. Clarke. The citizens joined in the procession, which consisted of nearly 30 large vehi cles, well filled, headed with a band of Martial Music, and the Star Spangled Banner, following soon alter, was an ox tenn, behind which were seated a baker's dozen of good natured, fun-loving fellows, who sent forth blasts ot music, not from burnished Bugles, but from monstrous Tin Horns, presenting a pic ture worthy a place in a Comic Almanac Tho Delegation from Owenton, not having arrived, when the Bellevue Dele gation reached tho Grove, the Band set out to escort them in. In a short time, music was heard, approaching the Grove, All were now on tip toe, eager to catch the first glimpse of the Delegation, as it was generally understood that it would be a sight worth seeing; and sure enough we were not disappointed, when the long string of oxen slowly wended their way- down the hill-side, and appeared in sight, They numbered 29 yoke, under the man agement of Wm. Carlile, and were at tached to a ponderous vehicle, fitted up expressly for the occasion, which was covered and beautifully decorated with evergreens. The car contained the Su perintendent, Teachers and Scholars of the Franklin Sabbath School, and from the mast-head above, floated in the gen tie breeze, our Nation's Flag. Leaving the car the children marched to the Grove, preceded by a youth, bearing a very appropriate banner, who was sup ported on either side by a young Miss dressed in white. The banner was ele gantly festooned, and in front was inscrib ed, " Fran'ilin Sabbath School of Platte Valley," and on the reverse, " The Bible our Guide." The whole affair displayed a taste and enterprise, truly commenda ble. This Delegation, triumphantly bore away the palm. All were soon seated in the Grove where suitable seats had been provided The Orator and Speakers of the day,- Su perintendents of the different Schools Mayor of Bellevue, Probate Judge, and Local Editor of the Gazette, were then invited to take seats on the Speaker's stand, when the order of exercises were commenced by a song from a select Choir of Ladies and Gentlemen, entitled " Star Spangled Banner," which was followed by Martial Music, A brief and appropriate prayer was made by Rev. Wm. Hamilton The Declaration was read bv Wm. Mitchell, of the Franklin Sabbath School in a clear and forcible manner. The Oration was delivered by Chi (Justice Hall. It wasa plain, unassuming 1 effort, and highly creditable to its author and was listened to with profound atten tion, by the audience. At the closo of the Oration, the assem bly repaired to the long table, well filled with the choicest viands, which were soon dispatched. During the afternoon exercises, short and pertinent speeches were made by B. P. Rankin, Joseph Dyson, the Agent of the American Sunday School Union, and Rev. Wm. Hamilton. Several appropriate Airs were eung during the day, by the children, under the leadership of J. P. Kast. The declamatory exercises by the chil dren, formed a very entertaining feature of the ceremonies of the day. They acquitted themselves in a manner that re flected great credit on themselves, and their teacher, Mrs. Nye. The various exercises were interspers ed with Martial Music, and songs by the Choir. We were much gratified to witness the urge attendance, and general interes1 manifested in the Celebration. Indeed, we hardly expected so many women and children could be gotten together at such short notice. The exercises were closed at a late hour, by partaking of Ice Creams, made on the ground, and when we left, the children, both large and small, were ' pitching into," the frozen Cow-juice, with an unmistakable sign of satisfaction A free dance came off in the evening, n this City, in which a large number of Ladies and Gentlemen participated, and thus ended the Celebration for 1953, of our country's greatest holiday. The following has been handed us, with request to publish. It is a matter well worthy of consideration : ' The citizens of Bellevue, are requesisd to meet at the School House, on Saturday evening, June 10, at 8 o'clock, to consider the propriety of building a hotel on the spot selected ast fall, for that purpose. The hotel to cost not less than five thounsand, and not more than eight thousand dollars. The way proposed, is this Issue fifty shares at $100 a share, and then let every man furnishing money, material or labor, come in for one or more shares, as he sees fit. In this way we could build a hotel that would do credit to the town, besides giving work to many mechanics and laborers, during these dull tims. The merchants could supply hard ware, the lumbermen lumber, the speculator lots, &c. In this way it need not, in reality, cost any cash. All that feel interested in such a move ment, will attend the meeting, and give their support Come one, come all. A CITIZEN & MECHANIC. Platte Riv er. From the amount of water emptied into the Missouri by this stream, we cannot help thinking that it may yet.be made navigable, by some sort of slackwater improvement. The incal culable benefit that the navigation of this river would be to the Territory, ought certainly to induce exploration and exper iment. The Bellevue Gazette suggests the purchase of a light draft steamer for this purpose. This is a good idea. If this cannot be done, we suggest the fol lowing : Let a party of three or four young men take a skiff in a wagon as far up as Powhocco, or Cedar Bluffs, and then placing the skiff in the river, float leisurely down, sounding frequently, and in shallow places examining the nature of the obstruction. We are willing to make one of a party of thi3 kind, at any time when not too closely pressed with other business. Who will second the mo tion ? Pacific City Herald. Friends of the Platto Valley, will you second the motion t We will also make one of a party for the purpose proposed by our neighbor of the Herald. IroRMATio!f Wanted. A young man, named William McCombs, of Ne braska City, formerly of Edinburg, Port ago County, Ohio, left Council Bluffs, la. on a business errand to Sioux City, on the 22d of May, last, and has not been heard of since ; having never arrived at Sioux City, and his friends are much alarmed as to his welfare. When he left for the Bluffs, he had on black broad cloth coal and pants, a figur ed plush vest, and drab colored hat, and rode a sorrel horse, with a white stripe in its face ; its eyes defective ; nearly blind in one eye. McCombs was about 23 years of age, near 6 feet high, full faced, rather light hrr, and blue eyes. Any information in regard to him will be thankfully received and amply reward ed by his friends. Direct lo J. Dawson, Wyoming, N. T., or E. W. Botsford, Ne braska City. Small Pox Several cases of small pox are reported on Sonora Island in the Missouri river, about twenty miles below Nebraska City. One person died with the disease, and several others are not ex peeled to recover.' William Wild, and James Miller, are erecting a large building on Warren Street, for a Brewery. At the semi-annual election of the Belle vuo Lodge No. 4, of I. O.O. F., held June 24, the following were elected officers for the ensuing term : W. W. Harvey, N. G.; F. M. Davenport, V. G.; Chas. E. McRay, Secretary. Noticb. No more public meeting will be permitted In the Bellevue School House from this date. By order of th SCHOOL BOARD.. Boats. The St. Joe Packet, Watossar came up July 1st. The Mansfield, an Ohio River Steam, er, arrived July 6th. The new and elegant Steamer, Sioux City, is now duo at this port. She is ad vertised for Sioux City. An election was held last Wednesday, to see if our citizens would vote a City Loan of $5000, to complete the Court House. A large marjority of votes were cast in favor of the Loan. Only six votes were polled agaiust it. Jos. E. That is now erecting a com modious brick building, on Main Street, for an office. When completed, it will be one of the finest buildings in the City. We hope to have a few more of the same sort. The Oalthumpian Band, Wm. Dean. Captain, were out on parade last evening, and favored us with a serenaded Their appearance was decidedly novel, and did not fail to provoke a smile even from crusty old bachelors. Long may you live, gentlemen, to indulge your fun-loving propensities. Read the new mail arrangements. It will be seen that we are having three mails a day, and on Saturdays, fou. The County Commissioners adjouined to meet at Cook's office, July 22d, at 9 o'clock, A. M. W. F. Wrilson, has been appointed Agent of the Omaha Indians, trice Gen. J. B. Robertson. A Live Editoii ix the Senate. The Senate of the United States has been ho nored by the election of an editor to a scat in that body. Ex-Governor II. B. Anthony, editor of the Providence Journ al, has been chosen United Sautes Sena tor from Rhode Island, for six years from the 4th of March next. Cutting Wheat. The Alton Demo crat says : " Harvest operation has com menced at Monticello, and in the Piasa regions. The grain stands well, and the harvest, with this beautiful weather, prom ises greatly. The fears of rust, cut.worm, lodging, &.C., are mostly groundless, as yet." Bio Item. Who would believe it that enough long chains have been taken away from this City during the last four months, to build a chain telegraph from here to Santa Fe over seven hundred miles. Kansas City Journal. ' d Henry M Rice, U. S. Senator froroi Minnesota, is a native of Morrisville, Madison County, N. Y., and learned the printing art in the office of the Madison Observer. Bituminous coal can be purchased in Lawrence for twenty cents a bushel, or $5,50 a ton, A very good vein has re cently been discovered some four miles west of Lawreice. Herald of Freedom. The farmers of Kansas have a fair prospect of a rich harvest before theui. The rain has been abundant. But, as yet, it his done no general mischief, and the yield promises to be large. The ocean steamer, Vanderbilt, nWe her last trip from Europe to the Uuited States, in six days and ten hours, between land and land. In an old mail bag recently purchased by a Milford shoe manufacturer to work into shoes, was found a letter containing $283 in bank bills. The letter had been mailed at an office in Tennessee for anoth er place in the same State. The same manufacturer has purchased thousands of mail bags, and letters are occasionally found in them. Death or an Editor. Dennis Cor coran, the well known journalist, was among the killed by the recent explosion of the steamer Pennsylvania. Corcoran was a native of Ireland; came to New Or leans in 1834; was connected with the editorial corps of the Ficayune: and was one of the founders, and till 1857 one of the editors and proprietors of the Dh Inl853he was elected to the Louisiana Legslature, and having served out hi term he was subsequently elected; and served for two session as reporter of de bates in the Louisiana State Senate. The French Gazette Mediealt stale that by an accident, charcoal has beendi covered to be a sure cure for burns. E laying a piece of charcoal on the bure, the pain subsides immediately. By leav ing the charcoal on one hour, the wound is heald, as has bre.n demonstrated on several occasion. The remedy ia cheip and simple, and certainly deserves a tris .