Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, July 01, 1858, Image 2

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News and Locsl Editor.
Stop and Think.
It it not lime, thtt we, as a nation, be-
tan to nop and reflect upon our perilous
rendition ? America is, at present, Big
with the fate of Citsar and Borne."
The shadows of Egypt are distinct upon
the walls of our seeming strength. We
r raVlrred W vice and corruption. In
- - " -j
spite ef this stern fact, which ought to be
noticed by every one who wishes the per
mantney of institutions bequeathed Jo our
ancestor?, we find stump speakers, Con
With such a stale of things, is it not
time that we censed gazing at idealities
nnd take the sober second thought upon
lern existing realities. As Citizens, as
Patriots, and Christians, il becomes us to
cast the viper out of own bosoms, and
then penetrnto even to the nation's core,
with the healing balm of truth and right
.... i i
eousness. minout a ucep aim uimuuai
reformation, the hand-wiiting will soon
be seen upon our national walls, and
Ichabcd stamped upon our national es
cutcheon. CHAUCER.
Hon. Williamson II. W. Cobb.
As Chairman of iho Committee on
Public Lands, this gentleman' has won for
himself a wide spread reputation for en
ergy, industry, and a thorough, practical
knowledge if the important duties of his
position. Mr. Cobb is not a showy man,
dazzling for n moment, by his brilliancy,
a id anon senumg lonu no nym, um u a
eressional fulminalorsand Fourth of July
orators, ranting and sweating with great constant, unremitting worker, ho has few
wpl!mr words of cloauence, about munis end n3 superior:. It is to be re-
- o ------ . - .
American liberty and the permanency of gretted that such men are more numer
American institutions, as if this nation, 0us. in the Halls of Congress. They are
yet in its swadlirig bands, was as immuta
ble ns the throne of God. Ideal France
is set all in the shade, by self laudation of
American greatness, power and perma
nence. , Like the ancient Greeks, wo im-
truly " the sail of the earth, who by their
quiet, unassuming labors, keep the ma
chinery of government running and in
good order. Corruption which would
otherwise twine its slimy folds around the
gine that we possess the garden of the vcry pillars of the Republic, stands re
arth, and are the only cultivated people buked in their presence, and skulks at
upon the earih every thing outside of us their chiding, to its dar'i hiding places,
entirely barbarian. Mr. Cobb has introduced and succeeded
' Hut is it not time. I ask. for us, to cease in having passed through Congress, more
such fulsome, delectable 'twaddle, and bills of usefulness to the country, than
look at stern, existing facta, " To see any other member. Whilst others have
ourselvca as others see us." While in been wrangling and contending for indi-
some things we are strong, in many oth- vidual favor, he, with a watchful eye and
ers we are very weak. While our na- hopeful heart, has attended to the general
libnul domain is immovable, our national- interest. Wo repeat that Mr. Cobb is an
ity is too much endangered by suicidal emphatic and successful worker; and the
hands. Like the Church in tho dark position which he occupies to-Jay, before
l - a f K.mT onmilnS. the nntinn. ii a Horious eulosrv upon labor
seres, wo aro 111 uuiiv, v. a
ed by our own corruption
Cairo Lii'niuti.d. Private dispatch
es to thn editor of the Alton Courier, re
ceived Sunday evening, state thnt the le
vee nt Cairo, on ihe Mississippi river,
guve way on Saturday afternoon, and that
the entire place was aoon Hooded to the
depth of several feet, causing the great
est consternation and alarm. Tho trt
tv.tse continued to widen, and on yester
day afternoon at three o'clock, the water
was running over the ueiuiui nauroau
track into the Ohio River, near the mill
ot Williams, Stevens & Co., and great
fears were felt that tho mill itself would
move down and carry destruction before
Over ono thousand feet of the rail
road track, north of cross levee.was wash
ed away. The houses were tumbling
over and washing away. I he soutn wing
of the new brick hotel fell about twelve
o'clock, yesterday, and tho bulance of it
was cxpecieu to go iasi nigni. me mu-i
sanguine dj not expect that any buildings
will remain standing, as the river was
rising rapidly. It had reached a point
last evening two and a half feel above the
floor of the dining room of the Taylor
House, which is in the second story.
Tho 15. M. Runyan, which bout arriv
ed here yesterday morning from below,
lay at Cairo all Saturday night, and left
for this port on Sunday morning.
The citizens were in the greatest ex
citement, and carrying their goods hur
riedly to the top of the levee. On Sun
day inorniiiu. the exertions of two hun
dred men were directed to the stopping of
the gap, but all their attempts failed.
Those on the boat could hear the rush
ing of tho water through the gap when
thev were five miles above Cairo.
Local & Territorial.
Rev. Mr. Good, Presiding Elder of tho
M. E. Church, will preach in the School
Union Su.nday School Pic Nic. Hamilton preach the opening sermon, and
On Monday next, July 5th, several of the preside until a Moderator be appointed,
Sunday Schools of this County,' are to ""d that the Rev. G. P. liorgeu be his al
celebrate the Birih-day of our National 3. That th n. n t
House in this city this evening at 8 o'clock Independence, at Bennett's Grove, near Hughes of the Presbytery of Hnntingdon'
Bellevue. The Schools will assemble at be transferred to the Presbytery of Coun-'
Fourth or July Celibratiok. the place designated, at 10 o'clock, A. M. cil BlulTs, and that the latter Presbytery be
Our citizens will celebrate the B2d anni- where seats will be provided. The exer- J'""??. ,2,mlt Plfi.c Ci,y. lo"; on
versary of American Independence, in cises will consist of Prayer, Singing, p. jj,, anj that the Rev. John
this City, on Saturday, next, July 3J, un- Reading the Declaration, Exercises by Hancock preach the opening sermon, and
der the management of the Ladies' Benev- the Children, and several short Orations, preside until a Moderator be appointed.
olent Society. The celebration will be The opening Oration will be delivered by BIW inat ine Mv- " "ugnes be his al-
, I I . I . 1 1 . . : . I . . V f It gyi - T f . 1 I " "
neiu in me urove on um piuieau, ju non. Augustus nan, unier justice oi mo
west of the trading post. The citizens Territory ; after which, a recess will be
will assemble at 10 o'clock, A. M., at taken for Refreshments. Each School
what is known as the Hillyard house-
Memphis, June 14.
The railroad steam packet Pennsylva-
iiJiilr t .
will be under the supervision of its Super- nja exploded her boiler Sunday morniW
At 11 o'clock, the assembly, under the di- intendent, who, together with the Agent at six o'clock, at Ship Island, seventy
rection of the Marshal, will be seated in 0f lne American Sunday School Union, miles below Memphis, and burned to the
wuici s eugr. iiiriu writ? nooui oOU
rtncnTfr nn linnrH mr it i KoliAarAl
ments. All friends of Sunday School hundred of them are killed and missing,
and lovers of Freedom, are invited to be The steamers Diana, Imperial, and Fris
present. ee Pked up all they could find in the
waier anu iook ineui usiiui e.
I which brings fame out of obscurity, and
The current of our own depravity, is
success from the midst of difliculy and
rapidly bearing u. to the fearful vortex of harship. We pay this tribute to Mr.
1 r ' s ... Pn ,k ,i..n wo lini-A L-noivn him inti.
VvUU llViU V W T w - -
rrrnntmrt in lit tTiOSt tftL
lignant form's, ha, seated itself upon the mately and long, and have for him warm
ritafe of the nation, while the sores are hopca for the future. A.
The Cbops. In conversation with
gentlemen from tho various parts of the
country, we learn that the prospect for
good crops is excellent and brightening
daily. In the timber, the wheat crop ha
been damaged by rust, but on the prairie
the prospect is most promising.
SI. Joe Gazette.
mntinnnllv hreakimr out upon every part LTtsT New trcm the Army.
of the body politic. We are not 'only a Tho Salt Lake Mail, under charge of
.. 1 L' ..! ...:-n.. I,.., .l Alex. Humes, reached thiscity, yesterday
n.o wipPY7 'I,: morning, seventeen days out from Camp
morally. Vice has hushed the voice of Maj, stnrj on 5lh insi.
conscience, and we are almost lost to an nn(j has thus made remarkable time,
sense of shame. In illegitimate money From Mr. Burnes, (who is a most in
making, we are growing very wise, but telligent observer,) wo gather the follow-
sadly ignorant as regards intelligent mor- '
lity. Schemes of the most daring vil- Th(J a(lTan(:e 8uppy trai n had gotten in,
lainy, are concocted and deliberately car- nnij consequently the wants of the troops
ried out. and the nation winks with cx- had been supplied. The soldiers wero in
. II .1 I . I- 1 . J . Pnl
pressions of approbation. Theft, swind- excellent neann anu goou .u.... vu.
f ' .. .. forrtr tin, I nnt vt rprhpd thn Cainll.
iwentv-fiva miles
business of men in high places, who have ln;, s;(je( oll jnms p0rk. Gov. Cumming
sworn to support the constitution of the and Commissioners Powell and McCul-
state rather than that of heaven. The loch, Post Master, &c., had gone back to
.... .,-. -.- ..o the citv. lirigham l oung and the prin
ameu.ues oiscouuuusu. 1 RIorm0ns, had removed to Provo
Uie piace oi rnsune uoncsiy, u rnv. .nine foriv m es South of Salt Lake
and justice are sacrificed at the inferual Qjty . not t0 fortify themselves, as it has
.Sr'm nf nslftsh Mammon. been rumored, but, as is probable, to se
cure a retreat, u such an event shall be
r. 1 . t la
ocarceiy any rammcuuu ui , . neCessary. Tho Mormons are con-
free from such unholy principles and ce- stamy trading to Camp Scott, and are oc-
leterious practices. Political knavery has casionally driven ofT by Gen. Johnston,
become the t'n qua non for political dis- which they take very lamely. Gen.
lincnon, and the so called salary of the Johnston will move onto ihe City at an
' .. . , . ear v oav.
office, mere spending money ; wane tne '. . reision prevaiifld that there
Tue Late Senator Hendersox. Tho
Hon. J. Pinckney Henderson, U. S. Sen
ator from Texas, who died at his lodgings
in Washington, on Friday evening, was
a North Carolinian by birth, having emi
grated to Texas in the year 1S315, and
participated in the revolutionary difficul
ties and early formation of that govern
inunt, when an independent republic. He
afterwards filled numerous high positions
of trust and honor, and on the admission
of Texas into the Union, was its first
Governor as a State of the confederacy.
Ho was unanimously chosen by the Legis
turo last year to succeed the lamented
Thomas J. Rusk, in the U. S. Senate.
He was a sound lawyer, a brilliant orator
and a good man.
Necross axd Cottox. The New
Orleans Delta estimates the number of
slaves at the south at over three and a
half millions, and tcir aggregate value,
at present prices, rt full sixteen hundred
millions of dollars, the coiwn piania
lions in the south it estimates at about
eighiy thousand, and the aggregate value
of the annual product, at the present pri
ces of otton, is fully one hundred and
twenty-five millions dollars. There are
over fifteen thousand tobacco plantations,
and their annual products may be valued
at fourteen millions of dollars. There
are two thousand six hundred sugar plan
tations, the products of which average
annually moro than twelve millions.
There are five hundred and fifty-one
Rice plantations, which yield an annual
revenue of four millions or dollars.
the Grove The following order of ex
ercises will then take place :
1. Music.
2. Prayer by the Rev. Wm. Hamilton.
4. Music.
4. Reading of the Declaration of In
pendence, by Stephen D. Bangs.
6. Music.
6. Oration, by A. B. Steinberger.
7. Music.
8. Dinner, at 2 o'clock.
orricERS or the day.
Vice Presidents,
Mrs. C K. Mark. Wm. Robinson.
Mus L. Derst. Chas. L. Lehow
Mrs. II. Rogers. John A. Nye.
r. m. dayexport.
Assist. Marshal,
By order of
Chairman Com. Arrangements.
The Pacific Citv Enterprise has been
.u . a. ... t.. f, K. Wn Adjournment op CoNORESg.This
t , body amourned on Monday evening June
enlarged and its name changed to Pacific ,4 ' The Senate) howevWt h C0etieJ
City Herald, and henceforth it is to be a on Executive business, but wilU probably
Republican journal, from present ap- aajourn in a lew aays. if.
pearances, we conclude the Herald will
not be second, in ability, to any paper
published on the Missouri Slope. lis ed-1
itorials certainly have the ring of tho
true metal.
St. Johns, & F. June 21.
The steam yacht Victoria, Captain Sla
ughter, boarded the Royal steamship Per
sia, Captain Judkins, yesterday, off Cape
Kace, and arrived this morning.
The Atlantic Telegraph fleet took its
r. i l . , ,
Ice Cream. Drop into Rawilaer's ":1"""
and call for the Creams. We have done thal Cnptairi Judkins passed the flee,
so, and found them " not bad to take." near enough to speak anv of the oteam-
He knows how to get up a first rate arti- ers. The weather is understood to be
cei favorable for submerging the cable. The
neet expected to reach mid ocean on the
nl.L J L.iL. i
... -4ui insi.. anti wf snail nronnniv npnr nr
eas. vvm. ii. iiniyara win .. . , ; .. T. r : ' . '
in rnun i rr ina i mrrn rn rt r i rmi if iinu
please accept our thanks for a mess of 0 or about the o9lh inst.
Green Peas.
Cant. Patrick Calhocx. a son of the
Charles ChUds, has recently put another late Hon. John C Calhoun, died in Pen-
run of stone into his Mill, and is now-
prepared to grind wheat to order.
The County Commissioners will meet
at Judge Cook's Office, on Monday next,
at 10 o'clock, A. M.
We understand that B. P. Rankin has
b2cn appointed Clerk of the Courts,
for the First Judicial District, in this Ter
ritory, in place of J. W. Paddock, removed.
The District Court for this County, ad
journed on last Saturday, to Aug. 16, at
which time C. L. Mathews will be tried
for the murder of Thomas Noonan.
Mathews is now in jail at Omaha. In
dictments have been found against 11
others, as accessories, to the murder.
We understand that none of the others
have yet been arrested.
dleton, South Carolina, a few days since.
The New York Tribune says that
Sewing Machines are being made at the
rate of one thousand per week, and sold
as fast as made.
Quill are things that are sometimes
taken from the pinions of one goose to-
spread the opinions of another.
Thermometrical. Below will be The brothers George nnd D. E. Longs
found our Thermometrical Record for 0Ttt ftfrSi jns gow anj ji;ss Frances
June. It will be seen that June has Swain, will leave to-day, on the Steamer
been much warmer than the preceding Isabella, for a short visit in the east.
Boats. The Watossa come up, Fri
day June 25,
The new and light drafi steamer Isa
bella, arrived at our Levee Sunday, June
27lh, and discharged passengers and
freizht for this City. The Isabella is a
first rate boat, and her officers are favor
ites with the travelling public.
The Dan Converse caine up last eve-
It is about as hopeless a task to ret a
rich woman to live a life of common sense,
as it is to get a rich man into the kingdom
of heaven.
bribery purse, and stealings in, constitute
the consideration of the greatest import
ance. Legislation for the people, is a
perfect farce, while legislation for self
iggrandizoment, keeps the sage legislators
continually upou the qui vive. Scarcely
a bill, in any of the legislative depart
ments, passes upon its own merits. Plan
ing of bribery and unmentionable chica
nery constitute the basis of legislative ac
would be no fighting. Such at all events
are the views of our informant, and all
the facts elicited warrant tho belief.
The mail met Col. Hodman in twenty
five miles of the Camp. He says no
difficulties are experienced on the plains.
The Indians are remarkably quiet. The
grass is good, and the roads are getting
good. North Platte was very high. Had
to swim South riatie, which stream, tho
receding, wa yet quite high.
Henry F. Mayer, formerly of this city,
with the estern movements a
character of the Saiuts as any gentleman
who has been upon the plains. From
him we learn Perry's train was met f jriy
miles of Ft. Laramie; alsione of Mu-
. ... . , 1.1 . .L- Hf
tion. Even the ludicial ermine nas neen came a passenger in me stage, nir,
so defiled with corruption, and the virus Mayer give it as his opinion that there
will be no fighting, but thinks there may
of paruzanmahgnity that it s considered treBchery in the course of the
cy many as oniy suuuuic iur muao nun
:xrould even dare to " Steal the livery of
Heaven to serve the Devil in."
, The corruption of the present time, in
our nation, is without a parallel. Mr.
Toombs declared in the American Senate :ors and RuSseir trrins, ten miles below
I . , . ' .1... UT . il. . 1 . . I . TF . ..... V ..-k.ln . ii nn
oniy a lew uays since, uibi mn iu ununney iuc&. no oajomc miuiciuum
' most corrupt government under heaven, was lined with trains from Fort Laramie
' l S,r r.ri!4 ia . .m. JkX UT" Thb." 8S
ative, and the whole body acquiesced. haye been very lad are now gel.
Thus the North and South, have found tjng g0od. St. Jot Gazette, 21A.
one principle on which they can unito, ,7. f , T v .
. , .- The Sail Lane Mail, in charge of Mr.
and that is the principle of corruption. x P. c,,,. arrive,iin thischv yester-
The rather singular trio of failures dav about iq 'clock A. M, The mail
&rrjtion and revival, will form the ma- came through in sixteen days, having left
terials for the historian of the present on the 12th inst. Mr. C. II. Martin c-
. compamed the Mail from Camp Scott,
i ' . .... and to him we are indebted for the follow
Yi In Church, in State, and Social Society, ing parljcu!ars.
the condition of morals is woful. Hon- Genl. Johnson was to start into the city
m. frankness and sincerity are almost with three thousand men, in three divis-
' r.nm mnnf ... . whilft trickerv and ions the first division to leave on the 12th,
Romantic Marriage. By the Gold
en Age, a young lady arrived in search
of a truant lover, whom she had not heard
of fur three years. Determined to as
certain the cause of such silence, she un
dertook the voyage. Yesterday, in pass
ing through Second street, she espied a
person bearing some faint resemblance to
tier ormer swam, anu noimng uauiueu,
questioned him, and was gratified to learn
she had put her tinker on the right man.
He did not recognise her, however, and
could scarce realise the truth of her avow
al. Explanations were had, and it seems
that meetinsr with reverses in fortune in
cident to California, and a heavy rpell of
sickness had driven him to desperation,
end conceiving his name to be his evil
genius, he improvised another, and, in
changing the same foreswore all kindred
and former friends until he had once
again gained a pile. In the joy of the
June, 1858. a.m. Df?. r.n. Dg. Dg.
1 6 66 2 74 9 62
2 6-62 2 69 9 68
3 6 74 2 71 9 62
4 6 57 2 69 9 63
5 6 63 2 62 9 62
6 6 70 2 80 9 75
7 6 66 2 68 9 62
8 6 68 2 74 9 62
9 6 68 2 66 9 68
10 6 66 2 66 9 62
11 6 49 2 67 9 49
12 6 62 2 73 9 56
13 6 64 2 73 9 53
14 6 60 2 76 9 62
15 6 64 2 84 9 66
16 6 66 2 87 9 76
17 6 74 2 87 9 74
13 6 72 2 74 9 68
19 6 72 2 80 9 70
20 0 72 2 86 9 76
21 6 76 2 88 9 76
22 6 76 2 88 9 78
23 6 76 2 90 9 73
24 6 74 2 76 9 63
25 6 70 2 73 9 67
26 6 70 2 85 9 76
27 6 78 2 86 9 74
23 6 72 2 82 9 76
29 6 76 2 68 9 76
,30 6 76 2 91 ' 81
In one of our city schools, not long ago-
a member ot the committee asked the
members of a class which was under ex
amination, " What is the cause of the
saltness of the ocean ?" Soon one little
girl raised her head, dushed with the dis-.
covery which had dushed upon her mind.
You may tell, said the committee-man
" Salt fish, sir," said the pupil.
Still They Come An item of news
from England, states that Queen Victoria
is in a fair way to add still another to tbe
royal family. There is something toe
much of this.
The Missouri River which has been
I rising rapidly for sometime past, com
menced to fall yesterday. The River
was higher yes'.erday noon, than it has
been tince the great flood of April, 1856.
The Wyoming Post has again past in
to the haads of its forma r editor and pro
prietor, J. W. Dawson.
Presbytery or Nebraska. The fol
lowing was adopted by the General As
sembly of the Presbyterian Church, which
has just closed its session at New Orleans,
A Virginia paper records the mar
riage of Miss Jane Lemon to Mr. Ebe
nezer Sweet; whereupon an exchange
moralizes as follows :
" How happy the extremes do meet
' In Jane and Ebenezer )
She's no longer sour, but Sweet,
And he's her Lemon squeezer !"
Forty thousand dollars worth of hones-
were sold in Cincinnati at the various
stables during the last week. Cincinnati
is the most important horse market in the
United States.
ii. i r :i l
lie is perimpa r. nvv nf hor nl.l love, woman like, she
nd the i , , . ., . .... . . .u-
I loroi inu lorgare an, anu iai niyiu uic
The Weather iw Europe- May in
Europe seems to have been as unpleasant
1 1 A C Urn
. t , i as u litis uccu i i aiiici na... uuu
venain pipers wnicn nave a necessary ,
connection wuu i-ncu oiner, viz. ruper . .. ... ..v ?
t . ... .. - was similarly visueu ou uic nu. u
no. j, wnicn is ine pennon oi ceiutin . . ,, .-.j
. -.t :i ..I.: nrovences the mountains are all coverea
hunisieri or jzuTuata ictthuiv, asking ., , . ,. -.
l t.. i...f ... t- with snow, and acru hiems appears to
per No. 2. which is the petition of the vce "lade UP fhl8,m,n t0 Pa" fl
ln...x..t e n n,..A i.:- ...... in Spain. A fortnight past the heat was
twain were made one. Sun Francisco
.lit J Californian.
A Country Editor, speaking of a mem
ber of the New York Assembly, says : chosis Crawford ani Sculpture ; Asirv
so conscientious that he utterly refused to
receive his allotment of stealings, in the
shape of books and stationery. The next
year he did not hesitate and finally came
home unable to tell the truth, even under
the most favorable circumstances.
WTe have just received the Atlantic
Monthly, for June. It is conducted with
m...U tkilitm an4 nisti Vtisrli u'ltVi (Ka In i ft ni rr
iiiuvu auiiujr, buu "'6" i'TOOUItrU OT I.OUTICH muiT, asKing mat . , . . ..- mr.
.. . . ,. , .u- u. I f A-. v.. . n' -.L I so intense that it drove the Queen ana
list 01 Mommies, ine roiiowiog ia uie me ur.msiers in ieurasK lerrnory, wun , .c , ., . . .
table of contents: Chesuncook; La Can- 'he Rev. D. L. Hughes of Huntingdon i
tatrice: Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz; 1 "".y6 Uactie ? ttie The Physical Conbition or Natole
Loo Loo; Letter Writing; The
combs of Rome ; Beatrice ; Metempsy
strengthening the Presbytery of Council
Bluffs, and against the organization of a
Presbytery in Nebraska Territory.
The Committee, after consultation with
ths parlies interested, recommended the
following action as the best under all the
anitz 'estylery. m attacnea to me rreoviery Tns pIITgICAL Cobitio or Natole
Pat. oi Couuci1 Blufrs tt"d IaPer No- 3 anJ oi. The French Napoleon has no " lean
4, which are petmons of the Presbyteries anj hungry look" but grows stout upon
mpsy- of Des Moines and Iowa, in fnvor of lhe fe,rS and anxieties which are so
adain the Brahmin ; What are we going
to make? Shipwreck; The Autocrat of
the Breakfast Table; The President's
Prophecy of Peace; Literary Notices.
double dealing, stalk in our midst. The
shake, of the hand no more than the Liss
of Judas, is not always an index of friend
ship and good will. A rough, blunt, out
spoken honesty, is always preferable to a
smooth, uactimous, hypocritical piety.
An honest man." said John Q. Adam,
" is the noblet work of God."
lhe second on the IDih, and the third on
the llih inst. The army would euter the
Valley via Soda Springs on Bear River.
Col. Hodman had arrived at Camp Scott
his troops were in exellent health, and anx
ious to march to the city. Capt. Marcy
and Command, had also arrived from
New Mexico with 1500 head of loose
mules for the use of the army.
St. J. Gazttfe June 29th.
The appointment of Gen. Harney to
the Brigadier Generalship, left vacant by
the death of Gen. Pursifer F. Smith, has
been made after a decided opposition, and
in the face of an unusual exertion to ob
tain the honor. His lineal rank and
present command were strong arguments
in nis lavor, against moral objections,
which were urged with no little persist
An entire Chinese regiment, for hav
inpr abandoned an untenable fort, during
the recent attack on Canton by the French
PiihliOiAd bv Phillins. SamDson &. Co.. circumstances.
r, r.. . . Resolved, I. That a new Presbytery be
Boston, Mass. Terms, cl per annum. . . . . . ., . KT', ,
' , . 1 erected out of the Territory of Nebraska,
W e will funish one copy of the Gazette t0 le caed lhe pretibytery of Omaha,
and one copy of the Atlantic Monthly, which shall consist of the following minis
one vear. for SI. in advance. Now is tcr nd churches, viz. Rev. William
the time to subscribe. Hamilton of the Upper Missouri Presby-
ter, uev. ueorge r. iiergen oi tne rres-
bytery of Cincinnati, Rev. Simeon Peck
Daily Mail. The new contracts for of the Presbytery of Findley. Rev. Wil-
carrying the Mails in this Territory, for liem Young Brown of the Presbytery of
the next four years, go into operation to- "soon. "ies purges o me
1 I l'pw.l;,Artl if r.r.rr I. Unit tlv tVl inm
B. Hall of the Presbytery of , to
day. We are to have a Daily Mail, di-
rect from Council Bluffs, arriving at 12, geiher with all the churches in Nebraska
M, and departing, we believe, at 2, P. M. Territory.
and English forces, has been sentenced There are several important changes, in Resolved, 2. That the Presbytery of
to wear women's clothes for five years. ,he arrival and departure of the Mails, on Omaha be connected with the Synod of
The damage to plantations, by the last rUle8' ' we will speak n gaijizalion oa lhe seCond Wednesday of
flood in the MissiNsipn:, ii estimiUcd at our neiL lUo rr,ve0 l-aJi n July next, at eleven o clock, A. M., at
aO.iK'W.ii'.io. .time, irom lhe uiuns. ; unnna wyi ana mat tne nev. tviuiam
plentifully attributed to him. No " fl
and greasy citizeu" thrives better in flesh
than his Majesty Napoleon IIL, whose
figure on horseback has assumed a rotun
dity of proportions altogether incompati
ble with any pretension to the graceful
or elegant.
Hit at Hoops. Punch has tbe follow
ing severe cut at crinoline :
A Perilous Position A lady swoon
ed the other day before one of the horri
ble Cawnpore pictures in the Royal Ac
ademy. Owing to the preposterous circum
ference of her dress, it was found impos
sible to approach wilhin several yards of
her, It was apprehended at one time,
that she would perish within sight of sev
eral hundred sympathizing by-slanders,
owing to the difficulty of conveying as
sistance to her ; and it was not before the
greater part of ber skirt (more than auf
ticent, we are informed, to fill, the flounc
es and trimmings, three good sized wheel
barrows) had been cut away, that restor
atives could be administered to her. One
minute more delay, and the cast might
have been fatal! 1