Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, July 01, 1858, Image 1

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    A Family Nwspaper Devoted to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusomcnts oud Goncral Intelligence.
NO. 32.
VOL. 2.
tllfhu titt.
Henry M. Burt & Co.
Vt -
Terms of Subscription.
Square (12 line, or less) 1st lnsertion..$l 00
r..i. Inaertion U
One square, ene month
three month!
six "
" one year
nuiineii card (tt lines er less) 1 year
fi. .ninmn. Ann vear
2 60
4 00
10 00
5 00
60 00
35 00
20 00
10 00
35 00
One-half column, one year
f mirth "
eighth " "
half column, six month
viuiuii. ' . .. -
20 00
10 00
8 00
20 00
fourth "
rnltimn. three month
half column, three month
13 00
10 00
fl 00
5 00
fourth "
.i.hth "
Announcing candidate lor onice-
For eighth heet bill, per 100
For quarter " " " "
ForSnlf " " "
For whole . ' "
$2 00
4 00
8 00
16 00
fi 00
2 00
1 00
For eUred paper, hair sneei, per v
For blanks, per quire, nra. uuu-
. . . .
Eech subsequent quire
Cards, per pack nark
1 50
1 00
For Ball Tickets, fancy paper per hun'd 6 00
Each subsequent huudred
Bowen & Strickland,
a TTORNEYS AT LAW. Real Estate,
f ru i.nta and Claims boucht and sold.
Vnr.hga.Pf w ill do well to call at our office
nd examine our list of City Lets, Ac. before
Office in Cook's new
tuilding, corner of Fifth and Main streets.
n, u. ouwcui . I
LAW, Bellevue, N. T.
8. A. Strickland,
A t AW. Kllvue. N. T. 1-tf
T. B. Lemon,
Ltf. Office. Fontenelle Bank, Belle-
Tue, Nebraska Territory. ly5I
C. T. Holloway,
LAW, Bellevue, N. T.
W. H. Cook.
rMroiT t inn kxn REAL ESTATE
It Lti'vuT Rnvne Citv. Nebraska. 1-tf
VT. H. Longsdorf, M. D.,
Main, between Twenty-Fifth andTwenty-
Bixth streets, Bellevue cuy. zzZl
W. W. Harvey,
I t ni )1 himiness of Surveying
laying out ad dividing lands, surveying and
plattinr towns and roads. Office on Main
street, Bellevue, N. T.
B. F. Rankin.
' 7o aJvfrTVvT i or AT
J. P. Peck. M.D.
ruHrm ant residence on Donee
!" ,
Street. Oy6)
Peter A. Sarpy,
CHANT, Bellevue, N. T., Wholesale
..i. in in.ii.ii r:nnla. Horses. Mules, and
. , . .
D. J. Sullivan. M. D.
TkHVliriAK and SURGEON. Office
Jl Head of Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Wat. a.
, smith. "
Rmlth & Brother.
A .-j n..i. in F.alat. Bellevue. T-rritorv. will attend faithfully and
promptly to buying and selling Real
fclty Lots, Claims, sr. Land Warrants. Office Rtrcet. Zl-Om
Wiaaii Tt Tilth fir.
AV Omaha Cltv. Nebraska. Office on eor
ner of Farnham and Fourteenth Street. 42tf
Greene, Weare & Benton,
.1) Bluffs, Potowattamie comity, Iowa.
r.r..n. A Waare. Cedar Raolda. Iowa.
Hraana. Weais k. Rloe. Fort Dee Moines, Ia,
Collections made Taxes paid i and Lands
surchaacd and sold. In any part of Iowa. 1-tf
. U. BOtomon, .
law, Glenwood, Muls uo., lowa, prac
A. . w
Sees in all the Courts of western Iowa and
ebraska, and the Supreme Court of Iowa.
IBlt l.ll,.rD.I.,.n.m.
'-. "-"-j ew aa vAASf i iwiBtHtH! --
17ASHI0NABLE Hair Cutting, Shaving,
X Wing, and Batbtnt; Saloon, third door
west or ue txenanse nank, Omahl, KM .
umim, yri. i, ism. y
To the Public, and will render
To the wants of II IS GUESTS.
Bellevue, Oct. 23. 1856. 1-tf
j. ii imowx,
Plattsmouth, Cats Co. JV. T.
ATTENDS to business in any of the Courts
of this Territory. Particular attention paid
to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col
lection of debts, ane taxes paid. Letters of
Inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory
answered, u accompameu wmi
Hon. Lyman Trumbull, U. S. S. from Ills.f
Hon. James Knox, M. C. " "
Hon. O. H. Brown ne. Quincv. "
Hon. James W. Grimes. Governor of lows.
Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T
Weare ft. Benton. Council Bluffs, I.
Nuckolls & Co., Glenwood, Iowa. 23tfJ
Ira A. "W. Buck,
J- AND and General Agent Pre-Emptlon
.J Paners nrenared. Land Warrants bought
and sold. Office in the Old State House, over
the V. S. Land Office.
Hon. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, Omaha.
Hon. Enos Lowe, "
Hon. S. A. Strickland, Bellevue.
Hon. John Finney, "
Hon. J. Sterling: Morton, Nebraska City.
Omaha, June 20, 1857. 35
nr ATirrw o. TiDnrnmPTJ
Steam Boat and Collecting Agents,
Dealers in Pine Lumber. Doors, sasn, riour,
Meal, Bacon, &c.
(r-Direct Goods, " Care Clakke & Bao.,
Bellevue. iMeoraEKa."
Florence, Nebraska, in wain bi,
Town Plats. Maps. Sketches,
Business Cards, Checks 4. Bills, Certificates,
and every description of plain and fancy en
graving, executed promptly In eastern style.
Thomas Sarvis,
r rvrmi. i.inii ANTi REAL ESTATE
II V" --JT-
VJi Aeen'.. Columous, iiae i-o., neora.
I Havine extensively over the Omaha ct, will enter land at the
and money loaned Tor F.astern capitalists, at
Western rates oa Keai rente security, nwj
shtde. iohii h. shleman.
RnvA lb. Rherman.
LAW, and au i Attica rLUL.ii, ioun-
luffs, Iowa, will practice their profession
iL . a a, .M akaJ 7 Ka- a a If
rll Rluffa.
in all the Courts of lowa ana lyeorasna.
All -nllrrtiona entrusted to their care, at-
tended to promptly.
Especial attention given 10 ouyinx ana sru-
. .... e t j 11
inc reai eswie, ana .-.i..8 P....u..
Deeds, Mortages, and other Instruments of
writing drawn witn aispatcni acxnowieag
ments taken. Ac. lie.
fry Office west side or Maaison street,
just above Broadway,
I nor 13
Still continues ths above business at
N. T.
Merchants and Ernie-rants will And their
roods nromotlv and carefully attended to.
n o 1 ,k. ..I. UIIDluni'LV tnr'
storage at the above named landings.
St Marys, Feb. sou), 1H3T. Hi-u.i
r .
TftAtla Ik .Yaokaon.
V CHANTS. Council Bluffs city, Iowa,
Uivlnv a lama and Oommodions Warehouse
I an the Lavas at tha Council blufla landing.
are now prepared to seoel.a and stare,
- kinds pi mercnanflise ana proquoe, wiureeeivs i
Ml . . t a ft i l M m) li.a..l
and py charges on all kinds of frelgths a
trt Bnam Boats will not be detained as they
k . .. k...'nr. 1. r.ttin Kama Bill U
I Bftaiti km -'..( p.
lepeive freight, when the consigneee are absent, l.ivarmoore t uooiey, a.
Dais t Co. and Humphrey. Piitt Ii Tory, St,
Louis, Mo. t Tootle A Fairleigh, 8C Joseph,
Mo. . J. 8. CBenewertn fcuo., uincinnsn uniot
Sing Ins In the Ualu.
Where the elm Uee branches
By the rairf are stirred,
Careless of the shower
Swings a little bird
Clouds may frown and darken,
Dropa may fall in vain,
Littls cares the warbler
Singing in the rain!
8ilcnce, sft, unbroken,
Reigneth everywhere,
Save the rain's low heart-throb
Beating on ths air,
Savs the song which, pausing,
Wins no answering s'sain,
Little cares the wild-bird
Staging iu the rain 1
Nor yet are the orchards
Rich with rosy snow,
Nor with dandelions
Are the fields a-glow,
Yet almost, my fancy
In his song's soft flow,
Hear the June leaves whisper,
And the roses blowl
Dimmer fall the shadows,
Mistier grows ths air,
Still the thick clouds gather
Darkening here and there,
From their heavy fringes
Pour ther drops amain
Still ths bird is swinging,
Singing in the rain.
Oh, thou hopeful singrr,
Whom my faith perceives
To a dove transfigured,
Bringing oliv leaves,
Olive leaves of promise,
Types of joy to be
How in doubt and trial,
Learns my heart in the I
Cheerful summer-prophet 1
Listening to thy song
How my fainting spirit
Groweth glad and strong!
Let the dark clouds gather,
Let the sunshine wane,
If I may but join thee
Singing in the rain I
Hungarian Grass
This is a subiect of such importance
that we copy the following fro u the kd
oyvmo vw......,
. t i .
mis seeu ; .
In the spring of 1 Bo a, as neany as i
can ascertain, a ivir. uieasuu wwutm a
m , , j - I I '
small quantity of this grass seed with hi.n
from Illinois. He Had procurea a nnna-
iui oi u me Bjniiijj utiuio u .
rian exile who was passing through the
pounirv. What became of the exile or
the balance of the seed, I cannot learn ;
nor yet the name of one who has confer
. . .i..t.
red such a favor upon the people of the
- a If:. Kii 11 Kii lunltan
ffreat west. His name should be written
. . ...... i:..i. l i..i .
,n letters or goia: ior iubi uuio umiuiui vi
d j deslined t0 change the agricultural
dozen U8 ft
proauci wmcn win umu kwuu j w
lne corn cr ,p upon tne ncn prairies oi me
west. This poor exile, and Mr. Uleason
with his handful of seed, have done more
to promote tne agricultural interests oi
tnese prairie eiaies wau uio gorcruiuem
I wilQ ajj jls setd. within the last ten
I ...
,inH him onihnsinam .
J"1- "-j "--
but it is a sober reaiuy. e nave now,
i t a i
m tbis region, tne Debt nay country i ever
saw until this season and the last, it was
tne wor,u i ne coinmon gras-ci rr
. ITL. ..
failure, vet we have hay of the best nual-
lty in such overflowing abundance, that
we can feed seven months, and still have
hay to sell ; and this hay has grown upon
tne nign prairie, at tne rate oi mree or
four tons to the acre.
Mr. Gl-ason sowed his handful of seed
in III., and the next season brought the
product to Monroe Co., Iowa, where he
sowed again. It may be well to observe
nad difficulty in procuring a piece
of ground, as farmers were afraid
might somehow ruin their land. The
next season, which was in 04 he distribu-
ted amonr such of his neighbors aa had
overcome their fears. This year it began
to attraotsome attention in tha vicinity
... i .... . . .
- and lis pqpumry "n increaseu as fast
the little handful of seed has multiplied
:. i m 1. . ......
all jrr H- -"7". "
oeuer uieaem wf" usi uu cnr w .ivy
. . la .a .a O . eail I '
exceeding all tht wem before it. Within
U . . pregent rjroduciion.
1110 ,Kl'8 ClrCJ W ' J""fUl prOHUlllOn,
its popularity Is unbounded
This grass is a crop which has never
failed. Wet or dry-cold or hot it has
been a good heavy crop ; even last season,
oie west
corn dropped hit strong arms, and roll
ed up his green banners in the dry bi
blasts, h's more humble neighbor the
Hungarian grass spread its rich green
mantle over the parched soil, and shot up
its luxuriant blades, and waved its golden
heads triuinphnntly, in spite of dry winds
and rainless skies. In point of ctrlainly
we have no crop which compares to it : it
seems to be exactly adapted to our loose,
deep, prairie soils, and is perhaps, a bel
ter crop in Iowa than in iis native soil in
the country of the Magyars, lne secret
of its successs lies in iu strong vitality,
stout roots and adaptation to a dry soil.
The roots of our common domestic grass
es are too short and blender to reach be
low the influence of our dry, hot summers,
while this production, from its great vig
or and large roots, can pierce below the
reach of draught, and draw up the treas
ures of feitility which lie beneath.
The only objection which can be urged
againbt it, as a hay crop, is, that it must
be put in every year ; but the immense
yeild certainly, and nutritive qualities,
more than compensate for this disadvan
tage ; it is not at all likely that we will
soon find a perennial grass which will
at all compare with it in these particulars.
Iu appearance, the Hungarian Grass
resembles milett ; and it no doubt belongs
to the same family ; but it is much more
productive ; it affords a better provender,
and the seed is more oily and nutricious
As hay r. is superior to Timothy, that
old and substantial favorite with every far
mer. Horses changed from timothy and
corn to Hungarian, begin to thrive, on
half the usual allowance of corn, and put
on that fine glossy coat so much admired
by stock growers.
It is not the hay alone which gives val
ue to this crop ; it produces seed at the
rate of twenty or thirty bushels to the acre,
which in nutritive qualities is much supe
rior to Oats; it is heavier, and contains a
large amount of oil. In truth, the crop is
better than a crop of oats and timothy put
As an evidence of the popularity of this
crop it may be mentioned that the price
of seed has sleadly advanced for the last
three years.
In the spring of IS65 it could not be
sold at any price, except by the quart or
gallon ; next season the price was $'J,6U;
and last season it started at the same
price, but soon reached three dollars
then four, and next five, with the supply
exhausted, although there was no demand
for it outside the circle of its growth.
Cultivation. This seed should be
sown from the middle to the last of May
on clean ground, plowed, then harrowed
beiore and alter sowing,
and then roll if
i practicable,
The usua, quamily of ,eed is a lushe
ln ,u.OA ..r.. . u,,, ,i,n.. ,l. .,i ;. ,u.
1 avw V VMS, II ttblV 1110 OV VVl tAA W
m,in h lhinne fof
h only-thicker.
Any ground fit for oats or corn w
answer for this crop but the clearer the
ground the better.
The rule is to cut it when most of the
stalks and blades turn yellow, and the
of .eed , fsct Thi,
I ... . f
cures both hay and seed.
Cut, cure, and put up like timothy ; or
it may be cradled and put into sheaves if
desired. It comes in just after oals har
When cut the stubble does not die as a
general thing, especially if cut as early
as it will bear; but it sends up new shoot
which will make half a crop, or it may be
used as a fall pasture.
. . n.
to In Korlhern Illinois.
Chicago Democrat ;
i h..e .ml.iv.d th. wt nni.m fnr
tne Jast tcn years Wlln eood succeg$. i
. . .
nna thpv will prow on all kinds at anil
lhat wju produce good corn, except low,
.Muvial bottoms, where there is too much
vegetable mold, which causes them to run
l0 vines and long roots. New ground,
where sod corn has been raised. I think
is the best. For this crop, the ground
should be plowed very deep, and made!
I very fine by harrowing or rolling, and
then thrown into ridges by throwing three
furrows together, the last one on top of
it the two first, about four feet apart from
centre to centre. Just after a shower is
the best time to set the plant ; but do not
wait after you are ready to set them, but
provide yourself with water and a mason's
trowel, or something similar proceed to
"i i t.i.k. -i . .1 -
as maw your nuies aooui mrec im-nca uccji
and eighteen inches apart; insert your
.. ! f, II .1, . Knl. K.lf t o.nk
' . : .v, v.i . R;, r ...... .nA
uu u
away, and tftey are preiiy sure to grow
and will not need to be watered
unless it is exceedingly dry.
The proper time for setting tha plants
is from the 10th of May till the SOth of
June. When the plants begin to vine,
-he ; run a ruliinor between the row,
then throw back the earth into the ridire
whh the plow and finish up with the hoe
careful not to strke the hoe into the
rlh nmr lh nlanl na Vim mv rlilrnv
the best tubers, which come out near the
surface of the ground. To harvest them
cut and rake olf the vines and run a fur.
row with the dIow each aide of the ridtra
nd throw out with t n Rtioiln . thpv .hou d
. . . . --- -- - --o -
l.n Knrrpmod n nnn ih. frn.i Lill. it.
vines. They may be kept for a long time
in sand and, tawdust, or chaff.
In the ten years that I have trowed
sweet potatoes, they have never produced
! Ihun " III hnsho In lh arm. unit
.n.n.t;,n i!r. that itK wru ti
more trouble than the common poiatoe.
while their maiket value is fall three timet
., mil,.u
1 (..v.. tl,m n m, kiI.Ia .rv ,Uv
fmm ii. fip.i nf KoninmUr. lill M.v.
rood as when thev wero du-r.
o . ------- -j - - - a- .. .
Thn vmr nlu lhl I rin im on Mail TV n.
...w ....v., ... .....
semond, or JNorthern Yellow. 1 produce
the plants on a large scale, and can send
them a thousand miles in sufety
S. P. Truxsdell.
Lemont, Co., 111.
Outdoor Exercise and Recrb atiom.
Some few weekt since, the London
7'tmei published an article on the relative
degree of health and longevity of the
people oi ureal urua in ana tne unuca
States, in which the superiority of the
former country in both respects was
broadly asserted. The writer attributed
the dwindling of the American race, as
he pleased to term it, to the endemical
diseases of yellow and other fevers with
wmcn poruons oi our coamry aro unnap-
pily amu'ted, and to tne impropriety in
the manner of living. To the latter more
than to the former cause is owing! we
think, the results mentioned. The errors
in this respect commence with the child.
Instead of giving such an education as
win prouuee a tun puysiuui uovciopinoiii
by constant outdoor exercise, it is coufined
in a close nursery and subjected to a mode
oi ireaimem precisely 10 iuo prou-
er one. 1 he frame is at tne outset inaae
week and puny ; and habits are engen
dered and diseases contracted which cling
to it during the time when verging lo
wards what should be a maturity of
strength and beauty, which it never reach'
es. And thus in the very morning of
life, when the sensations have the untir
ing activity which novelty begets, the
mind is, through a lack of vigor and de-
velop-nent of the body, filled with languor,
dejection and despair, and diverted from
us muai iiooio aim uevoieu spHaiiuiia.
xuero is uui one meuiuu ui csiauiiau-
ing and preserving the good health and
physical development of a people, and
that is, a proper degree of healthy exer-
cise and recreation, both before and after
the period of intellectual maturity. In-
fams should be upon all suitable occasions
carried into the gardens and other open
spaces of couutry, where ihey can breath
fresh air, and as soon as they are able to boat. The elder one waa exceedingly
walk, and at a later period, should be al- talkative and perfectly free and unconcern
lowed to walk, romp, and indulge in vari- ed with regard to the many eyes that
ous delightful amusements which the im-
pulses of ingenious youth dictate. The
unhealthy restiainu in dress which fool-
ish fashion has imposed should be abol-
ished.ii ordar that the lungs and less del-
icsta organizations of the system should
have full play to perform their functions,
and expand to their greatest natural de-
velopment With the advance of the
more vigorous and aspiring efforts of in-
tellect, athletic games and employment of
a more manly and corresponding charac-
ter should be freelv indulged in. having
in view the increased physical strength
and more mature judgment. These ex-
erases should take place daily, and as
much as possible in the open air. and
walking at different periods of the day
should constitute one of their most impor
tant features. And, finally, when the de-
liirhtful visions of vouth. five place to the
cold, cautious and calculating ideas of the
experienced, this bodily exercise should
be daily continued, and with tha hours
set apart for it should be also . allotted
hours for intellectual and other recrea -
tionr, which shall unbend the mind from
the cares and vicissitudes of business and
household duties, and give it a correspon
ing vivacious and healthy exercise with
the body,
True for Once A traveler announces
as a f.m (nA thnnirh be is a "traveler"
wa believe him) that he once in his life
beheld people 'minding their own busi-
ness T This remarkable occurrence hap-
pened at sea the passengers being " too
uck to attend to each otner s concerns.
A Herman when Lnnrbeil tntrn.
claimed ; Do you strike a man when
down?" n. no." renlu-d hia antairo.
r1 "r--- . o
nisL M Then faith, and I U lav here."
replifd Pat.
Mrs. Frances D. Gajre. writing from
York to the St. Louia Democrat.
makes the following truthful remarks I
10 " lor oyer sabbalfe, and
11 ii . .. in tea
nm ne" I,enr' . "ewner, would be
fomewhat like hearing the play of Ham
,el. witn iiamiet lett out; or, to use a
1 I . . .
eaincaaion, 10 eai sirawoflr-
riea anu cream, without the staawberries.
So ,0?K U,e. (lher WM ho ?
."u ""7 " ' rpir v
uruoaiyo i oui, nasi ior a i numan cat
cuiauons. wnen we arrived, every pew,
viiau , uwuwu. biuui, Bliu ami l cmw,
was iuii. galleries wera overrun;
e eatibult, the entries, the door Heps,
lhe. and even out upon the street.
anu yet tney came, ne crowded eur
way tnrougn IM dew mass, and at last
got before one of the doors, whert wa
coulJ 168 th man, and at we looked into
n. ..... .... i.i . :j - i..--
moiwnoi I VTO llBU aiiuust aaiu ruwuy I lite,
- , - . . -
"w vMi,. . ,
'Uracted 1,10 hum"? 7; nd thua
drew all men to him. Was it nit out
ward attractions, hearty grace, and elo
quence ! Not at all. His learning and .
purity of language? Not at all. Ilia pro
fminHnp'il Not at all. What tlinn t
t. th. ..:. brilliant, anort lovinir.
r,-nruvmniiiriiin(r. fiin.Kul,l,linr t
m,i,A tL j,mi nnA hn imn,.T... U.4
him t0 do Inischief not because he ia
w,cted, or wants to do ill ; but because it
fun it. iovei imrjetuouslv. and hataa
unmercifully ; whatever his bands flnda
t0 d0 he pitches into, (to use a western
,yiTn. ,nd oft-times, from the very
lrulhfulness and freedom of hit natura,
gel, tne nam9 of when hil heart
nver conceived, nor his hands never ear-
ried out a really bad idea : and his neigh
bors always say, ho will be very bad, or
very good.
Henry Ward Beecher, under some in
fluences, would have been a fearful man.'
But the careful training of an excellent.
judicious mother, and wia rather, have
tr&ined h lhe exuberance of his youth in
,0 a U8eui maluruy, and he attractt crowd
because people love freedom, lore 10
see a man dare be a man ; to say what
he thinks, and act out what ha says. . Ha
talks at them, and lets them know exactly
what he is talking about. Ha spurns
conventionalisms, sets ll rule of oratory
aside, walks up and down his stage and
makes the people almost jump from their
feet with him, so earnest and energetic
and mesmerising is his power. No ona
need tajje tnuff, or Cologne, or salts, to
,nufr u n hij termon
and wt should as soon think of going to
sleep while f orrest was playeng fttcn
i ard ju,
Hoosica Gibls. We wera not long
since, amused by a couple of Hoosier
girls, who came on board the steamer
. at the Jittle town of Mount Ver
non. They had evidently never been a
thousand miles away from home, and
were making their first trip on a steam
were scanning her movements. The
other was the opposite turn of mind, in-
leaning to basruuines. At dinner our
ladies wera honored with a seat at tho
head of the table; and the eldest ona.
with her usual independence, cut bar
bread into small pieces, and, with har
fork, reached over and enrolled each
moutniui in tne nice aresaing on a piata
of beef steak before her. The pasten
gers preserved their gravity during this
operation by dint of great effort. Per
ceivmg mat ner sister was not very ior
ward in helping herself, she turned round
to her, and exclaimed loud enough to bo
neara oy nau tne tame, " sai, dip into
the gTavy; dad pays as much as any on
era!' This was followed by a general
- 1 roar, in which the captain Jed on. The
girls arrived at their place of destination
before aupper; and when they left tha
boat, all hands gave three cheers for tho
I girls or the Iloosier Mate,
We saw a good anecdote the other day
1 about long preaching. A lady took her
I son, of some five or six years, to church.
I After the minister had been preachinir
- about half an hour, tha little fellow grew
sleepy and began to nod. Tha mother
I roused him into attention several tiroes,
by pincning mm. itut as it seemed a
hopeless case, she concluded to let him
sleep undisturbed. After the little fellow
bad his nap out, he woke and . saw the
minister still holding forth. He looked
P h mother's face, and innocently
asked" Mother, is it fAi Sunday night.
ouuuay nijjuu
a. Mas. UOUSCBMIDT ( JCODy Uod f-
he el j Rave birth to twinsone of eaxfar
aex. iter we navyi aoouivr suiuuvi u
- . , . ..r-u :.w. A ..J
' voiuroaa w vuuu
I . ure.'