Tun ATLANTIC MONTHLY. rini.urs,' Samson & aa llcfo ft;ig;ijhuv UOS '1' X, M A S S. its aim ww.i. nr. First! In Literature. ti leave no" province tinrenreneiiteil. o 1ti.lt while each t umber w ill rniititin articles of mi ahs! racl and p,i uianent Yalue. It will also lie found that !). healthy appetite of thi mind for entertainment in i!s ysrintis forms n Narrative. Wit, and Humor, will not go unrarcd fur. The publishers wish to say, also, that while native v. liters will re reive the most solid pnr.nur.igcmeid, ami will be mainly relied on to llll 1 he piijes of the 'AtLAlru, they will not hesitate t draw from tilt foreign scourecs at their command, M occasion may reipilie. nl lug rather on the rotnpetcnry'of an author to treat 11 particular uhject, than on any other claim whatever. In this way they hope in mike the lr Pcriodi-raT-welcome wherever the English tmiur is prtken' or re an". SraoxO '. In the t t (h Ant lite' lutein! to in- elnde the whole domain of n k t ti . t i t s, ami hope pr.Vilna.llf to make this crll leal depart ment a true dm! icaness representative ol Art In nil It various branches, without any regard to prejudice, whether personal or national, or t J private roiiKiil'M at Ih.m of what kind nofvcr. Tiirnni In Po'iMc", the Ai f.Ml tc will lie the orpin of no party clhpie, hut will hnncslly endeavor to he the exponent of what its con ductors believe to he the American i.lc.l H will deal frankly with persons ami vvl h part ies, ende.ivorsngtokecp iiMiewth.it lnni.il el ement which transcends all pi rsons ami par lies Bnil which alone makes the basis of u true and lasting national prosperity. H will not rank itself with any sect of ANTir.s, but with that I'odv of men which arc In favor of Freedom, National Progress, and Honor, whether public or private. " As tin earnest of the material at their com mand, they subjoin the following list of lilet ry persons Interested in their enterprise ( wish In tr it iii.vr'Ver to be distinctly understood. Jhift they shall In.::; for support rm tvciv Rim! of nhllllty' which desires t!ia avenue oY their coliinm?, and in t'i" lennnvratlnn of which they' shall be guided pun ly hy their sense of Imrlnftid Merit : - - i William II. I'reseotr, Ralph Waldo Emer son, Win C Ilrvaiit, Henry W. Longfellow, Ilev., r. H, llt' lje, T. '1. Nathaniel Haw-trlom,--"jotin Ci Whittier, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Janies R. Lowell, .1. Lothrop Mot ley, George Win. Curtis, llerinan Melville, lro(r. C. C. Fdton. I'ioiU I". .1. Child, I'. I' Whipple. l'Minond Quiner, Author of Wcn tfy. " Thomas V. Parsons, .1. T. Trow bridge, Author of" Neighbor Jaekwood" &c. Mrai II. Reerlier Stowe, Mrs. (Jaskill, Au thor of " Until" " Mary Hurton" &.c. Mrs. !,. Msrla Child. Mrs. M. Kirkland, Mrs. like, . Author of Ida May, " " Caste, " ic. Miss. Itose Trrrv. Wiklin Collins Author of "The Dead Seeret", tec. (J. Utiflini Author of l)octor Antonio " &.c. Shirley Hrooks Au thor of " 'Aspen 4'ourt " F.. M. Whilty, Author of " I'oll.ieal Portraits " Kc, James Hannev Author of " Siupleton Fonlenov " Ac. C. WI'hilleo Author of " Twice Married. " Tlie I'uhlishcril will aim to have each num ber of the msgainc ready iu time for distribu tion and sale, in the more remote parts oi the country, -on or before the first lay of each month for which il is intended, '- TKRMS. -uThi' At i.AKTicMoNTiit.v can be had of Unnksellers. I'. riodleal Agents, or from the Publishers, at Three Dollars a year, or TwentvVive fonts a Number. -. SnUcnlers remilting three dollars In ad T anile, iX ill rn lv th work for one year, r-osT rAin, in any part of tho United States williiii auiH) milc A liVieral discount made to wholesale deal ers and to post-masters and others who act as spent, to whom specimen inimlie r will be furnished without charge. The Publishers will tiot be responsible for coulraoU made hy Hi-nts. All persons or dering through that medium mut look to them for their supply All communications for the Atlantic must be addressed to Hie Publishers. CIRCULAR, to Ttt land orricrns is tiir t f.h ritori es or Missr.soTA, tAsm and mtubaska. "lY joint resolution of Conpress, approved .13 March, 1)7, valid pre-emption claims on Uie loth and Jtitlt sections, heielotore rescrveil for schools, iu the Territories of Minnesota Kansas and Nebraska, will be recognized WUKHK TUK SrTl'LKMKNT HAS HLF.N', On MAV BE MADK rHJOB TO 1UV. Cl'HVCY. , It, Iu cases where the approved plat of survey Iris not yet been returned, the declara tory statement 'must he tiled within thki.f. MONTHS AT:B THE JU.VU'T OK tVVIL Af JTSOVtn PLAT AT THE riiVUICT Ol l lt K. V'd. Where the phi li now iu the Keller's Olfice, the declaration must be filed within three months from the first i iti.katio.n or THIS CISCVLAB IN Vorn riSTHUT. . 'A failure to comply with this requirement, will work a forfeiture of the claim. TJIOS. A. IILNDItlCKS, n 3t-V Commissioner. ROAD HOTiCES. TCKUITOKY OK NT. ft II A SKA ) 8AUPY COt'Ni V. NO'lTCu is hereby piven, that the County Commissioners of Sarpv county, will meet on Monday, May lOlh, Ka8, at t o'clock A.- M. ; at the house of Bemhart Myers, to riew and locate, a ro id in answer to a Petit ion to commence at a point near the residence of said Beruhart Mors, where the load from Ucllevae, intersect, ilie Terutori.il ruad lead from Omaha, in Dor.plas county, to Cedar Island in Sarpv county, thence to a point near the residence of W. T, WliitUnnUu, thence to the reijrnc6 of II. IL Saitih, thence near the residence- of Oeorpe Swevil , to the most practical route to Fairview. Said Commis ioBrs will meet In the evenfn? of the same day, at 5 o'clock at Kemh.irt Myers to hear parties Interested in locating said rod. On the roUvi:iR day." May lib, at 0 o'clock A. M-1 aabl Coinmissioners will meet at Philander Cook's near Platte lliver, to view and locate a road, piJposod ia Pel it ion to raa from La Ph'f.e, aim.;; the Piatte lliver bottom, next the blulls by C.lrlih's, H. II. Smiths, and north of Snivels' to the S- I'.. cor ner of See 10, Township 13, U.mpe 12, K. of the 6th principal meridian. The Commission ers will meet in the evening of the same Jay , at 5 o'clock at the house of Philander Cook, to hear parties interested in anl roail, n Thursday, May 13th, 13S, the County Coininissiouer's of Sarpy County, will meet at cUsubu Lovcjoy's at t) o'clock A. M. to view and lcate a rosd, to commence a a point on " th west line of the Bellevue Mission Claim, theiics north-west by the most direct ami Tractical routt, by way of the furks of the big PappUlipn and We' pappillion creeks, to Ilazeltou: thence t th north line of skid oounty. at a poiut on the bortli ei.ta of Sec 13, Township U, lUnge II euntr Commissioiiers will then meet at Ueu. ben Lovejoy's, in llellevue, in the evening of the same day at i o'clock, to hear parties in. teirsttd. By prior of the Count Commissioners. STLPHRN 1). HANGS, Bsllevue, April Mh, 1VW County Cieik. twenty-five WITNESSES; Or. 1 1 in 1 or'r C tun utcd. ir Pixjoil u iinl In (: (i Sure PirriiiUvn against Vvunlrfi itinif litinh ,oct I lil'.AD! HEAD!! liliAD!!! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! JOHN S. I) VI' Is the Author, and the Hank Note engravers all sav that he is the greatest jiiillte ol' paper money lninp. t'llF.APF.lt Til N l lll'. rilF.APF.ST! i!!;rn:ii i n vn i nr. in;si! rublislie.l wi'i'kly, '1 lie vshule only One Iloll.tr a ear. IIUF.ATFSI" IHCOVntY of th ptys"iit. century for ilclect inj . onnl "rTeit ltank Notest de-ici 'ihinp eveiv cenulne bill in existence, ami exliibilinp nt a jjlance every coiinteireit in cir c ul.i tion. Arranpeil so admirably that rrl'cr i in n is esy an. I tidectio:i insl int.iui'ons. n paes I o hunt up, but an simplified and a rranpe. I tliat tlie merchant, banker and business man van see all tit a rlance. It has taken years lo tn.lkn perfect this filll'.A T 1)11 )Vl.l!V. The urgent tieces- I sit v for S'leii it work has huip been felt by fPinnerei(il men. It. has been pnblishnd to supply the call lor such a prevontive.nml needs Im' to tie known to tie nniverHally patronlej. It does more Hi in lias ever been attempted by man. I'"di !ci ibes every bank note in tin .-o dillcrent faiipitapes I'nulisli, French and (!er man. Thus each may rea l the samo in hi i own ii.it ivc tnnpTte. Tr.IlM i. Tint p iper will be about 2S by 41 Inche i. and will emit aln the most perfect linuk Nole List publisliod, toirinber w ith the rate nt discount. Also ii lir.t of all the pi n ate It. ink ers in America. A complete summsrv of tlie Finances i f Fuiope and Aineiiea, will lie published in each edition, topether wilh all the important new i of the day. Also IN I'l'.li l.S I I STOUIFS from an old maniiseript found i.i the Fast, and no where else to be found. It has never yet appeared In print, and furnishes Ihe most com plele history of Oricnl.il Life, and describinp tlie most perjdi xiiip p.oiilions in which the Ladies and peiitlciuen of that country luc been so often found. Tlice slories viiil con tinue throuplioul tho whole year, and will vrove th Most enlcr'.aiuiiievcr cllered lo the public. , t I" V" Furnished weekly In subscribers oi.lv at ?! .1 year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYK. T1ro!er, Futdioher and Proprietor. 3m13 70 Wall Street, New York. jP. A. SARPY, Wholcsalo &; Retail Mcrchnnt, COIIM II or MIN AND ClnEf.oriV 8l'Hi:KTS, ST. MARY, IOWA. If AS just received and now has for sale, a larpu assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of all in this new and thri inpcoinmunity, which he can sell ase heap i as can be ottered elsewhere so hisli upon the Missouri river. His poods have been gelecteil by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to the circumstances and wants of all classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and penllemen, children ai d youth, all can be supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His stock consists of the followinp, anion; a pleat many other articles he cannot now enu merate : Aiiioup his Dry Goods, Mav be found Woolen and Satinet Cloths, Cassinets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Liiisej s, I VI I !!.:! Wliil.. Cr.it .lint lihie. C.i.liiaii I I'laids. Cotton Ooods, Sheeliii'.rs and Shirtinps, ... . 1 T 1 - .1 - I ill I "I i:ieacneu aiid . unie.iciieii. j.oi iiinj nunc, Drillinps, Osnahurj, Ked-Tickin;, Hickory Checks, &c, &r. Fancy ftoo.ls. A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of every varioty of style and patti rn. Oinphams. Lawiis, Figured Alpncca. liomhaines, llom bavetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs. Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edpinps, Ribbons, &.C., j.c. (lolliirsr. A well seleeten slock of S immer, Fall and Winter ClothiiuT, consisting ia l'art of fine Dress Coats, Pants and ets ; iilso, coo.l Summer Clothlnp of all descriptions, and heavy Clolhiupfor Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, &.C Mens' and Ilovs' Hats and Caps, or n rious fashions, qualities and price.i. Hoots Ai Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished, of every description, tor Men, Women, and Children's use. (irorrrics. Crushed. Clarified. Loaf and Urown Snpar, Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Colden Syrup, Superior Teai Hio and Java Corl'ee, Sassafras, Otnper, Pepiter, Cloves, Spice. Cinnamon, round C.inevr. Nntmess, Pnutfs, lotiacco. Cipars, Pipes, Soap, t atnlles, megar, fiek-.es Pepper-Sauce, fce., &e. l'lovlsions. A l.i rpe "assortment of I'loiir, f various qualities and prices; Corn Meal and all (he various products o the Farm and OanK-n; Ilacon, Fish. Kiln dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, Uaisins. fvc. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns, for Cookinp anO Hatinp rooms, Stoe-pipe and I'.lhows. hr;, and small Iron Ketilos, Fryinp Pans. Skill-t" Hind-Irons, Shovels and Tonpues, Manure a u 1 II.iv Forks. Scythes. Shovels and Spades. Lot and Trace Chains. Am s. Hammers, Pincers. Iron anil Meel, ivnis. nore-ii.;isi, j-nex, S...V.;, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives. I(a zors, li itts and Screws, Do.ir Handles, Kii" Locks, i-c., A.C. liinvaiT. A general assortment kept for househnk purposes. Wooilwarc. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc Washboards. . Stole Leather, llarnen Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins. Calf Skin, Lininps and Morocco, Saddles, Itridles, II liters, Lai iats, Circinples, Itelly-bands, Diivini-lines, Collars, Hack stians, Uirths, lilind-brnlles. Kc, Jw,. iMcdicinrs. A pensral assortment of Medicines, for l Fevers, Fever and Apne, an l the common I rormilaints r-f the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappetiyton's, 'Irarp's and Javnes' I'il's. tni- i ine, '1'onics. and various kinds of SMmulants, I Anodynes, Liniments, and o' her article neces sary for the sick and the invalid. 1-f iwinir.us ki:i"! " TOH.V T. 1IOHN & CO., i,arlh Prin'irp il Odiee, U llevue, havs on hind shovels, Hoe, Spades, J-orks, Haines, anil a general, sisortmeiit of Fdrn.ing Tools. Call and fee. j 1 sisor 'uly, IS, llaT. 3w3d ' rcT.T! iTVnnr) TTOTFl Ti UUXii. V JJXJ JJ. J AUIJ, HY 3VrI. i (OmfrofLOCUStaiKKOOlCd'KOStrOftS,! a ixvuooi), ioir.1. ClothinjjS nothings flotliSns! A LARGE STOCK OF READY MADE Clo'hingof the l.itei Fashion, at CLEAR WATER. WHITE te SANDERS. J-weVh, l5?:. nil. NQW GOODS!! NEW PnlCES !! Nrw EvciAthlnc1, ft tho Oil Stand of ' SAl.f'V e. I'Nrl.lsU. rUWAPiD C. tOYSIIZLL H AS tiie liquor to iid'or. i Hi" oph? of Hie i Sou' hern District of Mo nj is ai.d the inljoi'i' inp count ies, Nebiaaiia.tli.it lie is now open. I iiu: one of the larn sl Stocks of (.OOlJS ever I biou.'il't to (.IcnwooJ, .Mills county, luwa, consul inp or DUV (Jtioi). II Alt I) VV A III:, II S IN CAPS, All.S, coudaci:, oils, paints, WOOD AM) r.nocutii:. ItOOTS 5; SIIOF.S, t;l l.l'.Nsn'A III', I.I. I Mi lt, I lit IN. dv K-s-nrn s, wir.!.tv v ai;i:, 1U.ADV-M A hi: CI.OI IIINii, C A I! IT. VI I'.UV Tint! S, VAMiKK NOTIONS, e., And everytliinp thai may l e found pent.'! ally in city rIctc all of which lie will sell ciir,i roil cash. r;r am. kinds of coi n i hy ruo- Dl't'l". la sen in i xchniiu'e for (iooilx. Iluy ers from town nr coindrv winliiiiLT siod an l cheap Coods, either ?t. wholesale or retail, 1 1( Will Have nioui y by rallii.p and exatnlnlnp bis slocn before nirchasin elsewhere, ns thev will find ;T'iod I' irir.iiiis and fair dealing, til.KYO0ll, Iowa. no 1-tf L. Huckolls & Co. CANKERS & LAND AGENTS, (il.FN WOOD, IOWA. Collcclions ini'de ill Iowa, .Nebl.iska nd K.iiis.i.i, and lemitlcd at current i it's of ex ciiaiif'.e, I ree of chate. Loan el!e f. foi-eip l.i'rre-i C pii.ili- s. at Ua'.e Wi s i ri:N li.vri.s of on recni r y. Farms, Town I boiu'ht .I'.d sol I. s and I'liiini roved Lauds T.ivs paid in any also in Nebraska an. I Notes bought anil um!v in the State Ivans. m. Money loaned on pood security. 1 1 1 L . I St paid on Special l)cpm;M, Laud Warrants houpht and sold. Special iitlentiou piven to tlie selection and rnliy ol Lands for seiilers or di-Uant dealers, rillier with LhiiI Warnintsor money, in Iowa, iNybi.isk.1 or knits is. We cliarte '1 en Dollars per One Hundred and Sixty Acres, and make reasonable deduc tions, when enterinp larpe i i.'inlitie.i. Win n Laud Warrants are Hent, Xo and a Half Cents per Acre, tho Lanl O.liec Fi e, nri.st accompany the Locating I ce. When Warrant are sent, the N'o'a of War rants, date, to whom israied and as.i:;ued. should be copied and retained, to guard against loss in mails. Ilemittances to in, can be made i: Drafts on any of the Fastcru or Sonterii Cities. We w ill enter Laud with Warrant or Cash. I pay all Foes, Taxes and Commissions, for one mini ol the puns proms, acrruin Irom the p;,e of the Land all expenses to come out of our third of the proliis. Our arrangements are such lli.it mi can enter Lands in all the Odices in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. A competent surveyer always in readiness to find and select choice Lauds, Cov I'iki-P". Hock (juAHKiF.s, Mill itks, Mineral Tracts, Sii: Within the tiel twelve months there will be offered for sale in Nebraska and Kansas, Two and a Half Million Acres tit' Land, compris ing the best portions of tlrisa Territories, and exlendin;; alonp the Misscuri River, from the Mouth of Kansas lliver vi the line f the State of Missouri, to the Mouth v L-e.iu (ini-ronr River, We solicit foreign Capitol for investment. Investments properly made in Western Lauds n ud Tow ii Lois, ui h now pjyii.g from twenty-five to lour bundled per eeni. We believe that persona patroiii.inp our firm will li.ii e peculiar advantages over al most any c i ! 1 1 i in this Country. We were ninonp the tint Pioneers of this vast and prowinp country and are intimately acquainted wi'h nearly rt cry portion of Western Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and believe we will he nbhMo rend r sat'.sl'iH'tion iu all buaincs en- LETTERS OF INQUIRY WILL UK rUO.MTLY ANSWEIIKI). RF.I'F.Ur.NCFS; John Thompson; Hope, Craydon &. Co.. New Yonc City; Wood, H.I ron J: Co., Philadelphia ; Straight, Deininp Si Co., Cincinnati. Darby fc Harks. laic; Humph reys, 'Putt Terry ; Crow, McCreery t t'o. St. I.otii ; Isaacs it Almond, Leavenworlh City, Kansas; Oieene, Weare A ltentoti, Council Klutl'i, Iowa; Henn, Williams Co., Fairfield, Iowa; Charles II ndl ie. Iturlin J'ou, Iowa : Hon, A i. Hall. K.'osa i.i ie, Iowa ; Hon. James Crait'. St. .losenli, Mo, ; Hon. A. j S. I'ul'on, WyUosville, Ya ; Hon. F. McFull-n, I r.s'ihille, Ya.$ Hon. 1'. Ferpusoii, Chief J us- tice, I'ellevne, Ne'ir.iska. I lilciivvood. jMdls Co.. Iowa. . C',-tf. W. H. STAB!' & CO,, t lid r.srectfiill; ii form the ladies nnd p-en-tl n il of (luiati i and vieiur v. that they have on hand and are iiianiUact irinp a complete S BOOT3 AND SHOES, Of the Vc-t ount;ty, and warranlcd; compri sing tlie i.illowin r. : Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Ciiters. " " Ki I liootecf. and Congress (jailer. ' Slippers and Pannii Ties. Heavy rdoroceo and Caif lioolceg. Nlisses Chil.ls' ' k; C. i.V Sewed Kip and Calf Foots. . Pe-ed ' Fine I'ren -b or P.im,i 11oot. " Water Proof an Hjuilted-Uottomr to'-s. " P.i'ent Calf Hunts. (Mori Ties and (..liters. Kill ail l ,111 S.'ioes. Rovs a-.d You'hs' Uiii U.-o's ar 1 r.rc 'ir.s. All of which are n.ide of the best material the market nirrJ. Our fieiiiiies for select ins are nnnrpasc,l hi Cistern citii-s, and we wish it dis'i.ic'lv mi lersto' d that we "Warrant Every Article Wo Soil. We have the best of workmen ia our em- ploy. Every ttyle of Boot or Slice made to older, and warranted an easy and fashionable fit. Respec. fully, no l"-if W. 11. STARK it CO. Greene, Weare & Benton, T) AVKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, I J and Land Agents, Council Bluffs, Iowa. . ies a mi liins co'.iec'.ei ant reinrte,i to any part oi the United S!Me. Money receiv ed oil ; ,!ep,.si, and interest allowed. 'Eastern or So.illn rn DiafN furnished in sinus to suit pur. cIi.is ts. Laud OTice funds paid for Curi encv I cr hills of Exchange. I.oius eif-cted on good security. Taxes pai titles examined, and 1 lr Estate bought and sold on Commission. UnriU nit0IVl fr s, t,iers and time give,, fr psyirent. Olilce oppon'e the I'aciiic House, i in west lower room or l.nnd iilllce. i Kri mv.vc r : F. S. .lesnp Si Co.; W. J. j Barrey .v, Co., 11 iukei.s,Diibiiipie, Iowa ; Cook j fc Sir'er.t, l'.ankers, Davenport, lo.va : Cul- brton .V lno, Bankers, Iowa City, Iowa; People's Rank, New York City; Ketchem, lingers ft lle iiiet, Hanker, ftc'.v jui'fcOtvj Seiko", Will r 4. Ci., Vrashingtoi , D. C". Hon. Clin. tason, Com. f P-'ents, Wash, ii.gton, D. C. t Hen. A. 1. Podge, S. U. S. Burlington, Io.va; Hon. ll W. Jones, S. U. S , Dubuque. Iowa ; lion. Joseph Williams Chief Jiih'ice, Muscatine, ! .va. Cax Bin ST., Oct. , H08 1-ff VALLEY FARMER l'oii 1s."jSvoi in. A Wl.r.KIA FAMILY JOl. L.NAL. prvorfn in Wes'cni Aprirub ute. I Im I n nil ul e, M.-clian-ics, I'.ducatioii, Literature, Markets, and Ueneral News, ninrn nr N. J. COL.MAN, JOHN A. KFNNICOTT, Concs'ind F.Jitor AX'-lSTI'.rt )1Y Over Five lluiidicd Pr.iclical Farmers nn.l M"cliaiii'-. who have heretofore written, and will continue, wi: h many others, to write for tlie benefit of their brethren and the public. The '"Prairie Fanner'' is devoted lo the In terest of the Western Fanner and Mechanic. It is the O,!o! Agricultural Paper in the We! is published weekly in quarto form, for biiidiii'T is (harae!erie,l by a hid) moral tone labors to promote the interests and :d anceinent of ihe wiim.r. of the family, and to ilevr fop (lie A trri.' ul! hi al liesonrces ol Uio ; West A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to pivc accurate Market eporis weeklv. It is essentially thk l.uinly paper tor (lie W et. 1 copy, I year, $1 in advance, or $1.50 at the cn.l oT I he year. It) copies, 1 year, fr'.I.OO free copy to the person sending ciuh. JO copies, 1 year, $l.'iiui free copy to the person Bendinp i lull. Till copies, 1 year, $3."t.( free copy to tb" person sendinp ciuh. f 3,' All old suhsciilier sending TKN nkvV ones, or will receive use copy one year. ('. V S.ihscrijrtiot.s at (be club rates inunt be paid invariably in advance. I, -J" Subscribe now. You want, and need "The rarmei."' We want vn to have it. (., Current money may be sent by mail at. , our risk, provided the lelt'Ts are 'registered.'' ;'V"A ddress ''Yalley Farmer,"' otfiee cor ner Chestnut and 2d streets. St Louis, Mo. ryf Advertisements, of an riptuopriate chaiacli r, inserted at ten cents per line' each insertion payment in advance. " "("; on v. -s cm r. a t i : sf iVfT'oIitT" still r.nrvTKn attwactioss Will be oie red in GODEY'S L ADY'S BOOK FOR is;,t. 'Iliis work has been the standard for twenty seven years. When an imitation has henn at tempted it lias failed. It is THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK PUBLISH EI) IN AMERICA. NEW FEATURES FOR 1W: Ilnvv to drss with Taste. Children's. Clothes How to cut and contrive them. Painting on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and Ihe Milliner. Drawinp in all its variety, useful lo the be pinner and the proficient. Fashions from the establishment of the cel ebrated llrodie," will be in every number. I'vcrv-day Actualities A new series of these illustrated articles will be tjiven. Point, Urussels, and Yenetiin Lace of everv variety. A specimen of tlie stitch to be used in each will bo given. In addition to the above, One Hundred Tapes of Reading will be piven monthly. God'y's Splendid Fntrravins on steel. Loudon, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Gorh y's four figured Colored Fashions. Embroidery Patterns, Model Cottages, Dress Makinp with Diaprims to cut by. Dres3 Pa i terns Infanta' and Children's dresses, with descriptions how to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and Nuttinp work. The Nurse and the Nursery Yery excel lent articles upon these subjects will often be piven. GODEY'S IN" YALUAHLE RECITES VPON r.vr.RV SUBJKCT. MUSIC Three dollars' worth is given every vear. In" the various numbers" for lS.Irt, will be found the newest desipns for Window Curtains, Broderic Anplaine Slippers, Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, Lvenilip Presses, Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing. Robes lu ("ramble, Car riape Dresses, Brides' Drcs.i cs, Wreaths. Mantillas, Walking Dresses, Killing Habits, and Morning Dresses. Dresses for Infants and Yor.ng Misses, Boys' Dresses, Capos and Cloaks of Fur in season. Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds and lnitteriis to cut dresses by ore piven monthly. Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip pers in Colors. Dravvinp Lessons for Y'oulh. Send in vour orders soon, ns we evpect oar list for 1:7 will reach lOO.O(M) copies. The het plan of suhscribinp is to send your money direct to the publisher. Those' who send larpe amounts had better send drafts, but notes will answer if drafts cannot be pro cured. We think we cm show how much cheaper it is to take the Lady's Book at Three Dol lars than nny other mapazine at Two Dollars. We will take a late number of both, 'ihe Two Pollar Ma-Mine contained 3d aitieles, the Lady's Book fi2. The Two Dollar Mapalne contained 32 en- eraviiijrs, the Lady's Boole ftli. The Two Dollar Mapainc contained CI pa ce, the Lady'a Book ICO. Twenty-four more en;raviiips, twenty six mole articles, and thirty-Kit inure pavs, nearly double the quantity. The lowest ciuh iriee'of the Two Dollar 'M.ipa.ine is MJ'i ; lowest ciuh price of Lidy's Bonk l,ii7, only 12 cents diilcrenee in the price, which is three n tul a half cents on each number, and for that sum (thiee and a half certs), you receive tweny-sis more articleg, twenty-four more engravings, and thirty-six more papes month ly certainly a very cheap three and n half cents' woith. This view of the case has probably never before been presented, but it is a true statement, which any lady can con vince herself of bv comparing the'two maga zines. TERMS, CASH IN" ADVANCE. One copy, oi.e year, Two copies, one year, $ . Three copies, one year, ti. Five copies one year, and an extra ropy to the person sending the club, making siv copies ,10. Fi;ht copies one year and an extra copy to the pe,s,,n sending the club, making nine co; ies !.". Eleven copies one year, and an extra enpv to the person sending the club, making twelve copies $-.'t). '1 V Tlie above terms cannot be deviated from, no matter how many Hre ordered. SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. God.y's Lady's Hook and Arthur's Home Magainesjcith one year for $3 50, Godev's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga zine both one year for fit). Godev's Ladv's Book. Harper's Magazine, anil Arthur's Home Magaiint one year So. The ahi.ve j ihe ouly way weciu tlub with Harpers Magazine. The money must all be sent at ons time for anv of th Clubs. Subscribers in ths British Provinces who send for cluVs, must remit 01 rci.ts extra on every subscriber, to pay the Auiericjn poxt spe to the lines. Address. k a. rionr.Y. M3 Chesr.'it St., Ibilads., fa. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. Tor 1850. fplllE Cheapest Family .Newspaper ill the .L Wet! The Weeklv Plibi Dealer will commerce its Seventeenth Yohime on the 1st f January, 1S.'i., It will continue th same Independ' id, Jocose, Fcwiless, Fij'h'ing Jour nal it has ever been. Dealing Plainly but k i tul -Iv Willi all. It will battle lor the Constitu- i tion and the Union, ns "The world's best trea j sure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion I ism in every form, and battie Iis-uniou in every disguise. Of ji vipilanec as a Sentinel upon the watch-tower of Liberty, it is suffi cient lo say, that it has never yet been found nappipp at i's port. THE NEW VOLUME AND TIIE NEW YEAR I The New Volume will commence with a New Year, hip with Important events. A new leaf in the histoiy of this Republic, will be entered, upon the Inniipiiratioii of a Hew President and Yice President. Duiinp the commp vear, the policy or the New .VlminiH- trati'm wi bc fullr unveiled in reirard to the followins imivriant and excitit,? National topics: The Final S' ttluuent of the Kansas Dilliculty, on which tlie whole Slavery cpies tiou iu the Teiritniies is peudinp The Final Settlement of the Central American Question, hs apainst tlie claims of Enpland Our Hipi-.t of Tiansif Acro-s (he I'hmus, and the recop ni'inn nnd mnintainance of the Walker Re- I public iu Ni:ara:na I he Danish Sound Dues I lie A cii'usil ion of ( una I he AliueKntlon j of Ilie i Minne Sandwich Islands 'ihe Admission of 'a as ,1 St.it' Admission 'T Orepon sion (if Utah, wilh or without Po'y Vliuissioii of K,iir a, with or '.vilhout : Admi Lri mv , Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska j nnd Washington Territories The Inaupur.il i Message (if James Puchanan The linings of i tin New D'.'iiiorr.U ic Conrevs, These are . some of the leading events which will dislhi ; puish the inroiiiin. Administration, and most of them will transpire duriup the rominp vear. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! I Chveland, from its central location, and fro'n its rrrcat coneentration of Rail Roads. Trleprapdis, and water coiiiinunicatiori with thcvvoild, is admiited to b tint Best News Point in the Wcsl. It can furnish intelligence from nil parts of the world, davs ahead of the New Yoik Papers, and the Plain Dealer, he lonu'iiur to the New York Associated Press, is the first to publish Ihi Foieigu and Domestic Market. News, Disasters upon the Lakes, nnd Commercial Intelligence penerally. It will have Daily T'leraphic Dlspatrhf s" Troiii Washington dttrinp the Session of Conpress, and has repular Correspondents in all the principal cities of the Fnion. In addition to a full and faithful record of passing event o, we intend to devote a consid erable portion cf our paper to "Polite Litera ture." Every Taper will contain a Story, either original or selected, rvcompaiiicd with the choicest variety of Miscellany, such as Poetry, Discoveries'. Biopraphies, Jokes, Od dilies. Sic., fce., mal. insr altogether one of the most Valuable Family Journals in the We9t I '"Prompt to improve and to invite, We'll blend instruction with delisrhl." f"V" Our Agricultural, Commercial, and Telegraphic Departments, will each be worth the subscription price of the paper. The Brighton, New York, Baltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Markets will be reported Weeklv. TERMS: Single Subscribers, $2.00 Clubs of Ten (tiijone Oflice) I.;i0 Clubs of Twenty (to one Olhce),.. 1.25 Clubs of Filly, " '" LOO Pay invariably in af.vance. To the geltei up of a ('l ib, one copy pratin. iV" Tost-Masters are i specially requested to act as Agents. They should in every case, where possible, substitute Western Demo cratic Papers for Eastern Fiiion Papers. Those desiring the President's Message and other Public Documents, can subscribe now, or at any time before the fust of December. tF Subscribers to the New Volume should send in their names as early as the middle of December, so that they ni.iy be registered in time for the first number. All funds reclvcd at current rates, and if ngistercd, mailed ei our risk. Address J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, O. GERMANTOWN ULEGRAPH, THE AIODF.L IWAIII.Y AND AU IlICULTURAL PAPKR. Prill.lSHLO AT CERMANTOWN, PHILATA CO., PEN'X. KvEHY YVl'.DNlnY HfoilMNri, ly vi hup n. niE.is. PRICE TWO DOLLARS TER ANNUM. We take tins occasion to announce to Farm-! erg throughout the country, that it is the in tention of the Editor ami Propiietor of the Germantown Telegraph,' not only to con tinue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of his paper, but scdulot ty to add to its character and value by all uie means at command. Ml necessary space shall b pro vided for a ful record of ' Agricultural Details and a full development cf every luaiiclj of the Farmer's Pursuit. He will in future, as lie has always heretofore, rim lo be practical, and to be of real and substantial advantage to husbandry. His coarse, also, will continue to be thoroughly independent, and wholly nn j biassed by any oilier motives than those he I conceives to he promotive of the true interest j of Agriculture iu it s broadest meaning. Neil her individuals, cliipies, societies, or any other in fluence Khali .''ive him from the path of right and duty, j Faiiio-rs, throughout the country, who de jsiie a Newspaper, i ssucti weeklv," and equal to any other family news and literary journal piuuisneu, vv nicn maKes .igriculliire a speci ality, will find tlie "derma n! own Telegraph" to fulfill every condition, and to render it en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for a periodical exclusively agricultural. Tractical Horticulture, Pomology nnd Gar dening, generally, will meet wilh particular attention. As a Literary and News Journ.il it shall not be surpassed by rny in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of the largest rlasi, it shall continue to he one of the hand somest iicwspapcis of tlie day. Every Family, in town or country, whether they take other papers or not, will find the '"Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lit eral benefit, tw ice the amount of subscription. No subscriptions received without the cash. Pi ice Two Dollars in advance. Subscriptions not paid within the year. $-.'.. 50. Mail sub scribers will have the cath postage deducted when rot exceeding 2." cts. per annum, pro vided the t ul, script ion be paid strictly in ad vance. Postage stamps to this amount will be i (-turned as change with the receipt. Any person fending five new subscribers at one time, wit li the cash, will be entitled to the paper for one year. Specimen numbers sent on reques. STEAM FERRY BOAT. lHE subscriber begs leave to Inform tho public, that he has now in operation, a first ciafs Steam Ferry Itoat.at llellevue. N. T. st the point known as old TrHer'e Point Ferry. The lioat is one of the best on the Missouri lliver, and every exertion will be used to ena- Me il,e pnbke to cross the Riv with and dixpatch. safety JMifi NATHANIEL G. BENTON. ron sim:. A valuable timber Claim of IfVlarres, with in three rri'.rs of Bellevue Citv, for tale. En ij.iirs at tin Office. ' rdJTtf. 'ia. Scauu Irrangrmcnt. "5s, or the NEW MISSOURI.RIVER STEAMER SIOUX CI TV. Repular St. Louis, Council Bluffs Omaha City, Sioux City, and Iowa Point Packet for Sioux City, Omadi, Senrpent's PhifT U' if.'.n'' Hf0' '"'"''r.Oinaliii City,Coun" Blun,, llellevue, St. Marvs, Wvonmip cTy Nebraska Citv. 1 li,,U n,,,....". m. 7 .... .... iriimur, .-u marys, w vomuie Citv .'ras,r.a-.CiV. Li,"tle,n. BrownVille Rock- port, White Cloud, Forest Citv, Orcc Iowa Point, Savannah. St. Josenh. etc ,011, f I1IIE entirely new, very light draught, and J. superb freight and passenger steamer SIOUX CITY. Baker, Master, Ims con,-' meiiced running as a regular packet to the above and all intermediate points, coiitinuine in the trade during the season. 6 The Sioux City, as her name Implies, was built expressly lor a Sioux City paekct. under the especial supervision of Captain Baker who, in her construction, has spared neither trouble nor expense to make her a No. 1 Mis souri River steamer, and one in nil respects most udmiraby adapted to the wants of the river. She will he found, as regards capacity for business as well as the superiority of her passenger accommodations, inferior to no boat in the trade, and as such Cant. Baker takes much pleasure in prcsei ting her to the favorable consideiation of his frie-.ds and acquaintances, and the public generally, hon ing to receive at their hands a continuance of that generous patronage for which he j8 i. debted during a series of years, while in com maiul of dillerent boats in the river. Shippers may rely upon having their frcipht handled with the greatest care and dispat. h and passengers are assured upon the Sioux horn' f be"'S 'ade t0 fCCl alvva--' 1uito at l!l H. T. Clarke fe Bro., Agents. 1S5S. Season Anangtmnt. 1858. Regular St. Louis and Sioux Citv River Packet. Tor Lexington, Kansas, Leavenworth City, Weston. Atchison, Doniphan. St. Joseph Iowa Point Forest City, White Cloud', Brownsville. Linden. Nebraska City, Plaits, mouth, St. .Mary's, nnirVlle) Omaha, Coun cil Bluirs, Decatur, Blackbird, Omadi', Sear gents Bluff, Dakota, Sioux City, Florence, Pacific City. Covington. Logan, St. Johns, Concord, Niobrarah and Fort Randall. fTlHE well known light draught freight and ,r,i,?7,,!.io"'',bl0 Bassenger Steamer OMAHA, ha ntnr resumed her trips in the above trade, (and all intermediate points on the Missouri river,) and will continue thtm with her usual regularity thro' tlie whole sea son. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be s'owed upon the Omaha the past season, ws trust, by strict attention to business, the wants of fchippcrs, and comforts of passen gers, to merit a continuance of the same. ANDREW W'IN'ELAND, Master. J. J. WILCOX, Clerk, 21 D. T. Claiikk & Bno., Apents 38. M;1S0 ARRANGE NEXT '58. Regular St Louis and Sioux City Missouri River Packet. For Lexington, Kansas, Leavenworth City, Weston, Atchison, St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa-Point, Linden, Nebraska City, Bclle vue, Council Binds, Omaha, Florence, De Soto, Omadi and Sioux City. rPIIE ""w, light draught and Vrftfy X elegant passenirer Steamer S3SrE. A. OGDETvT. Wm. Thomp son, Master, will, on the opening of naviga tion, commence running as a regular packet to the above and intermediate points. The OGDEN is furnished with all the modern improvements for the Missouri river trade, and every convenience for the comfort nnd safe transportation of passengers, and her ofheers respectfully solicit a share of busi ness, and feeling confident from their past experience and knowledge of the wants of both passengers and shippers, that they shall be aide to render entire satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage. For freight or passage apply to 21 H. T Clarkefc Bro. A-ents. "sruixu .UiRANmioT. Regular Packet for Kansas. Leavenworth, Weston . St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point, Nehr.ska City, Bellevue, Council BlulTs, Omaha and Florence. 1 '??'?S TIfI' new and elegant Passenger MVtV-1vO' Sloitinor ITInrnna T Thrneb. i MTigisilLJinoiton, Master, J. E. Gorman, Clerk, will commence her trips as a regular packet in the above trade, on the opening cf navigation in tlie spring, and will remain in it throughout the season. The Florence having been built under the superintendence of the nneerslgned, expressly for the trade, is of extraordinary strength, and well adapted lo it in every particular. A rea sonable share of the patronage of shippers, and the public generally, is respectfully soli cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master. 2J-8 J. E. (ioil.MAN, Clerk, II. T. CLARKE & BRO., Agents. Entering Town Sites. Tlie following correspondence will shov that the act of the last Legislature of ths Territory, designatinp the County Commis sioners as the pioper persons to enter Town Sites, is not recognized by the Commissioner of the Land Olfice. It is a question of doubt whether the Judges of Probate, or the United States Judges, can be regarded as "Judges of the County Court." ! As soon as that doubt is removed, notice wi.l : : l .1.- -'.-!... no m,rii. iu mo iitfnn urns no rnieruiQ wi towns not incorporated can be made. A copy of the act of the last Leglslatms will he placed in the hands of ths Commis sioner, and, under the circumstances, the en tries already made mav be confirmed. JOHN A. PARKER, Register. Land Oflice, May Path, ls07. EXTRACT OF A LETTER TO THE COMMISSIO.NER- or Tin: land orrice, DATed Lanp Orrice. Omaha, April 15, 185T. Under the "act of twenty-third May, 1814,"' the "Judges of the County Court" are given, the authority to enter "Town Sites." In this Territory there are no such officers as "JudpfS of the County Court," but the Legislature has. recognized the "County Commissioners" the proper persons to enter "Town Sites,' and we have, in view of the spirit of the lavs permitted such entries, in the hope that it will meet the approbation of the Department Very respectfully, your obed'nt eervanty JOHN" A. PARKER, Register c. r. ii. roiiuESi C1IVIL ENGINEER AND LAND PUR J veyor, being now located at St. Marys, where he experts to make a permanent res' I dence, takes this method of informing the cit j izens, that he is prepared to do any suryeyinp I and from his long experience in the business, he is able to plve entire satisfaction. rit. Marys, Sept. 2J, 1!S37: a"" LOST. C MEMORANDUM BOOK, hsvinp counts of Lumber bills, Lc. The finder will confer a favor and be suitable rewarded, bv leaving it at the priuUnj; office, Bellevue. Oct a U4 Job Printing. NEATLY and expeditiously exeented, reasonable trns, at this OfT.ce.