The following Preamble and Itesolu- j TiitTrsn FMii.r. tinrn. r r.nssed at a tneetintr of Hello- i'v roof Massachusetts vue Lodire. No. 4, I. O. O. 1'., Nebraska Territory. Whereas, Through tho i iterposition of ( Divine Providence, n llrother in the full lush of henhh, has been stricken down. One, who in the noon-lido of life, full of life's eager pursuits, nlive to our hopes j vnd fears; nnd faithful in the perfolm-. nnce of our rights and cerunomes, there for: ResolvtJ, That wo tender our warmest flympathies, to the friend and relatives, tif the deceased, Brother Charles J. Kib by; that our sympathies and condolence, comes fresh and warin from the heart. We, brotherlike, have centered around one common shrine, to pour the grateful remembcrances, of our past hnppy unity, t the saino fount of Brotherhood. Ittsolvtd, That this Lodge be draped in mourning, for the next thirty days, and that the Brothers wear the usual badge, for the same length of time. Resolve t, That tho above Preamble and Resolutions be published in thu Bidlevue Gazette, nnd a copy be forwarded by our worthy Secretary, to his friends and rela tives in Ohio. '8. A. STRICKLAND, N. G. F. M. Davenport, Sec. We have not received the proceedings of tho riattsmouth Convention, but lenrn that there was a full attendance of Del egates nearly every county in the Terri t ry being represented. Resolutions were adopted in favor of organizing the partyi re-affirming the Cincinnati Platform and approving the genreral policy of Mr. Buchanan's Administration, and also in faor of submitting the Constitutions of all States, hereafter to be framed, to a vote of the People for ratification. The total assessed value of real and personal property in Detroit, is S10.3R1, 814, bein an increase of only SoOO.OOO as compared with last year. The work upon the line of the Racin? & Mississippi Railroad, between Durand nnd Freeport, has been resumed; and its completion to the later place, is looked for luring tho present summer. MASOXIC. The regular meetings of Nebraska 'Lodge, No. 184, of Free nnd Accepted tMasonf-, will be held at Masonic Hall, on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at 0 1-2 o'clock. L. B. KINNEY, W. M. i. o. o. r. The regular meetings of Bellevue Lodge, No. 4, will be hold on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brothers of the order who may be in our city on that evening, are respectfully invited to attend. S. A. STRICKLAND, N. G. F. M. DAVENPORT, Sec'y. Wall Arrangements. EASTERN MAIL. ARRIVES Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 0 o'clock, P. M. CLOSES Snmlavi, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 9 o'clock, P. M. WESTERN MAIL ARRIVES Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6 o'clock, P. M. CI.08ES Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 9 o'clock, P. M. SOUTHERN MAIL. ARRIVES Tuesdays, and Saturdays, at 10 o'clock, A. M. , CLOSES . Mondays, and Fridays, at 3 o'clock, P. M. NORTHERN MAIL. ARRIVES Mondays, and Fridays, at 3 o'clock,P. M. CLOSES .Tuesdays, and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Office open on Sundays, only from 0 o'clock P. M. to 8o,clock P. M. This rule will be strictly adhered to. L. 1). KINNEY, T. M. BELLEVUE MARKET. Corrected weekly by Claskb k. Bsotiiib, Fonvardin? and Com. Mcrcbants. Flour Extra Superfine, $3,50 per 93 lbs. " Iowa, $3,00. " Fine, 52,50. -Meal $2 per 100 lbs. Applea Dried, $2.50 per bushel. Peaches " 4 00. Butter New 20c f 25 lb Muscovodo Sugar. 10 cents per !b. Belcner's Syiu , 70 ecuts per gallon. Coffee, 13 cents rer lb. Beans $2 00 "p bus. Corn 60 bush. . Oats 75c Beef 7 to 8c. Pried Beef 20c per lb. Fait G. A., per sack, $3. Eggs 15e doz " Hide Dry, 7c do Green, 3 Hay $4 00 foi $3 00.1? tim Bran. 30 cents per bush. Hams 12 l-2c. Side Clear, 14 l-2c. Shoulders 10c, Ird 15 eV . Onions $4 50 bus. Potatoes 30. Pelts Sheep 50c do Coon 25c Wood Cotton, 3,00, Hard, 6,00, Lumber Cottonwood sheat'e 25 i m " . do sq. edged $30 00 do Oak, Walnut, Basswoad $40 00 so fine siding, clear $15 to $50 'dm. do, llooring 2d $65 00 1st $7500 Boards, $50 $75 0Q Shingles Pine $7,50 m. Cottonwood $4 00 J.a'th Pint $7 00 per m. Doors " $3 50 (g $4 75 each, fcub-f 00(5 $2 l- rf'cmnt. Tho Tyng fain origin, claiming descent from Gov. Dudley, ono of the first chief magistrates of the colony. Mr. Dudley A'kins Tyiur, father of the Rect or of St. George's Church, was n lawyer, residing at Nrwburyport, nnl for many years was reporter to the Supremo Judi cial Court. His family name, says the Mass. Spy, was tlvins, to which, for some reuoiis, tho name Tyng supposed to have been his mother's maiden name was udded by legislative enactment. Mtw AnvnimsonxTs. IXTR V Family Flour at U 2tn27 CL, CLARK &. TIRO'S. IENCINO Nails at ' n27t2 CLARK . RRO'S. HAMS, Sides and Shoulders at n27t2 CLARK k RRO'S. SKY LIGHT Dagucrrcan Gallery Over A. It. Orchard's Store, Farnltam Street, Omaha lity, X. T. t IMir. Public are respectfully invited to call JL and examine our pictures. AMBROTYPE3, MELAINOTYPE3. and Pictures transfcrcd to Leather, taken at reasonable prices. Pictures taken in from 3 to 5 semuds. .1. P TOPI), J. A. TODD. 271 f NEW ARRANGEMENTS. Heady Pay. HAVING made a change In our business, we would give no' ice to our customers, that all demands due the firm of T. & J. A. Nye, must be settled, nnd paid to J. A. Nye. The business will continue to be carried on by Kinna & Nye. at the old stand, on Main Street, In all its branches. Those In want of Mowers, or any thing else in their line, will be supplied, as cheap as elcsewhere. T.&J. A. NYE. Bellevue, June 1st, 1853. 27 Notice. IS hereby given, to MaryJ. Kirkpatrick, E. C. Pusey, and nil whom it may concern, that I will appear at the Land Ollic'e in Oma ha, on Friday the twenty-fifth day of June IS.")'-, and th"'re prov m right to pre-empt, the S. W. of the S. E. quarter of section 21, an 1 the W. 1-2 of th N. E. quarter, and Lot no. 2, in section no. 25, in rnwnship no. north, Range no. 12, East of the (H!i principal Ii.oriilian, in Nebraska Territory. May 29th 135S.-3t GEORGE ZWIEBEL. IS hereby given to James A. Graham andall others whnm It may concern, that I will appear at the Land Office at Omaha, on Tues day the i;th day of June, 1S59. and there prove my right to pre-empt the N. E. 1-4 of Section 5,'in township 12, ranee TI, East of the Oth principal meridian in Nebraska Territory. 27 JOHN STEAD. 50 Bushels 25 Hungarian Grass Reed, at CLARKE k RRO'S. Cx ilOCERIE3at 25 CLARKE k RRO'S. Trustee'3 Sale. WHEREAS, Edward Larue, did by his certain deed of trust, dated the Twenty first day of September. 19j7, and recorded in the Office of Regis' er of deeds, in Sarpv Coun ty, Nebraska Territory, in Book A. Page Ml, convey to Warren Green, the follo'.ving de scribed Land, viz, N. W. quarter of Section No (35) Thirty-five in Township No (1 1) four teen, north of Range No (13) thirteen East of the IV.h principal meridian, Nebraska Territo ry, containing 100 acres, which iiuid convey ence to the said Warren Green, was in trust to secure the payment of said Edward Larue's note therein particular described. Said note dated September2lsi, 1857, for value received, payable sixty days after date, for the sum of three hundred and thirty four dollars ($334,) with Interest, upon which there is now due and unpaid at this date, the gum of three hun dred and fifty dollars and eighty cents($350, 80 j) now at the request of the holder of said note and in pursuance of the terms and provi sions of said deed of trust, by which the un dersigned Is duly appointed and constituted a trustee and attorney for the said Edward La rue, and in his name with full power to sell and convey the above described land. Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned trustee, will on Monday, the 7th day of June, Xfs, between t!io hours of 10, A. M. and 4 o'clock,-r. M. of that da -, at the Belleie House, in the City of Rellrvue, Sarpy county Netira tka territory, sell the above described land, at public auction fo- cash, to the big! est bidder to satisfy said note, interest and costs of said sale. FRANCIS A. WHITE, Trustee. Bellevue May 24cii, 138. 2t Notice. IS hereby given to E. O. Jameson, and a1! others whom it may concern, that I will appear at the Land Office, in Omaha, on Fri day, 25th day of June, A. D. 18.,8 j at 10 o'clock A.M. and there prove my right to pre empt the North East quarter, of section 32, in Township 14, N. of Range 12, East of the Uth principal meridian in Nebraska Territory. W JACOB J.KAMM. rilHE partnership heretofore existii g under X the name of WM. C. AVERILL Jt CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and the business will be conducted hereafter by Wm. C. Averill, who is authorized to settle all accounts of the late firm. WM. C. AVF.RIIL. W. H. LONGSDOKF. Bellevue, May 11, 1858. 25 PAII SH-3DP. T. T. 22. JIl SJL TTOUSE, Sign and Ornamental Paln'er, 14- Urainer ana faper Hanger, will execute all orders in his line of business, neat, cheap J 1 . 1 r 1 1 mi iiiiipv, hotk warraniea. Reference! Cook and Davenport, SHOP a few doors north of ths Bellevue House. 24tf QORN MEAL at CLARKE. BRO'S. 17 ANCY S. F. S. Ide Flour at ' CLARKE &. BRO'S. By the Presid: nt of tho United States. TN pursuance of law, I, J A MI'S Rl'CHAN I. AN, President or the I'nitcd States of America, do hereby declare and make known that public sales will be held at the under mentioned land "dices in the Territory of Nobr.lflkt. at the periods hereinafter desig nated, to wit ! At the land office nt BROWNSVILLE, commencing on Monday, (lie Sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the pulilie lands within the following-named townships, viz : .VoWA of Hit base line and east of Hie sixth principal titer i I iu it, That part of township ono outside of tho Sac and Fox, and Half Breed, Nemaha reser vation, of range 17. The parts of townships 1,2, 3, snd 4 out side or the Sac and Fox, and Half Hreed, Ne maha reservation, and fractional townships 5 and 0, of range Hi. That part of township ono outside of the Sac aiul Fox reservation; township 2, the par's of townships 3, 4, and ft, outside of the Half Hreed, Nemaha reservation j and frac tional township l, of range la. Th.'t pait of township otlO outside of the Sac and Fox reservation ; townships 2, 3, and 4 ; that part of township 5 outside of the Half Hreed, Nemaha reservati u ; and town ship (I, of range 1 1. Towi'.a'iips 1, 2, 3, I. .", and ft, of range 13. Townships 1, 2, 3, I, 5, ami ft, of range 12. Townships 1, 2. 3, 4, ., and , of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, ft. and ti, of range 10. Townships 1, 2, 3, I, ft, and 0, of range tl. At the land office at NEBRASKA CITY, commencing on Monday, the sixth day of September next, for the dispos al of the public lauds within the following named townships, viz: Xorth of in, base line and caul of Hie sixth principal met idian. Fractimal townships 7 and 8, of range 13. Township 7, and fractional townships 8, tl, 10, 11, and 12 of range 14. Townships 7, 8. 0, 10, 11, and 12. and frac tional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7, S.', nnd II, and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townships 7, 8, I), 10, and 11, and fraction al township 12, of range It. Townships 7, 8,9, 10, and 11. and fractional townships 12, 13, and 11, of range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships It, 1", and I', of range 9. At the land office nt OMAHA. CITY commnci'ig on Monday, the sixth d y of September next, for the disposal of the p:il!ic lands wilhin the following-named town ships, vi. : orA of Hit base lint and east of Hie sixth principal meridian. Fractional townships 13, 1 1, 13, and 10, of range 1 1. Fractional townshis 13, It, 5, lrt, end 17, of range 13. Fractional townships 12 and 13, townships 11,15, nnd in. and frac.ional townships 17, 18, ID, and 20, or range 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, M, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20, of range 11. Fractional townships 12, 13. and 11, and townships 15, 10, 17, H, 19, and 20, of range 10. Fractional townships 1 1, 15, and in, and townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 9. Lands appropriated by law for the nse of schools, military, and other purposes, will be exclued from the sales. TUe offering of tho above lands will be com menced on the days appointed, and will pro ceed in the order in which they are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales closed; but no sale shall be keiit open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be ad milled until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the pity of Wash ington, this thirtieth day of Much, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight. JAMES BUCHANAN. By the President t Tiios. A. Hkncmcks, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIM ANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre emption to any of the lands within the town ships and parts of townships above enumer ated is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and recierer of the proper land office, and make payment therefor ns soon as practicable after seeing this notioo, and beto the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed, otherwise such cla'.ti will be forfeited. THOS. A. HEDRICKS, Commissioner of iht General Land Office RANGER JONES' FERRIES. JON ES' new and well arranged Ferry, is now in operation onth Klkhorn River, near its mouth, situated cn Section 23, Township 11, Range 10, East, between the Steam Saw Mills of Root k, Dimocic, and J. C. and J. r. - rtceves. 1 I also have a good new Flat, large and con venient on the same Section and of tho Horn rerry, wnere 1 will cross travelers over the Platte River, on Fridays and Saturdays, when the weather and circumstances will ad mit ; or on other days if necessary. The above Ferries are on a direct route west of Bellevue to Fremont, 011 the Platte, on the north, and Chester Sait Sprints. Salt Creek, Pawnee Village on the south side, and Fort Kearny. Fort Laramie. Salt Lake City, ke. 23 RANGER JONES A T WM. RAWITZER'S Cheao Cash Store, No. fl, Jefferson Street, PROVISIONS. ORANGES. APPLES, CIGARS, k. FANCY CANDIES. If yon wish to purchase any of the above, cheap fur rash, call at my store and examine for yourselves. 22tf WM. RAWITZER, CASH will be pal I by Clarke k. Bro, for any quantity of dry and green hides. 19-3t For Ront or Sale, THE Fine Stone Building known as the Bellevue K'ore, situated on the corner of Jefferson and 27th streets, Bellevue, N, T. will be sold, or rented, at a bargain. For terms, enquire of T. B. LEMQN. at the Fontenelle Bank. 2 m 2 NEW ARRANGEMENTS ! NEW GO A N I) Mew Prices! L B. KINNEY & CO. 1 II IE undersigned are now opening the largest and best selected, assortment of Spiing and Summer goods, ever before ottered in market; for the truth of this, we livlte the Luetics and Gentlemen to call snd see that this is no News Paper puff, no fiction, no gass Put truth In reality, Even in Nebraska Therefor come one, come all, snn David will be on hand In his usual good humor to wait on all, Lfdlea In particular. Every thing may be found In ths shape of choice dress goods f.r Spring and Summer at 10 KINNEY &CO "1 ROCERIE3 of evry description, cheap at VJT KINNEY t CO S. JOOTS and shoes, good and warranted at K INNER A. CO'S. GAITERS, Huskii.s, variety at and Slippers of every KINNEY & CO'S. "Vf AILS, Glass and Queensware, cheap at IN KINNEY & CO' S. Notice. I II AVE been very Indulgent with my custom ers about paying up, this prin cipel ceases to be a virtue. I will now notify all to come up to the rack and settle old scores immediately, and vou will very much oblige Your obedient servant. 10(f L. 0. KINNEY. NOTICE! I" ETTERS of Administration on the estate J of John Ray late of Sarpy county, de ceased ; having been granted to the sMbscriber residing in licllcvue, lie hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to saitl estate to call and settle, the name, and those having claims against the estate are requested to present them properly antli vit iealed for settlement. 13 WILLIAM H. WRIGHT. Ad'in'r ui'STAvr, sr.r.ur.ii, COUSTY SUnVEYOK OF KILLS CO. OFFICE GLEN WOOD, IOW ORDERS left at the office of Shakspeare Jioyes, St. Mary, will receive prompt at tention. G. SEEGER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, would respectfully inform the citizens of Mills and adjoining counties, that he Is prepared to execute all work of the following character) Laying off town sites, leveling of streams for water power, drawing of maps plain and colored, drawing designs for buildings of all styles, with estimates of cost. Correct plats of the townships of Mills County, showing the true positions of ths tim ber, water courses and bluffs, kept constantly on nana. Having Dad experience both in this country and in Europe, he feels assured of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Gold Medal awarded at the late St. Louis fair to (!. Seeger & S. Schimonsky for the best topographical map. Office Glenwood, Mills co., Iowa. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICE ! rrWE undersigned Informs the public, that L attertnis date, tney nave adopted tlie Cash system, and reduced their profit column te the lowest figures. All persons indebted to us, are requested to call and settle before the first of May, A. C. without fail. April 8, 1858. J. P. HORN, k Co. 5120 Police. I HEREBY give notice, that on and after ths 15th day of April next, I will proceed to give deeds, to those entitled to lots and land, in that nortlrnof ths City of Belleyi.e, en tered by the Mayor: "an town site," at the ollice of Bowen ft Mtrlclcland. LEAV1TT L. BOWEN. Mayor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, TETTERS Testamentary on the estate of J Alexander Davis, Into of Sarpy county, deceased, having been granted to the undesign ed, residing in said county, she hereby notifies all persons knowing themselves to he indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment, i and those bavin claims, tn rre.ei.t the tame ! nronerlv authenticated, for se'tlem roner V autneiiticated. for settlement no or I I- .-- bcfori the first day of Mav nex. IRENE DAVIS, AinV. Bellevue, March 1st, HM. 3ml5 Trustee's Sale. WHEREAS Robert S. McEwendid by his certain deed of Trust, dated the Twen ty Sixth day of October, 1857, and recorded in the office of Regieter of Deeds, in Sarpy County, Nebraska Ternary, in Book B, Pa$e 237, convey to Warren Green, the following described land, viz: the undivided half of the S 1-8 of S V, PI E of S W,nd N W of S E quarter of Sec. 18. in Township 14, north, Range 11, East of the 6th principal meridian. Nebraska Territory. Also his interest In the S E of N E quarter of Section IS, in Town ship 1 1, north, Range 14, east, in the County of Sarpy, Territory of Nebraska 1 which said conveyance to the said Warren Green, waa in trust to secure the payment of said Robert S. McEwen's note, therein particular described ; aid note dated October 2r, 1S57, pay able ninety days sfter date, for t e sura of Fve Hundred and Nine Dollars. (S.VW) unon which there is now dae, and unpaid, at this date, Five Hundred and Twenty-Three Dol lars and Thirteen Cents. Now, at the request of the holder of said note, and in pursuance of the terms snd provisions of said deed of trust, by which the undersigned is duly appointed ami constituted trustee and attorney for the said Robert S. McEwss, and in his name with full power to aell and convey the above de. scribed land, Publie notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 7th day of June, 1158, between the hours of 10, A. M, and 4 o'clock, P. M. of that day, at the Bellevue House, tn the city of Belle vue, Sarpy County, '(Nebraska Territory, aell the above described Land at Public Anclion, for rash, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said nuir, iiiicrrsi ana cosis or said sale, FRANCIS A. WHITE, Trustee. BeUevue, May 5, &x 4-St VAKlliTT STORE. THE undersigned have opened, a largi d commodious new store, on the corner of Main ami SMh Streets, in Hellevue, where a vnried assortment of Ooods may b found Among thru) are DRY GOODS, Such as Drown Muslin, Calico, Sheeting, Shirting. Hosiery, Itc "f arO'lYWo.W'J KNIVES. FORKS. SCYTHE, WOOD-RAWS, SHOVELR, HAY-FORKS, SPADES, TEA-KETTLES, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, kc, I'ogether with a quantity of . Segars, Rakes, Ropes, Horse-collars, Carpet sacks, Window Sash, Doors, TEA8 AND SUGARS, Tobocco, Qneenswsre, Glassware, Flour, Crackers and a great many mors articles. They keep constantly on hand, a larg as sortment of good ITInrs and Liquors, Warranted the beat quality ; cheep for rash. n37tf j. r, HORN Sl CO. Meat Market Changed Hands. M "ESSRS. OLIVER & STONE, have pur- rnnscu or Ji. Cook Griffith, his entire Interest in the butchering business, and will hereafter bo found at his old stand, on Miss'on Avenue, east of Main 8treet. under 8. M. Pike's Grocery and Provision Store, where they will bo hnppy to wait upon his old cus tomers, and all others who may choose to favor them with their patronage. UMIBUK A. OI.IYl.ll, Oct. 20. 6m51 CHARLES STONE. W. II. Longadorf, GRADUATE of Penn. College of Dental Surgery, respectfully announce to the cit izens of Bellevue, and vicinity, that he Is now prepared to practice Dentistry, In all Its va rious branches. Office hours from 2 till 5, P. M. 43 Notice 37o tno 3PULTd11o. f I1HE undersigned having purchased the en-J- tire stock of Jewelry, formerly owned by Alex. Kemi), is prepared to sell the same at 25 per cent less than was ever offered in this eity before, as room must be made for a large spring assortment. The stock consists of GOLD AN I) SILVER WATCHES, Clocks, Setts of Cameo, Coral. Euninel, Painted, (iold S'ono, Masonic, ami Mourning Jewelry, iiroacnes, urops, l ull rins, bhlrt Html, I.orkets, Bracelets, Rings, Gold, Silver, and Plaited Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Gold and Silver Spectacles. Also a splendid as sortment of MORTON'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. Also Musical Instruments. Cutlery, Port Monies, Pouches, Card Cases, JtC.,ltC. A fine stock of Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolv ers, which will be sold at a small ad vance above cost, as the subscriber wishes to go out or the gun business. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch by competent workmen. I still continue to take Omaha Scrip, Wes tern exchange, ISemaha Valley, eastern mon ey, or gold and silver, in exchange for goods. "Store on 12th Street, one door from Farnham, and directly opposite the Western exchange Bank, Omaha, N. T. Pleaso call and examine goods and prices T. W. WOODS. Omaha, Jan. 12th, 1853. 3m9 SEEDS FOR 1858" TE are now prepared with a full and Y Y and complete stock of FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, Of the new crop, to supply any demand whole sale and retail, on the very best of terms. Our stock is new (as we do not consign seeds and take none back to mix up again,) and much of it grown under our own directions in this stale. Our stock or European seeds Is imported directly by ourselves from the most re'iable growers In England and France. We feel confident no better advantages to the public can be offered than we can give, and we cordially invite an examination of our stock before purchasing. Our stock consists In part of Spring Wheat, Barley, Com, Peas, Beens, fcc, a very large variety of Garden Seeds and a full assortment of Flower Seeds of choice vsrietiea. Also, 150 bushels pure Chinese Sugar Cane Seed. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Agricultural and Horticultural implements. Full priced seed and implement catalogue sent upon receipt of atamp to pay postage. HENRY D. EMERY k. CO., Siaosl 1 20 1 Lake Street, Chicago. Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage by Advertisement. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF SARPY, Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgagee, vs. William R. Johnson, Alfred Kellum, Aaron O. Cox, Mortgagers. Mortgags dated. March Uth, A. corded in book E., Page 160. 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. M. D. 1857, re. April flat, Default having been made in the oavmeat of the sum of two thousand and two hundred dollars, ($2,200.) which is claimed to be due at the date of this notice, and secured by a certain Deed of Mortgare. besrins data March 14'h, A. D. 1857. executed bv Williaas R. Johnson, then of the State of Iowa, Alfred Kellum, and A a run O. Cox, of Bellevue, Sar py County, Nebraska Territory, to Reuben Lovejoy, of Bellevue, aforessid, and Recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, at Oma ha City, for Sarpy County, N. T., in Book E, Page lttO, on the 21st of April, A. D., 1857,at 10 1-2 o'clock A. M. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of a power of aale contained tn said mortgage, and of the statute, in such easet made and provided, the premises de sciibed in and conveyed by said mortgage, to wit t all that certain piece and parcel of land, with its appnrfernances, situated and lying in the city of Bellevue, in said county of Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska, and described as Block one hundred and thirteen, (113) in said city of Bellevue, according to the survey there of, made by Mr. Schimonsky, in the year 185A, will be aold at publie auction on the 18th day of June, A. D. 1858, between the hours el 9 o'clock, in the forenoon, end the setting of the sun en that day, to the highest bidder t the ealetobein front of the Bellevue House, in the city of Bellevue, Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory. REUBEN LOVEJOY, Mortgagee. T. B. Lemo. Att'y. March 21h,lV8. fc:tt2 Notice of the Foreclosure of Xortgtg by Advertisement. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF SARPY. Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgagee, ) vs. ( Alfrel Kellum, i V. A, Gwyer, Morlgsgort. Deed of Mortgace dated December 18th. A. D. 1"7, and recorded In Book B., Pages SOU, 270 and 271, Dsce.nber 21st, 1857 at 10 o'clock, A. M. Default havlnu been made In navmentof the sum of two thousand two hundred dollars. $2,200,) which Is claimed to bs due at the ate of this notice, snd secured bv a deed of Mortgage bearing date. December 18th. 1857. executed by Alfred Kellum and V. A. Gwyer, of Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory, to Rsu- nen i-ovcioy, or. me ruy or Dellevue, Sarpr County, Nebraska Territory, and recorded in the office of the Heglster of Deeds for Sarpr County. N. T., in book It., pagea 2(19,270 and 271. on the 21st day of December, A. D. 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Now, therefore, nstlae Is hereby given that In pursuance of a power of sale contained In said mortgage, and of the oiaiuie in sum cases made ami provided, the premises described In and conveyed by said mortgage, to wltt All that certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being situate la the County of Sarpy, and Territory of Ntbrsika, and described as follows, to wit 1 Coaamsnc ir.g ror tne same at a post 84. 0 rods, North 81 1 degrees, East of ths 8. W. corner of etc tion thirteen, (13) Township thirteen, (13)' Range thirteen, (13), esst of ths 0th Princi pal Meridian thence north 47) degrees, west 23.5 rods to a cottonwood stump, thence north 31 degrees, east D.5 rods to a noat. thence South 47 1-2 degrees east. 23.5 roda to a post, thence south 30 degrees west 9.9 rods to the place of beginning, containing one aero and fifty-seven perch, together with all aim singular tne tenement and Hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wis appertaining, consisting in part of one engine, boiler and all the machinery and fixtures for a perfect steam ssw-mill, manufac tured by Cooper and CI irk, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and said to be of thirty horse power, will be sold at public auction on the 20th day of June. A. D. 1858, between the hours of 9 o'clocE A. M., and the setting of the sun on the asms day, to the highest bidder. The sals to be ia front of the Bellsvus House In the City of Bellevue, 8arpy County, Nebraska Territory, REUBEN LOVEJOY Mortgagee, T. B. Lemo. Att'y. Aprll 1st, 1858. nlPiH SilorUTs tSeCtlo. IJY virtueofan execution, to me directed, la 1 J by the Clerk of the District Court of Sarpy county, N. T., in favor of Cyrue K. Mark, ami against the property of George Jennincs, to sstlsfy a Judgment against the said Jennings for ths sum of five hundred nnd ninety. six dollars, and seventy-six cents ($5lM,7o). Now, therefore, I will offer at public auction, in front of the Bellevue House on the 21th day of April, A. D. 1858, between the hours of nine o'clock A. M., and four o'clock P. M., of said day, to ths highest bid der, for ra:ih, the following described proper ty, to wit j being the N. W. of N. EL, Sl of N. E., 8. E. of N. W. of section 24, township 13, range 13, E. of the Olli principal meridian, N. T. Dated March 23rd. 1858. JOHN M. ENOCH, Sheriff. 1 2118 By 8. H. WATTLES, Dep. Sheriff. 57 The above tale waa postponed te Sat urday, May 22. 8. H. WATTLES, Dpt. Sheriff". Bellevue, April 29. 4t23 ' THE CHICAQ0 CUT INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE 1 -Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, DearW Street, Chicago. CAPITAL, 8150,000. DIRECTOR81 EDMUND CANrltLD, ISAAC COOK, ' II. A. WVNCOOF. HRNar cHAMSAirj h. s. atonnoK, OFFICERS! Edmnnd Canfleld, Prea., Wm. S. Satee, Secy, Henry Chapman, Treat. THIS Compnny wss organized on the t7th day of March, A. D. 1855, under a spec ial charter from the Legislature nt Iltlnnl. and business commenced under the most fa vorable auspices. Its establishment has beta upon a firm and reliable basis, and In view of ii sia Dimy, soununess.a nd permanency, ranks as one of the first Insurance Companies in the counjry. To those desirous of themselves against loss or damage by Fire, or nerila of the See, they beg leave to offer the following " REFERENCES. Messrs. Stone k. Witt, Cleveland, Ohio. Williams Avery, Chicago. 111. Norton . Brother, " 8tone k Boomer, Durand, Pres. Racine at Miss It. K. M H. 8. Geo. Wm. J. G. C. Northrup, Cash. Racine Co. Bank. P. Lind, Esq., Milwaukee. Conroe. tea. Racine. Ashley Ollbert, Caah. Coral Bk, Chicago Henry Farnham, President Chicago k. RocH Island Rail Road. Daniel P. Rhodes, Eaq., Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, 1U. Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Louis, Mo. Messrs. Wadsworth, Wells k, Seymour, Chicago. I!!. ' ' Messrs. I. H. Bnrch k Co., Chicago Bank. Messrs. O. W. Sizer k Co. Chicago, I1L Wm. Blanchard, Esq., Morris, III. Messrs. II. C. k O. G. Cook k Co., Reck ford. III. Messs. H. Wheeler A. Son, Aurora. III. Messrs. Judd, Smith fc Pratt, Dixon, III Nehamiah Case, Esq., Buffalo, N. Y. Wm. B. Fundy, Esq., Springfield, III. Gen. I. Cum, Springfield, III. Richard Ivers, Esq., St. Louis, Md. T. B. LEMON, Agent, BethrssM. AND Jewelry Establishment in Omaha WM. FRODSH AM, having retired froas the late firm of Kemp it Frodsham, umm openeu a new si ore at ISO 4, Cant, UOwn'S building, between the Methodst Church and the Post Office, where he invitee bit old pat- . 1 V. : . ti " iv una cll. Time pieces and Jewelry, of every deaerin. tion, neatly and expeditiously repaired. 6ml Notice. FOTICE le hereby glvea t George V. ll Lewie, John Cleavelaml, and all others . concerned, to appear before the Register and. Receiver of the Land Office at Omaha, o Wednesday the tnd day of June. 1858, at 10 -o'clock A. M., and offer such evidence aa yoq saay have in support or adverse to? tho pre emption of John Cleaveland, to lota 1, t, and 3, Section 27, Tp 13. Range It nut, as per instructions of the Coawnisslojter of the Land Office to re-inveetigato aald pre-emption. JOHN A. PARKER Jr., Register. A. R. C.ILI.MORE. Receiver. Msreh h, 18M. f2A