moved by its inner machinery, the geo logical record notes its vi- dins up. It prcseuls to ti', not the details if murine diiite lift, but the epochs of succesive cre ation ami extinction, h slums us tlie khadow of that o'igu-.t Presence, a from iho secret chamber of His eternal pur poses, He pn-i.od over the face of the earth, to rrrnte a new race in place, of one that hai run its course. We ran watch the awful soiiimle that pervuded what wax then all that existed f the new, buy con tinent of North America. Of Europe ami Asia, the then sole vestiges were a few inlands rising ab c thu level of a vast and surging sea. Tho Alps were Mill but low promontories, and tho now fiery head of Etna, not yet deserted by the waters which washed into its crater, hud not commenced to burn. The main land of North America stopped at the rst with the Alleghanics, and tho wa ters penetrated Northward into tho vuU ley Xf tho Mis-issppi, nearly to the month of the Arkansas It was in the ralley of the Missouri that life, in this early tertiary period, first broke. There in the rank, vegitationof the river-bottom, and under tho shado of mammoth trees, anion? swamps from which rose upwards in all their coarso strength, obelisk-like reeds, or terraces covered with immense enne-boaring tree!, and with forests of ferns there, with canines adapted to seize upon tho fish with which tlio waters were filled, and grinding teeth, like the ellt; only vastly larger, so as to cut thro' the huge vegitution, strode the Orcodon, a creature of an order between which and all others, a definite chasm exists, which nothing but a new creative power could have passed. There were to be seen mammalia of the pachydermal tribe, twenty feet in length, and ten in bight, with massivo scales on their backs, and jaws fivo feet long, armed with teeth for grinding and cutting flesh and bone as well as for chewing cud. There, on the sem-nqueous earth, gifted with amphibi ous parts, which even now make theacuto mind of Dr. Leidy to hesitate as to the order to which they really belonged, wad dled or wallowed huge turtles (Testudo Ncbrascencis, Leidy), the remains of which weigh more than a tun. All of theso species, with their contem poraries, preserve their individuality com plete from tho begining to the end of this fossil history. They are identified with nothing else, either before or after. They begin with all their idiosyncrasies entire, and they end with them such. The last individ ial buried in this tertiary grave has the same features as the first ; but neither of them is the same as anything else. There is no intermediate stage, showing how they developed out of some prior and simpler condition of animal life, or afterwards metured into something ri per and more complex. On the contrary, they leap their individuality complete, into existence, and leap with their individual ity in like manner complete, out of it. It is thu sharp and clear fiat: "And God MIDI TUB BKsT THE tABTll ATTER is kind." It is tho history of a miracle (graven by the divine hand upon the per petual rocks. -'It will be seen, therefore, that there is one other error which theso fossils con fute tho theory of physiological develop ment so wildly tiling out by Dr. Oken. us well as that more artfully propounded by the author of tho Vestige; of Creation. No liueage through prior eras can be traced for th mammalia of Nebraska. None of them, or no approaches to them have a place in tho secondary period of thu geologists. Whea God created them, (to use the strong image of Sir Charles Lyell,) He threw away the die. The race was fanned on a mould by itself. "There is nothing," tu adopt the language of Agas si, wher applied to another class, " like parental descent connecting them (the several periods.) The fishes of the Pal rcozoic age are in no respect the ancestors of the reptiles of the secondary age, nor does nnu descend from the mammals which preceded him in the tertiary age. Tho link by which thev are connected is of higher and immaterial nature ; and t'jeir connection is to be sought in the view of the Creator Himself." Of lite continuity, and at the same time the identity of tho several families of the Nebraska mammalia, the perceptive sa gacity of Dr. Leidy has furnished us with several illustrations which meet the only objection which can be urged to the theory of miraculous creation. In the bad lands of Nebraska lie, not occasional specimens of animals swept there by some great estua ry, but the remains of an entire race. They form the family burying-ground of the early eocene tertiary. There is to be traced in their full delicacy all the modu lations from childhood to maturity, from maturity to old age. They venture to all the limits of family variation, but they never venture out of it. The cub and the dame, the infant and the adult, the young rhinoceros, scarce able to sprawl on the ground, and the aged parent, hardly strong enough on its crooked legs lo support the weight of its armor-clad back, all lie tide by side in this vast mammal cemetery.' And now, through the skill of the compar- j alive anatomists, we have not only the pic-1 lure of the individual, but the picture of the family group, of young and old, in fant and parent, as they collect in the soft soil of the bottom of this ancient valley. Thus, of a single animal, the Rhinoceros Nebrascensis, Dr. Leidy gives us the plates of portions of no less than twelve ' j:o . J:..: I..-I. ii'. i ..I..I. different, individuals. We have the" adult V burgh, N. V., has advertised the whole of and the nearly adult," the "very old,', hi princely estate, in the town of Og the " very young," the male," and the densburg, Sc. Lawrence county, for sale " female, as they browsed sometimes on the club ferns of the bluffs, or pursued tbtir fisby prey below. We can draw, therefore, from the explorations of the Bad Lands, more than one important truth. We .can learn, that the graveyard into which wa enter, contains tbs remains not t . - -. of stray individuals only, but of all con temporaneous creation. Wo learn that tho members of this creation nre united by no lineage with periods thai precede nnd follow them. We learn, ibat so bkilful is tho art of the comparative anatomists, that he is now obln to distinguished be tween even tho phases of hex and age, and a fortiori would Lo capablo of tracing the deviation into new fpecies. Wo hove' therefore, the material to act upon, and tho power to act. And then, with this power, and this snbjeU matter, when we iif the rurtnin, and gozc upon this wonder ful gallery of geological scripicturcs, there opens upon ns not merely tho written truth that Ck1 created each living thing after its kind, but the august reali ty of creation itself, begun, continued, and closd by the Firtt Causo in person. Francis Wharton, Esq. Foost awd Fur it i Ohio. A cor respondent writes from Norwalk, Huron County. Ohio, May 3, that the frost if April I at killed all the fruit, (train and grass 'oo.'well. The Ohio Farmer on May 8 suy that in the vicinity of Cleve l til l tho hard frosts Iiiiyi deployed a large n -rceniao of tho fruit Ibssoms. The cherries nre ladly hurt in some places, while in others they are scarcely injured. The samo may bo feuid of the puncher. Thcro will be a partial crop of both cher ries ond peaches. Correspondents of Tho Fur mar write as follows. Yincinnes, Intl., April .10, 1Sj3. It is a month since our peach trees were in bloom, and now tho young fruit is the size of peas, safe from frot, with a prospect of an abundant crop, as well as of apples and other fruit. PitUhurg, Pa., April 28 The late cold spell lias killed most of the fruit in this neighborhoad. Wheat ond grass look first-rate. The Hoard of Managers of tho Alleghauy County Agricultural Society report as tho result of their examinations since tho late frosts, that peaches, pears, plums nnl cherries are entirely killed in the region of Pittsburg, and apples, goose berries and grapes in part. Mansfielt, O., April 30. The cold weather lias destroyed the greater part of our peaches ond cherries. The pears are not very much injured, nnd tho apples not at all. We still have a good many cher ries, especially of tho later and common varieties. I havo a small Governor Wood cherry, blooming for tho first time, tho beds of which are not injured. Per ii, Huron Co. O., April 27. The fruit is almost entirely killed in this re gion by the late frost. Wheat looks well far better than this time last year. .Marysville, 0 May 3. Wheat in this county looks fine, and bids fair for a good crop. Weather i very wet and cold ; farmers backward with Spring work. Grass is coining forward finely ; fruit is somewhat injured by the late frosts. .Veu-norf, Washington, Co.. O. April 23 Thelrt'vero lute frost, wo fear, has en tirely destroyed the apples and peaches, though a few may have escated. This in our county, will bo a great loss. .M.tssit.'un, O., April 27. Our wheat looks well ; but tho last few cold day and nisjts frighten many timid ones, and they think forward wheat is injured Early fruit may be nipped. Paris, Ki., April 'M. Tho fruit crop, tho promise of which was very fine, is, un questionably, very much injured. Sunflower seeds are said to bo the best known remedy for foundered horses. As soon as ascertained he is foundered, mix one pint of th-J seeds whole with the feed and entire cure may be expected. The Governor of South Carolina has appointed A. P. Hayne to the Senate of the United States, lo fill the vacancy oc casioned by the recent death of Senator Evans. Mr. Hayne is the fourth person appointed to serve out a single term. It is to bo hoped he will live through it. Hilly Bowlegs out or Florida at Last. A dispatch from Maj. K. Rector, Supermiendant of Indian Affairs, dated head of Puss, via New Orleans, May 11, says: "lam herewith Billy Bowlegs and one hundred and sixty-five Florida Setniuoles, on board United States train er Grey Cloud." This is good news: the people ef Florida may now rest in quiet, without having any fear of Bill Bowlegs couatantly before their eyes. fepuWican. Navigation or thi Bio Sioux Riv er. The St. Paul Pioneer learns that two enterprising gentlemen, Messers. Tadxino &. Tavlor, have made arrang ements to place two light draught steam boats on the Big Sioux R'ver, this season. They are intended to run regular between Sioux City, on the Missouri, nt the mouth of the Big Sioux, ond ihe new lown of Eminiia, one hundred and forty miles above. The Legislature of California has pass ed a bill prohibiting the future immigra tion of free negroes 1 1 California, and compelling those already there to register their names and take out licenses. There was great excitement among them, and meetings have been held, in which Mas diseased the question of emigrating in a body it Vancouver' Island. Henry Van Rensalear, Esq. of Ogdens- i at auction, in Juno. The property con- sifts of thirty thousand acres or land, in cluding the proprietor's unrivaled, beauti ful country seat, named Woodford, in the vicini'v of Odensburg. This is the , largest sale of privato property 1 yet heard of in America. wo have BELLEVUE GAZETTE. 1IKNUY News and M. JUT! IT, Loi-iil Kilitur. BELLEVUE, N. T. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1S59. City Election. Our Annual Municipal Flection, took place on Monday last, and was conducted with considerable spirit by the friends of the respective cadidates, but generally the utmost good feeling prevailed. C. T. Hollo way, the successful candi date for Mayor, although a young man, is one of the oldest residents in our City. Ho came hero in the spring of 1851, and has sinco resided permanently among us. Twice, has he been the people's choice to the Territorial Legislature, and his untir ing efforts for the benefit of this City and County, havo won for him the respect and esteem of our citizens, generally. Mr. Robinson, his competitor, is a pop ular man, und much respected by our cit izens, and his election would havo given satisfaction to all parties. Tho Board of Aldermen elected, con sist of John A. Nye, Dr. Wm. H. Longs dorf, and Samuel Snyder, Sr. They arc are the people's men; honest, able, and industrious. Their efficiency as Alder men, will r.ot be interior to tneir sum anu ... M . ,, I 1 efficiency in the duties of their several callings. Henry M. Burt, News and Local Eli lor, of this paper, was elected Recorder, by nearly an unanimous vote. W. D. Rowles, City Treasurer, elect, is one of our enterprising business men, and is universally respected. F. M. Davenport, received a large vote for Assessor. He is one of the active, growing young men of the City, ami is well qualified for the office to which he is elected. W. R. Blore, was elected Marshal Ho is a first rato fellow, and will dis charge the duties of his office, to ihe sat isfaction of all that "obey the powers that be." As a whole, we have no foult lo find, with tho result of the election, on Mon day. All the offieers elected, are effi rienl and popular, and will, without doubt, dischamo their respective duties, with ability and fidelity. We have just received the 31th annua Report of the American Sunday School Union, read at the anniversay of that As sociatlon, on the 4th ult., by tho efficient Secretary of Missions, Rev. R. B. West brook, lhis Krport shows that during tho past year, 1521 new schools havo been organized, including no less than 5S0O children; and 13S1 schools already organized, were visited and aided, by the Missionaries of the above Union. Books to the amount of $22,000, in value, have been sold, while S3.097 worth, have been donated to schools unable to purchase The mode of operations, consist of two departments, the Publishing and Mis sionary. The former is self supporting i. e., the books are sold at a price that just covers all the expenses of publishing. In the latter, SO Missionaries have beeu em ployed in 17 different States and Terrilo ries ; besides many others, laboring in connection with numerous auxiliary socio ties. This department is supported by donations, legacies, and collections, from Churches and benevolent individuals. We consider this Society, in connec lion with the American Biblo Society, the most efficient, useful, and antt-sectarian of any Society in the world. The new and elegant passenger steam er, Victoria, will take the place of the F, X. Aubcry in the Pacific Line, and will be commanded by Beh. G. Glime, the popular Captain of the latter boat. The V ictona is entirely new, and wm be no discredit to this line of steamers. Among th passengers by the Mostt Taylor for California last week, was the celebrated negro minstrel, George Chris ty, of New York. He goes to San Fran Cisco on a three years engagement. Ru mor ays he was offered 810,000 a year or a third of the profits, and chose tho lot ter. esee from the New York papers that the Turkish Admiral will leave Bos ton in a few days for Liverpool and wi thence proceed to Constantinople, expect ing to return to the United States in about three months. The Cincinnati papers announce the death of Anthony Hardesty. an old citi zen and the first locomotive builder there The Wisconsin Editors and Publishers' Asssociation is to hold a meeting at Mad son on the lG'.h of Juue. Hon. Chas. D. Robinson, of the Green Bay JlJvoraft will deliver an aJdress, and Horace Rub- i ble. Esq., of the Stat Journal, will read a poem on the ocra&ion. Local & Territorial. The following is the official vote, cujI for Municipal Officers, at tho tuition eld in this City, Monday last, June 7th: Whole number of votes polled, lo3 For Mayor, C T. Holloway, 66 Win. Robinson, G6 Scattering, 1 For HJermen, John A. Nye, 145 Wm. II. Longsdorf, 91 Samuel Snyder, Sr., 09 V. A. Gwyer, 65 Charles Johnson, 51 Scattering, 26 For Recorder, Henry M. Burt, 151 Wm. S. McMurdie, 1 Tho All Seeing Eye, 1 For Treasurer, W. D. Rowles, 149 Scattering, 1 For Jlssissor, F. M. Davenport, 133 Horace Rogers, 15 Scattering, 5 For Marshal, W. R. Blore, 105 O. A. Velie, 45 Scattering, 3 We, the undersigned, a Committee, ap- pointed by the Nebraska Lodge, No. 1, of Free and Accepted Masons, to draft a suitable expression of our regard for our disceascd brother, Thomas Nte, do beg eave to offer the following : The Supremo Architect of the Universe, lath permitted the Messenger of Death, to alarm our outer door, enter our Lodge, and call off our brother, Thomas Nye, from the labor of earth, lo the refresh ment of Heaven. On the 4th day of June, 1S-37, Brother Nye, landed upon our shores; and just, one year from that day, we laid him away to rest in the cold sequestered grave. His spirit took its exit, upon the morning of the 3rd of June, 1853, and in the af ternoon of the following day, we inhumed his mortal remains with the proper cere monies of our Masonic Order. Sociable, courteous and benevolent, he was highly esteemed by all who knew h:m. Governed by a high sense of hon or, and inUuenccd by the highest moral principle, he was an ornament to the fra ternity, of which he was a member. A few weeks since, he traveled with us the rugged path of life, bearing the bur den and heat of tho day, with fortitude, perseverance, and fidelity. A few weeks since, the cement of love and affection, bound him to kindred, reciprocal hearts ; but at high twelve, in the meridian of life, and usefulness, at the ago of 37, he pass ed away from all earthly associa.ions. His mortal coil was enveloped in the wind ing sheet of death, and his spirit raised to the felicity of a Lodge celestial, where the Supreme Grand Master presides, in thu beauty of his holiness, there to receive robes of purity, and crowns unfading, in companionship with hearts of fraternal and never ending union. While we deeply feel his loss, and as deeply sympathise with his estpemed fam- dv in their bereavement, we bow in sub mission to the behest of the Suprem-j Dis penser of events. In behalf of ihe Lodge, C. C. GOSS, ) H. T. CLARKE. Committee. L. F. BART ELS, ) L. B. KINNEY, W. M. Wm. II. Cook, Sec'y. Beware of the Orleans Bank of Can nelton, Ind. A large amount of this worthless trash, has been put in circula lion, in this Territory. A party of gold diggers, have been prospecting for that precious metal, on Mud Creek, a few miles west of this City. We understand a substance resembling gold, was discovered. Last Sunday morning, a Sunday School was organized in this City, under the auspices of the American Sunday School Union. T. B. Lemon was elected Super intendent. A Bible Class was also form ed, with Rev. Wm. Hamilton, as its teacher. A large audience was in attend ance, and the oljed and princijJes of said Union, were set forth by iheir Agent. In the afternoon of the same day, an other School of similar character, was or ganized at Mr. Clifton's, a few miles north of this City. Charles E. Smith, was elected Superintendent. A company of Germans, from Buffalo, N. Y., have made a purchase of 4,400 acres of land, adjoining St. Stephen, in Richardson county, on which they design to immediately emigrate. iMFnovrntENTS. Notwithstanding the ! Pursuant to a call made in the Bellevue hard times, tho course of Bellcvue, is still Gazette, the citizens of Sarpy County, as onward. As yet, wo have not built with sembled at Saling's Grove, on Saturday, the rapidity that characterized the latter June 5th, for the purpose of taking into portion of last season, but there has been consideration, the propriety of remonslrat nearly ten limes the amount of building ing against the sales of the Public Lands, done this year, that was accomplished up in this district, in September next. to same period, in last year; and from present indications, there will be as many or more buildings erected this season, as there were last. We have had time to examino only the following: Tho walls of the Presbyterian Church, have been completed, the building roofed, and the steeple is now nearly finished. This edificed, when completed, will be an ornament to the town, and a credit to its builder, Rpv. Wm. Hamilton, whose la bors have been Untiring in beLalf of that object, which we hope will soon prove successful. The two brick dwellings, now benig erected by Win. Robinson, are going up with rapidity. They will make a very fine block, and not inferior to any in this portion of the West. They are situated on the west side of Hancock Street, and command a beautiful view of tho Mis souri Valley. Tho two story frame dwelling, of A.N. Briggs, now in process of erection, on I Fi, vwlr Stroot urntt fitrta tvill mnLrf, A fine dwelling. Its architecture reflects credit upon its builder. E. W. Bigelow, is also erecting a large two story concrete dwelling, on the same street, near the School House. The walls of tho lower story are about half finish ed. The location is a fine one, and when the building is entirely completed, it will make a desirable residence. Samuel Snyder, Sr., our worthy towns man, and Alderman elect, has commenc ed the erection of his large and coinmode ous two story dwelling, on Franklin Street. He will also erect, on the same street, a spacious Store Room. Horace Rogers has erected a dwelling on the same Street. The dwelling house of Bruno Tzschuck, situated on the bottom, about two miles from town, was struck by lightning, on Wednesday night, of last week. The house was considerably damaged, but for tunately the occupants escaped without injury. The St. Joseph Packets, Dan. Converse and Watosja, came up June 4th and Cih. Jabez L. Winship of Omaha, accident ly shot himself, on Tuesday evening of last "week, at his residence on Harney street. The Omaha Times says; Mr. Winship had just left the outer door of the room to get his gun for the purpose of killing a rat which was out side, and, leaving Mrs. W. sitting at the door, requested her to watch the rat until ho returned with the gun. She was thus engaged, looking out into the yard, when hearing a discharge of a gun, and a fall simultaneously, she turned around to be hold her husband a corpse, with blood running in streams upon the floor. He died without a word or a groan. No one saw him until he fell, but as he held a shot gun in his arm, and, as his lips were uninjured, the inside of his mouih much torn, and as the shot passed out through the top of his head, entering the cealing of the room, it is evident that he must have been blowing his breath into the muzzle of the gun lo ascertain if it was loaded. A special meeting of the Common Coun cil, of the City of Bellevue, was held June 8th, A. D. 1S5S. Present His Hon. L. L. Bowen, Mayor, L. B. Kinney and C. T. Holloway, Alder men. Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. The returns of the Judges of the City Election, held June 7th, were received, examined and the following persons were found to be elected, to fill the respective offices. C. T. Holloway, for Samuel Snyder Sr., ) John A. Nye. Win. H. Longsdorf. ) Henry M. Burt, W. D. Rowles, F. M. Davenport, W. R. Blore, Mayor. Aldermen. Recorder. Treasurer. Assessor. Marshal. The Mayor elect appeared, and took the oath of office. On motion of L. B. Kinney, the Coun cil adjourned. Attest. L. L. BOWEN, Mayor. Ciias. McRat. Recorder. A Potnological Society, is about being organized, at Nebraska City. The Directors of the Platte Valley Bank, in a card published in the Nebras ka City News, contradict the report, lhat the above named Bank, hid hands. changed On motion, Wm. R. Watsox was called to tho Chair, and Alfred Matthi as, appointed Secretary. " On motion, the Chairman appointed a Committee, consisting of tho following persons, to draft Resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting: L. L. Bowen, Michael Jones, C. T. Holloway, Lewis A. Driskell, Wm. R. Smith. The Committee reported the following Resolutions through their Chairman, L.L. Bowen, which were unanimously adopt ed : . Resolved, That the Citizens of Sarpy county, and we believe of the Territory generally, are almost without exception, opposed to the sale of the public lands, in this Territory, in September next, ond are in favor of the postponement of the same, for the period of one year at least. Resolve I, That the present enibarassed state of financial matters generally, and the destitution of money in the Territory, renders this postponement necessary, in order to save a very large portion of our people, (the actual settlers) their homes, homes upon which they have resided, with their families, and have improved since the organization of Ihe Territory ; these homes comprising in many instances, the all, that those owning them are pos sessed of, and that much of the land al ready entered, has been ro entered through capaialists, for which the settler is compelled to pay exorbaitnt rates of in terest, ranging from forty per cent up ward, and many will lose their inprove me Ms already made. Resolved, That a committee of ten, bo appointed t) circulate the petitions and forward the same, to the General Land Office, and that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the President of tho United Slates, and the Commissioner of the General Land Office. The following Resolution, presented by B. P. Rankin, was also unanimously adopted ; Resolved, That we invite the earnest co-operations of our sister Counties, throughout the Territory, to aid us by pe tition, and all other legal means, to se cure the desired postponement, of the sales of the Public Lands. The following persons were appointed a Committee to circulate petitions, as re solved: Stephen II. Watdes, Michael Jones, Milton Driskell, G. W. Owen, B. P. Rankin, B. Tzschuck, Jonas Mitch ell, L. B. Kinney, Charles E. Smith, Enoch McCarty. ' On motion, said petitions are to be forwarded to L. B. Kinney, in Bellevue, on the 22J of June. On motion, it was requested, that the proceedings of this meeting, be published in the Bellevue Gazette, and a copy La forwarded to all the papers in the Terri tory, with a request to publish said pro ceedings. .:. On motion, the meeting adjourned. WM. R. WATSON, President. Altbed Matthias, Secretary. ; . The Annual Communication, of the Free and Accepted Masons, for this Ter ritory, met at Nebraska City, June 2d, and elected the following officers : ! . R. C. Jordan, of Omaha, Grand Mas ter. L. L. Bowen, of Bellevue, Deputy Grand Master. . David Lindley, of Nebraska City, Senior Grand Warden. M. G. Wilkinson, of Omadi, Junior Grand Warden. John II. Maxon, of Nebraska City, Grand Treasurer. ' R. W. Furnas, of Brownville, Grand Secretary. J. II. Chivington, of Nebraska City, Grand Chaplin. Albert G. Clark, of Omaha, Grand Orator. George Armstrong, of Omaha, Grand Lecturer. II. N. Cornell, of Nebraska City, Grand Marshal. Wm. Byers, of Omaha, Grand Senior Deacon. C. D. Keller, of Bellevue, Grand Junior Deacon. G. W. Bratton, of Brownville, Grand Steward. D. H. Wheeler, of rialtsmouth, Grand Sword Bearer. E. A. Donelan, of Plattsmouth, anJ Jesse Noel, of Brownville, Pursuivants, Edward Henry, of Nebraska City, Grand Tyler. Meets on the 2d Wednesday in June, 1859, al Bellevue, N. T. LODGES REPRESENTED. Nebraska Lodge, No. 1, Bellevue. Western Star Lodge, No. 2, Nebraska City. . , Capitol Lodgs, No. 3, Omaha. Nebraska Rally, No. 4, Brownvill. Omadi Rally. No. 6, Omadi. Plattsmouth Rally, No. 6, Plattsmouth. Recent rains have swept away , two bridges that were erected over Omaha, Creek, on the Indian Reserve, last fall, by Col. Sites. Strawberries are now ripe, in this cinity.