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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1858)
. Rivin News. Business at the Levee the past week, has been quiie brisk. The lliver is in good boating order, and is now rising slowly. Tho annual June rise, will probably be at hand, in a short time. The St. Joe and Council Bluffs packet, Dai. ConrtRSE, came up, May 28th. This is the second boat in this trade. The Government Steamer Twittcirr, bound for the mouth of the Yellow Stone, arrived at our Levee, Saturday afternoon, May 29, and took on a quantity of freight, for Col. Sites. She favored our citzens with Yankee Doodle, and. several other popular airs, from her Caliopc, much to their gratification. Upwards of a hun dred trappers and hunters, were on lour J, going up to the mountains. The Stern Wheeler, Wm. II. Baird arrived soon after, on the same day. The Watossa, arrived on Sundayi May 30, and landed freight at our Levee' The elegant and popular Steamer Florence, J.Throckmorton, Master, nnd J. E. Gorman, Clerk, arrived at our Le vee, June 2, and landed passengers, and a large quantity of freight . for John P. Horn & Co , Bartels & Metz, Clarke & Brother, and others. The. Florence is one of the best boats in the Missouri Riv er trade, and her officers are favorites with the traveling public. , Late St. Louis papers received. Majors is breaking nearly GOO acres of praire, five miles west of Nebraska City, and will plant it to corn. We under stand that he has a large number team sters breaking prairie, for their board, who are waiting for an opportunity to go to Utah. A shrewd man, that Majors. The News says, that Russell, Majors St Waddell, have purchased 138 lots, in the west end of Nebraska City, and de sign to erect twenty-five or thirty house on them, immediately. They are now put ting up a number of wagon and black smith shops, repairing and outfit houses, stores, ware rooms, boarding houses, &c - The Platte River, which has been ex tremely high for aome time, is now sub aiding. J ; The Florence Courier, has passed into the hands of Mentzer & Rafl'e, who will continue it as an independent journal, j It will be edited, as heretofore, by' Mr, Mentzer. We were favored, last night, with a genuine Nebraska thunder storm; the most severe one that we have had this season. Thirty-three States OurConfed eracy is growing still greater and grand er. Two cubits are being added to its stature. Last week Minnesota was ad mitted into the Union, and her two Sena tors now sit in its councils. Two days ago the Senate passed the Oregon bill, and Oregon is half way in the family of States. Next week; thirty-three stars will blaze in the constellation of sover eignties which illuminates the firmament of the Western hemisphere. What was the Amphyctionic League, or the Ger manic Confederation, or any other union of States recorded in history, to thisf Evening Veu.'i. . Ocr Railroad. We are much grati fied to hear of the railroad progress that is being made upon our railroad. We learn that a third of a mile of. track, is daily Jaid down. Si. Joe Gazelle. MASOSIC. A The rerular meetines of Nebraska "VTrLodie. No. 184. of Free and Accepted V Mason, will be held at Masonic Hall, on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at 0 l-z o'clock. . . L. B. KINNEY,. W. M. l.O. O. F. The rerular meetines of Bellevue Lodge, No. 4, will be hold on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brothers of the order who may be in our city on that evening, are respectfully invited to attend. S. A. STRICKLAND, N. G. F. M. DAVENPORT, Sec'y. Mail Arrangements EASTERN MAIL. ARRIVE! Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 0 .o'clock, P. AX. closki . Sandsys, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 0 'clock, P. AX. WESTERN MAIL ARRIVE! Tnesdsys. Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 8 o'clock, P. M. closes Tuesdays, Thursdays, aad 6uadys, at o'clock, P. M. ... SOUTHERN MAIL. ARRIVE! Tuesdays, and Saturdays, at 10 o'clock a. m. .: CLOSES Mondays, and Fridays, at I o'clock, P. M. NORTHERN MAIL. ARRIVE! Mondays, and Fridays, at 3 o'clock,P. M, CLOSES Tuesdays, and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A. M Office open on Sundays, only from 0 o'cloc P. M. to 8 o.elock P. M. Tbi rule will be strictly adhered to. L. B. KINNEY, P. M. NEW ADTERTISEMENTS. 1.1 XTR Family Flour nt Li 2tn27 CLI ARK A TJRO'S. IENCINO Nails at . n27t2 CLARK A BRO'S. HAMS, Rules and Shoulders nt n27t2 CLARK & BRO'S. SKY LIGHT Daguerrcan Gallery Over A. It. Orchard's Store, Farnbam Street, Omaha City, N. T. f1HE Public art respectfully invited to call JL and examine our pictures. AMBROTYFES, MELAINOTYPES. and Pictures transfered to Leather, taken at reasonable prices. Q" Tictures taken in from 3 to 5 second. J. P. TODD, 27tf J. A. TODD. NEW ARRANGEMENTS, Ready Pay. HAVING made a change in cur business, we would give no'lee to our customers, that all demands due the firm of T. A. J. A. Nve, must be settled, and paid to J. A. Nye. The business will continue to be carried on bv Kinna fc Nve, at the old stand, on Main Street, in all its branches. Those in want of Mowers, or any thing; else in their line, will be supplied, as clieap as elesewhere. T. AJ. A. NYE. Bellevue, June 1st, 1859. 27 Notice IS hereby given, to Mary J. Kirkpatrlck, E. C. Pusey, and all whom it may concern, mac i win appear at me l.aml uilice In Uma ha, on Friday the twenty-fifth day of June ISaS, and there prove r.iv right to pre-empt, the S. W. of the S. E. quarter of section 24, and the W. 1-2 of the N, E. quarter, and Lot no. 2, In section no. 25, in Township no. 13, nortn, uange no. iz, r.ast or tne otn principal lteriaian,in rveurasita lerritory. May Z8th lS5S.-3t GEORGE ZWIEULE. ILost. ON last Saturday evening 29lh Inst, a Doub le Clasp Porte Monie, containing one cer tificate, or lot no. V, in Block 122, of Bellevue, given bv Wm. Hamilton ; a Duplicate of 80 acres ot land, also 2 shares, one of Kanawa, one or itocKioru ; also fio or uncurrent monev on we farmers ana urovers U.niK N. X. 1 one Bone-card and Pencil. All persons are hercbv noUfied. not to pur- chase the said certificate, and duplicate. Anv one finding the above, and retur-Jng the same 1 . 1 1 1. 1:1 11 1 t io inr, EiiKii un iiucrauy rewaraea. June 3rd IBaS-Zt U. A. VELIE, ' Notice. TS hereby given to James A. Graham andall L otners wnom It may concern, that I will ppear at the Land Office at Omaha, on Tues ay the 15th day of June. 1H59. and there prove my right to pre-empt the N. E. 1-4 of Section 5, in township 12, range 11, East of the 6th principal meridian in Nebraska Territory. Z JU11A S1EAU. 50 Busr.elr Hungarian Grass Seed, at 25 CLARKE &. BRO'S. "I ROCERIES at A CLARKE A BRO'S. Trustee's Sale. TniEREAS, Edward Larue, did by hrs T T certain deed of trust, dated the Twenty first day of September, 1857, and recorded in the Office of Register of deeds, in Sarpy Coun ty, Nebraska Territory, in Book A, Pa Re 414, convey to Warren Green, the following: de scribed Land, viz, N. W. quarter of Section No. (35) Thirty-five in Township No (14) four teen, north of Range No (13) thirteen East of the Olh principal meridian, Nebraska Territn containing 100 acres, wmcn said convey- ence to toe said warren Green, was in trust to secure the payment of said Edward Larue's note therein particular described. Said note dated September 2 1st, 1857, for value received payable sixty days after date, for toe sum or three hundred and thirty four dollars ($334,) with interest, upon which there is now due nd unpaid at this date, the en in of three hun dred and fifty dollars and eighty ceuts($350, 80 ;) now at the request of the holder of said note and in pursuance or tne terms and provi sions or said deed or trust, by which the un ersigned is duly appointed and constituted a trustee and attorney for tne eaid bdward L.a (UC, B1IU III Ull liniUS lllll i'UWCT III r ; .. .:. - . ...:K .11 - . 1, id convey the above described land. Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned trustee, will on Monday, the 7th day of June, !&, between tne noura ot 10, A. M. and 4 clock, I', m. Of that riav, at the Bellevue House, in the City of Bellevue, Sarpy county Nebra ska Territory, sell the above described land, at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder 10 sattsry said note, interest and costs 01 said sale. ' FRANCIS A. WHITE, Trustee. Bellevue May 24ih, 1838. it PROCLAMATION. LEAVITT L. BOWEN, Mayor of the City of Bellevue. do hereby issue bv pro clamation ; to tho voters of tho City of Belle vue, that an Election will be held on the first ITlUllUaj III 'ill'', MCJll, lkj.ll,, Mb IUD k?lUUV( House in Bellevue, for the purpose of electing lLfnK.l. I - T.. n 1CIO - . . K - QnWnAl Mayor, three Aldermen, a Recorder, treas urer. Assessor, and Marshall. The polls to be opened at nine o'clock A. M. and continue open until four o'clock P. M. Mayor. IMoliifioii. fTIHE partnership heretofore existi'g under X the name of WM. C. AVERILL fc CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and the business will be conducted hereafter by Wm. C. Averill, who ia authorized to settle all aerniinla ot ihft lata firm. WM. C. AVERILL. W. IL LONGSDORF. Bellevue, May 11, 1858. 5 F A I N T JV.T. HOUSE, Sign and Ornamental Pain'er, Grainer and Paper Hanger, will execute all orders In his line of business, neat, cheap ana quicic. worx warranted. Reference: Cook and Davenport. SHOP a few doors north of the Bellevue House. 24tf QORN MEAL at CLARKE A BRO'S, 1 ANCY 8. F. St. Lonte Flour at CLARKE A IRO'f, No. CO?. By tho President of tho United States. IN pursuance of law, I. JAMES BUCHAN AN, President of the United Slates of America, do hereby declare and make known that public sales will be held at the under mentioned land rfflces In the Territory of Nebraska, at the periods hereinafter desig nated, to wit 1 At the land office at BROWNSVILLE, commencing on Monday the Sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands wttnin tne roiiowinr-nainea townships, vix 1 North of the bast line and east of the tixthprincipal mtridian. That part of township ono outside of the Sac and Fox, and Half Breed, Nemaha reser vation, of range 17. The parts of townsnips 1, z, 3, ana 4 out side of the Sac and Fox, and Half Breed, Ne maha reservation, and fractional townships 5 and 6, of range 16. That part of townsnip OnO outside or me Sac and Fox reservation! township 2, the parti of townships 3, 4, and 6, outside of the Half Breed, Nemaha reservation j and frac tional township 0, of ranpe 15. That part or townsnip ono ouisuie or tne Sac and Fox reservation townahips 2, 3, and 4 j that part of township 6 outside of the Half Breed, iNemana reservation t and town ship 6, of range 14. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, a, ana o, or ranpe 1.1. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and o, of range 12. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and tt, of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 0, of range 10. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, B, and 0, of range 9. At the land office at NEBRASKA CITY, commencing on Monday, the sixth day oiSeptcmber next, for the dispos al or tne public lands wiuun 100 ioiiowing named townships, viz 1 North of the base line and east of the sixth principal meridian. Fractl mal townships 7 and 8, of ranee 15. Township 7, and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, of range 14. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and frac tional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7, 0, v. 1U, and 11, and iractionai townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fraction al township 12, of range 11. . Townships 7, 8,0,10, and 11, and fractional townships 12, 13, and 14, of range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships 14, 15, and 1", of range 0. At the land office at OMAHA. CITY commencing on Monday, the sixth day of September next, for the disposal or tne public lands within the following-named town- snips, vit i Yorlh of the base line and east of the stxta principal mtndian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 16, of ran ire 14. Fractional townshis 13, 14, 13, 10, end 17, of rauge 13. Fractional townships ii and 13, townsnips 14, 15, and 16, and frac.lonal townships 17, 18. 19. and 20. of ranee 12. Iractionai townsnip Vi, , townsnips 14, 11, 13, lti. 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20. of ranee 11. Fractional townships 12, 13, and 14, and townships 15, 1G, 17, 13, 19, and 20, of range 1U. Fractional townships 11, 15, and 16, and townships 17, 18, ja, and su, or range v. T.sndi annroprlated by law for the ose of schools, military, and other purposes, will be exclued from the sales. The ottering of the above lands will be com menced on the davs appointed, and will pro- 7 . v - J ' ...CS-l. . ' ceea in meoraer m wmi-ii iurj iiv auvriiiBcii. until the whole shall have been offend, and the sales thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open loneer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be sd mitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. ' Given under my hand, at the city of Wash- nirton, this thirtieth day of March, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty eieht. By the President i Thos. A. Hr.MDBicxs. Commissioner of the General LandOffi,ce, NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIM ANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre emption to any of the lands within the town shins and parts of townships above enumer ated is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and rccicver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing tins nouoe, ana oero e tne day appointed for the commencement of the public sale or me lanus emoracing uie iraci claimed otherwise such claim will be forfeited. THOS. A. HEDRICKS, Commissioner of Hit General Land Office RANGER JONES' FERRIES. TONES' new and well arranged Ferry, is now U in operation on uie jiiicDorn itiver, near ill mouth, situated on Section 23, Township 14 Kange 10, Last, between tne bteam baw Mills of Root Dimocjt, and J. C. and Reeves. . I also have a rood new Flat, large and con venient on the same Section and Ranee of thi Horn Ferry, where I will cross travelers over the i'iaue Kiver, on t.ridays a r.ii Saturdays when Uie weather and circumstances will ad mit t or on other davs if necessary. I he above term, are oa a direct route west of Bellevue to Fremont, on the PlatU on the north, and Chester Salt Springs. Salt l reek, I'awuee Village on the eoutb side, and Fort Kearny, Fort Laramie, Salt Lake City, tc. 23 RANGER JONES. For Sale r A I vA T WM. RAWITZER'S Cheap Cash store, ;o. o, je Hereon street. PROVISIONS, ORANGES, APPLES, CIGARS, k. FANCY CANDIES. If yon wish to purchase any ot the above. cheap lor cash, can at my store and examine for youreelves. 22tf , , WM. RAWITZER. 'Wanted. ( ASH will be paid by Clarke fc Bro. for v any quantity or dry and green bides. For Rent or Sale. rpiIE Fine Stone Buildl ig known as the X Bellevue 8' ore, situate! on the corner of Jefferson and 27th streets, Bellevue, N. T., will be sold, or rented, at a bargain. For terms, euqulre of T. B. LEMON, at the Fontenelle Beck. In, 20 - . : NEW ARRANGEMENTS ! NEW (GO IDS AND JSfcw Prices! B Y L. B. KINNEY & CO. rilHE undersigned are now opening the J. lareest and beet selected, assortment of Spring and Summer goods, ever before ollered in market; for the truth of this, we in-ite the Ladies and Gentlemen to call and see that this is no News Paper pud", no fiction, no Ka,i I Hut truth in reality, Even in Nebrasku Therefore come one, come all, ana David will be on hand in his usual good humor to wait on all, Ladies In particular. Every thing may be found In the shape of choice dress goods ftr Sining and Summer at 1U MININM ft. UU'B. GROCERIES of evry description, cheap at KINNEY It. CO'S. JOOTS and shoes, good and warranted at KINNF.R & CO'S. GAITERS, Buskins, and Slippers of every variety at KINNEY & CO'S. NAILS, Class and Queensware, chesp at KINNEY t CO'S. Notice. HAVE been very indulgent with my custom ers about Ipaying up, sometimes this prin- cipel ceases to be a virtue. I will now notify all to come up to the rack and settle old scores immediately, and vou will very much oblige V I I : .. . , lOtf JU B. KINNEY, NOTICE! LETTERS of Administration on the estate of John Ray late of Sarpy county, de ceased t havinc been rrauted to the s"bscriber residing In Bellevue, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate 10 ca u and settle the same, and those having claims against the estate are requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. 13 WILLIAM II. WK1U111. Ad'tnT Gl'STATK SEEGEIl, COUNTY SintVEYOB OF MILLS CO. OFFICE CLEN WOOD, IOWA. ORDERS left at the office of Shakspeare Boyes, St. Mary, will receive prompt at tention. ' G. SEEGER. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. would respectfully inform the citizens of Mills and adjoining counties, tnat ne is prepared to execute all work of the following character: Laving olf town sites, leveling of streams for water power, drawing of maps plain and colored, drawing designs for lAiildlngs of all styles, with estimates of cost. Correct pints or tne townsnips or Mills County, showing the true positions of the tim ber, water courses and bluff's, kept constantly on hand. Having had experience both In this country and in Europe, tie feels assured of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. uoid Medal awarded at tne late Bt. ixmis fair to G. Sceger Ac 8. Schimonsky for the best topographical map. uuice uienwood, Mais to., Iowa. n SPECIAL NOTICE! THE undersigned informs the public, that after thie date, they have adopted the Cash system, and reduced their profit column te the lowest figures. ' All persons indebted to us, are requested to call and settle before the first of May, A. C. witnotit ran. April 8, 1858. J, P. HORN, A Co. 5t20 Notice. I HEREBY give notice, that on and after the 15lh day of April next, I will proceed to eive deeds, to those entitled to lots and laud, in that portionof the City of Bellevue, en tered by the Mayor: " as a town site," at the office of Bowen 4. Strickland. LEAVITT L. BOWEN. Mayor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TETTERS Testamentary on the estate of i Alexander Davis, late of ftarpy county, deceased, having been granted to the undesign ed, residing in said county, she hereby notifies all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to eaid estate, to make immediate payment, and those having claims, to present the same properly authenticated, ror settlement on or befora the first day of Mav next. IRENE DAVIS, Am'r. Bellevue, March 1st, 1808. 3ml5 Trustee's Sale. WHEREAS Robert 8. McEwendld by his certsin deed of Trust, dated the Twen ty Sixth day of October, 157, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds, In Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory, in Book B, Page 237, convey to Warren Green, the following described land, viz : the undivided half of the 5 1-2 of S w, fc or 8 W. and N W of 8 fc quarter of Sec. 18. in Township 11. north Range 14, Fact of the 6th principal meridian. .Nebraska territory. Also hie interest In the S E of N E quarter of Section 18, in Town ship 11, north, Range 11, east. In the County of Sarpy, Territory of Nebraska t which ssid conveyance to the said Warren Green, was in trust to secure the payment of said Robert 8. Mebwen's note, therein particular described ; said note dated October 26, 1867, pay able ninety days after date, for tKe sum of Fve Hundred and Nino Dollars, ($500) upon whicij there le now due, and unpaid, at ton date. Five Hundred and Twenty. Three Dol lare and Thirteen Cents. Now, at the requeet of the bolder of said note, and in pursuance of the terms and provisions of said deed of trust. by which the undersigned is duly appointed and constituted trustee and attorney for the said Robert S. McEwes, and in his same with full power to sell and convey the above de scribed laad. Public notice ia hereby riven that the ui.dersigned trustee will, oa Monday the 7th day of June, 1858, between the boura of 10, A. M, and 4 o'clock, P. M. of that day at iue tteiievue nous, in tne city or Belle vue, Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory, aell the above described Land at Public Auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said aole, interest and coats of said sale. FRANCIS A. WHITE, Trustee, Bellevue, May a, 153. 4' 24 7 VARIETY STOKE. THE undersigned have opened, a larg. and commodious new store, on the corner of Main and 2.Vh Streets, in Bellevue, whert a varied assortment of Goods may be found Among them are DRY GOODS, Such as Browo Muslin, Calico, Bheetlng, Bhirtinr. tloslery, lie KNIVES, FORKS. SCYTHES, WOOD-SAWS, SHOVELS, II AY-FORKS. SPADES, TEA-KETTLES, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, fcc, Together with a quantity of Soots C&3 Slioos Segars, H ikes, Hopes, Horse-collars, Carpet saoks, Window Sash, Doors, TEAS AND SUGARS, Tobncco, Queenswsre, Glassware, Flour, Crackers and a great many more articles. They keep constantly on hand, a large as sortment of good Wlnea and Liquors, Warranted the best quality t cheap for cash. n37tf J. P. HORN A CO. Bleat Market Changed Hands. MESSRS. OLIVER Si STONE, havs pur chased ot II. Cook Griffith, his entire interest in the butchering business, and will hereafter be found at his old stand, on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, under S. M. Pike's Grocery and Provision Store, where they will be happy to wait upon his old cus tomers, and all others who rosy choose to favor them with their patronage. GEORGE A. OLIVER. Oct. 29. Cm51 CHARLES STONE. W. n. Longsdorf, GRADUATE of Penn. College of Dental Sureerv. resnectfullv announce to the cit izens of Bellevuu, and vicinity, that he is now prepared to practice Dentistry, in all lis va rions branches. Office hours from 3 till S, P. M. 45 Police ri"11in undersigned having purchased the en X tire stock of Jewelry, formerly owned by Alex. Kemp, is prepared to sell the same at 25 per rent less than was ever offered in this eity before, as room must be made for a large spring assortment. The stock consists of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Clocks, Setts of . Cameo, Coral, Enamel, Painted. Gold Stone, Masonic, and Mourning Jewelry, Broaches, Ear Drops, Cuff Pins, Shirt Studs. Lockets, Bracelets, Rings, Gold, Silver, and Plaited Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Gold nd Silver Spectacles. Also a splendid as sortment of MORTON'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. Also Musical Instruments, Cutlery, Port Monies, Pouches, Card Cases, :.,fcc. A fine stock of Rifles, Shot Guns. Revolv ers, Ice, which will be sold at a email ad vance above cost, as the subscriber wishes to go out of the gun business. i ah kinds or repairing done with neatness nd dispatch by competent workmen. I still continue to take Omaha Scrip, Wes tern Exchange, Nemaha Valley, eastern mon e)'jOr gold and silver, In exchange for goods. (;i7-aiore on lzm street, one door rrora Farnham, and directly opposite the Western Exchange Bank, Umaba, N. T. ' Please call and examine goods and prices. T. W. WOODS. Omaha, Jan. 12th, 1858. 3m9 SEEDS FOR 1858. "fL are now prepared with a full and v T and complete stock of FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWEH SEEDS, Of the new crop, to supply any demand whole sale and retail, on the very best of terms. our stock is new (as we do not consign seeds nd take none back to mix tip aenln.) and much of it grown under our own directions In this state. Our stock of European seeds is imported directly by ourselves from the most reliable growers in England and France. we reel comment no better advantages to the public can be offered than we can give, and we cordially invite aa examination cf our stock before purchasing. Our stock consists in part ot hurinz Hhear. Barley, Corn. Peas. ueens, ate, a very large variety or Garden Seeds and a full assortment of Flower Seeds of choice varieties. Also, 150 bushels pure Chinese Sugar Cane Seed. Constantly on hand a Iarre assortment of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements. (unpriced seed and implement catalorue sent upon receipt or stamp lo pay postage. nuiti i. tiir,in a. til., 3raosl4 204 Lake Street, Chicago. Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage by AaYertuement. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, ) (.UU.MI Ur SAKri, ) Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgage, vs. William R. Johnson, Airred Keuum, Aaron O. Cox, Mortgagers. Mortgage dated. March 14tb, A. D. 1857, re. corded ia book b., Page 100, April 21st, isoi, at 1U0C10CST, a. w. Default having been mads lift he payment of the sum of two tboussnd and two hundred dollars, ($2,200.) which Is claimed to be due at tne date or tins notice, and secured by a certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing sat March 14th. A. D. 1857. executed by William R. Johnson, then of the State of Iowa, Alfred Kellum, and Aaron O. Cox, of Bellevue, Bar- Lovejoy, of Bellevue, afore7sld7a,ndRecorded in the omce or the Register of Deeds, st Oids- ... .v, "miyj ., in ixj c, f,?5V . '.on.ul". ol Apru in i-i o'ciock. A. m. i Now, therefore, notic Is hereby given, that e Post Office, where h Invite ftia old pat In pursuance of a power of sale contained In roni t, jv, m , cajj ... u.u,, ,.,u , u, .iiu,., m .uw, cases mad and provided, th premises de- tuusu iii auu convrvsu uv aaia hiiiiikicv. : l J i J l l . : J - . a wit i all that certain piece and parcel of land, I with It appurtenaneee, altuated and lying In the city of Bellevue, in eaid county of Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska, and described ae Block one hundred and thirteen, (113) in laid city of Bellevne, according to the survey there of, made by Mr. Schimonsky. in the year 1850. will be sold t publie auction on the 18th day of June, A. D. ISM, between th hours of 9 o'clock, la th forenoon, and the setting of th un on that day, to th highest bidder the sal to be la front of th Bellevue - House, In the city of Bellevue, Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory. KtUBKn LOVEJOY, . Mortgage. T. B. Lrsio, Att'y. Msrch 24;b,lM. 1UJ Notice of the Foreclosure of Kortf ap by Advertisement. TERRITORY OK NEBRASKA,) COUNTY Ut oAKr I, Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgsgee, vs. Alfred Kellum, V. A. Gwyer, Mortgagors. Deed of Mortgage dated December 18th, A, D. 1857, and recorded In Book B., Pagea 269, 270 and 271, December Slat, 1867 at 19 o'clock, A. M. Default having been made In payment of tba sura of two thousand two hundred dollars ( $2,200,) which le claimed to be due at tho date of this notice, and secured by a deed mt Mortgage bearing date. December 18th. 1857, executed by Alfred Kellum and V. A. tiwyer, of Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory, to Res) ben loveloy, of the eity of Bellevue, Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory, and recorded u the office of the Register of Deeds fer Sarpy County, N. T., In book B., pages 189, 170 and 271, on the 21st dsy of December, A. D. 1157, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Now, therefore, notlee is hereby given that In pursuance of a power of ssle contained in said mortgage, and of the Statute in such esses made and provided, tho premises described In and conveyed by said mortgage, to wlti All that Certain piece of parcel of land, lying and being situate la tho County of Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska, and described as follows, to Wit i Coaimeae. Ing for the same at a post 84. 4 rods, North 81 i degrees, East of the S. W. corner of see tlon thirteen, (13) Township thirteen, fill Range thirteen, (13), eaat of the 6th Prinel pal Meridian thence north 474 degrees, west 23.5 rods to a Cottonwood stump, thence north 'ii degreee, eaat 9.5 rods to a poet, these South 47 1-2 degrees east, 23.6 rods to a poet, thence south 3d degrees west 1.6 rods to the place of beginning, containing an acre and fifty-seven perch, together with all and singular the tenement and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or la anywise appertaining, consisting in part one engine, boiler and all ths machinery aae, fixtures for a perfect steam saw-mill, aanuf at tured by Cooper and Chrk, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and said to be of thirty horse power, will be sold at public auction on ths 20th day of June, A. D. 1858, between the hours of I o'cloc a A. M., and the setting of the sun on ths sssse day, to the highest bidder. Ths ssl to be ia front of the Bellevue House In ths City Bellevue, 8srry County, Nebrsska Territory. 1 REUBEN LOVEJOY, Mortgage. T. B. Lkmok, Att'y. April 1st, 1868. nlOtll ; &jtx.GvT& Sale. BY virtue of an execution, to ms directed, by the Clerk of the District Court of Ssrpy county, N. T., in favor cf Cyrus K. Mark, and against the property of George Jennings, to satisfy a judgment against the ssid Jennings j for the sura of five hundred end dlnety-six dollars, and seventy-elx cent ($500,70). Now, therefore, I will offer at public auction, in front of the Bellevue Hoasa on the 24th day of April, A. D. 1858, betweea the hours of nine o'clock A. M., and four o'clock P. M., of ssid dsy, to the highest bid der, for cash, the followinr described eroaer ty, to wit j being the N. W. of N. E., Si of JV. D. J3,r.ngs: E. of N. W. of eectlon 24, townehhs 13, E. of th Oth principal msrldlaa. - rW4 WU sl Ua J QUOi ' ' JOHN M. ENOCH, Sheriff. 2118 By 8. H. WATTLES, Dep. Sheriff. mrTh above sals was postponed to Bxt. urday, May 22. a. H. WATTLES, Dpt. Sheriff. Bellevue, April 29. 4t23 THE CHICAGO CITY : INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE i Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearbo street, L&icago. CAPITAL, 8150,000. " DIRECTORS! icxrD cAnrttLP, ISAAC COOK, HEXST CHAMflsr, H. SfONMB, H. A. WTHCOOF. . OFFICERS i i Edmund Canfleld, Pras., Wa. 8. Bitot, sec y, uenry cuapm&n. Treat. THIS Company was organised on ths t7th day of March. A. D. 1855. cinder a suae. ial charter from tho Legislature of Illinois, and business commenced under tho most fa vorable auspices. Its establishment hasbeea upon a firm and reliable basis, and la view of its stability, soundoess,and permanency, ranka as on of the first Insurance Companies 1a th country. To those desirous of protecting themselves against loss or damage by Fir, or peril of ths Sea, they beg leave to offer the following , . UfcFfcttfcNCES. Messrs. Stone A Witt, Cleveland, Ohio. .4 a wnuams ac Avery, (Jbieag, 111. Norton . Brother, . Stone Jt Boomer. II. 8. Duraod, Pres. Raeia A Mis. R. JL Geo. C. Northrup, Cash. Raeia C. Wm. P. Uiul, Esq., Milwaukee. J. G. Conroe, Esq. Racine. Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Coul Bit, Chicago Henry Faroham, Prealdent Chicago Is Rck Island Rail Road. Daniel P. Rhodes. Esq., Cleveland, Okl. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, 111. Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Louis, Mo. Messrs. Wadsworth, Well A Seyaaew. Chicago, III. Messrs. I. II. Burch A Co., Chicag Baak, Messrs. C. W. Sixer A Co. Chicago. Ill, . Wm. Blanchard, Esq.. Morris, IlC . Messrs. H. C. A O. U. Cook A Co., Rock ford. III. . . . ... , Messs. H. Wheeler A Son, Aurora. HL Messrs. Judd, Smith A Pratt, Diaea, 111 Nehamlah Case, Esq., Buffalo, N. Y. Wm. B. Fundy, Esq., Springfield, IU. Gen. I. Curn, Springfield, Ul. Richard Ivers, Esq., St. Louis, Ho. T. B. LEMON, Agent, Bellevm. AND Jewelry Establishment ill Omaha -fTTM. FRODSH AM. baying retired fra i ut iat bra c Kemp k. Frodshasa, has opened t new stor at No 3, Capt,Dowaa I k.,;M. h-immr. ,K. rS. W .-J Time piece and Jwelry, ox yry daerle tlon. aestlv and asn.dkiaii.1 r.n.t.J a-! 9 l - I 1 ' 1 j I Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given to Georg Vr, Lewis, John Cleavelaad, and all 4An concerned, to appear before th Keriater 44 Receiver of th Land Office at Omaha, e Wednesday th 2nd day of June. 1858, at 10 o'clock A. M., and offer such vidM a yej may hav In support or adver to th pr emotion of John Cieavelaod, to lota 1, t, a4 3, Section 27, Tp 13, Range 12 east, aa per Instructions of the commissioner of th La Office U re-invetigat ssid pre-emption. JOHN A. PARKER Jr., RegtsUr, A. R. GILLMORE, Receiver. MsreA SOth, l5ft. S4