Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, May 27, 1858, Image 1

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A Family Newspaper Devoted to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusements and General Intelligence.
1. 1
VOL. 2.
ellctnu CSaitttc.
0 .
Henry M. Burt & Co.
Terms of Subscription.
.niar (12 lines or less) 1st insertion. .$t
f.l. ...l.aamant-insertion "
r ...... An a mnltrh ... .... a. uw
three mon'.Iis
B:tf it ............a. H UIJ
" one year.
Business cards (ft lines or less) 1 year
10 00
5 00
oo oo
35 00
One column, one year"--1
One-half column, one year
fourth "
20 00
10 00
33 00
20 00
eighth " " "
rolmnn. six months
jialf column, six months""
fourth " " "
10 00
8 00
20 00
13 00
10 00
rt oo
ft 00
eighth " " " '
column, three months
half column, three months-"
fovirth 44
ihih " "
Announcing candidates for office
for eighth sheet bills, per 100
$2 00
4 00
8 00
10 00
& 00
KorlUlf " " " "
For whole " " " "
For colored paper) half sheet, per 100..
For blanks, per quire, first quire
Seen subsequent quire
Cards, per pack
F.ach subsequent pack "
For Ball Tickets, fancy ppr per hun'd
Each subsequent huudred""
2 00
1 00
1 DO
1 00
0 00
4 00
Batfen St Striokland,
i TTTIRNEY3 AT LAW. Real Estate,
A c,fw and Claims bought and sold.
Purchasers will do well to call at our office
a ml vnmine our list of Citv Lots, tc., before
nurehasinir elsewhere. Office in Cook's new
BuUdlnfr corner of Fifth and Main streets.
ij. ti. Bdwen.
A LAW. Bellevue. N. Ti l'tf
' 1
S. A. Strickland,
T. A W. Wellevue. N. T. 1-tf
"J. B. Lemon,
A LAW. Office. FonteirtUe Bank, Belle'-
ue, Nebraska 1 errltory. ly-"t
C. T. Hollowly,
A LAW. Hellevue. N. T-. 1-tf
vr. it. cdok.
It AfiENT. ilellevue Citv. Nebraska. 1-tf
, W. II. IiOngsdorf, K. D..
.: i... 'r... U'lrtl. nut! Tvketit v;
Bixtn streets, Beiievun tuy.
W. W. narvey,
will attend to all business of Surveying.
iivW nut and dividing lauds, surveying and
plattmp towns ana roaus. vuicb
street, Bellevue, Ti.T.
on m.iin
B. P. Bankin.
A. LAW. La PI itte. N. T. 1-tf
J. P. Pock, M. D.
TTrjfJF.ON' fe PHYSICIAN. Omaha, Pie
O br
ska Office and residence
on Jjoace
Peter A. Sarpy,
V CHANT, Belleyue, N. T.,
Dealer in
In.lian Goods. Horses. Mules, and
D. J. Sullivan. M. D
TiHVRiriAN and SURGEON. Office
X Head of Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa
im. 13 I-"
m. smith. .
Smith & Brother,
J nd Dealers in Real Estate, Bellevue,
Ni.hrV Territory, will attend faithfully and
TiromDtlv to buying and selling Real Estate,
rii itta. Claims, and Land Warrants. Omre
on Main Street. 21-tiu'
. - Maoon te Brother, :
A nuKntis a i . lahu auio..
A Omelia City. Nebraska. Office on cor
.ii r of Frnham and Fourteenth Streets. 42tf
D. II. Solomon,
LAW, Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa, prac
tices in all the Courts of western Iowa and
Nebraska, and the Supreme Court of Iowa.
Land Agency not in the Programme. - no 4-tf
T7ASHIONABLF. Hair Cutting, Shaving,
JL Dying, and Bathing Saloon, third door
west of the Eirbsnre Bank, Omaha, N. T.
Omaha, Oct. 1, 1847. , 47
- - Qustav Seeger,
NEER, Executes Drawing and Painting
In every e'yle and A script ion. .- Also, all
V. it... nir .
Mary, Mills Ceunf, lews j
To the Public, and will render
To the wants of 1IIS C VESTS.
Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS'ifl. 1-tf
j. ii imowiv,
riaUsmouth, Cass Co. JV. T.
ATTENDS to business in any of the Courts
of tills Territory. ' Particular Attention paid
to obtaiulnz and locating Land Warrants, col
lection of debts, ane taxes paid. Letters of
inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory
answered, if accompanied with a fee.
Hon. Lyman Trumbull, U. S. S. from Ills.
Hon. James Knox, M. C. 44 . , " ,.
Hon. O. H. Browning, Quincy, "
Hon. James W. Grimes, Governor of lows.
Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T
Green, Wc.ire Jc Ronton, Council Bluffs, I.
Nuckolls ti Co., Glenwood, Iowa. 23lf.
j : " "
Ira A. "W. Buck,
T- AND and General A?ent rre-KmpHon
J Paper prepared, Land Warrants bought
and sold. Office in the Old Stale House, over
the U. S. Land Office.
Hon. A. R. Gillmorc, Receiver, Omaha.
Hon. Enos Lowe,
Hon, S. A. Strickland; Bellevue. ,
lion. John Finnev, "
Hon. .1. Sterling Morton, Nebraska CI'v.
Omaha, June 20, 1867.' ," i . ; .' ! 35
Forwarding and cosimission
JL ci K 1 S
Dealers in P'ne Lumber, Doors, Sash,
Flour, Meal. Bacon, &c., &e.
HIT Direct Gd6ds care Clarke & Ilro
Flotencf, netorashD, In Main M.
Town Plats, Maps.! SkeUJies,
Business Cards, Checks & min, t,
ind every degcripli'on of plain and fancy en-
gravine, executed promptly in eastern style.
buwz -
Greene, Weare & Benton, ' '
Blulf. Potowattainie county, Iowa.
Greene & Weare, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. '
Greene, Weaie A. Rice, Fort IV s Moines, Is.
Collections maae ; luxes paiu ; ana iauus
purchased and sold, in any part of Iowa. 1-tf
Snyder & Sherman,
cil Bluffs, Iowa, will practice their profession
in all the Couns of Iowa and rveorfisua.
AH collections entrusted to their csre, at
tended to promptly.
Especial attention given to Buym? and sell
Ing real estate, and making pre-emptions in
Deeds, Mortage, and othtr instruments or
writing drawn with dispatcuj ackuovvieog
ments taken, iic, &c
fry Office west side
Madison street,
just above Broadway.
nov 1J
Still continues the above bnslneis at
N. T.
Merchants and Emigrants ill find their
goods promptly and carefully attended to.
P. S. 1 have the oidy . W AREHOUSE for
storage at the above named landings.
St. Marys, Feb. 20tb, 157. 21-tf-l
Tootle & Jackson,
' CHANTS, Council Bluffs rity, Iowa.
Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse
on the Levee at the Council Bluffs landing,
are now prepared to receive and store, all
kinds of merchandise and nroduce. will receive
and pay charges on all kinds of freigths
uui Duns ihwii wm iui n iu7
I a. I ... I ul.. . a.
receive freight, when theconslgireesareabsent.
Rircar.Mcss: Livermoore
Paxis it Co. and Humphrey
Louis.' Mo. t Tootle k Fairl
W. F. Conlbon2h, Buflmn, Ions. 1
HT W. I). UAU.AlillER.
A son" of the early times out West,
And our green old forest home,
Whoe plensnnt memories freshly yet
Across the bosom eome!
A sonjr for the fresh and gladsome life,
In those early days we led,
With a teeming soil beneath our feet,
And fl smiling heaven o're our bean1 1
Oh ! the waves bf life danced merrily,
And hnd a joyous flov)
In the days when we Were rioneer,
Fifty years ago. '
The hunt, the shot, the glotious chase,
The captured elk or deer;
The camp, the big bright fire, and then
Hie rKh and wholesome cheer
The sweet, sound sleep at dead of nl't,
By our camp fire blaring high,
Unbroken by the wolf's long howl,
And the panther springing by.
Oh 1 merrily passed the time, despite
Our wily Indian foe, ' ',
In the days wlien'.we were Pioneers,
Fifty years ago. ' '
We shunned not labor; when 'twas done
We wrought with right good will :
And for the homes we wrought for them,
Our children bless us still.
We liyed not hermit lives, but oft
In social converse met " 1
And fires of love were kindled there,
That burn as warmly yet.
Oh 1 pleasantly the stream of life
Pu-sued its constant (low,
In the days when we were Pioneers,
Fifty years ago.
We felt that we were fellow men j
We felt we were a band, ;
Sustained here In the wilderness, .
By Heaven's upholding hand.
, And when the solemn Sabbath came,
We gathered In the wood,
And lifted tip our hearts in prayer
To God, the only good..
Our temples then were earth and sky ;
None others did we know, '
' In the days when w were Pioneers,
...Fifty years ago. -
Our forest life was rouj-h and rude, .
And dangers closed ns round ; (
Hut here amid tie green old trees,
We freedom sought and found. .
Oft through oar dwellings, wintry blast
Would rush with shriek. and moan; ,
We ared net, though they were but frail,
We felt they were our own.
Oh 1 free and manly lives we led,
Mid verdure or mid snow,
In the days when we were Pioneers,
( Fifty years iigo. , .
But now our course of life is short j
And as from day to day,
We're marching on with halting step,
And fainting by the Way, " '.
Another land, rfi'dre blight than this,
To our diin sight appears,
And on our way to it we'll soon ,
Again be Tionecrs. . '
Yet while w linger we may all ,
A backward glauce still throve,
To the days when we were Pioneers,
Fifty jean ago. ',
A lovesick young pair who had only a dollar
To pay to the priest for a eoiuugaj eollar,
Were told by the parson, " His regular Utr
For marrying people, was laya a V ;
" Nay then," quoth the swain, " good parson
now comet ?ii;-
A dollar I'm sure ought to marry us somc
'Tis all I have got ; you can take it, you know
And marry as fsr as the money will go !"
Country Girls.
The farmer' daughters are soon to be
the Ufa as well jis the pride of the country
a glorious race of women wnicn no
other land can show. I seek not to flatter
them ; for before they can become this
they wilt have to make earnest efforts of
one or two Unas, there are some who
depreciate their conditon, and some wlw
have a false prde In it, because they de
mand more consideration than they are
entitled to. A au of intelligence upon
all the subjects of the day and of a refined
education, is no more excuseable than in
a town-bred girl, in these days of many
books and newspapers.
Many girls are discouraged because
they cannot 1 sent away from home to
boardin? schools; but men of superior
so ' muil4 and knowledge of the world, would
i h hv for wives, women we 1 nnd
' properly educated at home.
And this ed
Vitly Vears Ago.
re fc Cool-y, 8. C.I ucation.can be Lad whenever the du ire gewe from locality to locality. , ,
".v. Putt t Tory, St. j, Mt Waniing. IfA tanc for rradirjg Joes j . Our lake aud s-as were taice a
o'nnVhin.trohlo'.' wonders ; and an" earnest thirst af.u-r.ed waste ; no . animation . di.tu.ib
to attain
- tf knowledge is almost ceilaiu
sweet uraiiuiu in me " i n rn.ui oi'ims.
t . r .1 . it: :
Flieri' is u " fiii im r'i diiuiihtirr in this
very ruom in which I am writinj;, a beuu
t if uI, rcliued, ami inU'llcutual woman, in
whoe girlhood books were not so plumy
ns now, und who obtained her finu educa
tion under iliilicultics which would huve
.liscourajji'd any bu'. ono who had as trim
lova for s-tudy.
I will Mtit why ihmlc tiio country
. -i-i ..!.;.
tjirla ore y't to prove we iwpv n una
country. Tho women in town and cities
are bocomintr no universally unhealthy,
and so nlino universally exiravaijaiii,
foolish, and fashionable, that mm aru ab
inoit in despair tf gt'tiin wives who aro
not invalids, mid providing ihem with
what they demand after 'hey have mar-
ed them. Unless a vouriir man nas mo
fortune (good or bad) to be inheritor of
walili, ho must spend the hest tiooin oi
bis youih in ucquiriiiij enough "to blurt
upon," ns peoplu are expected to begin
now-a-duvs. Men even in hiih piai'cs,
would go' to tho country for their choice,
if they met thert-eipial refinement with
mullikreiice. Womeu are .preparing to
take a noble Bland in history, ud they
cannot do it in li'iiorance.
Town tfiils jiove tho advantages of
more highly polished manners and great
er acccniilibhments ; but country girls
have inliuituly more to recommend them
as rival of their tair citv sisters. They
havo more truth, household knowlmlge i
and economy, health, (consrtpu:0',y beau
ty) mnphi ity, allcciiou, and treoliuesu nl
impulse and thought. . When they hayo
culivaled their minds, they have more
chances in their favor for good sense and
real ability, because bo much Of their tiiuu
is not demanded by the frivolities of socie
ty. iheaaleU lustre oi loreigu accom
plishments could easily he caught by such
a mind from a very litilo contact wnu tne
1 would not speak as though our funri
ers' daughters were- deficient in educa
tion. Many brilliant scholars and laleul
ed women may be found among ihem m
New Ku!!and this is especially so -but I
would etek to awaken the ambiiio:i of all
to become that admired und favuied clus
which they ought to be1, if they will , but
unite refined culture witu their other mo&t
excellent praces. ,
A sweet country homo, with roses and
honey-suckles trsiued to climb over it,
with good taste, intelligence and Leauty
within, toil to insure health, and lessure
enough to court acquaintance with books
and flowers, nnd the loveliness of nature ;
with peace, plenty and love, is surely one
of the Paradises which Heaven has left
for the attainment of man.
Marcli of Mind..
Tho ture philosopher look with pleas
ure uud satisfaction on ihe gradual pro
grws of science, unlocking iu it career
the treasure-house of nature, and diclos
in to the human mind unnuiabered
gems hitherto unknown. , . , .
On tho other hand lie looks Wtltipiiy
and regni wu the intolerant spirit of per
secution everywhere raising its uesuuci-
ive talon to cruah in its iiuani-y every
new Lorn truth that may emerge from the
hidden resources of scieuce. If we look
Lack through the vista if tha past ages
we see there was a period in the world's
history when scieuce was but little known.
We may denominate mat periou tae reiu
of ignorance, when truth was sold on the
auction l loc'c, and Home iradti with the
name of the living God.
The inarch , of science is onward, sm-
n-u.m.'m.T nil obstructions that oiiaosl-
lion tttu cast across its pathway, and lead
ing the mind into new fields,
there t ) bchuld the works of the' creator
as they ure written upon the : nufolded
scroll of the universe. , ' . .' i .
Its onward career compels error to low
to the majesti.) sway of truth, i In every
diacovevy of M'ience we behold laud-marks
and indices indicating the highway to
civilization and republicanism. . .
It was the cherished opinions of the
ancient philosophers that this earth was
the centre of the universe, and all the
bt irry part that twinkles iu the expansive
finnameiit were, noihing but perforated
holes in the azure concave of heaven.
through which emulated the light of (Jod.
Jl it science l as dispelled the delusion,
ami act the worlds in motion, revealing to
us that this world is but an atom in a re
mote -part of the universe. The forked
... I 1 Ml e
,M?,.k iu neak. leaned down the mountain
iijlitiuni: ouue, piayeti uncontrotieu irom
Bid, rendering vast forests in twain, and
scattered death and devastation in it ec-
centric career. Rut yv.ung tcieticb arose,
shook hi' youthful frame, and labored
among the elements till he confined
; destructive UhtuinTS in a eadea tar.
- : and now uses it as a messengei of iutelli'
bed Mho
a smooth and tranquil turface, uud onlyjoi. Such estimate, enable uj to judge
27. 1858.
served i.i mirror dock wo iuhus m
craggrd rocks and oVer.-hadowing heav
en. Hut under the well directed hand
of scinri; tho white sad ship and steamer
now glide majestically over their undula
ting bosom, and onco the silent wastes
havo becomo thoroughfare of commerce
and highways of nut ions.
Young science lifts iho curiuin from
old theology, and lMveuls all his hideous
deformities nt the judgement bar of the
world's intelligence, lie gradually rolls
bark the dark cloud of superstitious igno
rance that has so long enshrouded the rs
litiioua elomeuu of mau's nature, and
ushers in tho dawning of a new day,
when his electric chains thall bear the
tidm-M of love from nhore to shore, and
i . , - .1. - t r
encircle humanity in a universal embrace.
If wo review tho blessings of physical
science, wo eo that it has delineated the
motions of the heavenly bodies, classified
the several ecological stratum, analyzed
the component part of ontinnl and vege
table matter, and rendered electricity,
stoum, and atinofjihere, subservient to our
will. Hut it has nut stopped here. It
boldly knocks to be admitted 10 a seat in
the miW, and has mapped out many of
the phrenological developments, and is
still putting forth new energios. It has
built its foundation on the granite of the
material world, reared its lofty pinnacles
toward tho bky.ond now seeks admittance
Into tno tpirtlttai universe, . mere iu ic
vea! the mysterious secrets of tho never
ending existence.
A- R a ttiROAD lsciaiaT. Conductor
Woodall, of the Litilo Miami (Ohio)
Railroad, noticed a young girl in his train
going Ivjut, and came to collect her fare.
He observed that she uud but til, alttiougu
she was going to Ncwiork, but came
West to work, and had been taken sick.
This story was told d cundidly that the
conductor, who had watched tho narrator
closely, could not doubt its truth.
"It thai is the c.ise, 1 can uot tak
your money," Jit) taid, , , - , j
'. Lideetl, sir, it is true !'' . ,
" Then tuke vour money tact, , was
his answer, and he passed along. ..
Through wiih his collections, he relat
ed tb; cireuinstance to a couple of gentle
men lassoi'ircr. a no Dropped to lieau a
siibscriptiou lut if they woulJ go through
the train and take up a collection for the
cirl. The eullemen readily agreed to
this, and in a few minutes had the pleos
ure of hauduig the girl 17, enough to
pav her wav to New 1 yrk. Mie knew
nothing of the movement ut.til ehe receiv
ed the inmiey, when hr grateful feelings
"uve vent to copious tears. JNo one
doubled her honesty, .'.
But Woodall was uot satisfied. Before
she left the train, he gave her a meinornn
duin scttinz forth the route she shouh
take, and a card, which he requested her
to usu- instead of tnkiU Uti the carj
was written tho following: . ..
To mil Brother Conductors. I have
passed thjs , worthy young lady on my
train ,tf ; Columbus. - A - collection was
taken up for her, and 417 placed in her
hauJjf by the,, passengers. For God's
sake duu't lake a cent of it. , Woqdavi
l , (knducter Little Miami R. R
This-no l doubt enabled her to teach
home tafelv. and with money in her
0 -
The N'tcnssirv or Ym-tilatiok,
The bubiect of ventilation ha of late
years, boeu impressed lery frequently on
the puLli , and vs begming to attract the
attention it deserves, llvtry person knows
how disagreeable is thJ atmosphere of
crowded rooms, and yet few can tell pre
ciffily why ll is so. A lecture of Dr.
Smith, at the Now York Hospital, supplies
certain fuels and figures bearing upon
this matter, which explains very sigmii
molly the reasons in detail for unpleasant
jica of crowded, confined rooms, . We
give the following extract, as fully cx
pUiniiig the subject: .
Ry an elaborate aril cartful invest!
yation, it has been determined that the
daily discharge of maiter from the longs
andskinis greater than that from the bow
els aul LLuUcr. . Tlie average amount ex
uded from the lungs and skin of a healthy
adult of ordinary size, iu2l hourf,isabei l
dti oz.aml or umcjuaiiliiy about IU pu t con
sists of annual matter. , If the number of
patients iu this building be 200, then the
loia! amount of pulmonary ana cutaneous
txhalations wi'I be in one day 650 lbs. 8
oi. in one month. 30 days, 20,003 lbs. and
in one ve ar. or 3Gj days, 2 13,000 lbs., 4
il mio 1 1 wi i v, wwv i - -
oz ; and the auimounl of animal or organic
mailt r in weso eAUaiiuou?, win op, m
one day, 8 lbs. ot ; in onejnonth 250 lbs.; !
nd in eue year, 3010 lbs.. 8 oz. The
anwuut Lf (fete emitted from the lungs
end skin of the 500 patients in this Hos
pital, woisll be, in one year, C0H.1133 lbs.
4 02 . and of animal matter 7604 lbs. 2
NO. 27.
tho decree of liability to disease. orio
matins; in ill-ventilated or ovor-crowded
habitations." .
A very interesting experiment wa .
Iried nt Chicago, somo time ago, to assert
tain tho ammount of oxygen necessary td ''
support life. Six hundred persons were t
placed in a hall iu ono of the hotels, all,
the doors and windows were closed, and ,
Ike experiment began. During the first'.
half hour nothing was observed except
universal drowsiness, which was warded I
oil as long as possible by an ingenious
device of the experiineuter, in the shape ,
of an eloquent lecture. During the second
half hour several sank into a deep sldCp,
from which it was imposible te rouse '
them, and a few fainted. At the end of
the third half hour it was deemed unsafe, p
to continue the experiment longur, and the f
fact was considered established that under
the circumstances life would become ex '
linct within the space of runty-five minV i
- r..:.. t'.i
latino Robinsok , Causor. Tbi n
Detroit Free Press relates a Robinson,,
Crusoo story of three young lads who ran'
nwny from their anxious mammas in that '
city, took to the lake in an old skilT, and
wero hunted after by the police for some
time. It says:
It beinf known that they were sometimes '
in the h 1 tit of gdlng to Belle Isle, two 1
miles above the city, to fish. Search was s
iustituted in that direction.
An old Frenchman on the Island
reported that a colony of some mysterious
description was sottled on the upper end
of the Island, but he was unable to say ''
who its members were composed of. '
'uriher investigations, however, revealed ' n
the fact that the new colony was made up q
of tho romautic young runaways whose
mammas were in search of them. They
were snugly domiciled in an old fishing ' I
hut of small dimensions, the cracks of ;
which they had stopped with grass and :i
weeds. An old lire placo in one corner, , ,
with a mud chimney, was well supplied
with driftwood from the beach, aud a skil- , ?
let and tin kettle constituted their cooking" 1
utensils. - Ihree blankets and . a bench. ?
completed the outfiit. On the walls were) t ,
hung the fishing tackle.
When firs-t suprised, the runaways'"
wero enguged in the agreeable occupation "
of demolishing a large pike, which bad
uecu cooiiod m tne sKiuet, wan no seas ;;
onipg but ea't. They said they had had '
lots of fun, and pleniy of fish to eat, and
were intending W remain All summer lft!l
they had n Jt been dincovered. The oldest ,n
only about twelve years of age, said that lt
tho idea had been put into his head by ,
reading IiMnson ' CYusoe, and that he '
had persuaded the other i off. - Their feU'-'
icuy was complete, with the eiception;
that they wanted a roan Friday, to secure ,v
whom they had contemplated, crossing ( ,
over to Canada and kidnapping a small
Kanuck boy. This was abandoned as tod '
dangerous, considering the small vaiU'-
able force, and it was then ' planned thaf
one of them should return td the city nd
coax his sweeihart, a little girl,, to come;
and live with them and cook 'the fish.'
This plan would have been carried oat ;!
had they not been found, f Thar were
returned to . their mammas with eolde
from aleeping on the floor. . f r ;. j
Bad CttiaeefnTi A Washington lU
letter writer sys that Oen. Cass, having'
been applied to for his autograph, re- .a
plied in the following laconic epistle i .-,
" Dear Sir: I enclose my signature for
transmission to your friend. It is written5'
upon a card, on which my name ia print- ;
ed, that the key may accompany the hei-.-f-)
rog'yphici. . . . . .-T
1 am, dear sir, respectfully yoursi
- The joke in this is, says the correspond " 3
dent, .that our, venerable; Secrttarv of -n
State writes a " shocking bad hand, and
he knows it, therefore he adopts tne poli
cy of the painter, ' who, under bis picture)
of soma unintelligible nondescript, . printA-.'O
r J tli a words. 44 inis ia a borse. . - '
': ; -: " . . . t
. 44 Pompy, de corn's up," 44 De corn J?
up I why I only planted it ' yesterday, "
V I knows dat, but de hogs got in last1-"3
night, an' guv it a lift you hadn't counted s
on."- . . i ;. - -; .' . I ..-.i l'. ;Mcqc:4
4 It's aisy enough," said Pat 44 to buifi "
a chimney you bowld one tfitk op and
put aniiher under it. -
, , . ., ,-,7
. 44 Times aiat vow aa tbct csio to
ivA.Tha following i tract which wa
I . - - o . -
j make from the Connecticut Courant, of
arjnemwr xmu, nit, wm wun wm
readers the manner iu which business .1
wsa ; conducted in 44 olden, tune. .;n
"The vessel advifrtised .to. anil from tfJ
MiJdlefown, or Mississippi,' the first of
September, will not leave Until the tenth1'
of October, as some or tne passengers are
of not ready."