(Jmi at JJalloox. l.vi itiMij.r nv Pnoi'. UV't Tot J lm Wi,.',''i.f U.is my, fxii'n-ivi ly Kmimvii for ln many mio rtnfbl iril ihriNiiift turonautic Voyaoya ikI ili.ici'vi'ij'7 , Jftt L"UCiii;r yrs:i tduy for, VVuulnust 'ti t-i' y . to wake prepratiohe for a serios of l ie in t extensive ari l in. torpsiinp; b:iM('0:i exptTiiniM.U ever it n -sicJ m mir. co miry. Mr Wiae Lit b ni fn '-15. J io in iW these experiments for ih" 8untrisMiiii Ifi.,iituti',' with instru. nu-iits provide I'V it for th purpose. II Si"- Tilt N,iys )V, r.uviv. d I..m;8 ' r j.-r3 Ui D f 1 1 f llu-lthli. 'it y'v-1 l liil lio liiiiir iuiuT :f nit H.-ltiii M 'ii '1i;iii ; Lu.iul for Utah liml arii.l ,t Si. Lm,l3y tllC FrCSldCllt Of tllO in three iinys up 10 tin lOt.i, two-uiinls of Unit C(l OlcltCS. mil! lur ripvin lott i-v tho nut: her hnviii'r left l-v 'tertunTs for Tori Jj-uvi'uwortli, nu-.l tli other wipiM I'MivimI.c iv tiliy. S v-ral Shiim Fe iiti;r chi't I nd n rut il I-i c euvm; in. tin v s- n I r r tl ini'ly fr mi -"in ninl rU weather. Evii vtr iin Iwi u gr atui" if V m' niii1 rtrraiiifiueii'i with the Ci!vOi r 'f horses mi l 11 Is All Onnifiv for ft lihcnl sunnlv of irus for' the streams wim-. hiirli. hikI water rnwnul hi u,o. One uf ihri e-xnernnenl. Mill the plains. The consist of a sMimilron of lolloons in tin ixmi-d ih of"nntrly nil llieir nninnls, sliane of a l-al'o n rr-ghtta. In another by the extreme cold wentlnT. The trass one, ho will cut loose fro:n the balloon, 'wits tr-wd on ih rune. This ' rty ' iipM uhuii two in l-s high, (leaving; the bol- , immense hi r.ls of lUf.i! pithiii a dilys loon itirhargduf a compniiixii.) nnd des- tidu of the eitkiiiinl o kansaj oerd m ith ft ra ivas a n Cor duct. N pursuance of I.hv.I. J A MP's RrCIIAN- AN, Prescient Mid ,1,11'pa. x:m ot America, do lierehv ileriiru an.l irsue know tint public sale will b hrU '. 'le i .tl'-r-iM-iiii.in.'il l;i iU (licfi in 'Ii-.' T rivtor' of Ilobr isk t, at the periods heiriu.U.cr desl. llilt'd. lo wit 1 A ! tlUsia-.lUrn it BUjWN WILLE. I ... 1 tr ,1,.,.., ... I rOIIIIIHMUMIIir lH ll'"llli, MM- lilXHI u.i; . han met ly iht in U -1 af f.,r .i,,,,,,,.,! . 11.. I III VVI . ' - Wlllllll IIIU 10IIU A lllg-IIMUICU JVlr.. AVis ! 1 xi'cU 10 esialib'eli the pac- Mn. Cnvucit i sniil t be rnsiirfd liiiauility . of gi i 'in bnlliwus along tie in paiulii.tf t c Niagara falls from U10 lines of telegraph, and by oihpr means ! American side, to match hi picture frutu so a to be able to" stoer for and arrive nt the Canada shore. n given point, with at much certainty . as 1 . 1 1 thins are maun to nnvi;;i:ti ht ocean nnd carrv on commerce whh the torld. tjster Timts. ' . ' . . Lan- NEW Al)VCUTISnMn!i T3, "Govenor Gilmer, of Georgia'' sosnvs a Gerjian comri'nitor, " h1 a ra sion for buying ad oru uf old iron brcjlittn down wagons and rubbish, he h id piled up in the yard, and under the impression thai it would com l ) 110 sonic lima or,otlvir. fIt anuuyeJ liij wifa escsslvHly'j'anu'one 'day wh n the Gov ernor' was awny from home, she bail the whole pile carted .oiT lo auctiou. It so happened that ju.sl, a, the am tiotieer had put tip the lot, the governor va riding by. A lie loolted at it, he d"i l.ired that he had n lot tit, home in tvliidh t!ic;x5 was tteycra) things U) match. He lid ten dol lars, and the whole concern was knocked ilown to hiiri;; : A few days afterwards he was aditdrlnnf Mr. Gilmer's new bonnetj and diking her its'coit,. trhc hiud'Twi dollar j,'lubiinJ . the same ten you paid for your old iron, and if you don't clesn it out of the yord, I fchall sell h 'aaih!" PROCLAMATION. I IX WIT T L. DO iV I'. V, Mivr of (he City oC Bpllt-va", do h r b' i'S i i by pro- i.liim ili.111 1 In tlii vii' or t ut I hit Pit V tlf lli'l truc!, i v ip, lliiit an r.iiclioa will ln li''M m tlio fii Jt which Mjnuav in June. . i.px". H'-attli" Sjhnnl llonm in II IU'TUp, for the p'irjcn9 of elf-clinij a Mayor, 'pr AliJTiusii a Hscoiunr, Ireas urrr. Ait'trswir. it nil M.imliaM. The noils to b ouinil at nine o'clo'k A. M. and coalinuo oiie i 11 lil f' ir oVIock P. M. i.r. vvnT Lt uovi;y. Mayor. NEW Altit AKGE M KjSTS ! NEW (G 13 iD S AND Mew , PrSccs I L D. KINfVEV & CO. t piIH partnership he-p'ofori yi3!i under 1 tin- name of VM. C. AT.R I.L CO. in this dav diHSolved by mutual consent, and the bii"infsa will he coinbirtrd hefafHT by Win. C. Avrill, who is an'.hori.ed to icltle all accuiiuls cf the late firm. vm. c. wr.rm.T.. ' ' MT. II. LO.VGSDORP. BelVvne, May 11, 13S1?. 2rj fTlllHheU lluilirnrisii Hrsss Seed. I! ndieU llumrnrisn flrsss Seed, at !d5 n.ARKK fc BRO S. Madame OasiNi. Madime 1 Orsini lms left Paris 10 return to the Italian vill age where she has long been rstLli.-h?d ai sclonhuictress.- Friends of Italian liberty helped lo anminister all the comfort that GROCERIES at 25 CLAIUCn U. BKO'S. her RS. J. E. NYK.. will cn:nmnce School in Ilellcvift, Ui? first Wednrat V lay In their flower bV 'subscribing band- i jne, to be continued for a term of twelve 8i)meiy tiiUiifiAviiiow! anaatqerh'ss, ani weeks. . su.n of AisOO franca was nlactd in Mad- For tl.a ftrst rudiments of reading and .pell ....xVSr V..-.I, - ;.c.i... in?SI.0. auie t)r.-ini's hau ls at die. tuomitit of de paruve, to which the principal subscribers ar Euglih. .: '. " " ' . NebrasVa nd . Aceril Th rej'dar . mnrtifiirii' bf U r. So. 181. of Tree h V SMisont, siiMbehKll at M.ion4e Hall. mi. the eCoiifi nnH t'mirlh Tuesday evenings of ch uionUi, at l) 1-i o'clock. , ,i ,-..' - L. It. KINNRY. AV. M. . ; ' i. 0. 0. r. " - ;T?ha 're-ralar rncf'.ijis of Bii'.lcvue Lo.'.je, No.' 4. wiQ be hold ou S.iljifclay , evening of e.cH week, at ,7 o'clock, P. M....Xrotuerj of Uje rder w'oo may.be. in .0 ir city on that, evcn'uis. are rexpectr al'v inyit"d to attend. ' . S. A. STRICItL.VNU, N G. .. .r,' M., DAY KN PORT, Src'y... Common ., F.nsllisli branrhe, Arilhratic, Gi.tniiiwrnr Gcoerap' v, $3,(!U. Hi her F.iielish brandies, or Trench, $G,00. li.'llevuo, May 13, 1RT. I)welitt! NF.ff and vrv d'sirabV vT H'Hisc. rontnii.p f r rooms, and cllsr, pnlilio Units townships, ii i ,Vu(7i tf tht bain l!nc ant fjsi of tht aii.lijjiintipu! iitcrilian. That part of township OltO iMtslde of the Sac and Pox. and Ha't Ureetl, Nemaha icjtcr vation, of ranee I7t The parts of townships l.?. 3. and t out side of the Sic and Ks, nmi 11 ilf llrred, N m n ti n reserratlon, and fmctional towuahip 5 nnd ii, ot ramte Hi. That part of township cmoo i'sideof the Sac and I'ox reservation! U'vcnhip 2, the p ut of townships 3, in d .", o itside of ttie lla'.f lli'-ed, Xem ill reservation i and trnc tional township 0, of riiipe la. Tli.'t pari of townsliip onO onisuin oi i:ie S nnd Kox resei va1 io i lownslini 2, '.i, and 1; Hi." part of township 0 onlsi.iu of tli llair llreed, Nemaha reservati li and town stlip tl, Of frtliRe 11. Townships I, '2, I. nnd "f r "'2" ''' Towastiips 1,2, 8, l. ft, and i, ot rnne 1.'. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4. o, and ii, of rane 11. 'I'ownstiips 1,2. :i, 4. i, ami U, of rain;' l. Townsliipa 1, 2, 3. 4, f, and i's of rant 0. ( At thi land otlice at NEBRASKA CITTf, commencing on Mond iv, (lie PlXtll diy orScpterabcr nexf , for the disp-.s-Hi or the public lands within the following namfil townships, vir. : .Vori o f tht tiiieliiie and ca? oie tirA principal meridian. Tract! mal townships 1 and H, of rante l"i. Townifiip 7. and fractional townships 8, 10. 1 1, and 12 of range It. 'Tawcshliis 7. s,t 10, u. nnd U. audfrac- tionaf frwnOiin 13. of range i:.. i ...:!'"-. Townships 7, .!, H, and II, and fractional townships 12 hiuI 11, of rang 12. Townships 7, 8, 11, 10, and 11, and fraction al loViishi, 12, of range U. Townships 7. H,9, PI. and 11. and fractional towii'ihip 12, n, and 11. nt rang 1". Townships .7, 8, and IS, and fractional township II, la, and Hi, of range n. At the land offiV at OMA.IIA. CITY rominenclMir on Mivmia v. Hie BlXtrl atyOii September next, for thn disposal of the public lands within the lollowing-nained town ships, vl : Wurlh of the baxr lint and tost of tht sixth priiicifHtl meridian. Fractional townships 13, II, 13, and 10, of r.Vilfe 11.' Fractional townsjils 13,11, la, 10, end 17, of range 13. ' Fractional townships 12 nnd 13, tnwnhip 11,1ft, nnd l'l. and frac.lo'ial townships 17, IS. TJ, and 20, of range 12. ''Fractional township 1 1, townships 11, 14, la, lo, 17, nnd H, and fractional township 19 and 2', or rngi U. Fractional tiw.iohips 12, 13, and 11 rilllF. imdersltaed aia new opening Ihe 1. largest and beat selected, assortment of Spring and Simmer goods, ever before oll'eied in market) for the irulh of this, we in- it o the Ladies and (ientliinvn to call nnd see th it this is no Ntwa Paper pnlf, no fiction, no g ass Rat truth In rea'by, Tven hi Nebraska Tlierernra roms one, come all, aim David will bn on hand in hi usual good humor to wall on all, l.adie la pari ie.ulnr. F.very thing may be round in the simps of choice dress cuods fwr Spring nn Hammer at HI KINNEY A CO'S. C1 UUL'tUlJ'-S of vry decription, cheau at r i i i. m i- tfiNNi.v tt c:o ,hie, gonl ami warranted ut KINNEIl At CtrS, JOO l'3 and ITER'S, HnsUI variety at' and Slipii"rs of every KIN.M.Y A. UU'S. VAHIKTY STUHKr Till', uiiilei signed hive opened, a lariC Snd rconmodlo is iiew store, nn the turner of M tin and 2 'h Street, In llelltvne, where a varied assortment of Uoods may be found Anmttg them aie DRY GOODS, Sui;h as Iiiown MatMn, Calico, bhtttlnr, Shlrtlnr. , Flotlery, if KMVF.t, FORKS. SCYTHES, WOOD-S .sAVS. KlIOVK.r.'s. II A Y-FORKfl. SPADES. TEA-KEITLES, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, tic, Together wl'h a nnsntityiif BOOtS c&S 31X00 3 Segsrs, Rakes, Ropes, llotso'collars) Carpet sacks, Window Sash, lloora, TEAS AMD 8UCArt3. Toliocco, ijiifeiisnrc, i Glassware. 1 louf, Crarkcr nnd a great .many more artich.'. They keep constantly un hand, a large at' snrliuciil ol good X I ur nml l.lqiiora, , lYa-frttiffd Ilia best quality t cheap for cash, n:mr J.' p. morn co. Glass and leensware, rheap at KINNEY fc CO'.S. II! AVE liefn very indulgent wl'h mv custom er about fffiyliitf "P. omtirr.e this prin cipel censes to be a virtue I will now notify nil to coirenp to the rack anil settle old scores immediately, and von will very much ubiiga Your obedient servant, lh'.f 1 H. KINNEY loc 'led on Jollerson S.reel, q iire of (3t25) ' T. For term, in-M.'MrCORD. . ..Miill AvraitSPiueiits" A RHt VK$ .Tiedv, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6 o'clock, P. M. '"''.' : ' . ;: CLOSES 1 f ' '. Ssndavs',' Tuesdays, and ThnrsJays, at 9 6cloek,'P, M. ' ';,-VVt:3TF;UN MAIL ,:.-u -- 'e "-I aaaivBi srTuesdavs. TJuirsdays, and Saturdays, at a tVclock, P. M.j. : . I CLOSES ..-. ....... Tiiesdavs, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 9 'elock, P. M. ' l-::r..ii . . SOUTHERN" MAIL. ! k" .. I t,,, .... .. , , ARaiVRl : Tn'eadays, and Saturdays, at 10 clock, ,:M.C'.l l f . J' ! 1 ' ,i ;s:' ,eiXi(S. ' .a ' r. Monda'ys,' ahd Prilaysal 3 o'clock, P. M. .flPRTttt?:MVlL.7I -. cm in it .'.:';DJT in NOTICE! I- r.T'f ERS of Adiiiluis' ration on lh estate i of, John Ray late ot Sarpy county, de ceased ; having been granted to the a' bsci iber residing in riiTli'Viie, lie hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate lo call and settle the kaine, ami those having claims against the estate are requested to present them properly until Miticated for settlement. 13 WILLIAM II. WRIGHT. Ad'ui'r Went Market Chanced Hands. MESSRS OLIVER fc STONE, have pur chased or II. Cook Giitlith, his entlra Interest In the butchering bnlnes, and will lierenfter bo found ni bis old atuml. on Mls'on 'venue, east of Main K'reet, under K. M. Pike's Grocery and Provision Store, where they will be happy to wail upon hi old cus tomers, and all other who may choose to favor them with llielr pstronnge. GEORGE A. OLIVER, Oct. 8!. 6mSl CHARLES SIONF.i svv'e 'l.s ..Mondays, had Fridays, at J o'clock, P. M. -r r:.a ) T rr-1 ! . " 1 s .Tutadays, and CL03S.S OUST- Sig-i a-i.l . Ornamer'al Pai i'.-r. Irai i-r and Pa-er ll.ntT, j I I. exei-M'e all trder'hi liis 'iS'tof nS' f.vt, neat, cheap and quick. r Workjv uranttl . , R"tervnce:4j'oo, and iMvuporr. , SHOP a few Juo'rj north of tho Jlellcvne House. ' '' ii.'. i'.' ; ' 'ittf ' Trustee's Sale. WHEREAS ReUrrt a McEwnndid by hia certain U-ed ofTrust, dated the Twen ty Six'h day of October. YVl, and recorde d in the olfice. of Register of lceds, In Sarpy Co inlv, Nebraska Tenit rv, in Book H, Pate 237,coHev to Warren Green, the fu!oving described land, I the undivided half of the . . ... . . . an ... , -T t . . . MM I ' 3 1-2 of w, i. or a w, aim .s n or r. quarter of Sec. 1. In 'lowiislup 11, norm, Range 14, East of the tith principal meridian. Nebraska Territory. Also ins itneresi in ioe S E of N E quarter of Section IS, In Town ship 11, nortfl, Range 11, east, t . the County of Sarpy, Territory of Nebraska! which said conveyance to the said Warren Green, was in trust to secure the payment of said Robert S. McEwen's note, therein particular described ; said note datftd October 2d, 1(57, pay able ninety dnv after dat", for t e ei.m of Fv'e Hundred and Nine Dollars. ($MV.) upon which there Is now d ie. and unpaid, at tills date. Five Hundred and Twenty-Three Dot lar and Thirteen Cents. Now.atthe request etrietly adhered to. L;il. KINNEY, P. M. townships 15, l'i, 17, IS, TJ, and 2'i, of ra ng 10. ' Fractiotial townships 11, 1ft, and Id, and townships 17, IS, TJ, and 2(5, of ran. 9. ' T.andn annrnnriated bv law fir I'.ib use of schools, military, and other tuirpuBes,' will be ! exi lucd from lh sale. P'.te olF'Tiug of 'he above 1,-nds will be coin- mein-ed en -the days appointed, atid will pro- eeil in ttie order 11 which trt'-y are a Jverilsi-U, until lie! who' "hall have beirv oll'ered, end the Hales thus cluvd: but nosile hIi.iH uo kept ojicn louffer than two . weeks. H''d in irlvate entry of any ot' thn land . will he ad mined until a tier the cxpiraliuu of, liifl two wek i ' . G'lven under my hand, at the city of Wash ington, this thirtie'.h day of Much., anno Domini one thousand eight humlid uJ fit'iy- eigtir. , ' JAMES BUCHANAN. By the President t ii . Tios. A. Hr.sratcKs, ComtniiSionei1 of the General Lmd Office. NOTICE TO TRE- EMPTION CL.MM - ' ANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre emption to any of the lands wi'hin the town ships and parts of townships above chnraeri ated is required to ts'ahliah the same to the satisfaction of the regls'er and reclerer of the proper land ome, and make nnymcnt thcr;for as soon ns practicable after seeing this notice, and befo e the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the lands eniurac'hg the tract claimed, Otuerwuo sucu maim wilt tie rorieueii. THOS. A. HF.nRICK.3. ComtHUaiwur cf ta Gmcrul Lund VJJlct Cl'STAVK SnCGRKt C0X7NTY STJRVEYOIl OP MILLS CO. OFFICE GLEN WOOD, I0W ORDERS left at the office of Shakspeait lloyes, St. Mary, will receive prompt at tention. G. SEF.GER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, would respectfully Inform the cili.cus of Mills and adjoining co unties, that lie is prepared to execute all work of the following character : Laying off town sites, leveling of streams for and ! water Power, drawing of mans plain and W. Tl. Lonsndorf, G1RDUATE of IVnn. College of Dental f Surgery, respectfully announce 10 the clt jens of Ilclli'viii'. and vicinity, tliM ha Is tmw prepared to practice Dontutry, ill all it va riou branches. Olliue hour from 2 till 5, P. M. 45 e-.lrbiays.at iao clock, A, W-ef- .hg hMlf of tM note,and la pursuance of Oei.ee open on Sundays, .ofiy from fto'cloek the terms and provisions of said deed or trus, T. M. to So.eloelf p. M..' 1 his rule will be BLLGVUC MARKET. 1 Cprfect'd weekly ly Clarke &. BsoTjirn, rorwardinj and Com. Merrhauts. Flour Fiffra Superfine, $3,f0 per 9S lbg. " Iowa, $3.nt, int'ine, $40, p i. .. Meal $2 per 100 lbs. Apples-Dried, '2 50 per bushel. - Peaches ' , .. , 4 NI. . - Butter Vejr 20c VI 03 - .. . , .teana $2 (fl V bua, , , 1 ' Corn 50 W.- f . r" : n..ss r-' - " 1 nv ' -Jf I ...... ' Beef 7 to Sc. ' , ' ' " , ' ' Dried Beef 20c per lb" ' ".' . Salt G. A., per sack, $3 '., t F-egs 15c p doz , glides Dry, 7c . ,'..' ,' . ,: do Green, 3 .'' " ' ' ' ' ' . flay $4 OOfilo'OOtua ' Jtran. 30 cents per bush. Haraa-li lc. . , .." ' 1 ' 'Sides Clear. 12 l-2c. ' 8honWera-10o, I ... ; ;IjWll-s-y e ! I - ,1 ' I , . 'Onion w$2 50 ybtM.' '. " .",. Potatots.30. .. , ' relts Slieep 50c - ,,'..' do. Coon 2-ic . . Weo.1 -Coyon, 3iK1, Hird, 5,00. Lumber -Cottonwood heat'g25 " " do i. edned 1311 00 !- Osk, Walnu, Bsswood $10 CO no Pine iiHne, clear $ao00 in. r do' Flooring 24 00 ' , 1 ' 1st $7 J no ' Fosrds, $M1 (Hi $75 l Shlr.fV Pine $, 50 (a, $ SO Ifi m. " Cottonwood tft 1)0 - ' Lath Pue.. . fl2C0prm. Doors " " f 3 SO Q $1 75 tach. baib-fj WQfi 1-4 per caseaeat by which the undersigned Is duly appointed and constituted trustee and auorney ior rn said Robert S. McEwer, and in his nam.; with f ill po ver to sell and convey tlii above de scribed land. Public no' ice Is hereby given, that the nt dersiirned trustee will, on Monday, th"7'h d.iv of Jii-ie. lSV, be'ween the hours of If, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P. M. of tint day, ' at the 'Bellevue House, 1 'be city of Belle- vue, Sarpy County, iNt-hraska lerrttory, sen the above described Lanl' at fnhlic Anction, for rash.lo the highest b d ler. to sa:nry sua note, n.terest anu.cost or sail! sale. t Jl.L IS .A. IHlUt, irovrr, Be'levue, May 5, Is 38,' 1 4 21 0 RANGER JONES' FERRIES. TINES' new and well arranged Ferry, lsfiow tJ in operation pn th EikUor'i River, near it colored, drawing designs for buildings of all s vies, with estimate of cost. Corrcc'. plats of the townships of Mills Co mt v, showing the true pn-rt'ious of the tim ber, water courses and btutf', kept constantly on hand. II ivlng had experience bo'h In this country and in Europe, he fe- Is assure il of giving satisfaction to all who may ravor nun wit!i tlieir patronage. Cold Medal awardn! nt the late St. Louis fiirto G. Scei'T & S. Schimonsky for the best topographical man. Oiucc Gicuwood, Mills co., Iowa. II 1 SPECIAL NOTICE ! i rpHE nndersiinod liferms the publie, that L after thU date, they Imve adopted the Cash system, and reduced thiir jirofil column te the lowest figure. All persdns ituh'b'Cit to us, are requested to call and settle before the drat of May, A. C. Without fail, Aprils, iy. J. P. HORN, k. Co. 520 , : GCo tho 0FiLl3lio, rilHE undersigned having purchnsed the en X lire stock "f Jewelir. formerly owned by Alex. Kemp, i prepared to aell ih same at 25 per cent less tlisti was ever offered in this city before, as room must be made for a large spring assortment. Hie stock consists of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Clocks Setts of Cameo, ('oral. Enamel. Painted. Gold Stone, Mjsonld and Mounting Jewelry, Ilroacliea, Kr Drops, uull Tins, Hlnrl HtuUs, ockets. Hraceles, Kings. Gold, Silver, nnd PlaPed Gn- Fob ami Vest Chains, Gold and Sliver Bpeetselc Also a splendid as irtment of MORTON'S CELEBRATED OLD PENS Also Muieal Instrument. utlery, Port Monies, Touche, Card Cases, A fine stock of Rifle, Shot Guns, Revolv ers, fcc, which will bO sold at a smalt ad vance above coit, ns the subscriber wishes to go out of the can business. All kiinis or repairing aone wit,n neatness and dispatch by competent workinn. I rt' ill continue ro tak uin ilii Scrl", Wes tern F.xeh.lnge, Nemaha Valley, eastern mon- y, or eold nnd silver. In exchange for goods. fr.jTH'.ore on 12th S'.ren, one door from sriihain. ami directly opposite the Western Esehnnce Bank, Ouinhn, N. T. Please call and examine goods and prices. . - ,:: ; T. W. WOODS. OmaSa.Jan. 12th, 183S. ; . 3 ml) T HEREBY give noHce, that on and after X the 1 i h day of April next, I will proceed to give deeds, to those en'llled to lota and Hint, 'n 'lint porti nor Hie Cit v or llelley e en tered by k Mayor: as a town site,? at the otlice et I'wen a: M'ricUlanil. .. .1 LEAV1TT L. 1SOWEN. Major. ACtfiKlSTRATCR'S NQTIQE. TT.n'KRts Testamenfnry ihe 'cetate of i Alexander Davis, late i of Sarpy county, deceased, having been granted to the luidesin ed, residing in said county, she hereby notifies ail person knowing themselves to be'indebted to said estate, in insue Immeili-ilr. ii.ivmni.1. mouth, situated on Section 23, Township 1 1, and those having claims, (0 present the same Hangs .10. East, between the Steam Saw j properly aninenticated. ror settlement on .or .alius or Kool a, iuiiiocn. anu J. U. anu J. I ucioi ioe 111 si uay or :iv next. iui'.-r. p.ns, Am'r. Bellevne, 3tarch 1st, IS. 3ml HABLWARE & 8T0VES, PLOWS & COEIi MILLS, SEEL COEN & CO&N SHELLEES, SWtET POTATOES, ' ' . - . BLACK ESnAS0CZ 10. TOST all kinds of seeds, sush a Hunga- iri. rian Grass, Barley, Seed Cliestnnts. Cheriies, dried Peaches, Cane Seed the anrt or bnshel. White Itean. Gardeo Sees, Mltn an assortment or iioe. KSKes, hftnvels, and Spadesj ll fsct everything neededtowoik Farm er lloese-keen wuu. ; All lo be f 11 J at 'tlia' Hardware ;ore ef P. A. RYE, on Main Street, nearest store lo th (ai ding, at tiiesign or tue cora .Mill. . Our slock is nearly complete, ami our Tin Shop ha plenty of tin, for those who want jobs done, which will all be attended to with Uiapatcli. , We have Hops, by the bale or pound. Wrap pine paper by the bundle, to any amount; Winitia; paper, a large quantity; in fact, we have and can furnish ne;irlv an v thing lor sale, ai d will sell very low for 'ash." T. &. J. A. WYF.. Ma 1st, 1858. Im2l Reeve. I also have a good nw Flat, large am! con venient ou the same SecMon and Range of the Horn Ferry, where I will cross travefeis oyer the Platte Kiver, oh Fridays ar.d Saturday, when the w eather and circumstances will ad mit : (r on other days if uecc3sary. The above Fcrrits are ou a direct route west of Bellrvue to Fremont, on Hie Platte, on the north, and Chester Salt Sprint's, Salt Creek, Pawnee Village on the South side, and Fort Kearny. Fort Laramie. Salt Lake City, fcc. '23 , . RANGER JONES 'For Rent or Salo. flUIE Fine-Stone Building knowa as the J. He'.levue S ore, situated on the corner of Jetlerson anil 27th streets, liellevue, S. X, will be sold, or rented, at a birrsln. For terms, enquire cf T. 0. LEMON, at tn i-outeneii uank. 2m 2J . . For T WM. RAWITZER'3 Cheap Cash Store, No. (1, Jefftrioa Street, , PROVISIONS, . ; ; ORANGES, , APPLES, CIGARS, A. , . i - FANCY CANDIES. If von wish to purchase any of the above, cheap for cash, call at my alors and examiut for yourselves, . 22tf WM. RAWITZER. Wanted. CASH will be pail by Carke A. Bro. any quantity of dry and green hide. for 19-3t G A Salt at CLARKE t BRO'S. QORN MEAL at CLAR2EA, BRO'S. F NCY S. f. 5t. Lo-il Flour at CLARKE k. PRO'S. T ffotic'ee hereby warn aft persons against negotiat ing or purcnasing a certain promissory noiR uiau n y uie ub'iersirnca. at t oanci BlntTs, and date! December 2!t. A. t). 1V7 and payable to James A. Stewart, t or be for the lirst day of May, A-. D. I808, fof the sma or one hundred dollar. The said note having been paid and cancelled and now fraud ulently retained by the said Jauae A. Stewart win be resisted to Hi extent ot the law wbos hand aever it mar be found. - 2iif THOM AS H. BEN IX), JR. Council BlufTs, la., April 17th, 1S38. : ' Ntie of tbe Forecloiur of Xortgftf i.. b7 Advertisement. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, I - . COL'NTT OF SARPY. $ ' ' ' ' -Reuben Lovejoy, Mor'jat, ) v. Alfr- Kelhim, I V. A. Gwycr, Mortgagers. J ' Deed of Mortpsrt tlatsd Deeemosr l8tfc, A. D. 1V.7, and recorded in Book B , P any, S7u nnd i71, Dectmler 21st, 1WT at 19 o'clock, A. M. '-.. i Default having been made In payment of tbe lum of two thousand two hundred dollars j ($2,200.) which is tlalinadtob due at tie date of this notice, and aecured by a deed of ,. Mortgage bearing date, December 18th, IS57 , executed bv .slfred Kelhim and V. A. Gwytr , of Harpy County, Nebraska Territory, to Rest k ben Lovejoy, of the city of Beilevur( Srpf , County, Nebraska Ttrritury, and recorded tn , the office of the Register of Detd for Sarpy . County. N. T., In book II., pscis 209, 270 Sn4 , 271, on III 21st dav ot December, A. D. 1857, , nt 10 o'clock, A. M Now, therefore, notice . is hereby given that In pursuance ot a power ilf sale contained lit tsid mortgage, and of tbe . Statute in such cases mad and provided, the premise described in and conveyed by said . mortgage, to will Ail that certain piece er . parcel of hind, lying and being situate lathe County of Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska, , and described as follows, to wit I CoaunnJ Ing for the earns at a poll 84. 0 rods, North , 81 1 Uciifef, Esst of the S. W. corner of ate. , turn thirteen, (13) Township thirteen. 113), , Runee thirteen, (13), east of the. OlU Princi pal .Meriilian ( tlirnca nnitli 47 1 degrees, west , S 1.5 rods to u coltonwood stump, thane north . 31 ilrgiecs, east U.5 rod to a post, thenee South 47 1-2 d-gnes east, 23.5 roda to a post, tliencs south 30 degrees west 9 5, rod lo the place of beginning, containing on , acre and fitiy-scven perch, together with all and singular the tenement and hereditaments ; and appurtenances thereunto belonging, of la , anywise appertaining, cousiiting tn part of. one engine, boiler and all the machinery, fixture for a perfect eteam taw-mill, tnanuf at- '. tured by Cooper and CI irk, Mt. Vernon, Onio, and said to be ot thirty horse cower, will be sold at public auction oh the ttiita dav of June, Ai I). 18.)8, between the hour of tl o'cloca A. M., and the selling of th ann on the tne Uy, to tht Highest bidder, . lite aai 10 D la . front of th IWIIevua House in th City of, Ilellevue, Sarpy Cwiintv, Nebraska Territory,, REUBEN LOVEJOY,. ; ' Mortjsgstt T. B. I.Eioa Att'y. , . ' April 1st, 1858. nlfltlt siioriir '& &zxio. . BY virtu of an execution, to m dirtcttd. by the Clerk of the Dittrict Court Sarpy county, N. T., in favor ct Cyrua K Mara, and against the property ot Utorge Jennings, to satisfy a judgment against the said Jennings for the sum of Ave hundred and nlnety-aix dollars, and eventy-slx ctnta ($.M)H,70). - Now, therefore,' I will offer at public auction, In front of the Bellevne iloase on the 24th day of April, A. D. 1858, btwa I . . ..I .. . 1 ). . tf . . 1 M- o'clock P. M., or said day, to tht htghtit Bid der, for oath, the followlne described proper iv, to wit l oeing tne n. w , or n. fc., or is. r.., h. k. or n. w. or section 24, towns.' 13, rant;e 13, C of tht eth principal merldiaai Is. I .''. Dated March 23rd, 1838. ' JOHN M. ENOCH, Sheriff, i 2118 By 8. II WATTLES, Dep. SheriC ftXT The 1mv. ! wti mulnantil lA Rati urd"ay, May 22. a. ii. ivitiiLM, Dpt. Bnerirr. ' Bellevut, April 2?; ';4t2l;'' SEEDS, FOR 1858. WE are now prepared with a full and and complete stock of . FIELD, GARDEN AND TLOWER SEEDS, Of the newMp,to supply any demand whole sale and reiaiti on tne very oett or terms. Our stock is new (as we do not consign aeeds and lake none back- 10 mix up again,) and much of it grown under our own directions In till state. Our (lock of European seed 4 imported directly by ourselves from the most re in ble grower in England and 1 ranee. We fe confident no better advantages to the public can he offered than we oan give, and we cordially invite an examination or our stock before nurcliasinr. Our stork consist In pirt or nprmg Wheat, ll.iVley, Corn, Pca, r.cens, .!., a very large variety of Garden Seeds and a full assortment of Flower Seed or i-ho'lce varieties.. Also,' 150 bushels port i ninrnf onsr c.si.e nera. . Constantly on hat a larse' assortment of Agricultural amr HoTtlcuUurnl implements - Full priced seed mid iinplrmeni calalorue sene upon tPfv ft aiamn ie pay postage. ;( .- lit..ill it.- l.au.ll ii. Ltj., . StaoeU' . 201 Luke Street, Chicago. . MCNBT CMAMtAIT. u. 4.. aioaaoa, 0, TS hereby given, to M iry Kirkpstrick, aad J. ail wnooi it mv ro;icerii, that I will ap pear st the Iviod Oilive ia O nnha, on Fiiday, Till day of May 1K", and there prov ray right lo pre-empt the N. F.. of Hi .N. f. and I-t No. 3. and tbe S. W. of Uie N. W. and th iu & W. of the 8. W. qunrter ot section No. 25 township nuiaher 1 J, in rarur number 12, eat of th tith principal roeridiaq ia Nebraska Ttrritorv. April ii l?S. ' J. A. CARLILE. Notice of Foreclosure of llortjage by TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA,) CUU.ill Vt SAKI'V, Reuben Iyejny, Mortgagee, vs. William R. Johr.ion AITred Rellum, : r' .' Aaron O. Cox, Mortgager. Mortgage dated. M uch 14th, A.' D. 185t. re corded in hook K., Page 160, April Slst, ISM, at ft) o'clock, A. M. ' -.: Default having been made in t e pavmeat of the sum of two thousand and two hundred dollar, ($i,'JOO.) which Is cliind to be due at she date or tin notice, and eeenred by a certain Deed -of Mortgage, bearinr dale March lilh, A. D. 18a7, executed by WilKam It. Jolmsnn, the of Hie State of lewa. Alfred Kellum, Mnd Aaron O. Cox. of Bellevne, Say DV County, Nebraska Territory, tn Reuben Lovejoy, of Bellevne, aforesaid, and Recorded In the office or the Register or Deed, at Oma ha Cilv. for Sarpv Countv, N. T., In Boole E, Pge 100, on the 21st of April, . V., 1857, at 10 1-2 o'clock A.M. Now, therefore, notice I hereby given, tllat In pnrana ce of a power of tale contained In said murtrage,. and of the statute, In auch cases made and provided, the premise de scribed in and conveyed by isid mortgoge, to wit all that certain piece ard parcel of land, with its e;wrinaiit, situated and 1ytt.r tn the city of Ilelley.ie, In said county of Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska, and described a Block one hundred and thirteen, (113) iu aaid city of Ilellevue, ecoriling to the survey there. of, mJ Kv Mr. Sctiimonky,tn th year 185j, wi'l be old t public miction on the 181, day of June, A. D. WH, between tb h iurt of V o'clock, in the forenoon, end the setting of tht ia ei that dv, to th b'uhrat bidden th sal to b In froat of th ' Belleyu Home, in be city of Btllevue, Sarov Cnui.iv, Nebraska Territory. RETJflKV LbVEJOX. ... . Morteajtt, THE C3ICAQ0 CITY..;: " INSURAHCU COMPANY. OFFICE i . ... u. Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dear. Street, Chicigoi '" CAPITAIj, Sl5O,000' DIRECTORS; "! EDMCliB CAKriELD, ISAAC COOK, I , . H. A. WTWCOOr. OFFICERS i - - i Edmund Canfleld, PrtaWm. 8. BaUb, beo'j, Henry Chapman, Tre. - THIS Company was orfanlaed on tht J7tM day of March, A. D. 18f5, under a pe lal charter from the Legislature of Illinois', and business commenced nndcr the most fa vorabl auspice. It establishment hasbteei upon a firm and reliable baala, and in vies of Its atability,eoundnee,and permaaency. ranks aa one of the first Insurance Comnaniee la the Country, i To tho desirous of protectiuj ttiemselvts against Ioe or damage by Fare, or peril nt the Soa they btg leave to offer the following . '..-,,.) - REFERENCES. Messrs. Stone it Witt. Cleveland, Ohio;-- ' Williams & Avery, CLicaeo, III."' '; Norton k Brother, ' s " Stone &. Boomer, ' II. S. Durand, Pres. Racine tt Mls. It. lO ' Geo. c. Northrop, Cash. Racine Ce. Bank' . Win. P. Mnd, Esq., Milwaukee. J- ' J. G: Conroe, Esq. Ratine. v " f Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Coin'l B'k, Chleage. Henry Farnham, Preeident Chicago Jt Rock Island Rail Road. ' Oinlel P. Rhodes, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio.- -Thornaa CajnpbeU, E., Sja-iflgeeld, llli lion R. Chaiaberlln, fit. Loin, Mo. Mesrs, Wadsworth. Wejle Seyasour Chjcago, III. . . , , Messr. I. II. B irch 4c Co., Chlcagi Baak ' Messrs. G. W. ftiser at Co. Chicago, 11L . Win, Blanchsrd, Eq., Morria, 111.. . . Mesrs. H. C. is O. O. Cook at Co., Retk ' ford. Ill, , i Msts. H. Wheeler k. Son. Anrora. 111. ' Messr. Jmld, Smith at Pratt, Dixon, 111. ? Nehamiah Ce, F.sq., Buffalo, N. Y; Wm. B. Fundy, Esq., Springfield, IU. : Gen. I. Curn, Springfield, 111. " ? Richard Ivera, Esq., St. Louit Mov ' ' T. B. LEMON, Apnt, Bellerut. i J2L Now TTdxtom, "' ' AND - - i Jewelry Establishment in Omaha WM. FRODSHAM, having retired frets tb late firm of Kinp at- Frodahaet, ha opened a new atore at No 3, Capt. Dosvm'e buikling, sjtweenthsMthodt Church, where he invitee hi old patrons to give bins a call.' Time piecea and Jewelry, ot every deeerio. tioa, neatly and tpdtUouelj repaired. Notice. risrch J 1th, 1R68. l.ll TUOT.CE It her.by given to Ceorre W. 11 Lwl, John Cleaveland, and all other concerned, to appear before tht RegUUr and Receiver of th Land Offic at Omsba.de Wednetday tht Jnd dsy of June, 185$, at 10 o'clock A. M., and Offer aucb tvt nct a ye may havt in aupport or advra to the pt emption of John Cle iveland, td lota J.t, and 3, Section 27, Tf ll Range 12 east, ae per Instructions of tht Commissioner of the Lead Office to r-!ivst!gate asld pre-tmptlow JOHN A. PARKER Jr., Rsgleterv' A. R- CILLMORE, Rc4vte. March at-th, 185, tM ' . i . "