the ATLANTIC MONTHLY. niiu-irs, sAMrsoN & cos CVY , 3 1CW Jiwiwpu 1) O S T C) N. M A S S. ' ITS AIM WILL BE Tin'T! In Literature, ' leave no pro'.lnre unrein rseiited. so while each I timber will contain articles of an abs'r.irt nnd p-rumnrut value, it will also be fund that the healthy appetite of till mind for entertainment In its various form of Nairativc, Wit, nnJ ll.imor, will nut uncared for. '1 he publisher w Mi tossy, nlso, that wlnlc native writris will re eeivo' 111 moot solid eucirtiaircment, and wt'A bo mainly relied on to (ill the pages k! Hie Ai-nsnc. thev will 1it hesitate t'iMnw 1 rum the forriii scourcs at their command ! a uccasio a may reij lire, rely lag rather on the competuncy of .in au'.hor n ji.irli.Mil lr subject, thin on any other claim whatever. In Ihii way lln v hope. l mike their IVrioj;. caj weliMj.ii wli.rcur the Eu;;lish tongue Is spoken or read. Sem.vo Ii the lerm Akt they Intend to In clude the whole domaij of nethcti.s, ami hope gifld tally to in ike this critical .led irl men' true and fearless representative of Art in all It various branches, without Any regard to prejudice, whether or nationnl, ir t private c,vn,id"ra:l is of xtvu Kind soever. Tiiisp: Iu P.ili'ics, the An. stic will he ttie organ of no party riiijnp, hut will honestly endeavoi to he the exponent of what in eon diiclors believe to le the American idea U will deal frankly with persona and wiih pnrt le, eiideavorsngtokccp in view that moral el ement which transcends all person on.' par ties ami which alone makes the basis of n t us and lasting national prosperity. It will noi rank itself with any sect of a'ntiks, but with that boilv of men which are In favor of lleedom, National Progress, and Honor, whether public or private. 'As an earnest of the material at their com mand, they sulijoiii the following list of litera ry persons luterenled in their enterprise ;wish Inu it however to be distinctly understood, that they shall hope for support from every kind of abillity which desires the avenue of their columns, and In the remuneration of which they shall be guided purely by their !io o intrinsic merit': William H. Preseott, Ralph Waldo Emer son, Wm C Bryant, Henry W. Longfellow, Rev. F. II. Hedge, D. D. Nathaniel Haw thorn, . John G WMUIer, Oliver Wendell Holmes, James It. Lowell, J. Lothroii Mot ley, George, Win. Curtis. Herman Melville, ProlT. C. C. Felton, Pro IT. F. J. Child, E. P Whipple, Edmoiid Qulncv, Author of Wen slev. ? .Thomas W. Parsons, .1. T. Trowbridge,-Author of " Neighbor Jack wood " fcc. Mrs. H.. Eeeelier Stowe, Mrs. Gaskill, Au thor ot s Huth "" Miry Burton" A.c. Mrs. U Maria Child, Mrs. C. M. Kiikland, Mrs. Tike, Author of Ida May," " Caste." &c. Miss, Rose Terrv. Wlklie Collins Anther of "Tin Dead Secret", &c. C. Rutrini Author or "Doctor Antonio" &.c. Shirley Brooks Au thor of " Aspen Court" E. M. Whittv, Author of "Political Portraits " i.c. J unes Hanney Author of " Singleton Fontenoy " &e. C. W. Philleo Auther of "Twice Married. The Publishers will aim U have each num ber of the mscaxine ready In time for distribu tion and tale, in the more remote parts oi the country, on or before the lirst day of each month for which It is intended. TERMS. The Atlantic Monthly can bi had of Booksellers. Periodical Agents, or from the Publishers, at Three Dollars a year, rXsvtntv-tire Lents a iMinnoer. Subscribers" remitting three dollsrs In ad ance, will receive ths woric tor one year, rosT f aid, in any part of the United Slates within autHi miles- A liberal discount made to wholesale deal era and to post-masters and others who art as rents, to whom specimen numbers will be furnished without charre. , The Publishers will not b responsible for contracts made by neents. Alt persons or dering through that medium must look to them lor tiieir supply All communications for the Atlantic must b addressed to the Publishers. CIRCULAR.. TO TH LAND OFFICERS IN T1IR TERRITORIES Of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA BY iolnt resolution of Congress, approved March, 1857, valid pre-emption claims on the Hit h and 30th sections, heretofore reserved for schools, in the Territories of Minnesota Kansas and Nebraska, will be recognized WTIIESE THE SETTLEMENT HAS BEEN, OR MAT BE MADE fSIOR TO THE SURVEY. . 1st. In cases where the approved plat of survey his not yet been returned, the declara tory statement must be filed within three MONTHS AFTER THE RECEIPT OF SUCH AT FSOVr.n 1'LAT AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE. 2d. YvMiere the p'Mt is now in the Register's Office, the declaration must be filed willifn three months from the r rst publication of THIS CIRCULAR IN YOUR DISTRICT. A failure to comply with this requirement, will work a forfeiture of the claim. TH03. A. HENDRICKS, " n 30-8 Commissioner. ROAD NOTCES. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA ) SARPY COUNTY. J NOTICE i hereby glren, that tie County Commissioners of Sarpy county, will meet oa Monday, May 10th, IS5S, at o'clock A. M. ; at the house of llernhart Myers, to view and locate, a road in answer to a Petition to commence at a point near the residence of aid Bernhart Myers, where the road from Bellevue. intersects ths Territorial road lead ing from Om'ha, in Douglas cminty, to Cedar Ishnd li Sarpy eountv, thence to a point near the resident erf V. T. Whi;tinton, thence to the reidence of II. II. Smith, thence near the residence of George Swevil , to the most practical route to Fairview. Said Conimls fonera will meet in the evenine of the same day, at 5 o'clock at Bernhart Myers to hear parties Interested in locating said road. Oo ths following day,. May Uth, 1353, at 9 o'clock A. M. ; said Commissioners will meet at Philander Cook's near Platte River, to view and locate a road, pioposed In Petition t run from La Pl?tte, along the Platte River hsutom, next Ihe h'.ults by Carlile's, H. H. 6mhlis, and north of Snivels' to the S- E. cor v sier of See Id, Township 13. Ran; 14, E. of the nth principal meridian. The Commission ers will meet in the evening of the same day It 6 o'clock at Ihe house of Philander Cook, to bear psrties interested in said road. On Thursday, May IS'h, l.")8, the County Commissioners of Pa'rriy Conntv, will meet at Reuben Ixivejoy'e at "J o'clock A. M. to view und Wcate road, to i i) al a joinl on iie west line i t tue V- llevue M'sio:i Claim, titvica north-west by 'be mun direct I'rd iac'.ioa' route, ty w'ay if fie forks ot the tig Pappillion and West iappi'.li(in creeks, to JUtltuui thence l the nor h lino of saiJ county, at a point on ths north s!Ji tf Sec 13, Jownehip 11, Range 11. The t'ominissioucrs will then meet at Reu ben Lovejny'a, in Pellevie, In the evening of the same day al 5 o'clock, to hear parlies in terested. By ordeT of the Coonty Commissioners. STEPHEN D. BANGS, Bellevue, April 5ih, l58 Co unty Clerk. TWENTY-FIVE WITKESSEC, Or. Tin' Former Cn it (ol. rti"" ' (. u-iinl I ) liir i .V.rc 1'nvnHiv again) oiiiilrrfiilini; Ihtitk .Voles I lillAP! ItMAI)!! Ui:.I)!!! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! JOHN S. DYE is the Author, a id the lUi.k Note enuravers nil say that he is the greatest judge of paper money living. C II L AIM. It THAN THE (Ml E M'F. S T ! ISETTIMl THAN THE HESTI Published weekly. Hie whole only One Dollar a Year. tlltl'.X TEST DISCOVERY of t!i jirssctit century for detection count ei I c it Hat k Noteii ilescrihiug rery ciniuiue hill in cisience, and exhiiiiting .it ii Vlanre tiny rouiitei feit In eir cul.Miiin. Airaiii:Ml so ndiniraiiiv inai reir ( nee 11 easy aad .h '.ert ion instantaneous. No j i.lgrs to IimhI up, hut so siinplili.'d and arranged tliat the im r li in!, hanker and hiisiuess man can se all at a glance. It has tal.en virs to make perfect this CHEAT DISCO V Ell Y. The urgent neces sity lor such a woik h is long been felt by coinuierei.'.l men. It has been published to supply the call f. r t-.n-h a preventive, and needs ut tii be known to he universally iatronicd. Il does in. ue th in has eer been attempted by man. II . .Inscribe! every bank note in three d liferent I iinruages English. French nud (,er in an. 'I'll is each may lead the same in his own nil ive tongue. TmMs. Tb,i jnper will be about bv 12 Inches, Mid w ill contain the most perfect Hank Note List pnblNhed, tou'elher with the ra'e of disi oiint. ANo a liitof all the ju ivate Hank ers in America. A complete summary of the Finances of Europe and America will be published In ear It edition, together with all the Important news of thedav. Also 1NTEKES1 IKO STOillES from an old manuscript found in the East, and no where else to be found. It has never yet leared In print, ami furnishes the most eom- ilete history of Oriental Life, and desrflhing the most perplexing positions in which the Iidies and gentlemen or Mini connrry nave been so often found. These stories will con tinue throughout the whole year, and will rove the most entertaining ever oflcred to the public. tl T Furnished weekly to snnscnoers oniy at $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to JUII.n a. Mil'., nroxer, Publisher and Proprietor, 3m"12 0 Wall Street, New York. P. A. SARPY, WholeHale & Retail Mcrchnnt, COnNI'.R or MAI AVI) OBFOORY BTlir.f.TS, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale, a l.ire- assortment of seb-ted merchandise adapted to the wants of nil in this new and I thriving community, which he can sell asc heap j ns cm be tillered elsewhere so bU'h upon the , Missouri river. His goods have tieen selected by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to the circumstances and wants of all classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all can be supjilied. Call and see for yourselves. Ilia stock consists or me lonowing, hhiouk n great many other nrticles lie cannot now enu merate: Among ins Dry Goods May be found Woolen nnd Satinet Cloths, Cassinets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Lanseys, Flannel, Red, White, tiray and nine, ua.jMan I'lHlIM, V. .11,1 Oil UUO.l, CllC.H.n w.... , Bleached and Unbleached, Bluo and White, Drillings, Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, tc, 4.C Fancy Cooils. A beautiful nssortinent of fancy prints of every variety of stvle and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alpacca. Bombazines, Hom h.ivetts. Shawls. Scarfs Handkerchief :, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, ic, tc. (lotliln?. A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine Dress Coats, Parts and Vests i also, pood Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, tc. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, au.llities and prices. Hoots & Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished, of every description, lor Men, Women, and Children's use. Crorrrlos. Crushed. Clarified. Loaf nnd Rrown Sugar, Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup, I Superior Tea, Rio nnd Java Coffee, Sassafras, C.iUfrT. l'enner. Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon,; ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snuffs, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Uamlles, v wegar, ricuies Pepper-SauceA-c., 4.C Provisions. A large assortment or Klo-ir, of various qualities and prices; Corn Meal and all Ihe various products of the Farti. and Garden) Bacon, Fish, Kiln dried Aiples, Peaches, Currants, Raisins, fte. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking vij latiiir rooms. Stove-nine and Elbows, lir, rind small Iron Kettles, Prying Pans. Skillets Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tongues, Manure an J Hay Forks, Scythes. Miovels and Spades, Lo and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron ami Steel, Nails, Horse-Rasps, Files ) Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ita xors, B itts and Screws, Door Handles, ICuoS, Locks, &.C., &.c. Tiuwarr. A general assortment kept for bousehok purposes. Wood wart. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc Washboards. Leather. Sole Lather, Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kin Skins. Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Hridles, Hitters. Lariats, Circtngles, ReHy-bandi. limine-lines, CoUirj, Back straps, Girths, Elind-hri.lles, 4.C., . Medicines. A general assortment of Medicines, for Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the common sompUints the country. Cook's, Lee'a, Sappenyton's, "jragjj's and Jaynes PiV.s, Qui i tne, Tonics, ai.i various kinds of Ft.mulanU, Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles neces sary for the nick and the invalid. 1 -tf F .MUNIS KIHIM JOHN P. HORN fc CO., n-ar the Printing Office, Bellevue, have on hand shovels, Hn's. Spades, Forks, H unes, and a general assortment of Farming Tools. Call and see. u1v, 15, 18.'i7. 3w30 GLErTWOOD HOTEL, f ornf r of Locust and Coolf dse St rf f t s, OI.KXWOUn, IOWA. "I'lothln?! Hothins:! flothlnjf! 4 TARGE STOCK OF READY MADE y Clo'htnff of the latet Fshion. t CLEARWATER. WHITE L SANDERS. J ine 4'b, 1T. r.31. NZW lOODSI! NEW PRICES !! kt-w Evcrj tinny, at the Oil Stand o' SAP.PY .t EM.M.ISH. FEWABD C. rOSUYSIIELL II .t the honor to inC'iin the enple of the ? i:.ln-rn I)itrirt of I'O iglas an. I Hie adjoin in-' coi;ntn s, Nebraska. Ilia' lie is now oien- j In'g one of the largest St;'-i.s of UOODSever lilinight to (jlenwood, Mii.i coanty, Iowa, consis' lug of I DltY (iOOI)H, OKOCERIES. ! HARD WAKE, HOOTS SHOES, H ATS & CAF3, Ql EENsWAHI., NAI1.S, l.r.ATHEH, CORDAGE. IRON. 'OILS, PAINTS, DYE-STl'EKS, WOOD AND WIU.OW WARE, READY-MADE (M.OTIIINt;, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, And everything that ma v he lo ind generally in city slot e. all of which he will s'll nir.Ap I'd u cami. f " AI.E KINDS OK COl'NTRY PliO rL"(M' taken in esehunge for (io-nls. II iv ers from town or country w ishing good a ml cheap tiiioi'u. ei'her ?. whoVsale or retail, will save money bv calling and examining h's stocK before jinrc'.i.isiiig elsewhere, ,u they will find good bargains and fair dealing. G lex woon, Iowa. no 4-tf Nuckolls & Co. BANKERS & LAND AGENTS, GLEN WOOD, IOWA. Collections made In i.nva, Ne'.nni ami Kansas, and remitted at cairent ra.'i of e change, Iree tf tiiarge. j Loans t'lb'v'.fd for foreign Capilalists, at Wt.sir.RN Rates uf luleiest, on real esla'.e , secmity. I Farms, Town Lots and Unimproved Lands i bought nnd sold. Taxes paid in any County in the State also in N "bra ska and Kansas. Notes bought and Money loaned on f.ou. security. J Interest paid on Special Deposits. Land Warrants bo agbt and sold. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lands for settlers or distant dealers, either with Land Warrants or money, in Iowa, Nebraska or Kansas. We charge Ten Dollars per One Hundred and Sixty Acres, and make reasonable deduc tions, when entering large quantities. When Land Warrants are sent, Two and a Half Cents per Acre, the Land Olfice Fee, must accompany the Locating Fee. When Warrants are sent, the No's of War rants, date, to whom issued and assigned, Rhoiild he copied and retained, to g aard against loss in mails. Remittances to us, can be made in Drafts on any of the I. astern or Soutern Cities. We will enter Land with Warrants or Cash, pay alt Fees, Taxes and Commissions, for one third of the gross profits, accruing from the Hi.le of the Land all expenses to i ome out of our third of the profits. Oar arrangements are such that we ran ruler Lands in all the Otlices in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. A competent aurveyer always in readiness to find and select choice Lands, Co a, Rock Quarries, Mill Sites, Mineral Tracts, &c. Within the next twelve months there will be offered for sale in Nebraska and Kansas, Two nnd a lialf Million Acres of Laud, compris ing the best portions of tbase Territories, and extending along the Misacuri River, from ttie Mouth of Kansas River or the line of the State of Missouri, to the Mouih of L-eati-qui-cour River. We solicit foreign Capitol for investment. Investments properly made in Western Lands and Town Lots, a ro now paying from twenty-five to four hundred per cent. We believe that persons patronizing our firm will hate peculiar advantages over al most any oth-r in this Country. We were nmotig the first Pioneers of this vast and irrowiiiir country and are intimately ac laainted with nearly every portion of Western Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, nnd believe we will be able to render satisfaction In all business en trusted to us. LETTERS OF INQUIRY WILL VC rilOMTLY AKSWEIICD. REFERENCES: John Thompso i ; Hope, Graydon it. Co.. New Yoric City; Wood. Ba con Jc. Co., Philadelphia ; Straight, Deming & Co., Cincinnati. Darby K Rarks.lale; Humph reys, Tutt i Terry ; Crow, McCrerry &. Co, St. louis ; Isaacs & Almond, Lcavenwor.h City, Kansas; Greene, We.ire & Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa ; Heun, Williams ft Co.. Fairfield. Iowa ; Charles Hendrie, Harling'oa. Iowa; lion. Aug. Hall. Keosniqne, Iowa; Hon. J-imes Craig, St. Joseph, Mo. ; Ho i. A. S. Fulton, Wytheville, Va ; Hon. F. Mo V illeu, Estilville, Va. ; Hon. I-. ierguscit, Chief Jus tice, Bellevue, Nebraska. Glenwood, Mills l'n Iowa. 2-l-tf. W. H. STARK & CO., W. il.l respectfully inform the ladies and gen HeM.en of Omaha and vicinity, tint they h iv on hind and are manufacturing a complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted; comprir sine the follow ing, it : Ladies' Fine Lace and Gaiters. Kid llootees and Coaffress Gaiter. ' " Slinpers and Parodi Ties. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Koolees. Misses ' Chi Ids' " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. I egeil " " Fine French or Pump Bos. " Water Proof and Quilted- bottom f -ots. " Patent Calf llo.its. " Oxford Ties and Gaiters. Kin and Calf Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots and Brogans. All of which are made of the best material the market affords. Our facilities for select ins are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, and we wish it distinctly understood that we Warrant Every Article We Sell. We have the best of workmen in our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable fiL Respectfully, no 13-tf W. H. STARK Jt CO. Greene, Weare & Benton, BANKERS, DEALERS IX EXCHANGE, and Land Agents, Council Bluffs, low.i. Notes and Bills collected and remitted to any part of the L'nited States. Money received o'n deposit, and interest allowed. Eastern or Southern Drafts furnished in sums to suit pur chrfSTS. Land Ollice funds paid for Currency or bills of I'Kchange. Iiaus effected on good securi'v. Taxes paid, titles examined, and Real bought and sold on Commission. Lands entered for settlers and time l.en for payment. Office opposite the Pacific House, in west lower room of Land Office. r.-nc- : F. S. Jesnp Jc Co.; V.". J. Ramey ii. Co., Bankers. Duhaque, low a ; i'oo1 &. Saruen. li.u.keis, Davenport, lowi ; Cul- fcertoii Ai Reno, llrnkers, Iowa City, Iowa; People's Haik, New York Ci'y; Ketchem, Rogers fc Be net. Bankers, New York City; Selkon. Wit tr Jt Co., 'asliingtoii, D. C. ; lion. I lias, lason, Loin, r J'atents, Wash ington, D. ". H'u. A. Do.lje, S. V. S, Burlins'.ou, Iowa ; Hon. W. Joaes, K. J, S , Dabuqne, Iowa ; Hon. 'oseph Williams Chief Justice, M i'C Uine, U a. Counrtl Bluffs, Oct 93. 1M 1-1 valley farmer rou is.-,s vol.. 10. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. nrvoTrn to Western A ei icil :. rc. Ho:tic dlire, M.-clinn-ics, I'd ica hv,. Ll'ei .'nre, Maikets, ai d G.M! r il Ne ". l ilo n ii v N. J. t OEM AN. joiin a. i;r.N.irorr, Corrcs'ind r.di-or AISTKH I'V Over Five Hundred Practical Fanners nnJ Mechanics, who have heretofore written, nnd wmII cn iMnne, wi'h many others, to write for. the benefit of their brethren and Ihe public. The "Prairie Farmer" is devo'ed o he In terest of the Western Farmer and Mechanic. It is th" Oldest. Agiiculiural Paper in 'he Wes is puhliThoil weekly I'' ipinr'n form, for lihiillnr- is eh aracterixe.l by a hiiih moral loi.e laho's 'o iir.iino'p 'he in rre:s -. nil ad vancement "f 'he Wllol.K of h" faiaitv. and to ileveliiM Mi" A'.'ricnh iral R. sf.-ices of he Wet A special nnd compe ent Reporter is einp'nved 'o gie ece irate Market Rpr's weeklv. It is essentially i It k family paper for the West. 1 copy, 1 year. $.1 ill advance, ot $1..V at the end of the year. 10 copies, y. ar, S'.I.IK) free ropy to the person se.,cling ci lb. 2.0 copies. I year, $t j IMI free copy to Ihe person sending club. Ml copies, I year, fll'i.ttit free copy to the person pemli ciuh, r,'" Aii ot, s ibscrilier ig !r.w one", or $S. will receive one copy one year. - V" S'lbscrinl ious at Ihe club rates inns' be paid invariably in advance. rt'" Subscribe r.ovr, Yon want and need "The Farmer." We want you to have it. I 'lf Cnrrent money may be sent by miil at onrrisk. provided the' letters are "registered." (j, V'A tblress "Va'ley Fanner." office cor ner Chestnut awl 2d stree'. SI Ixj iIs, Mo. ff A Ivertlsetnents, of an appropriate rh n aeier, in er'p.l at ten cents pet line each insertion payment in advance. GODEY'S GREATEST EFFORT. STILL r.SFATEa ATTRACTIONS Will be offered in GODEY'S L ADY'S BOOK FOR tSoS. This work has been th standard for twenty seven years. When an imitation has betn at tempted it has failed. U is THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK P U II L I S II E D IN A ME RICA. NEW TF. ATl'RES FOR lSfiH : How to dr. is with Tase. Children's Clothes How to cut and contrive them. Paint. n ; on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawine in all it variety, useful to the be ginner and the proficient. l'ahions from (he establishment of the cel ebrated "Biodie," will be in every number. Everv-day Actualities A new series ot these illustrated articles will be given. Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lare of every variety. A specimen of the stitch to be used in each will be given. In addition to the above. One Hundred Pages of Reading will be givej; innntli'v. God-y's Splendid Engravings on steel. London, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Gndev's four figured f'olored Fashions. Embroidery Patterns, Model Cottages, Dress Makitnr with Diagrams to cut by. Dress Patterns Infants' and Children's dresses, with descriptions how to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work. The Nuise and the Nursery-Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often be given. GODEY'S INVALUABLE RECIPES CPOS KVKSV SUBJKCT. MUSIC Three dollars' worth is given every year. In the various numbtrs for Ho, will be found the newest th'Mgiis for Window Car'ains, Itroderic Anglaise Slippers. limine'. Caps, Cloiks, Evening Dresses, Fancy Ariicle, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing, Robes dv Cramble, Car riage Dresses, Brides' Dress es, Wrea'lis, Mantillas, Walking Dresses, Riding Habits, and Morning Dresses. Drees for I'.fan'.s and Young Mise, Hoys' Dresses, Capes and Clonks of Fur in .-easou. Patterns for Needle-work of all kl ids anil patterns to cut dresses by are given n.tjn'hlv. Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip pers in t olor. Drawing Lessons for You'll. Send in vo ir orders soon, a we expect our list for l.V, will re.-ch liKl,(HKI copies. The best plan of subscribing is to send your money direct to the publisher. Those who send large amounts lisd better send drafts, but i;'es will answer if draft cannot be pro cured. We think we esu show how much cheaper it is In take (lie Lsdy'a Book at Three Dol lars than anv other ntagnxine at Two Dollars. We will take a la'e number of i.o'h. The Two Do'lar Magazine contained 3i article), the Ladv's Book 2. The Two Dollar Migitiie contained 32 en- rravinjrs, the Ladv's lhk . The Two Dollar Mitraine contained 04 pa ces, Hie's Hook It'll. Twenty-four mo'e tn'rivinrs, twenty six more articles, id thirty-six more paires, nearly double r an'i v. The low est club price of th" Two Oollar Migaztnr is $1,2"'; lowest club price of Ldy' Book SI, "7, only 42 cents difference in IhVprice, which is three and a half cents on e ch number, and for that sum (three and a half cents), you receive twenty-six more articles, twenty-four more engravings, and thirty-six more pages month ly certainly a very cheap three and a half cents' worth. This view of the case has prohahlv never before been presented, but it i a true statement, which nv lady ran con vince herself of bv comparing the two inara lines. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy, one year, $3. Two copies, one year, $j. Three copies, one year, ft. Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person finding the club, making six copies $10. F. ieht copies one year and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making nine conies J15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra ropy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies $20. CPs?" The above terms cannot be deviated from, no matter bow ininy are ordered. SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Gndey'a Lady's Book and Arthur's Home M irines I.o'h one year f. f $3 Nl. God. v's's Rook 'and Harper's Maga- Ti.i Vo'ti one yt-r for I G, nicy's's Rook. Harper's Magazine, an I Ai hnr's Home Macaiir . on year '.. The abi-ve in the only way we can club wiih Harper's M.ig.i re. Tli money nmst all be sent at one time for any of the Clubs. Subscribers in tin British Provinces who send for clubs, must remit 3rt certs extra on every subscril -r, to nay the American post age to the lit.n. Address. L. A. ( O )F.Y. M3 Cheaaut St., FbiUda., P. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. For lb58. '1VIE CI,enpHi Family .Newspaper in tlo A Weill T..e Wickly Plain Dealer wi1 c.,t in.ence is Sf ven r Yolnn.c on li e of Jau::aiy, "''. If w.ll kih ietl.. sam Indi penih ii' . Jin ose, r'e,irle-s. Figh inj; Jo.t- nai ii nas ever i,een, iiean- rriiniv nu kiiai ly with all. II ui'l b.l'tie lor l..e t oin'i u tion and ihe I'uion, as lie world's bcsl t e sure nud last hop,.'." It will oppose Fusiol -ism it: evrv form, and lintU- Dis-uuio i eery disguise. Of its vigilance as a Se.itiur upo.l the wateh-'ower of ertv, it is sulti cient to say, tn.n ii li is i.etcr jt been napping at its post. Till". NEW VOLUME AND THE NEW YEAR I The Ncvtr Vol 'ine will commence w ilh ' New ear, big wi'h important rients. new leaf in the liis'oty of bis Republic WI be en errd, i pon the liiuuenration of a nci Presid,il and Vice President. During Hi cotniiig year, the po'icv of the New Adinini til lou will he f . i ! V in. veiled in retard lie following impor'.niit and i-M-iting Na ioua topics The Final S.-Meineni of the Kans.i liiUitMiltv, on whii h the whole Slavery que-.-tion in the Terti.ones is peiuling The Fin.1 Settlement of the Central American (Juest-o -as ucainst the claims of Erglanil Oar Kip of Transit Across the IsJim is. and the recos nitioii and msintaiiianre or the Walker Re puhlic in Nicaragua Tlie Danish Sound Due The Acq iis-ion of Cuba The Aut exatio of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Ore go i Ailmis ott of Utah. vi:li or w ho it l o.v gamy Adtnissinu of Kansas, wi Ii or wi ho Slavery I'robnble Ailtnisinn uf N'! ? and Washinir on 'I ei r itorie The lnai,i; Message of James lluthanai. The Doings of the New Democratic Cnngrets. These are some of the leading events which will distlu guish the incoming Administration, and inns! of thetn will traespire during the coming year NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Cleveland, from its centra! locfi'imi, and from its crest concentration of Rail Roads. Telejrrat'hs. and water communication with the world, is idmilVd to 'h Hest News Point in 'be West. It can fariiish intel'lgeiice from all parts of the world, tlays ahead of the New York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, be longing to the New York Associated Press, is the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic Markets, News, Disasters upon the Lakes, and Commercial Intclliiretice generally. Il will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches' Troui Washington during the Session of Congress, and has regular Correspondents in all the principal cities of the Union. In addition to a full nnd faithful record of passing evenls, we intend lo devote n consid erable portion of our paper to "Poli'.i: Litera ture." Every Paper will .contain a Story, either original or selected, accompanied wi'.h Ihe choicest variety of Mi'cellony, such as Poetry, Discoveries', Biographies, Jokep, Od dities, ,Vc., &c, making altogether one of the most Valuable Family Journals in the Westl "Prompt to improve and to invite, We'll blend instruction with delight." (TV Onr Agricultural, Commercial, and Telegraphic Departments, will each be worth the subscription price of tbe paper. The Rrighton, New York, Baltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Markets will be reported Weekly. TERMS: Single Subscribers, .....$2.(H) Clubs of Ten (to one Office'). 1.50 Clubs of Twenty (to one Oll'.ce)... 1.35 iiitis or urtv, ... l.tsj Pay invariably in auvame. To the cettei up of a Club, one copy gratia. Post-Masters are especially epqusted to act ns Aeents. Tliey should In every ease, where possible, substitute Western 'Demo cratic Papers for Eastern Fusion Papers. Those desirintr the President's Message and other Public Documents, can subscribe now, or at anv time before the first of December. C V" Subscriber to (he New Vobisie should send in flitur names as early as Ihe middle of December, so that 'hey miv be rcLMstered m nine iiir ursi milliner, ah 11:1111s lecive.l at current r.ves, and if registered, mailed ei our risk. Address J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, O. GLRMANTOVYN T LEGRAPH, T1IF. MinJFX FAMILY AM) A(J KiCULTL'RAL l'AI'LK. PITMSIieO AT F.RMANTOWN, PHILA'IA CO., PENN 1'viaV IVllMfUAT .MllHMSti. : r. .1.. r. . . . i.' '., . BY PHILIP It. 1HE.1S. PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We lake this occasion to announce to Farm- j ers throughout the country, that it is the in tention of the Editor and Proprietor of the 'Germantown Telegraph," not oaly to con tinue as heretofore the Aericol"rl Depart ment of his paper, but sedub- l to Hild to its character and value by all air means at command. All necessary space shall be pro vided for a fill irecord of Agricultural Detail and a full development of eve:y '.ranch of '.he Farmer's Purs. dr. II will i.i future, as lie has nlways heretofore, rj:n to be practical, and to be of real and sitbstiutial advantage to husbandry. His coarse, also, will co.i'lnne to be thoroughly inilep.'n.'e.,., :,d w holly utt biisse.i by 4'iy o'ber m- ive than "hose tie conceives to be promo ive of the true intere' of Ail iciil tul in it t.le-l. Hie ,illf. Nei-lier individuals, cli.pies, societies, or any other i.i flnenc shall swerve him from the path o! right and d dv. Farmers. Uiro iglio it ihe counTy. who vie. sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, nnd e,j in' to any other family nrws a;.,! literary jo a n' published, which makes Agriculture' a aneel. alily, will find the "Germauiown Telegraph" to fulfill every condition, and to render it en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for periodical exclusively agricultural. Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar dening, generally, will lue-jt with' partic ilai attention. As a Li'erary and News .1.) it shil! not be surpassed by any in the rnun'ry. Neatly prin'ed on pood paper, of tliHlayel clas,'it shall continue o be one of the hand somest newspapers i.f he day. Every Family, in town or country, vrhe'hpi they take other pap.-r or not. will find the "German-own Teleeraph" to be worth, in lit eral benefit, twice ths amount of subscription. No subscriptions received without the cash. Trice Two Dollsrs In ad vanes. Subscriptions not paid within the year. $2.5(1. Mail sub scribers will hare the cash postsge deduoted when not exceeding 25 els. per annum, pro vided the subscription be paid strictly in ad vance, postage stamps to (his amount will be returned as change with the receipt. Any person sending five new subscribers at one time, with the rash, will be entitled to the paper for one S;ieriinen Miinbers sen' OM reijuesl. r STEAM FERRY BOAT. t1l E n-bcrihef bejs Irs ye to Inform the n-.l lie. tin be is new iu onera' ion. a fnt cla -.s S'eain Ferry Post, s IVHev . V. T. 'I.e roint known s n'd Trdet's Pni Ferrv "Pie B aat is one of Ihe b.'t on Ihe M so ri River, and nv exertion will be used to ena ble the public to cross the Riv- with safety and dispatch. f4W NATHANIEL G. BENTON. FOR Dtln. A TsbiariV tiniher Claim of l-Vl seres, wi'h in three nv'es nt Billevu City, for ssle. Er. quiz at Uti Oflice. a87Lf. '69. Seasoi Arran&fmit. 'jg, or TH NEW MISSOURI RIVER STEAMER SIOUX CITY. K'gular St. I m is, Council JHnlTs Omab, Ci v. Sioi x Ci'y, and Iowa Point Pa. kef lor !uii-x liy, i iinaili, !eargeiit' ''luff. )e. catiK, DeSo.ii, Flo'enee. Omnlin City, Ccmnl llliiff!, Bellevue, S', JM.ijs, Wjoui ngCilv NcbiB"'. a Citv,, 'llruwi.tillr, Rock port, Hhite Cloud, l'oirst Cilv, trrKon lova Point, Savannah. St. Josep'i, etc. ' riMIE entirely new, very licht drai ght, ard 1 superb ireicht aid passenger aiennsr KIOUX CITY. Pa Ktn,' Master, com.' inenced rm i.ii g as a regular pntket to tbe above and al! ndcrinr dia'e joints, coiitiiaiii.e i i t'te trade daring the s-ason. 8 'li e Sioux City, a her name Implies, was hu It expressly or a Sio x Pny pHekt, under i.e especial suprisjon of Cap: in liuk,r ho. in h'T c'.nstrtic'.on. has spared neilhir n ilde i, or expense lo make her n No. 1 M:,. i.uviKiM r stermer, ai il o e in all respeUs ii o-H iidmiral y ndap ed to the wants ot the rm r. She will be footul, ;is rcg.irda caiiacity lor business us well as the superiority or her pissenetr accoiiitiKMlattoi,, interior to no i wit in Ihe trade, and as such Capt. Baker takes pleasure iu piese ting her to ths favir.ible considera ion of his fiie . is and aci ain'am es, and ihe puhlic gei erailv, hop ing o r.ceive at their hands a conMnuiirice of ;lit gnerons patro..age for whirh I.e is in debted during s.-ties of ye.-rs. while in com mand of dillerent boats in ,he ruer. Shippers mav rely upon having :hejr rrelebt handled w ith :h t rare and dispat b. a al pas ' ("i y. ol home. 21 e' ceis ate asuted upon ihf So x bii ijj made lo ttei always ,nitc at II. V. Clarke fc Eao , Agents. lF5f. Season Arrartr m nt. IF58. Regular S. Lo:is end Sioux Ci'y Rivr Tacket. For I.exing'on. Kansas. Leay.nworth Ci'y, Weston. A i his in. Doniphan. St. josepii. Iowa Point Fo'est City. Wbi e rioi d. Browi sville. Linden. Nebraska City. P'.atls month, St. Mary's, Bellevue. Omaha, Com. cil Bluff', Deeatnr. Blackbird. Omadi. Sear gents Bh ff, Dakota, Sioux Cify, Floieec, Pacific Ci v. Coiiir'on, Logan. Si. Jilmi, Coi cord. NioVarah and Fort R.iudall. mHE well ki owmi light draught fre ght ai d A niiexrep'ionalile Passenger 8iamer CMA HA. has now resumed tier trips in ths above trade, (and all iiitermeitia'e pointy on ' th Missouri river.) and -w-ill continue them ' with her usual regularity thr-' the whole acj . SO '. ,- . , . Thankful for (be very liberal patronage be stowed upon the Omaha the past season, we ' . . 1 . . ... .. . . " irue', uv s rici niiention io Dusiness, tlie wants of .hlppers, and comforts of passen gers, to merit a continuance of th same. . . ANDREW WINFLNND, Mas'er. . J. J. WILCOX, Clerk. 21 ' H. T. Ciafkk i. Rao., Agents 58. SEASON AKUGi:iItT. '58. Regular St Louis and Sionx City Missouri River Packet. . ,. For Lexington, Kansas, Leavenworth City, . Weston. Atchison, St. Joseph, Savan aah, Iowa Poin', Lir.drr, Nebraska City, Belle-1, Council Bluffs, Oinaha, Florence, De- So'o. Omndi ai d Sioux City. rpilK new, light draught and JL elejrant l'sei rer Sleamee E. A. OGCEN. Wm. Thohf- son, Master, will, on Ihe opening of navija-, tion, commence running as a regular packet , to the above and intermediate' points. The OGDEN is furnished with all the modern improvements for ihe Missouri river trade, pud every convenience for ihe comfort anl safe transportation of passengers, and her officers respectfully solicit a share of busi ness, and feeling confident from their past experience and knowledge of Ihe wants of I boh passengers and shippers, (hat they shall ' I. l.l , .. l u ... . . he able to render entire satisfaction 10 those who may ravor them wi h their jmtronage. For freight or nnssage apply to lit " il. T Clarke, .V. Bro. Agents. sTlTlXcTAKUAXtE.IIIT. Reg dar Packet for Kansas Leavenworth, Weston t. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point, -Nehr ska City, Bellevue, Council Bluffs, Omaha and Florence. THEnewsndeleirant Passenger V O -1, a . . .Tmnirr j!orence; j. inrocx noiton. Master. J. F.. Gorman. Clerk, will ci inmence her trips as a regular packet iu the above trade, on the oiening of navigation in the -pring, and will remain 111 it throughout the season, , The Florence h iving been built under the superintendence or the iineersigne ', expressly f. r the trade is of extraordinary strength, and well adapted to it Is- every particular. A rea sonable share of the patronage of shippers, Him .nt- funnv ci'iirrniir, i reipecirniiy SOI1- cired, 25-s J. THROCKMORT 'N, Master. 1 . , , r.. ihikmah, terK. T. CLARKE k. Bf.O,fc Agentav II. Euterlug Town Sitea. The fnllowlnz correspondence will show that the art of the last J-rgislatur of the Terri'ory, designating the Com, y Commis sioners as the proner persona to niter Town S(te, is not recognized by the Commissioner of the Land Olf ce. It is a question of doubt whether the Judges of lrobte, or the United Stales Judges, can be regarded as Judges of the County Court.'' A non a 'hat dould is removed, no' ice wi.l lie given. In the mean time no entering of towns not incorporated can be mnde, A copv of the act of the hist Leelslntuie will be placed in the hands of the Commis sioner, and, under the circumstances, the en tries already made mat be confirmed. . 'JOHN A. PARKER, Register. Land Office, May 19th, 1857. ... 1 . . ICXTS ACT OF A LF.TTEa TO TUB COMMISSION KB OF THE LAND Ori'lCE, BATed ' Lakp Or rice. Omaha, April 15, 19.S7. Under the "act of twenty-'hird May, W4,' tbe Jm!ces of the County Court" are given, the authority to euter "Town Sites. In lbi Territory there are no such officers as "Judges of the County Court," but the Legislature bat. recognized the 'County Commissioners" as ths proner persona to enter "Town Sites,' and we nave, in view of the spirit of 1h law, permitted such entries, In the hop that it will meet the approbation of the Department, Very respectfully, your obed'nt servant, JOHN' A. PARKER, Register. . r. 11. roituLS, CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND $UR yeyor, being now located at St. Marys, w here be expects to make a permanent resi dence, takrs Ibis method of informing the cit izens, that he is prr puT'd to do anv surveying a tul from his lotig experience in the business, be is nhle to give entire satisf action. - t St. Marys, Sept 2t. 18A7. M4ft MEMORANDUM BOOK, having ae counts of I-nmber bills, tie. The finder will confer favor and be suitable rewarded, bv leaving U at the printing office. Bellevue. Oct ' 1t43 Jol. Printing. "T FATLY and expeditiously executed, ea. IN rsaseaabl tersts, at this Office. '