11 n ( ! I tM ; Paasracti r THt Wheat Cop. I " Did the tMiidant approach the plain Ve have, recently It 'J cain to travel ti(T seriatim I iintuir. d uu attorney in tlm over the counties of Duchnuan nnJ And- cat of aauli an I Lattery, the other day. row, ami a portion of our own county, a ' No. sir-ee, wit the reply 5 " be wvnl wall at Laving had a chance, to ten sever- ; at 'cm with a poker." al wheat field in Kansas, and apeak from j personal knowledge of the cood propect o. the growing wheat crop. The hard .i.. P.I....... ....I'M....!. vii inuiitiin, i cuiu.ij . vm, vii iiic wneal crop, are over, ami we one opinion now among farmer or the North-west 1.4, that the yield of wheat will be I y far greater than for iwti.y year pnt In our own county, particularly, the wheat field are freeti, nnd thickly covered. IhU Co. (Mo,) JNrtff Salt Laifc Mlf. MsTtta. The mail boat that reuched her on saiurany niffm i.rouuru Miauer 10 tni city lor in , Salt Lake Mail, which i to leave here on the lt of Muy. SI. Jut Gaudlt. Foa me Uio nLUt. Several wagons cr wsed the river ln-ret n Sniurdity, Imft ed with provision and eroeeriea. p.ireha. ed in thi city, and deiim d for Marys ville on the Jhir Mine, Kan-urn Te-rritury. We are inform. 'd (hut the eettlt-rs 11 ml me rilntH in Northern Kuna ami South ern Nehrnka huve n decided preference for St Joit ph, ovi-r all other point on the river at which to buy their supplies. We inn y expect k lnn v ami iin.ri-ii.iiii.' trade from that sect ion d.iriui the cumin;,' atiimner and fall. St Jo Gazette. KawiT. The LwUvilU Couriirot the 8th iiit.. ays: 'The pencil bnili near Aw rliy are gi erally killed, hut throughout the? Suite the peach crop promine nliunduntly. In that favored luculi y. IVwi e valley, the hro.-pe.-t wu in v r finer. I'nlesj wv are visited with Ui nnd severe inets, thiideliciou fruit will he pUnty ami cheup iK-st uiiiiucr. cert Potatoes. We have invariably ignored ihe Jiran tice of tuttimf potatoes to plant, supposing thtt nature pot them in her favorite form for re-prtHliuiion, and t nouruh the younff plunt ; and that hv cutting ihein we opened the vessels for evnporntion of iMtri ivo qunlitii;, and leoenod the ntekus of iioiiriihinent which young plant draw Croin the seed. , . The experience of the In.tl .eu.ion has brought u.t rotults in thi urn ter, which if continued succens auenJ it, will prove of aome importance. Early in May hist we turned over a piece of siid ground, and toward the close of tho month planted it with wholx pota toes. When thii wita planted, having a few bushel left, we plowed another piece adjoining the one already planted. This was in June. Thu teed po atoe for litis fiiece were cut in such small pieces that ds than half the quantity was used than was in the former case. The tame va riety of potatoes were planted on each piece, and the tame lillace given. No uuinuro was u-ed except a tablo-.-poon full cf plaster lo each hill. When the p .to toes were dug, lute in October, oue-ttiird of tho.o on the ground where the aeed was pianteJ whole 'were triad 0 worthless by the rot. Where they were cut for planting, the (loteloea were of good size with scarce any appearance ot rot. Such are tho' ways of management and the results,' Mid them wt lav the mat ur, for if we would we can not tell whether the same course would lead to the same end in a second trial. Atmos pheric, and other cruue which we can. not control might chant the wholo reauh. One thing, however, if cut potutoe are as Kod for aeed, vaat quautitie ttwt wo'd otherwise he planted nuy Ui saved for other purposes each year. A can lul following out of the experiment is th only true way for enrtt arts available in practice. Connry GmtUma. --.J NoBTKt WnsTras District Fsia. The Directory of this fair which no t in this city on Saturday lat, determined up. on Tuesday the Slat of September, foe the commencement of the next exhibition, which is to continue four daysi They a! an appointed-Saturday, the 1st day of May, for another meeting f the Direo ory. St. Joe (Mo) GatHlf, Ooa WinTta. As many days o'J as the moon is whn the fiM nmw falU. that many snows we will have that winter, is sign as old as the common law.' And arm-able to this, we should have had twentv'anovrs last winter. Ilut thi time it missed, we ydy had fourteen an I they wre very light, the de pet only laing 3 12 inches. The winter of 1S41 was very mueh liVe this winter, the antlers k k a a a I say the roads were dusty ttte wi ote wm ter. and they never saw nh frors as were raised the tolowtn seawn, there tore they regard our1 past winter as the tt rhinger of food crop, and to judge l y the wheat crop they are not wrong. -57, Jos (Ma ) Grfr. r , ; Mob cut at to CMoooat PraaT. The Common Council nf Clevtland, have contracted with MersJiVto' and Sons, of that city! tor ererting a Garble monument in the rubl e Square, w coat 8,000, in commemoration of th- victory of Lake Erie, ly Comnv..v Perry. The monument is to W ready for inaug uration n the 10th of September, 1S59. It ia to be surmounted by a life-site statue Cf Com. Terry. Wv bVl tvo there it at yet no monument to the hero of Lake Erie existing in the I'niied States. An Irhmso eaught a hornet in hi hand, hut dropped it and exclaimed, Re labera, what iin I of teeth do yeor bird V i :i. Tasca-itTixa has rrcremd C milea north of Jackson, oa the MoUle, b Ohta roe.4. DIED. "-'"'"M -....-, '-"! "C" r tt.ii...... il' i i . . k.n i ir n, or croup, Ida, h.Nnt d'uguter of .-. uei ana r.. jan Buyuer Alae ! hew changed that lovely flow'r, Whicti blonm'd and cheered iny heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How aoon we'r eall'd to part. "All that is brijrtit mutt fad." How vividly it tlii truth Impressed upon tha mind and heart of tit afflicted parents of tlit lovly 1 young babe, who unstained spirit ha just p,,,ed ,y ftoin Mrlh tllJ jolll,j tll,, m.rl bnd ,,,, j th. sri throne, singing a nw song which nona but angel know a song of innoccne and tovt. wiling out from infant vote, echoing; thro tha world above. I Trsnsplanted from th cold bosom and cheer I less wilderness of aartb. to bloom ?nd thrive ' in the Paradise of God ; basking in th clear ' light and joy f il liberty ot Heaven, its new home, where even tha shadow of psln ar suf fering esn nsver again touch liar pur young spirit. " Disih found s'.rsnge, bea ity on that chrrub I brow, ' And rlltel it o it. R it thfr b'imod a inl' So fixed andh'ilr Iroin hit tnirli! brow Uealh e-il, nnd Irfl it there he J ireJ nut steal Tli nipnet-rinf of lleavn." Her brief s'.ruirl with life is oer, and lbs Krav his now closed o'er what was ones the chief and tremurrd joy af the young parents' he.irU. No more v. ill its Innocent prattling voice enliven their now trnply lonely firs side. At the ilen'h f 'hi, their only loved l.ifsn'.tney feel a 1oi such as they have never bet'oi t S'lDtaiiied I heir oiP c ioni hsvs received .1 1I1 ck .n cm be (riven iiy no other Ins. It wis n clenni of suneliitie and clad net In their home, whe-i s idd -nlr It was ta ken aWsy, leaving homi A irk and silent. Lis'.en, bersnved par. its, snd yen will hear your Infant rhibl aingiuK the on( of paradise. LaoIc and you will see the hesd of your iiiul Ixed bsb crowned with u'ory.. Inslesd of desponding, prepare to follow your loved 011 to the home appointed for all livi ip, snd with calmneas ani! felKnalion, submit to the will nf God. M 'Die Ijfd gave and th Lord hath taken away." In Delleviie, April 19.h. Francis X. Lamlry aged 34 yesra, formerly of Wimls 'r Co. V . Mr. Landry cam here, from Woodttoca Vt., about sli months since. Its wss thsn sick with consumption, of which disesss he died 1 Tha regular meetlne of Nebraska Lodge. No. 184, of Free and Accented Mason, will b held at Masonic Mull, on ths second and fourth Tuesday eveninjtt of escn inomn, at o l-x o ciopk. 1. h. m.wky. w. m. 1. o. o. r. Tli regular . meetines of Itollevus Lodre, No. 4, will b hold on 8nrlay evenine of esch week, at.' 7 o'clock, P. M. liroiher of th order who may ha in our city on that evening, are reapectfullr tnvi'ed to attend. . 1 I N. . h I Klt HLiA.X U, IS U. F. M. DAVKNPORT, Sec'y. Mall ArrangeturDts. ' . , EASTERN MAIL. I ASSIVBS Tuesday. TU.irsJ.iys, aud Saturdays at 0 'clock, P. M. I. CLOSK ' Rindnvs, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 9 o'clock, P. M. WESTERN MAIL aaaivM Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, atfi o'clock, P. M. rtoist i.....l... T-v .... 1 . - . J c 1 . . . a ....... I I limUM T-.. lUUilMII. SIS OlIHUSTS, h Wt O'CISCK, r, M. SOUTHERN MAIL. Assivri Tuesdays, snd fatutdays, at 10 'rtock. A. M. eiesrs ' Mondays, and Fridays, at) ei'cleck, P. M. NORTHERN MAIL. ' ' ASStVM Mondays, and Fridays, at 3 o'clock,?, M. ' eiosis Tuesdays, and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Oficeoeea onS-mdavs, .,W from oo'cWk P. M. to o.r lofk P. M. This ruls will be strictly adhered to. L. B. KINNEY. P. M. BSLLV.'S MA1KET. Correct 4 weekly by Ciaafc SaHa, rrwarilRg and (. Mrrrkaats, Flo ir Estrs Fsmily. $3,t5 pr W lbs. low. M.M. FiB.,tt.TV " vMealJi per 100 lb. . ' Apples Dri-ed, p. r bushel. " Green, SAO rr barrel. rVacbe " 4 tx Butter New 20e V 23 lb Beans $i MV bus. , Cort-M k bush. Oata T.te Bsf T r. j . , Dried Beet aoe per IV . Salt G. A., per sack. $4 . Frr t-W 4m Hid Dry, ? tl . 3o Green, 3 Hay t 00 6$ fYMa Brasi, 30 ta,u sr bxsh. ISk Fresh, $ t $7 mt baa, Uasas It l-a. Clear, It 1-tc. (shoulder lOe. Ird 13 e V a Ooion SI V) Wua, IStatoes sVk rVfta Sheet Mt do Csmxi tSe Vr.( CMa. S.is Hrd.5,ft lnnbee Cwttswo-t shat SS " 4ca tM tat - da Oak, Walnut, HimssisI H) 00 nas Wiag, elear avSM a, 4 , nrtnx t vj 00 1st ITSOrt Br4a. VV St $T4 00 ShleojWe Pia IS J0 Hi tej i bv Cettiw4 00 - lAtkwPtM tltMe aa. . Done 3 t!t U n ack. skl MQU M )AiMaA.' !lu auu:iuim:mlnts. For Sale WM. n.WTITZKR'H Cheap Cash Store, Ne. A, Jeff-rson Street, PRUVISIOM. ORAN(iF.r. ClGARt, k FANCY CANDir.!. tf yen wish to purrhsse anr of tha above, cheap for cash, call at my store and examine for voureelves. 22tf WM. UAWITZKR. Notice. I hereby warn alt person arsinil nf(rt.a'. ing or pnrcha-ii.g a re tnin promissory no e mad by the uudeiairii-d, at Council ninnV and date.' December 21 it, A. D. 1".7, and parable to Jiitnes A. F.tewrf. on or be fore the firet div of Miv, A. 1). 19, Tor th sum of one hundred ilcilUr. The .id no's baling been paid and cancelled ai d now fraud ulently retained by the eaid James A. ew.irt, will be reaiste 1 to tbc extent nf tha Uw in wl-ose ha iN s -'ve' it miv be fo in.l. HI TII IMVSII. RKMOV.JR. Cornell Bl ffi, la.. April 17ih, U'18. Notice. Tt lierel.y iriven. to M try Kr kpVrick. And all who n It msv roncern. that 1 will an- pen 7 li Penr at the Laud t)ffi.-a in O.iuhi. o Ktidiiv, . .1... m.... m.q . 1 . 1 . - . . 1. uo ui i.iav piki 11 a v iiov- mv rijfti to pre-empt tho N. Lot No. 3. arid Hie 8. W. K. of til- X. V. aid of the N W. and. he in 8. W. of the 8. W. iimrter of section .o. 2 townahip number 1 1. In ran re nuin'ier -, ras nf the tlth princi.a. m -ii la 1 a McbrsK J. A. CARLILE. Territory. Apill vl IV. G A Suit at clark r. k nno-s. QOIt.V MT.ALat CLARKKSi, nilO'S. F VNT.Y ft. F. St. Ln ils Flu ir at CLAKKK k nilO'S. EXTR Family St. I iia Flour at CLARKC k 11 HRO'.'. IOWA k Illinois Flour at iwil CLARKE Jt CRO'S. HOOFLAXD'S Citebrit-d Oermin B tters at CLARK B & DRO'S. HOOFLAED'S Balssme Pordial at 421 CLARKE &BROM. PLOWS! PLOWS i fpllK largest lot of plow, of all ItMs. ev X er received in this intake, for snle by 4120 CLARKE t BRO. A f(( I-ha. prim It-iron, just received XKf ana for snie clien. riy i at CLARKE k BRO. A ifr '' choice !ried Apples, for m JKjyJ kslechean. bv i2i) ' CLARKE t BRO. 200 Dnshela Corn, for ssle at -2.20 , CLARKE t BRO'S. OA Bushels choice Missouri eed Com, at' C) 2120 CLARKE . BRO'S. A Few Barrels of prima aweef Cider, for sals by CLARKE k BRO. yillTE Besns, at CLARKE k BRO's. 2 (20 Q-iantity of Potatoes. l 2t20 CLARKE k BRO'S. XE Yk of good worlcin Cattle, for V ssle by . . CLARKE & BRO. ONE Lumber Wajron, for sie h CLARKE It BRO. 25 Thousand sal by Cottonwood Shingles, for CLARKE Jt BRO. Wanted. " SH will h nai l by Clarke It Bro, for Kj any quantity otdry and grteu hide. l-3t : For Rent or Salo. rilHE Fine S on B illdinj knows as the A Hellevue S ore. sitnsted o-i the corner of Jelferson and 27th streets, Bi-llev ie, N. T., . " v. .... ...,n.n -1.1, For terms, euq-iire of T. B. LKMO.V. at th Font ne 1 1 Bank. 8 in 21 SPECIAL NOTICE! r"nr iHMtersi-rned iufornn the p-ihlle, that L after bis dse, they have adopted the Cash system, and reduced their r-rolu column t the lowest 6jeres. All persona indbd to , are rnietd to rail and se'tl befor th first of M iy, A. V. wi'hont fail. Awlf4. ittt. J. P, HORN, At C. 5 50 Notice. T n 1 ! flEREBY g'v notice, that l Snd after h 15 k day of Afwll ne. I will iirocerd tngiv t.ts, to those e-itM to ls and llnd, a 'bet r.i no lh- Ct v of e'. y , n. t-rd bv th Mavor; a town ite, at tb office of ftowefc -rlckln . LEAVirr L. BO WEN. Maw. ACMINISf RAT0RJS NOTICE. TF.TTF.RS Tetaaentaryesj the estate-n( 4 Alessieler Divis, 1st nf Harpy eo inty. mJL Mi.liK ia .k. k.Mk. ."..1 ... t (. ljr.Tr alt snmm knowing thss'.y to be iudrb'ed to said es'ste. to task immediate pay1 1, and the having elstms. i fr)t th earn properly aauienticatM. for asitleaaetit oa or hrfor th first day ' Ms- . inr.-se; u.vsis, Ar. Ballet, March 1st, $iV Jaij Notice. NOTICE i hrS rvi 1 GeArg Vf. Iwi. Juh Clearvlaiwl. and att ber r wrJ. r-par tWo tb Rei'e atd Reeeiyee of th l4 OtKro at Oeasha. oa rwtsy h th die ft April. 11SA, at 10 o'rto A. M.. ad effr a-wli eirl ' as o M bar It ninart e adrer tn th or. eaetio-s JoN C,vle4. lo's I, t. and Th Cnmisiuner will th meet at R X. 8sMimi t7. To II. IUi IS east. ae ha Lovejoy's. In rllby-s. It th evening of rnssrtr, of th Cutssssiu-vr of th Laad to as day at S Alock, to hear trties ln OAc to e-lveiga M twsnWMi. I tr'd. ., . t i . , - JOHN A. f ARKFR Jr., IUlr, 1 - S wdr of U Co iMv Corneal sslr. A. R. OH.tMOItE. Rscttytr. STEPHEN D. BANCS, liars 20th, Ittt, 19t BsuUtii, Aprd &U, IV5 CouatT C!erir. IL o s t NOTICK I herel.v riven, tint on the eve. hi nc of the lftth it. I lost my p ckrt hotik In Pellevne ci'r. eoitsiniiif some valu able pipers that are of no ne to anv one but myself, together with a dollar bill, with eome tintM agint vrion persons, one of ft) on Cherte Pi-ter Mikel, and ona of $!W,M on M. I). Rhsw, on at I. P. Hnr-., A co. of about tu.no. one on B ackburn of tH.SKi and various other. I erehr no'ifv all pereom from luirchnsinr ary of he said notes. Any person finding il to ket-book and returning the same to me, or leavlntr It at the offlee of the Rellevn (Inxette, will ba liberally re-ward.-d. besides coutcritig a great fnvor. M (ifl) K. N. UPJOHN. " new " 'ARRANGEMENTS! NEW D S ANT) cv Prices ! II V Li P. KINNEY & CO. 'I'-llE n-uerii;-ie,l nre nrhv openin the 1. larcef Suit be, selected. ior uieu' of Npiint and 8 'miner goods, ever bi-fore oirered in market Tor the tr.illi of this, we iir i'e the Ladies and (ientlemen In call and ee that this is no Niivs Paper pnlT, no fiction, no K I Hut truth In rvpy, Even in Nebrsska Tuere.'ore eome one, eome a", ann David will b on hand in his iirusI good humor (o wait on sP, Lndms in pir'icul.ir, F.very thi ig may be found In the aliape of choice ilress goodi for Nnrln? an Siinim-fn' HI KINNKY At VO'i. GIOCrRtF.S of evry description, cheap nt - KIVNKV & COM. OOTS and shoes, pood nnd tv.irrinfed at KIN'M'R COS. GMTI'.RS, Buskins, vnriety at nnd S'l in-rs of every KINNF.Y k COM. ' N'AILS, Class and Q imw ire, rliin at K f N I' y it COM. S03?T "Wl 11.33 v . Hardware A FEW Firkins of good n.itter and a lot or sni II white heon, for sale at the It -rd-w.irn store of T. k J. A. Nve J Butter 2. cents per lb. Ueana $.i per bushel! Both warrnn'ed to be not strong, call around there that liuve the money. 4tlH -NoticeT III AVE been very indulgent with my custom ers a!out paving up. somntiir.eii this prin cinel cences to be a virtue. I will now notify all lo eerr.eiip toMie rack and settle old arnres immedia ely, and vo l will very much oblige Your obedient aervnnt, lfttf L. B. KINNEY. NOTICE! , I. p-p-rpRs f Admiuis'ratlon on tha ettots J of Jslin Rav late of Sarnv county, de. ceased 1 having been granted to the subscriber residing in Belleviie, he hereby givea I16tice In all person indebted to said estate Id call and settle the same, and those having claims against tl estat ar requested to present them properly auth n'icated for seitlemnt. 13 WILLIAM H. WRIGHT. Ad'ra'r cisTAvn sccor.n, ' COUXTY SUEVEYOE OF HILLS CO. OFFICE GLEN WOOD, IOW ORDERS left at the office nf Shskspea' Hoye, St. Mary, will receive prompt at- irniinn. G. KEEGER. Civil Engineer and Surveyor, would respectfully inform the ei'iiens of Mills and adjoining en-inties, that he prepared to execute all work of the following character: laying ftr town sites, leveling ot streams for water power, drawing if mips plain and colored, .(rawing design for buildings of all ylea. i h es'imstes of cost. ' Correcfphts of tha township nf Mill County, showing th" Ir ie post io is of th tim ber, water courses and bluff, kept constantly 011 hand. II iving had experience hoth In this country and in Europe, he fe la assured of giving satixf.irtion to al who in ly favor hi in with their pstromge. Gold Meril awarded at the late S. Louis f ir to O. Seeey ft, S. Schlinonsky for the beat topographical man. Office Glenwuod, Mills CO., Iowa 14 ROAD NOT.CIS. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA ) SARPY COCNTY. . ( NOTICE is hereby gives, that tL County Commissioners of Sarpv co.nty, will wee- 01 Mundiy.Mty 11th. l8,at o'clock A. M. t St the ho:se .if HrrnhSrt Myers, to view a 'id loc ite, a roid in answer to a Petttiei to commence at a p int near th residence of slid lleruh-irt Mvers. where the road from Believu. Intersect h Territorial rued lead, ia? from Oimha, in Douglas couiity, to Cedar ll Mid 1 1 Sarpy county, ilie-ic to a point near th resident a f W, T. Whl tin tan. thenf to the retidence of II. II. Smith, thence near the residence of George Swevil , to th most pratveal rout to F .title. fcUid Coaiaii lonera will sieet in the evening .of th umi day, at 5 o'clot-k at B-mhirl Mvers to bear psrtiea nkeres-ed In loc a i--g siid road O-i 'he following dv, Mtv Mil, i4S, at o'clock A. M. siist Commissioueia will meet at fUiMmler Cook's nssr Platte River, to 1 , , . . n . . ' 'W ana IUC.ll lOSU. IllOPOfCil la fMHIO I bottom. Ht lh. hlulTs k TsrliU's. II. IT-I m run nuw i4 run., aim g id. I'iau Kiver Ssu hv and ftorla of Swivels' lo th S- E. cor - . - - - - - - - Vb 4 ka, os.J a. ) a &k. O. ft ... aer of Se; In, Township 13, Rang 11, E. ot meoiu principal meridiaji. In Cmiuiin. r will aaet in th vniiig ofthsiin day at 8 o'clock at th bons of Philander Cook, i near p -rtie luier:et in -M road. Ou Thurday. Mat lUh. ISM. the Count v Commissioners nf Sarpy t o mtv, will meet at R-nbsa Iveiov's at V o'clock A. M. to T'.ew and loc at a rod, to rorant Hee at a point on in rt .. tr Ui H-lleira ,H imi ClaiM. tbsor north-west bv th aunt dUect and pracica' ro-it. byway of tb fork t Hi hif Pappillion and Wt pippillion creeks.'to HSrtooi IhetM- to IK i:b Iin of id etntv. at a point on he'north aid of So 13, Township tl. fUnrs 1 1. ( 0 B VARIETY .STORE. THE undersigned have opened, a larj Snd commodious new store, on the turner f Main and 2Mh Streets. In Bellevue, wlter a varied assortment of Good way bs fouud Among them ar DRY GOODS, (inch as Brown M ialin, Calico, Sheetlne. Slilrlinf. ' - Hosiery, . KNIVES, FORKS. SCYTHED, WOOD-SAWS, SllOVr.I.t. II AY-FORKS, ol'ADKS. i'EA-KKflLr. GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, fcc , together v:h a quaiititynf 3300tQ cfo Shoos Segars, Rskes, Ropes, Hors. collars, Carpet sacks, Window Sish, Doors, TEAS AND 6UCA13, Tolmcco. H leensw.ire, tilassware. Flour, Crsrkers ai d a great iwtny more articles. They keep constantly en hand, a large as sortment of good sVltirs nml I.liiinrsi Warranted the beat quftlltv j chenp for cash. n37tf J. . HORN k CO. Meat Irf arEtet Changed Hands. MESSRS. OLIVER k RTONE, have pur chased of II. Cook Griflit)i, his entlie Interest In III butchering business, and will hereafter bo found at his old stand, oh Mis on 'venue, east of Mnn 8'reet, under 8. M. Pike's Grocery and rrnvlsini Store, whef they will be happy lo wait upo'i his old cus tomers, and all others who may chuoss to favor them with their ntitrrinage, GEORGE A. OMVER. Oct. 2H. finiM CltARLES 810NK. W. II. LongBior", GJ.R MUTATE of Petm. Collets of Drtital ' fl irgerv, respectfully annnnuce Id the clt isens of IVilevne. and vl inlty, that he 1 novr prepared to practice Dentistry, In all its va rloue branches. Olhce hours from 3 till S, P. M. ' ! . . Notice To tlxo iPiXtoiio. flllE undersigned having purchased the en JL tire stock ;f Jewelry, formerly owned by Alex. Kemp, is prepared to sell ths s.ime tt 23 per cent less thiin was ever offered in this eitv before, as room must ba mads for a large siuing assortment. The stock consists of GOLD AND 8ILVER WATCHES, Clocks, Setts of Cuineo, Coral, Ennmel, Painted, Gobi Stone, Masnnio and Mourning Jewelry, Hroachea, Ear Drops. Cuff Pins, Shirt Studs, tickets. Bracelets. Rings. Cold. Silver, and PIhI ed Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Gold and Silver Sperlarlns Also a enlendid as. sortment of MORTON'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS Also Musical Instruments, Cutlery, Port Monies. Pouches, Csrd Case, fcc, fcc. ' ' A fine stork of Hide, Shot Cnns, Revolv ers, fcc, which will be sold at a small ad vance above cost, as th subscriber wishes to go nut of the gun buslue, -; ;, All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch by competent workmen, . I still continue to taks Omaha Sori-, Wes tern Exchange, Nemaha Valley, eastern mon ey, or gold and silver, in exchange for goods, (JV-Store on 12th Street, one door from Famham. and directly opposite th Western Evi'hauge Hank, Omaha, N. T. , Please call and. exanine good and prices, T. W. WOODS. CaaSa, Jan. Utbrf 1S5.. ' - gmO SEEDS FOR 1858. Wp;i nr now prepared wl'.U a full and and complete slock of FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, Of the new crop, to supply any demand whole- aaia ami retail, on me very best of terms. . Our stock Is new (as we do no, consign seeds and take none back to mix up again.) and mucn or ii grown uixler our own directions in this state. Our stock or European seeds is Imported diree'ly by ourselves from the most rs Isble grower In England and France. . . We fe confident no better advantages to the p iblie ran be offered than we can give, and we cordially Invite an examination of our atock before purchasing. Our ak consists in part of Spring Wheat, Hurler, Corn, Peas, iieens, ate., a very targa variety or uarden Seds and a full astor'ment of Flower Seeds of choice varieties. !, 130 bushels onrs Chinese Sugar Can Seed. " Constantly on hand a large assortment of Agricultural a ud Horticultural iinplementa. Full priced seed and imnleiiient tatalo-ue sent upon rerH1 of mi n pay postage. ItLMtV II. F.MERV k CO., 3iann Lake S reet, ailesgo. Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage bj Auvcrt.semcni. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA,) Rcubea Lovejoy, Mortjijee, William R. Johr.son. Alrred Kellnm, i ' Aaron O. Cox, Murtgsjers. Mortgage dated, March 14th, A. D. 185T, re. corded in hook E., Page l(W. April 21t, . IW, at 10 o'clock, A. M. , . Default having bn ansd ia t' pymAt of th um of two thouaand and two hundred dot Wis, ($2,ff..) winch is clsimed to be du at the date of this tintlee, ?nd secured bv a certain Deed of Mnr'gage, hearing dat March It h, A. D. 1M7, execiite.1 by William R. JuUnsu i. ths.i of tii Stat of lows, Alfred fcrunui, ana A'r. n vi. cox. or neuevue, hr py County, Nebraska Terrlory, to Reuben Lovejny, of FUllevue, aforesaid, and Recorded h fits tnr slarnsi rrsunltr NT P i s 11 i. C Ia In Allira rf tbm llmtmr . I . . , . ... . 'j' - w s-' i w -"'"w s as av(vai . rm . .-r k 7 nrs i mi, on me zi oi April, a. U.. 1S0J.SI jot-; o'clock A. M. Now, therefore, notlca I hereby flve. that Il puraua c of a power of sal contained ia a tid mortgage, and of th statute, in such case mad and provided, th premises Je. scribed In and conveyed by SJid mortgage, to wit i all that cert a I piece" ard parcel of land, with it app-irtnanc, aituated and lying in the city of llell'VHe, in said county of (iarpy. ana Territory or rveorssKa, ana described as Block one hundred and tbir sen, (113) In said ritt of fieilevx. according to th survey there of, mad bv Mr. ticliiwoiky,iiithe year 18M, will be sold at p iblic auctics e. th ISib day of June, A. D. lS5y, between th hours of 9 o'clock. In th forenoon, nd the setting of th m oa that dae, to th hight bidder J th al lo b in front wf th Pelleyn lluusa, ia ift city or XJellcvue, MiMrosntr, Nebraska Territory. REUBEN LOVEJOT, Mort5 T. B. !.nes). Atl'y. Much 11 A, ISM. Notice of the Foreclosure f Mortgtfe' by Advertiicmeflt.' ' TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF SARPY. J Reuben Lovejoy, MortSs, vs. Alfred Kellum, I V. A. Uwyer Mortgsgors. ( Dri-d nf Murtfiagt dated December IStk, A. 1), I'i7, and recorded In Book B.. Psges 2ij 7(i snd 271. December 31st. 11(1 at 10 o'clock, A. M. .. Default hiving been mads In vtasnt of ths sum nf two thousand two hmiired dsllsrs, f$i,3i)0J which Is claimed to bs dus at th dat of this notice, and secured by a deed of Mortgage bracing- date, December Ht. 1157, executed by sirred Kellum snd V. A. Gwyer, of Ssrpy County, Nebrssks Territory, to Rev ben LovHoy, of the city of Hsllevne, Sarpy Comity, Nfbrask i Territory, and recorded la the office of the Register f Deeds for Ssrpy County. N. T., in book R., pages 209, 179 S4 271, on the 21st dsv of December, A. D. 1137, at 10 o'clock. A. M Now, therefor, netis I hereby given that in pursuancs of a power of sal contained la said mortgage, and of th Statuts In such case made and provided, tbS premises described In snd conveyed by sail mortgage, to witi All that certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being struat la th County of Sarpy, and Territory cf Nebraska, and drsi-rlhed ss follows, to wit i Commea. Injr for the sain at a post M. 0 rods, North oil decree. East of the S. W. corner of e. tion lliirteen, Q 13) Township thirteen, (It), Range thirteen, (t;t), east of ths OtU Prlnei pal MuridiaiiHliei c north 47k degree, west 2 1. ft rods to a Cottonwood stump, thencs nrth 31 degrees, east U S rods to a post, thsae South 47 1-2 degrees est', 2 J, J r4 tu a post, thenc south 3d degrees west . rods to the place of beginning, containing oa sere snd fittv-seven perch. togsUier with all Snd singular the tenement and hereditament arid appurtenances thereunto belonging, or la snywi-s appertaining, consisting in psrt of i njrlns, boiler and all th machinery a4 fixture fur a perfect steam saw-mill, msauf al lured by Cooper and Clirk, Mt. Vernoa.Obi, and sold to be of thirty horse power, will bs sold at public auction on ths Jilth day of Juas, A. D. IS.'iS, between Hi hour of 9 o'el A, M., and Hi setting of th sun on ths a asa day, to the highest bidder. Ths sale to bs la front or the Uellevui House in th City of lielUvue, Ssrpy C-iintv, Nebrssks Territory. .REUBEN LOVEJOY, , Martrsreti T. R. Laiao-e, Att'yi , Apni 1st. H68. alOtli &kx&Yn?& ctftioo BY virtue of an execution to tn directed kf the Clerk of f District Court of Sarsy county, N. T., in favor of John Kablsr, sad against th property of Harrison Berry, to sitisfy a i idginent ngnt ssid Berry, forth sum of fifteen-hundred and thirteen dollar snd seventy-six tents, (f 1513,74 1) new there, fore I will oiler st public auction on ths pre, lies, on th 22nd day of April, A. D. 1S5I j between th hours of nln o'clock A. M. a4 four o'clock P. M. of said dsy, to ths highsst bidder, for cash, ths following described arts' erty, to wit on steam saw will with all tha apparatus belonging thereto, said mill keiaf situated in the west art of Sarpy county oa Elkhurn river, and known as ths Harris. Berry Mill. Dated, B'llevut March 1Mb A. D. 1859. , JOHN M. ENOCH. 2t Sheriff of Sarpy County, W. T suoruro &n.io. BY virtue of an execution, to me directed, by th Clrk of th District CoUrt of Knrpv county, N. T., in favor of Cym K. Mark, and against the property of Georr Jeuning, to aatisfy a Judgment saint th said Jennings for ths , sum of five hundred and ninety. six dollars, snd seviity-lx csat ($:9i,70). Now, tlierefore, I will offer at public siictlou, in front of the Bellsvus Hoas on th 21th day of April, A. D. 1H5S, betweea the hours of itin o'clock A.M., and foar o'clock P. M., of ssid day, to th highest hid. fler, for caih, th following described proper tv, to wit i being the N; V. of N. E.. &( of N. E., 8. E. of Jf. W. of section 21, townih 13 rang 13, E. of ths Otlj principal rldlaaV Da'ted March 23rd. 1 :,. ' ' :;' " " JOHN M. ENOCH, Sberir." r 2118 By S. II WATTLES, Dep. Sheriff, THE CHICAGO CITY. INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE t Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, DtarW Street, Chicago. CAPITAL,, 8150,000. ' ' DIRECTOR Si gBMta canriELD, ISAAC COOK, ii. a. wmcooe. HiwaT caarktAsr au s. Meaaoz, . .. OFFICERIt Edmund Catifieli, Pre., Wm. 8. Bhteav . TT SL mm . ' 'PHIS Company was organized en til t7tk L day ot March. A. D. 1ii5.tind a mmmm. li charter from th Legislator ot Illiaols, ami buetnesa commenced under the anost fa vote b I auspices. Its esuMishuwt hask upon s linn and reliable baaia, aui ia view of it stability, oundness,and prmreney, ranks" as on of Ui first Insuranc Coa.vnis la th-, cii,ry. T Uios dssirou ! protactiar themaelve against loss or darag by Firs, or' perils ft ths Sea, they ber lejv U offer Us following REFERENCES. . Messrs. Ston h Witt, Cleveland, Ohio. .: William k Avery, Chicaro, DJ. ' Norton . Brother, " S'.on Il Boomer, . " . II. S. Durand, Pre. Racin ai Mie. I. IL Geo. C. NorUirnp, Cash. Racino Co. Baak.' Wm. P. Und, Eq., Milwauk. ... - , .s J. O. Conroe, Esq. Racine. Ashley Cilbert. Cash. Co ml Bk,' ChletfoA Hnry Farnham. President Chicaro A. KockV Island Rail Road. Daniel P. Rhode. Esq., CUrelaad, Ohio.- Thomas Campbell, E-., Springfield, 1U.-, , Hon R. Otamberlln, Rt. Louis, Mo. ' Messrs. Wadsworth, Weils V Scyssaw," J Chicago. HI. Messrs. I. II. B rrch A Co., Chicago Saai Meears. G. W. Sixer k Co. Chlcsso, IU. ' Wm. Blanchard, Esq., Morris, III. Meesr. H. C. A O. O. Cook lb Co., tock-v ford. UI. , . .j , .; Me. II. Wheeler A Son, Aurora TIL " Meesr. Judd, Smith A Pratt, Dtson, XtL Nehsmiah Csse, Esq.. Buffalo, N. Y. . .. . -, Wm. B. Fundy, Esq.. Springfield, JR. Osn. . Curn, Keringfield, III. ' Richard Ivr, Esq.. Su Louis, Mo." T. B. LEMON, Agsnt, Bellswa. , Ji. Now "7Va.to2x ' - AND : i Jewelry' ; Fstablishment in Omaha WM. FRODSHAM. bsrlng retlrad fra th Ut trm of Kemp at Frodsha,' has opened a new re at K 3, Capt. Dews' baildiug, between th Method st Church, whersj b invit hi old natroo to glv him a e!V i. Tim piece and Jwlry, of yry dcrlmw tioo, asatiy aad xjdturaly rrtrsi ea 1 I i 1 Ui i P I: V 1 lit i'i. ; f r ( ' a !l i i -.. i" t