Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, April 22, 1858, Image 5

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Nsws nd .Local Editor.
qellgvue, n. t. .
A ,i t 1 - i i
. i. ...... - . .
,,J THURSDAY. APRIL 22. 1958.
A Tilp South ot the IMatte.
"jLat week we broke loose from our
,rt)irenitm. nnd, in company with three
ocial, jovial fellows of this place, started
tor Nebraska Cry. We wound our wy
Jwind the stylish residence of L. 11 Kin
Jiey, on the outskirts of B;llevue. end
struck on to the Territorial Road built ly
GtA. Siiea ; crossed over hit new bridge
jbrt thfl iTappto, v hich, by the way, " in a
bridge as it n bridge," we soon found our
"fkU'a in i Larimer City, u place nrt alto
gether unknown in the history of Surpy
.County. . , ,
Larimer City lion on on even plateau,
about one and a half miles from uV Mia
ouri rier. close on the north bank of the
iMntte river, it has an abundance of build
trtsf material adjoining the site: limber,
rock., sand, and nil the essential for build
Itfg it"" right smart" liitlo town. We
crossed the Platte river at this point by
the pi d of Brother Levi Kin. tail, nud
landed safe in Can County. Speaking
pf Perries we can tafely say to those
wishing t cross the Pintle, Unit this Ferry
jias safe and reliable as any Misuuri
Ferry. '''.-
It v
.- We hauled up for dinner at Queen's
Hottl, Plattsmoulh. Here we expected
to find i.iaiiy signs of hard times' by thu
dullness of business, and the usual grum
bling of . business men ;' but we found the
reverse. The improvements going on in
pinny parts o! the town, the stirring buoy
strides -of the citizens, and the immense
tiles of freight strewn up and down the
Landing, gave strong evidences of the
OStual prosperity pf plattsmoulh. Having
rested our nags a id fully satisfied the in
Per sian at Queen's well-spread table,
we broke put for Nebraska City.
I. ,i ... ..
About five miles out from' rinitsmottih
die nicety undulating' mid slightly rolling
praifi$ nnd the thick margin of timber on
tho.'Missouri, tirew forth voluntary ap
plause.frou. lljnse of. pur .crowd wlw had
i?ver lefoVe traveled south of tne Hit tie.
About ten utiles brought -us !) a large
' n.l'tit Llv timbprnd trrnv. with B Bin.";'!
' '
stream running thro' it, situated about six
rjfuhjs west of the Missouri. Here we
found an . old I friend, Hon. Ruck, ft
lieiuber of the second Legislature, from
Cass Couuty, living in a large, aud com
noJau new dwelling-1 Mr. Ruck has a
premium farm, and appearance indicate
hls.tasia.au4 enterprise as a practical far
mer. But on inquiry we found ha had
the food forrtrae to be born in the Em
pire State (our native State, as most en
terprising'. jaeu were.) which in a great
hfrjff Iccoitqtsfor the milk, io Jn cocoa
We 'proceeded from this point towards
Nebraska Cityoud three miles out from
Mr. Duckl we encountered the Weeping
Wtter a stream much like our Pappiliun
and about the same size, but why it was
given the mournful cognomen of " Weep
ing Wuter," we cannot jell, for we are
inclined to tho opinion that a more clear,
pure, beautiful, merry liule stream dos
not run in fsebrasUa. We had to ford
thb ire'a,"i. the water being about 4 feet
deep, anJ about sii inches of the same
as found, rushing into our carriage and
complacently drenching our clean linen
and Mora clothes we bad in a carpet-sack,
id case of a dance or a parade. Once on
the lop of the banks' of the Weeping
Water.'aud on the broad prairie, the rib
bons were drawn tightly over Kitty and
the.Silver'Grey, and we went charging
along' the' lii, reaching Nebraska C ty
about five in the evening At we de
scended1 the hill north of the City, we
were struok with the reflection that les
than four years ago we approached the
c:ty on the same road, three small frame
bui dings, a few claim cabins and a
si by nine old block house, was then all
of the now Star City of the South Platte.
Now, -you , behold it magnificent brick
blocks.,, its large brick churches, with
spires pointed heaven-ward, it long busi
ness streets crowd d with live ineu.teains,
carriages and emigrant wagons. In fact
Nebraska City is i place of no smalt pre-
tensions; besides her growing greatness,
slje jt5 enjyeI. since it was bid out for.
a Ciiy. which has already produced as
tonishment, she lias now the re-shipping
of the U. S. -supplies,' and an army of
workmen, teottt&ters, oversee ra sud lubor
ors that go with the trains across the,
plains. Here, too, lire many distinguish
ef .indiriduat. such Fpenker Decker,
Judge . Bradford, Hons. M. S. Reeves,
CanijleU. IWe, anl eiexatoea we
r -nj oUh.i in ihe.Ouu'ia 1 Nelruskian
Hon. John V. Kinney, formerly Cbii-f
Justice of I'tah Territory, the cluqui'ia
Ilolley, S. F. Nuckols. the iuonid king
of South rime, aUo the eccentric J. S.
Morton, v.'-.-
; We called upon Mr. Reynolds of the
.Vrui and found him on the square and
flourithiug like a Green Hay horse. On
our departure from said city we drove to
the handuome residence of Hon. J. 8.
Morion. After taking sharp aud pier
cing glance at the bottom of a glasi from
Morton's ide Wird, we passed to the
rear of his residence to get a bird's-eye
view of his celebrated trotting horse,
." Pete," we think he called him. Pete
is a stallion, cial black, five years old,
and estimated at $1,000 cocs in a bar
npSS)ei, ihnn three minutesiind for
beiuty and i nrriage, we never w hU
superior. Morton is evidently proud of
Pete, as ho well m.iy be, for the hor.-e
will do his master's bidding in mot every
intelligent mnneuver exc"t we do not
remember lo have lieu r J him tpeak a
single word.
As we were about to Hart we noticed
a Finnll fpwimen of the cinine hpecics
which we admired, and on proper pre
sentation by raid Morton of this young
" Dorg" according to law and cii-tom,
we seized aid aniinul and Mowed him
away under the carriiij t seat, making a
iuu-ic box of the same until we arrived
nt PliiUsmnuth again. Here we found
our friendi, true to the promise they hud
mail us on nor downward trip, hail gath
ered up the ril bons, silk", and crinoline
for a social dance, which if we ar any
judtfe, was properly had at the Tlatte
Valley House, Mr. M'Carty proprietor.
This was the acme of our pleasure nnd
with nimble feet and a hearty good will
we whirled thro' the giddy mazes of the
duncV, and the house was redolent with
life, wit, and beamy, and all persons,
things and considera ions were enveloped
in the Tvrptichorean art,
" Anil when music rose wilh its voluptuous
awoll. .. .. :
Soft eyes looked love to tyts that spolts ss
Strength and manhood were led will
ing rnplive. cliaim-d to the chariot of
beauty, whilst iis wheel revolved to the
xhilarating ttraius of mu.-io. the bright
liirhts shone resplendent upon the assem
bled pride,f PlaiUiuoulh- .. .
Th next day we found our way to
this place aZ') ' J,,e 'k,ni1 baptizing the.
dorg with an f Uphold""' name, m
which the world will be advued
time. il-
The Affempfed Assassinators of
Louis Xnpoleon Uulllotiued.
Oruu and Pierri, who attempted to
assassinate Louis NuHleon, were guillo
tined on the morning of the 13ih , of
March, iu the presence of a vast con
course of people and 6,000 troops. . De
Kudiu's punishment was commuted into
penal servitude for life, and it was repor
ted that he was to be sent lo London to
give evidence against Dr. Bernard, who
hud been fully committed for trial. The
feeling nmuife.ud by the spectators is
thus described by an eye-wimess :
Such bad been aiarm of the Gov
eminent that an entire division was had
Out, under the personal command of a
general ollicer, who assisted at the exe
cution. Fifteen thousand soldiers were
ready to act on the slightest signal, and
every i-u and outlet was guarded as in
limes of ii.s In my estimation.
between 00.000 and 100.000 men of the
Fubourgs, workmen in blouses, were as
sembled in the spaces and iu the streets
near the Place de la U pjeiie ; but they
were so grouped by the way iu which the
troop werv siut kjii' d, that lh y co Id see
iuile or nothing N ben the lea.!,dutl
sound of the falling of the knife upon
Orsiui was heard, it was responded to hy
an imme'io but smothered reply of ' Vivt
la Rtjjublique.' I cannot pr-'p-rly des
cribe th s ; it wus like a gigantic mutter ;
it was not a cry or a ahyu, but it sounded
like the breath rr the sigh of thousands
i f human beings. It was well appreci
ated by the authorities, for, on the instant
the soldiers raised the mot disorderly
clatter imaginable, struck their hores, so
as io make them plunge aud kick, shook
their arms, and contrived thai the popular
whisper shoold be stilled without b iug
literally put down. But the words Kit
- Rtvubliqu must . have been clearly
autiibTe to every one. ) purposely went
home on foot, threading my way slowly
inrongn tne croups wuererer t iuu
. ...i i
them thickest. I am Uund to admit that
everywhere I heard expressions of .ym-
pathy ainl ad.niratimi for Or.mi. whose
: ... .......... . ! .....nun tA n 1 1 lutiu
crime seems utterly lorgonen, sum u-n
. L. . T .B n..k.l..A.1J 1 tff It I J Srl I Til IT flllll
... - I - "
lie w 1 1 st I x a ' w iim
P uamVi d d eronoe. The
.tiiupiwnu liitasarl hiii aiurMlJll 6t rt'lliallM
annudeof thepipulace wa, I should say,
xtremelv menacing, for it bad a hate
i i j . .. .
and a thirst fur venseance seatd loo
JL . r. 1. Im. hDUh
we-re ni de in an unor ton, as taougn
.1 M - I- A II bWa. Bslra I Ikssal rti
- j
ponce spy wsra arraoeu airT.-ry iw.
The following account of the behavior
of the convicts co the morning ef
cofiespondciil of the
V '
' - -
" Preil tly at 0 o'clock Orsiui and Pierri
were awoke from llu-ir sleep by lb.-! gov
ernor of the pri on, who announced that
their lest hour was come. The Abbe
Hugoii, cl spltu f the K xpietli and the
chupliii of the Concierger e, were prrs
ent. 1 do not profess to give particulars
of what passed within the walls ot the cell,
but 1 may observe that the wretched men
appeared calm when lh news, which
could not have taken tliem by surprise,
wss announced to them. 1 am assured
that they heard mass and received the
communion with ret-pe. t, if not devotion.
Soon after they were taken to the ro jni
called dt la tuiltlte, for (he cliange of
dres. It is not laige. O.i tin; present
occasion it contained, besides the ihapliu
and the governor of the pri on, about 30
persons, the principle among whom were
the grellief, or clerk, representing the
Court of Assize and the buissier.ur usher,
who was charged with reiulm thu sen
tence on the sculToUi. The remainder
Were apparently police agents When
t! v convicts enti red the. thambrtdt it toil'
e!lt ihev wero tilacvd at ilill'crent extrem
ities of it, with their lacks turned to each
other. There were two ui.Maul execu
tioners one from Itouen, ih; other Itoin
Caen besides him from Pari. I hose
lost no lime in preparing the coi.victs for
the scatiolil. During Hie Orvndful opera
lion Orsiui rrmaiui'd calm, ihhI tln)u,'tihe
whs not so loud ur contradictory as during
hi trial, Pierii Was some wl.ut ex iled,
The si rail waaL-t Coal interfered wuh his
gesticulations, but he hardly crastd speak-
iug for a inoiiieni. W lien tue execution-
ers wo pinioning him he a.iked that the
fa.-letiings i u l not be drawn to i tight,
as he bad no intention of est aping. The
co!d touch of the steel on his neck, when
Me scissors cut of his hair sous not to in-
terfere with the guillotine, for an in taut
appeared U) thrill him through; but here-
covered himself when he found that his
beard remained untouched. He thanked
the executioner for lulling him die with
hi face as became a man. When the
hood, lo which the vail which covers the
features of the parricide is suspended, was
put over his head, he is said to have
laughed, and attempted a joke about the
figure he must cut. ' At this moment he
turned his head aud perceived Orsiui ; lie
saluted him gaily, and asked how he was
getting on. He was interupted by Orsmi
who wa hiu. sell undergoing the sauiu
operation with the same tavgfroU as if
he were under the bauds of u vul. tdie-s-
iug for n J any, with the words, 1J.- calm,
le c.lm, (my frii-nd.", Pit-rri's tongue
ran on, ho.vever The usi.uiul proceed-
t d to strip him of his shoes, for in pursitj.
ance with th aentenc they wete lo pro-
ceed to the scull old Ian footed. The tin
appeared lo hesitate, bui Pierri encouug-
ed him to pro-.eed, aud assisted him as
much as he could, still talking. The op-
eration being ovr. uikI liie toilette com-
plete. he turned toward the turnkey and
asked to be allowed to unbrace him.
This request was complied with. The
,-uent of moving now came, and the
Abbe Hug?.M "ten oui, " courage : " u :
. .- I mil i. frn'wl "
I .... n.ifi- J : ni nut uiram, ne
ca id, " we are going to Cut,.,", 8nJ m
a sort of feverish excilt inent he repr.ii.'?d
to him elf. CaivBi") Calvary."
Orsiui was, mi the oiher Aa;.'d, as calm
and tranquil, as hi fellow-convict was ex
cited, lie spoke little, but when tin; gov-
emor of the prison ami some of the otticer
approached him he Ude them in a low
tonn of voice farewell The turnkey of
ex cution, is by a
London Timtt t '
Hi sen aimounceu to turn iu n tune ot re- serve, if not the nusttnty, which di tin
gret that his last moment was come, guished his political associations", and this
Orsmi thanVed bun for his sympathy,
II: . i r k; I.
hnl ho underwent the onernlMii iviihnut
flinching. At 'he moment when the bood that he .dir.-end in. his will that--his re-; inS lhe wint-r. Among them we noticed
was placed on hi head, his face, which rnaim should 1) laid beside those of his 'C. K.Mark, who, since he left Zebras
up to that momenl w as calm and impai- wife in Bellefontaine Oinet ry, ond this' ka, ha s- cur. d a b tter balf, and notr re-
bie, U-came Hushed for a moment and hi
eye lighted up
Th prison clock ftruck 7; before lhe
lasi sound di -d away ttie door lending to
the Kcutfold opened us if of itself. The
Abbe Hugon eiitreated Pierri to prohi by
the few moments siill left lo collect hi
I thought and assume a calmer attitude.
He pr--.iied to be.ctjiii, but said he
should chant a patriotic hymn; and it is
said he actually began t siu thej well
known Mourir pour . Puttie." Lean
in; on the Abbe Hugoii ho in wnied the
lifletu steps of the scaffold, still repeating'
the versus of lhe song.
Orsiui was supported by the chaplin of
the C inciergerie. and hi calmness never
abandoned him for., uomeni. When he
a ppeared on the platform it could be seen
from the movement of his body and of his
head, though coven d with a veil, that he
... . .
was I'kJking out tor tne cmwa. ano proia-
bly intended addressing them. But they
were too far off. The greftier then di-
reeled the usher to read the sentence of
lhe Court condemning the prisoners to lhe
death of i arricides. The uher, who was
an old man. oyer 60, was evidently much
moved at having to perform this duty, aud
he trembled as much from emotion as
from cold as he read the documeut. which
no on" listen, d to.
After this formality was terminated
p- . ,.
xwAuMt KJ preMed iheir lip. on tl e
cru(.ifix offeMNj ,o them Th (he(
lhlliat.lM . lhe ,cnj,lulllu jt.rrj
' r ... .
, W ll ,llniUeiJ ,0 lh lai j,, , i(aul
mm . . . .
, 1I was exHeut J firt.
T!is iiwtrnPiit liw
l a s s
1 " .iT ' ?
I . r .. tM i. ttuh.
- - - - - r
was then taken in hand. Ili
i'." w".r,lswJ' and h.s rountenance still
a,i ..... ;., i r.-,.
1 .. ....
., 7 ...... . .ui w ....
( reJ to ,h(, he or d , ,h dirc4
tin 0f ihe dista..t crowd, is said.
1 crie4 " Vio uVeacs". It was but five
minutes ' l ast 7 o'clock when the second
t.lfli...! .. .
n Bii n il into ine iasKt i. j coin miuiiu
eoio Miuuacr
ran auiong thoe wh e au-iitioii was fix
ed upon what was ps-ino; n the acatlold.
and for an iiiauui there was a deep m
I lice. It passed oil", however, very svou.
Vhen all was over men went to their
work, aud parties who had gone together
to the hpot from distant (piarter of the
town hastened home to brakfril. Tim
morning was becoming clearer every mo
ment. . The troops Ugan io move as if
about to leave the ground. The guillo
tine was lowered and taken oil'; the
crowdj gradually thinned noiiiu few
groups ull lingered nliout the ?pot ; but
the cold whs bitter, and the show began
to fall, and in n few hours the place was
deserted. 1
The number of deaths from the attempt
for which theso wreiche I ueu sUifered
now amounts, I am assured, to fourteen. .
Death of Thomas II nn(on.
Old Bullion, the -er of Clay, Web
ster and Callio n, is no more. He di d
at Washington, about 12o'cl cW, April 'J,
of i uncer of the stoui icli Ve extract ih
following from' the St. Louis Hepuhiican :
The telegraph apprised us, about 4
o'clock li'.sl evening, of the dentil, in
Washington Ci y, ol THOMAS II. BEN
TN. No other particular were then
communican t!, exo pi that both II uies of
Co jrres, iu token ot re.-ixct lor the d.-
cviied. immediately udj -urn d. ThM
was an Hppropriat-tosii n mi il of re p et
ii,a u. Air. Bitoii, wus a member
ot the euai fr tt.iriy years, aud after-
wants srrvr d l.o year as a llcpr-'senia-
live from the St. Jjouis Distrh t. Tne
critical condition of his healtti Imil t som
extent, prepared the public mind to hear
of Ins di nth, but it occurred nt a ome-
what eurlicr. period than was exacted,
His disease ha been termed cancer of the
stomach, aud a vigorous constitution
could only Im interposed W postpone, mil
prevent his dissolution. In the 74th year
of hi age, calmly, with a full kuowledge
of his condition, he "put of this mortal
coil." aud even now he is at rest,
There are those who knew Col. Benjon
long, in his social and poltical relatious,
who will be summoned and will do ample
justice to hi memory and character,
For nearly forty year he jiib d,a large
space in the public eye '. Evn before hi
election as Senator from Missouri, he as
not in, hown to fame ; but it was only of-
t.-r hi" election in 180. that his name he-
tuuie associated with the name of "he
moat illustrious men in the country. Ulis
Senatorial career, for two-thirds of that
pencil, was uimIouI tedly a brilliant one,
,iu thill brilliancy was n l such iis' we all
accord t Ciay, or W. b-.ter, or Calhoun,
or Hilton, or aov of those Seimtors who
ate regarded in the puhlie esteem ; as hi
coiemporuries. Hh was a man of uti
latwr, of indomUable will, iojpeUeJ jti
every action of his life by a desire ofsiic
cess, and tasking every faculty of his
mind to brin-r about thai re-nlt. What tie
had done for Mi'souri, what he has done
for the country, what lie has done for his
own tame, is matter for the historian, and
1 II U L . .
nc Mmi noi rii' n'ui u iiiioii III Prviuce.
Undoubtedly, iu tho lat yvars of hL pub
lic career, he aspired to a higher position
ir. iho treneral esteem than attached (to
him while he wa n Partian Senator, au(
one common voice lias nccu.."" f"i
.1 i S.
hi Th pra.3e ' for hi devotion to the
ion of these State. ' T
In hi family relation. Col. B'nton.'tsl
said to have left behind bun. all the re-
will be regarded as a beautiful truit in his
i i j l
nuracier. i.ooKinS io nis aeain as
1 .-..lw n i, iU nLira i u iiuLi.i.J
wish will, of cours-, be complied with
It may le some day before his body is
received in this city for interment. -
Concres The Bill f -r th admis
sion of Minnesota passed the ' Senate,
after a short del ate. on the 7 h, I V vtf? Missouri
of 49 to 3. The bill provides f.-r twio' We also notici d P. Wi id man, who has
Rrpresentuiives. , '.jbecn sojourning in the Empire State
The Washington corre-pond-nl of thee'ral jn:ith i. II loiki-d hah Si hearty,
St. Loms Rtpullican, alluding to the I- an- we pr. suine will soon, be at his old
bas matter, now befer Congress, Vay.f . pot, r .'ady to put on the fancy touches, to
"The my ofinion. wiH n"l the many n-w buildings, that has gone up,
"ge to appoint a cm.miuee of on-
ference. and thus insist upon their amend -
The Senate is eHually f.r.n. and
between these contending, and if you
pleas, stubborn elunenta of opposition
,n " Vv0 "ou, r. "gress. Kii:
...ill fail I, ,a 1 ..t. r..... M.riur . I..mI
"" M ... -
10 'he ground."
Th- Deficiency Bill was defeated in
tha House, on the 9th. tr vote! of 124
t0 jqq , . ,
' ' '. '; 1
The Steamer Sultan, on her way from
St. Louis to New Orleans, was burned
to the water'a edire. on the nioruiur of
i tin Oth. ff. m,U. .hnr. Ri. fi,viere.
From twenty to thirty live, are supped
to have been lost.
r in recVipt f ih Daily $1. J sph . I i: I i .. 11.1 f-' r....l.fT
f J w t
U makes a respecahU eppiarance and is
we" fi"'d w'"h 'he latest news, which
' shows an enterprising spirit ttiat is truly
commendable. Those wishing a St. Joe
per cannot do better thaa t subscribe
' .
for the Gaiette. Terms, tS per. annum
f:the Daily aud t2 ;for the Weekly
ede. '"V '. v
LOCal 4! Territorial. .!
:. : .
Fabmlss ATTLHBi-The hiuiiUt of
the Agricultural Society of Sarpy cJUniy,
are requested to meet at B. Ilerui-, eu
Saturday, the'Jlth iu4 iBt 1 ulock P. M
Imponaiit husiu-s connected with the
interest of the Soci ly. wiil ls transacted.
and a Urgo numler of ei.ds, from the
Patent Odice; wilt he dirtrihot d on that
day. Ia.'1 every fjruur in Sa f)' cyuniy
An address will be delivered before the
Society by B. P. Rankin.
By orJ.T of the F.Xecutive Committee
W. II. C -OK. Sec.
Th Pr.sbyterian Church, nj.v being
erected in this city is undor the supar
vision of D. E. R -cd. The walls aro built
of coacrjt , a il are lo i v;h ' thick, and
when compl t d will mak- a substantial
and elegant building. Mr. Heed has hud
considerable xperi nee in this style of
building, having er cted the Mission
hous" at lilac'ibi.d a vi ry lar building,
cooting fe'JO.OOO R r. Win. Hamilton's
commodious d.Vvlling, in this city, and w
b In ve otlv r smaller on s. Mr. It. pre
fer the concri ti wall to bric'f , as they
..... i i.i i
are more wh. n completed, audi
ran be built f;tui 6 t 8 c uts per cubic
foot ch op r.
The Well i:it ud- d for th use of the
Court Hjus ', on Elk Hill, has been sunk
to the depth of 127 feet, but as water has
not been reached and the prospects being
doubtftd, it has been thought best to re
locate the Court House. It will now be
built on the corner of Mission Avenue
and Hancock Street.
SttAMERS Arrived. -The Steam r
Emiorant, made her first trip to this
point Saturday evening, April J 7th, and
discharged passengers aud freight.
The fleet and elegant steamer' Flo
t wet arrived at our landing, Sunday,
April lSih, and discharged a (mauliiy of
freight.. Her officers have, our thanks
for luU St. Louis papers .
The Moses Greenwood from the Ohio
Rivef,""arfif'd Monday, April' 19th, and
discharged freight. 4 ' 1
The Asa Wilccs carue up on Monday
afternoon, April 10th, and discharged ' a
large number of passengers for our city;
Papers 'received..--
Richard Hogabooin has been appointed
Post Master at Larimer City, in this
County. He is a reliable Administration
man, and his appointment gives satisfac
tion to the cm rtrtuvnts of Judge Ferguson,
who was instrum ntal in procuring Mr. R'
appoint nu-nt. 'm t 1 1 i
Rend Win. Ilawiuers alvjrtiicin-nt.
He advertises with us to-day. Kh stock
I n ait Hit w.. ...I 1 : & 1
i u u,c hum wave jux ueen re-
'yireO. -,-.-,
, 7.
C. C. Oos will' return on the Omaha,
now due at this p.irt. '
Re runs ed. The Steamer Asa Wilgus,
landed at our Lvee, lust Monday, sever-
nl 01J r,.8iJents. who have been east spend
u. u.u . r u,. u am oj; uu
turn wilh her, . in the. meridian of thu
lion- y-inoon, to hi western home, in our
Ix Muiiful city. May he and his good lady.
I avo an agni able time in their n w
home, on the westrn tank of the mighty
m nis aoeuce. ,
1 S- M. Pike has dd his stock of gJ
to Samu. 1 B. W right, awl will leave us a
few day for Ntbraska City, where he
:oi lhe BUpjy goiHJ. to t'h
In what capacity he goes out we are 'not
informed ; but beheva he lias had a first
rate berth tendered him. Mr. Pike is a
right clever fellow and we wUh him a
pleasant trip, and a quick return.
- " 1 1 ' -,
The Wyoning Telescope has been
changed to the Wyoming Post, ana is
.. it.. -. . n.i .
,K)W 'ur l J - rewT . ninBWy,
Dawaon, Wilor of the Telescope having
r. tir. d from th ceneern. Cr-y k.
Hathaway an both practical printers, and
have aln ady made great improvements
over their pr. d- csbor. Th columns of
the Pom are w. 11 filled with local news,
a f ature that is too
oft-n neglect d, by
country editor.
The Post deserves a
. ...
lib. rai supp-irt, and we nave noUouU the
citizens of. Wvoming understand that it i
for their interest to keep th gudgeons
. "
well rr as'ed. , Giv ' u the ' locals,'
Minneaout, and w shall taJ pleasure
I'in retding thj Poat,. :f
Foa'UrsH. Sev. tat young Men i nf
ljii jty. have, and are about to leave
hiTv f r. V!tli going wilh , "he supply
nmt. which Itave Nlnak City in a
ebon time. They will prdab y le alseit
from sit (o eight months. 'Aimng them
are M. W; 6todJard, D. Hosg. (jo. A,,
Oliver, William Clark, waiur at h-.Ii-1
t-m Hou- , last stuhmer. Henr) C CliuU
I tck, Fd. 1'. Btohn, John W. Croily,'6nd
everal ot its whose i dints we are n.'t
familiar w ith. The two iaM ure bro:li f
typos, who, print' r-like. have' set ut for
a little adventure, and 'purpose trea'd.iiig
the golden sands i f the Pacific ere they
return. May they find their trip across
the Plains, more pleasant and profitable
than sii king type. ' " '
SiMOtt. Sktbib, Sr., is atout to eref
a large two-story building, for a dwitlling,
on Franklin Street. Also a large siort?.
room on the sam street. '
Wm. Robi.som has resumed work on
his two-story brick dwelling, aud it will
be comple ed ere long. , i
Lnd Sales is- Nebraska. The
Washington Union of the 2d, snys:
oui wiuiiiu- uu iuuiuiiiv; will ' l,e
fonn(1 Uie Pr..sid,n,.s proclainatioa No
C02, for taleS iu Ntbra.ika. to commence
on Monday the Cth' day of September
next. The quantity of land to be ofler-
ed at these rales amount in the aggregate
to 2,2-38,970 acres, as follows:
a . u-,,.......;iu on; r.vic x.
ci, y mm acres; nd;t
ha City. 653,534 acres.'
Rev. Moses F.Shinn.'of Keokuk sts
tion, has been selected as financial and
building agent for the Simpson University;
at Omaha, which is to be commenced this
coming summer. ,: ,
The Plattsmouth Ferry landing has
been removed to the upper end of town,
making it much more convenient crossing
than heretofore. ' ' ' '. . '
We learn from the Florence Courier,,
that on Sunday, the 1st inst.,' tho house of
Benjamin Bates, near that place,
was entirely consumed by i fire. Jogether
with all the furniture, a ' lot of potatoes,,
and his farming implements. .
Thomas McDonald, Eq., has recoived
the appointment of Potmasier of this,
place, vies, Jacob Daw.-on. ,Tlie nflke is
removed to Mr. Wasson's store. Wyom
ing Pott. : i-. : :
New Post Orriccs. Lceunt Lain-
bertha been appointed Potmajter. at
Syracuse, in this county. . o
8 Hnchelder has bein appointed PojI
mser at Deli-ware City, in ibis county.
Wyoming Pott, ; : ';
Fate LtBCa Taiunrus M Afistnoai.
Oliv.-r .1), Filley, Free : Labir candi
date for Mayor of St. Lmn's'ba Ufrt
elected by upwards of 1,000 'majority.'
The vote was as follows': Filley, 7.021;
Taylor, 6,000. : Wimer, the Free LalaW
candidate fur .Mayor, lat tpring, srssi
elected by a plurality vote,' lacking '26G
votes of receiving a roijority. - ' i
At a recent municipal election held at.
Jefferson City, the whole Free lalr
ticket wa elected by an averageinajoriiyi
of sixty, rotes. , . . . .
At Florieant, George Aubuchoni was
eU.ird Mvor of that ' city ; by . twenty-
a ten majority. : - :-..!: ,;.h I r, .
Gbeat HoaairsRE at Bektobvilles
Ab..2.S Lives Lost A' brief note.
datd at Beiuomille, Arkamws,nibe3oJ
inst., iiif.trms muf i lerril l niat. r to:
that town. On the 27th March, a dr. ad
ful hurricane passed ' over the place, (by
wLi;h nearly every house in town was
blown ilowu, and twenty-five lives were,
1 04.' The wounded could be heard! It..
twenty-four hours ; fter the storm.: un !er,
the ruins of the buildings, where , th y,
suffered the most inten-e a-'ony. lSo
other particulars of this accidttut hv,
readied us. St. Louts Republican. . j
. Cqccticdt Electios. Connecticut
haj gone largely Republican. Bucking-,
ham is elected Governor, bv 3,000 to
J) fSVI mi..ri.w nr Pralt ( Tl.m TTirt-
j . - - J r
Republicans have both branches of tha
Legislature by a large, majority, , " . n , '.'A
A Potato Farm cm. Mr. Geo. Shoe
craft, of White Pigeop, Su Joseph Coon
ty, Mich , is likely to become the reakest,
pof to raiser, digger, and merchant of. the;
country. tLast tear he raised 31S acre
of potatoes. Now we ; notice thai, be is.
coiuractiug with the farmers throutfbout
thai and the adjoining counties, for any,
number of aeres of potstos lo be grawa
by them, amr delivered at J he different,
railrmd stsiiatis. ., He couiracts for, potf
less than five years. i ,:. ") ,
' ....
' Monicifal )'lkttio at Jtvrrasos;
CiTV.We barri that Jas. B. Gatden
hire, F.-q., was elected Mayor i JeffVr
sui on ih 5th iust. The coniesi wate-j
tweeu Einaiicipatioiiisin. and Demftrrary.'
Mr. Gardenhire, we ,undertnd,-,ls a
fre 'alriKan. an. avowed emanclf-'
tiortist and frfeoiler. . W presume, tt-sl
his eminenl ah lit rs bad nwch
hi SUCCeSS. SI. Jot Cmtttttk , . : lt