BELLEVUE GAZETTE. "jIIiNUY M. JlUltT, ' Ntwi anJ Editor. DELLGVUE, n. t. Thursday, april 22. im V A Tilp MnUtU of the riatte. Ls.t week we broke loose from our retirement, nnd, in company wilh three social, jovial fellows of this place, started fer Nebraska Ciy. We wound our way round the stylish residence of L. B. Kin ney, on the outskirts of 11 illvvue. and struck on to the Territorial Rood built ty Col. Sites crossed over hia new bridge W the Topplo, w hich, by the way; " is a bridge as i a bridge," we soon found our selves in Larimer City, a place not alio- feiner unknown in the history of Sarpy County. Larimer City lies on an even plateau, about ono ami a half miles from the Mia soiiri river, close on the north hank of the rintte river, it has an abundance of build ing material udjoiniug the site : timber, fol k, sand, and nil the essentials for build lng a " right smart" little town. We crossed the Platte river at this point by the aid cf Brother Levi Kimlall, and landed safe in Casa County. Speaking of Ferries we can safely say to those wishing t cross the riatte, that this Ferry is tli sufo and reliuble as any Missouri Ferry. . We hauled up for dinner at Queen's Hotel, Plattsmouth. Ilt're we expected to find i.iany signs of hard times by thu dullness of business, and the usual grum bling of business men ; but we found the reverse. The improvements going oit in many parts of the town, the stirring busy afrides of the citizens, and the immense piles of freight strewn up and down the Landing, gave strong evidences of the actual 'profperiiy of Plattsmouih. Having rested our nags a id fully satisfied the in ner man at Queen' well-spread table, We broke out for Nebruska City. About five miles out from rinttsmouth the nicely undulating and slightly rolling prairie nnd the thick margin of timber on the Missouri, drew forth voluntary ap plause from thoie of our crowd who had never before traveled south of the Tlaue. About ten utiles brought us to a large ehd thickly timbered grove, with & small stream running thro' it, situated about sii riiles jWest of the Missouri. Here we found an old friend, Hon. - Buck, a iiieinber of the second Legislature, from Casa County, living in a large and com modious new dwelliug. Mr. Duck has a premium farm, an appearances indicate h;i af& aad enterprise as a practical far. tner. But on inquiry we found he had th good fortune to be bom in the Em- pint State (our native State, as most en terpming men were.) which in a great accounts for the milk iu the cocoa nut. 'We proceeded from this point towards Nebraska City, and three miles out from Mr. Buck' we encountered the Weeping Water, a stream much tike our Pappilion and about the Mine size, but why it was given the mouruful cognomen of " Weep ing Water, wa cannot tell, tor we are ' inclined to the opinion that a more clear, pure,' beautiful, merry tittle stream does not run in Nebraska. We had to ford the stream, the water being about 4 feet deep, and about six inches of the- same was found rushing into our carriage and ' complacently drenching our clean linen and store clothes we had in a carpet-sack tit case of a dance or a purade. Once on the top of the banks of the Weeping Water, and on the broad prairie, the rib t ' oons were urawn iigniiy over Kitty anu the Silver Grey, and we went charging , along the line, reaching Nebraska City about five in the evening As we de . acendeu the full north of the City, we were struck with the reflection that leas than four years ago we approached the e:ty on the same road, three small frame bui'dings, a few claim cabins and a ; s;x by nine old block house, was then all of the now Star City of the South Platte. Now. you behold iu magnificent brick "blocks, its large brick churches, with spires pointed heaven-ward, its long busi ness streets crowded with live raen.teams, rarriages and emigrant wagons. In fact Nebraska Cky is i place of no small pre tensions ; besides her growing greatness, ' she has enjoyed since it was laid out for City, which has already produced as tonishment, she has now the re-shipping of the V. S. supplies, and an army of workmen, teamsters, overseers and labor- r 'ltd about iu the Omaha Nebraskian Hon. John V. Kinney, formeily Chief Justice of Utah Territory, the ihvjuctil llollev, S. F. Nuckols. the tnoni. d king f South rintte, alo the eccentric J. S. Morton. We called upon Mr. Reynold of the Vru-s and found him on the square and flourishing like a Green Bay horse. On our departure from sn id city we drove to the handsome resilience of Hon. J. S. Morton. After taking a sharp and pier- cing glance at the bottom of a gloss from Morton's side board, we passed to the rear of his residence to get a bird s-eye view of his celebrated trotting horse. Pete," we think he called him. Pete ! I I I . I. C l.l is a stallion. Cai mock, uve yenr um, and estimated at $1,000; coes in a bar- less than three minutes mid for benny and carriage, we never aw his superior. Morton is evidently promt oi Peie. as ho well mny be, for tho Iior.-e will do his master's bidding inmost every intelligent maneuver except we do not remember to hove heard him fpeak a sinule word. As we were about to start we noticed a email rpecimen of the cminc species which we admired, and on proper pre sentation by said Morton of this young Dorg,m according to law and custom, we seized aid animal and stowed him away under the carriage seal, making a music box of the name until we arrived at Platlsinouth again. Here wo found our friend j, true to the promise they had mad us on our downward trip, had gath ered up the ribbons, silk, and crinoline for a social dance, which if we are any judge, was properly had at ihe Plut:e Valley House, Mr. M'Carty proprietor. Thi was the acme of our pleasure and wifh nimble. feet and a hearty good will we whirled thro' the gidJy mazes of the dance, and the house was redolent with life, wit, and beauty, and all persons, things and considera ions were enveloped in the Terpsichorean art, " And whsn music roa with lis voluptuous swell, Soft eys looktd tors to tys that spoke as well." Strength and manhood were led will ing captives, chaiued to tho chariot of beauty, whilst its wheel revolved to the xhilarating straini of music, tho bright iu'hts shone resplendent upon the assem bled pride of PUtumoulh. The next day we found our way to this place and in due form baptizing the dorg wilh an euphonious name, of all which the world will be advised in due lime. eircutiou, is by a correspondent of London Timti ! the minutes past 7 o'clock when the second head fell into the baikct. A cold rhudder a-. m. tlwi.A I . . t all..itinli wn 111 Preil ely at 0 o clock Orsini and P.etn cJ , wUt WM M mff0U, were awoke from their sleep by lb gov- nJ fr ,nsUul ln,.r0 was a deep i- . rn r of the pri on, who announced that ,.nce Jt pilej 0fr,however, very soon, ihnr last hour was come. Ihe Abbe Whe(J B WM orer ,eil went to their llugon, cl.aplin of the lUiuett aud the work ,j p0rtiet who had irone together cl.Np!iii of tne Conciergere, were prrs- ,0 thtf , fro jj.lftl, qarter4 0f (h ent. I do not profess to give particulars l0Wl ,mipnHj l0I11 ,0 breakfa,l. The of what pawed within the walls ot the cell, nurnjujr w becoming clearer every mo- hot I may observe that the wretched men menU T)e ,r 0 ,nore ,f appeared calm when tho news, which Bl)0ut (o eBve ,h(J Krouj, The puillo- could not have taken them by surprise, (jn ,vaj oW(,rj B, ltln off; the wa announced to them. 1 am os.ure.l croWilj praultty thinned ; some few that they heard mass and received the , mill lingered olKn.t the fpot ; but communion with repe it not devotion. lh coM WH Litter, and the snow began to fall, and iu a few hours the place wa deserted. Th number of deaths from the attempt for which these wretche I nen' suffered now amounts, I am assured, to fourteen. The Attempted Assassinators of Louis Xnpoleon Guillotined. Orfiui and iVrri, who attempted to assassinate l.ouii Napoleon, were guillo tined on "the morning of th 13th ' of March, in the presence of a vast con- cJurse of people and 5,000 troop. Do Rudio's punishment wa coinmutd into penal servitude for life, and it was repor ted that he was 'o be sent to Loud. in to cive evidence against Dr. Bernard, who had been fully committed for trul. The feeling manifested by the spectators is thus described by an eye-wimess : Such bud been the nlurin of the Gov- eminent that an entire division was had out, under the -personal command of a general officer, who assisted at the exe cution. Fifteeu thousand soldier were ready to act on the slightest signal, and every i-siw and outlet was guarded as in times of insurrection. In my sflmation. between IKJ.000 and 100.000 men of the Faubourg, workmen it LluUsei, were as sembled in the space and in the street near the Place de la RMueile ; but they were so grouped by the way in which the troops were biatioued, that they co Id &ee lull or nothing Wheu the dead, dull sound of the falling of the knitV upon Orsini wa heard, it was responded to l.y an imme-iso but smothered reply of ' Vice la RrpuUiqut. I cannot properly des cribe ih s ; it wus like a gigantic mutter ; it was not a cry or a shout, but it sounded like the breath or the sigh of thousand f human beings. It was well appreci ated by the authorities, for, on the instant, the soldiers raied the most disorderly clatter imaginable, struck their hordes, so as lo make them plunge and kick, shook their arms, and contrived thai the popular whisper should be stifled without tK-ing literally put down. But the words Fit la Rrpubliqut must have been r'early audible to every one. I purposely went home on foot, threading my way slowly W rough the group wherever I Soon after they were taken to the room called dt la iuikltt, for the change of dres. It i not la i ge. On the present occasion it contained, besides the chaplin and the governor of the pri on, about 30 persons, the prim iple among whom were the gredier, or clerk, representing the Couriof Aeue and the hu.ssier.or usher. Da,h ' ThaniM II neolon. who was charged wilh reading the sen- . Old Bullion, the compeer of Clay, Web- Wuce uii the-!. Ihe remainder 8U.r and Calho n, is no more. lie dud were apparently police agents. he., al Washington, about 12 o'cLick, April 9, t:.e coir.'icis entered the thambitdt Utoil- . xv , tltt .hey were placed ot d.llerent extrem- of ttt,,cer of "h- We "lrucl lhe iiies of it, with their lack turned to ench following from the St.. Louis Republican: other. There were two assistant cxecu- The telegrnph apprised us, about 4 tioners one from Rouen, the other from o'clock lest evening, of the denlh, in Caen besides him from Park These Washington Ci y, ot THOMAS II. BEN- lost no time iu preparing the convicts for TON. No other particulars were then the sea tl old. During the dreadful opera- communicated, except that both Houses of tion Orsini remuiued calm, aud though lie Co gress, in token of respect for the de- wus not so loud or contradictory us durii ceased, immediately adjourned. This his trial, Pierri was some whut exriled. wa an appropriate testimonial of respect The strait wasi4 coat interfered with hi ina-iuuch as Mr. Benton, was a member gestiLola'ions, lot he hardly ceustd speak- of the enau for thirty years, and after- ing for a moment. When the execution- wards served two years a a Represents- er w a pinioning him he asked that the live from the St. Lou i District. The fastenings ii u'd not be drawn to light, critical condition of his health hud to some a he bad no intention of escaping. The extent, prepared the public mind to hear cold loui h of th steel on hi neck, when of hi death, but it occurred ui a ome tie scissors cut of his hair sons not to itt- what earlier period than was expected terfere with the guillotine, fur an in uiul Hi disease ha been termed cancer of the appeared lo thrill him through ; bui lie re- stoimich, and a vigorous constitution covered himself wh"ii he fo.iud that hi could only be interposed to postpone.' not beard remained untouched. He thanked prevent hi dissolution. Iu the 74ih year the executioner for letting him diu wilh of hi uge, calmly, with a full knowledge Ins face a became a When the of his condition, he "put of thi mortal hood, lo which Ihe vail which covers ihe coil, and even now he Hat rest. features of the parricide is suspended, was There are those who knew Col. Ik-uton put over his head,, he is mi id to have long, in his social and polticul relations, laughed, eua attcmpleu a joxe anoui the who will be summoned and will do ample figure he must tut. Wt this moment ho iusnce to his memory and character. turned hi head and perceived Orsini; ho For nearly forty year he filled a large saluted him jaily, and asked how he was spuue in the public eye. '.; Even before his getting on. He was interupted by Orsini election as Senator from Missouri, he was who was hiu. self undergoing the same not un nown to fame ; but it was only af operation wilh the same tangfroid a if ter his election in 1SJ0. that his name be he w-re under the hand of a vulet dre.-a- tame associated wilh the names of 'he iugforn puny, with the words, Ue calm, most illustrious men in the country. His be elm,, my friend." Pnrri's tongue. Senatorial career, for two-thirds of that ran on, ho.vever The assistant proceed- period, wa undoubtedly a brilliant one, ed to strip him of his shoes, lor in puru- but that brilliancy wus not such a w e al ance with th aeutenc they were to pro- accord l Clay, or Webster, or Calhoun ceed to the scaffold barefooted. The an or Burton, or any of those Senator who appeared lo hesitate, bui Pierri eucouag- are regarded in the public esteem as his ed rum to proceea, anu assisteu iim as Cotemporanes. He was a man of t-rei much as lie could, still talking. The op- labor, of indomitable will, impelled in eration being over, and ihe toilette com- every action of bis life by a desire of sue- plete, he turned toward the turnkey and cess, and tasking every faculty of his asked to be allow ed to embrace him. mind to bring about that result. What he This reuuest was complied with. Ihe has done for Missouri, what he has done moment oi moving now came, and the for the country, what he has done for hie Abbe llugon cneo o;". " Lourage ! U I own fame, is matter for the historian, and I am not afraid I am noi afraid, he we shall not encroach upon his prvince said, " we are going to Calvary, and in Undoubtedly, in the last years of his pub n sort of feverish excitement he repealed' c career, he aspired to a higher position tTiCral esteem than attached, to Local & Territorial, i '" y0Uhg M --i this ciiy. have, and are about to . FssMcas Attkro. The uiemUrj of here f t Utah, going with the ,llu the Agricultural Society of Sarpy county, trains, which leave Nebiaska City m are requested lo meet at Believue, en short tune. They will prolably U Saturday, the 24th inst , at 1 o'clock P. M. from six to eight n.onilis. Among Important bui.i-s connected wilh the are M. V. Stoddard, D. ILag, (;tu A interest of the Sod ty. will be transacted. ; Oliver, William Clark, waiter at ihB. and a large number of seeds, from the ton House, last summer, Henr) C. CbuW Patent Office, will be distributed on that j buck, Ed. F.Brown, John W.CroLy,4j day. Let every fanner iu Sarpy county several ot crs whose iiames ws ir, U( attend. familiar with. The two last art broth,, An address will be delivered before the ; typos, who, printer-like, have set outf Society by B. P. Rankin. a little adventure, and purpose treadmcr By order of ihe Ex.-cutive Committee the golden annus ot the racine ere tK, 1. 1. ftff .1 - . I .L . ' tv. It. Ki uiv, aec. return. JUay they nnd their trip icro, the Plains, more pleasant and profitabls Samccl Snrnta, Sr., i alout to trio a large two-story building, foradwiliin. The Presbyterian Church, now being ,han t type erected iu this city is under the super vision of D. E. Reed. The walls are built of coucretf, an l are 15 inch' thick, and when compb t d will make a substantial on Franklin Street. Also a largt nur(, and elegant building. Mr. Reed has had , room on the same street. considerable experi-nce in tliis style of - buildin'T, having erected the Mission ivoston rumM work, house at Blnckblrd-a very large building, ;! iwcatory brick dwelling, and k i cost ni? S'JU.UOU 11 v. Win. Hamilton a ; r1" " f commodious dwelling, iu thii city, and vr believe other smaller on -a. Mr. R. pre- fers the concrete wall to bric'i, as they Lnd Sales tiv NEaaisxt Ti Washington Union of the 2d, says: a f v y-v, A.Aliiinna t Vt u RinaniHa ' It i . L II I I ' vwmsisi- aiawiuillkl Will (J are more mibstantiul wh-n completed, and' frt)m(1 he ivMHn' proclamation ran be built from 0 to 8 c -nts p r cubic 602. for sales in Nebraska, to coininmc, foot cheaper. The well intended for the ue of the Court II jus", on Elk Hill, has been sunk to the depth of 127 feet, but as water has not been reached and the prospects being doubtful, it has been thought best to re locale the Court House. It will now be built on the corner of Mission Avenue and Hancock Street. Steamers AaKivrn. The Steam r Emigrant, made her first trip to this point Saturday evening, April 17th, and discharged passengers and freight. The fleet and elegant steamer Flor ence arrived nt our landing, Sunday, April 19th, and discharged a quantity of freight. Her officers hare our thanks for late St. Louis papers The Moses Greenwood from the Ohio Rivrr, arrived Monday, April 19th, and discharged freight. The Asa WiLOCscaraeupon Monday afternoon, April 19th, and discharged a large number of passengers for our city Papers received. on Monday the 6lh day of Stptfmlr next. The nunnliiy of lands (o be offer ed at these -ales amount in the agjrfgite to 2,2 )3,970 acres, as follows: At Brownville, 0O5.&S3 acres; atNV braska City, 693,650 acres ; and at 0ins ha City, 633,534 acres." . Rev. Moea F. Shinn, of Keokuk tti. tion, has been selected as financial and building agent for the Simpson University, at Omaha, which is to be commenced this coming summer. The Plattsmouth Ferry landing bu been removed to the upper end of twt, making it much more convenient crossinj than heretofore. Richard Hogaboom has been appointed Post Master at Larimer City, iu this County. He is a reliable Administration man, and his appointment gives satisfac tion to the constituents of Judge Ferguson, who was instrum ntal in procuring Mr. R's appointment. - .i. ; . ? We team from the Florence Courier, that on Sunday, the 1st int. the hoiseof Benjamin Bates, living near that place, was entirely consumed by fire, tognhft with all the furniture, a lot of potaton, and his farming implements. Thomas McDonald. Esq., has receivti the appointment of Postmaster of this place. vic, Jacob Dawson. Ihe omcei removed to Mr. Wason'a store. Hjo ing Post. , i " 1 ' New Post OrricES. Lecount Li bert has been appointed Postmaster C Syracuse, in this county. S. Biitchelder has been appointed To master at Delaware City, in this couorr. -Wyoming Pott. Read Win. Rawitzcr's advertisement, Hi stock of fruits are fresh and have just been re cived. C- C. Goss will return on the Omaha now due at this port. . .. . i i RtTu5tD. The Stomr AsaWilijua laudi'd at our Lrv?, last Monday, sever a, t linn ; r i i al ru r i iitnrv in th n Orsini was, on the other hand, as calm him while he was a partizan Senator, and ' ,Ie advertises with us to-luy and tranquil, asms teuow-cunvict was ex- one common voice has accord t a to him cited. He spoke little, Lut when the gov high praise for his devotion to the Un- ernor of the prison and some of ihe officer iou of these States. r approached him he bade them in a low In his family relation, Col. Benton, Is tone of voice farewell The turnkey of said to hav left behind him all the re- his sell announced to him in a tone of re- serve, if not the austerity, which distin- grel that his last moment was come, guished his political associations, and this Orsini thnnVed him for his sympathy, will be regurdi d as a beautiful trait in his ! I.. - . t L I, . , . J uir,,,.! ..u, w, cnaracer. ixx.K,g io nis aeam as , u - j entswho have n sp..D hut hn nmlerivi'nt ln nneratloil Without Illicit nrn tn Inlro n no it i imilurnnl i flinchiiiff. At he moment when the hood that he directed in his will that his re- inS h winter. Among them we noticed was placed on his head, his face, which mains should be laid beside those of his C K. Mark, who, since he left Nebras up io thai moment w as calm aud impassi- wife in Bellefontaine Ometery, and this ka, ha secured a better half, and now re ble. becamt flushed for a moment and his wish will, of course, be complied with. ltUrns with her, in the meridian of the eye ii'meu up. ii may oe some aays oeiore nis Douy is , ... . Tl : I...1, .. reeeivl in this ri.v f.,r int.r.nPi.t ' llOliey-inOOn, tO h.S Western hom-, in Our I iir fi it'ii vi, v niHV, , tvi vj .uv - - . - ... J - - last sound died away the door leading to j the sea Hold opened as if of itself. The Congress. The Bill f r th? admU- A hue llugon entreated J'lerri to protil ty gjon 0f Minnesota pased the Senate, after a short debate, on the 7 h, bva vote beautiful city. May h and his good lady, have an agrei able time in tneir n w home, on the west- rn bank of the mighty Missouri We also notictd T. NV idman, who has been sojourning in the Empire State several in luth. II looked hal - i hearty and we pn-suine will soon be at hia ol post, r ady to put on the fancy touches, to the few moments still left to colled his t liihiinrKl iui fciilikfc u tliaP B It ititlk HeVomised to be aim. but said he of 4S to 3. The bill provide for two should chant a patriotic hymn, aud it is Representatives. said he actually began M hiir the well- The Washington correspondent of the known .Vourir pour U Palrie." Lean- g Loms Rtpuiticant alludins to the Kan in on the Abbe llugon he mouuled the . . , err. t .v. .i.i ...n sas matters now befcre Congress, t-ays: the verses uf ihe son-. ' i The IWe. in mv orinion. will not the ",any n buildings, that ha gone up Orsini was supported by the chapliu of v agree to oppoint a committee of con-: in his absence .t. . i' i v.. . ...i t?rtiv. and thus insist nrvin their amend. I 11 ir iiiiiui--i lir, irr, nnu ills vuillllir? lice ' f - . , i .U,l A hi.,, for ,n,,,e,. Wh,.., h ment. The S. nate i e,,ually firm, and S. M. Pike has sold his stock of g'tods appeared on the I'laiform it could be seen between these contending, and if you to Samuel B. Wright, and will leave iu f rom the movement of his body and of his P'easr. MnLhorii elements of opposition few jy,, for Nebraska City, where he head, though cover, d with a veil, ihat he '" ; ;vo nouse oi txmgress. iv-ma, j.j .. , . M g- . Ulah i ? . m .1 . l I t will rll IiLa a l.ri.. fr,uii farripr u lil - J c e wa mKing out lor u' cnwvu, a no prooa- - - - bly intended addressing ihem. But they t0 he ground." , ., . . . , were too far off. The i;reflier then di- Th- Deficiency Bill was defeated in rected the usher to read the sentence of the House, en he 9th.'bY a vote of 124 the Court condemning the prisoners to the jq " death of t arricides. The u -her, w ho was ' ' J a u old man. over 60, wa evidently much 0 , . .ooved at having to nerfor.r. this duiv. and The Steamer Sultan, on her way from he treml.led a much from emotion as Su Louis to New Orleans, was burned In what capacity he goe out we are not inform-d; but believe he has had a first rate berth tendered him. Mr. Pike i right clever fellow and we wish him pleasant trip, and a tjuick rrturn. The Wyoning Tel-scope has been from co!d a be read the document, which to the water's edge, on the morning of 'changed to the Wyoming Post, and is no one listened to. the 9th. five miles above St. Ceneviev. nw "' '7 -resey & Hathaway, J fundLAf,.r fit f,rma,j,y rmin.,,ed From twenty to thirty live, are supposed Oawson, editor of th'e Telescope having ni .h.."! and Pierr. embraced t he. Pr'u; ,0 he leen j. (retired from the concern. Creaky & ' ' I al attendants, and pressed their lip on ll e oeen iobi. ... . . , ... , id.... ii.;..L... i i - . - - i i , . " I al attendants, and pressed their lip: c,r.,w,.r . .,rru r.presb.ons oi sym- urin, .or. ,n :, fhev then eave pathy aul aJiuiranmi for Orsini. whose ! u . l j r .: L; ..'1 ' ... 11 , themselte un to the headsman. Pierri crui, uvdm uttrlv f.anitiiii lIii! ..,lw . .!.... ,h- tT. nr..LirWl M,w h.. cknr..,. . 'i attached toth -plank in an instant, are in -.i .: . . 1 11 was executed first. Th Free Labor TaiCMriis in Missotii Oliver D. Filley, Free Labor tin date for Mayor of St. Louis, has we elected by upwards of 1,000 majority The vote was as follows : Filley, 7,021; Taylor, 6,000. Wimer. the Free Lib candidate for Mayor, last prinf, elected by a plurality vote, lacking & rotes of receiving a majority. At a rerent municipal election hew' Jefferson City, the whole Free uw ticket wa elected by an average mjI of sixty votes. At Florisant, George ' Aubuchoa w elected Mayor of that city by twetfj s en majority. Great HcRRirAttE at BentoViUI Aa. 25 Lives Lost A brief wf dat. d at Bentonville, Arkansas, on theX inst., informs u of a terriM niai'f that town. Ou the 27lh March, it'"'' ful hurricane passed over the plan. ! wl.i h nearly every house iu town rt blown down, and twenty-five lives' lot. The wounded could be heard j tweniy-four hours i fter the storm, un V the ruins of the buildings, where tl it suffered the most intense a ony. ' other paniculars of this , accident b reached u. St. Lout Republics- Hathaway are both practical printers, and Daily St Josrrn Gaiettv. We have already mad greot improveimnts f the Daily Si. Joseph over their pn d- cessor. The columns of generosny toward his ossociates remain. u" Uazetie. published l.y l'fout Ci Cund.fT. th Podt are well filled with local news, Pierri's nam I d d not hoc r once. The J' Z Z 'n ,11 1 , J ;7;. .V " t h. Il ,imlc reepecuible appearance and is a f atur that is too oft-n neglect d by attiiudeof mep.pulac.w.s.I.hldaay.1 we filled wnh .he latest news, which country editors. The Post deserve, a !X,.re'U . Jr:.,?,,?"-,nr., . "! r shows an enterprising spirit that is truly lit ral aupnort. and we Uve no doubt the or that go with the trains across the f jr worJt All tha remarks I heard ! t'"1' WM.,h'n ,,'ken ,n Uml n commendable. Those wishing a St. Joe citizens of Wyoming understand that it is plains. . Here, too, live many uisiiD.uKh- ww de in ma myr l, BJ ,h(High a I ". ' nan,?u Manc win paper canaot do belter than to subscribe for their interest to keep the " eudeeon. police spy were dreaded at every "'-"l emHi,0 ,he plank he turn d in' the dfred ,or ,h Gatet.e. Term a. $3 per annum well gr ased." Give u. the 'locals," The following account of the behavior ( tion of ih dista..t crowd, js said, for the Daily aud 62 for the Weekly " Minnesota," and we shall take pleasure of the ccavkts on the morning of their cried " Viv U Franct " It was but five cdnjoa. i in reading the Post. ed individuals, such a Speaker Decker, Judge Bradford, lloua. M. S. Reeves, Caoipbelt, Ilale, anl eiher men we ' Connecticut Election. Connfctio lias ironfi Urtrplv Rpnublicnn. Ikicl"0?" ham is elected Governor by 3,000 5.000 majority over Pratt (LV10.J Republicans have both branches of Legislature by a large majority. A P,v...- r.... Mr' Geo. Sh r.r, n i k;. St. Joseoh O- ty, Mich ,'is likely to become the grwtj country. Last year be raised 518 of potatoes. Now we notice that a' contracting wilh the farmers w: that and the adjoining counties. f 1 niiit-p nt trm nf IWKalOS tO by them and delivered at the d.lTrJ II contracti for , less than five years. r MoRiciest KiECTioa at Citt. We learn that Jas. B. CsrJ hire. Kq.. was electe.1 Mayor f J on on th' Ota inst. 1 ne rotnjrw tween Emancipationism and DemorrsT; Mr. Gardenhire, we underst Dd. free labor" man. an avowed eme" tionist and Tre ewter. We pru7 his eminent abilit! had much t hi success. St. J CatttU. , 11