Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, April 15, 1858, Image 6

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J-L rr ?f
I !
i i
' IfsMLOlt , Sandwich lain Mat
i naary b, iy. S
Ed. Cltvat-Ane TtADi Dt Aiaa i When
fcsm here In 18.H, there were only abort
100 whlta InbabiUntt upon tha greupe. but
now they itmnber nearly 2,0ii), of which three
fourthi rtld In Honolulu. Being wltnln four
taan days sail (row Ben Franeueo, wa art
comparatively near tha United Statee, and
Bit msll reach na with much regular ty every
two week j averaging abot-t fwr:y-five day
fret New York, and,ih i your pper dropped
every week Into t Poet Offiea at Cleveland,
will raacb ma with nearly tha aaroa regularity
a if I wara a tubtcriber reaident in New
York or Hoaton.
During tha monlha of October, November,
Vnd December, wa have Urea fleata of wbale
hip In our forta. Buaineaa ia lively and
theatree, ball-rooma and aaloona, ara in full
blaat but daring the remain portion of the
fear a tranter could hardly imagine how
Vich a Iarg number of ahip chandlera, butch
ra, baker and tradera of variou kind man
ace to live. Ilia fact ta that we make enough
In three month to keep ua through tha entire
yfar, and in addition many have accumulated
large forturtea her.' ' '
Good house and thlp carpenter and black
amit a get here $3 00 per day,, and Steady
sd can hare constant employment. Good
baker and ahoemakera are wanted here.
, One or two really ernart young lawyert men
J if honor and high prineiplee could do exceed--ily
well here. Clerk in atorea get from
if 3, to 9100)00 per mouth, and accountants
from $100. to $230, per month. In fact,
wagea and prieea ara now much higher here
fhan at any other port of the Pacific. O if
lurreney, aa In California, ia entirely upon
the apeeie principle, and a bank hilt ia here
4 inuch df a curiosity aa a California fifty
dollar piece would be In Cleveland.
, Yon nut have heard of our climate heie.
Which to mv mind ia the moat deligh' in
the world. Oir temperature during the year
average about 73, and ia extremely eve-i
W call UO ' very Warm, and consider 6'
SKceedingly cold. Wa ara j ist within the
tropica in 22 North Latitude, and wiih a
bracing trade wind always Mowing, fie (fan
not be considered egdtia'ical in bragging . on
tKh a I mate a that of Hi ioIuIu.
General O. Hinton, the noted mail robber
of Ohio, ia a reaident here. Ha came down
from California four ye.ira ago with hi wife,
and they kept hording home, Rut lot money
, AiW, and the old man Wit finally reduced to
' Working by the day at carpenter 'work. Fin
.ally the rhenmstism prevented his doing evert
, ton, ana now ne na turned lawyer ana man
age, I presume, just o live anil no more. 1
!!Krely pity the old mil and I think that he
I Intel'y repentant. He doe not know me,
. xtl I remember, ; whn 1 wa a hoy, seeing
tlm in hi priae i but now hnw chir.f e.l I
"he Misarhiiseits Sena e, at last ac
unts, were ena ml in d ciphering u
!ntr ' from the ILjiv IWus Chome.
hk-h it has been guessed rotate to the
"so of Ela, injured At the time of the.
rn rendition.., .We presuuv,the St-n-.i
is atill fciuinj. St. Lovi$ Dtmocrat.
, Abrivil orTnoors oir Tncia. Wat
, - tTTn.' A detachment of three hun
J Unite! States troops, belonging to
Seventh , iiifaniry. coiiiiuandrd by
. -j. PacLiif, and accompauit'd by five
.' c ;ers, arrived in Ciiicinnati. over the
L..le Miaihi road, on the 2nd in n. They
l-jr from Governor' inland. New York,
. XX fout for Jefferson barracks, ami from
'' "nee w ill be aem forward to join the
Jiah eipedition.
Mr. Julia Dth Hayne, and her hu
1 - rid have gone to Charleston. They in
tend" next to make a lour through Europe,
thence po to Austral in, and tinilly return
Xt San Franci vo. which they design to
laafte theirpprmanent home.
: . It i now certain that the thuflU used in
l" aUtempu-d aoaSKiuation of v Napoleon
v,?re of KhgVi h manufacture. They
v. re made by ar ingeniu mechanic of
r.miingham, named Joaeph Taylor, from
f rfodel furnished by an Englishman call-
t himself Thoinaa Allaop, in complicity
h the Italian assassins. No blame at'
aea to Mr. Taylor. lie auppoaed the
A were a new invention, for which a
tnt was to be obtained, and hud no idea I
Jie criminal use to which they were to
T Texas Lands.
llie Austin correfpondent of the Gal
ion Civilian, iu his letter of 12th ult,
ttt as follows : '' ' . . . 1 1
now have the pleasure of announcing
..passage of one of .he uiot miponaui
s ever enacted for the welfare ot Tex
i It li an act opening the almost en
t publid domain of the Stau to aula at
U prices. To be brief, the Commit
)er of thy Land OiRce is authorised
iell land scrips in quantities of 160,
I aind 1280 acre tract .The lands in
Pacifio Reserve to be sold at fr-i pur
I; the alternate sections invude rail
-.d and Galveston Cunl grants and linda
ii all the islands at $1 ,25 per acre ; and
Jl other public lands at one dollar. The
ilt passed, on motion of Mr. Brown, at
10 o'clot k last night This moruing a
was made on the Land Olfcje to buy
50 cent scrip (authorised by the la.l
Uf islature as the price of lands in the
acifie Reserve) before the Governor
ulJ sign this bill, and by 12 o'clock,
out 1.000 iiad been pad in : but Gov
troor Ruouels, heariiif of the movement
st no time in affixing his sigu manual to
b avct and uotlfylug the Commissioner
eat m was Jaw of the land, which at 1
f. M., put a stop to the speculation.
Ifou will see that apeculators were thus
muring reserve scrip at 60 centa, while
is price would be two dollars the moment
Jhe at was aigaed. i '' '
A grave-digger, who burried'a Mr,
poHon placed the . following item itia bill
fhich he sent the widow of the deceased:
Ta making Button-hole, 60 cents."
Tbia is George the Fourth said an
Mhibhor of wai-work, pointing to a slim
Pgure. f I thought that he was a rery
stout man." " Very likely, but if you'd
en here with iut victuals half so long as
je nas, you d been twice as Uuu.
Have you ever broken a horaeT in
noree-rocixev. nnt e.
iy, replted Simmons, m but 1 hare
'vch tares o jour wagons.- .
- - v- V
.Tbr Mlllr Motes . . 1
M'ben graping tyranny offend,
Or angry bigo'a frown
When rulers plot, for erffh end,
To keep the people down i
When etatentnen form unholy leagues
To drive the World to war,
When knaves In fiBl icm intrigue
Kor f ibhoni a star i
We raie our headi; Survey their deeda,
And cheerfully reply,
Grub, little mole, grub under ground,
There's sunshine In tht sky.
When canting hypocrite combine,
To curb s freeman' thought,
And hold all doctrinta undivine
That hold their canting naught
When round the narrow pal they plod,
And scornfully assume
That all are cursed of G-d,
And juatify the doom j
We think of God'a eternal love,
' And tron In hope reply,
Grub, iltle mole, grub under ground,
There' aunahine ( the aky. '
When greedy Htithora wield the pen. '
To p'e.iac the vulgar town,
Depict great thieve a injured men,
And heroes of renown '
' Pander to prejudice unclean,
Apologia for crime, ,
, And daub the vice ot the mean
With flattery like slime , tongue,
Fdr Milton craft, or Shakli.Tre'
We blush, but yet reply
Grub, lil'.le mole, grub uii(l,'rout.(l,
Ther-' aiiiialiiue in ihe ky.
When men complain of huinlile kind,
In mia iutrophic mood,
' And ttiinkiug eVil tliini,', grow blind
To presence of the good
When, walled iu prejudice strong)
They urge that everiurre
" The world is fated to go wrong,
Forgoing wrong before:
We feel the truth they cannot feel, '
And amile aa we reply'
- bruS, little moles, grub under ground,
TuCre'a aunshiue in the aky.
A practical joke was once aiteiupt d to
be played, on Mr. Erskine, u tie went
one day to Wet-luiiiiUier Hall, with his
ample Lag full of Iricfs. Somt vurgi.h
barrister hired it Jew' boy to go and ak
hhn if he had : " any old cloths to cll."
' No. you iiule HebreW hup' exliidutieil
the indignant counsellor, " they are all
nta iuits." , ,
The reeular meeting of Nebraska
Xif' "Aft
AA Mas.
Iodge. No. IM, of Free and Accepted
Maaotto, will he held at Mnaonic Mall,
on the aocond and fourth' Tuesday eveuinga of
each month) at o i-e o'clock.
L. B. Kt5EY,'W. M.
' I. O. O. F.
The regular meetings of Bellevue Lodge,
No. 1, will ba hold on Saturday evening of
each week, at ,7 o'clock, P. M, .Brother ot
the order who' may be In our city on that
evenine, are rexnectfullv invited to attend.
.. A: ?l'IUCKbAXU, N G.
' Mat) Arrangements.
Tuesday. Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6
o'clock, P. M. ' , ;
fUndava, Tuesdajl, and Thursdays, at 9
o'clock, P. t,-f,. - .
Tuesdsv. Thursdays, an4 Saturdays, at
o'clock, P. M.
" - " ctoscs
Tneadars, Tlmradaya, a ad Suadaya, at
o'clock, Pi.M.
: southern Mail.
' 7 Anaivai .
Toecdays, snd Saturdays, at 10 o'clock,
A. M. , ' .
" " cLesr.s
Mondavs. and Fiidayai at o'clock. P, M
-. i Aaajrti .
Mondavi, and Fridays, at 3 o'clock. P. M.
Tueidayt, and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A- M.
Office open on ind v, onl v from 6 o'clock
P. M. to o.clock P. M. This rule will be
strictly edhrred to.
" L..B. KINNEY, P. M.
Correct'd weekly by Ciarke tt BeofHfs,
Forwardln and Com. Merchants.
Flour Extra Family, $3,73 per M lba.
44 Iowa, $3.30.
" Fine, $2,75.
Meal$2 per 100 lbs.
. i ApplesDried, $3 per bushel.
" Green, 3,50 per barrel.
Peachea 44 4 00.
Butter New 20e V 25 tk
Bean $2 30 V bu.
Corn 50f buih,
Oats 75c
Beef 7 to Sc.
Dried Beef 20e per lb.
Salt G. A., per sack, $3.
Egg 15c Tfi dot
Hides Dry, 7c - "
do Green, 3 . - -Hay
$4 00 $0 00 7 tua
Bran. 30 centa per amah.
Pork Fresh, $r to $7 per bun.
Hams 12 l-2c, ...
Bir!ee Clear. W Mc. ' 'r
t Shoulders. 10eA ' -) -
Lard 13 e lb
Onions 3 50 V bus.
Potatoes 50. - - -
Pelts Sheen 60c , .
do Coon Me '
Wood Cpttoa, 13, Hard, 1,00.
Lumber Cottonwood sheat'r 25 H m
u do . edred 130 00
do -.Oak, IValnur, Raaswood $10 00
so fin aiding, clear $55 00 V ta.
do , Flooring tit rtfS 00
. r. - T ' 1st. $75 00
Board, $50 $73 00
Shingle Pin. ) SO $9 50 I m.
. 44 . Cottonwood . $5 00.
' TjMh Pine $12 00 per ta.
' ' tooo n. $3 50 ft $4 Th.
tvi M)i:nTisi:McTs.
Q A Salt at
cLArtCF.fc uno-'s.
Lo'il F1"f at
1 XTR A Family 6t. 1 da F'o ir at
!j claukf. k nno'R.
IOTt.lAlUlnola Flour at
HOQFLAND'8 Celebrated German A. Iter
HOOFLAED'S Saliame Cprdlal at
4w2t . CLARKE fc BRO'S;
fpiIE lafgeat lot or plow, of all kind, v.
X er received in Uii mket, for sale by
A I-ba. prim'e Bacon, juat received
tt rj J Vy and for ante cheap, by
2 20
CLARICE a n no.
A fff Lb, choice ilrled Apples, for
j. v j -yf aaie cneap, rv
2 20
cLArtkR t find.
i"irf Bishe: Corn
for aale at
OA Bushels choice Missouri Seed Corn, at
L) 2t20 CLARKE Jr, BRO'S.
A Few Barrel of prime weet Cider, for
V aale by CLARKE a BRO.
fllTT. Beans, at CLARKE ft
J Q'iant
Uty of Pota'oe. t
NE Yoke of good workinf
Cattle, for i
sale by
Lumber Waion, for sale br
tale by
Cottonwood Shingle, for
CSH will be paid by Clarke a Bro. for
any quantity ot dry and green hidea.
19-3t I
Ioi Hdiit M Salo. !
THE Fine S'one Building known as the
nellevne S ore, situated on the corner of
Jefferson and 27th street, Bellevue, N. T.,
will he sold, or rented, at bargain.
For terms, enquire ot t; Bi LEMON, at
the Fontenelle Bank;
8m 20 ' " ' ' '
THE nndertisned informs the public, that
after this dair triV tlHve adopted the
Caah ayateuii and reduced their profit column
te the lowest figure.
All persons ind-b'e l to us, are requested to
call and settle befo:e the first of M if, A. ('.
without fail.
April 8, 185. J. P. HOflN; h Co.
S'SD - ' -
THEREBY give notice, that on and after
he l.Vh day of April next, I will proceed
togive deed, to those en'UIrd to Iota and
I tnd, nihatnorti nof the Ci y or Belli v a, en
lered by Ihe Mavor: aa a town aite," ot the
office of Bowen tt Strickland.
Road noT.ces,
NOTICE 1 hereby given, that tf-.e County
Commissioner of Sarpv county, will
meet on MondayjMay 10th, 1858, St S o'clock
L. M : at uie houi of uerunart Aiyera, 10
iew and locate, a road In answer to a Petition
to commence at a point near the resident of
aid Kernhart Mvers. wnere me roaa irom
Hellevue. intereect the Territorial road lead
ing from Omaha, in Douglas county, to Cedar
Island iu Sarpy county, thence to a point near
the residents riW. T. Whlttinon, thence to
th residence of H: H. Smith, thence Bear
the residence of George Swevil , to th most
practical route to Fairview. Said Commit'
loners will meet in the evening of the same
dati t 0 d'elock at Bernhart Myers to bear
Dartie in'ereltfd in iscatine sam roaa.
On th following dav, May tltb, ISO at
o'clock A. M. : said Commissioners will met
t Philander Cook's near Platte River, to
view and locate a road, pioposed In Petition
to run from La Platte, aim g the Platte Kiver
bottom, uext the Muffs bv Carlile's, II. II
Smith, and north or Hwivel' to to t.. cor
ner ofSej 16, Township 13, Ranee 12, E. of
the (Hh principal meridian. The Commission
er will meet in the evening of the ssme day
at 6 o'clock at the bouse of Philander Cook,
to hea p-rtie interested in id road.
Un Thursday. JHav wii los, tn couiitv
Commiisioner of Safpy Cu'intv, will meet at
Reuben Loveiov' at V o'Cltfek A. M
io view
and locate a road, to commence at a point on
tne wot lm or tn Bellevue Elusion ciaim.
thsnce north-west by the most direct and
practica' route, by way of tht fork of tht
nig rappillion ana l pappnuon crirsi, 10
tlsxeltoni thence to ID north lint or a
county, at a point on tht north aids of See
Township it, Kangell
The Ci'inmiasionert will then meet at Reu
ben Lovejoy's, ia Bellevue, In the evening of
the aame day at 5 o'clock, to hear partita in
terested. By order ot the County Commiasioner.
Bellevue, April 5th, 18"8 County Clerk.
TETTERS Testamentary on the estate of
A Alexander Davis, late of Sarpy county.
deceased, having been granted to the undesign
ed, reaiding in a ski county, eh hereby tiotiAe
all peraont knowing themsetve to bt indebted
to taid estate, to make immediate payment.
Snd those having claims, to rresent tne ssme
properly authenticated, for settlement on or
befor. the first day of Ma .
iniun rv . via . .
... ,i tuenn VAlijiq'r,
Bellevue, March 1st, IBM. 3m 15
The nnderaiimed take this me' bod of call
ing upon thoe who are indebted to them, to
come forward and settle their accounts, and
notee, bef re the liKh day of April atoxt, at.
must have asoney hy that ties. Wt havt
vailed long and patieutly n xir cuatonor.
, nd if our invitation ia rot responded to, w
9all pact tht aecomtejn other hand fori
BtUevut, Matt J j Jtt.
that on the ave
X 1 ulnar
of the lAth int. I lost mv p rket
book In rellevn el'V. coutslulng aomevalu-
Sble paper that ara ot no ue to any one hut
tnvaelf, together wl h a dollar bill, WUh nme
note againat varloua persona, on of $15 on
Charles Peter Mlkel, and on of 5,ft0 en
M. D. Shaw, one en S. P. Horn, av eo. of
about $rt,00, on on II arkburn ot S, Snd
varioua othera. I ' ereby notifv all peraons
from purchasing any of the tald notes. Any
feraon finding said pocket-book and returning
be same to me, or leaving it at the office of
the Dellevue Gasette, will b liberally re
warded, besides conferlng a great favor.,,
(WIS) E. N. UPJOllfr.
0 0 ) S
J5cw Prices!
fpilC undersigned are now opening the
X .largest and best selected, assortment of
Spring and Summer goods, ever before offered
in market for the truth of thla, we In-Ite
the Ladiea and Gentlemen to call and see
that this Is no New Paper pulf, no Action, ito
nut train in reality.
Even in Nebra
Tlterefore come one, come all, ana iiavi'l will
be on hand In his usual good humor to wait
on all. Ladies In parilcular.
F.verv thiiiir mav be found in the shans ot
choice tires goods for epring an ' summer at
GROCERIES ot evry description, cheap at
OOTS and shoes,
good and warranted at
GAITERS, Buikiu,
vnrietv at
and Slipper of every
k I x .s r. i a tU'S.
AILS, Glass and Queensware, cheap at
Ah I.W r irklns or good Butter anil a lot or
am Ml White heali, rnf Sale at the Hard
ware store of T. a J. A.N'ye j Butler 45 cents
per lb. Beans $3 per bushel.
Both warranted to be not strong, call
around there that have the money, . 4tl3
Tj Y virtue of an execution.
to me directed.
by the Clerk of the District Court of
Sarpy county. N. T., In favor of Loula Battels
and the property of Oeorf? ileinilnita
to satisfy a Judgment a?aint aiid Jenninra
fort e sum of three hundred and ninety right
dollars and seventy two cent; now therefore
I win oner at punue auc'ion in front or the
Bellevue House, on ! 1ith dsr of April
A. Tt. Ift5 t between the heme of o'clock
A. M. and 4 o'cloca P. M. of said dayi to
the highest biild.-r, for cash, the following de.
scribed property. In wit Lot 4 In Block 103
also Lot 1 in Block 57, In the CI v of Bellevue
, Dated, Bellevtie, March 17th 15,
JOHN M. ENOCH, Sheriff.
2t By S. II. WATTLES, Dep. Sheriff.
Ill A V Ebeen very indulgent with my custom
ers about paying up, this prtn
cipel ceases to be a virtue. I will now notify
a II to coir, e up to the rack and settle old tcoree
immedia ely, and vou will very much oblige
. Your obedient servant,
16lf . L. B. KINNEY.
IS hereby given to George Rifei William
A. Robinson. Snd all whpid it ma Ir con
cern, that I will appear at tn I .and Office in
Omaha, on Friday the 9th day ot April, at
11 o'clock, A. M. and there pfrfve uiy right to
pre-empt tht t. o oudfter rtf tht a. a. quarter
of tec. 20, t. w. quarter of S. W. quarter- of
aec. 21, w. half of n. w. quarter nf sec. 2A,
township 13, ranee 12, eaat ot the 6th princi
pal maridian, in Nebraska Territory. .
I F.TTF.RS of Administration on tht eStatt
J of John Ray late of Sarpy county, de
ceased having been granted to tht t"bcriber
residing in Bellevue, he hereby give notice to
til person indebted to aaid estate to call and
aettle the same, and thoae having claim
acainst the estate are requested to present
litem property aiitn'nticatmi ror settlement.
13 WILLIAM H WRinilT. AdWr
ftl'STAVK SEEtil'It,
jl CTTTr n- . wt:T.
uriiir-ui.L.inuuu, iwwa.
id' flRDERS left at the office ot Shakspeart
j J Boyea, St. Mary, will rreeive proirpt at
C. SEEGER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor,
would respectfully inferra the citizen ot Mills
an' adjoining Counties, that he is prepared to
execute all work ot tlit follow ine character i
laying off town aitet, leveling of streams for
water power, drawinsr of inaoa-ftjlaiii 6ml
colored, drawing designs for buildings of all
s yles. h 1th estimate of cost. .
Correct plats of the townships of Mills
County, showing th true positions ef tht tim
ber, water courses and bluffs, kept Constantly
on hand. Having bad experience both In this
country and in Europe, he fe-ls assured of
giving satisfaction to all who may favor him
with their patronage.
Gold Medal awarded at tht lat St. Louis
fair to G. Seegrr a 8. Schimonsky fot tht
ot"'. inpograpuicai man.
Office Glenwood, Mills e., Tows. It
; Notice."
NOTICE I hereby given t George W.
Lewis, John Clesveland, and all others
concerned, to appear before the Krittr aad
Receiver or tne, lano. Otnet at Omaha, on
Friday the Itt'h dy of April. 1S5S, at 10
o'clock A. M., and offr tnrh evi 'ence at you
mav have in annnnrt e mAvtrmm a ,k-
emptiest of John Clt vland. to Uta 1. and
3. gectioa 27, Tp 11., Rre 12 aat. a per
instntrti'uit of the Comniivsioner of Uit Land
Office to rs-tnvestiga t tMd pre-emption
JOHN A. S ARKF.R Jr.. Kerlster.
A. R GILLMOKB. Reseiver.
"VTOTICK la herehv given,
THE undersigned have opened, a largs
and commodious new store, on th corner or
Main and 25th Streets, in Bellevue, whers a
varied assortment of Good may bs found
Among trteia art
Such a a
Brown Mnsllni ,
theetlntl .
$Uirtinr. . . ,
Together with s quantity of
Boots cft3 SHood
fegars, Rakes, Ropes, Horse-collar, Carpot
ackl, Window Sash, Door,
ToDftfeo, Queensware, Glassware, Flour,
Crackers snd a great many more articles.
rhey keep constantly on hand, a iarg as
sortment nf Wi
wines and Liquors.
Warranted the best quality i cr
n37tf J. P. 11
heati for cash.
Ohtinecd Handsi
a STO.NE.havs pur
ot OMmth, bis entire
11 L chased of II. Coo
Intereat in the butcherlnr businsts. and will
hereafter be found at hla old stand, on Misi'on
'venue, east of Main Street, under S. M.
Pike'a Grocery and Provision Store, wher
they will be happy to wait upon his old eu
ttfirte'ri; and au other who may choos to
favor them wild their patronage.
W. n. Lonesdorf. '
GRADUATE of Penn. Collegl of Cental
Surgery, respectfully announce to th tit
ixn ot Bellevue, and vicinity, that he i how
prepared to practice vnutry, tn an us va
riou branches.
Office hour frnm 9 (ill 5, P, 4. 4A
To tixo aPnitllOa
HHE undersigned having purchased tht tn
X tire ttock t Jewelry, formerly owned by
Alex. Kemp, Is prepared to tell th aamt at
23 per cent less than was ever offered in this
city before, as room must be made for a large
spring assortment. The ttock contiata of
ncii I l v,n (lieu. W VI Via ciiaiinri
Gold Stone. Miinonlc. artii Moitrnini
cameo, Lor si, r.namel. Painted,
ng Jewe
Rr.ahas Vmm Vkrsim f.tt9 Ulna. fUl
Shirt Studs,
as ta s i rymf vuu a tiiar. uiik OViiUtJ.
locket. Bracelet. Ring. Gold. Silver, and
Plaited Guard, Fob and Vet Chain. Gold
and Silver Spectacle - Also a 'splendid as
QttlD rrftS Also Musical Instrument,
Cutlery, Port Moniet, Pouches, Card Catet,
ac, ac. r , . .
A fine t'.ork of Rifles, Shot Gun, Revolv
er, ac. which will b aold at a email ad
vance above cost, as tht tubteriber wishes to
go out of the gun business.
All kind of repairing den with neatness
and dispatch by competent workman.
I atill crtiitlnue to take Omaria Scrl". Wes
tern Kicnange. ntftrfa tsik
ey, or told and silver. In eXcb
trystdrt on 12th Slretff, Mnt door from
Farnham. and directly oppositt tilt V
Eschange Bank, Omaha, N.T. .
f least can and examine goods and prices.
- T. W. WOODS.
Cmaba, Jan. 12ih, 18M. . - . .. ,8m
Seeds tfdii lfiso.
"TrE art now prepared with a full and
v V and complete ttock of
and compltt atoc!
Of th nwcrop,to aupply any demand whole
ai ana mm, ou tnt verybett or term.
Uur ttock it new ( w do not conslcn seeds
and take none back to mix np again,) and
much of it grown under our own directions in
this ttate. Our ttock of European seeds it
imported directly by oar selves from ths most
rs'iabl grower id England and France. . ,
W feel confident t9 better advantages to
the publie can bt offered than wt' can give,
ana ws eeraiaiiy invite an txaminatlon of our
Itock before f-irchaeing. Our atock consists
in pSrt of Spring Wheat, Barley, Corn, Peas,
neens, ait;, a very large variety or uardeu
Seede and a full assortment of Flower Betda
of choice varieties.- A Up: ISO bushels urt
Chinese Caul Seed.
Constantly on hand a Iarg'' a'ttofttfent ot
Aprlrulttiral and Horticultural Implements.
Full priced teed and implement catalogue
ttnt upon receipt of ttamp to pay pott a g. . .
ll(.,Mtl Ul E.OIC.KT m.
204 Laks S.fcti ChlcagS.
Hotic of Foreclosure of Mortgage by
Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgagee, 1 . .
William R, Johnson, J
Alfred Keilum,
Aaron O. Cox, Mortgaera. )
Mortgage dated, March 14tb, A.
D. 1857, re
corded in book E., Page luu,
1S57, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
April 21st,
Default having been made lo t t ptyment
of the turn of two thousand and two hundred
dollars, ($2,200.) which la claimed to be due
at the ttate or tuia notice, and secured sv a
certain Deed ot Mortgage, bearing data
Match ltlh, A. V. 1937, executed by William
R. Johnson, then of the Htateof Iowa, Alfred
Keilum, and Aara O. Cox, of Believes, Bar
py County, Nebraska Territory, to Reuben
Lovejoy, of Bellevue, aforesaid, and Recorded
in the omit of tile llegteter of Deed, at Ou
ha Citv. for tiamv County. N. T.. tn Book R.
Pag 160, oa th 2lt ot April, A. D., 1837, at
10 1-2 o'clock A.M. . , .t ,
Now, therefore, not It i hereby given, that
in puraua' c ot a pcrwer of Sale contained In
aaid moTtcagtf and of tht statute, ia each
case made and arovided. the premises 'de
eciibed in and conveyed by aaid mortgage, to
wit i all that certain plete and parcel pf land)
with it appnrtenancee, eitnated and lying in
tht eity ot Bellevue, in aaid County of atarpy;
and Territory of Nebratka, and deacrikod at
Block ont hundred and thirteen, (111) In taid
city of Bellevne, according to the eurvcy there
of, made bv Mr. Sehimoiky,tn th year 1S56,
will bt aold at public auction en tat ISttt day
of Jun, A. D. IV, between tht hourt of
o'clock, in th forenoon, and tht setting of tht
Sun on that dav, to the highest bidder t the
It U be in front of tht Bellsvut Hosiae. tn
the city of fiellevut, tarny Cesutty, Nebraska
TerrUory. t REfBF.N LOVEJQY,
- T. B. La mow. AUy. va T., 4 .s
Marca 24th,lM. alS'.a
Notlcn of the Forecloiurt of T&9rtffa
by Adrertlsement.
Reuben Lovejoy, Mortpjes,')
Alfretl Kellura, I i -,
V. A. Gwyer, Mortgtgort.J ki
Deed of Mortgage dated December 13th, A.
D. 1."7, and recorded in Book B., Page
)9. 370 and 171, December ilst, 1S57 (Tt ttt
'clock,' A. M.
, Default having been made In payment ot (If
sum bf two thousand two hundred" dollar?
ff 2,200,) which Is slaltatd ta be due at th
data of pli notice; Sad seeured by a deed t
Mortgage bearing date. December lSt)i. 11J7:
slteuUd by Alfred Kelhira and V. A. Gwysr.
of Sarpy .Ctfunty. Nebratka Territory, to Ren,
en L.ovetny, or tne city or oeuevue. oarpy
County, Nebraska Territory! aad recorded a
ths olfice of the Rrf later of l'etdl for SarsV
County, N. T in book B.. pages 2Ctf, 270 aT
271, en th 21st day of December, A. D. !aY.
at 10 o'clock, A. M. Now, therefore, notice
I hrhv rivn Ihst in nurauaaee of k naw'er
of sal contained la said mortgage, and of Xhl
btatutt In such cases made and provided, th
premiss described In and convsysa ojr lata
mortgage, to witt Ainnat csrtaia piece w
parcel ot land, lying and being situate ia tie
Ceunty of Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska,
snd described ss follows, te witi Conmsace
Ing forths earn at a post 84.$ rods, Norta,
fit dere, Et of th S. W. corner of e
tion thirteen, (U) Township thlrteea, (llj,
Range thirteen, (13), east of th 6th PrlacI
ral Meridian thence north 47 1 degrees, wesl
23.3 rods to a Cottonwood stump, then aorta
34 dsgr, east U.$ rods to a post, thence
Sooth 47 1-2 degrees tart, 21.5' rods'
to a post, thsnc south 10 degree Wt tjh
fodi to th plact ot beginning, eohtainiKgeae
aer and fifty-seven perch, together with aU
and singnlar ths teoemsnt and oeredltaatent
and appurtenances thereunto belonging, sr ia
anywise appertaining, consisting In part
one snglne, boiler and all ths machinery aad
fixtures for a perfect ateam at w-mill, maauf as
lured b Coopsr aad CI rk, Mt. Vernofl, Ohio,
rfnilakl to be of thirty horse power, will M
sold at public' auction on th 2Ctn day of Jun;
A. D. 1S3S, betwn th hours bf It e'eloe! A;
M., and the ttlnr of th sua on the s sea
day, to the highest bidder. Tht salt to b a
front ot tht Bellevue House In tht City of
Bellerue, Sarpy Cvunty, Nelraka Territory
irni t nvvinv.
....... W ,
Mortgagee, -
alMlf J
T. B. Lanoir, Att'y.
April 1st, M.
BY vlftut of an txtcution to mt directed by
tht Clerk of tht District Court tf Sarpy'
county, N. T., in favor of Joha Kabltr, $a4
against the property of Harrison Berry, t
satisfy a judgment against aaid Berry, forth1
sum of Cfleen-hundrsd and thlrtttu dollar'
and savtnty-slx cents, ($1813,76 1) now then
fore I will offer at publie auction on tht prtta
ises, on tht 22nd day of April, A. D. 185$ I
between tha hours of nint o'clock A. M. a
fonr o'clock P. M. of said day, tt tha highest
bidder, for cash, tht following described propH
erty, to wit t one ateam saw mill with all tht
apparatus belonging thereto, said mill betas
sltusted In tht west part of Sarpy county oa
Elkhorn rivsr, aad known Ss the HarriseST
Berry Mill. , .
uated, Bellevue March ivn a. n. r.
tt - i Sheriff of Sarpy County. N. '. '
Y virtu of an execution, tn mt dirtettoV
by th Clerk of th Dittrict Court of.
Sarpy eonnty, N. T., in favor ot Cyrus K,
Mark, and against tbt property of 'George'
Jenninfi-s, to satttfy a judgmnt against t
said Jennings for th sum of Ave hundred
and ninety-six dollar, and veiity-lx ctnld
($59Aj70). Now, therefore, I will offer at"
public auction, tn front of tht Bellevue House'
on tht 24tb day of April, A. D. 15$, between!'
the hours of nln o'clock A. M., and four;
o'clodi P. 71., of isiil da v ta tbt highest bid
der, for caih, tha ftflltfwin'g described Preper-,
ty, to wit i being the N. W. of N, t.t Bt of
N. E-, S. E. of N. W. of aection 24. tdwiuThli
13, range 13, E. of the Olh principal aaerldUa,!
Date March ?3rd. 158. : " " ; ' !'
JOH.N M. ENOCtf; fibrllt
gtll By S. H WATTLES, Depi gieriat
. . .. .. oTf.CEi
Room No. 1 Masonic Tempi, DeirU
' v- . Street, Chicane. r- ; v
", - DIREC"' 0 Si St
xnntJMD canricip, nkmbv rwatMair,-.
Isaac cook, it. s. itonaoa,
m. a. wvmcoop.
Edmooi Canfleld, Pres., Wm. 8. txut.
TT fri. n, . '
THIS Comnanv WSJ oYnrfti ea the 7t4 ,
dey of March. A. D. 1853, under a fpt'c ,
ial charter from tht Legislature of Illinois,''
and buaineaa commenced under tht moat (a
vorable asspics. Its ettabliahmtnt baabeeat
nprJn i fit la and ttlUb't baaia, and In view of
tt stability, soundnessad permanency, racks
aa ont of tht first Inturanct Compact a la thf '
eouiury. Ta those aeeiroua ot oroUetlne !
themselves against loss or damage by Fire,;
pern m ui oss, mey peg leavt to effer. tftt
following .'.-
KE.I t.KtCE9. -
afestrs. Stone it Witt, aeveland, Ohle.
- Wilhaasa a Avery, HUcare, UL
" Norton a Brother, ' . - .
Stone a. RMm - tt'"-'
II. 8. Duraod, Pres. Racine a, Miss. R. R.-
Goo. C. Nortbrup, Cash. Raciat Co. laAk.-
Wpi, p. Llnd, sfilwaukaa. , " t; in
'J. G. Conroe, Esq. Racine. - . .
Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Com'l Bk, Chicago.
Heary Farnham, President CUeage 4S Reek
, . laland Rati Road. , -
. Daniel P, Rhode. Eq. Cletland,-6hlo.
Thomaa Campbell, Esq., Cprlngfielc?, IU. . ,
' Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Ixmls, Mo. ' '
Messrs. Wadsworth, Wells as, Seymour,-
Chicago. III. .;..... .-j. -Msssr.
K IL Burea Ce., Chicage Baall.i
' Mesirs. G. W. Biler h Co. CtoKsro, 11L . j
'Wa. Blanchard," Esq.; MerrU, III. '
1 Messr. II. C. a O. G. Cook a Co.; Rock
ford. 111. .
; Me, H. Whetlof a Snr Aurora. IU.
; Messrs. Judd, Smith a Pratt, Dixon, I1L
Nehaeaia h Cent, Esq-. BuSaW, N.Tf.t t K
. Wm. B'Juady, tse,, 8pringfielJ, W.
Gen. I: Cnrn, Springfield, IU. 1 " 7.
Richard Ivert; Enq., St. Loeit, U. 14 '
T. B. LEMON.'Apnt.'BenevnV,
AND i ' ' T
Establishment in Omaha
WM. FRODSHAW. having rttktfrW
the late irm of Kemp At Frodehtat,
ht opened anew store at No J, Capt.Dewtf'a
building, between th MeU.ocUtJtyuKhfec:ft,
he invites bit old patren to giv Lisa a jeaUU ,f
"Tim pieces and Jewelry, of vry dtscrl
hea, neatly sad estWy rpW. -t)ra 1
' J
in I . M