Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, April 15, 1858, Image 5

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    - '"' llotfOLCLV, Sandwich Islands,
J nuary 5, ISM. )
Ed. CitrttAWO Plaim Dcalx When
t cam her in 1831, there were only aboil
100 whit Inhabitant! upon the group, but
now they number nearly 2,000, of which ihre
fourths reside In Honolulu. Being witnin four
teen dayi aail from San Franciaco, we are
comparatively near the United States, and
tir mil reach us with much regular ty every
two weeks t averaging about furiy-five day
from NewYork, and,this your pper dropped
Vrery week Into t Post Office at Cleveland,
will reh me with nearly the same regularity
a if I were a subscriber reaident In New
York or Boston.
During the monthi of October, November,
land IWember, w have lares ftVets of whale
hips in our porta. Buaineai la lively and
theatre, ball-roon and saloons, are in full
blast bnt during the remains portion of the
ysar a stranger could hardly Imagine how
such a large number of ahip chandlers, butch
ra, bakera and traders of various kinds man
age to live. The fact Is that we make enough
In three months to keep us through the entire
"VJar, and in addition many have accumulated
large fortunes here.' -. -
Good house and ship carpenters and black
mit a get her 3.00 per day,, and Steady
Tis:d can have constant employment. Good
bakers and shoemakers are wanted here.
One or two really smart young lawyers men
of honor and high principles could do exceed
i&ly well here. - Clerks in stores get from
ffj, to 100,60 per month, And accountants
from $100. to $230, per month. In f let,
wagea and prices are now much higher here
than at any other port of the Pacific.
currency, as In California, is entirely upon
th4 specie principle, and a bank bill is her
4s much df i curiosity as a California fifty
dollar piece would he in Cleveland
You must have heard of our climate heiej
Which to my mind is the most deligh'.ful in
the world. Oir temperature during the year
averages about 73 , and la extremely eve-i
We csllftO very warm, and consider ti'i
exceedingly cold. We are just within the
tropics In 22 North . Latitude, and with a
bracing trad wind alva? WdWini;, r i tun
not be considered eifStiaMcal in bragging on
such a clinat as that of Honolulu.
General O. Itinton, the noted mail robber
of Ohio, is a resident here. He came down
from California four years ago with his wife,
and they kept hording h0ne , tint lost money
. at it, and the old man Wis finally reduced to
' working by the day at carpenter work. Fin
ally the rheumstUm prevented his doing ever)
this, and now he has turned lawyer and man
ages, I presujne, just to live and no more. I
sincerely pity the old mn and I think that he
Is tmely repentant. He dose not know me,
b'lt . I remember, i whn I was a boy, seeing
him in his prime l but now how changed 1
The Massachusetts' Sena e, at last nc
e Hints, were r-nasrnl in di ciphering a
Inter : from the Iii. Unfits Clionie,
which it has been guesaed Mates t the
case of Ela, injured at the time of the
Barn rendition.'., .We presume the Stri
ata is atill biuiiij. St. Lovi Democrat.
. Aantvti. or TnOors oir Tucia. Way
to Utah.' A detachment of three hun
dred United States troops, belonging to
the Seventh , infantry, cmiittiatidrd by
aj. puck lis, and accompanied by five
officers, arrived in Cincinnati, over the
Little Miaihi road, on the 2nd inn. They
re from Governor' inland. New York.
'tn route for Jefferson barrack., and from
thence will be sent forward to join the
Utah expedition.
Mrs. Julia I)sTh Huyne, and her hu
band have gone to Charleston. They in
tend next to make a lour tliriuh Europe,
thence go to Australia, and tin illy return
to au r rancisco, which they design to
make theirpertnanent home.
It is now certain that the shells used in
the attempted assassination of . Napoleon
were of 'Rhgli h manufacture. They
wre made by ar injrenius mechanic of
Birmingham, named Joseph Taylor, from
r. model furnikhed by an Englishman call
ing himself Thomas Allsop, in complicity,
witn ine Italian assassins. INo blame at
ttches to Mr. Taylor. He supposed the
sheila were a new invention, for which a
patent was to be obtained, and hud no idea
of the criminal use to which they were to
be applied.
. . , 1,1 "
Texas LandsT
" The Austin correspondent of the Gal
veston Civilian, in his letter of I2th ult,
writes at follows : . A;
I now have the pleasure of announcing
the passage of one of .he most iwponaui
laws ever enacted for the welfare ut Tex
as. ' It is an act opening the almost en
tire public domain of tho Staid to sale at
fixed price. To be brief, the Commis
sioners of thi Land 0:Hce is authorized
to tell land scrips in quantities of 1 60, '620.
610, and 1230 acre tract .The lands m
the Pacifio Reserve t be sold at fr-i pur
ere ; the alternate sections invade rail
road and Galveston Canal grants and hud
on all the islands at $1 ;25 per a-ro ; and
fill other public lands at one dollar. Tue
bill passed, on- motion of Mr. Brown, at
10 o'clock last night. This morning a
run was made on the Land Qlh.e to buy
60 cent scrip (authorised by the hut
Legislature aa the price of lands in the
Pacific Reaerre) before the Governor
ould sign thia bill, and by 12 o'clock,
about $12,000 had been pad in ; but Gov.
arnor Runnels, hearing of the movement
lost no time in affixing his igu manual to
the act and not if) lug the Commissioner
Ibat it was a Jaw of the land, which at 1
J. M., put a atop te the speculation.
You will see that speculators were thus
earning reserve scrip at 50 cents, while
its price would be two dollars the moment
the est was signed.
A grave-nigger, who burried a Mr.
Button placed the . following item iu bill
which he sent the widow of the deceased;
''.T making a Button-hole, 50 cents," ...
Thit is Georsre the Fourth, said an
echibitor of wax-work, pointing to a slim
figure. , f I thought that he was a ery
stout roan. Verv likelv. but if vou'd
bsn here with Hit victuals half so long as
v i j i . .i ,,
Juu u iwjce as man,
Have you ever broken a horse T in
Hwreu a Dorse-iocicev. XMa. not es
ctlr," replied Simmons, but I bsvf
krokeo three r four wagoas."
Tht I.lltle Mote
M'ben grasping tyranny offends,
Or angry bigo's frown
Whn rulers plot, for Sflfi-h ends,
To keep the people down
When statesmen form unholy leagues
To drive the wor'd to war,
When knaves In pal ices intrigu
Kor fibhons fr a s'arj
We raise our heads; Survey their deeds,
And cheerfully reply,
Grub, little moles, grub under ground,
There's sunshin in tht sky.
When eantlng hypocrites combine,
To curb s freeman's thought,
And hold all doctrines undivin
That hold their canting naught
When round the narrow pale they plod,
And scornfully assume
That all are cursed of Gd,
And justify th doom
We think of God' eternal love,
And strong In hope reply,
Grub, cit.le moles, grub under ground,
There's sunshine li the sky.
. When greedy nulhors wMd the pen, -
To p ease the town,
Depict thieves as injured men,
And heroes of renown '
' Pander to prejudice unclean,
Apologia for eriuie,
, And daub th vice of the mean
With flattery like dime tongue,
Fdr Milton's cruft, or Shakespeare's
We blush, but yet reply
Grub, Utile mole, grub under ground,
There's sunshin iu ihe sky.
When men complain of humble kind,
In inis uitroptiic mood,
' And thinking eVil things, grow blind
To presence of the good
When, walled iu prejudices strong)
.They urge that evermr re - "
The world is fated to go wrong,
Forgoing wrong before :
We feel the truth they cannot feel, '
And mil as ve reply"
tlruB, little moles, grub under ground,
TuSre's sunshine in the sky.
A practicul joke was once attempt d to
be playid on Mr. Erskiue, us lie went
one duy to WemiuLier Hall, with his
ample Lag full of briefs. So'm wuri.-h
barrister inivd n Jew's buy to go and ak
hhn if he had r " any old cloths to cll."
" No. you iittle HebreW linp,1' eitCiiliirieii
the indignant counsellor, " they are all
ntn) tuits." . . ... :
"file regular ' meetings of Nebraska
tdge. No. 194, of Kree and Accepted
ions, will he held at M.isonic Hall,
on the second and fourth' Tuesday evenings of
each month) at 0 1-t o'clock.
L. B. H155EY. W.M. '
i. o. o. r.
The regular meetings of Bellevue Lodge,
No. 1, will be hold on Saturday evening of
each week, at ,7 o'clock, P. M, . Brothers of
the order who" may be In our city on that
evening, ar rexpectfullv invited to attend.
' Mall Arrangements.
' ARBirci
Tuedavs, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6
o'clock, P. M. : , ,
Rsndav, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 9
o'clock, P. M, ,
, Aaaivas
Tuesdavs, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at
o'ciocit, p. yi.
Tuesdavs," Tliursdays, al Sundays, St 9
o'clock, Pi. M.
Y Aaaivti . .
Tuesdays, and Saturdays, at 10 o'clock,
A. M.
Mondays, and Fridays) at 3 o'clock, V. M
Mondays, and Fridays, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
.... ciojki
Tuesdays, and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A. M
Oflic open on !t:indsrs, onlv from 6 o'cWk
P. M. too,clock P.M. This rule will be
strictly adhered to.
- L..B. KINNEY, P. M.
Corrected weekly by Clarke ft Beoriira,
Forwarding and torn. Merchants.
Flour Extra Family, $3,7.1 per 98 lbs.
" Iowa, $3,50.
" Fine, $2,73.
Meal$2 per 100 lbs. '
( Apples Dried, $3 per bushel.
" Green, 3,50 per barrel.
Peaches " 4 00.
Butter New 2 Or V 25 t
Beans $i 50 bus.
Corn 50 bush,
Oat 75c
Beef 7 to 8e.
' Dried Beef 20r per lb.
Salt G. A., per sack, $3.
Esgs 15c V dos
Hide Dry, 7e
do Green, 3 . r
' Hay $4 00 to) $0 OOtua
Bran. 30 cent per sih.'
Pork Fresh, Si to $7 per bun.
Hams 12 l-2c.
" Bir!e Clear, 1 l-Jc. i r '
. . , S)iuldarvlOe.. ' -Lard
15 e V th
Onions $3 50 fl 6us.
Potatoes 50. -
Pelts Sheep 50c .
do Coon 25e ' - '
Wood Cotton, tW, Hard, $.00.
Lumber Cottonwooil sheat'r 25 m
do . eds-ed $30 00
a , Oak, Walnut, Rasawootl $10 00
so fin aiding, clear $55 00 m.
"o Fleoriog t(t $AA 00
. , r 1st. $7500 , . .
Boards, $50 $75 00
$lilngl Pin. $ 50 ft $9 50 tl m.
, . Cottonwol . $5 00.
Lath Pin $12 00 per m.
' Uoor-M $3S0 4$i75aeh.
, Ua $4 00 & $a fitt 4SaasDt. .
m;w iu:iuim:mcts.
-1 A Salt at
If ANCY S. F. St. Louis Flo r at
p XTR Family St. I.n i Flo .r at j
IOW Ajtlllnol Flour at
HOOFLAND'S Celebrated German Aittr
OOFLAED'S Balsnrhe Cardial at
4w21 CLARKE a, BRO'S;
milE lafgest lot of plows, or all kinds, v
X er received in this nisaket, for sale by
4t20 CLARKE &. BRO.
A Lbs. ririm'e Bacon, just received
tJKJVJ and for anlc cheap, by
a 20
A f(f Lbs. choice dried Apples, for
QVjKJyJ sale cheap, by ' ,,
2 20
clarkf. k. nno.
i")(f Bishels Corn, for sale at
OA Bushels choice Missouri Seed Corn, at
-fcU 2120 CLARKE . BRO'S.
A Few Barrels of prime sweet Cider, for
sal by CLARKE BRO.
WHITE Beans, at CLARKE ft, BRO'S.
jC Q isntity of Pots'oen, nt j
2(20 CLARKE k BRO'S.
ONE Yoke of good workinr Cattle, for !
sale by CLARKE ft, BRO.
ONE Lumber Wagon, for ssIp ,v
6) C Thousand Cottonwood Rhingten. for
CO sale by CLARKE St BRO.
CVSH will be poid by Clarke ft, Bro. for
any quantity of dry and green hides.
tfoi Rdrit ft? SrIo.
THE Fin Stone Building known as the
Bellevue S ore, situated on the corner of
Jeirersnn and 27th streets, Bellevue, N. T.,
will be sold, or rented, at a bargain.
For terms, euquir of T; B: LEMON, at
tn f onteuell Bank.
Bin 20
THE undershrned Informs the public, that
after this datet trl'V have adopted the
Cash svstein; and reduced their profit column
te the lowest figures.
All persons'e l to us, are req'iested to
csll and seMle before the first of M y, A. C.
without fail.
April 8, 135. J. P. HDftN; Co.
IHERI'BY giv notice, that on and after
he l.Yh day of April next, I will proceed
ogive dcedi, to those ei'itled to lots and
Hid, n 'Imt o-rH nofth Ci y of Belli , en
ered by the Msvor: as a I own aite," at the
ollic of Bowen ft btrickland.
Road noT.ces.
O TICE is hereby given, that th County
Commissioners or aarpv cotmiy, will
meet on MondayjMay 10th, 1858, at 9 o'clock
A. 51 ; at th nous or Uernhart Myers, to
view and locate, a road in answer to a reuuon
to commence at a point near the resident: bf
said Bernhart Mvers, where the road from
Jttllevu. Intersects th Territorial road lead
ing from Omaha, in Douglas county, to Cedar
Island in Sarpy county, thence to a point near
tht resident fW.T. Whittinton, thenc to
the residence of if: H. Smith, thence near
th residence of George Swevil , to tb mCSt
practical route to Fairview. Said Conimls
loner will meet in the evening of the sain
day) at 0 O'clock at Bernhart Myers to hear
parties Interested In locating said road.
Un th following day, May 1 1th, IBOB) at
o'clock A. M. ; said Commissioner will meet
at Philander Cook's near Platte River, to
view and locate a road, pionosed In Petition
to run from La Platte, aloi g th Platte River
bottom, next the bluffs by Carlile', II. II.
smiths, and north of nvivela' to tb S- h. cor
ner of Se; la, Township 13, Ranee 12, E. of
the llth principal meridian. The Commission
er will meet in the evening of the same day
at 5 o'clock at the bouse of PhiUuder Cook,
to hear p.rties interested in sid road.
Uu Thursday. May 19Ui. 185S, the County
Commissioners of Sarpy Conntv, will meet at
Reuben Loveioy's at V o'cldtk A. M. to view
and locate a road, to commune at a point on
the west lin of the Bellevue Mission Claim,
th-nce north-west by the most direct and
racMca' route, byway of th forks of th
ig Pappillion and Went pappillion creeks, to
Haxeltont tbenc to th north lin of ssid
county, at a point on th north aid of Sec 13.
Township II, Range 11.
ITie ommissioner will then meet at Reu
ben Lovejoy's, ia Bellevue, In the evening of
the same day at 5 o'clock, to heir parlies in
terested. By order of the County Commis.ionera.
Bellevue, April 5th, 1858 County Clerk.
mTministrator's N07 ICE.
TETTERS Testamentary on I he esUite of
4 Alexander Davis, late of Sarnv eountv.
deccas'd, having been granted to th unde.lsrn
d, residing in (aid county, .he hereby tiotine
all person knowing themselves to b indebted
to aaid estate, to mak immediate, payment.
Snd those having claims, to present th same
properly authenticated, for settlement oa or
befor. th first day of Ms- nxt.
Bellevue, March 1st, 1858. 3m 15
To All.
Tb uiideriik'ned take this ms'hod of call
ing upon those who a re indebted to them, to
com forward snd settle their account, and
notes, bef r th IXhdayor April next, a
we must hav money by that tine. VV hav
walled lone and patieutly 01 our customers,
and if our Invitation I rot responded to, w
shall p'ac tb acco mts 4n other hsnd for
BsUtvut, Msrojb U IV. 1 -1 , .MA -
t Hi t
NOTICE Is hereby given, that on the v.
nine of the lftth lnt. I lost my p rket
book In Bcllevu el'y. containing some vslu
bis paptrs that are of no us to any one hut
mvself, together with a dollar bill, with some
notes against various persons, on of $19 on
Chirle Peter Mikel, and on of $!W,0 en
M. D. Shsw, on en J. P. Horn, a Co. of
about $ii,00, on on II arkburn of !, and
various others, I ' erehy notify all persons
from purchasing any of the said notes. Any
person finding said pocket-book and returning
the asm to me, or leaving It at th ofllc of
the Bellevu Caxett, will b liberally re
warded, besides couferlng a great favor.. ,
(U13) E. N. UPJOHN.
n"ew "
0 iD s
cw Prices!
THE undersigntil ar now opening th
. largest and best selected, assortment of
Spring and Summer goods, ever before offered
in market for th truth of this, w ln-it
the Ladies and Gentlemen to call and st
that this 1 no New Paper puff, no Action, no
But truth IN ttii'.tif,
Even in Nebraska!
Therefore come one, corns all, ann RivlA will
be on hind In his usust good humor to wilt
on all. Ladies In particular.
Every thing may be found In the ihap of
choice dress goods fur Hnrine an Summer at
ltl KINNEY ft CO'd.
ROCERIES of evry description, cheap at
OOTS and shoes, good anil warranted at
A IT KRS, Buskins, and Slippers of every
variety at KINNEY ft. CO'S.
AILS, Glass and Qneenswore, cheap at
A FEW Firkins of good Butter and a lot of
smill white beah", for tale at the Hard
ware iore of 1". ft J. A. Nye ; Butter 25 cent
per lb. Beans $3 per bushel..
Both wairnnted to b not strong, call
around there that have the money. 4tl8
BY virtue bf an execution, tome directed,
by the Clerk of the District Court of
Sarpy county, N. T., In favor of Louis Bartels
and ngainst the property of Genre ilerlrllrijF.
to satisfy a Judgment al'ainst aiid Jennings
fort e sum of thr.s humlrrd Ami .iclil
dollars nnd seventy two cents; now therefor
i win (in si funnc ancNoi In rront or the
Bellevue House, du lr t TtH day of April
A. P. 1R5j be ween the hour, of (I o'clock
A. M. and 4 o'cloca P. M. of said dayt to
the highest bidder, for CAh, the followinr de
scribed property, to wit; Lot 4 In Block 103
also Lot I in Block 57, In the CI v of Bellevue
, Dated, Bellevue. March 17th 15.
JOHN' M. ENOCH, Sheriff".
2t ' Ry S. II. WATTLES, Dep. Sheriff.
Ill A V EJbeen very indulgent with my custom
ers about paviuK up. thia orln-
cipel ceases to be a virtue. I will now notify
all to corr.e up to the rack and settle old score
immedia ely, and you will very much oblig
, x our ODaint servant,
181? L. B. KINNEY.
IS hereby given to Georg Rifei William
A. Robinson. aW all whom" it ma ir con
cern, that I will appear at tne Land Office in
Omaha, on Friday the 9th day of April, at
11 o'clock, A. M. and there nfffv inv rieht to
pre-empt th . quafter df th s. . quaftef
of ec. 20, . w. quarter of I. W. quarter' of
sec. 21, wr. half of n. w. quarter of sec. 28,
lownsnip j.j, ranee vi, east or tne Otn prtnel
pal maridian, in Nebraska Territory.
I F.TTERS of Administration 011 th estate
.J of John Uav late of S.irnv county, de
ceased i having been granted to the s-bscriber
residing in Bellevue, he hereby give notice to
11 irmuii. inaeuica 10 sam esiais 10 can and
Ftl. th Bilin. .n4 tkn.. h.wir. .lain..
arainst the estate are requested to present
uirm propiriv mitn ' ror illiemnt.
ORDERS left at th oflic of Shskspear
Boyea, St. Mary, will receive prompt at
tention. C. 8EEGER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor,
wonld respectfully infrm the citizens of Mills
an'l adjoining Counties, that he is prepared to
exefilte all work of the following character:
laying off town site, leveling cf treainfoT
water power, drawing or tnaps-plain and
colored, drawing designs for buildings tf all
S yles. with estimates of cost.
Correct plats of th townships of Mill
County, showing the true positions ot th lim
ber, water courses and bluff, kept Constantly
on hand. Having had experience both In thia
country and in Europe, h fa- Is assured of
giving Auaracuon 10 an wno may ravor Mm
with their patronage.
Cold Medal awarded at th tat St. Louis
fair to G. Seeger fc S. Schiioonsky lot tti
best tnnoFranhiesI man.
Office Glen wood, Mills ., lows. tl
NOTICE I hereby given t Georg W.
Lewis, John Clesveland, and all other
concerned, tn appear before th KerisUr and
Rceivr of the. Land Offic at Osssha, en
Friday the l'h diy of April. 185S, at 10
o'clock A. M., and off-r such evt 'euc a you
may have in support or adverse to th pre.
emotion of John CI ln, to lata 1, t, and
3, goctioa 27, Tp 13., Ranee 12 aa.t. a per
instructions of the Commissioner of th Lan4
Offic to rs-tnvestiga' asd pre-emption.
' JOHN A. PARKER Jr., KerisUr,
'JL- G,"'MOIB, R.oelvsr.
Marcfc JOUj.ISC. t c sJstA
THE undersigned hav opened, a largs
and commodious new store, on th corner of
Msln and 25th Streets, in Bellsvu, wher a
varied assortment of Goods mar b found
Among theia art
Such as
Brown M'isllnj
1 1 i t - Mi
iirrviiiK. 1
Uirting, , ,
. H.slsry, tl
Together with a quantity of
Jegars, Rskes, Ropes, Horss-collars, Carpot
licks, Window Snsh, Doors,
ToWeo, Queenswsre. Glassware, Flour,
Cracker and a great many more article.
They keep constantly on hand, a Urg as
sortment of wa
Uinta mid Llqtibrs.
Warranted th best quality cheafi for ealb
n37tf J. P. HORN ft CO.
Meat Market
Changed Hands
chased of II. Coot fjrlfflth, hit entire
illtcrBt tn ttm hlltrhrinv ilBinaa Mill
hereafter be found at hi old stand, on Miss'on
venue, east or Msln Slreet, under 8. M.
Pika'a I2rnarw ..,1 lrAul.inn fii .uk
they will be happy to wait upon h' old eu.
favor tliein with tneir patronage.
Oct. 20. 6m51 CHARLES SI ONE.
W. n. Longsdorf.
GRADUATE of Penn. Collegll dt tfentsi
Surserv. rDsctfullv annouiice Ia th. .11.
Irene of Bellevue, and vicinity, that he I now
prepared to practic Usntistry, in ail its vi
rion, branches.
Office hours from 2 tilt 5, P. M. 45
' IsHh undersigned having purchased til a
Jl tire stock Jewelry, formerly owned br
Alex. Kemp, is prepared to sell th sam at
25 per cent less than was ever ottered in this
ettv ocrore, as room must l. mad for a targe
spring assortment. Th stock consists of
"in nr t,nmeo, worst, r.namei, I'ainted,
Gold Stone, Masonic, and Mourning Jewelry.
Rroaches, Ear Drops, Cuff Pins, Shirt Studs,
Lockets, Bracelets. Rings, Gold. Silver, and
Plaited Guard, Fob and Vest Chains. Gold
ami Oliver opeciacies Also a splendid as
t-ill II 111. A. J i" -
Also Musical Instruments.
Cutlery, Port
Monies, Pouches, Card Casts,
A fine stoc of Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolv
ers, Jtc, which will be sold at a small ad
vance abov cost, as th subteribcr wlssS to
go 0'it of the gun business.
All kinds of repslring don with nestatss
snd dispatch by competent workmen.
! still ehiitlnueto tak Omaha Scrl", We-
.1... ....,.,i,r. i.iuum , kiibt, ..mem mon
ey, or told and silver, In exchange for goods:
i.rnio-r on 12th h re.f. N,.s at rm
Farnliam, and directly opnosit tfi f tsUfft
i.xciisnge nana, umana, w. T.
Pleas call and examine goods and prices.
Cmalis, Jan. 12tb, 1358. 3m9
Seeds difT66D."
WE ar now prepared with a full and
and complete stock of
Of tb new crop, to supply snydeins ad whole
sal and retail, ou th very-best of terms.
Our stock is new (ss w 'do not consign eed
and take non back to mix up sgain,) and vi ssvvsn unucr uur own uiivciiviiv in
thit state. Our itock of European eedt ii
imported flirtctlv hr oaneWet from tht most
rt'iabU gToweri iri EnrUnd and France. .
" Was tm StAr.ft.tssr. rr.A ii-. J.t.. . S
... ,.,vi viiiiuviiv HV Lvjr.Sl U W II t C ,J
th public csn b offered than w can give,
iu uiuiaiij invii. an exr.miuaT.ion 01 our
Itock befpt purchasing. Our stock consists
in part of Spring Wheat, Barley, Corn, Pea,
Beenl; .o., a v.iy Urt: variety of Garden
Seed and a full assortment of Flower Seeds
of choice varieties: Alstfi iso bushel pur
Chinese Suir Caul titd,
Afrr!4ultra1 and Horticultural imnlmenta.
Full brie ft ri as?d nA imnlamsrit f !
aaut upon rocftipt of stamp to par pottart.
ttrVDV TA r-srrnJ m fjL 9
3aoal i 20 i Laka 8itfeti Chtca0.
Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage Toy
Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgagee,
William R. JoUr.son,
Airrea k.elluoi, t
Aaron O. Cox, MortgS'ers. )
Mortgage dated. March 14th, A. D. 1857, re
corded iu book E., Pag IOO, April 21st,
1857, at 10J o'clock, A7 M.
Default having been mad in t payment
of the nm of two thousand and two hundred
dollars, ($2,200.) which is claimed to be du
at th date of this notice, snd secured by a
certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing date
Match 14lh. A. V. 1837. executed bv William
R. Johnson, then of th State of Iowa, Alfred
Kellum, and Aan.o O. Cox, of Bellevoe, Sar
py County, Nebraska Territory, to Reuben
Lovejoy, of Bellevue, s foresaid, and Recorded
in tne omc or lue Itegitter or Deeds, st Oma
ha City, for Sarpy County, N. T., In Book f ,
Pag 160, on th 21st of April, A. D., lS37,at
iU 1- ClOCB A. M. ,. I
Now, therefore, notle 1 hereby given, that
in pursue c of a pcrwer of Sale contained In
said mortcag and of th Statute, in such
cases mad and provided, th pre mi see de
scribed in and conveyed by eaid Mortgage, to
wit 1 all that certain piece and parcel pf land)
with it appurtenance, eitnaUd and lying in
tb city of Bellevue, In aaid County of Karpy;
and Territory of Nebraska, and describe as
Block one hundred and thirteen, (113) Iu taid
City of Bellevue, according to th survey tfaer
of. mad bv Mr.,in th year i860.
i win on so io at punuc sue uon an Ui tsu) ssy
, or June, A. D. 18., between the hours of 9
! o'clock. In th forenoon, and th setting of th
sun on mat day, to the bieneet bidder 1 th
a I t b in front of the Bellewie House, in
th city of Bellevu, Sarpy Coiuily, Nebraska
Territory. . REUBEN LOVEJOY,
. Mortcacec. .
T. . LaMotr. AU 4 . .. .
Nana 24U,SM. alS'.a
Notice of the rorecloiurs) of Jtortf
by Adrertlssmeitt.
Reuben Lovejoy, Mor' j, )
vs. J
Alfrs-I Kellnra, I
V. A. Gwyer, Mortgagors.)
Deed of Mortgage dated Dcmbr 18th, A.
D. 1K57, ami recorded In Book B., Pages
9tl0. 270 and 271, December 21st, 101 (t ttl
e'cloclii A. M.
, Default having been made In payment of llf
sum Pf two thousand tws hundred dolls'r';
f $2,200,) which Is claftasd to b du at tn
dat of jiils notlci; Snd secured by a dsed
Mortgage bearing dsle, December Hth, 1W7;
teeuted by Alfred Ksllura and V. A. GwyerJ
of Sarpy .County. Nebraska Territory, to Ren,
ben Lovejoy, of (he city of Bollevue, Sarpy
County, Nebraska Territory! ssd recorded
th oific of the. KrfWer f Itsdl for BarsV
County, N. T., in toult B., psgs 2GU, 270 as?
271. on th 2 lit day of December, A. D. lltf
at IU o't'lock, A. M. Now, tbsrefors, noils
Is hereby given that in pursuanes of k power
of sal contained la said mortgage, snd of thl
Statut In inch cases msd and provided, tb
premise described in and eonvevid hjr laid
mortgage, to wltt All that certain Jlrt 5t
parcel of land, lying and beisg sltust in tks
County of Sarpy, and Territory of Ntbraskl,
snd desrribed ss follows, to wit t Commence
Ing for th asm at a post 84.0 rods, NtUs,
fl decrees, Esst of th S. W, corner of sec
tion thirteen, (13) Township thirteen, (1JJ,
Rang thirteen, (13), tast of th Oth Princi
pal Maridian thence north 47 1 degrees, west
23.5 rods to a Cottonwood stump, thn nartki
34 degree, esst tt.5 rods to a post, thene
South 47 1-2 degree ast, 11.4 rods
to a post, thence south 30 degree west 9Jt
foil to th pise erf beginning, containing a
sere and fifty-seven perch, together with all
and singular th tenement and are4itasent
snd sppurtenanees thrunto belonging, sr ia
snywiss appertaining, consisting In part
on tngint, boiler and all th machinery and
fixture for a perfect steam saw-mill, manufac
tured bf Cooper and CI irk, Mt. Vernon, Otis,
a-nOjakt to be of thlHv horse power, will M
old at nubile auction on tti 20IH day of JUnff
A. D. 1&S8, between the hours bf o'clo'cl A;
M., and th setting of th
sun en th
day, to th highest
bidder. Th ssl t b la
ot th Uellevus
Hous In th City sf
Belletue; Sarpy C'vunty, Nebraska Territory;
mr t nynnvi
Hlortgsf, . - j
T. B. Lssiok, Att'y.
April 1st, 1868.
BY Virtu) of an execution to m directed by
th Clerk of th District Court tf Sarpy'
county, N. T., in favor of John Kabler, ,
gainst th property of Harrison Berry,
satisfy s judgment against said Berry, for th
sum of Dfteen'hundrsd and thirtu dollar.
and sventy-lx cnt, (1513,16() nowthrs
for I will offer at public auction onth press
Ises, on th 22nd day of April, A. D. 1851 1
between th hour of nine o'clock A. M. aaf
four o'clock P. M. of said day, to th hlgbeSfc
blddsr, for cash, th following described prof"?
erty, to wit 1 on steaui saw mill with all Uts
apparatus belonging thereto, said mill VeiBjr'
situatad in th west part of Sarpy county
Elkhorn river, aad known as th HarriltfSV
Berry Mill. . . - -
Dated, Bellevu March 1VK A. D. 18W "
ft ' Shwiffof Sarpy County, N. 't. -J
BY virtu of an execution, to me direct!.'
by th Clerk of th District Court of,
H-irpy eonnty, N. T., In favor of Cyrus fcV
Mara, and against the property of 'GeorgS
Jenniiurs, to satisfy a judgment against tE
said Jenulngs 1 for th sum of flv hundr4
and ninety-six dollars, and seventy-six cents'
($5OTj70). Now, therefore, I will offer ar
public auction, In front of th Bellevu House'
on th 24th day of .April. A. D. 158. between
th hour of nin o'clock A. M., and four 1
o'clock P. M., of ssid dayj tq th highest bid
der, for caih, ths ftfl lysine described pfprv
ty, to witi being th N. W. of N, fc.flf sf
N. E., 8. E. of N. W. of section 24,tdwnihl
13, rang 13, C of th Oth principal sssridUn,;
Dated March 23rd, 18DB.
t :.1
tr,,l,t fM , .
JOHN M. ENOClf; fillerit-
2tll By S. H. WATTLES, titp, OieriC
. .. , dFFCEi " iA
Room No. 1 Mssonic Tmpl, Vtkthsit
Street, ChicagU - . v t i
CAPITAL, ai&d.ooOi k i
it. s. stOMaoSf
Ednnmd Caaileld, Pres., Wm. 8. BaUv
oeo y, nenry untprafcrn, Trtttr ; . ,
THIS Company y4l fttft,Hil tfu t6s J!71i ,
dsy of March, A. D. 1855, under a Spec ,,
lal charter from th Legislature of DUnolSf"
and busiueaa commenced under the moat fa
vorable auspice. Its establishment haebeesn
npdn a fir in and reliable basu, and in view ef
It stability, soundness.snd permanSncy, ranks
aa on of the first Insurance Camnanlsa tn thS '
COUrUTV. Ta those dtairnua rJ amIuII. .
themselves against loss or damage by FUe,r
r,1 " os, mey oer leave to eger ue
following " . . 1
lieeers. Stone . Witt, Oeveland, Obie. ! "5
1 Williams Avery, Oiicage, m
" Norton St. Brother, .
Stone A Boomer, " "
If. S. Dursnd, Pres. Racine A Miss. . f.- J
Geo. C. Northrup, Cash. Reels Ce. BaAk.
. Wm. P. Lind, Esq., Milwaukee. , r- i
J. G. Conroe, Esq. Racine.
Ashley Gilbert, Cssh. Coia'I t Chlcagi.
Heary Famham, President CMeagS K Rots?
. lelsnd RaU Road. I
Daniel P, Rhodes. Esq.j Cleveland, Oble, . i
Thomas Campbell, Esq., Pprlngfiel, IU.
Hon R. Chsmberlin, St. Ixmls, Mo. '
Messrs. Wads worth, Wells tt Seysaouy.-
Chicago. III. ....::.
Meeers. I. II, Bnrch A Ce, Chieags Baejj.i
iriciar. u. n. oner m. so. UDKage, UU
' Wm. Blanchard; Esq.: Morris, 111.
Messrs. II. C. A O. G. Cook A Ca.i Rick
' ford. III.
Meses. H. Wheeler Son, Aurora. Ttl.
Messrs. Judd, Smitb Pratt, Dixon, IlL
Nehemish Case, Req., Buffald, N.Y.; t X
iu. P'junoy, tsq , sprmgneU, 1U- ,
Cen. I. Curn, Springfield, UL 1
Richard Ivere, Esq.. St. Loots. M7 '
4 '1
1 T. B. LEMON, Agent,' Bellevaa,
veil 'f
Establishment in Omaha
WM. FRO tS HAM. having retired froae
the late firm of Kemp 4t Frodeha,!
has opened a new stor at No 3, Capt, Dorf t
building, between the Methodtt jCfeurch,svbV (
he invit hi old patrons to give him a clL . i
Time pieces and Jewelry, nf every dsscrltw"
He, neatly sad expefesiily fepWest 1